Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180214 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180214

time g.m.t. you're watching al-jazeera live from doha for the battle also coming up israeli police recommend charging prime minister benjamin netanyahu with bribery but the final say on prosecution will rest with the attorney general also some international chairman faces corruption charges in his home country the latest crisis to hit the charity and goldstein an abuse scandal and how the case of an indigenous man killed by a white farmer could change canada's criminal justice system. government has been accused of handing ranger muslims a death sentence the damning words come from the u.s. ambassador to the united nations nikki haley a group of u.s. senators is intent on introducing sanctions against myanmar military leaders aimed at those implicated in abuses against residents in rakhine state mike hanna has our report from washington the plight of the routing is highlighted in the six additional capital. around the table discussion on the crisis is joined by some of the senators who are adamant that the time has come for military leaders to be held accountable for the well documented abuse suffered in iraq kind state and i hope this exhibit right here on capitol hill well help bring to the american people the need the urgency for us to help the rohingya muslims and to prevent in the future atrocities in our community we should speak out and the world the civilized world against the million more policies that have led to this persecution discrimination in this expulsion of these people from me and more and the demand that the white house take a public position on what is happening in myanmar i want to see the president the united states cape fear stand about this ethnic cleansing about this genocide we have not had one word not one word from the oval office not one word of leadership against this horrific horrific crime against humanity on tuesday donald trump's ambassador to the un did speak on the issue but pointed the finger of blame at others for not holding myanmar to account unfortunately the security council has so far failed in its responsibility to act in response to the clear threat to international peace and security that has resulted from recent events and more than rakhine state we cannot look the other way in the situation while there may be little action at the u.n. the u.s. senate is likely to lead the way with a food vote in coming days and targeted sanctions appear certain against those military leaders responsible for these crimes mike hanna al-jazeera washington. a defiant israeli prime minister says he'll keep leaving the country despite police recommending he be charged for corruption and bribery benyamin that's the aliza keys of accepting nearly three hundred thousand dollars in gifts from billionaire benefactors he's also suspected of bach home deals with the publisher of an israeli newspaper for favorable coverage cherry fosset reports from western us the corruption scandal has swirled around him for months but never at this intensity addressing the nation benjamin netanyahu was determined to project resilience and confidence i'm just moving with united slow i will continue to lead israel responsibly and faithfully as long as you the citizens of israel choose me to lead you i am certain i am certain that the truth will be revealed and i am certain that at the next elections which will be held on schedule i will earn your trust again israeli police are recommending that he be charged in two cases the first case one thousand involves gifts of cigars and champagne made to the prime minister and his wife sarra the gift givers israeli born hollywood mogul arnon milchan and australian billionaire james packer the police reportedly recommending milchan also be charged with bribery they say in total the netanyahu has received a quarter million dollars the accusation that netanyahu back to bill that would have saved his friend much more money if he wanted to repatriate to israel netanyahu rejected any such suggestion in his late night rebuttal saying only that he helped him with the visa application not in return for cigars but because it was a friend of israel and it will come through the lawsuit route through i'm not here for personal gain but more so if that was what was driving me i would have been somewhere else long ago what drives me is one thing to assure the future of our state. in the second case israel's prime minister is accused of trying to get favorable coverage in the country's second biggest newspaper by offering to hamper the activities of its main competitor the police are also reportedly recommending the proprietor of the get you off her own of newspaper be charged with bribery the question now is how much the prime minister's carefully cultivated image of a wise economic steward and strong security pragmatist will be undermined by the tawdry details in the police document it was distasteful is there is the pettiness of it he is personally a millionaire. he doesn't need. a billionaire to buy him cigars more important in the voters' reactions may well be those of netanyahu his political allies will his coalition partners continue to back him and perhaps the most consequential decision will fall to the attorney general whether or not to follow the police recommendation and indict the sitting prime minister of israel ari force of al-jazeera west jerusalem akiva eldar is the chief political columnist at and monitor dot com he says that despite the allegations it's likely many israelis will continue to support benjamin netanyahu. this is something where you weird about about a country that is considered to be leading in height and in culture in everything when it comes to politics it seems that people have a two bit and the threshold is not even you know bribery and a clear accommodation of the police to indict him in other words. you would get if you go to the street and ask people what do you think they will tell you well there is nobody else that and you know is the best that we can come up was so he will play the his his popularity he will use his people and communication abilities and he will go to the end of the will take us reason canada's government says it's looking at changing the way juries are chosen for criminal trials this comes after an all white jury acquitted a white farmer of the murder of a twenty two year old indigenous man algiers daniel like has a story colton bushy was in a vehicle with several others when he was shot in the head by gerald stanley stanley said his family and property were under attack in the gun it misfired when he tried to frighten those in the car for his trial defense lawyers rejected all potential jurors with indigenous backgrounds it took just fifteen hours for an all white jury to acquit stanley of second degree murder. protests erupted across the country last saturday against a verdict many saw as racially motivated indigenous activists say the criminal courts routinely deny them justice both as victims of violence and as defendants. their son all over again to say that his life has no meaning and this is allowed and then what does it mean for the rest of us like do we need to keep worrying that our lives are in danger by people who have racist ideas about members of bushies family headed