Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180208 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180208

and welcome to. my headquarters in doha with me and as a prawn i'm also ahead. israel's prime minister suggests he'll be indicted on corruption charges bob says it will all come to nothing. new in america is campaign against its people while the rest of the world looks the other way. let us thank an acknowledged the dreamers for their courage their. their inspiration eight hours and seven minutes a us political leaders mammoth and monologue about the plight of young immigrants. more than a hundred poor regime clashes in syria have been killed by the u.s. led coalition and allied local forces and unnamed official says the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces and there are problems mainly kurdish alliance controls large areas of north east and syria. well elsewhere russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb and shelled two regions that remain in rebel hands and just four days nearly two hundred people have been killed in eastern guta and in the northeastern province of idlib were east and both allies near the capital damascus and has been under government siege for about five years almost half a million people are trapped there and often suffer severe food and medicine shortages and province a bombing has intensified since a russian plane was shot down by rebels on saturday killing the pilot. and eastern guta in the so-called deescalation zones where violence was supposed to be reduced but instead the body count continues to rise by the hour. the reports now from beirut in neighboring lebanon. civil defense while interiors look for survivors but instead they're pulling out the dead from the rubble of what was once homes children women men dozens of them have been killed in air strikes that are leveling residential buildings. this man just lost his son. god bless you he says clearly still in a state of shock. it's day three of an intensified military campaign. multiple areas of the rebel held damascus suburb of eastern who are coming under fire people there are saying russian and syrian government aircraft have been carry out one strike after another. people here believe russia is taking revenge after his plane was shot down by the rebels and it's part it was killed it is intense bombardment at least eight hundred people are wounded some of them very seriously and they can't be treated here. there is a lack of medical supplies and doctors eastern huta has been besieged by pro-government forces for years it is both home and the traffic for some four hundred thousand people doctors have put up makeshift health centers but they too are being helped that sort of a center is now out of service it was hit by the plane and it was the only medical center in this town and fifteen thousand people the united nations is calling for the fighting throughout syria to stop for a month to allow aid deliveries and evacuations of the sick and wounded at least five hundred are in. the enclave just outside the capital has been heavily bombarded since mid december but the past few days have been the worst many believe pro-government forces are pushing for a decisive outcome. they want. not fight them anywhere. really. do fire. and the north. pole the northwestern province of idlib which is also under the control of the opposition has been hit by dozens of strikes in recent days there are two residential neighborhoods and hospitals are being targeted pro syrian government forces have taken ground in the southern edges of it live in recent weeks recapturing the whole province will not be easy but many believe the immediate goals involve a victory in the north to south highway and lifting the siege on to loyalist towns . in the procurement forces have been struggling to bring eastern huta under their control for years and now that russia appears to be holding in rebel areas syria is once again in the midst of a major escalation especially with no progress on the diplomatic site this will only bring more suffering. people. let's move on to other news now and israeli media reports say police will soon recommend the indictment of prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors and clothing a major hollywood producer he's also alleged to have been involved in a deal with a leading newspaper to weaken a rival publication and return for favorable coverage let's get more on this now. amman khan he's live for us and western so what does netanyahu have to say in response to the to the reports of iran where he's always denied the charges he's always said that actually receiving gifts is not a crime he's also said that this is a political witch hunt against him a much like the u.s. president donald trump he takes to social media to proclaim his innocence he's been on his facebook page he's taken the news that the police will recommend an indictment of the attorney general and he said it's going to go nowhere let's take a listen to exactly what he gets. well you know many of you ask what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of law the law says of the one to determine whether there is evidence against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently in method that about half of the police recommendations and with nothing so very confidential netanyahu there but what happens next in iran. well the attorney general has to pick up the police's recommendations he then has to talk to the state the state attorney and then they decide whether to move forward with the case now whether any of this happens is old dependent on the attorney general but the tell you general of course is the government's own lawyer he's the most senior lawyer there so it really depends on whether this is the political will whether there's the evidence there to really move forward with the case now all of prime minister