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Over austerity measures that cut fuel subsidies. Brazil says 100 tons of oil spilled along its northeastern coast has affected dozens of cities. And the u. S. Politicians are accused but accusing basketball body n. B. A. Of full say King Hong Kong protesters for the lure of the chinese market. U. S. President donald trump says he is fulfilling a Campaign Promise to get out of endless wars by withdrawing u. S. Troops from North Eastern syria but democrats as well the Senior Republicans say hes undermining americas credibility by abandoning the codes to a potential turkish attack well encore of a god syrias kurdish fighters as an extension of the kurdish separatists back home a White House Correspondent kimberly how it has the reaction from the u. S. But 1st lets begin with sin and in istanbul. U. S. Forces have begun to withdrawing from their positions along syrias border with turkey it follows a sudden statement from the white house overnight where it announced that turkey would be moving into northeastern syria a move the turkish government has long warned about. As you know we had made a decision and ive always said that we may arrive one night unannounced and this decisiveness continues because we can no longer accept the threats caused to our country by these terrorist groups the problem is that these areas are under the control of the Syrian Democratic forces the longstanding kurdish allies of the u. S. Who led the fight against arsenal but now in what appears to be a major decision the americans say they will not protect their kurdish allies if turkey attacks them uncover afghan sitters the s. T. s as being fortified 3 are called the wipe e. G. Linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party or p k k which it deems the terrorist organization the s. D. F. Reacted strongly to the us decision calling it a betrayal the group says it close to 11000 men and women fighting against oyster and fellow american demands to pull back from areas controlled by Turkish Backed forces. Many items have been implemented on the ground including the items of security mechanism agreement removing heavy weapons and gear on the border as required. To the residents of this area we say do not fear as there is no threat to you with the councils personnel or part of this area residents are our families and we are their children it is our duty to defend our people in case of any violation of any agreement. Just how far turkey will go into the s. C. F. Controlled areas of syria is unclear but the white house statement explicitly say is that Turkish Forces will be responsible for all i still fighters in the area. The fighters are in prisons controlled by the s. D. F. And in a large camp called the whole the kurds how long warned was a Security Risk the u. N. Say is it is preparing for the worst in any potential Turkish Operation into syria turkish Officials Say theyre launching this offensive because an independent kurdish entity in northeastern syria will have a negative impact on turkey iran and iraq they also want to create conditions that will allow them to send back some of the millions of Syrian Refugees who now live in turkey but its not clear what the outcome of the major Turkish Military operation will be for syria and the region see now because although aljazeera stumble. As u. S. Troops begin pulling out of positions in Northern Syria their commander in chief donald trump defended his decision to withdraw now weve captured isis weve done what weve done we had 50 soldiers in the area talking about it and i said we want to bring our soldiers back home its been a long time its a major shift in u. S. Foreign policy one being criticized by members of the president s own Republican Party senator Lindsey Graham one of trumps biggest supporters on twitter pledged to reverse the withdrawal of the u. S. Senate calling it a disaster in the making a move also backed by the top democrat in the senate and i can tell you this is getting roland condemnation from democrats and republicans and i expect congress will take some form of action either a resolution or something even more. U. S. Officials credit Kurdish Forces with helping take back territory from eisel in Northern Syria but there are tensions between turkey and the kurds the turkish government considers one of its most effective fighting forces the p. K. K. To be a terrorist organization some u. S. Lawmakers are threatening to sanction turkey potentially calling for its suspension from nato if it attacks Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria but trump went even further threatening to economically obliterate turkey if the kurds are attacked i have told turkey that if they do anything outside of what we would think is you main they could suffer the wrath of a an extremely decimated economy still trump has long been vocal about his desire to get the u. S. Out of what he calls americas endless wars trumps impulsive syria strategy has led to key members of his administration resigning last year his defense secretary james mattis and brett mcgurk eisel special envoy what this shows president. All of his predecessors were whether republican or democratic is only concerned about himself we have a moral responsibility to the kurds because without them we would not have destroyed the caliphate in a statement on monday the pentagon made clear to turkey the United States does not back Turkish Operations in Northern Syria believing it will have a destabilizing effect on the region President Trump campaigned in 2016 promising to withdraw the United States from foreign wars now with the 2020 u. S. Election just a little more than a year away it appears potential voters not his senior advisers are the ones trying to care about pleasing most kymberly help at aljazeera the white house lets get more on this now were joined by Joshua Landis director of the center for middle east studies at the university of oklahoma and hes joining us live from norman in oklahoma mr manders always good to talk to you about all things syria. Has there been confusion in the last few hours do you think between President Trump saying hes withdrawing troops from north east and Syria Pentagon