to auto to press for change to the justice system after two days of meetings the family says the government is listening to them and they're keeping up pressure for action not just words of comfort as a family we want to be a part of that process so that these injustices are. what we feel justice for our brother for our son the prime minister what concrete steps will he take since he was elected just over two years ago prime minister justin trudeau has been promising indigenous people redress and reconciliation so far he's talked of change but no specifics yet we have come to this point as a country far too many times indigenous people across this country are. angry they're heartbroken. and i know indigenous and non-indigenous canadians alike know that we have to do better the federal justice minister says she's looking at changes to the jury system as protesters in the bush family have been demanding still indigenous canadians have heard promises of reform before promises that haven't been capped this time they say the outcome must be different than your lack al-jazeera toronto. well for more on this story let's speak to david prato is the second vice chief for the federation of sovereign indigenous nations is via skype from toronto thank you very much for speaking to us this case is certainly sparked a lot of outrage in canada and even beyond what is it an isolated case how hard is it for indigenous people and the first nation people in canada to find justice well first of all i want to thank you for having me on the program today and definitely it's not an isolated case or incident that historically there been other situations that have happened with indigenous peoples lives being taken responded back as the late sixty's with hell and many osborne's to the mid ninety's it's a schedule to get with pamela jean george a young in indigenous woman who was beaten by two non-indigenous people who had received really late prison sentences there's another case that's currently happening right now with gina fontaine in manitoba. non-indigenous men took her murdered her dismembered her body and threw her into the river and went to pick there are those who say that these cases including the ones you've mentioned expose of racism in canada would you agree with the people who say that canada has an inherent racial problem against indigenous people. i would have to concur with that statement no i'm not going to i don't want to blanket all of canadians of course with the same brush but i definitely think that we do have an issue with race in canada specifically says catchments you know in the onset of the incident that took place last summer when colton was his life was taken you know and it's left our community in shock and grief and anger and you know that to think that the life of an indigenous man with his whole future and later ahead of him would be taken you know so tragically and then to have the perpetrator be exonerated by a jury of all not indigenous people is something that concerning to us and it sets a dangerous precedent definitely for the post they've seen online and social media . and racism and hatred spewed towards digitas people is absolutely unacceptable yet the natalee because of this outrage of reforming the canadian justice system but what kind of reform do you think is needed specifically will you know a system that will prevent legal teams from keeping people off a jury on discriminatory grounds be enough to address some of the issues that you've raised. well i think for starters we need to look at many of the criminal code in the justice a federal attorney general has indicated that she's willing to look at that and amending the way juries are selected i think we really need to do is not only have an inquiry and a royal commission to review all the aspects and do a complete overhaul of the canadian justice system when it comes to dealing with the digits people because as long as we're human ising and when someone can murder an indigenous person you know that that's something that we should all be concerned about not only is canadians but for people around the world you know what canada wants to go around the world and stand for human rights and freedom and democracy well they better take care of their own backyard and they better start treating the indigenous people you know with that respect and that love and that care that we do it to non-indigenous people here in canada david prime minister justin trudeau you know earlier this year apologized to canada as indigenous people and that was supposed to be the start of a major shift wasn't it has not been the case and where do you think this incident this case leaves canada as a true fan of the continent movement. well i think it definitely sets his back and it makes it all the more challenging and definitely we had some good announcements by the federal government in terms of resetting the relationship and have we can get tickets but i think we need a lot more than announcements you know we need some concrete action from both the federal and provincial government you know we've been in there already in contact and discussions with our premier and our deputy premier as well as high level cabinet ministers within the province of saskatchewan to talk about how we could come up with an option plan to address the you know there's this great miscarriage of justice and i think that they see that they get it and i hope that some meaningful concrete change will come out of this you know that it's sad that it took a late of a twenty twenty two year old indigenous man that had to give his life to be able to be the catalyst to see overhaul with the justice system and there is systemic and it's to racism within the justice system within the educational system within the health system within just catching and addiction is people face this on a daily basis within within our province and within our region and across this country and something needs to be done to change and we're prepared to and we're not asking for change we're demanding change what the federal and provincial government because we want to ensure that down the road that there's not another culture and bullshit that there's not another pamela jean george or another helen videos or that takes place in the days and years to come that addition is people and children in our youth and have a hope for a peaceful future and to truly be a part of the canadian society and enjoy the good benefits you know it's a sad commentary when canada's number six of the quality of life and exit united nations and indigenous people are sixty three it shows the amount of work that they have to do in this country thank you so very much for taking the time to speak to us david prot from a federation of sovereign indigenous nations joining us via skype from toronto thank you for your time we appreciate it you're welcome thank you very much. there's more ahead on al-jazeera including i don't know what. you're going. to step down as president but. how do the spell of rain has spread across the levant underneath this street of clouds for iran for a day or two now is going through iraq is us way to iran it's not so much as back from what was quite a warm spell so we end up then back down in normal when say the sun should be out in baghdad at nineteen the same is true on the coast of lebanon so beirut