Grievances to that government to local and federal governments and then they face struck out they took up arms and they fought to secure their freedom in some cases they won in many respects they did not so i think the things that make our Founding Fathers from our people are the things that african descent people have been doing since before 6019 but certainly within the context of slavery and in merican slavery have been doing since 61 things i think it is important to center im 61000 and that story of american democracy and also to recognize african descended people those who came in 61000 there after as are certainly of very important founders Founding Fathers and mothers right and i would just add to that you know if you if you go to the museum of africanAmerican History and culture in d. C. Theres a rather extraordinary point in the museum there are many of them but one of them is this point where there is a statue of Thomas Jefferson and behind him bathed in light is this granite wall right and has his famous words all men are created. Equal endowed by their creator with certain even of all rights of course when he wrote those words he owned about 230. 00 other human beings so its clear he didnt believe them but whats interesting is that between that granite wall and the statue of jefferson is a nother brick wall on which the names of the human beings that he owned are located now who in that equation believed jeffersons words was it jefferson or was it the people he owned as property to the extent that the answer is obviously the latter you have to give credit to enslave the persons and their progeny and those who fought for justice as the actual founders and the only ones who ever believed the words that the ones we call founders put down on paper the 2nd point id make and it goes back to all that weve been talking about is about how the past affects the present and why i think so many people some have had a hard time with this series those on the right critique it is that they desperately want to act as if inertia is only a property of the physical universe and not the Socio Economic political cultural or historical what happens in one generation affects the next and the next and the next until that force is stopped it is like the 2nd law of thermodynamics in that regard and so not only do we have the accumulation of wealth for white folks because of that history now a 15. 00 to 1. 00 gap between white and black 12. 00 to 1. 00 between white and brown but we also have other things in history that continue to repeat i would beg to remind the listeners and viewers that the oldest play in the american political playbook going back to the 16th hundreds is the one that we see being played in cold right now what is that like it is rich white men telling not rich white people that their enemies are black and brown and that literally but it ends in the colonies when the elites does i did they have to divide and conquer working people from one another they have to create the white race to get poor europeans who they had no love for to think that their allies were the rich as opposed to the black and brown folks who were along. That is the same plate that donald trump is calling the past affects the present and 10 as youre speaking youre getting a lot of clapping him who is he needs and our raise emerges in or are you 2 because people agree with you i want to share one of them this is c. B. Who says the us was born out of contradiction the constitution says were all created equal while we were in chains we fought to make the constitution a reality American Culture really is black culture so keeping that in mind i want to share a bit comment from someone who pitched the idea of us covering this 400 anniversary a while back this is Steven Thomas hes an organizer and a lecturer and harrisburg virginia and heres his take black people are commemorating the 400th anniversary of the violent capture kidnapping arrival of the 1st in sleep africans 2 Point Comfort now fort monroe in Hampton Virginia the brutal and surprising institution of american slavery continues to perpetuate a legacy of racial well inequality as recent studies reveal that africanamerican households have a median wealth of 0 within the next 35 years fundamentally the same as it was when i ancestors were brought here 400 years ago with nothing this country needs a truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Reparations Program and package for black people it whatever to be a land of opportunity free of the vestiges of White Supremacy. So brittany heard a z tell the comment there what then do we do with this information a lot of us have already known it others are learning things new myself included learning new things from the series but then what do we do with it. I believe the commenter is absolutely right so that it is a time for truth certainly for reconciliation and then for recompense that we actually make right and make good on the debt that is owed in the form of reparations but this is the truth phase right so if we now have the 161000 project and other projects like 13th from a reader in may and when they see us in the work of activists and organizers like myself all around the country weve got these moments and movements throughout history that can expand on the truths that means that teachers have to pick up that truth that means that pastors have to pick up the truths they need the people who need teens at workplaces need to pick up that truth and make truth the curriculum by which they operate from for the rest of this year lets say the next few months at the very least that is the truth but then we actually have to come to reconciliation you know tim bravely talked about the kind of blowback that is coming not just from the right i would say but basically from people who would be much more comfortable if we ignored this truth and those are the folks that will require a level of learning most certainly but they are the folks that have to reconcile with us those are the folks that have to say not only is reality forever changed by slavery but those are also folks that have to sad to wreck lee benefit from the legacy of this thing and therefore what do i owe a what is the power that i am forced to share to ensure that the future is different than the past and the present so i completely agree with the comments are weve got to talk of our troops weve got to talk about reconciliation we absolutely have to talk about reparations youve spoken about how this entire project is looking at 61000 in a very different way its been incredibly educational the New York Times actually have partnered up with the Pulitzer Organization and they have created Educational Resources we caught up with one of the senior team who was actually in a school early on this morning in North Carolina teaching teaches and we wanted to know what impact could this possibly have this idea of looking at history and very different way from 1619 this is what it twice. This project will change the way that kids learn about slavery because it will. Show it will challenge students to think about the humanity of the people who were inflamed and brought to this country the work that they contributed the ingenuity the resilience is going to open discussions about the role that many people have to have played in fighting for a stronger democracy in this country and also the role the way that our history can present be better understood by bringing in stories that are not traditionally heard. And bring in the stories our communities helping us is so important this is leticia on twitter he says i sent my kids history teacher and principal links to the project the free p. D. F. Plus the pulitzer censors teach our curriculum they can teach beyond m. L. K. The underground railroad rosa parks and go into senators cowboys wall street plus so much more stephanie for you what do you think is important to learn about how to then teach this and classroom. So as a as a history of slavery and as an instructor that centers the history of slavery in my merican history classes i often have College Level students come to me frustrated and they argue that this is not something they had they had ever learned before coming into my class or before coming to college and i think what the 6900 projects