officials later saying those troops are being redeployed elsewhere in syria. Theres a lot of confusion right now i dont think anybody was informed about this decision that was made by President Trump after a phone call with president aired on of turkey this shows the real collapse of the Foreign Policy process in the white house weve seen this before in it in korea decisions and tweets that were made about the iran situation in the gulf just a week ago people are guessing what americas going to do next and this is this is clearly not good and more kurds. Of course what does that you know sort of collapse of Foreign Policy on the americans pot main for the u. S. Allies the kurds who was so instrumental in defeating i so they are concerned i mean does that leave the could s. D. F. Open to attacks by ticky absolutely we look at turkeys occupation of northwest syria which is the best measure of whats going to happen here in northeast syria and if you look at the province of a free and a kurdish heavily kurdish dominated province that was conquered by turkey turkey put in lots of militias arab militias that had been working with turkey and they have largely ethnically cleansed kurds 19 years 80 shrines have been blown up. Stores have been looted its end arab refugees syrian arab refugees have been put in their place and this is a devastating blow this will be a devastating blow for the kurds and in many ways. The american troops if they redeploy southwards towards the euphrates valley theyre going to be forced to hold down the kurds while turkey in the south while turkey in a sense has its way with the kurds in the north this is going to be a very very uncomfortable position for u. S. Troops. Who owe a great debt to the kurds and because of that i suppose President Trump has want to be against. Attacking the kurds saying that hes going to obliterate obliterate keys economy i mean what do you make of all of this is tookie going to. Listen to how president clinton is saying what he was trying to clean up his his you know obviously in a phone call with there to one who he considers a friend and want to reassure them well take care of the isis fighters we can do this is a question of National Security all of which trump i think sympathized with and wants to you know trump wants to get america out of syria which is understandable he promised in his campaign that he would end the stupid wars in the middle east and he wants to fill some of that now that makes sense the trouble is you knows very little promise oblio about the long history between the kurds and turkey you dont realize how brutal the turkish army will be once it gets amongst the kurds where he says he knows a not about the history between turkey and the kurds you mentioned iceland feiss what happens to the prisoners held by the kurds if the kurds could no longer keep them captive because as they say theyll be too busy defending themselves from to tax what happens to the fighters what happens to the socalled ice of wives and children at the whole camp. Well you know we dont really understand what the implications of this recent move are because President Trump has said that the kurds that turkey will will be able to take care of the isis prisoners but most of the big prisons household and should dedicate and others are much further south than a 30 kilometer you know safe zone that president air to one has attended to occupied so its quite clear that the President Trump doesnt understand the geography he doesnt understand what hes promised to the kurds because it you know to choose somebody like me it sounds like hes promised the entire northeast syria. And yet turkey was only asking for 30 kilometers so its very unclear what the borders are i dont think the american generals have any clear idea of what President Trump implied and theyre going to have to try to clean up this you know theyre going to try to make lemonade out of lemons very quickly and im sure theres just tons of emails flying around right now mr landis thank you as always for your time your expertise on those that will lead us live in norman a complainer thank you. Well staying in the u. S. And democrats have issued subpoenas to the defense secretary and the white house budget director of the documents that could bolster their case for impeaching the president the documents related to Donald Trumps decision to delay military aid to ukraine and whether that and they injured u. S. Security well in fish of a pool its. From washingtons Capitol Building more subpoenas in the growing impeachment inquiry this time new secretary of defense mark esper and the acting white house budget director have been asked for any documents which explain the timing and the reason President Trump withheld military aid to ukraine the president continues to condemn those behind the impeachment but also insists its not hearting him its lucky that im the president because i guess i dont know what a lot of people said very few people going to handle it i sort of thrive on it a 2nd whistleblower is no cooperating with the intelligence communities Inspector General his lawyers say he has firsthand knowledge of the july phone call from President Trump asked his ukrainian counterpart to investigate joe biden and his son hunter alleging corruption hes yet to provide any evidence of that if you see something Say Something and thats what these courageous patriotic were so blowers have been doing about ukraine a few republicans have split with the president s many criticizing the process instead although some like mitt romney have expressed concern tweeting out when the only american citizen President Trump singles out for chinas investigation is his political opponent in the midst of the democratic nomination process it strains credulity to suggest that it is anything other than politically motivated will mean senator Susan Collins criticized the president s call for china to investigate the bidens to its deeply inappropriate many republicans saying the president was joking when he made that request i asked repeatedly in the white house if that was the case President Trump refused to answer alan fischer aljazeera washington. A u. S. Appeals court has granted donald trump a temporary stay