is seventy but the cloud is trying to build once again pretty dry picture here you can see with the rain the snow was running out through the final season took the stand on beyond that plus for what i have you mean about minus ten well three or four days ago and the snow for afghanistan and that's going to be persistent i suspect by the same time we've gone ahead to stay in the clouds building once more with a southerly breeze so i think it will feel quite warm increased humidity as well it's been remarkably role recently in riyadh thirty three degrees but we're back down to the average at twenty five on wednesday doha's twenty seven is also above where it should be but it could well be down again with that northerly breeze the much just be a shower or two in bahrain or of qatar itself even possibly dark not much to it but it's a possibility about something that to say the sun's back out again the breeze is just twenty six degrees and much the same in riyadh as always hotter in mecca. news has never been more available it's a constant barrage of it with every day but the message is a simplistic you have no frame and good logical rational person crazy monsters and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not hold well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging mainstream media narratives at this time on al-jazeera. welcome back our top stories on al-jazeera the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. has accused me on mars government of making the lives of range of muslims a death sentence hundreds of thousands of them have fled since a violent military crackdown began almost six months ago israeli police have recommended prime minister benjamin netanyahu be indicted on corruption charges eternally journal now asked to decide whether to pursue for more charges as analysis to stay on as israel's leader. a south african president jacob zuma is expected to make his first public comments on wednesday after his party the african national congress formally asked him to step down to miller has more from johannesburg. off the days of confusion and uncertainty this press briefing was expected to introduce some clarity into the future of president jacob zuma but while the a.n.c. confirmed it had also a president to resign the party did little to assure solve africans that will happen anytime soon as required. of us. time and space. to respond. we have a. true truce weren't i don't know what leapt in but let's leave residual. this was an opportunity for the a.n.c. to be decisive regain the public's trust and by taking the lead in removing a president accused of being corrupt but the agencies message was mixed saying it would also do much to step down not because he had done anything wrong but for the sake of stability mr zuma is a very shrewd intelligence operator and has knowledge of many of the cover it or covered up actions all in. the members during their time in so here's a lot of intelligent people who are either in positions of power now or likely to be in positions of power in the near future while the a.n.c. appears to have taken a negotiated approach the opposition wants next week's vote of no confidence against zuma to be brought forward with a mainstream majority in parliament zuma has survived eight other motions of no confidence the a.n.c. says it has no plans yet to bring its own motion against the president this is a party that's either confident that zuma will step down or is prepared to wait it out the a.n.c. says it expects zuma to respond to his decision to recall him by wednesday for me to milan al-jazeera johannesburg. u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson has warned that the end of combat operations against eisold doesn't mean the fight against the group is over he made the comments during a conference of the global coalition to defeat a soul being held in kuwait some is a dandy for some co a city. displacement is a cold world a life where the only warmth is the smile of your last surviving child and that the smiles wife and two other children were killed in a u.s. led coalition air strike in two thousand and four his house in ramadi turned to rubble now camp is the inhospitable host of these unwilling guests these are the people the u.s. secretary of state told a conference of the n.t. eisel coalition not to forget. which. countries managed to work together to achieve a military goal defeating i saw on the battlefield but now that that phase is over comes perhaps an even more challenging one how do you keep an international coalition together in achieving the next three key objectives reconstruction on land recaptured from i saw political inclusiveness and security but who will stop isis return and provide security america's top diplomat says ground forces a crucial but his own troops have already started to draw from and in syria washington is mainly relied on kurdish forces to fight i saw forces turkey is fighting and previews the missing plane another terrorist group that can't be allowed to fill the vacuum. on the ship must we have seen some very serious mistakes and wrongdoing from our ally the united states our relations are at a very critical juncture we will either mend our relations or there will break apart completely assignment wasteland of destruction is nonetheless the subject of a noisy argument over who protects it both to listen and iraq's prime minister urging attendees at the reconstruction conference to help iraq rebuild. war is over with the battle for reconstruction has just begun an orientation to invest in iraq is a real invitation but who will come up with the one hundred billion dollars about he says is needed to listen maybe urging the private sector to commit its cash but his president was busy describing money spent in the middle east is a waste as of a couple of months ago seven trillion dollars in the middle east and the middle east is far worse now there were seventeen years ago when they went in the children of have been in a camp and know what was looks like all they want is to go home and a real shot at a peaceful future sam is a down. kuwait's. and aide workers from the un's world food program are in the syrian city of dera zor for the first time since it was taken by ice all in twenty fourteen last year it was recaptured by syrian government forces with support from russia and iran while it was under ice of control it was besieged by pro-government troops and aid supplies to the city were cut off. russia says it has no information about any russian mess neris being killed in syria this comes in response to reports that more than two hundred pro syrian government fighters were killed in terrorist or last week during fighting with u.s. coalition forces moscow says it's only aware of its citizens being deployed there as part of the russian armed forces russia's been supporting the government of syrian president bashar assad throughout the civil war. the dutch foreign minister has resigned after he admitted lying about meeting russia's president vladimir putin more than a decade ago. had previously claimed to have been with putin in two thousand and six saying he spoke about expansionist plans to create a greater russia on monday's ouster admitting the claim was false he told the dutch parliament that the lie was the biggest mistake of his career. the scandal surrounding the british