benjamin netanyahu supporters say there's nothing there in fact a lot of polls have been a regarding this case for by israeli media talking to israelis themselves they don't think that there is enough evidence against the prime minister so that's why he's so confident that's why he thinks it's going to go nowhere so let's see what happens it's unlikely that we're going to see anything in the next few days because it's about the religious holiday or the religious a story coming up and so we won't see anything up until sunday maybe let's see what happens on sunday but it's unlikely and given the prime minister's bullishness i don't think we are going to see anything anytime soon what a month thank you very much for that for now that some of the nations from west jerusalem thank you. the prime minister of yemen has called on saudi arabia and its coalition to investigate recent deadly clashes in the coastal city of aden dozens of people were killed and many injured in three days of fighting between southern separatists and government forces last month the violence broke out as the saudi backed government faced accusations of pushing yemen to the brink of famine the fighting stopped after both sides agreed to observe a cease fire. north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade in pyongyang it comes on the eve of a display of unity at the winter olympics and self career foreign tourists witnessed tanks on the way to the event but the parade itself was not forecast live on state t.v. the display was announced shortly after an agreement was reached on the north's participation in the olympics on friday north korean athletes are due to march in the opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south well let's get more on this now we're joined by correspondent tashi good name she's live at one of the olympics in south korea we have not seen pictures of the taj off the parade on state t.v. this is unusual. last year elizabeth the north koreans had a big military parade they invited the international media they showcased missiles this year you would think given the rapid advances we've seen. north korea's weapons program the country would be keen to celebrate its successes but this year the international media was not invited korean state t.v. did not broadcast the military parade and as you mentioned the only imagery we've seen thus far is on twitter that's likely no coincidence that is because by holding this military parade one day before the opening ceremony of the. winter olympics north korea was getting some pushback it was being accused of being provocative of selling fear one south korean official said it would intimidate people and so by holding this parade quietly elizabeth this could be kim jong the leader of north korea's attempt to stoke patriotism and pride at home with a nod to the diplomatic sensitivities at this moment and that a real moment of opportunity between the two koreas because north korea is making major overtures in its attempt to rebuild its relationship with south korea and given that the how can we how can we read the presence of kim jong un's own sister leading the lead in the north korean delegation at the olympics opening ceremony on friday. this is yet another milestone this will be the first time a member of the ruling family north korea ruling family will step foot on south korean soil kim jong un sister she's the younger sister is named kim jong she's been elevated to a pretty high rank within the people's party she's considered a close advisor of the leader and is likely to be an emissary of sorts relaying north korean concerns to the south koreans she's here for three days are expected to be here for three days one of those concerns could be joint military exercises between south korea and the united states that have been postponed until after the olympics she does come with baggage she is facing u.s. sanctions for human rights violations tied to censorship but as for the south korean government it is elated is calling her arrival a moment for real reconciliation an opportunity to forge peace between the two koreas thank you very much for that natasha good name with the latest from near and thank you and u.s. vice president mike pence has arrived in south korea from japan haze headed to chiang to attend the opening ceremony of the olympic games while in japan pencils the u.s. would unveil the toughest and most aggressive round of economic sanctions on north korea. a look at the weather is coming up next then the search for survivors intensifies an instant taiwan after an earthquake leaves buildings on the brink of collapse plus. and the president's chief of staff have had full confidence and trust in his abilities and his performance. with another key donald trump aide is forced to leave the white house. through triangle rape you can you. do not gain freedom to use in. gondolas. that i would get in the snow did not clear from paris indeed more snow fell disruptive snow this is the picture yesterday it won't be hugely best as today to be honest the snow has stopped falling there but to get this in mad and for it to last in the capital of france is actually quite a rarity does snow just doesn't stick very often so there was quite major disruption as i say it stopped snowing significantly now most of the deeper cloud is not so much in france as now further east so the cup place in alps and over austria that's where the action is that's where the snow will be falling however it is still cold elsewhere if i sweep away the cloud just put in the color background where it's blue daytime temperatures are really quite low single figures that extends right back to paris plus one hundred seventy madrid's seven not particularly bad actually considering the time of the year but if you've got snow on the ground you get really cold nights as for the next batch of what is going further east is dying out