is doing by partnering with this with the Pulitzer Center is an extraordinary endeavor in large part because it doesnt just walk the walk it talks the talk it gives tall teachers it gives parents it gives anyone thats really interested the resources to to develop to implement the 61000 project in the classroom stephanie you expose students to this knowledge study i have to ask you this on your Instagram Account right now i want people to know how deeply invested you are in this topic so one of your previous ones how white remains investment in slavery has shaped america you are use to blind peoples minds about that concept to slavery what really happened from a historical point of view when you look at everybody whos involved in the picture tell us one thing that were amaze our audience that youve always known that you know shocks people. So many people you know were kind of flabbergasted when this. Large majority of white women voted for trump and have subsequently voted for. Problematic candidate lets just say and so as a story of slavery on my book in particular look that white womens Economic Investment in the institution of slavery and what it shows is that they have long been invested in White Supremacy the project of White Supremacy not simply as its been officially aries but as people who are sitting at the table designing the system designing the system of Racial DiscriminationWhite Supremacy and so i think whats fundamental to understand about the 69 project too is when i think of slavery as a masculine a masculine regime one that was dominated by men but as my work shows and other other scholars work shows white women were fundamental to to the development of the institution of slavery as well even if they couldnt vote and they couldnt be politically active in ways that we imagine meant to be as a term i want to play a comment from someone else whos learned something from that then wants to take it on hes an educator in new york and this is jose what he learned the 1619 project gives me hope for any number of visas but primarily because as a map teacher i look forward to the framing back and maddox from the Vantage Point of the most disadvantaged those of us who need him have desired coaching to response of us ascending education for years are given license to do so because assistants and prior to our system process to let him out of education from that lends. So ted when it comes to an educational reeducation how do we educate people that black history is American History well you know i mean i think you can look at other examples of how this has been done and why it is and how its been valuable so for example in tucson arizona over the last decade theres been a big debate about chicano studies Mexican American studies there was a Great Program which the state unfortunately tried to get rid of and did for several years the courts have now ruled against the state for having done that but this program which taught history and literature and science and math through this chicano lens had a profound effect on the performance of the mostly chicano not entirely but mostly latino and latino students who went through the program 70 percent roughly of the students who went through that program where the material was taught to be culturally relevant mens went to college similar students who were also she contacts but did not go to the program only went to college at a rate of about 17 percent so what that tells us is that when we teach through a culturally relevant lens where people can see themselves in the story and not just as victims but as resistance to injustice which is whats so great about this project its not simply presenting slavery as the story of what was done to black people its a story about what black people did in response to oppression as with the case in tucson which you can exist 3 and Mexican American studies that has the ability to in figure rate learning because it infests learning with a social purpose is not just about meeting a state standard passing a test getting a job getting into college its about collective liberation that excites young people in ways that oftentimes regular educational theory doesnt step in like britney he always outside alice thank you so much for bringing your pass on the outs our much knowledge to the strong to the restaurant a well and her best friend nate who says 2 pairs or 3 months will for teaching American History need to begin far before 776. 00 to understand the u. S. Now we need to understand how it all began with the parenting of the land and the exploitation of that and enslaved human beings i will use the 619 project to teach the truth. Thank you yes thank you out Online Community you have an assignment today to check out the 69000 project. And so watching. People from americas high streets to mexicos on the wild side and who controls the other side people in power the smuggling route and test the ease of acquiring untraceable weapons on american soil the weapon that was designed for war and it took you about 5 minutes to buy it from those you tube americas guns arming mexicos cartel on al jazeera congressman are you interested in stopping crime. When the news breaks. 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Flooded by a tide of water from an indian dying towns in pakistans Punjab Province a submersion there could be more to come. Hello welcome to al jazeera live from doha im on im. Coming out thousands of students rally in hong kong is big business raises concern about the cost of the protest movement. Creating a safety zone in Northern Syria turkey and the u. S. Finally Reach Agreement on a joint approach. The russian humanoid robot all set to turn cosmonauts at the International Space station. There are torrent of water released from an indian dam has left towns and villages in northeastern pakistan submerged and their problems may not be over flood waters now cover hundreds of hectors in Punjab Province and the levels of rivers continue to rise the Pakistani Army has turned a military base into a relief camp for people whove been evacuated from their homes but some are refusing to leave flooded areas because it would mean abandoning their crops and their livestock when go live to a summer binge of aid now hes our correspondent hes at the jhelum river now thats a river asama which flows from northern india into eastern pakistan and it looks fairly fearsome behind you. Absolutely monte and the river is flowing higher than usual at this time of the. Monsoon season it is very hard when glacial ice melts and the water system and to both india and then into Pakistan Pakistan has been complaining that india should have informed before to see hundreds of thousands of through 6 of water into pakistani River Systems as it usually does but as you know the do countries on a tight at the at the lowest point of their relationship in good because of the dispute in here so that is something which did not happen and water is one of those issues that seems to have been weaponized yet again what we are hearing from the nor area is off the punjab problems the problems with gets its name from the 5 bridges which flow from it is that hundreds of thousands of acres of land has been inundated standing crops have been destroyed livestock has been stranded and there as you said there are people who do not want to move to safer areas because they say that this is their belongings this is their life saving that they have and if they move to come to the places they would they would lose everything so people are staying put so far what were hearing from the south of the river is that there have been multiple places towns and villages which the water has to but people have been moved to some people have been moved to safety others are staying put and waiting because they believe that this is not the worst and they can sit through this one and eve already mentioned that this is something that happens on a pretty regular basis does this mean theyre full that the pakistani authorities are prepared. When it seems that way because this time around so far in the last 48 hours when the water levels of present we have not heard of casualties because what happens. Preparedness is that you hear about drowning you hear about torrents and 3 pounds in villages and people dy