Sunday still very unsettled maybe just some clear skies finally peaking through a pin to shanghai with a high of 22 celsius that we had across towards india nothing talk about this development of a possible Tropical Cyclone it has developed ill come on to that in just a moment meanwhile of course very heavy rains through much of the south and this is actually in bangalore or this is you see the streets here just absolutely a feet deep again in water and the rains a likely to continue across this entire area as well perhaps a little bit lighter because what well see now is this tropical cycle and will actually begin to pull away from the west coast so taking some of that very heavy amount of rain with it bestowed a very wet day saturday morning by 32 celsius is at the High Temperature it stays light that really on sunday the system putting further away but again the rains back in the forecast right there down on into carola. In germanys capital there is a barber like no other sort of put it it. Goes from across what you have. But as he said he changes hes moving with it. And going on the road. The stories. He. Told by the people who live down. This is on al jazeera. And youre watching aljazeera heres a reminder about top stories this hour. A pledge from iraqs Prime Minister to reshuffle his cabinet and introduced reforms. Growing protests at least 7 people have died several 100 more injured during demonstrations in baghdad and across the country there have been clashes in lebanon where hezbollah supporters and antigovernment protesters the scuffles prompted ride police to intervene hundreds of thousands of people have been demonstrating for the past 9 days indonesias transport safety or forward he says boeing is popping to blame for the lion air crash a year ago all 189 people on board were killed when the boeing 737 max plunged into the sea. A cal ball mintel the northeast in syria has killed at least one person and left Dozens Injured its the 3rd attack in the area in 3 days that comes as the u. S. Is sending its troops back to syria to help protect oil fields from falling back into the hands of isis or fighters some of the job that has the latest now from sound there near the turkish Syrian Border. Theres been more fighting in Northern Syria forces loyal to the Syrian Democratic forces the kurdish fighters are saying that Turkish Forces backed by turkey as well as arab fighters on the ground have been attacking their positions something thats been denied by turkey turkey saying 5 of its soldiers have been wounded and there has been more violence these are clashes that have continued for the last 24 hours despite the cease fire but theyre happening outside the ceasefire zone turkey has insisted that kurdish fighters should leave the 30 kilometer area on the turkish Syrian Border deep inside syrian territory in these 150 hour window which expires on tuesday feeling that turkey will move in with force on the diplomatic front between hearing from the Turkish Foreign minister reiterating his demands for the western allies including the European Parliament as well of the United States that turkey wants them to be on the same page as turkey in is fighting what he calls an repression and are drawn to him calling terrorism out hes been speaking specifically on the issue of the kurdish general who many senators in the United States have vouch for and want him to be granted a visa so you can come to the United States the turkish stance on this is that the Turkish Justice Ministry once and to be arrested gentleman whom who they say is actually shane is wanted for crimes inside turkey a nato army hes been carrying out attacks and theres an interpol Red Notice Issued for him so it is a fluid situation diplomatically and on the battle lines despite a cease fire although the guns predominantly have fallen silent but fighting continues on the ground. In zimbabwe schools offices and colleges a closed for protest against International Sanctions the rulings other p. F. Party is holding the rally blaming u. S. And e. U. Sanctions for choking zimbabwes economy several companies and politicians have been on the International Embargo since 2002. As more from harare. Government officials are calling this a victory that managed to get other countries in Southern Africa and some zimbabweans to you tonight with 22 ways to impose sanctions no sanctions put in place between teeth. Live human rights abuses and this piece of it officials here argue that sanctions are hurting the economy back they say thats why so many people. Who are instructed to say the country can access lines of credit they cant get Foreign Direct Investment because of the sanctions some officials the readings on it here party say that they feel the country is being unfairly victimized by the waves because Robert Mugabe the former president who died who sees lead from quite commercial pharmacy in the Land Reform Program and some who were him marching maybe the readings on a pier say 3. Specially economy. Out of our industries of the sanction creating to create jobs every country in the. Country. We want to. Transfer function. They must be under. The United Statess those sanctions are targeted only 141 individuals and companies are on the sanctions list they said companies in the United States are free to do business and trade with anyone. Is on the sanctions list that company is makes it is about. Means no country in. The. Middle of our i bet list thats probably the for the president