on a decision that could have forced the u. S. President to release his tax returns the appeal came after a district judge rejected trumps challenge to the release of the tax documents judge victor said he cant endorse trumps quote limitless assertion of president ial immunity from judicial process the returns are being sought in a criminal probe by the Manhattan District Attorneys Office a pending more head on the news hour including more street fighting in hong kong as protests shut down much of the transit system. Canadas Prime Minister tries to put scandals behind him as he fights for his political future and support with by the Washington Redskins are looking for a new head coach. Protest as an ecuador a blocking roads across the country during a 5th day of demonstrations against the introduction of austerity measures demonstrators are angry the government has scrapped 40 year old fuel subsidies Victoria Gate b reports. Protesters blocked roads and put up barricades on the outskirts of the ecuadorian capital quito ahead of a nationwide strike and mass march planned on wednesday then they must give in we need to rise up until this problem with fuel prices is resolved were not going to give up were all going to rise up until the prize of food goes down. Interior Ministry Says hundreds of people have been arrested. For criminal damage despite the arrest president lenin read a says he has no plans to reverse his decision to scrap fuel subsidies as part of straight to stereotype measures. I am always ready to hold talks to extend a hand to people who are decent who are honest who really want to change the country im convinced of dialogue with my indigenous brothers with whom we share many causes on how to use the countrys resources for those who need it the most. Rino who has sat on a centrist path that the succession this rule says a sturdy measures are necessary to reduce ecuadors foreign debt and fiscal deficit in february his government signed a 4000000000. 00 Loan Agreement with the International Monetary fund the skepticism of the i. M. F. Run strong in ecuador they are going to veto they are right. Soft. But. Every day you reward maybe they are going to go for another reason for a change in the power of attorney. Because of the violence marino has declared a state of emergency striking workers say they were located until the government reverses its decision Victoria Gate to be out there. To brazil now where the president says the oil polluting the countrys northeast and beaches could be the result of criminal activity or ship for all region is still being investigated jabal. Canalis says the leaked oil wasnt produced all sold in brazil but governments have more than 100 tons of oil has been spilled and at least 42 cities affected lets get more on this knowledge oin by sam cali is a journalist who covers brazil that hes joining us live from sao paulo very good to have you with us on aljazeera 100 ton spill since september do we have any idea what might have caused this. No the best ideas so far coming from which a grass analysis is that members of the state oil Company Petra brass in brazil they are saying that its likely a lead shipment although there had been massively 140 ships in the region just you know were going to very short space of time essentially so its really quite hard to pinpoint holding to the president joe youve also norad according to the technicians at petrobras who exactly is responsible for these dots we have seen a picture of brass analysts they were very quick to say that this isnt petrobras oil. And the 1st guess is that it may have come up for almost a benes whale and tanker are all floated down the coast from but as weather that seems very likely so you get that but at the at the moment the best guess is a venezuelan tank rise and this to cali what we do know is that a number of aquatic animals like sea turtles have been killed whats been the environmentalists impact so far. Well the Environmental Impact has been you know its been very its been happening weve seen you know terrible scenes of you know schools and stuff you know being killed on the beach or this some like 7 suppose at being you know 7 of those have have had been killed because of this oil spill and the president of the forest hes been working very hard to collect this oil from the beach seems they doing and you know very good job so far about the growing to impact really could be tourism you know this is a region in the northeast of brazil which the poorest parts of the country it depends very much on tourism a lot of these beaches that have been on a tourist hot spots. Way you know where a lot of the income is derived from tourism we even saw the president. Saying today you know tourism theyll be a huge impact on tourism and i wouldnt go there right now basically so we could be a severe Economic Impact the brazilian samadhi is just around the corner it starts basically end of november. Early december so local authorities will be hoping that things are cleared up by them we have seen the state of say ship the cooling you know declaring beasts an emergency so local mans and local governors will be you know theyll be pressuring the brazilian authorities in brasilia the thirtys and the environment to involvement agencies to really get this cleared out as quick as possible and so it gets of the boats and of whats really happened mr carroll thank you very much for your time and as we do appreciate that that is sad kalyan with the latest live in south thank you. Now demonstrators have again taken to the streets in haitis capital for a 4th week of antigovernment protests the set top is on fire demanding the resignation of president is over now moyes but angry at what they say is his mishandling of the economy along with chronic food and fuel shortages at least 17 people have been killed in the ongoing protests nearly 200 more have been injured. Iraqs president has condemned attacks on protesters during violent antigovernment demonstrations during a televised address but hum saddam urged parliament to address protesters demands he also called on Security Forces to ensure the rights of iraqis are protected. Yes. Im told i would support the formation of a committee made a