Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180208 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180208

former minister jailed for corruption. a show of force at a time of unity north korea stages a massive military parade on the eve of south korea's in the. let us thank in acknowledged the dreamers for their courage their. their inspiration eight hours and seven minutes u.s. political leaders marathon monologue about the plight of young immigrants. more than one hundred pro regime fighters in syria have been killed by the u.s. led coalition and allied local forces and on named officials as the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces and their problems the s.d.f. of mainly could controls large areas of northeastern syria well elsewhere russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb and shell two regions that remain in rebel hands in just four days nearly two hundred people have been killed in eastern guta and in the northeastern province of. the capital damascus and has been on the government for about five years almost half a million people are trapped there and often suffer from severe food and medicine shortages and edler province bombing has intensified since a russian plane was shot down by rebels on saturday killing the pilot ad lib and. violence was supposed to be reduced but instead help continues to rise. saying hold the reports now from beirut in neighboring lebanon. civil defense volunteers look for survivors but instead they're pulling out the dead from the rubble of what was once homes children women men dozens of them have been killed in air strikes that are leveling residential buildings. this man just lost his son. god bless you he says clearly still in a state of shock. it's day three of an intensified military campaign. multiple areas of the rebel held damascus suburb of eastern who are coming under fire people there are saying russian and syrian government aircraft have been carry out one strike after another. people here believe russia is taking revenge after his plane was shot down by the rebels and it's part it was killed it is intense bombardment at least a hundred people are wounded some of them very seriously and they can't be treated here. there is a lack of medical supplies and doctors eastern who has been besieged by pro-government forces for years it is both home and the traffic for some four hundred thousand people doctors have put up makeshift health centers but they too are being hit the top of a center is now out of service it was hit by the planes it was the only medical center in this town and fifteen thousand people the united nations is calling for the fighting throughout syria to stop for a month to allow aid deliveries and evacuations of the sick and wounded at least five hundred are in. the enclave just outside the capital has been heavily bombarded since mid december but the past few days have been the worst many pro-government forces are pushing for a decisive outcome. they want. not fight them. to fight. and the north. the northwestern province of idlib which is also under the control of the opposition has been hit by dozens of strikes in recent days there are two residential neighborhoods and hospitals are being targeted pro syrian government forces have taken ground in the southern edges of live in recent weeks recapturing the whole province will not be easy but many of the immediate goals involved in securing the north to south highway and lifting the siege on to loyalist towns. in the pro-government forces have been struggling to bring eastern huta under their control for years and now that russia appears to be honing in on rebel areas syria is once again in the midst of a major escalation especially with no progress on the diplomatic side this will only bring more suffering. beirut. to other news now north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and pyongyang it comes on the eve of a display of beauty and the winter olympics in. well the display was announced shortly after an agreement was reached on the north's part of the patient indian impacts on friday north korean athletes to do so much in the opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south let's get more on this now we're joined by natasha good name she's live for us at one of the end of gardening in south korea so what message then the tosh is this military parade on the eve of the olympics opening ceremony trying to send. well elizabeth some would say that this is a show of force south koreans some south koreans had said it was a provocation intended to intimidate and so fear but let's keep in mind one thing this is a very different approach this year this is the first time since north korea's leader kim jong officially took power in two thousand and twelve that a military parade has not been broadcast live on korean television several hours after the fact it is now being broadcast on korean television north korean television what a stark contrast from last year last year the international media was invited and several missiles were showcased this is likely due to pushback that north korea was facing from south korea people had said that south or north korea was attempting to hijack the spotlight from south korea on the eve of the opening ceremony of the winter olympics and so by allowing this parade to go forth this is the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of the north korean army kim jong un was saying that it's that it's his country's right to do so and he could remain defiant he could stoke patriotism and pride at home but also with this low key approach make a nod toward the diplomatic sensibilities involved this is a moment when both north and south korea appear to be making significant strides in improving enter korean relations holding a military parade the day before the opening ceremony and at the same time. kim jong un sending his sister to the north korean delegation at the end of pics. yes this is a historic move her name is kim. kim jong un's younger sister she's been elevated to a pretty high rank within the people's were people's workers' party and she's considered a close adviser of his this would be. the first time that the ruling kim family anyone from the ruling kim family has stepped foot on south korean soil and it's really believe that she will be also a kind of emissary there may not be any specific negotiations going on in the three days that she'll be here but she might be able to at least relay some concerns that the north koreans have to the south koreans one of those concerns could be the joint u.s. military and south korea exercises that have been postponed until after the winter games as with the south korean government it is a leading president in is a north korean refugees who has always pushed in gage met with north korea and south korean officials are saying that this is a moment a reconsolidation and an opportunity to continue forging peace between the two koreas thank you very much for that natasha going to the latest thank