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China carry out their 1st joint patrols in the Asia Pacific Region south korea fired warning shots over a violation of its airspace. And eating fruit in the past could be bad for everyone else. The man who led the push for brics it will become the u. K. s next Prime Minister or us johnson today won the conservative Party Leadership race were going Party Members for this promise of a do or die bricks that he says the u. K. Will leave the European Union or by the 31st of october mr johnson one needs to unite a divided party and an even more polarized country the barker reports from london. It was a 2 horse race but theres only have a been one front runner Boris Johnson demolished his rival foreign secretary jeremy hunt with double the number of votes to become leader of the conservatives and on wednesday the country it was now repair a party and a nation torn apart by bricks it deliver bricks it unite the country and defeat jeremy corbett. I know i know from somewhere goes already pointed out that deliver you night and defeat was not the perfect acronym for an Election Campaign since you are pushing its bills dud but they forgot the final easy my friends the energize and i say i say to all the doctors. We are going to energize the country were going to get bricks it done on october 3rd going to take advantage of all the opportunities that it will bring in a new spirit of can do Boris Johnson has a clear mandate among conservatives to lead the party but his do or die promise to leave the e. U. On october 31st even without a deal has polarized and panicked many of his opponents thank you doesnt have the qualities to make any kind of Prime Minister of a lay no standards whatsoever of trace and their ass and then take my take i think its very easy to see the similarities between from forrest the both long. And they both seem to fly by the seat. And make up the policy as they go along there is a wave of worry about what Boris Johnsons leadership might look like also a huge amount of anger directed at grassroots members of the conservative party im conservative m. P. s for making were the most divisive figure is in modern british politics the next leader of the country earlier in the day cabinet ministers a rifle teresa mayes last meeting as Prime Minister many of these ministers will be asking how johnson can succeed. To resume a failed were actually in just the same just the same political paralysis as we thought before and unless Boris Yeltsin is through some sort of political alchemy able to unlock that then given that hes raised expectations pretty hard the recriminations could be venomous one big expectation raised by johnson is of a new brakes a deal with brussels the use repeatedly said it wont reopen negotiations but as the blocks chief breaks it negotiated tweeted the e. U. s ready for dialogue moments after johnsons win was declared bookmakers were taking bets on his demise 5. 00 to 1. 00 to be the shortest serving Prime Minister ever he could face a no confidence vote if he fails to deliver on his promises for many months johnson spin on the political margins criticising the government and often courting controversy now at the center of british politics everything appears to have changed but when it comes to bracks it many question whether anything will change at all. Aljazeera under. Well it is an especially challenging time for the incoming leader and therefore Prime Minister aside from facing the task of taking the u. K. Out of the e. U. He will be expected to hit the ground running on several pressing Foreign Policy issues mr johnson is facing an ongoing showdown with iran over the seizure of a british flag ship in the gulf iran says its reciprocal action after british marines seized an iranian tank of gibraltar earlier this month hell also have to work on the u. K. s relationship with the United States relations have soured over those leaked emails from britains former Us Ambassador criticizing President Donald Trump theyre also tensions with china the u. K. Continues to delay a decision on whether the chinese telecoms giant what way will play a part in the u. K. s new 5 g. Network scott lucas is the editor of e a worldview and a professor of Political Science and International Studies at the university of birmingham he says Boris Johnson will have a difficult time trying to renegotiate brecks it with the e. U. This parade of Boris Johnson is probably over even before it starts because there is a stark choice here and that is either johnson goes back and accepts 2 the deal on the irish backstop excepts that deal on what is close to a Customs Union with europe or he shakes his thirst and says thats it were leaving in a no deal that would be economically catastrophic for the u. K. What compels us difficulty because were going to go into a summer recess and then the Party Conferences the u. K. Wont even be in a position to negotiate with the European Union probably until mid september which is about 6 weeks before the deadline to to grow and then hes got to be seen surely to have been doing the best job he can do come the British Political Party season because that he will want to go from there you see a seaside town venue rallying the troops getting the loyal people truly on board to then what a 304 week timeline to deliver on halloween bricks it except the emperors got no army the problem is that he can go and talk about the john spirit he can go and try to invoke shakespeare he can try to book under the 1st but the fact of the matter is is that the u. K. Has no leverage with europe theyve got no economic leverage because no deal would be so damaging putting the country into recession theyve got no political leverage with europe because one versus 27. 