professional incredible experts on opening the door for a constructive dialogue with the main powers especially are so unlike the protesters we will also work to make sure that the community will have National Consensus and independence so we can identify the problem put forward solution he said so we can start an effect of process of reform and yes while at least 15 people have been killed in the past 24 hours in iraq bringing the death toll of the past week to more than 110 want to mancala met one victims family in the capital baghdad. Look at it look how beautiful he is it says in the hate them it is one of the protesters shot dead by iraqi Security Forces he was 27 years old. He joined protesters in central baghdad frustrated with the lack of jobs and opportunities he saw a childs to get his voice heard he left home in the afternoon he never returned clearly in shock haitham just keeps repeating how beautiful her son is a family friend speaks on happy healthy. Does he didnt hurt anyone he didnt harm anyone what is the crime of these young men these beautiful young men the government is to blame i qs the government of murdering he wasnt just my neighbor he was like a son. The government and the army say they havent targeted protest as but brother moustapha says ahmed was shot in the head by a sniper as he tried to help another protester who had been shot in the leg well. Some people say the shooters are rainy and theyre lying there from our country its the iraqi army killing iraqis. It is the head of the Popular Mobilization people says a mainly shia Paramilitary Group he says his forces didnt take part in the operation against the protesters as i am reaffirming that the interior ministry with the support from the military are the ones who stop these. Tests however the Popular Mobilization forces in the persian burger are reserve forces for the commander of the armed forces who only interfere to fight any conspiracy whenever an order is given and no order was given this time across south and central iraq people are putting up pictures of those who have been killed and placing the blame on the government the army and the government say that they will investigate the deaths of the protesters but that hasnt slowed the protest movement down in fact if anything judging by the chance the deaths have actually field the movement in iraq on aljazeera baghdad. Theres been more fighting between a group of protesters and police in hong kong. Police fired tear gas on a crowd that formed outside a metro station that follows another round of on the rest of the weekend protest as have been defined new anti face moscow rules the Hong Kong Government uses colonial era emergency regulations to impose the ban. Now a tweet to by the manager of an American Basketball Team about the protests in hong kong has spot some political fallout Houston Rockets general manager down morey has apologized after posting an image saying fight for freedom stand with hong kong over the weekend when his comments angered many of the teams chinese fans and chinese businesses cut ties with the rockets bought the pressure from china has also sparked a rebuke from u. S. Politicians at a time when trade ties that already tense. Look the people of hong kong are protesting for something we fortunately have here in america which is freedom as vs this country symbolized by the statue of liberty to try to gag. A general manager or anybody who is speaking out in favor of the hong kong protester is wrong and i hope that basketball will understand that its unamerican to gag people when theyre speaking out on behalf of freedom lets get more on this i correspondent rob matheson is joining us live from beijing so whats been the reaction more on the reaction there in china where basketball and the team a big drop. Well the recent reaction in social media has been huge and the overwhelming message that people have been putting out is yes we love the n. B. A. We love basketball but we love china more ive got to give you an indication of just how important this is in china basketball is right has become the number one sport in china its eclipsed even football here china just recently in august hosted the world basketball world cups there are 2 n. B. A. Matches theyre going to be taking place this month in china one in shanghai wanted since then one of those matches is featuring the lakers and of course lebron james plays for the lakers Le Bron James is a huge basketball star here in china in terms of business basketball is a very very sizable industry here children the kids by the jerseys the branded goods the branded bags the branded shoes but nevertheless the response to this has been that the the the they are putting china and their love for china ahead of their love for the n. B. A. Now the reason the basketball this all important its important to note is actually the time difference between the u. S. And china its about 12 hours that means that many of the basketball games that are streamed through Companies Chinese Companies Like 10 cent for example that take place right about lunchtime here in china and on a saturday and sunday that captures a huge audience predominantly because there is no other sport going on there at the moment so thats what people watch but again as i say the response has been very much a push back by and by china in the global times which is a state newspaper here theres an editorial this morning saying that china is not being too sensitive about this issue they say the hong kong is a very serious matter and it says that the u. S. Which prides itself on freedom of speech is not seem to be demonstrating the same thing when for example its not addressing india and pakistan over kashmir so this is becoming a very serious issue in china rob thank you very much for that for now that is rob math and the latest live in beijing thank you. Now the United States is blacklisting 28. 00 chinese tech firms that develop facial recognition and other Artificial Intelligence technology the u. S. As the tech is being used to repress Chinas Muslim minority groups the blacklist bars u. S. Firms from selling technology to those companies without government approval Rights Groups say china has detained around a 1000000 we get as an other muslims and what they call reeducation camps in the west and should junk region. Still ahead on the news hour and the and workers look to unions to defend their rights but new regulations could be undermining their. 