of the hungary in play and it's falling in ukraine as you can see and given that's been the push of southerly breeze actually warming up in places like moscow or minus three but not much changes in austria or germany i mean paris was two degrees guess what happens on friday it snows again that's going to be about four days worth. the weather sponsored by qatar raise. the scene for us whether online what is a very nice time in yemen that peace is always possible but it never happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there are people that are choosing between buying medication and eating basis is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone who's an activist who's close to the story joined the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera . good to have you with us on al jazeera these are our top stories russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb. and the northern province nearly two hundred people mostly civilians have been killed in the past four days israeli media is reporting that police are preparing to indict prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors he's also accused of making a deal with the leading newspaper in return for favorable coverage. north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and pyongyang comes on the eve of a display of unity and the winter olympics in south korea but the parade itself was forecast live on state t.v. on friday north korean athletes a huge march in the in the pix opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south. amnesty international says an ethnic cleansing campaign against myanmar is far from over and a new report the human rights group condemns the international response to the crisis as weak and ineffective and also warning that the agreed repatriation of refugees from bangladesh to myanmar is premature security forces are accused of causing what amnesty calls for starvation by denying farmers access to fields confiscating livestock and setting markets on fire say the abduction of girls and young woman is common raising concerns about rape and sexual slavery and refugees accuse security forces of setting up checkpoints along. with their robbed and women to have humiliating body searches matt wells as a crisis senior crisis adviser at amnesty international and of the report and he is calling on tougher measures against myanmar's government. you know what we've seen is condemnation after condemnation from the international community but there has been a real failure to act to impose real consequences on the me and our military for what is now been more than five months of a campaign of ethnic cleansing and so we think that there needs to be an arms embargo targeted financial sanctions against senior officials in the military who are who have committed this this these horrific human rights violations over the last five months in the last couple months to me and more government has said that it's ready to start repatriation their returns and what our report today shows is that the military hasn't even stopped committing horrific human rights violations against the rango who remain in northern makai and state consistently for people who arrived in bangladesh and the last month or two you know we had reports of starvation of people who've been denied access going out to the rice fields who've seen their markets burned or or blocked from from access to have watched as humanitarian aid has been severely restricted throughout northern rakhine state all of this is led to a situation in which people are struggling to find food which is forcing these new arrivals to bangladesh and this represents really you know the final blow after months of a horrific ethnic cleansing campaign in which we and others have consistently documented widespread killings sexual violence against rango women and girls and the targeted burning of ragged villages across northern rakhine state. to taiwan now a rescue crews are hoping to find more earthquake survivors there braving a powerful aftershocks to enter buildings on the brink of collapse in the port city of ali and dozens remain missing after six point four tremor on tuesday at least nine people were killed and many injured when i correspond the bra if as the search operation is focused on one building which is close to collapse. teetering on its sides this one building is now the focus of this search and rescue operation as rescue teams are back inside now looking for any survivors but as each hour goes by it evidently hopes begin to dim of finding more survivors the problem the rescue teams are facing is not only the weather here but also there have been continuing aftershocks since the initial quake they continued through wednesday now thankfully here thursday in taiwan do the ask the sharks do seem to have abated and rescue teams are back in there a small city has grown up around this building all the media rescue teams that have been brought in from all different parts of taiwan to help in this rescue operation and the teams are also being assisted by putting up more metal crops to try to support this building that have been fears at times of the building collapsing completely now it seems that they have put in place the props to allow the rescue operation to continue now to iraq where aid workers say security forces are forcing thousands of displaced people to leave a six camps in baghdad they say have been told to go back home within a few weeks or many refuse to god fearing they have nothing to return to and destroyed one that has promised to heather and bobby has denied the government has a policy of affecting people that admitted it might be happening in some areas. well in three hundred child soldiers and south so. don have been freed on the united nations program to reintegrate them into society of those released by armed groups in the gambia region eighty seven girls well