you. not some breaking news from buying that the former prime minister has been jailed for corruption she has served as prime minister twice and is also a former first lady but corruption allegations have. a long life in politics she and the son. faced more than thirty charges in this case including allegations of orchestration political violence as a strong opponent of prime minister of siena and says the allegations are politically motivated their fears have jail sentence coach trigger political instability let's get more on this now we're joined by correspondent child he's live for us. asking for life in prison what is the sentence. five years much stiffer than anybody expected the rest of the accused got ten years most people were paying and should get maybe a year or two already from are they created but this is quite a quite a bit as a surprise. before she was coming to the court thousands of protesters and her supporters were following the model kate but they were prevented right before entering the court there's been some clashes with police not just in dhaka city and other parts of the country there's been a very tight security with paramilitary special it's in every corner of the city the capital city literally has been been blocked from the rest of the country so that people couldn't come in the dhaka city because the gunmen think many of the supporters would come to dhaka city and protest now the question remains how does she get away from this in a election year because she has to contest for the election now and the only only possible way is to file an appeal with the higher court and to hike road state this order she possibly have a chance to contest in the election her party is going to be in a very confusing situation with all of the leadership because she is going to be taken to a central jail what we have to own central jail rather just about a half a kilometer from here in a special should be kept there till the build process she won't be able to do anything till sunday because there's a weekend in the front so and sunday we'll know how the code proceedings and they peel from her defense council goes through but the country itself is in very edgy mood because of the election those who are the opposition supporters are on her support are feel very betrayed by the government they think that this is a typically a conspiracy this has been been orchestrated from long time so that prevent the main opposition from participating in the incoming general election which is scheduled somewhere around december two thousand and eighteen all right thank you very much for that is joining us live thank you. weather update is next and then israel's prime minister suggests he'll be indicted on corruption charges and says it will come to nothing and an innovative approach to hong kong's housing crisis. we'll look at the new solutions imagine in the real estate market. however there is flooding still in western java and that's the area where most of the showers are at the moment java parts of borneo a sort of way sea and the southern philippines so what's there is just being topped up on the fortune is floating on the ground and it has been quite bad but it's just sort of ticking over now just not improving very much forecast rains they disappear for most of borneo but they are still there west and java most of southeast asia now is enjoying what should be the dry charlie and it is the dry time the is the circulation you'll notice is briefly noticed here was a hint something to us developed it were don't worry if you want the rain it's down here if you don't far away from most it is dry and fine and warm the top end of australia has been some very heavy rain recently and they should be and the remorse deep showers but they are really quite a long way north this cloud running through the bite and then towards the southern corner not particularly wet it indicates a slight change in the feeling of the weather because it's pretty hot in adelaide at thirty nine same size springs perth is up i think probably in excess of thirty to be honest with the wind coming out of the interior but out a bit of clouds the mix in melbourne therefore is much cooler and it's the same sort of differentiation the not so obvious come saturday forty nine springs. it's like the wild west they can do anything and the really hard for them to get the old powerful internet is the tool for democracy under threat. voices and they distort the debate in the echo chamber world of fake news in cyberspace the rules of the game have changed there are no precedents people out investigate dissin from asian democracy part two at this time on al-jazeera. it's good to have you with us on al-jazeera the top stories russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb. the northern provinces nearly two hundred people mostly civilians have been killed in the past four days. north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and yang it comes on the eve of a display of unity at the winter olympics in south korea on friday north korean athletes are due to march in the opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south . and court has sentenced prime minister to five years in prison on corruption charges was found guilty of embezzling more than two hundred sixty thousand dollars. she will. no longer be able to contest the general election this december. the prime minister of yemen has called on saudi arabia and its coalition to investigate recent a deadly clashes in the city of aden dozens of people were killed and many injured in three days of fighting between southern separatists and government forces last month. the violence broke out as the saudi backed government faced accusations of pushing the yemen to the brink of famine the fighting stopped after both sides agreed to observe a cease fire. to libya now where there have been reports protests rather in the eastern city of benghazi after a military commander handed himself over to forces loyal to general honey for half the mom or the other good father he is wanted by the international criminal court for alleged war crimes he's accused of torture and summary executions of captives but let's get more on this now our correspondent with that than one who is joining us live from tripoli so we do we do we know where. it is now and why are people protesting in benghazi. well elizabeth what happened is that after a measure. that is. a commander that belongs to that any good generals who have had to and his head of a battalion commanders battalion that belong to forces loyal to him in the military for health or after he handed himself in to the central command of general have to . from including the military and their civilian individuals carrying get weapons have protested in the main street simply sitting on fires and closing manus and threatening if. it's not released they were stored in this central command in a rush to tell them that as. of now mahmoud a little finally handed himself into the central command after all of the pressure there