35. 00 candidates looking to lead 3 langkow we look at 3 of the main candidates in the Upcoming Elections and hitting the gym peter has the latest on the fairy tale ride for hosts japan at the Rugby World Cup. And there were seen some fairly heavy rain across southern sections of china in the last few hours in fact hong kong picking up 52 millimeters of rain not hard to see why when you see these brighter areas thats where the heavy rain is also those thunderstorms and as we go through tuesday theres quite a strong a lot of moisture being pushed into this general area northern vietnam some thunderstorms that hanoi and staying in the full cost for you for the next couple of days in hong kong staying also unsettled shanghai meanwhile very nice 25. 00 celsius an issue which i was so nice sunshine further to the south weve got think the widespread rain showers the cloud is quite evident across much of borneo thats where was he some heavier spells of rain also northern and central areas of sumatra but the middle a peninsula choose to on wednesday staying mostly dry quite hazy skies in the Morning Hours but of course we will see those scattered often in thunderstorms in kuala lumpur on across into single pole and thunderstorms in the mix into india some heavy rain as well you can see on the satellite a little activity down to the south and also across eastern areas and thats where the rain will stay but still back into maharashtra by unsubtle for the next couple of days and as we go on into wednesday becoming more widespread through disha up into west bengal bangladesh on up into time. The weather sponsored by cattle ranch is. The aljazeera world tells the dramatic story of the birth of a nation and how a political agreement reached my france in 2 newseum would spark the bitterest of you. This god the land and see if. That meant we were still occupied rivalry conflict murda division. To have tunisia the battle for independence on aljazeera. You know. Where im from. Its good to have you with us on the aljazeera news al these are our top stories President Trump has defended his decision to pull u. S. Troops from northeast and so we appear in the way to. The move effectively abandons the kurdish fighters who helped defeat isolate the turkish government considers the syrian Kurdish Forces an extension of kurdish separatists fighting inside turkey. Their odds president has called on Security Forces to protect the rights of protest is condemning the violence has killed more than a 110 people over the past week protest as a frustrated with a lack of jobs and accuse the government of corruption. And they have been demonstrations across ecuador against new austerity measures needed 500 people have been arrested and dozens of Police Officers injured much of the frustration stems from state increases the cost of fuel. Now canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has seen his standing in the polls slip due to a number of on going scandals will canadians head to the polls on october 21st and is increasingly facing questions about whether he is still the. The country the latest Election Debate has just wrapped up well have more on that in a moment but 1st im lacking from to dons troubles. To you from all across this great country sent a clear message tonight its time for a change in this country my friends our radio. 4 years ago Justin Trudeau led is liberal party to resoundingly victory a decade of conservative government was over talk of hope and change was in the air the eldest son of Pierre Trudeau one of canadas most flamboyant and successful Prime Ministers he took over the leadership of his fathers party with the bold publicity stunt winning a Charity Boxing match with a conservative senator his 1st cabinet was ethnically diverse and balanced between men and women on foreign trips and at home he promised tolerance and called himself a feminist then is this federal Election Campaign began shocking images were published of him in blackface make up some in high School Others as an adult before he entered politics though he apologized repeatedly his standing slipped in Public Opinion polls there is an undercurrent that its image as opposed to substance and the opposition parties are playing into that and the blackface scandal played into that he was already fighting a tough reelection battle thanks to earlier scandals among them accusations of ethics violations and questions about his partys and his commitment to fighting Climate Change thats all helped canadas growing green party improve its poll standings but this is still an election thats between trudeaus liberals and the conservative party they defeated in 2015 we dont trend towards the extremes the 2 major parties center left center right but at the end of the day it will be comfort among the broad middle voters with regard to where they think the country is. And who of those 2 leaders can take them where they feel the country should be before trudeau remains at the center of his partys campaign emphasizing a youthful image and progressive policies his opponents counter by questioning his fitness to govern citing the scandals and challenges hes been facing in recent months so this election is very much a referendum on Justin Trudeau as leadership on october 21st voters will decide and this hard fought unpredictable campaign is very much a factor in that decision than your lack aljazeera toronto well the debate kicked off and dramatic fashion for the conservative leader andrew shed taking aim at trudeau here he is the Prime Minister of faking concern for canadians Justin Trudeau only pretends to stand up for canada you know hes very good at pretending things he cant even remember how many times he put blackface on because the fact of the matter is hes always wearing a mask he puts on a reconciliation mask and then fires the attorney general the 1st one of indigenous background he puts on a feminist mask and then fires 2 Strong Female m. P. s for not going along with his correction