the u.n. says is the first time so many young women have been involved in a release the integration program aims to help seven hundred child soldiers return to a normal life. very we celebrate the birthplace of what will be covered by this release of children groups it's. really for me. but it's just the first bit and unfortunately in other parts of the country recruit. the u.s. democratic party leader has set a new record for the longest speech ever made in the house of representatives for the last eight hours i have had the privilege of reading the testimony of so many dreamers i still have more thankful for eight hours house minority leader nancy pelosi advocated on behalf of undocumented immigrants who came to the u.s. as children known as dreamers they were previously protected from deportation under the obama administration's deferred action for childhood arrivals plan which was ended by president trump last year palosi and her democratic colleagues want these young immigrants protected again as they negotiate a budget deal but trumps republican party immigration as one of the biggest sticking points including so-called chain migration that refers to a person bringing members of their family to the u.s. after being granted residency trump wants an end to it but as she hopped on c. explains the president's own ancestors came to america that way. we need to end chain migration that when the white house uses the term chain migration it's meant to suggest migrants yanking a chain and pulling in all of their unskilled extended family to settle in the u.s. but that's how migration has worked in the u.s. since the country's founding researchers have dug up some notable examples of families reuniting after settling in the u.s. for example don't trump whose mother left scotland to join her sister who'd already settled in the u.s. and whose grandfather moved from germany at the end of the nineteenth century to join his sister who'd been granted residency the year before he spoke little english yet trained as a barber's apprentice but there was no critical shortage of barbarism us such ancestral journeys are common in the administration vice president mike pence two wouldn't be in the u.s. were not for what he calls chain migration his grandfather was one of several in his family who took advantage of his siblings u.s. residency and then there's white house adviser stephen miller one of the architects of the tough line against immigration his great great grandfather was pulled into the u.s. by a known blood relative from bella ruse assimilation was hard for the family millers great grandmother still didn't speak english for years after her arrival and that's exactly the sort of migrant miller is seeking to prevent from arriving on u.s. rules so we're proposing to limit family based migration to spouses and minor children what will the system look at it will look at does the applicant speak english can they support themselves and their families financially do they have a skill that will add to the u.s. economy at washington's cato institute they estimate that the effect of the administration's immigration framework will lead to the largest cut in legal immigration since the one nine hundred twenty s. a forty four percent cut annually excluding nearly twenty two million people over the next fifty years in the twenty's politicians were overt about their racism but now according to david baer there are also naked political considerations so i do but we there is a. political motivation as well they fear immigrants will come in and vote for democrats and democrats think that the immigrants will come in and vote for their party. it's widely accepted that the u.s. already near the bottom of the cd countries for the number of immigrants it accepts needs immigration for its economic development tax base as its population ages but of course there's nothing new about u.s. politicians migrants even when they themselves all the descendants of poor unskilled english speaking migrants the al-jazeera washington now white house office has resigned over domestic abuse allegations the trumpet ministration as refusing to say if the accusations against raul picture by his ex-wives were known before he was given to haul alan fisher has the story. a staff secretary reporter essentially monitors the paperwork that goes across the president's desk he often travels with the president and had a hand in writing the state of the union address he's not a well known name but he plays a key role in the west wing but in the past few days the daily mail dot com has published stories quoting his two ex-wives who say they were physically abused by him one to the extent she obtained a restraining order after dismissing the claims is that regis and false he is no decided to quit from the podium of the white house briefing room there was a defense from the highest level rob has been ineffective in his role as staff secretary and the president's chief of staff and had full confidence and trust in his abilities and his performance in a more of an update on that front rob this played out a statement which i can read to you now and i think your dress some of those other questions these outrageous allegations are simply false i took the photos given to the media nearly fifteen years ago and the reality behind them is nowhere close to what is being described it's reported the f.b.i. knew of the assault allegations and that could have impacted on porter security clearance he'll leave the white house after a transition period but the date of his final day of the president's sight has not been decided alan fischer washington. protests have again broken out on the mall days after the newly appointed police chief accused to detain judges of taking bribes but he say he took they took the money and potential water in the release of jailed opposition leaders the president i mean of them go you