Arm of the revolutionary guard thats a company thats known as in these im a public they are tasked with rebuilding the infrastructure inside the country all the main roads in the bridges tunnels in iran are built by this company there are a Large Company and just in 2018 it is reported that the government ordered 10 projects of them were reportedly over 22000000000. 00 so its a further attempt by the u. S. Government to put economic pressure on the different entities within the revolutionary guards so what is their reaction been from the capital this morning. Well according to the Foreign Ministry spokesperson apples mousavi this is economic terrorism and its just the continuation of the pressure that the u. S. Government is putting on iran and its people he said that this is not new its a continuation of their policy and any discussion they had with United States said that they wanted to have discussions with iran the previous week is obviously not the case based on this decision alone and its just their of policy to further try to isolate iran and its economy and thats something that the average person will feel its not a policy that they think is appropriate they call it bullying and theyre urging International Community to actually speak up against this and they claim that this is a violation of their International Rights theres also an interview thats been published with the Ukrainian Oil minister who has said that any attempt by the countries such as saudi arabia and the u. A. E. To make up lost oil. Revenue from iran is not real because the markets are too fragile. On his side that any attempt by these countries to. Have iran isolated further within opec is not going to work because the markets are too fragile and iran has no. Willingness to leave opec in the future. Life for us in tehran doorstep thank you still ahead on aljazeera well have more on those u. S. Sanctions and the other blackhole keeping irans economy going. After more than 180 years athens finally gets an official mosque and the middle of a naval base. Hello there are still some surprisingly big showers around indonesia and particularly insular way z. This is the white top stuff im talking about southern caliban town 100 millimeters in the southwest of sort of way see in the last 24 hours a dusting of showers to the north where you might reasonably expect in this time of year certain the rains moving up towards vietnam and thailand but to be honest for the size singapore a problem for showers now becoming more of a rarity in the course is still humid and somewhat humid air has been coming down the last couple days rather it on the east coast of australia hasnt brought much in the way of rain but of course its midwinter nice but if humidity but it warms cool it down to bad lead reason us what it was and you get widespread fog that is sydney harbor bridge this is sydney harbor this is sydney the course it doesnt last very long it has cleared away and despite the fact is the middle of winter the sunshine will come out and get 20 degrees in sydney to the west of that and i streak of grain is red rain going through South Australia that will be welcome certainly welcome what is in Western Australia coming on to the coast this is probably from monday increasingly windy weather for perth more cloud and potentially rain on his way east that is warmed up a bit with the breeze of the interior and next should out in hobart miserable 14 in the rain. The counting the cost the trump doctrine carriage 1st negotiate 2nd who benefits as the Global Economy slows. What was behind the its attempt to merge with run out and the shipping line thats going green counting the cost on aljazeera. I really feel liberated as a journalist was. Getting to the truth a little i would love for this job. Watching out at the top stories opposition is accusing the military ever ejecting mediation efforts after a protest leader was arrested. Was detained hours after taking part in talks led by ethiopian Prime Minister. Agreed to a deal with the u. S. To avoid import tariffs on all its goods and will deploy additional troops at its southern border to block migrants going to the United States iran says new u. S. Sanctions are evidence washington isnt ready for negotiations the u. S. Is targeting tyrones largest petro Chemical Group which provides billions of dollars to the revolutionary guard. Constant pressure from u. S. Sanctions is destabilizing irans economy export margins tight and esthers returning to small and medium businesses like coffee shops that can still turn a profit say much ravi has more from tehran. In iran oil isnt the only source of energy suffering under american sanctions the threat of punishment has made doing any kind of trade with iran highly risky for Foreign Companies that even in a cup of coffee the plight of irans Small Businesses can be found. Shyly muscly is a trained Lab Scientist whose passion for the drink inspired her to become possibly irans 1st and only female coffee bean roaster we have some trade there is Business Marketing and there is a kind of buy a coffee. Bag to be buy from then buy because of the sanctions they dont want to get iran they send copies to the bahai arctura and we get from there and we buy them at the most precious time of their life once we get them like 7 or 8 months later the work is delicate timing is everything a bad batch gets thrown out and sanctions have made these beans more precious than ever so people need a cup or 10 just to wake up in the morning for others its a way that you come together for the people who make the coffee they say its the perfect marriage of art and sun a Coffee Roaster from germany is this cafes pride and joy a piece of precision equipment it needs regular maintenance and new parts but the manufacturers headquarters in germany and offices in istanbul and by have all refused to service it in iran after months of emails cafe managers found a technician from friends who wanted to come on holiday and was willing to bring the parts and do the work but going through back channels is time consuming and expensive. But jumping hurdles is the part of running a business the cafe owner most in mudgee the hall likes the best out. Of anybody its become very difficult but it is interesting for us because we have to innovate its a challenge in a. Chodas when i compare myself to people who have businesses abroad feel im doing bt here because they can do whatever they want but we mustnt be here. Still sanctions are hurting bottom lines many cafes have already closed their doors. And old coffee houses or a couple horny are also under threat losing money could make it harder to preserve the roots of persian cafe culture seems to her. Of the u. S. Has given turkey until july to council a weapons deal with russia or it will block its purchase of american fighter jets washington says turkeys acquisition of the s 400 air Defense System poses a threat to its f. 35. 