he puts on a middle class mask and then raises taxes on middle class canadians mr trudeau youre a phony and you are fraud and you do not deserve to govern this country well its going to talk all spondon john hendren hes live for us. Where the debate took place fighting words from the conservative leader just 2 weeks before the election john what were the big takeaways from the last english debates. Well that was the opening volley from andrew shear so you can imagine what the next 2 hours were like it was an unrelenting series of attacks from all 6 candidates there was substantive debate as well but it was really a pugilistic match almost reminiscent of that Charity Boxing match that trudeau engaged in at the beginning of his political career and there was a reason it was so contentious this was the only english language debate that was going to be held in the campaign in the campaign is sure in canada its about 40 days long far longer than the 2 years or so in which american candidates battle over the presidency so realistically only trudeau and sheer have a shot according to pollsters anyway at gaining a mandate in the october 21st election but the other candidates could become kingmakers thats because analysts suggest that its likely that the liberal party will lose seats in parliament possibly even its majority and that means that each side will be scrambling to form a coalition in which they have enough seats to control parliament and the Prime Ministership. Trudeau as many times as he was hit struck back take a look. Our ability to continue to redefine every single day what it is to be canadian what it means to be canadian and yes. Transform itself as we as we take leadership as we move forward and you always want your city great our you are always wanted and enjoyed your signal around the. Tories there and we we are and im proud canadian like you and you know we build this country together and we want this country to be like that in 25 years we love this country and its not because i want to have a discussion about immigration that im running. This is because to say publicly what mr scherer things privately. Very out was a typical exchange in this debate and with only 2 weeks to go before the october 21st election in a contentious field it seemed like each candidate didnt want to leave a cross word unspoken john thank you very much john hendren with the latest live in cubic thank you. Now at least 8 soldiers with libyas internationally recognized government have been killed in renewed fighting with forces loyal to warlord holly for half the fighting took place in southern tripoli where Government Forces recaptured areas near an unused airport have those forces launched a campaign to capture the capital in april libya has been mired in violence and uprising toppled and killed a longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Samsung electronics at its operating profits dropped by more than a halt in the 3rd quarter compared to a year ago analysts say the slump could be due to declining prices for its chips as well as weekend demand for its mobile devices the company is expected to report its final results later this month when haye has more from seoul. These are not the final detail the figures for the quarter released by Samsung Electronics they will be released towards the end of the month but this is limited released as part of its regulatory filing so something it was required to do so what we see is that operating profit for the july to September Quarter likely to be down 56 percent so were looking at 6440000000. 00 that is actually above what many analysts had forecast for this quarter and its actually almost 17 percent up on the previous quarter were also coming off a 2 year boom in the memory chip market which is where some song electronics makes most of its money so why are we seeing this decline of more than 50 percent well a lot of its being blamed on the u. S. China trade war. Is a major supplier of components to the Chinese Tech Company while away which is now on a u. S. Trade blacklist and the trade dispute between south korea and japan is also being blamed because the japanese are place restrictions on the export of some of the key materials that are supplied to the south korean Tech Companies including samsung. The search operation is underway for an estimated 30 people missing after a boat capsized making the crossing from north africa to italy 13 women and known to have died some of them pregnant the boat overturned in rough seas authored talian island of lampedusa in the early hours of monday morning as a coast guard vessel was preparing to rescue the refugees and migrants on board 22 people were pulled out of the sea and taken to lampedusa more than a 1000 people have died so far this year trying to make the dangerous mediterranean crossing. At least 10 people have been killed and 27 entered in a suicide bomb attack in afghanistan the bomber targeted a minibus that was carrying recruits of the afghan Security Forces in the eastern city of jalalabad no ones claimed responsibility for the attack. To india now with the government has been bailing out some state owned companies whove suffered losses its support often depends on the Companies Cutting jobs and many workers looking for support from unions finding that help isnt always their base and labor law reforms are also having an impact on child warren reports from west bengals capital kolkata. Look not koch says he cant afford to pay the rent of his one group home he is an Office Assistant at a state owned Telecom Provider which has run into large losses and is among thousands of workers who have not been paid their salaries for 8 months. I want to come here i have a small daughter unable to pay her school fees or tuition fees. Now he has turned to his union for help under the terms of a government bailout his employer is reported to be considering shutting 80000 jobs thats half its workforce and. That as a contractual worker he will be among the 1st to go but hes been told that the union has not even been consulted by the companys management the union say this is one example of how they are being undermined but. Last month 12 trade unions protested against the governments new labor