00 is not good odds and the one thing that johnson tries to hold up which is a trade deal with the United States is a meth theres no way that you can even have that within 2 to 4 years. Iranian diplomats in vienna on sunday to discuss how to save the 2050 nuclear deal theyre meeting representatives from britain france germany russia and china britains foreign secretary is calling for a european led Naval Mission to ensure the safety of shipping in the gulf following the seizure of a British Oil Tanker irans foreign minister has responded saying any attempt to patrol the gulf will only bring regional insecurity to a such a body has more now from tehran. Irans foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif is the 1st official to comment on the latest developments out of london the foreign minister tweeted that the may government seizure of iranian oil at behest of the us is piracy pure and simple i congratulate my former counterpart Boris Johnson becoming u. K. s Prime Minister iran does not seek confrontation we have 1500 miles of persian gulf coast line these are our waters and we will protect them his sentiments are shared by other high ranking officials in iran weve heard from the 1st Vice President who also said that the suggestion of a Coalition Force to patrol the waters of the strait of hormuz and guarded the ships that pass through it is absolutely not necessary and that iran is capable of providing security to the ships in the strait of hormuz and it is up to iran and the regional countries to ensure the safety of their waters meanwhile weve understood that there has been the extraordinary meeting called in vienna for sunday july 28th between the remaining signatories of the j c p oh wait thats a 2015 Nuclear Agreement the iranians will want to discuss the lack of commitment to the Nuclear Agreement by the remaining signatories mainly the european ones thats britain france and germany on tuesday the iranian president has this bachelor that heating foreign minister. With a letter for french president. She will deliver this letter to the president in paris we understand that this is really the last ditch effort to try and salvage what is left of this 2015 nuclear deal because iran is insisting that it will continue to scale back its commitments every 60 days until it sees some tangible results on what the europeans have been promising under this deal. Ok lets go back to our top story Boris Johnson today elected leader of the governing conservative party in the u. K. That means that the outgoing Prime Minister to resign may goes to Buckingham Palace tomorrow she speaks to her majesty the queen she says please invite mr johnson in effect she says please invite mr johnson to form the next governing government the next cabinet inside number 10 downing street she also implicitly says to her majesty the queen he has the numbers to make it work he has the support of the house Andrew Symonds as our correspondent outside the house of commons in westminster there on College Green i notice and root so all steam all guns a blazing for one hard crash out of the e. U. At the end of october if needs be. Most certainly according to Boris Johnson yes hes prepared to do that you mention numbers 66. 4 percent was the scale of his win thats a 2. 00 to 1. 00 margin against jeremy hunt a clear win there now what he did was to use the acronym d u d dude this might appear to many people as to be too serious to be funny that d. Is for delivering bricks if hes intent on crashing through with a no deal brecks it if he cant get any other deal together to try and solve the issue of the Northern Ireland but stop uniting the country was the 2nd one how does he know the country when he cant even unite the party far from it now youve got the seat swapped with the rebels as they were now effectively going to get the power and those who are being out Philip Hammond the main protagonists hes the finance minister the charge of the exchequer hell be resigning and hell be leading on the backbenches. Serious challenge this government and then the next point defeat Jeremy Corbyn well definitely a clue there as to what could happen because that could be a general election its not general election or it could be forced to go to the country because the wafer thin but you know its a. And the final point energizing the country well yes he does have this british bulldog style but what is the what is the actual fact in all of this one of these is the way it is people are all skiing where is the action where is the Actual Movement that they can get so therefore were going to see on wednesday is this man becoming Prime Minister with lots of questions with Michelle Bonnie and the e. U. Commission negotiators saying straight away that this far as hes concerned you stick to the plan of all do you go with the 33 withdrawal Withdrawal Agreement the temps all of which you failed but you stick to that and we look forward to talking to. The new Prime Minister about that well there remains to be sitting for example is going to happen. Still to come for you here on aljazeera out on bail kenyas 1st sitting government minister to be arrested walks free after being charged with corruption. And fast track deportations the trumpet ministration loosens rules to expel microbes. Halloway the dry air over iran temperatures get pretty hard terence been hovering around the 4041 mark nasa last week its a no change there and you just drop a little bit further south into the plains of iraq and baghdad up to the high fortys we saw 50 actually just in this part around not far away from the border with kuwait again its all repeat it was nothing but sunshine of course a fair breeze direction the breeze makes a difference i was 41. 00 to around thats not making much of difference with 29. 00 they would indicate something coming off the water off the east tonight but baghdad still 47. 