In a way that the french would accept the british wanted somehow and more and more increasingly they felt that the jews held the key to winning the war. And so they had to figure out how to bribe the jews to support them. Mark sykes had succeeded in drawing the line he wanted from a curry in the west to kirkuk in the east but for some in government this was not enough. The british were using the Jewish National movement to secure palestine for themselves is this is what high bites been is really going to find open ears and 10 downing street in the Foreign Office in the Colonial Office and its paving the way towards that critical decision in november of 1917 and so i think you can direct you can draw a direct. Action between britain the sudden acknowledgement of zionism and the idea at ideal. And what they were dissatisfied with the term the psychs pico. Fights man was a chemistry lecturer in manchester who had become a prominent member of the british Zionist Movement he was politically well connected and rubbed shoulders with senior figures in government so high on vitamin was russian by birth he was a chemist. And then he joined the Zionist Movement. He climbed in the Zionist Movement he moved to Great Britain before the war well before the war maybe 10 years before the war began he was not before the war very well known in the english Zionist Movement he was pretty well known in the World Zionist Federation but he was by no means the most visible zionist when world war one began in Great Britain. Vitamin later wrote in his memoirs about having been introduced to a British Government minister Herbert Samuel. Samuel was jewish but vitamin was apparently concerned that he might be anti finest. However Herbert Samual turned out to be extremely receptive to vitamin and went on to write an official memo in 1950 setting out in a number of different possibilities for palestine and the jewish people. And was. Some. Health minister. For who we are can man i love. To see us it was who were caught up with the car and for us the. Roof. Collapse some have. Who were oh well you know who would be. On americas most. Brittany caught up with africa. Sure but theres still a philosophy in badminton tell how to help them a lot them a lot and what fear only hold dear old see the. Year for last. But then you suddenly had the leader who the commonwealth yannick am but he didnt find willing ears in whitehall or the Colonial Office for schemes that involved the establishment of a jewish state in palestine britain was really concerned with 2 things by the time that the 1st world war had broken out they wanted to win the war 1st and foremost this was an imperative for the survival of britain and its empire and secondly they wanted to ensure that coming out of the war victorious that their empire would benefit from the victory so at this stage i invites men and Herbert Samuels ideas about the rights of the jews to resettle in palestine. Mine did not find much sympathy in the corridors of power in london. Disappointed fights munro to a friend asking whether there wasnt at least a discussion to be had about what he called the chance for the jewish people. I realize of course he went on we cannot claim anything we are much to add to my insta for its. What the debate did do however was to throw together fights man the russian jewish immigrants searching for a homeland and refuge from persecution with Herbert Samuel and lord rothschild for members of the british jewish elite established in society and part of the political and capitalist class. So it isnt for the most part of course all of the community was actually in the minority but certainly most of all within the jewish elite because it threatened the notion of them as 100 percent committed members of British Society and this was complete and that for somebody like agreement you could become secretary of state for india for him zionism is his Worst Nightmare the idea that jews are not satisfied simply with being citizens of britain or other countries around the world theyre always longing to go back to the land of israel for him he wanted to demonstrate that the jews of britain were 1st and foremost british its important to remember that for people like rothschild zionism and actually been a threat you see the elite in british jewelry had fought for generations to gain acceptance in British Society it was only with the arrival of disraeli that i can century the jews entered parliament and could rise to become Prime Minister and for people of. So high finance or banking interests the really lete of the Jewish Community in britain their struggle to demonstrate their place in British Society that zionism with its claims that jews were a people apart and should be a nationalist movement of their own right or another with their early they embody army. And even a corrupt better body or how to get. Hold. Of but i would be when he. Meant get 50 i would probably be the old do you feel about i would be everyman german general call up you and i do have to shear. A bit of time even for them i had a band on our bureau and sammy of the weisz who will of us out the head if mark miss you had to say you you well its an x. Vitamin vien. In much of the love in your mind of the need of mental instability. Keep the interest ability your. Vitamin. The fim. Kids vitamin that makes the difference and i think he was probably unique in his ability to persuade the leading british figures that the jews