charity oxfam is widening with new allegations of abuse against his staff in south sudan it follows allegations that aid workers use prostitutes in haiti following the twenty ten earthquake and also in chad and on top of all of this oxfam international chairman beto fuentes has been arrested in his native guatemala over corruption allegations from his time as a government minister that is just one of ten prominent political figures facing charges david mercer has the greatest some got to be honest city what all this fight against corruption intensified on tuesday with the arrest of a former president and nine of his ex ministers out of little cologne and members of his cabinet are suspected of having embezzled funds and committed fraud well helping set up a public bus system in guatemala city in two thousand and ten to see then to that of the political the. president of the republic in accordance with the constitution is the government to public finances. personally and institutionally to facilitate the fraudulent procedure of creating the agreement but of r.c.b. thought a. prosecutor said there are questions around how the government auctioned off concessions and granted subsidies for the buses. the current chairman of oxfam international and former guatemalan finance minister one of better whent is was among those arrested when tis the tension comes as oxfam is already reeling from a sexual abuse scandal in haiti and elsewhere what a mall is no stranger to corruption scandals over the past decade international investigators have been working with local prosecutors to peel back the layers of corruption that plague this small central american country. two thousand and fifteen mass anticorruption protest helped oust former president as molina he's now on trial accused of stealing millions of dollars from the country's customs offices the current president jimmy morales tried to kick out the head of the international commission against impunity in guatemala after he pushed to remove morales immunity to face prosecution in another graft investigation analysts say these political arrests are far from over. i think the commission against impunity in guatemala and the attorney general's office are just scratching the surface without a doubt there are many more investigations on the way which will take years to uncover the upcoming selection of a new attorney general will be pivotal if these investigations are to continue experts say guatemalans need to be vigilant to ensure the country's next top prosecutor has their interests at heart and not those of the political elite david mercer al jazeera guatemala city the know house of the cambodian parliament has passed and new law that makes it a crime to insult the king with penalties of up to five years in prison the measure still needs to be approved by the upper house rights groups here the measures could be misused by prime minister hun sen to further stifle dissent is monitoring developments from thailand in bangkok. no surprise really that the last majesté lost sailed through the national assembly in phnom penh given that the ruling cambodian people's party of prime minister hun sen who's been in power for more than thirty years dominates that house of the national assembly so now the law will go to the senate which will really just be a formality again and then on to the king who will sign off on this lot and after that anyone who is found guilty of insulting them on the key can be jailed for up to five years and of course the concern is that this law could be used by the prime minister by the government to further the crackdown on any political opposition or dissent because we have seen a willingness of the past year or so certainly by the prime minister and his government to use the courts to their advantage we've had the largest opposition party the cambodian national rescue party completely dissolved most of its key members are now living overseas fearing arrest and the leader of the sea an r.p. was arrested. on treason charges so the concern is that this last may just a law is not really designed to protect the monarchy or give the monarchy more power it's really designed according to critics to give the government and the prime minister more power. of thousands of revenue as of march two controversial leaders at portugal's annual carnival one of the floats portrays u.s. president donald trump sitting on a toilet shaped like planet earth and behind him korea's kim jong un holds a rockets the carnival near the capital is spawn is famous for its political satire . though again i'm fully back to go with the headlines on al-jazeera at the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. has accused me on mars government of imposing a death sentence on range of muslims hundreds of thousands of them afraid to of the two bangladesh since a violent military crackdown began in august unfortunately the security council has so far failed in its responsibility to act in response to the clear threat to international peace and security that has resulted from recent events in northern was kind state we cannot look the other way in the situation what happened in burma and is still happening in burma is not ok this council must hold military accountable for their actions and pressure on santucci to acknowledge these horrific acts are taking place in her country. a defiant israeli prime minister says he'll keep leading the country despite police recommending he be charged for corruption in bribery but the minutes now is accused of accepting nearly three hundred thousand dollars in guests from billionaire benefactors he's also suspected of backroom deals with the publisher of an israeli newspaper for favorable coverage the scandal surrounding the british audi oxfam is widening with new allegations of abuse fight staff in south sudan its international chairman has also been arrested in guatemala on corruption charges relating to his time as finance minister there is anger in canada after an all white jury acquitted a white farmer of. killing a twenty two year old indigenous man canada's government says it's looking at changing the way juries are chosen for criminal trials south africa's president is expected to address said the media on wednesday after his party the african national congress formally asked him to step down if jacob zuma doesn't quits he could face a vote of no confidence in part of it and the lower house of parliament has passed and you know all that makes it a crime to insult the king with penalties of up to five years in prison the measure still needs to be approved by the upper house fear the measure could be misused by prime minister hun sen to further stifle dissent those are the headlines on al-jazeera coming up next here is so listening to stay with us sensible well if we cannot have palestinian my government was certainly not allowed britain to control french polish time would be an actress but then we need to find another solution before we come to blows more than a century ago britain and france made a secret deal that would influence the shape of the middle east for more than a century to come and so. now we can dream. psych speak lines in the sand at this time on al-jazeera. i. want to be that. steve and i have no option but to stare at stark's receive just for the freedom of the media i do the political situation.

