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A crisis averted the u. S. Government is open for business after another shutdown which most americans probably sat through egypt launches a massive military operation that it says is targeting terrorists in sinai and mexico just deploys thousands of extra police to combat a rising murder rates where on patrol with some of them on the beaches of cancun. The Winter Olympics have officially opened in the south korean city of chang with a spectacular fireworks display thousands send out in freezing temperatures to attend the event that hes hopes will help bring about a diplomatic soul every day between north and south korea for now it looks like the ice has been broken with whats being described as an historic handshake between south koreas leader in and kim jong the sister of north koreas leader the toxic and i reports. A step towards reconciliation for the First Time Since the korean war more than half a century ago a member of north koreas ruling family is welcomed in the south the arrival of leader kim jong un sr is fascinating Many South Koreans jiang has quickly become a power broker in another historic moment south korean president moon j. In greeted her at the Opening Ceremony before she sat near u. S. Vice president mike pence the two didnt appear to Exchange Greetings then the moment many had been waiting for north and south korean athletes marched under a unified flag as a celebration of ethnic nationalism its the first time theyve done that at an International Sporting event in eleven years moon said the chain Winter Olympics offer a meaningful opportunity for a world divided by conflicts to unite critics say the north korean Charm Offensive is only intended to advance its agenda and norsk any us decided to look nice for a vial of this option if you could use chance chances that president krom vo authorized me to take the ration bot as a program of ease that made fundamentals have not changed. I determined to have end of this i. C. B. M. Into continental body stick missiles capable of delivering a Nuclear Strike to the continuum for the United States in the runup to the games the North Koreans have absorbed much of the spotlight first by agreeing to participate and then by sending a high level delegation to the south this week american diplomat said they would soon unveil the toughest economic sanctions against north korea yet while also saying a diplomatic solution was the focus. For now this is a moment for South Koreans to show the world what it done. Namak country they live in during the Opening Ceremony spectators were taken back in time to show the history of the Korean People and what organizers called their relentless pursuit of peace or not. I hope that with north korean athletes participation this could be peaceful and picks and i hope we can achieve reunification between the south and the north that the. Mood here is good in south koreas hosting the olympics and athletes are coming from around the world Good Opportunity to promote south korea. And the hope is this will set the stage down only for a sporting spectacular but historic breakthrough with their northern neighbors natasha going to aim alleges era south korea. Meanwhile russias bent to get forty five of its banned lanes into the games has failed just hours before the Opening Ceremony the bounce stems from a massive doping skein the twenty fourteen such a games. The russian doping scandal is arguably the most murky sad story in the history of sport and yes i spent years covering the thirty first scandal but this involves the public being completely cheated metals being involved. Seem to be poisoned from the top down how did we get to this position well four years ago putins grand plan for sports to succeed in russia around their home olympics the very expensive saatchi Winter Olympics i know of the allegations it was shown by investigation that they had been systematic dont bring in washing so the International Olympic committee banned forty three russian competitors for life fast forward a couple of years of politics and then we get into a situation where the ultimate coach in sport the court of arbitration for sport overturned those lifetime bans they say theyre not clearing the dopers completely but theres not enough evidence for lifetime bans so the russians want to compete here twenty eight of them supposedly allowed to compete in the International Olympic Committee Say no were still not inviting them so the russians appeal again and it goes back to the court of arbitration for sport bystander in pyongyang and it goes to the guy you the goings actually begin today the division of the court of arbitration for sport this missed the application filed by thirty two russian athletes against the International Olympic committee it does also dismissed fired yesterday by fifty athletes and coaches against the use. So the custis engine is very good news for the International Olympic committee who have been fighting the legal and political battles for months even years over the russian doping scandal. Afterwards he said we welcome this decision which supports the fight against doping and brings clarity for all athletes or cool of us i just want to get on with the sport. And the sport is in full flow through all sorts of i with the first medals of the guns being decided in five events one of the events is speed skating there were plenty of korean interested not but most interest of course in the unified womens hockey team from korea but mike has to be their first guy against switzerland. A u. S. President has signed off on a spending bill ending the second Government Shutdown this year although this one lasted just a few hours the deal extends funding until march twenty third but many are unhappy about spending increases that are expected to push budget