were in fact a vast sub to raney and influence which they were not. That all jews were zionists which was far from the truth and that therefore the big key to winning jewish support was to offer them palestine vitamine talked up the degree to which the Jewish Community supported zionism in order to get his message across to the governments. But for the british it seemed to be about self interest about winning the war recognizing zionism would be closely linked to gaining global juice the poor it put the objective on which should start its future resting so the british motives for supporting zionism will be we can boil it down to 2 elements of british self interest at that time not an emotional interest in silence them or a love of jews and the jewish plight and the desire for return of the jews to the holy land no for very specific self interests matters of policy they were 1st of all all of the British Government agreed that they wanted to mobilize behind britain and the allies this idea of jewish power in the world. They were like all of the different policy elites in the war believe this in the notion that jews were tremendous influence in the corridors of power around the globe if the British Government appeared to support zionism they would win over world jewry to their side and all that entailed the british were convinced that zionism was really at the center of the jewish holocaust. In may 916 sir mark sykes had agreed to his to quit deal with the french psychs because you would form the basis of the future carve up of the old Ottoman Empire. So he immediately turned his attention to palestine still part of the Ottoman Empire and how to use dynasty ambitions to outmaneuver the french. Formal contact between the British Government and the zionist followed he immediately phoned Herbert Samuel and told him about the plan and Herbert Samuel then phoned him vitamin and vitamin brought with him in a home sokolow this meeting took place on the 11th of april 916. 00 it took place at moses castors house in maida vale. And gaster wrote in his diary afterwards how proud he was that this meeting which he thought was the most important meeting that had ever taken place in the history of zionism had taken place at his house. Mark sykes the. Head of. The sonoma gust of la know where canada will must send jelly hadia must by then. Rise one who are in the north who are in the fight and. The most disgusting very quickly understands that sykes is looking to gain support from suppose it jewish power in the world and gets to works with this idea and manipulates this to consolidate sykess interest in science and we see actually the British Government becomes very close already in nazi 16 of issuing a public declaration of support for zionism there in the end this doesnt happen that year the planned sikes got Herbert Samuels to pass on to the zionist leaders involved joint british French Administration of palestine and a charter guaranteeing british support for the line of them. But his idea was rejected. They didnt want an anglofrench condominium in palestine they wanted the british to protect them not the french and thats because they thought that the french always sort of converted their colonized people into becoming frenchmen and what they wanted was to remain as self conscious jews and they thought that the british would leave them alone and let them do that and how much she helped to live been begun by big circle of we were hurrying to share a blue team. Over him wanted the berryman not to meet committee got on where you did does go to want to eat at them you would get them back to hollywood the who you deem know you to name a. Matter. You know it then. Is. Bolstered by their newfound credibility the british zionists thought about making specific demands after the sykes meeting but events soon overtook them. On the 6th of december 1916 british Prime Minister asquith resigned. In the change of government Arthur Balfour became foreign secretary under Prime Minister david lloyd george. Lloyd george. As bill but i have talked to some aspect recently was iraq. December. And ill. Be here with that you know see a year to some tea and one or a bomb or. An advocate side but. Its a completely if you could only shoot at your own t. The people are saying. Well for all woes of rather philosophical bent and i think he wanted to think in theological terms he wanted to think in historical terms. And it was with that frame of mind i think that he approached the whole question seriously at the fall of. Sarina. I would have a back and marsh minutes of actual sex because i received as it was i thought a comic lord george. I mean a commandment came out but a. While before those of us towards him. You know i mean it was a modern man and he and i could only david lloyd george. Balfour and all of those who supported the Perfect Question within the British Government we can absolutely categorize as being riven with anti semitic thinking and not only that but the thinking behind the Balfour Declaration that drove them to the Balfour Declaration was from this anti semitic thought the idea of jewish power of jewish that he said this and of a unified jewish attachment to zionism above all else. Whatever its basis the relationship between the british dynasty and the government would continue to grow throughout the 1917. Leading to the declaration that would change the face of the middle east and ultimately determine the destinies of 2 different