has been made by the international criminal court on hefted forces to hand him over to the international criminal court for allegedly committing crimes against humanity during the last three years now we know that the head of the command is but his forces he has been shown in videos and footage is over the last three years showing him briefly executing committing somebody exact again. handcuffed and blindfolded men. now according to sources. we're getting reports that he might he might have been released after that pressure that has been put by the protesters. but in all cases we understand that the international criminal court has issued. a warrant arrest against. and has blamed any gaijin that the have to for not. him to the international criminal court. he is commandos he's the commander of the special forces. and all that shows. security is even. to have that has taken control of the city that also shows that. forces that are loyal to him in a good general could if they have to go out have a full control of the city of one of us elizabeth all right mahmoud thank you very much for that is mahmoud abdel why had lived in tripoli thank you. now israeli media reports say police will soon recommend the indictment of prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gets from billionaire benefactors including a major hollywood producer he's also alleged to have been involved in a deal with a leading newspaper to weaken a rival daily publication in return for favorable coverage iran can has the latest from western lucilla. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says this is going nowhere now the case has been really recommended by the police they say an indictment should be issued that's been given to the attorney general the attorney general then house to discuss with the state's attorney and come up with a decision whether to indict or not promise to benjamin netanyahu much like president donald trump uses social media to get his message across he's been on his facebook page he's been saying that this is going nowhere let's take a look at exactly what he had to say. many of you asked what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of law the law says of the one to determine whether there is evidence against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently and mesh it not about half of the police recommendations and with nothing so what happens next what we're looking at evidence being gathered and taking a look at by the state's attorney with the attorney general it's unlikely that this will go anywhere because of prime minister benjamin netanyahu position he is incredibly popular amongst the hard right has a lot of political support within the hard right of the community so they'll be pressure on the attorney general moats or bring about any kind of case also by taking this is social media he will also be saying to the israeli people if you want to indict me go ahead but i don't think it's going anywhere because we have the rule of law and those that's his exact words so we're not expecting anything to happen soon there is a procedure to go through and that's where it's at right now it's on the desk of the attorney general whatever he does we don't know but let's see what happens next . a u.s. democratic party leader has set a new record for the longest speech ever made in the house of representatives for the last eight hours ahead had the privilege of reaching the testimony of so many dreamers to still have moved. hour after hour house minority leader nancy pelosi advocated on behalf of undocumented immigrants who came to the u.s. as children who are known as dreamers they were previously protected from deportation under and i bamma amas came which president trump has ended while pelosi and her democratic colleagues young and protected again as they negotiate a budget deal but their public and party immigration is one of the biggest sticking points including so-called chain migration which refers to a person bringing members of their family to the u.s. after being planted residency trump wants an end to it but a shihab rattansi explains the president's own family on ancestors came to america that way. we need to end the chain migration and when the white house uses the term chain migration it's meant as just migrants yanking a train and pulling in all of their unskilled extended family to settle in the us but that so migration has worked in the us since the country's founding researches have dug up some notable examples of families reuniting after settling in the u.s. for example donald trump whose mother left scotland to join her sister who'd already settled in the u.s. and whose grandfather moved from germany at the end of the nineteenth century to join his sister who'd been granted residency the year before he spoke little english yet trained as a barber's apprentice but there was no critical shortage of barbers in the us such ancestral journeys are common in the administration vice president mike pence two wouldn't be in the u.s. were it not for what he calls chain migration his grandfather was one of several in his family who took advantage of his siblings u.s. residency and then those white house adviser stephen miller one of the architects of the tough line against immigration his great great grandfather was pulled into the u.s. by a blood relative from bella ruse assimilation was hard for the family millers great grandmother still didn't speak english for years after her arrival and that's exactly the sort of my. is seeking to prevent from arriving on u.s. rules so we're proposing to limit family based migration to spouses and minor children what will the system look at it will look at does the applicant speak english can they support themselves and their families financially do they have a skill that will add to the u.s. economy and washington's cato institute estimates of the effect of the administration's immigration framework will lead to the largest county in legal immigration since the one nine hundred twenty s. a forty four percent cut annually excluding nearly twenty two million people over the next fifty years in the twenty's politicians were overt about their racism but now according to david baer there are also naked political consideration so i do believe there is a political motivation as well they fear immigrants will come in and vote for democrats and democrats think that the immigrants will come in and vote for their party. it's widely accepted that the u.s. already near the bottom of e.c.v. countries for the number of immigrants it accepts needs immigration for its economic development tax base as its population ages but of course there's nothing new about u.s. politicians migrants even when they themselves all the descendants of poor unskilled english speaking migrants she ever time see al-jazeera washington. now it's a tight squeeze for many ends who live in hong kong home for many years in a skyscraper sharing tiny with their families and more people are living in a legal structure is difficult