and his my brain thats the not the reason for the bobbies economic crisis he said the reason is corruption and poor policy if the only way to be removed is that the government. And Economic Reforms as well as the space the constitution and rule of law. Approaches to tell you place outside the headquarters of the United Nations mission in libya people in tripoli are angry at what they perceive as you were in collaboration with warlords who leave for half the dozens of civilians have been killed since the beginning of a military campaign led by after to seize the capital from the internationally recognized government lets speak to mahmoud up there one head who is in tripoli mahmoud this is really a symptom of whats going on in the country isnt that a contest for power a divided Country International countries also involved in all this give us a sense of what the protesters here are demanding. First of all i have to tell you is that. This has been going on here every friday and this martyr square the main square in the capital every friday for the past 6 months since have started forces launching the military campaign to seize the capital tripoli back todays protest is demanding 1st and foremost that immediate removal of the. United nations support the mission in libya it wants to dismiss the mission from libya they say that they did Nations Mission here in libya has collaborated in a way or another with there were a lot safer hefted by giving him the coordinates of the Field Hospitals that have been targeted by have to his forces over the past 6 months the latest one was. A couple of days ago. I was playing with to have to heal the hospital and southern tripoli and one medic was killed in that attack now the protesters here say that the International Community which should they blame must intervene immediately to stop perhaps that is what is a slim targeting it is eventually areas and protect civilians as you know stan that you have to have been accused of committing crimes by. Residential areas and killing innocent civilians including the women and children for the past 6 months many civilians tens of civilians were killed by after this warplanes and random rockets over the past 6 months also medical sources with the government say that over a dozen medical staff including doctors nurses and also paramedics have been killed. Since there was a launch of white house us forces in april after us forces are accused of targeting medical facilities including Field Hospitals ambulances and medical stuff these protesters here today are demanding the International Community to immediately given intervene to guarantee their safety and the protection of innocent civilians they also say that they will continue protesting here in this main square every friday until half that forces move back to the east i have also to tell you that the United Nations mission has denied that it has given half that of course as the coordinates of the Field Hospital but on the other hand medical is also the government confirming that United Nations mission has given the Field Hospitals corgan its perhaps of sources in order to avoid getting them but what happened in fact is the opposite and have the sources have been talking to Field Hospitals. Theyre wired live there from tripoli a United Nations delegation is heading to chile to investigate allegations of Excessive Force by Security Forces at least 18 people have been killed and more than 2000 detained during protests in this 2nd wave demonstrations started of a train ticket prices and have grown into a Larger Movement against inequality and the cost of living our office has received allegations violations of International Norms and standards relating to the use of force by state Security Forces we have also received reports of crimes committed by 3rd parties. That commissioner has decided to deploy a team of 3 human rights officers to the country from the 28th of october until the 22nd of november to examine the allegations to meet with various actors and to gather information on measures taken by the government to address the situation in russia a soldier has opened fire on his colleagues killing 8 of them and injuring 2 others now the shooting happened at a military base near the city of chita in eastern russia the alleged gunman has been detained after suffering whats being described as a nervous Breakdown Police in england have arrested 2 more people in connection to the 39. 00 bodies found in a container truck theyve been detained on suspicion of Human Trafficking and manslaughter a 25 year old truck driver from Northern Ireland remains in custody after he was arrested at the scene on wednesday the victims understood to be chinese nationals were discovered on an Industrial Estate in east london the European Union has agreed to britains request for brakes it extension but a new departure date is not being serious now the decision gives british m. P. s more todd to decide whether to hold a snap election Prime Minister bars johnson is pushing for a vote on december 12th chalons has more now from brussels. Over to you meetings in brussels this week ambassadors from 27. 00 different e. U. Countries the 28. 