00 stealth fighters the 2 nato allies have sparred for months over turkeys plans to make the purchase from moscow the u. S. Says it could hamper its future relationship with ankara if the rebels in yemen however least new images showing what they say are saudi military positions they have captured near the border rebels say they have killed dozens of saudi soldiers near the Southern City of nasr on the Media Released this video which appears to show fighting and weapons seized from the saudi u. A. E. Coalition some of the footage shows what they say is the wreckage of an American Made drone the coalition which backs the many government has not confirmed this reports Amnesty International is urging saudi arabia to rule out the Death Penalty for a teenage boy 18 year old coheirs has been detained for the past 5 years for taking part in antigovernment protests is awaiting x. Next trial session for alleged offenses dating back to when he was just 10 years old. As director of the Gulf Affairs Institute he says were taught to isnt the 1st teenager saudi arabia has attempted to put to death. This saudi government has executed children before including in the past few months in and it has done that over the years i have reported many cases of that movie in the cases of the 7 mostly young. Men who were executed is syria 2013 and many of them were were nothing anyone and they would when they would be it would have minors much here is one of the youngest to the. Sentence or. So sought to be executed we had another child executed in just one. How can be his last and he was executed when he was 14 years old so this is nothing new to this so the court system which does love. Uphold minimum National Standard when it comes to. The seizures will need good protection that the National Community has said. As president has sacked a National Intelligence chief following an emergency meeting on friday sarah mendez had told a Parliamentary Committee investigating the Easter Sunday bombings in april that the attacks could have been averted and this also blame the president for not holding regular security mees meetings that is president rather process and s. As he will not cooperate with the parliamentary investigation the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal court wants to appeal a decision by judges not term best to a possible war crimes in afghanistan and april the court refused for to ben sort of request to end best again alleged atrocities carried out by afghan and u. S. Forces judges cited a lack of cooperation from kabul and washington as well as the taliban last month secretary of state my palm peo said america would revoke or deny visas to i. C. C. Staff and best gating such allegations. They had a venezuelas Ruling Socialist Party says his government will not agree to new elections as a precondition for more talks with the opposition does out of made the comments during a visit to cuba on friday he says president Nicolas Maduro his reelection last year was fair and transparent the u. S. And around 50 other nations have recognized the Opposition Leader was joe was in israel as a legitimate president and are calling for a new vote Russian Police have detained reporters who protested against the arrest of their colleague ivan on drug charges the journalists were demonstrating outside moscows Police Headquarters they say officers planted drugs on going off to stop them from reporting about corruption. Also as an athens finally have their own mosque one permission from authorities to build a place of worship after waiting more than 100 years the city has not had a recognized mosque since grace won independence from the Ottoman Empire and 833. Reports. The Education Minister is a rival to open the athens mosque is a moment a quarter of a century in the making and we are trying to about so many years some in about 25 years we had many of them go mr try to. Me and we so much meeting for much trying very hard and you tried to convince government can win and 10 god we are now is. Mission is complete muslim immigrants have gradually acquired official Community Organizations green cards and even citizenship but their religion has been kept quiet by opening this mosque weeks before a general election the citys a government is actively courting the muslim vote yet. Athens now has a dignified place of worship for muslims whether they are citizens or migrants refugees ovies it is their right to pray to the god you believe in like the right of a child to go to school does not depend on the circumstances under which someone arrived here everyone has these rights they are nonnegotiable human rights. The dignity of the afghans mosque is a far cry from what muslims have been used to makeshift places of worship in basements like this one which filled the overcrowding cities and is careful to maintain that low profile here there are no loudspeakers to call the faithful to prayer and no minarets to form landmarks the building barely resembles a religious structure and the compound itself is part of a Navy Facility surrounded by a high wall and barbed wire and with a round the clock police good citizen understands that although greeks agree to a mosque in principle there are also sensitivities greeks remember that. The Ottoman Empire ruled greece for 4 centuries until the early 18 hundreds the saudi government offered to build a huge Cultural Center and mosque in 2001 and libyas Moammar Gadhafi made a similar offer a few years later but both under a popular disapproval and pressure from the church and local government then in 2006 parliament decided that the athens mosque would be built at public expense and 13 years later it is ready the mosque isnt big enough to absorb all of these underground worshippers and such unofficial places of prayer may will continue but its a 1st step towards religious acceptance in this overwhelmingly Orthodox Christian society. Aljazeera. America para says promising to regulate the use of electric scooters she says rising numbers are causing injuries on pavements and roads are an estimated 20000. 