pollen for poles. in the summer and in the winter and i spot that's how this mother describes the home she shares with her teenage daughters the sixteen square metre shack is perched on top of a twenty two story building there and also we are all the tennis for the seating while it rings up one of the windows cracked during the typhoon and we could only cover it with tape and paper. she moved. into this illegal structure ten years ago after her husband died they live under the constant threat of eviction and now the landlord wants to raise the rent from the current five hundred dollars a month we don't have any rent control recitation or any tendency so that's why for the poor people it's very human rights advocacy groups say more than a quarter of a million people in hong kong live in the illegal structures are squalid conditions every year that number rises by twenty percent. private housing prices have gone up four hundred thirty percent since two thousand and thirteen while the average household income has only increased forty five percent in the past decade which means fewer people can afford property in the city and with the average wage for public housing out of five years there has been a call for a more innovative approach to the crisis this is one suggestion the zero point two because it is made from readily available concrete pipes its creators say they can be stacked up and squeezed into vacant spaces in urban areas to provide starter homes another idea being discussed is container homes shipping containers are already used as offices or shops in some areas but these architects say there is another solution one that addresses the fact that only seven percent of the city's land is used for residential purposes industrial uses it is changing no you don't need so many factory buildings a big store of them if you convert that to residential that's going to bring on stream a lot of area for residential very quickly experts say the problem is not a lack of space but government policy unlike other cities here the government owns all the land and leases a limited amount to developers so property prices drop so does the government's revenue which means there's little incentive to bring down the sky high prices. hong kong. to brazil now where the supreme court has authorized the privatization of the giant state owned power company electric bras the move comes as the government sends mixed signals about the future of hydroelectric dam projects particularly on the. latin america reports. this is the river it's crystal clear waters and where it joins the murkier amazon river in sand that him. and this port city tons of brazilian soybeans are shipped out each day but on this day it's not the increasing deforestation of the amazon for soiling cattle grazing that's brought environmental activists here. in the mining and energy ministry has posted plans for several large electric. hydro energy is brazil's main source of electricity and before year's end the government is set to privatized a little brass latin america's largest power company inviting foreign investors to play a major role in expansion efforts. local priest that takes us to an indigenous community along the river. and his wife maria live from what nature gives them nothing goes to waste not even the feathers from tropical birds so their head dresses nor snakes backbones used for making this necklace. the damsel destroy the river it will destroy nature what will happen to the trees that produce fruit for the fish to we will suffer the consequences energy expert see the top not only as the next frontier in a hydroelectric production but also as an example of so-called multiple water usage local communities and conservationists believe that the end game is to turn this the top five else river into an aquatic superhighway this once again. evidently reduce the time and the cost of shipping brazil's number one cash crop soil to this country's number one market china but to do that dams would have to be built up river in order to raise the water levels enough to allow large ships the sail through this is in fact the c.e.o. of brazil's energy research office applauds the idea and dismisses recent reports that the era of large hydroelectric power plants is over but he says future projects can no longer ignore social and environmental concerns those projects should be done following an inclusive we saw everybody can be on the table in the benefits can be properly shere but in the amazon where critics say there's no such thing as a harmless stamp communities like this one are already preparing to resist as best they can you see in human i'll just sita some thought him brazil. now again on the there's a problem and the headlines on al-jazeera russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb east and go into and the northern end of province almost two hundred people mostly civilians have been killed in the past four days. and elsewhere in syria more than one hundred pro racing fighters have been killed by the u.s. led coalition and allied local forces and unnamed official says the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces and their province. and other news north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and yang it comes on the eve of a display of unity at the winter olympics and. on friday north korean athletes and jews march in the opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south. the court has sentenced former prime minister to five years in prison on corruption charges she was found guilty of them more than two hundred sixty thousand dollars. israeli media reports say police will soon recommend the indictment of prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors including a major hollywood producer he's also alleged to have been involved in a deal with a leading newspaper to weaken a rival daily publication. many of you ask what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of war the law says of the one to determine whether there is evidence against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently admitted that about half of the police recommendations and with. the promise of yemen has called on saudi arabia and its coalition to investigate recent deadly clashes in the city of aden when dozens of people were killed and many injured in three days of fighting between southern secessionists and government forces last month. as the headlines on the al-jazeera people in power is coming up next. as the world's best athletes prepare for the winter olympics the north and south koreans will march under unified flag and compete on a joint women's hockey team will bring you the results the n.t. excitement of the seventeen day gave a few young chang twenty eight teams which are on elders iraq. recent elections most notably that's a trump as u.s. president of the role played by social media in spreading malicious propaganda and fake news in this search saga reality fiction becomes fact monies become truths and political consensus comes. in this.