reforms saying theyre unfair on employees and limits their ability to negotiate minimum. Jorm and they demanded they got the unions would have to agree and the workers would have to accept whatever raises are decided by the management of course then the world question the relevance of trade unions. Analysts say the governments new regulations effectively limit the power of unions and as they encourage wages to be based on workers as skills and where they work they divide the work and make it difficult for the unions to negotiate with employers because. The unions accuse the government of working on behalf of employers some analysts say weakening the trade unions will limit employers ability to strike a collective bargain in disputes with workers others accuse the trade unionists of being disruptive for the sake of it being highly politicized and stalling Indias Economic growth unionists fear a loss of their power and influence but look not cause has not given up he says his union is getting ready if workers like him on the docks and hes preparing to join any protests art of war aljazeera. West bengal to sri lanka now where a record 35. 00 candidates will contest the president ial election which takes place on november 16th they include a former defense secretary the son of an assassinated president and an environmentalist and i often end as has moved from colombo. Election officials in sri lankas capital had a busy morning sorting out paperwork from 35000 injured candidates former defense secretary go to the rajapaksa is hopeful to lead the rajapaksa comeback 5 years after his brother my in the was voted out of office. Given the problems being faced today in economy security and sovereignty we have a city of policies that can solve these issues and we hope to implement them this rajapaksa successfully led the governments campaign to defeat the tamil tigers in 2009 ending a 26 year conflict but some accuse him of disregarding human rights allowing extrajudicial killings and cracking down on dissent during that Campaign Questions of also being raised about rajapakse is eligibility but controversy about his dual nationality. His main rival subject trade with us is the deputy leader of the United National party he has been nominated after years of being sidelined by Prime Minister brown overcommitting her premadasa has worked with Rural Communities for many years but will have to find out if he can appeal to voters across the country i mean harry. From auto parts breaking revolutionary Development Program in our country where the benefits. To all and not to exclusive club incumbent president the city scene is not running for a 2nd now priorities appear to have shifted for many should lankans the last election was fought on bringing change restoring democracy and human rights analysts say its different this time around theyre not talking about rights they are talking about development. Theyre not really talking about democracy per se in the sense therefore you know its almost as if the talk about rights is irrelevant to best and subversive but worse around 16000000. 00 true lengthens are eligible to vote in the president ial election next month people have to be smarter politicians or servants not masters they come to see. As voters weeks pick someone who can bring Economic Development to the country and individual development someone who can govern well someone whos a doer not just pays lip service more candidates are contesting the november 16th election than ever before but for now rajapakse and premadasa have the highest profile that said this public discontent with broken promises and a chance that establishment figures may pay the price at the ballot box fernandez 0 colomba. Now the 1st of this years nobel prizes has been handed out in the field of medicine the award for shared by 2 u. S. Scientists and one person have spent years researching how cells and that the changes in oxygen levels the tria found that when oxygen levels 4 theres a rise in the hormone e. P. O. And thats because a of a group of proteins change how d. N. A. Behaves the bodys ability to sense oxygen levels impacts the production of red blood cells and the creation of blood vessels and the discovery opens up new ways to treat anemia cancer and Heart Failure well william kalen is one of the 3 winners of the nobel prize for medicine. One thing this is unable to do is with the circuit in hand to develop drugs that while either activate or inactivate this particular molecular circuit so for example and diseases like anemia there are now drugs that are starting to be approved that trick the body into thinking its not getting enough oxygen and as a result the body makes its own red blood cells and were also hopeful that in time such drugs might be useful for diseases like heart attack and stroke where again part of the problem is theres not enough oxygen being delivered to the tissues. He zealand is marking 250 years since the arrival of british explorers to the islands politicians attended a traditional model of the city of. H. M. S. And devon and 769 will some say the occasion shouldnt be celebrated as years of have had a detrimental impact on the indigenous madi promise to use the occasion to call for a more open conversation about the countrys history. With the head. Football. Pool for the. Its time for sports now has peta thank you very much the use and rockets n. B. A. Team has apologized to china after they general manager tweeted in support of the ongoing hong kong protests chinese bold costas and say that it will no longer show rockets games off to daryl morey post the name age thing fight for freedom stand with hong kong its a big blow for the rockets with more than hoffa 1000000 chinese fans streaming games several chinese businesses have suspended they times with the teen. Maury deleted his original treat and replace it with this apology saying i did not intend my tweets to cause any offense to rockets fans and friends of mine in china my tweets are my own and in no way represent the rockets or the n. B. A. Players are also apologising. Trying to win the plane or. The no for both the worst in the grizzly we go there you know once or twice a year they show is the most important so we