00 east coasters and the french capital riders will now face speed limits and fines if they park in the wrong place when thailands king was crowned last month the country went into a frenzy of forecasting the country has a long fascination with this strategy and it touches every part of daily life reports on bank booths lined up waiting for customers but whats being sought here cannot be carried away in a bag. These are fortune tellers who use the ancient practice of astrology or the study of stars and planets to advise their clients on their future by tapping the past its a common sight across thailand in markets in alleys the cramped dark corners of cities where rent is cheap and access to people is easy and we have to trust that own judgment advice from astrologers just a 2nd opinion and only give us something to have spiritual comfort but at the end of the day its self that has to choose our own death and astrology has been part of thai culture for centuries its mixed in the highlands unique version of buddhism but fortune telling doesnt belong to any specific class its used by the world family by big business Decision Makers even students studying for exams. During the recent coronation of king maha corn royal astrologist inscribed the kings official titles and a horoscope of his reign on a golden tablet. Astrology has deep roots in thailand one of 600 yes i think that different when it comes to thailand and other countries they have high respect for estrada just be viewed him as psychologists who sell society. Poncy tool is one of thailands most famous astrologist. Hes hired by Big Companies as a consultant and endorses Consumer Products like tissues and paint his Facebook Page is used by millions of his own kind of thing wow i thought the most important thing is that astrology is not the one factor the controls all aspects of your life its like a map to advisors where we should go. Part of statistical science it really comes down to who interprets the subject i try to make people understand that its all about statistics that have been collected over time this one and with the next generation of astrologist embracing technology reaching larger and younger audiences. Theres little question that this slice of thai culture will remain alive in relevant well into the future but then they probably already knew that scott heiler aljazeera bangkok. Shall carry here lets recap the headlines for you now on aljazeera sudans opposition is accusing the military of rejecting mediation efforts after a protest leader was arrested last month was detained hours after taking part in talks had by ethiopian Prime Minister abi ahmed mexicos agree to a deal with the u. S. To avoid import tariffs on all its goods that will deploy additional troops at its southern border to walk migrants from going to the United States iran says the u. S. Sanctions are evidence washington isnt ready for negotiations the u. S. Is targeting terrence largest petro Chemical Group which provides billions of dollars to the revolutionary guard forces of ari has more from tehran. The Foreign Ministry spokesman who said he had said this is economic terrorism yet again and its a continuation of the u. S. Governments policy towards iran and its the people he says that this is not acceptable and these urging the International Community to voice their concerns over what the American Government is trying to do to put further pressure nomic pressure he says that this is something that is continuing recent months and that the United States government is on the wrong path the u. S. Has given turkey until july to council weapons deal with russia or will block its purchase of american fighter jets ashington says turkeys acquisition of the s 400 air Defense System poses a threat to its f. 35 stealth fighters to nato allies to spar for months over turkeys plans with the rebels in yemen have released new images showing what they say are saudi military positions they have captured the border rebels say they have killed dozens of saudi soldiers near the Southern City of basra with the Media Release these pictures of fighting and weapons seized from the saudi Iraqi Coalition the coalition which backs the many government has not confirm those reports as president has sacked the national intels and she following an emergency meeting on friday sister mendus had told a Parliamentary Committee investigating the Easter Sunday bombings in april that the attacks could have been avoided he also blamed the president for not holding regular security meetings at the promisor cena says he will not cooperate with the parliamentary investigation those are the headlines keep it here on aljazeera we have a full news hour for you at the top of the hour with me and again in the meantime counting the cost is next. From aljazeera. We ask problems of the signs of the instability is corruption we listen because i hadnt been so man who are pushing the United States and President Trump into conflict we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter does iran. Hello and has a seeker this is counting the cost on your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week the trump doctrine a terrorist 1st negotiate 2nd who benefits as the Global Economy slows. As mexico steps up security on its border with guatemala we