00 that breeze has been bringing in the heat slowly science woods with it a slight change in the wind direction means that the forecast max the doha is down to about 38 but its also become quite humid in the last day or so thats going to stay the case for wednesday thursday and friday at least not as human as insular but this is welcome this is the overcast that lasts or for a couple of months not tends to chose over now again for the north in. Windy weather has been the case recently over some parts of south africa the fronts tend to drag across cape town and keep going leave some rain and occasional cold and windy weather the picture now is less windy but hardly warm. Information indicates to you have or associates there is a Police Department it has the potential to be biased in a number of different ways there are too many opportunities for the computer to get all whos checking those offices who commit those they to entrance is wrong to be saying that your son the shinai is wrong to was my killer becoming a suspect before the actual crime and indepth examination into preventative policing precrime on aljazeera. No watching aljazeera piece of art today these are your top stories Boris Johnson has been elected leader of britains governing conservative party and will become the next u. K. Prime minister on weapons hes promised to unite the country and to get breaks it down. Britains foreign secretary jeremy hunt was up against and in a different story calling for a european led Naval Mission to ensure the safety of shipping in the gulf following the seizure of a British Oil Tanker there on foreign minister has responded saying any attempt to patrol the gulf will only bring regional insecurity. Lets get more on the election of Boris Johnson turris a may being replaced as u. K. s Prime Minister john holt looks at mr johnstons rise to the very top. Were going to see the likes of Boris Johnson and brussels have a history together and it doesnt point to a happy conclusion as a young reporter based in the city johnson specialized in sometimes fabricated front page stories belittling european bureaucracy hes editor at the time describes johnsons willingness to tell any audience whatever he thinks most likely to please heed lists of the inevitability of its contradiction an hour later so Mike Johnsons declarations on similarly be promises made to win over his Party Without the substance or detail to back them up. We have of course be pushing our plan into action so as to be ready to come out on october. 31st a 1st come what may come out next. Daughter bhutto harry was head of communications under Boris Johnson when he was mayor of london Boris Johnsons time at city hall showed that hes more than capable of doing detail he doesnt drive he doesnt allow. The shores to come up with excuses for not doing things which is why he delivered almost everything he promised as mere and if he was to be that bulldozer if you like refusing to take no for an answer in number 10 then he could be he could be a successful Prime Minister as mayor for 8 years johnson was a flamboyant salesman for the city with a selfeffacing charm that indeed him to many but the challenge of downing street will far outweigh the city on both sides people are not altogether convinced though he is as sincere about this as he has been in other things. But were about to find out and frankly the way hes now been selected within the conservative party hes got very little room for maneuver so what however this journey started he is now the leader of the press a party in all but name and thats what he has to deliver or itll all be over very very quickly Boris Johnson famously prepared to do newspaper columns favoring both leave and remain before opting to support the leave campaign ahead of the 2016 referendum some wonder now whether hell be persuaded to opt for a soft briggss compromise once the realities facing his heart breaks it promises become clear i think it is face a huge challenge i mean any any party takes faces huge constraints in terms of both what the e. U. Will agree to and what parliament will agree to and he might say that hes going to leave the e. U. On the 31st of october to deal with delhi fundamentally that is not an issue entirely in his gift and it wouldnt surprise me at all if behind the scenes his team are preparing for a possible general election in the autumn because it might well go wrong supporters compared johnson to Winston Churchill a crisis leader the e. U. Wont call his bluff they suggest because no one knows what he might do next door. 7 but the resistance hes. Yes absolutely no chance of getting his bricks through on october 31st yes he did say do or die so on november the 1st if we fall in on this sort johnson has reached the pinnacle of power in british politics wielding it wont be easy jonah how aljazeera london. Russia says its carried out his 1st Long Range Air patrol with china in the Asia Pacific Region the Defense Ministry statement says the exercise was aimed at increasing cooperation in the region and not directed at any 3rd country south korea had earlier said it fired warning shots at Russian Military aircraft violated its airspace both russia and china have dismissed that allegation beijings says all countries enjoy freedom of movement there meanwhile japan is launching a protest saying south korean aircraft operated near doctorow island that tokyo sees as japanese territory with the economy and iran suffering from u. S. Sanctions many iranian kurds are crossing the border to find work in Northern Iraq as natasha can name reports now from erbil in the kurdish region the common language makes it easier for them to earn money for their families back home. Each room shot from gardy wallpapers is bringing him closer to the day he can afford to marry his fiance the money he earns as a handyman in Northern Iraq is also supporting his parents at home in iran. How did it go its been 5 years working in a tip before this kind of work wasnt popular now theres more of a demand and business is Getting Better every 3 to 4 months i take a break and go back to iran because i have a work permit. But these iranian kurds arent so lucky without work permits they enter the kurdish region in iraq on one month tourist visas work every day they can return home and repeat the process Mohammad Faruq says a lucrative month of work puts 800. 