ordered the arrest of the judges on monday he also declared a state of emergency accusing the court of supporting a coach. the leader of south africa's governing party says he is in direct discussions with president jacob zuma of a possible transition of the presidency while several run oppose a has felt for a speedy resolution and says the talks will be concluded in the coming days zuma has been under pressure to resign over corruption allegations. germany's two main parties are working out how they'll work together after a deal to form a coalition more than four months after the election the social democrats originally said they would not prop up another government on chancellor angela merkel but they're now going to do it if party members approve paul brennan reports from. the negotiating teams emerged blinking into the bright sunlight clearly relieved it was all over three days after the suppose a deadline for agreement it would take an american twenty four hour session to finally seal the deal it was mid afternoon by the time the party leaders felt ready to speak he says those new you won't i know that millions of germans have been watching us very closely over recent weeks they had to justify demands of us firstly place for my government at long last a stable one and second think of people's real needs and interests i'm convinced that the coalition agreement we've come up with together can do precisely that. with us that's what we're doing concerts i think what we've managed to achieve really does bear this dump of the social democrats so the agreements been heavily influenced by us and we're grateful we've been able to achieve some concessions that were difficult for with conservatives. for the past five weeks germany's center right c.d.u. and center left s.p.d. have been locked in negotiations over a common position on issues including health care labor reform immigration and housing policy allocating ministerial positions involve more compromise but with a deal now done those compromises have been bitterly criticized by the right wing a.f.d. party. to use this sort of time with them as really a sign meant of the ministry shows that the c.d.u. has totally surrendered out of fear of the s.p.d. members the c.d.u. has given up its ideology and now it's giving up in practical terms too because it has none of the main ministries anymore the cd use just an empty shell there is one last hurdle to clear though before the new grand coalition government can be confirmed s.p.d. members now get their votes on the deal and their sentiments appears evenly split kevin could hurt the leader of the s.p.d. young socialist group use oss has been organizing a strong use campaign against another so called grow coke the question lied me though whether his appeal especially his warnings trading is representing carry enough weight to convince all remember which are probably more inclined to be persuaded by the older rort which is going to rally in favor of joining the coalition the s.p.d. postal vote will take about two weeks to produce a result the coalition is not a done deal yet. al-jazeera. hello again i'm there's a problem and the headlines on al-jazeera russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb eastern and northern province almost two hundred people mostly civilians have been killed just in the past four days. elsewhere in syria more than one hundred pro regime fighters have been killed by the u.s. led coalition the and allied local forces and unnamed official says the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces in there or province and other news israeli media reports say police will soon recommend the indictment of prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife are denied receiving illicit billionaire benefactors including a major hollywood producer he's also alleged to have been involved in a deal with a leading newspaper to weaken a rival dating publication and return for favorable coverage. while many of you asked what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of war. the want to determine whether there is evidence against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently a message but about half of the police recommendations and with nothing. the prime minister of yemen has called on saudi arabia and its coalition to investigate recent deadly clashes in the city of aden dozens of people were killed and many enjoyed in three days of fighting between. government forces last month the violence broke out as the saudi backed government face accusations of pushing yemen to the brink of famine the fighting stopped after both sides agreed to observe a cease fire. north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and pyongyang but the parade itself was not forecast on state t.v. it comes on the eve of the opening ceremony at the winter olympics where athletes from both sides will march together and rescue crews in taiwan hoping to find more earthquake survivors braving powerful aftershocks to enter buildings on the brink of collapse in the port city of on in dozens remain missing after the magnitude six point four tremor on tuesday six nine people were killed and many injured those are the headlines on al-jazeera but do stay with us the stream is coming up next as the world's best athletes prepare for the winter olympics the north and south koreans will march under unified flag and compete on a joint women's hockey team we'll bring you the results. of the seventy day gave the young chang twenty eight olympics on al-jazeera. hi i'm femi oke and. the roma people are the largest ethnic minority group in europe but they often experience hate and social exclusion however many roam artists especially women are using the work to fight sexism racism and discrimination so they speak with a few including the co-founder of a feminist theatre group to learn how the challenging stereotypes about.