Related Keywords

Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Philippines , Iran , Idlib , Syria , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Libya , China , Washington , United States , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Hollywood , California , Hong Kong , Israel , Iraq , South Korea , Brazil , Huta , Ramawt , Yemen , Germany , United Kingdom , Saudi Arabia , Perth , Western Australia , Beirut , Beyrouth , Lebanon , Sunday Well , Dhaka , Bangladesh , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Russia , Damascus , Dimashq , South Koreans , Israeli , North Koreans , American , Brazilian , South Korean , Syrian , Saudi , Scotland , America , Russian , North Korean , Syrians , Buta Shihab , Stephen Miller , Kim Jong , Mahmoud Abdel , Benjamin Netanyahu , David Baer ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180208 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180208

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former minister jailed for corruption. a show of force at a time of unity north korea stages a massive military parade on the eve of south korea's in the. let us thank in acknowledged the dreamers for their courage their. their inspiration eight hours and seven minutes u.s. political leaders marathon monologue about the plight of young immigrants. more than one hundred pro regime fighters in syria have been killed by the u.s. led coalition and allied local forces and on named officials as the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces and their problems the s.d.f. of mainly could controls large areas of northeastern syria well elsewhere russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb and shell two regions that remain in rebel hands in just four days nearly two hundred people have been killed in eastern guta and in the northeastern province of. the capital damascus and has been on the government for about five years almost half a million people are trapped there and often suffer from severe food and medicine shortages and edler province bombing has intensified since a russian plane was shot down by rebels on saturday killing the pilot ad lib and. violence was supposed to be reduced but instead help continues to rise. saying hold the reports now from beirut in neighboring lebanon. civil defense volunteers look for survivors but instead they're pulling out the dead from the rubble of what was once homes children women men dozens of them have been killed in air strikes that are leveling residential buildings. this man just lost his son. god bless you he says clearly still in a state of shock. it's day three of an intensified military campaign. multiple areas of the rebel held damascus suburb of eastern who are coming under fire people there are saying russian and syrian government aircraft have been carry out one strike after another. people here believe russia is taking revenge after his plane was shot down by the rebels and it's part it was killed it is intense bombardment at least a hundred people are wounded some of them very seriously and they can't be treated here. there is a lack of medical supplies and doctors eastern who has been besieged by pro-government forces for years it is both home and the traffic for some four hundred thousand people doctors have put up makeshift health centers but they too are being hit the top of a center is now out of service it was hit by the planes it was the only medical center in this town and fifteen thousand people the united nations is calling for the fighting throughout syria to stop for a month to allow aid deliveries and evacuations of the sick and wounded at least five hundred are in. the enclave just outside the capital has been heavily bombarded since mid december but the past few days have been the worst many pro-government forces are pushing for a decisive outcome. they want. not fight them. to fight. and the north. the northwestern province of idlib which is also under the control of the opposition has been hit by dozens of strikes in recent days there are two residential neighborhoods and hospitals are being targeted pro syrian government forces have taken ground in the southern edges of live in recent weeks recapturing the whole province will not be easy but many of the immediate goals involved in securing the north to south highway and lifting the siege on to loyalist towns. in the pro-government forces have been struggling to bring eastern huta under their control for years and now that russia appears to be honing in on rebel areas syria is once again in the midst of a major escalation especially with no progress on the diplomatic side this will only bring more suffering. beirut. to other news now north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and pyongyang it comes on the eve of a display of beauty and the winter olympics in. well the display was announced shortly after an agreement was reached on the north's part of the patient indian impacts on friday north korean athletes to do so much in the opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south let's get more on this now we're joined by natasha good name she's live for us at one of the end of gardening in south korea so what message then the tosh is this military parade on the eve of the olympics opening ceremony trying to send. well elizabeth some would say that this is a show of force south koreans some south koreans had said it was a provocation intended to intimidate and so fear but let's keep in mind one thing this is a very different approach this year this is the first time since north korea's leader kim jong officially took power in two thousand and twelve that a military parade has not been broadcast live on korean television several hours after the fact it is now being broadcast on korean television north korean television what a stark contrast from last year last year the international media was invited and several missiles were showcased this is likely due to pushback that north korea was facing from south korea people had said that south or north korea was attempting to hijack the spotlight from south korea on the eve of the opening ceremony of the winter olympics and so by allowing this parade to go forth this is the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of the north korean army kim jong un was saying that it's that it's his country's right to do so and he could remain defiant he could stoke patriotism and pride at home but also with this low key approach make a nod toward the diplomatic sensibilities involved this is a moment when both north and south korea appear to be making significant strides in improving enter korean relations holding a military parade the day before the opening ceremony and at the same time. kim jong un sending his sister to the north korean delegation at the end of pics. yes this is a historic move her name is kim. kim jong un's younger sister she's been elevated to a pretty high rank within the people's were people's workers' party and she's considered a close adviser of his this would be. the first time that the ruling kim family anyone from the ruling kim family has stepped foot on south korean soil and it's really believe that she will be also a kind of emissary there may not be any specific negotiations going on in the three days that she'll be here but she might be able to at least relay some concerns that the north koreans have to the south koreans one of those concerns could be the joint u.s. military and south