find out how Climate Change is forcing many to seek opportunities abroad. And p. Cars slumping vehicle sales on the rise of what was behind fear to attempt to merge with. So the direct impact of the u. S. China trade war has yet to materialize the Global Economic slowdown started long before the opening shots were fired in this battle Central Banks are getting ready to cut Interest Rates if they havent already started to support growth all this to mitigate the fallout from trumps doctrine of terrorists 1st negotiate later for a transactional president seeking a 2nd term unleashing tariffs is a solution to all Foreign Policy issues trade talks with china broken down while we cant buy u. S. Goods donald trump has threatened tariffs on imported cars from europe and japan the sanctions against cuba iran and venezuela have yet to yield any benefits and in his latest move hes decided mexico needs to do more to stop immigration if it doesnt thats terrorists from mexico as well as the move has rattled Global Markets the problem for. Trump is he keeps saying other countries are paying the tariffs then not us importers are and at some point consumers will pick up the tab and mexico is the United States biggest trading partner exporting 347 1000000000. 00 to the United States in 2018 to 25 percent tariff would cost about 86000000000. 00 a year with many u. S. And International Car makers located south of the us border the Auto Industry will be the hardest hit Deutsche Bank estimates vehicle prices could rise on average 1300. 00 if tariffs hit 25 percent it would also add 28000000000. 00 dollars busy a year to the cost of completed vehicles and parts according to the u. S. Census bureau the value of cars buses and trucks imported from mexico totaled 68000000000. 00 in 2018 wall trump wants automakers to move back to the u. S. Which is highly unlikely this could have a devastating impact in mexico where 839571 people are employed in the car industry. Our unintended consequence could be more migrants crossing the border as unemployment rises in mexico and what does it mean for jobs in the United States well according to the economic consultancy perry min group more than 400000 jobs could be lost if the u. S. Imposes the 5 percent levy the net loss to the economy could be 41000000000. 00 and the state thats most dependent on mexico is texas it stands to lose more than one 100000. 00 jobs and 7000000000. 00 in income now if trumps trade war with china is anything to go by the damage to the economy has already been done the president has signed a 16000000000. 00 bailout for farmers we have 2 reports for you this week in a few moments john hendren reports from colfax illinois deep in trunk country to find out whether the president still has the support of farmers but 1st as mexico steps up security to stop the flow of immigrants on its southern border with guatemala david mercer went to pot i hate layon to look at how Climate Change is forcing people to look for opportunities in the United States. On this dusty hillside in guatemalas Western Highlands francisco lay on soft prepares the fields for planting a decade ago he could grow enough corn to feed his family for most of the year but these days his harvests are getting smaller and smaller francisco says Climate Change is to blame is that input on the weather shouldnt be like this it used to rain in the middle of april but now the rain doesnt arrive until the end of may or the beginning of june we always wait until its rained before we plant our corn if it doesnt rain and we dont plant because the seeds wont grow average daytime temperatures in guatemala have risen over the past decade while crop damage and frosts are more common and when it does rain it often pours for days washing the topsoil away what amala already has the highest rate of child malnutrition in the western hemisphere. And in the Western Highlands indigenous subsistence farmers make up half the population when crops here fail people leave who wants to follow his uncles to the United States the 18 year old says that there is no future for young people in his village the only people he sees getting ahead have left to work abroad and send money back. I didnt. I want to make something out of my life to be able to follow my dreams i want to get a good education find a job and help my family here its a struggle to save even a tiny bit of money as guatemalas dry cord or continues to expand more Farming Families are set to struggle of all is one of the 10 countries in the world most impacted by Climate Change and while people leave the country for many Different Reasons at the root you often find Climate Change that makes adapting to and mitigating the changing weather patterns a priority. Knows how far a little help can go he built this drip irrigation system as part of a u. S. Funded project focused on cropped up versification water and Soil Conservation and reforestation the goal to create a stable income from agriculture. Then we have the desire of the will but we dont have as the capital but the assistance from us in other countries helps drive us forward not just me but many farmers were able to help our families and were able to better care for the environment President Donald Trump has threatened to cut aid to guatemala el salvador and honduras for failing to stop illegal migration for families like franciscos that could make the decision on whether or not to migrate to the United States that much easier david mercer for counting the cost but a hell a on what amala. As the u. S. Administration plows ahead in its trade war with china American Farmers say theyre getting crushed between the worlds 2 largest economies we grew a record soybean crop record corn crop and then you take the fact that our largest buyer just disappeared you know we created a huge ending stockpile that is its going to take years to eat through it not to mention we tripled what we normally carry chinas retaliatory tariffs on corn soybeans and pork have hit their mark American Farmers deep in Trump Country across the midwest are suffering this is private and one of the toughest years that ive experienced in my 40 plus years of farming are bankers im starting to get nervous next year is going to be. A tough time and some farmers are not going to get their operating loans theyre not going to pay off their own operating loans from this year and theyre not going to be able to get credit to put a crop out next year for the 2nd Straight Year President Trump signed a bailout for American Farmers this time 16000000000. 