deficits into the one trillion dollars a year all White House Correspondent kimberly hellcats has more from washington it was a u. S. Government shutdown that occurred while most americans were asleep for five and a half hours federal agencies in theory only shut their doors will members of congress debated lifting strict limits on Government Spending or servicing about this stinks to tell you the truth most of the drama occurred in the u. S. Senate the vote to keep the government running held up by as single senator republican rand paul who says Government Spending is out of control everybodys getting more spending. The military the rights getting more military spending the left is getting more well first bending and youre getting stuck with the bill the late night debate played out for hours and eventually passing in the Upper Chamber but still needing approval in the house of representatives hell raise a spending caps by roughly three hundred billion dollars over two years more than half going to the military the rest nondefense spending including much needed money for Disaster Relief programs Infrastructure Projects and Community Health clinics fiscally conservative critics say the budget deal will send the deficit soaring but the deal doesnt protect Illegal Immigrants brought to the United States as children providing a pathway for legal status has been a key demand of democrats they previously been protected as part of the obama era daca program the leading House Republican says the issue will soon be address my commitments to working together on an immigration measure that we can make law is the sincere commitments let me repeat im a commitment to working together on an immigration measure that we can make laws is sincere commitment we will solve this doc a problem with that promise the House Republicans and democrats passed the budget deal sending it to the white house for the president to sign into law and we can cope talk to a complete life now in washington so it can really crosses a vetted but does this mean the end of the budget in crisis are vent just basically kicked into the long grass. Its certainly as they like to say here in the can has been kicked down the road but at least there is a plan for about two years in terms of how these Government Agencies now can put planning and spending into place so this is a significant hurdle that both democrats and republicans in a very divided congress have been able to Work Together to accomplish so that is the maybe the win in all of this but as you heard the senator from kentucky there rand paul in my report talking really is the u. S. Taxpayer that loses in all this because there was no plan to address the soaring u. S. Debt now twenty trillion dollars and it will continue to grow because there is no negotiation over where to trim spending and thats what happens when you have one party in control of the white house and both houses of congress there were no checks and balances if you will by the opposing Party Challenging some of this so essentially what we saw there is one lone republican calling the rest of his party rather hypocritical because as you remember when president obama was in the white house and democrats were controlling much of congress there certainly was a major criticism from fiscal conservatives about the democratic overspending now republicans seem to be doing it as well and the democrats dont buy hills and movies protections for the children of Illegal Immigrants but that she wasnt the king agreement that they go in this budget to. No its big risk for democrats and this is an Election Year two democrats had essentially shut down the government around january twentieth of last month over this issue really trying to force the Republican Hand but not able to accomplish that this time concerned that if they are left by ordinary americans blaming them for this shutdown one more time that this could have serious repercussions for their efforts to potentially try and take control of congress in november of this year so what theyve done is they said ok lets resolve the spending issue and you better make good on that promise from the republicans in the Speaker Paul Ryan there to to address this now because time is ticking away what weve got is a situation now where there really just weeks left to put in place those protections for children who were brought here illegally by their parents and grown up here are now adults the program that was put in place by barack obama was ended under donald trump and those protections roll out next month going to torture kambli there with the very latest from washington at least one person has been killed and more than one hundred twenty two injured after two bombs were detonated during friday press as a mosque in the libyan city of benghazi Officials Say both devices were planted in separate rooms inside two weeks ago around thirty five people were killed by a twin bombing at a mosque in the same city. The Egyptian Army has launched what its calling a comprehensive operation against terrorist and criminal groups in the Sinai Peninsula making the announcement in a tough a televised statement and Army Spokesman said it involves land sea and air forces covering central sinai and areas in egypt delta and Western Desert spittles have been put on high alert and i will do to prepare extra beds and stuff to do with emergencies and medical evacuations only we spoke to omar who is a professor of Security Studies at the Doha Institute he says there is a political dimension to the new offensive. If you saw the pattern from twenty thirteen on words youll find the scale ations happening with one Major Political events are coming up so when the coup happened in july twenty fifth dean you had an escalation following in september and the whole idea part of the coup and that is all that of the