00 the u. K. Not of course being included in these discussions have gathered together to try to work out whether theres going to pre abraxane extension and if so for how long now they are most of the way there but the final hurdle gyration still to be cleared as they broke up on friday they said that there was full agreement on the need for an extension that was for the green went to reach a unanimous consensual the u 27 decision and there was full agreement that this should be done by written procedure and that there was no real need to get the leaders of these countries together in a meeting but they are going to keep on talking over the weekend when they broke up on friday they havent yet decided to how long this extension would be for and they will perhaps make this decision they said on monday or tuesday of next week theyre basically waiting for a sign from london as to whether or not there is going to be a general election in the u. K. Which is strange because in london theyre basically waiting for some kind of indication from brussels about how long the extension is going to be. Californias biggest Utility Company has admitted Electrical Equipment may have sparked a wildfire dozens of buildings have been destroyed in the one producing area of Northern California electricity blackouts are being imposed for around half a 1000000 customers and its stopping further fires another wild fire in Southern California near los angeles has forced more than 50000 people to evacuate their homes north korea is calling on south korea to demolish hotels in a resort complex that the 2 countries once operated together was opened in 998. 00 as a joint project but the south suspended access in 2008 after a north korean guard shot and killed a south korean tourist resort was a major source of income for pyongyang north Korean Leader kim jong un is now describing the area as quote shabby and capitalists. A famous australian landmark is permanently closed to climbers after a decades Long Campaign by Indigenous People hundreds of tourists flock to all the route for their last chance to walk to the top its been a sacred site for the island for thousands of years and returned as has more from the old route. Up there are people who can say they were among the very last to climb up and now climb down or depending on your perspective some of the very last to show disrespect to indigenous australians climbing over the roof has always been discouraged but what happened on friday was a discouragement was replaced by a formal ban and there was a big chair just here where the previous sign discouraging people from climbing was replaced by this one. Sign we spoke to some of those who were still climbing on friday among the very last about why they were doing it and some indigenous australians watching them about what their statement for them did you choose today deliberately knowing it was the last night i think we did i think we did. How can you choose subconsciously to climb today i was at work well well when i said it was close we will never ever get the opportunity quite consciously well now i just wish subconsciously that we ended up hed say yes i hear you decided to come when he was going to fly yesterday he wanted to get even with that i. Can. Now. Its very important i. Yassir it is an important day because it shows that. We have a bit of authority over a sacred sites and we can close of if we want to. Which. Culturally aurukun if its. Common sense what would you tom a different moment to be called. Over the next few days that chain which has been helping people to climb up and down for decades will be removed anyone who chooses to scramble up anyway risks a fine but for indigenous australians the line is much more significant a new era of respect not just for them. That wasnt an easy task but after a lot of struggle and some clever thinking villages in the indian state of odisha freed a thing elephant trapped in a large mud swamp the elephant got separated from its hood when it was stuck in the dean martin border it took locals and fire officers for hours to rescue them. And this is al jazeera things in the top story. A pledge from iraqs Prime Minister to reshuffle his cabinet and introduced reforms has filed to growing protests at least 7 people have died and several 100 have been injured during demonstrations in baghdad and across the country. For a long time to government promised reforms and said you will fight corruption we want a kind of social balance because the gap is getting big gap between the rich get richer and the poor get some especially do you a car bomb in tel aviv the northeast in syria has killed at least one person and left Dozens Injured its the 3rd attack in the area in 3 days and it comes as the u. S. Is sending its troops to help protect oil fields from falling back into the hands of oswal fighters there have been clashes in lebanon between hizbollah supporters and antigovernment protesters the scuffles prompted riot police to intervene hundreds of thousands of people have been demonstrating for the past 9 day. Indonesias transport safety or thor he says boeing is partly to blame for the lion air crash a year ago or 189 people on board were killed when the boeing 737 max plunged into the sea in zimbabwe schools offices and colleges are closed for a day of protests against International Sanctions the ruling zanu p. F. Party is holding the rally but i mean u. S. And e. U. Sanctions for choking zimbabwes economy several companies and politicians have been under International Embargo as since 2002 a United Nations delegation is headed to chile to investigate allegations of Excessive Force by security at least 18 people have been killed and more than 2000 detained during protests now in this 2nd week demonstrations started of a train