00 worth but that wont bring back lost markets buyers whove moved on to other sellers their silos are full of surplus crops that oversupply his tank prices for corn and soybeans farm income levels are half what they were 5 years ago across the midwest corn and soybean farmers are filing for bankruptcy in numbers not seen for more than a decade and losing their patients id like to see that light at the end of the tunnel and know when things are going to turn around and get better so you your patience is wearing a Little Things used a little yeah this year farmers are dealing with high tariffs low prices and now historic rains that have left their fields flooded but while chinas tariffs are striking their intended targets they have not achieved their goal of turning the farmers who are among President Trump strongest supporters against the president is it fair to say that farmers still by and large. Support President Trump i think thats fair we believe that the president is doing the right thing to live on a farm as an old agrarian saying has it used to be schooled in patience for now those laboring behind americas plows seem willing to wait a little longer. For the e. U. Has the threat of tears hanging over it and it is under pressure to block chinas swallowing so who better to turn to for his thoughts on this than Luigi Gambardella he is the president of the business lobby china e. U. Thanks for being with us now is someone who has the ear of Business Leaders in both china and the European Union what do you make of trump strategy of terrorists 1st negotiate 2nd i think of the 22 major risks. Today the 1st is that certain thing that is creating i always say uncertainty cunt good analysis front uncertainty is very bad for business and 2nd the aspect that they would like to underline is the fact that. Its always been good the tools keep the difference between when his business and when its politics and when we there is a piece that we mix up business or polity can a gray area this is something that. Can be very dangerous because then there is a less again a certainty there are 2 important things for europe 1st of all to defend the multilaterally as we believe in what the router is and and 2nd that we believe in Global Standards and Global Regulation. And for us. For European Business these are 2 very important points. The truth be defended another big issue for the u. S. Of course is the chinese tech giant walk away do you think European Companies can benefit from while waistband lets go beyond the world. Where they were always just only the tip of the iceberg i were just all natural numbers. Which has been recently published research and Development Investment in china reached 1. 76 trillion rim is the 2nd spending in the word the number of patents reached in china 138200000 patents ranking number one in the world what i want to say that i think that. These a debate. Is beyond the one single company. China. 6 months ago few months ago already started the research for 60 saw we are in front of us. A big challenge and we have to understand what the matter today is less trade and more technology and here i say i like to say that the new land is the konar logy so what can the e. U. And china do collectively could they could they use an alternative currency to the dollar to trade for example to to get around the sanctions in the tariffs. No i think of that from my point of view for civilian on that. Kaname and then Justice System of europe and china are very complex complimentary what is important today for you our power to keep. Our leadership and in the Global Regulation which we know for many sector is very important i think what we should do is basically to thinks is accelerate the internal market we need a real european internal market because if we create. And we do we do progress in have a real internal market that this will be very important for europe at the same time also increases the investment on on on research and development how in your view then is is trade changing and how is this change affecting china the u. S. And europe we should consider trade as evolving today goods less importance than services and we know that the value added is the focus is mainly in the services not any more in the goods and obviously here there is a risk because if kountry like us and other industry allies country they try to do everything in their own country what will happen to the magic country what other counties outside europe and and the us. Will do. I think is important other hand as i said the reality is that the services are. More and more important and the new the new game is more linked to the technology and the Digital Transformation the capacity to invest in research and because technology is all sorts changing the trade is also changing the entirety of the system on logistical transportation and Industrial Production good to speak with Luigi Gambardella thanks for being with us thank you very much. Now in the end it wasnt to be fear cries less ambitious 35000000000. 00 plan to merge with frances rana the combination would have created a 3rd biggest automaker but the cost in jobs was probably too much for politicians to stomach well get more in a moment with our guest as the car industry goes through a difficult transformation consumers are changing their buying habits and governments are clamping down on emissions but 1st are some of been javid reports from turin the heart of italys motor valley and the home to fear it. Almost every car enthusiast in italy has a connection to. The automobile or fia. The car manufacturer is now free at Chrysler Automobiles but still one of the biggest employers in turin italys automotive hub was the same. Way a. Former colleagues to fight for their rights and thousands of other workers in the diminishing Auto Industry here chrysler has temporarily read off more than half its workforce at this plant for what it calls more than. They work very little and this is very serious it is clearly the result of no longer having the italian Automotive Industry rather become a multinational company. Representatives have met unions and say more than 5000000000. 