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South Sudan , Netherlands , Bangladesh , Myanmar , Thailand , Russia , Johannesburg , Gauteng , South Africa , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , United States , Phnom Penh , B11 , Cambodia , Guatemala , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , France , Poland , Iran , Chad , Beirut , Beyrouth , Lebanon , Moscow , Moskva , Canada , Algiers , Alger , Algeria , Mecca , Makkah , Saudi Arabia , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Afghanistan , Haiti , Guatemala City , Kuwait , Toronto , Ontario , United Kingdom , Iraq , Portugal , Riyadh , Ar Riya , Bahrain , Baghdad , Turkey , Hollywood , California , Syria , Washington , Ramadi , Al Anbar , Britain , British , American , Syrian , America , Cambodian , Dutch , Guatemalan , South African , Russian , Burma , Palestinian , Polish , Israelis , Israeli , Canadians , Canadian , Guatemalans , Benjamin Netanyahu , David Mercer , Rex Tillerson , Nikki Haley , Arnon Milchan , James Packer , Hun Sen , Justin Trudeau , Pamela Jean George , Jacob Zuma , Zuma Isa , Akiva Eldar , Jimmy Morales , Bashar Assad , Gina Fontaine , Audi Oxfam , Pamela Jean , Sam Isa , Mike Hanna ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180214 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180214

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time g.m.t. you're watching al-jazeera live from doha for the battle also coming up israeli police recommend charging prime minister benjamin netanyahu with bribery but the final say on prosecution will rest with the attorney general also some international chairman faces corruption charges in his home country the latest crisis to hit the charity and goldstein an abuse scandal and how the case of an indigenous man killed by a white farmer could change canada's criminal justice system. government has been accused of handing ranger muslims a death sentence the damning words come from the u.s. ambassador to the united nations nikki haley a group of u.s. senators is intent on introducing sanctions against myanmar military leaders aimed at those implicated in abuses against residents in rakhine state mike hanna has our report from washington the plight of the routing is highlighted in the six additional capital. around the table discussion on the crisis is joined by some of the senators who are adamant that the time has come for military leaders to be held accountable for the well documented abuse suffered in iraq kind state and i hope this exhibit right here on capitol hill well help bring to the american people the need the urgency for us to help the rohingya muslims and to prevent in the future atrocities in our community we should speak out and the world the civilized world against the million more policies that have led to this persecution discrimination in this expulsion of these people from me and more and the demand that the white house take a public position on what is happening in myanmar i want to see the president the united states cape fear stand about this ethnic cleansing about this genocide we have not had one word not one word from the oval office not one word of leadership against this horrific horrific crime against humanity on tuesday donald trump's ambassador to the un did speak on the issue but pointed the finger of blame at others for not holding myanmar to account unfortunately the security council has so far failed in its responsibility to act in response to the clear threat to international peace and security that has resulted from recent events and more than rakhine state we cannot look the other way in the situation while there may be little action at the u.n. the u.s. senate is likely to lead the way with a food vote in coming days and targeted sanctions appear certain against those military leaders responsible for these crimes mike hanna al-jazeera washington. a defiant israeli prime minister says he'll keep leaving the country despite police recommending he be charged for corruption and bribery benyamin that's the aliza keys of accepting nearly three hundred thousand dollars in gifts from billionaire benefactors he's also suspected of bach home deals with the publisher of an israeli newspaper for favorable coverage cherry fosset reports from western us the corruption scandal has swirled around him for months but never at this intensity addressing the nation benjamin netanyahu was determined to project resilience and confidence i'm just moving with united slow i will continue to lead israel responsibly and faithfully as long as you the citizens of israel choose me to lead you i am certain i am certain that the truth will be revealed and i am certain that at the next elections which will be held on schedule i will earn your trust again israeli police are recommending that he be charged in two cases the first case one thousand involves gifts of cigars and champagne made to the prime minister and his wife sarra the gift givers israeli born hollywood mogul arnon milchan and australian billionaire james packer the police reportedly recommending milchan also be charged with bribery they say in total the netanyahu has received a quarter million dollars the accusation that netanyahu back to bill that would have saved his friend much more money if he wanted to repatriate to israel netanyahu rejected any such suggestion in his late night rebuttal saying only that he helped him with the visa application not in return for cigars but because it was a friend of israel and it will come through the lawsuit route through i'm not here for personal gain but more so if that was what was driving me i would have been somewhere else long ago what drives me is one thing to assure the future of our state. in the second case israel's prime minister is accused of trying to get favorable coverage in the country's second biggest newspaper by offering to hamper the activities of its main competitor the police are also reportedly recommending the proprietor of the get you off her own of newspaper be charged with bribery the question now is how much the prime minister's carefully cultivated image of a wise economic steward and strong security pragmatist will be undermined by the tawdry details in the police document it was distasteful is there is the pettiness of it he is personally a millionaire. he doesn't need. a billionaire to buy him cigars more important in the voters' reactions may well be those of netanyahu his political allies will his coalition partners continue to back him and perhaps the most consequential decision will fall to the attorney general whether or not to follow the police recommendation and indict the sitting prime minister of israel ari force of al-jazeera west jerusalem akiva eldar is the chief political columnist at and monitor dot com he says that despite the allegations it's likely many israelis will continue to support benjamin netanyahu. this is something where you weird about about a country that is considered to be leading in height and in culture in everything when it comes to politics it seems that people have a two bit and the threshold is not even you know bribery and a clear accommodation of the police to indict him in other words. you would get if you go to the street and ask people what do you think they will tell you well there is nobody else that and you know is the best that we can come up was so he will play the his his popularity he will use his people and communication abilities and he will go to the end of the will take us reason canada's government says it's looking at changing the way juries are chosen for criminal trials this comes after an all white jury acquitted a white farmer of the murder