peoples. Inmates learning from other inmates acquiring knowledge that could set them free. Through Legal Education classes and mock tribunals their dedication has led to staggering results even in prison in the us its all ricin that was. Teaching empowerment kenya part of the read the legislation series on aljazeera. The most memorable moment of aljazeera was when i was on air as Hosni Mubarak fell with the crowds in Tahrir Square talking. To us. If something happens anywhere in the world al jazeera is in place were able to cover this like no other news organization. Were able to do it properly. And that is our strength. In looks so to me it sounds ugly in scares people from americas high streets to mexicos on the worlds record holder to the side and who controls the other side people in power follows the smuggling route and test the ease of acquiring untraceable weapons on american soil the weapon that was designed for war and it took you about 5 minutes to buy a movie americas guns are arming mexicos cartels on aljazeera congressman are you interested in stopping crime. Hello im Lauren Taylor in london the top stories are now as they are brazilian federal prosecutors have begun an investigation into the recent spike in fires burning across vast areas of the amazon rain forest earlier the president jaya both sonar asked for International Help saying his government lacked the resources to tackle the fires alone the world was one of them or now the amazon is bigger than europe how can you fight fires in such an area it is clearly criminal how can you do it you need to catch them in the act otherwise there is nothing you can do now nongovernmental organizations are losing money money that came from germany and norway they are unemployed now so they are trying to overthrow me. Irans foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif says is countries willing to work on french proposals to salvage the nuclear deal which it signed with world powers in 2015 years President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement last year and has been reimposing sanctions french president Emmanuel Michael says hell either try to soften the effect of the sanctions or try to come up with a way to compensate iran. Meanwhile michael has again ruled out any major changes to the brics it deal made the statement at the palace in paris where the prince president hosted british Prime MinisterBoris Johnson because urged johnson to set out his proposed alternatives as soon as possible. In the media has restricted Internet Access and arrested dozens of people in the papua region an effort to rein in days of violent protests the violence broke out when 43 papuans students were arrested for allegedly disrespecting the indonesian flag. One protester says students from paktia faced racism for a long time. With on the word monkey is always used to insult us the puppet students this is been going on for too long we dont have freedom to live here its as though were not indonesian citizens where he had to study we never create problems but people have always treated us as if were animals a new United Nations reporters found them in my military is still using sexual and gender based violence against the ringer it comes as almost 300 reading of families interviewed by the u. N. And the Bangladeshi Government also say they do not want to go back to me and. So the headlines out for seeds of destruction continues next on other news after you after that. The 1st world war pitted britain france and russia against germany austria hungary and the Ottoman Empire the british in the shape of the diplomats or mark sykes were determined to divide autumn in territory in a way that best suited them once the war was over for their own strategic interests. By 917 the war was shifting in the allies favor and in the middle east the british were moving through sinai towards the borders of historic palestine. Further north the Russian Revolution in february 1917 cast doubt on russias continued involvement in the war. As britain and france tried to outmaneuver one another the british Zionist Movement took on increasing political importance. Sikes wants to get back in touch with scientists and think about how to incorporate zionism in british planning for palestine and at this moment we see a hugely important meeting taking place in the home of most disgusting maida vale in february 17th and this is the point in which sykes mates for the 1st time. In the home circle of. Another time in this in which its discussed what the zionists are looking for and the british interest in zionism so he had to bring the zionists along without divulging what were the secret agreements that britain and france had come to with regard to palestine which was that they would jointly administer parts of palestine at this meeting for the British Government was sykes and Herbert Samuel he was there on the other side there were. Vitamin and sokolow and there was moses gaster and he brought a couple of his allies because he realised that vitamin was beginning to push him out of the way the other very important figure was James Rothschild who attended this meeting. At the meeting it became clear to sykes that vitamin not gaster was the most important zionist. This is also the moment where most of the cast is dislodged. Sykess part on the french side because i havent liked best guest it been insistent that this should be a jewish state and nothing less coming into b