00 will be invested over 3 years and there will be a return to full employment this factory was inaugurated in 1939 it has seen the height of its production but since then the companys headquarters have moved to the netherlands its financial headquarters in london and the bulk of chryslers production is done in detroit. Once home to tens of thousands of workers too in the shadow of its former production of 6000 cars a day jobs the once booming car industry changed talian lifestyles it made them more and more but thats all in the past and more for your future in mind you know its very difficult to imagine a future for the italian Automotive Industry because in 20 years the number of workers and the number of cars manufactured has reduced tremendously. Its only socalled mortar value still produces fewer but bigger price tag cars such as for Romeo Ferrari and lamborghini. And some entrepreneurs are using it despite it really skyrocketing public debt and recession fears. This family owned business which used to make seat belts for passenger cars and both. Manufacturer of seats seat belt and motor sport products. Founded the company in the 1970 s. But he sees a future its only if the government pays attention to it least slowing Industrial Production would just need the government to realise the big challenge that the country and the industry we have nearly 11 percent unemployment marketed tony is part of the Coalition Governments commission for Economic Development we are nowhere in taxes we are lowering bureaucracy brokers he is the war stacks we havent eaten in one year it is not sufficient to change it an economy of account 3 because if you. Job problem unemployment problem you cannot solve it in one year the real test for europes 2nd producers will be to endure the economic pressure in the now and industrial rebound were joining me now from rome is Philippe Munoz Global Automotive analyst at j dynamics thanks very much for being with us so what went wrong in the end why did this merger not go ahead. Well 1st of all i think the story hasnt finished yet because. Neither f. C. A. Nor brain know they have a plan b. So maybe that withdrawal is part of the game i mean we have to remember that both groups together would in only become the 3rd largest car maker but they would become the Worlds Largest s. U. V. Make up with almost 2900000. 00 units sold last year according to our data so it means they would become the leader in the only driver of growth in that its remaining in europe usa and china. However i think this trunk presence of the governments a had a had a big thing to do with this with this and i mean especially in south or in europe the governments instead of enabling enabling business they are making things more difficult to these kinds of operations finally i think a rhino my fees in this measure proposal to send a message to nissen who is been a partner for 20 years and which should be your natural partner to mess with. Are you talking there about the government involvement but however way you look at this the political cost would have been too great wouldnt jobs jobs would have to go because were producing too many cars and we well yes i mean i think however that in any in any marriage are the main reason of any mail is to save cut save money and reduce costs in the case of of ca and are they telling american maker would benefit from renault know how making the electric vehicles and the french side would benefit from the strong presence of his ca in north america is the costs related to these of course there are costs but i think there are more bend the benefits than disadvantages and at the end its its up to demp to decide whether to go on or not i mean. When with when we see all these and when you see that the growth is slowing down and actually in the 1st quarter of this year. Vehicle sales fell by 11 percent in china and 4 percent in the u. S. And europe you need to find other solutions to keep profits and the best way is by doing these kinds of operations so how habits changing and i mean why why are people putting off buying cars. Well many things are involved i mean as cities get more crowded and Public Transportation is improving many people are just getting rid of their cars or are just not using them because a car is becoming more a problem than a solution in cities like romnick new york and so people are not buying cars anymore this is especially the trend among young people and and also we must consider that communication and working abbots are changing so people are working from home so they dont need to move to move around as much so has the industry been too slow to respond to these changes do you think yes absolutely they industry the car industry is extremely slow when taking the stations because its its very expensive its a Huge Industry and the most important because its vital in many economies so every time a big thing like this happens local authorities want to get involved and these makes things more difficult as i said before politics and business are of nor are are not always a good merit so they industries moving very slow just to give you an example in the in the electric Vehicle Market constant it seems that countermeasures are moving faster than our all to make is i mean you find very long waiting lists for electric cars they offer still very limited so many consumers are just not they dont want to wait and they move to other kind of solutions automakers are also spending tens a 1000000000. 