of a twenty two year old indigenous man algiers daniel like has a story colton bushy was in a vehicle with several others when he was shot in the head by gerald stanley stanley said his family and property were under attack in the gun it misfired when he tried to frighten those in the car for his trial defense lawyers rejected all potential jurors with indigenous backgrounds it took just fifteen hours for an all white jury to acquit stanley of second degree murder. protests erupted across the country last saturday against a verdict many saw as racially motivated indigenous activists say the criminal courts routinely deny them justice both as victims of violence and as defendants. their son all over again to say that his life has no meaning and this is allowed and then what does it mean for the rest of us like do we need to keep worrying that our lives are in danger by people who have racist ideas about members of bushies family headed to auto to press for change to the justice system after two days of meetings the family says the government is listening to them and they're keeping up pressure for action not just words of comfort as a family we want to be a part of that process so that these injustices are. what we feel justice for our brother for our son the prime minister what concrete steps will he take since he was elected just over two years ago prime minister justin trudeau has been promising indigenous people redress and reconciliation so far he's talked of change but no specifics yet we have come to this point as a country far too many times indigenous people across this country are. angry they're heartbroken. and i know indigenous and non-indigenous canadians alike know that we have to do better the federal justice minister says she's looking at changes to the jury system as protesters in the bush family have been demanding still indigenous canadians have heard promises of reform before promises that haven't been capped this time they say the outcome must be different than your lack al-jazeera toronto. well for more on this story let's speak to david prato is the second vice chief for the federation of sovereign indigenous nations is via skype from toronto thank you very much for speaking to us this case is certainly sparked a lot of outrage in canada and even beyond what is it an isolated case how hard is it for indigenous people and the first nation people in canada to find justice well first of all i want to thank you for having me on the program today and definitely it's not an isolated case or incident that historically there been other situations that have happened with indigenous peoples lives being taken responded back as the late sixty's with hell and many osborne's to the mid ninety's it's a schedule to get with pamela jean george a young in indigenous woman who was beaten by two non-indigenous people who had received really late prison sentences there's another case that's currently happening right now with gina fontaine in manitoba. non-indigenous men took her murdered her dismembered her body and threw her into the river and went to pick there are those who say that these cases including the ones you've mentioned expose of racism in canada would you agree with the people who say that canada has an inherent racial problem against indigenous people. i would have to concur with that statement no i'm not going to i don't want to blanket all of canadians of course with the same brush but i definitely think that we do have an issue with race in canada specifically says catchments you know in the onset of the incident that took place last summer when colton was his life was taken you know and it's left our community in shock and grief and anger and you know that to think that the life of an indigenous man with his whole future and later ahead of him would be taken you know so tragically and then to have the perpetrator be exonerated by a jury of all not indigenous people is something that concerning to us and it sets a dangerous precedent definitely for the post they've seen online and social media . and racism and hatred spewed towards digitas people is absolutely unacceptable yet the natalee because of this outrage of reforming the canadian justice system but what kind of reform do you think is needed specifically will you know a system that will prevent legal teams from keeping people off a jury on discriminatory grounds be enough to address some of the issues that you've raised. well i think for starters we need to look at many of the criminal code in the justice a federal attorney general has indicated that she's willing to look at that and amending the way juries are selected i think we really need to do is not only have an inquiry and a royal commission to review all the aspects and do a complete overhaul of the canadian justice system when it comes to dealing with the digits people because as long as we're human ising and when someone can murder an indigenous person you know that that's something that we should all be concerned about not only is canadians but for people around the world you know what canada wants to go around the world and stand for human rights and freedom and democracy well they better take care of their own backyard and they better start treating the indigenous people you know with that respect and that love and that care that we do it to non-indigenous people here in canada david prime minister justin trudeau you know earlier this year apologized to canada as indigenous people and that was supposed to be the start of a major shift wasn't it has not been the case and where do you think this incident this case leaves canada as a true fan of the continent movement. well i think it definitely sets his back and it makes it all the more challenging and definitely we had some good announcements by the federal government in terms of resetting the relationship and have we can get tickets but i think we need a lot more than announcements you know we need some concrete action from both the federal and provincial government you know we've been in there already in contact and discussions with our premier and our deputy premier as well as high level cabinet ministers within the province of saskatchewan to talk about how we could come up with an option plan to address the you know there's this great miscarriage of justice and i think that they see that they get it and i hope that some meaningful concrete change will come out of this you know that it's sad that it took a late of a twenty twenty two year old indigenous man that had to give his life to be able to be the catalyst to see overhaul with the justice system and there is systemic and it's to racism within the justice system within the educational system within the health system within just catching and addiction is people face this on a daily basis within within our province and within our region and across this country and something needs to be done to change and we're prepared to and we're not asking for change we're demanding change what the federal and provincial government because we want to ensure that down the road that there's not another culture and bullshit that there's not another pamela jean george or another helen videos or that takes place in the days and years to come that addition is people and children in our youth and have a hope for a peaceful future and to truly be a part of the canadian society and enjoy the good benefits you know it's a sad commentary when canada's number six of the quality of life and exit united nations and indigenous people are sixty three it shows the amount of work that they have to do in this country thank you so very much for taking the time to speak to us david prot from a federation