new regime coming is that security and counterterrorism needs to be implemented partly in sinai but also elsewhere the interesting part about the communique of the armed forces is that theyre not talking just about sinai they saying that theres an escalation in central delta and there is in this collation in the Western Deserts which are the two other areas that you saw some kind of Political Violence happening in the i think it has to do a lot with the forthcoming president ial elections i think these escalations and the level of. Men and arms you know shipped to sinai is not new cutting the you know suspending the Internet Communications blocking roads this is all not new to has been happening since twenty fifteen and probably before twenty fifteen as well so im not sure if theres something new or theres a measured saying that you know the strongman is back hes trying to secure the region and therefore mobilize for him in the next president ial elections which is happening next month. And watching on to sarah still to come on the Program Friday prayers sent around as protests continue over think jailing of a phone the Prime Minister and attach plus rescuers battle time on hundreds of us quake aftershocks i think trying to find survivors in the rubble of the taiwan head town. However weve got thickening cloud making its way towards the middle east over the next couple days i think it should stay last the driver you can see that already spilling in from the mediterranean so we are going to see some gray skies there into the live ad syria lebanon jordan times just getting up to around twenty three celsius the four by route a similar value for jerusalem if anything that clash just not being a little further east was as we go through sunday so even much of iraq could see a plow cloudy enough cloud thick enough into afghanistan with western parts of pakistan for some right im especially some snow couple around three degrees celsius on sunday afternoon meanwhile temperatures picking up across the Arabian Peninsula lossie fine interactively on saturday but i think that we have across northern parts will sink a little further southwest twenty six celsius haven thirty degrees celsius in riyadh on sunday and well see temp to picking up in doha as we go on into the early part of next week so well be approaching the thirty degree mark already weve got temperatures picking up once again into Southern Africa particularly across the the a western cape cape town has same some right it has now made its way through dry skies coming in behind ninety degrees celsius on saturday and a high of twenty five by sunday. In the courtroom. Welcome back lets get a reminder of the top stories sarah knowledge is there a the Winter Olympics have opened with a historic show of unity between north and south korea athletes from the two countries much together on the south korean president ial council with cameo john the sister of the north Korean Leader kim jong. U. S. President signed off on a spending bill ending the second the Government Shutdown this year after a deal to extend funding was agreed by congress and the Egyptian Army has launched what its calling a comprehensive operation against terrorists and from the groups in the Sinai Peninsula an Army Spokesman said it involves land sea and air forces. The Mexican Government is deploying the founders of federal Police Officers across the country to combat a huge surge in the number of murders more than twenty five thousand people were murdered in mexico last year thats the highest number in decades in january five thousand additional Police Officers were sent to several tourist cities where violence links to drug cartels and organized crime has been high most of them have been deployed to two which borders san diego in california the rest are in budget california along the tourist areas of la past and los cabos can coon chill punching go the states of jealous co as well as state of clima for now to see whats happening there lets speak to manuel reptile or who is in cancun so basically more police are being deployed to these various cities in mexico but the rates of Violent Crime and homicide are still going up well whats going. Well two thousand and seventeen certainly was an extraordinary year for violence and homicides in mexico but the fact is mexico has been struggling to curb back violence for years over a decade now and thats rooted in a policy that began with former mexican president felipe because they dont its a policy thats continued under current president and he kept on yet though that security analysts say is a failed policy because it involves a militarization of Police Forces that has not worked in terms of quality the violence and reducing that homicide rate its a policy that that cracks down on cartels and the result has been the splintering of organized crime groups that compete over the production distribution and of course the sale of illicit narcotics not only cocaine and heroin but methamphetamines and and harder drugs now but i want to give you a sense of the experience that we had and what weve seen over the last few days here in cancun take a look. Police and military forces are holding a routine checkpoint in cancun in response to a homicide rate that has risen three hundred percent in the last fourteen months this driver was detained after officers found a half dozen mobile phones and a handgun in his vehicle but even with the cooperation military state and local Police Law Enforcement agencies are struggling to fight crime my go to present the most related to organized crime committed by criminal groups competing for control over all the criminal groups all of it is related to the sale of drugs. We rode along with the division of federal Police Officers patrolling a popular beach mexicos peak tourism season is fast approaching