korea exercises that have been postponed until after the winter games as with the south korean government it is a leading president in is a north korean refugees who has always pushed in gage met with north korea and south korean officials are saying that this is a moment a reconsolidation and an opportunity to continue forging peace between the two koreas thank you very much for that natasha going to the latest thank you. not some breaking news from buying that the former prime minister has been jailed for corruption she has served as prime minister twice and is also a former first lady but corruption allegations have. a long life in politics she and the son. faced more than thirty charges in this case including allegations of orchestration political violence as a strong opponent of prime minister of siena and says the allegations are politically motivated their fears have jail sentence coach trigger political instability let's get more on this now we're joined by correspondent child he's live for us. asking for life in prison what is the sentence. five years much stiffer than anybody expected the rest of the accused got ten years most people were paying and should get maybe a year or two already from are they created but this is quite a quite a bit as a surprise. before she was coming to the court thousands of protesters and her supporters were following the model kate but they were prevented right before entering the court there's been some clashes with police not just in dhaka city and other parts of the country there's been a very tight security with paramilitary special it's in every corner of the city the capital city literally has been been blocked from the rest of the country so that people couldn't come in the dhaka city because the gunmen think many of the supporters would come to dhaka city and protest now the question remains how does she get away from this in a election year because she has to contest for the election now and the only only possible way is to file an appeal with the higher court and to hike road state this order she possibly have a chance to contest in the election her party is going to be in a very confusing situation with all of the leadership because she is going to be taken to a central jail what we have to own central jail rather just about a half a kilometer from here in a special should be kept there till the build process she won't be able to do anything till sunday because there's a weekend in the front so and sunday we'll know how the code proceedings and they peel from her defense council goes through but the country itself is in very edgy mood because of the election those who are the opposition supporters are on her support are feel very betrayed by the government they think that this is a typically a conspiracy this has been been orchestrated from long time so that prevent the main opposition from participating in the incoming general election which is scheduled somewhere around december two thousand and eighteen all right thank you very much for that is joining us live thank you. weather update is next and then israel's prime minister suggests he'll be indicted on corruption charges and says it will come to nothing and an innovative approach to hong kong's housing crisis. we'll look at the new solutions imagine in the real estate market. however there is flooding still in western java and that's the area where most of the showers are at the moment java parts of borneo a sort of way sea and the southern philippines so what's there is just being topped up on the fortune is floating on the ground and it has been quite bad but it's just sort of ticking over now just not improving very much forecast rains they disappear for most of borneo but they are still there west and java most of southeast asia now is enjoying what should be the dry charlie and it is the dry time the is the circulation you'll notice is briefly noticed here was a hint something to us developed it were don't worry if you want the rain it's down here if you don't far away from most it is dry and fine and warm the top end of australia has been some very heavy rain recently and they should be and the remorse deep showers but they are really quite a long way north this cloud running through the bite and then towards the southern corner not particularly wet it indicates a slight change in the feeling of the weather because it's pretty hot in adelaide at thirty nine same size springs perth is up i think probably in excess of thirty to be honest with the wind coming out of the interior but out a bit of clouds the mix in melbourne therefore is much cooler and it's the same sort of differentiation the not so obvious come saturday forty nine springs. it's like the wild west they can do anything and the really hard for them to get the old powerful internet is the tool for democracy under threat. voices and they distort the debate in the echo chamber world of fake news in cyberspace the rules of the game have changed there are no precedents people out investigate dissin from asian democracy part two at this time on al-jazeera. it's good to have you with us on al-jazeera the top stories russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb. the northern provinces nearly two hundred people mostly civilians have been killed in the past four days. north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and yang it comes on the eve of a display of unity at the winter olympics in south korea on friday north korean athletes are due to march in the opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south . and court has sentenced prime minister to five years in prison on corruption charges was found guilty of embezzling more than two hundred sixty thousand dollars. she will. no longer be able to contest the general election this december. the prime minister of yemen has called on saudi arabia and its coalition to investigate recent a deadly clashes in the city of aden dozens of people were killed and many injured in three days of fighting between southern separatists and government forces last month. the violence broke out as the saudi backed government faced accusations of pushing the yemen to the brink of famine the fighting stopped after both sides agreed to observe a cease fire. to libya now where there have been reports protests rather in the eastern city of benghazi after a military commander handed himself over to forces loyal to general honey for half the mom or the other good father he is wanted by the international criminal court for alleged war crimes he's accused of torture and summary executions of captives but let's get more on this now our correspondent with that than one who is joining us live from tripoli so we do we do we know where. it is now and why are people protesting in benghazi. well elizabeth what happened is that after a measure. that is. a commander that belongs to that any good generals who have had to and his head of a battalion commanders battalion that belong to forces loyal to him in the military for health or after he handed himself in to the central command of general have to . from including the military and their civilian individuals carrying get weapons have protested in the main street simply sitting on fires and closing manus and threatening if. it's not released they were stored in this central command in a rush to tell them that as. of now mahmoud a little finally handed himself into the central command after all of the pressure there has been made by