ticket price increases that have grown into a Larger Movement against inequality and the cost of living. Family friends and political colleagues are honoring the life of us congressman Elijah Cummings at a Funeral Service in his own town about 4000 mourners filled the late democratic politicians home church in baltimore former secretary of state Hillary Clinton as well as former president S Barack Obama and bill clinton were in attendance. As the headlines the news continues here on our jazeera after this is your. They are so gentle machine and the polish im just in total spirit on top of the oh im tough on crime or die and im on the i pod and should close but also not. Buy one spawn tied to 2 or drop a bomb inside the store the long long months unless funds are such. Under some of the medium to be about in a policeman bulldog you have to do it how many did clean up in the radiance of some blonde in the such. As india and the number could you could start with a cunt if you like saying this is an talk about. Its a game and we got. Gun sellers. Have a little bit so its all talking about a fight in quantum bigger lots of another issue as peter. Complete trust on those of us still under a bad deal out of this. Book might not be out. Of notice here is a limb biomes might get suburbia i might the both of them to be out and buy that bit of vision ill see. The but itd be hard for my market not something transport yet while maybe ill buy a. Lot he hadnt toppled. Of the sultan. Of the macau short scope to give a good shot. On this because she its often been momente at smith and most of us gentlemans barbershops of feel a dollar. It helps all that comes does is my palm elucidations up spot for the space station. Isnt that a hobby a man found out except this is for free cause. Thats good law of the not clear he she is associates interview shoots a less. That something mr than its interest whats machine must not impose. Us with them of taking the lives of us our school to mock us is an expression that on the overtones of for. The mind can go. On the minds on our them there was often found that number was confirmation does this. Yeah. But science must tell you its a badass for you not. A lobotomy. I dont mind you against you. Of course is to love him. So done. Again thats a deal of a common. Then clutching the embassy in the button bush from done cooking to us be a good marker comes about on social. Problem as if. Were serious. School building how much garbage. Lets look at whats expected because. He abuses schlosser and doesnt want it to snow seen it once and see if by a coffee house i should mention the new english i should think tradition version of. This myth of either especially my initial storage thats going to host the. Part of a no no you can just use. Them on scopes. To get the ball into the market. But its fine ill bite my number if you dont just the station but the mom has gone to the top shelf gonzalez from budget with. A softer start might send. You know the. Polls that say the opposite miniscule you can see and its a field by a school of uniform because its not its the you know i was a bad boy she does so. Much my. Oh im sorry i dont know if he was going to sue if you. Remember. Theres a. Bus. I was for all. This synch my. And so on and so. This program was listening as one postulate awesome to listen feel i thought i just have a good mother. So. You buy dr who commits a medical. Device when they just dont know what do you call it one of the stories attentional a couple of play stuff and one last one is one months issue oh yeah and i had a list of all the look and she could get along with in the job so if it gets. A lot of this ready or whatever my new doc. Yeah. But buffalo bones behest of the scum of the constant. Because shes saying. Its. The she sees whats going on. In that city under. The sea of the support i think thats been left me. In tears because youre getting on thin. Very few. Here and in. This situation its. This you can see. So much and well look at it you know. The. Second was a step that was good for the country i include. The grand opening by the by the from the other time he often but with michael thats. When the event marking. The view of a good. Boy. Who had dealt with all the world. And by those. Who wish to know. This is trying to do this is most of us. Sure. Missed. This summers world cup to. Visit as a member. Of the crowd as if. This was. The sense to it from still with the on of off the on. The holes a little. Longer this one this morning as im going to shift some blocks around. This exhibit shot open to get a little snooze thought he was hed be down muslims. Is really starting to see ships carrying quintets a community of weishaupt miche. Also also see it needs to be. A mission. Going to the government are going to come october time when i get. To use. The sponge lives no. To. They havent connected the given consists with can get under the hood was published on but these are for bundle ultimate game with a mcmuffin would a march mit not buy it if it is a no you need to do not like. Student not for the author i mean harm someone a place or sponsors come out on vox. Let them. Clean n. T. And they actually n. T. One. On some glock its been used by phone from sponsorship. And done which might seem. At. Its end of. This letter gets a no no. For this in the sand thats being just a fear from. Us not so im a. Virgo to have it out a mug yeah the 1st ones

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