of sovereign indigenous nations joining us via skype from toronto thank you for your time we appreciate it you're welcome thank you very much. there's more ahead on al-jazeera including i don't know what. you're going. to step down as president but. how do the spell of rain has spread across the levant underneath this street of clouds for iran for a day or two now is going through iraq is us way to iran it's not so much as back from what was quite a warm spell so we end up then back down in normal when say the sun should be out in baghdad at nineteen the same is true on the coast of lebanon so beirut is seventy but the cloud is trying to build once again pretty dry picture here you can see with the rain the snow was running out through the final season took the stand on beyond that plus for what i have you mean about minus ten well three or four days ago and the snow for afghanistan and that's going to be persistent i suspect by the same time we've gone ahead to stay in the clouds building once more with a southerly breeze so i think it will feel quite warm increased humidity as well it's been remarkably role recently in riyadh thirty three degrees but we're back down to the average at twenty five on wednesday doha's twenty seven is also above where it should be but it could well be down again with that northerly breeze the much just be a shower or two in bahrain or of qatar itself even possibly dark not much to it but it's a possibility about something that to say the sun's back out again the breeze is just twenty six degrees and much the same in riyadh as always hotter in mecca. news has never been more available it's a constant barrage of it with every day but the message is a simplistic you have no frame and good logical rational person crazy monsters and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not hold well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging mainstream media narratives at this time on al-jazeera. welcome back our top stories on al-jazeera the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. has accused me on mars government of making the lives of range of muslims a death sentence hundreds of thousands of them have fled since a violent military crackdown began almost six months ago israeli police have recommended prime minister benjamin netanyahu be indicted on corruption charges eternally journal now asked to decide whether to pursue for more charges as analysis to stay on as israel's leader. a south african president jacob zuma is expected to make his first public comments on wednesday after his party the african national congress formally asked him to step down to miller has more from johannesburg. off the days of confusion and uncertainty this press briefing was expected to introduce some clarity into the future of president jacob zuma but while the a.n.c. confirmed it had also a president to resign the party did little to assure solve africans that will happen anytime soon as required. of us. time and space. to respond. we have a. true truce weren't i don't know what leapt in but let's leave residual. this was an opportunity for the a.n.c. to be decisive regain the public's trust and by taking the lead in removing a president accused of being corrupt but the agencies message was mixed saying it would also do much to step down not because he had done anything wrong but for the sake of stability mr zuma is a very shrewd intelligence operator and has knowledge of many of the cover it or covered up actions all in. the members during their time in so here's a lot of intelligent people who are either in positions of power now or likely to be in positions of power in the near future while the a.n.c. appears to have taken a negotiated approach the opposition wants next week's vote of no confidence against zuma to be brought forward with a mainstream majority in parliament zuma has survived eight other motions of no confidence the a.n.c. says it has no plans yet to bring its own motion against the president this is a party that's either confident that zuma will step down or is prepared to wait it out the a.n.c. says it expects zuma to respond to his decision to recall him by wednesday for me to milan al-jazeera johannesburg. u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson has warned that the end of combat operations against eisold doesn't mean the fight against the group is over he made the comments during a conference of the global coalition to defeat a soul being held in kuwait some is a dandy for some co a city. displacement is a cold world a life where the only warmth is the smile of your last surviving child and that the smiles wife and two other children were killed in a u.s. led coalition air strike in two thousand and four his house in ramadi turned to rubble now camp is the inhospitable host of these unwilling guests these are the people the u.s. secretary of state told a conference of the n.t. eisel coalition not to forget. which. countries managed to work together to achieve a military goal defeating i saw on the battlefield but now that that phase is over comes perhaps an even more challenging one how do you keep an international coalition together in achieving the next three key objectives reconstruction on land recaptured from i saw political inclusiveness and security but who will stop isis return and provide security america's top diplomat says ground forces a crucial but his own troops have already started to draw from and in syria washington is mainly relied on kurdish forces to fight i saw forces turkey is fighting and previews the missing plane another terrorist group that can't be allowed to fill the vacuum. on the ship must we have seen some very serious mistakes and wrongdoing from our ally the united states our relations are at a very critical juncture we will either mend our relations or there will break apart completely assignment wasteland of destruction is nonetheless the subject of a noisy argument over who protects it both to listen and iraq's prime minister urging attendees at the reconstruction conference to help iraq rebuild. war is over with the battle for reconstruction has just begun an orientation to invest in iraq is a real invitation but who will come up with the one hundred billion dollars about he says is needed to listen maybe urging the private sector to commit its cash but his president was busy describing money spent in the middle east is a waste as of a couple of months ago seven trillion dollars in the middle east and the middle east is far worse now there were seventeen years ago when they went in the children of have been in a camp and know what was looks like all they want is to go home and a real shot at a peaceful future sam is a down. kuwait's. and aide workers from the un's world food program are in the syrian city of dera zor for the first time since it was taken by ice all in twenty fourteen last year it was recaptured by syrian government forces with support from russia and iran while it was under ice of control it was besieged by pro-government troops and aid supplies to the city were cut off. russia says it has no information about any russian mess neris being killed in syria this comes in response to reports that more than two hundred pro syrian government fighters were killed in terrorist or last week during fighting with u.s. coalition forces moscow says it's only aware of its citizens being deployed there as part of the russian armed forces russia's been supporting the government of syrian president bashar assad throughout the civil war. the dutch foreign minister has resigned after he admitted lying about meeting russia's president vladimir putin more than a decade ago. had previously claimed