and the government is dispatching some five thousand federal agents across the country for tourists looking for white sand in turquoise waters however the violence seems far away from the soledad i feel there is a i walked around late yesterday and it was very calm and i havent. Notice a lot of bad things happening or anything. Can cool draws in billions of dollars from tourism every year once the sun sets bars and nightclubs are packed with party goers but just a short drive away theres another more dangerous side to the city. Were in a residential neighborhood near the center of town and police have blocked off this road behind me after a shooting took place only about one hour ago police tell us that two people were shot and the gunmen fled sadly this is a scene that plays out on a near daily basis here in cannes coon. The District Attorney says there are one to two murders on average every day for Civil Society groups or youth that the recent increase in police hasnt served everyone equally this isnt so for their government hard to protect. Hotel industry but what about the ones that work in that industry and then return to the areas where crime. And violence prevails walking along tell district the two sides of the city become apparent a nightly patrol by federal police makes porn to risk youll save but it also keeps the nearby violence out of sight and out of mind. The Mexican Government has committed some five thousand of these federal agents to a handful of cities across mexico four thousand of those agents have already been dispatched now and in states like get away at all these officers are there to assist in in combat what is the cartels in small organized groups that are competing for production of the opium fields and the one theyve been dispatched because of the citys proximity to the United States southern border and then in other tourist cities like who and where we are now these officers have been dispatched to protect the economic interests because of the value that these cities have in terms of tourism a third of all the tourism dollars that are generated in mexico are generated right here in the city of cancun but ultimately because were coming out of a year of record homicides in the country these efforts these new efforts by the federal government are to prevent that violence from spilling over into New Territories in mexico thank you Manuel Manuel rai vacuuming is the very latest from cancun and then part two of his investigation into violence on the streets of mexico which ill talk of on the countrys Pacific Coast why doctors are saying an epidemic of Mental Illness caused by constant gangland killings on saturday right here on officer. Rescue workers in taiwan have pulled two more bodies from the flattened remains of a hotel and while the end the number of People Killed in cheese days six point four magnitude earthquake now stands at twelve five chinese nationals who were staying at the hotel are still missing and rescue workers say theyre racing against time to try to find them their efforts have been hampered though by more than two hundred aftershocks from a bride is in wailea with the latest. The rescue teams are now working down into more inaccessible parts of this building basically the lower floors especially at the front of the building that were crushed when this building toppled over and in particular concentrating on the area where they have found these signs of life now the rescuers are not being overly optimistic they say the signals the signs of life of very weak but they are in that area where they believe that one of the people who is unaccounted for could have been so while theres a possibility of someone being alive they have to continue the search it is a factor in their Decision Making about how they deal with this site in other buildings around this city that have been badly damaged heavy equipment is now being brought in to demolish those structures to make the area safe again clearly while theres a possibility at least of someone being found alive they have to put off that decision and the search continues. Syrian government warplanes are continuing to bomb the rebel held area of Eastern Ghouta in whats been the deadliest week since twenty fifteen more than two hundred and thirty people have been killed in the last four days agencies say theyre unable to help the estimated four hundred thousand people who live in the besieged enclave the area just outside of the capital damascus is running desperately no food medicine and medical equipment. A female activist has been detained in saudi arabia for seventeen days and what Rights Groups are calling a quiets government crackdown on human rights campaigner this no ha al balawi has been held in taba after being questioned by police who accuse her of advocate hating womens rights on social media if found guilty she faces five years in prison. Supporters of bangladeshs former Prime Minister. Are continuing to protest after she was jailed for five years on corruption charges the seventy two year old was imprisoned on thursday for embezzling around two hundred fifty thousand dollars in donations meant for no financial her oldest son and for a ten year sentences time has more from the. Thousands of people came out of the citys biggest mosque by the look around to protest against former Prime Minister khaled does yes friday the heavy presence of riot police in the straight a lot of this protesters gathered near the Party Central office but theyve been described since because of the police all eyes are on the high court now Bangladesh Nationalist Party wants to appeal her friday. Courts are heavily influenced by the government critics and opposition are saying the Bangladesh Court is nowhere neutral specially in the lord called their influence by the government and about it was politically motivated