00 in his pocket all mazak and. Its very hard for me to be away from my family but its hard not to have any money to spend all to buy food whats better being away from your family and having money or being with your family and having no money the government doesnt keep an official count of the number of iranian workers here but says there are hundreds and that number has tripled in the last 2 years as irans economy suffers from u. S. Sanctions the director of labor in the semi autonomous kurdish region expects more iranians to seek work here will be taking advantage of an economy on the rebound following several tough years. Yeah he had attempted i proposed a plan to address the situation with iranian workers it would match them with jobs we have a need for we dont want to close the border with them but we must organize a situation that effects the local workers greatly and we have to give them a priority. He says for the time being the Kurdistan Regional government has no intention of barring these men bound by culture and language many people see these iranian kurds as their brothers and sympathize with their plight natasha going to 0. Kenyas finance minister has been granted bail after an Unprecedented Court appearance in connection with a Corruption Scandal involving around 250000000. 00 and rewrote it pleaded not guilty to abuse of power involving contracts for 2 hydroelectric dams which have yet to be built Catherine Sawyer from kenya. Henry rock which is in unfamiliar territory in a courtroom. Has been charged along with other Government Officials with several counts of corruption losing office and affording the government of more than 240000000. 00 this is unprecedented hes the highest ranking Government Official to be arrested and charged at the center of the scandal our plans for the construction of 2 dams that was supposed to be built here in our game are quite western kenya the prosecution says construction has not begun for years after it was commissioned yet some of the money has already been paid out and the cost inflated by a 170000000. 00 about what was forecast the 28. 00 people are implicated including employees of the Thailand Company which was awarded the contract as it was filing for bankruptcy prosecutors one the director of the company paolo port cheli to be extradited from italy to face trial here. Some kenyans are saying this is a big step in the fight against corruption is a senior minister close to both the president and his deputy people now want a quick trial and those found guilty shields the os it seized and stolen money returned to the public kind of scene maybe people being arrested. People be understood everything but they dont want to study its old home and you have a country to. Be done to ensure that as a country that to move forward its also a scandal that has been politicized some politicians as saying fasten communities that are being targeted and some individuals being used as scapegoats for now many kenyans are closely watching this case and those we talked to say they want Public Servants whove been implicated to resign from office. Kenya. The trumpet ministration has been the ending hog on mexico to stop Central American migrants from making their way to the u. S. Washington says it satisfied with mexican efforts so far the critics of want to crack down quickly to human rights abuses while republic reports now from mexico city. Over the past 45 days mexican authorities have stepped up a crackdown on migrants through an increase in immigration officers and the deployment of Thousands National guards troops to mexicos northern and southern borders. On average more than a 1000 migrants are now being apprehended in mexican territory every day senescent notice a point that Mexican Foreign minister marcello abroad has consistently repeated. The deployment of National Guard troops as well as our enforcement of existing margaret i have led to a 36. 2 percent reduction in the flow of migrants. By showing the Trump Administration that immigration numbers are down in mexico hopes to meet the conditions of the july 22nd deadline on a deal that removed tariff threats on mexican exports to the u. S. I spoke to one mr president i just before i came here we talked about the progress weve made on migration with them to. The trade good word out there 44045. 00 theyve theyve made Real Progress but at this level but the strategy of cracking down on migrants the deployment of military forces and detention of Asylum Seekers in southern mexico have also sparked concern among human Rights Groups immigration experts warn all of this contradicts mexicos own it National Policies which promised to guarantee the rights of Asylum Seekers here mexico is sandwiched between 2 contradicting expectations logically this creates a complicated problem because you cant please one Party Without upsetting the other and in any containment measures for migrants there is a chance that human rights abuses that negatively affect migrants will occur having met the conditions set by the us in reducing migrant numbers. Mexico has also avoided the socalled safe 3rd country negotiations the country has been avoiding as part of the agreement with the us mexico plans to continue the current strategy for another 45 days while also calling on the us to invest in a more sustainable approach which includes a Development Plan for the countries migrants who flee mexico committed 30000000. 