00 of on electric cars that too is going to lead to job losses as well isnt that what you think going to happen there. I mean i think electrification is not really the threat i mean i mean there according to our data these the sales of electric cars last year total 2000000. 00 units which is not in compared to the almost 95000000 vehicles sold globally but its a lot when you compare the sales in 5 years ago when when the industry sold 175000 units so i dont think the threat is electrification but what i think the big challenge for the industry is the way how. Are going to use our own cars if the ownership changes thats going to mean. Fewer cars on the streets and thats going to be a big challenge for Companies Running big plants all right Philippe Munoz thanks for being with us thank you and that is our show for this week remember you can get in touch with us by tweeting me at has and to use the hash tag a. J. C t c when you do or drop us an email counting the cost that i just you know dot net is our address and as always theres lots more for you online at al jazeera dot com slash c t c thatll take you straight to our page which has individual ports links and entire episodes for you to catch up on. So that is it for this edition of counting the cost and has a secret from the whole team here thanks for joining us the news on aljazeera is next. Ready they start as drinks containers. Ready and they usually end up as garbage. In a nuisance but for a select few old Bottle Service the Building Blocks of a better life. Ready and a stepping stone to owning a family how. Do you find a lot in america is in bolivia and dowels into the world of god. On aljazeera. We understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter where you call home aljazeera will bring in the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Aljazeera. I remember the 1st time i walked into the newsroom and it felt like being in the General Assembly of the United Nations was that so many nationalities. Just we all come from different places but its what gives us and gives us the ability to identify with the other side of the world but we can understand what its like to have a different perspective and i think that is a strength for aljazeera. The journey to work can be a challenge on its own. But for some peruvian villagers traversing one of the worlds most dangerous roads is a risk that comes with the job. We follow the journey of these people as they get to survive. Risking it all. On aljazeera. Aljazeera. Every year. This is aljazeera. Hello im adrian for getting this is that he was a live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. Saddams military arrests Opposition Leaders just hours after ethiopias Prime Minister that both sides for talks to end the crisis. Because president his intelligence chief is the fallout from the Easter Sunday bombings intensifies plus. On both bodies of acquittals and i think its a fair balance because the u. S. Had more drastic proposals of this and we have reached the middle point mexico and the White House Strike a deal to reduce the number of illegal crossings that the u. S. Southern border and. And i we have to trust that own judgment fast advice from astrologist just the fact that pena its all in the stars we explore the deep Cultural Roots of astrology in thailand. And in support of finding n. B. A. Champions the Golden State Warriors out pushed to the brink of elimination they were beaten by the santo rah. Home port again the raptors now take a commanding 31 need in the final. Security forces inside out of a rest in several protest leaders just hours off the ethiopias Prime Minister ahmed led mediation mediation efforts so far we know that 2 prominent Opposition Leaders have been detained including this man here Mohamed Azmat hes a leading member of the alliance for freedom and change from its to obvious talks came days off to Security Forces stormed a sit in killing more than a 100 people protest leaders say open to more dialogue but only if certain conditions are met general mohamad harm done bigelow who leads the Rapid Support forces didnt attend those talks in khartoum his Power Military group has been accused of some of the worst violence against protesters despite the talks protests continue in khartoum his office here is the touch of going to aim reports. Knowing even this small act of defiance. A small group of people gathered in khartoum on friday after prayers they continued their call for the Transitional Military Council to transfer power to the people. In the city of. They were shouting and instead of prayer and reflection at this mosque worshipers thought the a man was a mouthpiece for the military and kicked him out. More than 100 people have been killed since june 3rd when the military began cracking down on protests i can take a bus right now and someone can be sitting right next to the brother so you have to be united even more and. We are determined now more than ever more than before to end and to start a new chapter. A Paramilitary Group called the Rapid Support forces is accused of murder and rape to silence protesters want accountability. And also. We want annual military. To have a. Mission to hand over. A civil suit billions. Forces now the Transitional Military Council is choking off access to the internet to hide these crimes atmosphere of create atmosphere of sadness and i sing this is not the way to govern any country. Ethiopian Prime Minister ahmet arrived in the capital and brought the Group Representing protestors the alliance for freedom and change back to negotiations with the Transitional Military Council the Prime Minister has endorsed saddam hama dear on behalf of ethiopia to represent him as a special envoy as well as a special envoy from the African Union as well and they will be staying within the course of the next 2 days to further have indepth discussions with both parties and ensure that whatever has been started today and most of the decisions that have been confirmed today will find fruition over the next few days. A general strike is planned for sunday the streets of khartoum once filled with hopeful chanting are now eerily quiet. However slowly the videos documenting the attacks are spreading