Related Keywords

South Korea , United States , Ukraine , Hollywood , California , France , Qatar , Idlib , Syria , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Bangladesh , Huta , Volyns Ka Oblast , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Russia , Roma , Lazio , Italy , Japan , Gambia , Germany , Taiwan , Yemen , Baghdad , Iraq , Israel , Washington , South Africa , Paris , France General , Iran , Moscow , Moskva , Damascus , Dimashq , Lebanon , Saudi Arabia , Madrid , Spain , United Kingdom , Amman , O11 , Jordan , Hungary , South Korean , Syrian , Saudi , Scotland , America , Russian , Northern Province , North Korean , Germans , Israelis , Syrians , South Koreans , Israeli , American , Benjamin Netanyahu , Jacob Zuma , Kim Jong , Stephen Miller , Paul Brennan , David Baer , Alan Fisher , Al Jazeera ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180208 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180208

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and welcome to. my headquarters in doha with me and as a prawn i'm also ahead. israel's prime minister suggests he'll be indicted on corruption charges bob says it will all come to nothing. new in america is campaign against its people while the rest of the world looks the other way. let us thank an acknowledged the dreamers for their courage their. their inspiration eight hours and seven minutes a us political leaders mammoth and monologue about the plight of young immigrants. more than a hundred poor regime clashes in syria have been killed by the u.s. led coalition and allied local forces and unnamed official says the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces and there are problems mainly kurdish alliance controls large areas of north east and syria. well elsewhere russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb and shelled two regions that remain in rebel hands and just four days nearly two hundred people have been killed in eastern guta and in the northeastern province of idlib were east and both allies near the capital damascus and has been under government siege for about five years almost half a million people are trapped there and often suffer severe food and medicine shortages and province a bombing has intensified since a russian plane was shot down by rebels on saturday killing the pilot. and eastern guta in the so-called deescalation zones where violence was supposed to be reduced but instead the body count continues to rise by the hour. the reports now from beirut in neighboring lebanon. civil defense while interiors look for survivors but instead they're pulling out the dead from the rubble of what was once homes children women men dozens of them have been killed in air strikes that are leveling residential buildings. this man just lost his son. god bless you he says clearly still in a state of shock. it's day three of an intensified military campaign. multiple areas of the rebel held damascus suburb of eastern who are coming under fire people there are saying russian and syrian government aircraft have been carry out one strike after another. people here believe russia is taking revenge after his plane was shot down by the rebels and it's part it was killed it is intense bombardment at least eight hundred people are wounded some of them very seriously and they can't be treated here. there is a lack of medical supplies and doctors eastern huta has been besieged by pro-government forces for years it is both home and the traffic for some four hundred thousand people doctors have put up makeshift health centers but they too are being helped that sort of a center is now out of service it was hit by the plane and it was the only medical center in this town and fifteen thousand people the united nations is calling for the fighting throughout syria to stop for a month to allow aid deliveries and evacuations of the sick and wounded at least five hundred are in. the enclave just outside the capital has been heavily bombarded since mid december but the past few days have been the worst many believe pro-government forces are pushing for a decisive outcome. they want. not fight them anywhere. really. do fire. and the north. pole the northwestern province of idlib which is also under the control of the opposition has been hit by dozens of strikes in recent days there are two residential neighborhoods and hospitals are being targeted pro syrian government forces have taken ground in the southern edges of it live in recent weeks recapturing the whole province will not be easy but many believe the immediate goals involve a victory in the north to south highway and lifting the siege on to loyalist towns . in the procurement forces have been struggling to bring eastern huta under their control for years and now that russia appears to be holding in rebel areas syria is once again in the midst of a major escalation especially with no progress on the diplomatic site this will only bring more suffering. people. let's move on to other news now and israeli media reports say police will soon recommend the indictment of prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors and clothing a major hollywood producer he's also alleged to have been involved in a deal with a leading newspaper to weaken a rival publication and return for favorable coverage let's get more on this now. amman khan he's live for us and western so what does netanyahu have to say in response to the to the reports of iran where he's always denied the charges he's always said that actually receiving gifts is not a crime he's also said that this is a political witch hunt against him a much like the u.s. president donald trump he takes to social media to proclaim his innocence he's been on his facebook page he's taken the news that the police will recommend an indictment of the attorney general and he said it's going to go nowhere let's take a listen to exactly what he gets. well you know many of you ask what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of law the law says of the one to determine whether there is evidence against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently in method that about half of the police recommendations and with nothing so very confidential netanyahu there but what happens next in iran. well the