00 toward Development Projects in el salvador last month but without a Strategic International Development Plan that includes countries like guatemala and honduras were a majority of migrants originate experts warn that a policy of containment alone will not be enough to solve the migrant crisis went up alone and jessica mexico city. The u. S. Senate has confirmed her as the new secretary of defense mr asper takes over from james mattis who quit last year over policy disagreements with donald trump the 55 year old long career in the military and served as Army Secretary since 2017. People shopping for fruit and vegetables on shore whether its safe to eat them or not most are imported from neighboring india where pesticides are widely used to be has more now from the pali capital. Was theirs and their investment in central Vegetable Market these traders say sales have gone down drastically in june government decided to make pesticide residue test mandatory for imported fresh vegetables and fruits around 44 percent of fruits and vegetables consumed in the park comes from india but not every food and some has pesticides if pesticides are problematic why produce them last year india banned 66. 00 pesticides that are outlawed in other countries but 38. 00 including carcinogenic insecticides like monaco the 1st are still in use. These pesticides are like a slow poison causing conditions from cancer to infertility the Health Sector is going to be impacted badly is the responsibility of the state to ensure quality but instead of testing the food items the nepalese government could be reversed his decision saying it doesnt have the facilities or capacity to do so many here suspect pressure from the Indian Government led to the backtracking. And about Supreme Court has since weighed in on during the government to continue testing food imports doesnt have an independent facility to test pesticide residue and there is only one functioning government facility in order at the borders but here in kathmandu is news trucks full of Civil Service still are still stuck on the borders besides food items also imports pesticides from india it brought in more than. 600. 00 tons of pesticides last year most of it to be used in Vegetable Farming but the government insists it does not import toxic agents but it one of the vegetables produced in need we have not found toxic levels of press to say for now will not be conducting tests will resume testing the wedgie devils from india once we get an International Standard testing facility. While all testing is suspended it is Little Wonder consumers are confused and angry many here say they now want all domestic and imported fruits and vegetables tested to be distressed as is the right time to. Recap a headline so far today Boris Johnson today being elected leader of britains governing conservative party will become the next u. K. Prime minister tomorrow hes promised to unite the country and get britain out of the e. U. By the october the 31st deadline were going to get brits done on october 30 going to take advantage of all the opportunities that it will bring in a new spirit of can do and we are once again going to believe in ourselves and what we can achieve unlike some slumbering giant were going to rise and ping off the guy ropes of selfdoubt and negativity with better education better infrastructure more police fantastic food Fiber Broadband sprouting in every household we are going to unite this amazing country and we are going to take it forward i thank you very much for the incredible honor that youve just done me i will work flat out from now on with my team that i will build i hope in the next few days to repay your confidence but in the mean time the campaign is over and the work begins. A major challenge facing britains new Prime Minister is to reduce the tensions with iran britains foreign secretary is calling for a european led Naval Mission to ensure the safety of shipping in the gulf following the seizure of a u. K. Tanker by iran diplomats from tehran in vienna on sunday to discuss how to save the 2050 nuclear deal theyre meeting representatives from the u. K. China france germany and russia. Russia says its carried out his 1st Long Range Air patrol with china in the Asia Pacific Region moscow says the exercise was aimed at increasing cooperation in the region and not directed at any 3rd country south korea earlier said it fired warning shots of Russian Military aircraft that violated its airspace kenyas finance minister has been granted bail after an Unprecedented Court appearance in connection with the massive Corruption Scandal hes henry wrote it she pleaded not guilty to an abuse of power involving contracts for 2 hydroelectric dams which have yet to be built 26. 00 senior officials are also facing charges and prosecutors are seeking the extradition of an Italian Construction Company boss you are right up to speed with all the top stories so far today up next its inside story were back with the news hour in about 30 minutes ill see you then. Hes a hard core briggs if here now Boris Johnson will be the you case Prime Minister after winning the conservative Party Leadership so how will he deliver on gregs it and the many other challenges ahead this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im divya go pollen Boris Johnson had campaigned on a do or die pledge to deliver brags that the man has provoked much controversy one the leadership of the conservatives as was expected and will become britains next Prime Minister when johnson walks into number 10 downing street this week he will be tough with person waiting the European Union to revise

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