the international criminal court on hefted forces to hand him over to the international criminal court for allegedly committing crimes against humanity during the last three years now we know that the head of the command is but his forces he has been shown in videos and footage is over the last three years showing him briefly executing committing somebody exact again. handcuffed and blindfolded men. now according to sources. we're getting reports that he might he might have been released after that pressure that has been put by the protesters. but in all cases we understand that the international criminal court has issued. a warrant arrest against. and has blamed any gaijin that the have to for not. him to the international criminal court. he is commandos he's the commander of the special forces. and all that shows. security is even. to have that has taken control of the city that also shows that. forces that are loyal to him in a good general could if they have to go out have a full control of the city of one of us elizabeth all right mahmoud thank you very much for that is mahmoud abdel why had lived in tripoli thank you. now israeli media reports say police will soon recommend the indictment of prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gets from billionaire benefactors including a major hollywood producer he's also alleged to have been involved in a deal with a leading newspaper to weaken a rival daily publication in return for favorable coverage iran can has the latest from western lucilla. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says this is going nowhere now the case has been really recommended by the police they say an indictment should be issued that's been given to the attorney general the attorney general then house to discuss with the state's attorney and come up with a decision whether to indict or not promise to benjamin netanyahu much like president donald trump uses social media to get his message across he's been on his facebook page he's been saying that this is going nowhere let's take a look at exactly what he had to say. many of you asked what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of law the law says of the one to determine whether there is evidence against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently and mesh it not about half of the police recommendations and with nothing so what happens next what we're looking at evidence being gathered and taking a look at by the state's attorney with the attorney general it's unlikely that this will go anywhere because of prime minister benjamin netanyahu position he is incredibly popular amongst the hard right has a lot of political support within the hard right of the community so they'll be pressure on the attorney general moats or bring about any kind of case also by taking this is social media he will also be saying to the israeli people if you want to indict me go ahead but i don't think it's going anywhere because we have the rule of law and those that's his exact words so we're not expecting anything to happen soon there is a procedure to go through and that's where it's at right now it's on the desk of the attorney general whatever he does we don't know but let's see what happens next . a u.s. democratic party leader has set a new record for the longest speech ever made in the house of representatives for the last eight hours ahead had the privilege of reaching the testimony of so many dreamers to still have moved. hour after hour house minority leader nancy pelosi advocated on behalf of undocumented immigrants who came to the u.s. as children who are known as dreamers they were previously protected from deportation under and i bamma amas came which president trump has ended while pelosi and her democratic colleagues young and protected again as they negotiate a budget deal but their public and party immigration is one of the biggest sticking points including so-called chain migration which refers to a person bringing members of their family to the u.s. after being planted residency trump wants an end to it but a shihab rattansi explains the president's own family on ancestors came to america that way. we need to end the chain migration and when the white house uses the term chain migration it's meant as just migrants yanking a train and pulling in all of their unskilled extended family to settle in the us but that so migration has worked in the us since the country's founding researches have dug up some notable examples of families reuniting after settling in the u.s. for example donald trump whose mother left scotland to join her sister who'd already settled in the u.s. and whose grandfather moved from germany at the end of the nineteenth century to join his sister who'd been granted residency the year before he spoke little english yet trained as a barber's apprentice but there was no critical shortage of barbers in the us such ancestral journeys are common in the administration vice president mike pence two wouldn't be in the u.s. were it not for what he calls chain migration his grandfather was one of several in his family who took advantage of his siblings u.s. residency and then those white house adviser stephen miller one of the architects of the tough line against immigration his great great grandfather was pulled into the u.s. by a blood relative from bella ruse assimilation was hard for the family millers great grandmother still didn't speak english for years after her arrival and that's exactly the sort of my. is seeking to prevent from arriving on u.s. rules so we're proposing to limit family based migration to spouses and minor children what will the system look at it will look at does the applicant speak english can they support themselves and their families financially do they have a skill that will add to the u.s. economy and washington's cato institute estimates of the effect of the administration's immigration framework will lead to the largest county in legal immigration since the one nine hundred twenty s. a forty four percent cut annually excluding nearly twenty two million people over the next fifty years in the twenty's politicians were overt about their racism but now according to david baer there are also naked political consideration so i do believe there is a political motivation as well they fear immigrants will come in and vote for democrats and democrats think that the immigrants will come in and vote for their party. it's widely accepted that the u.s. already near the bottom of e.c.v. countries for the number of immigrants it accepts needs immigration for its economic development tax base as its population ages but of course there's nothing new about u.s. politicians migrants even when they themselves all the descendants of poor unskilled english speaking migrants she ever time see al-jazeera washington. now it's a tight squeeze for many ends who live in hong kong home for many years in a skyscraper sharing tiny with their families and more people are living in a legal structure is difficult pollen for poles. in the summer and in the winter and i spot that's how this mother describes the home she shares with her teenage daughters the sixteen square metre shack is perched on top of a twenty two story building there and also we are all the tennis for the seating while it rings up one of the windows cracked during the typhoon and we could only cover it with tape and paper. she moved. into this illegal structure ten years ago after her husband died