we have yet to see what the high court radek will be to exult case nevertheless Bangladesh Nationalist Party saying it will still run for the election even if their leader is behind the bar that other leaders to give them guidelines including khaled as the son who is in london but the protest across the country is continuing critics annexed by there saying this is a major concern for instability in the country unless the Major National party takes pride in the election otherwise the country will go into Political Uncertainty down the road the Prime Minister has announced the election to be somewhere around december of this year we have yet to see how the political fallout is down the road. Your opinion is chief rex it negotiates or has warmed up plans for a period of transition so ease versus withdrawal from the block will be at risk Michel Barnier says substantial disagreements with person jeopardizing londons plans for a transition period of around two years often for when they see you in twenty nineteen he also rejected criticism from britains brets it minister david davis who described proposals to sanction britain if in breach g u rules during the transition as discourteous. The position of the European Union is very logical from my point of view by asking to enjoy the advantages of the Single Market the Customs Union and common policies the United Kingdom has to accept all the rules the obligations until the end of the transition thats only logical but also has to accept the electable consequences of its decision to leave the European Union to leave its institutions and its policies considering this disagreement to be quite frank transition today is not a given if these disagreements persist the transition is not a given independent artists have taken over an abandoned level factory in the indian capital barely creating an alternative space to show that they are hoping it opens a dialogue with their audience that transcends preconceived ideas about Art Galleries we spoke to the organizer of the show dubbed delhis anti. My name isnt on the hooter i am the tribute of brits to reduce. The phone of the regulars i for this is the best post and the art its not and the its and the are fair and orderly represent them or not is that already out there brad the big brands people are buying their work anyway you want to get it get out of the white boxes we wanted to have a proper good representation of the independent artists and the contemporary art scenes and thus we create a bad economy for these artists. This place was actually an all Leather Goods factory product factory and we got the opportunity to take this place up as a venue and completely transform it into an art space and it was about this area in general is actually an extension of the Village Village and when people see these kind of things happening around them they want to know more theyre excited about the fact that there is something happening in their surroundings and not in a fancy reality where you know theyd be shy about. Entering. Even think about going there in the first place our plan is to move a different city than not just metropolitan cities where there is called for so much additional i. Did this in delhi because the hong downs the hold of it was easy for us to find a venue to get things rolling but i think the next step is the next six months to figure out a bigger and a better plan to take this to your city or to the city. And get a reminder of our main headlines the Winter Olympics have officially opened with a historic show of unity between north and south korea athletes from the two countries marched together and the south korean president shook hands with kim jong the sister of the north Korean Leader kim jong il the u. S. Vice president night penned arrived after the handshakes sat close to the North Koreans. U. S. President signed off on a spending bill ending the second Government Shutdown this year although this will last a just a few hours the deal to extend funding was agreed by congress but disagreements between republicans and democrats over immigration remain to be resolved on the bill will have major financial consequences but the cost of this bipartisan budget deal is staggering expanding americas twenty trillion dollar debt its an astonishing number for a congress controlled by republicans a party once known for fiscal conservatism a priority it appears to now have abandoned at least one person has been killed on more than one hundred twenty two engines when two bombs were detonated jaring friday press at a mosque in the libyan city of benghazi Officials Say both devices were planted in separate rooms inside the Egyptian Army has launched what its calling a comprehensive operation against terrorist and criminal groups in the Sinai Peninsula thank you mean hours spent in a televised statement an Army Spokesman said it involves land sea and air forces covering central sinai and there is any. Western desert Syrian Government warplanes are continuing to bomb the rebel held area of Eastern Ghouta and whats been the deadliest week since twenty fifteen more than two hundred thirty people have been killed in the last four days aid agencies say they are unable to help the estimated four hundred thousand people who live in the players and supporters of bangladeshis former Prime Minister there are continuing to protest after she was jailed for five years on corruption charges on the site as supposes said the verdict is politically motivated those are all your headlines up next its inside story. The forgotten conflicts on forgotten people suffering has only cheering the war gas for the rebels millions are facing famine disease and. What will it take for the International Community to stop the barrage of bullets and bombs this is inside story

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