to have been with putin in two thousand and six saying he spoke about expansionist plans to create a greater russia on monday's ouster admitting the claim was false he told the dutch parliament that the lie was the biggest mistake of his career. the scandal surrounding the british charity oxfam is widening with new allegations of abuse against his staff in south sudan it follows allegations that aid workers use prostitutes in haiti following the twenty ten earthquake and also in chad and on top of all of this oxfam international chairman beto fuentes has been arrested in his native guatemala over corruption allegations from his time as a government minister that is just one of ten prominent political figures facing charges david mercer has the greatest some got to be honest city what all this fight against corruption intensified on tuesday with the arrest of a former president and nine of his ex ministers out of little cologne and members of his cabinet are suspected of having embezzled funds and committed fraud well helping set up a public bus system in guatemala city in two thousand and ten to see then to that of the political the. president of the republic in accordance with the constitution is the government to public finances. personally and institutionally to facilitate the fraudulent procedure of creating the agreement but of r.c.b. thought a. prosecutor said there are questions around how the government auctioned off concessions and granted subsidies for the buses. the current chairman of oxfam international and former guatemalan finance minister one of better whent is was among those arrested when tis the tension comes as oxfam is already reeling from a sexual abuse scandal in haiti and elsewhere what a mall is no stranger to corruption scandals over the past decade international investigators have been working with local prosecutors to peel back the layers of corruption that plague this small central american country. two thousand and fifteen mass anticorruption protest helped oust former president as molina he's now on trial accused of stealing millions of dollars from the country's customs offices the current president jimmy morales tried to kick out the head of the international commission against impunity in guatemala after he pushed to remove morales immunity to face prosecution in another graft investigation analysts say these political arrests are far from over. i think the commission against impunity in guatemala and the attorney general's office are just scratching the surface without a doubt there are many more investigations on the way which will take years to uncover the upcoming selection of a new attorney general will be pivotal if these investigations are to continue experts say guatemalans need to be vigilant to ensure the country's next top prosecutor has their interests at heart and not those of the political elite david mercer al jazeera guatemala city the know house of the cambodian parliament has passed and new law that makes it a crime to insult the king with penalties of up to five years in prison the measure still needs to be approved by the upper house rights groups here the measures could be misused by prime minister hun sen to further stifle dissent is monitoring developments from thailand in bangkok. no surprise really that the last majesté lost sailed through the national assembly in phnom penh given that the ruling cambodian people's party of prime minister hun sen who's been in power for more than thirty years dominates that house of the national assembly so now the law will go to the senate which will really just be a formality again and then on to the king who will sign off on this lot and after that anyone who is found guilty of insulting them on the key can be jailed for up to five years and of course the concern is that this law could be used by the prime minister by the government to further the crackdown on any political opposition or dissent because we have seen a willingness of the past year or so certainly by the prime minister and his government to use the courts to their advantage we've had the largest opposition party the cambodian national rescue party completely dissolved most of its key members are now living overseas fearing arrest and the leader of the sea an r.p. was arrested. on treason charges so the concern is that this last may just a law is not really designed to protect the monarchy or give the monarchy more power it's really designed according to critics to give the government and the prime minister more power. of thousands of revenue as of march two controversial leaders at portugal's annual carnival one of the floats portrays u.s. president donald trump sitting on a toilet shaped like planet earth and behind him korea's kim jong un holds a rockets the carnival near the capital is spawn is famous for its political satire . though again i'm fully back to go with the headlines on al-jazeera at the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. has accused me on mars government of imposing a death sentence on range of muslims hundreds of thousands of them afraid to of the two bangladesh since a violent military crackdown began in august unfortunately the security council has so far failed in its responsibility to act in response to the clear threat to international peace and security that has resulted from recent events in northern was kind state we cannot look the other way in the situation what happened in burma and is still happening in burma is not ok this council must hold military accountable for their actions and pressure on santucci to acknowledge these horrific acts are taking place in her country. a defiant israeli prime minister says he'll keep leading the country despite police recommending he be charged for corruption in bribery but the minutes now is accused of accepting nearly three hundred thousand dollars in guests from billionaire benefactors he's also suspected of backroom deals with the publisher of an israeli newspaper for favorable coverage the scandal surrounding the british audi oxfam is widening with new allegations of abuse fight staff in south sudan its international chairman has also been arrested in guatemala on corruption charges relating to his time as finance minister there is anger in canada after an all white jury acquitted a white farmer of. killing a twenty two year old indigenous man canada's government says it's looking at changing the way juries are chosen for criminal trials south africa's president is expected to address said the media on wednesday after his party the african national congress formally asked him to step down if jacob zuma doesn't quits he could face a vote of no confidence in part of it and the lower house of parliament has passed and you know all that makes it a crime to insult the king with penalties of up to five years in prison the measure still needs to be approved by the upper house fear the measure could be misused by prime minister hun sen to further stifle dissent those are the headlines on al-jazeera coming up next here is so listening to stay with us sensible well if we cannot have palestinian my government was certainly not allowed britain to control french polish time would be an actress but then we need to find another solution before we come to blows more than a century ago britain and france made a secret deal that would influence the shape of the middle east for more than a century to come and so. now we can dream. psych speak lines in the sand at this time on al-jazeera. i. want to be that. steve and i have no option but to stare at stark's receive just for the freedom of the media i do the political situation.

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