appreciate it as a fan base and we love everything you know there about it and we appreciate the support that they give us individually and as an organization so. You know we love it. In the n. F. L. Jay gruden has paid the price for the Washington Redskins bad start to the season the head coach has been sacked after the team lost for the 4th game in a row this was gruden 6 the season in charge with the redskins only making the playoffs once in all that time. The process of taking place in tehran over the decision to allow iranian women to thursdays world cup qualifier with cambodia religious hardliners demonstrated outside the Parliament Building on monday iranian women have been banned from attending mens matches until now sections of the stadium have been allocated to female fans. The brazil team and star player neymar preparing for 2 International Friendlies this week in singapore against senegal and nigeria is what im looking to build on the success of the cup americas they chase what would be the countrys 1st world cup title for 20 years in 2022. Years or in their we had other generations which were very strong and i think that right now we are not the best because we dont have world cup titles we dont have such big name players but football right now is different and we are trying to get used to this moment in football. Frances world cup winning captain is unlikely to play again this year after his freak injury goalkeeper dislocated his left elbow playing in tottenhams defeat at brighton on saturday will receive is still in a brace after falling or quickly when dropping across early in the match shes won back to back tennis titles or naomi or soccer says its because she stopped caring what other people think the 21 year old admits she struggled with the pressure of expectation since reaching the top of the game i honestly dont care anymore blake thats my mentality going into it. I also to stat oriented and when i asked you an open because there was this big thing about you number one now and then i felt like i shouldnt lose a match after that im a player returning to form is 3 time grand slam winner andy murray is playing as a wild card at the shanghai open before from a sit down to beat argentina one long there or its 1st masters 1000 singles win in more than 2 years and it also sees him move back inside the worlds top 250 play. The Rugby World Cup is approaching the business end of the pool stages with the quarter final lineup starting to take shape wales are preparing for the 3rd match against fiji where with all secure a spot in the knockout stage wellss early victory over australia has put them in control of finishing top of bullies but they kept on is a warning against complacency. Testing a call for guys in the stage of those games so again we want 89 forms of defense assurance his push to see jones is still play in the keep the pressure must play as well and. Most things are going to continue in a great few areas to take it to the end of 2 cities. The big story of the tournament so far has been the great run of the host nation japan the team hit the germ on monday as they get set for their decisive final pl match against scotland the brave blossoms as they are known have never qualified for the world cup quarter finals before but theyre sitting top of pull away with 3 wins from his many matches that includes that crucial win over ireland. Elsewhere england and france have already qualified for the last 8 as they prepare for their match which will decide who finishes top of pool c. Finishing 2nd could provide an easier path to the final avoiding australia and new zealand but the england players say they are not considering that idea. You know the focus is purely almost getting ourselves better and focusing as much as we can and being as prepared as we can be for us whatever happens off the back i was great and its great to feel weve managed qualify but i stole the 2nd about by sentiments is a massive thing in a tournament like this so we want to make sure you put in another good performance and thats all the support we have for you from el well see you again later for more thank you very much peter and that does it for the news hour but do stay with us dennis is here with another full of news in just a couple of minutes made of the parana and the news out team thank you for watching. Some of the todays headlines there are protests like this one that are trying to discern and forested areas that have been devastated setting the agenda for tomorrows discussion youve been out there with the protesters on the streets where weve been telling you International Filmmakers and world class journalists bring programs to inform and spot. On aljazeera. 2 planes stayed to ensure you and 15 man checked no hotel mr. Mark it is possible to fully clean the premises all forensic evidence but what you then leave is evidence that you have fully cleaned from mystery wanted to give an exit with us from stockton speaking about the role in the book before even the saudi government with just a drum all crucial in truth murder in a saudi consulate on aljazeera growing up in the United States i learned that the 1st amendment is really key to being against a freedom of the challenge is going to be to nothing these men and women to the resources that are available but its an aljazeera story to me is that we just dont tell you what the subject of the story wants to know the government is not going to do the one thing the demonstrators want to apologize for thats what aljazeera does we ask the questions so that we can get closer to the truth. When youre from a neighborhood known as a hotbed of radicalism. You have to fight to defy stereotypes. But one of them having gone chumps join the stories we dont often hear told by the people who live them you know not join one when they. Will make. A little. Sound of the book says this is us. On aljazeera. A u. S. Outpost in Northern Syria abandoned President Trump with drawls american troops. Hello welcome to aljazeera live from doha im all for you. So i think its very sad for a country i think it makes it harder to do my job. For the u. S. President is democrat or impeachment inquiry if. I

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