well beyond sudan natasha going to does iraq with me now the serious who is the founder and president of the Sudan Policy Forum could see again what do you make of these arrests of prominent opposition figures i mean just hours after the Prime Minister of ethiopia was there trying to mediate between the 2 sides how do we make sense of it how the Prime Minister the allies is the regional implications for disintegrating so done disintegrating sudan is going to use these belies the hole so that it belt and that would open the door for extremists groups to be moving freely along the hall so the nick bilton that is going to affect negatively this is the security of europe and the safety of africans in this part of the world. But what he doesnt realize is. He can only provide an exit is that i thank you for d. C. Especially the 2 Senior Officers controlling the transition in military council mainly but on and i mean the. There is no way that the sudanese people can go back to accepting them as negotiating part and thats to what extent is mediating on the one side with the wrong people in the who he really should be talking to it seems is the head of the Rapid Defense force is the guy whos under the head of the military council. But see the problem more is always the head of the Rapid Support forces. Is is that he is using sheer force he is he thinks now and by shooting individuals he can sure the model of consciousness of the so that his people so he is its very my ok myopic is very limited in his intellect and hes been played into the hands of the islamists of very very interest in allowing him to hang himself and without him realizing it even though National Figures have talked to him the people in the sittin at the very beginning they very much wait come to an Interested Team they thought that he genuinely sided with the so then his people all need to realize that hes coalescing. Grooves with Security Forces and to suppress the protesters in the city in so his he is not politically matured and the more he realizes that hes being played into the hands of others the more he becomes dangerous because then its just going to lead it will. Lead to a confrontation between factions different factions within the army itself and there are many militias of every 5 individuals in sudan one individual has to take machine gun right. Now it could get a lot worse before it the way it is here to how to the head of the head of the military council have control over his deputy this guy that the head of the repr Defense Forces or is there a split within the military over a future vision for the country it seems that youve got the head of the military council saying yes were open to sort of go skating to mediate a mediation well talk to anybody at any time and then youve got the record to fence forces. Appearing to act with impunity. There are some nuances and some subtleties there but to make the situation the picture very simple for our viewers unlike egypt and some other countries in that region the Sudanese Army has been infiltrated by many Islamist Groups so it is a very ideology is just like the iranian army or any other. Region its very ideological. It has been very much. Corrupted by you know money. Laundering there are many deals so they normally good represent the integrity of the National Army itself so when we talk about the army or better put it between parenthesis because the army itself is a Police Senior officer they have very much interest in maintaining the status quo the less Senior Officers that you may need the junior officers. Would very much want to side with the sudanese people the situation is very complicated but but i think boron is. In that boat. Because these are the very people the very officers who have helped me. I mean. They have been part of the genocide in darfur they deem subs have been part of they have committed atrocities still rather than making a step back and they feel that guess what let us finish. The whole thing. And now they are being supported by the junior partners so they have no reason to think that. They should just bring to give it a political consensus that can save the whole so then his nation i always learn something when we talk only thank you or anything so you will leave them. Iran says that new sanctions on its petrochemical industry showed the u. S. Isnt serious about its calls for renegotiating the nuclear deal the sanctions target to her arms largest petro Chemical Group which provides billions of dollars to the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps washingtons branded that elite military unit a terrorist organization it comes a week after mike pompei announced that the u. S. Was ready to sit down with rob lets go live now to the iranian capital is in terre haute on what do these new sanctions do also actually mean. Well it drain it means that this company and 39 of its subsidiaries are now under u. S. Sanctions that means anybody doing business with them from now on will face heavy fines and that all their assets have been frozen in the United States now this company is known to provide funds to the economic arm of the revolutionary guard its a Construction Firm known as at the mall mbia this firm is tasked with providing it with building rather all the bridges the highways and tunnels in the Islamic Republic and in 2801. 00 reportedly the government awarded 10 projects to have some alarm worth over 22000000000. 00 so its a very Large Organization with very far reaching grip in the Islamic Republic so whats been the reaction there in the capital this morning. Well this movie is being called the economic terrorism cording to the Foreign Ministry spokesman up us mousavi this is a continuation of the United States governments policy towards iran of putting pressure on the pressure on iran and the people of this country and the suggestion last week by officials in the United States that if they were willing to talk with the iranians is not really a true one its not they does not what they actually mean theyre not true to their word

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