they live under the constant threat of eviction and now the landlord wants to raise the rent from the current five hundred dollars a month we don't have any rent control recitation or any tendency so that's why for the poor people it's very human rights advocacy groups say more than a quarter of a million people in hong kong live in the illegal structures are squalid conditions every year that number rises by twenty percent. private housing prices have gone up four hundred thirty percent since two thousand and thirteen while the average household income has only increased forty five percent in the past decade which means fewer people can afford property in the city and with the average wage for public housing out of five years there has been a call for a more innovative approach to the crisis this is one suggestion the zero point two because it is made from readily available concrete pipes its creators say they can be stacked up and squeezed into vacant spaces in urban areas to provide starter homes another idea being discussed is container homes shipping containers are already used as offices or shops in some areas but these architects say there is another solution one that addresses the fact that only seven percent of the city's land is used for residential purposes industrial uses it is changing no you don't need so many factory buildings a big store of them if you convert that to residential that's going to bring on stream a lot of area for residential very quickly experts say the problem is not a lack of space but government policy unlike other cities here the government owns all the land and leases a limited amount to developers so property prices drop so does the government's revenue which means there's little incentive to bring down the sky high prices. hong kong. to brazil now where the supreme court has authorized the privatization of the giant state owned power company electric bras the move comes as the government sends mixed signals about the future of hydroelectric dam projects particularly on the. latin america reports. this is the river it's crystal clear waters and where it joins the murkier amazon river in sand that him. and this port city tons of brazilian soybeans are shipped out each day but on this day it's not the increasing deforestation of the amazon for soiling cattle grazing that's brought environmental activists here. in the mining and energy ministry has posted plans for several large electric. hydro energy is brazil's main source of electricity and before year's end the government is set to privatized a little brass latin america's largest power company inviting foreign investors to play a major role in expansion efforts. local priest that takes us to an indigenous community along the river. and his wife maria live from what nature gives them nothing goes to waste not even the feathers from tropical birds so their head dresses nor snakes backbones used for making this necklace. the damsel destroy the river it will destroy nature what will happen to the trees that produce fruit for the fish to we will suffer the consequences energy expert see the top not only as the next frontier in a hydroelectric production but also as an example of so-called multiple water usage local communities and conservationists believe that the end game is to turn this the top five else river into an aquatic superhighway this once again. evidently reduce the time and the cost of shipping brazil's number one cash crop soil to this country's number one market china but to do that dams would have to be built up river in order to raise the water levels enough to allow large ships the sail through this is in fact the c.e.o. of brazil's energy research office applauds the idea and dismisses recent reports that the era of large hydroelectric power plants is over but he says future projects can no longer ignore social and environmental concerns those projects should be done following an inclusive we saw everybody can be on the table in the benefits can be properly shere but in the amazon where critics say there's no such thing as a harmless stamp communities like this one are already preparing to resist as best they can you see in human i'll just sita some thought him brazil. now again on the there's a problem and the headlines on al-jazeera russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb east and go into and the northern end of province almost two hundred people mostly civilians have been killed in the past four days. and elsewhere in syria more than one hundred pro racing fighters have been killed by the u.s. led coalition and allied local forces and unnamed official says the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces and their province. and other news north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and yang it comes on the eve of a display of unity at the winter olympics and. on friday north korean athletes and jews march in the opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south. the court has sentenced former prime minister to five years in prison on corruption charges she was found guilty of them more than two hundred sixty thousand dollars. israeli media reports say police will soon recommend the indictment of prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors including a major hollywood producer he's also alleged to have been involved in a deal with a leading newspaper to weaken a rival daily publication. many of you ask what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of war the law says of the one to determine whether there is evidence against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently admitted that about half of the police recommendations and with. the promise of yemen has called on saudi arabia and its coalition to investigate recent deadly clashes in the city of aden when dozens of people were killed and many injured in three days of fighting between southern secessionists and government forces last month. as the headlines on the al-jazeera people in power is coming up next. as the world's best athletes prepare for the winter olympics the north and south koreans will march under unified flag and compete on a joint women's hockey team will bring you the results the n.t. excitement of the seventeen day gave a few young chang twenty eight teams which are on elders iraq. recent elections most notably that's a trump as u.s. president of the role played by social media in spreading malicious propaganda and fake news in this search saga reality fiction becomes fact monies become truths and political consensus comes. in this.

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Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Philippines , Iran , Idlib , Syria , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Libya , China , Washington , United States , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Hollywood , California , Hong Kong , Israel , Iraq , South Korea , Brazil , Huta , Ramawt , Yemen , Germany , United Kingdom , Saudi Arabia , Perth , Western Australia , Beirut , Beyrouth , Lebanon , Sunday Well , Dhaka , Bangladesh , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Russia , Damascus , Dimashq , South Koreans , Israeli , North Koreans , American , Brazilian , South Korean , Syrian , Saudi , Scotland , America , Russian , North Korean , Syrians , Buta Shihab , Stephen Miller , Kim Jong , Mahmoud Abdel , Benjamin Netanyahu , David Baer ,

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