attorney general has to pick up the police's recommendations he then has to talk to the state the state attorney and then they decide whether to move forward with the case now whether any of this happens is old dependent on the attorney general but the tell you general of course is the government's own lawyer he's the most senior lawyer there so it really depends on whether this is the political will whether there's the evidence there to really move forward with the case now all of prime minister benjamin netanyahu supporters say there's nothing there in fact a lot of polls have been a regarding this case for by israeli media talking to israelis themselves they don't think that there is enough evidence against the prime minister so that's why he's so confident that's why he thinks it's going to go nowhere so let's see what happens it's unlikely that we're going to see anything in the next few days because it's about the religious holiday or the religious a story coming up and so we won't see anything up until sunday maybe let's see what happens on sunday but it's unlikely and given the prime minister's bullishness i don't think we are going to see anything anytime soon what a month thank you very much for that for now that some of the nations from west jerusalem thank you. the prime minister of yemen has called on saudi arabia and its coalition to investigate recent deadly clashes in the coastal city of aden dozens of people were killed and many injured in three days of fighting between southern separatists and government forces last month the violence broke out as the saudi backed government faced accusations of pushing yemen to the brink of famine the fighting stopped after both sides agreed to observe a cease fire. north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade in pyongyang it comes on the eve of a display of unity at the winter olympics and self career foreign tourists witnessed tanks on the way to the event but the parade itself was not forecast live on state t.v. the display was announced shortly after an agreement was reached on the north's participation in the olympics on friday north korean athletes are due to march in the opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south well let's get more on this now we're joined by correspondent tashi good name she's live at one of the olympics in south korea we have not seen pictures of the taj off the parade on state t.v. this is unusual. last year elizabeth the north koreans had a big military parade they invited the international media they showcased missiles this year you would think given the rapid advances we've seen. north korea's weapons program the country would be keen to celebrate its successes but this year the international media was not invited korean state t.v. did not broadcast the military parade and as you mentioned the only imagery we've seen thus far is on twitter that's likely no coincidence that is because by holding this military parade one day before the opening ceremony of the. winter olympics north korea was getting some pushback it was being accused of being provocative of selling fear one south korean official said it would intimidate people and so by holding this parade quietly elizabeth this could be kim jong the leader of north korea's attempt to stoke patriotism and pride at home with a nod to the diplomatic sensitivities at this moment and that a real moment of opportunity between the two koreas because north korea is making major overtures in its attempt to rebuild its relationship with south korea and given that the how can we how can we read the presence of kim jong un's own sister leading the lead in the north korean delegation at the olympics opening ceremony on friday. this is yet another milestone this will be the first time a member of the ruling family north korea ruling family will step foot on south korean soil kim jong un sister she's the younger sister is named kim jong she's been elevated to a pretty high rank within the people's party she's considered a close advisor of the leader and is likely to be an emissary of sorts relaying north korean concerns to the south koreans she's here for three days are expected to be here for three days one of those concerns could be joint military exercises between south korea and the united states that have been postponed until after the olympics she does come with baggage she is facing u.s. sanctions for human rights violations tied to censorship but as for the south korean government it is elated is calling her arrival a moment for real reconciliation an opportunity to forge peace between the two koreas thank you very much for that natasha good name with the latest from near and thank you and u.s. vice president mike pence has arrived in south korea from japan haze headed to chiang to attend the opening ceremony of the olympic games while in japan pencils the u.s. would unveil the toughest and most aggressive round of economic sanctions on north korea. a look at the weather is coming up next then the search for survivors intensifies an instant taiwan after an earthquake leaves buildings on the brink of collapse plus. and the president's chief of staff have had full confidence and trust in his abilities and his performance. with another key donald trump aide is forced to leave the white house. through triangle rape you can you. do not gain freedom to use in. gondolas. that i would get in the snow did not clear from paris indeed more snow fell disruptive snow this is the picture yesterday it won't be hugely best as today to be honest the snow has stopped falling there but to get this in mad and for it to last in the capital of france is actually quite a rarity does snow just doesn't stick very often so there was quite major disruption as i say it stopped snowing significantly now most of the deeper cloud is not so much in france as now further east so the cup place in alps and over austria that's where the action is that's where the snow will be falling however it is still cold elsewhere if i sweep away the cloud just put in the color background where it's blue daytime temperatures are really quite low single figures that extends right back to paris plus one hundred seventy madrid's seven not particularly bad actually considering the time of the year but if you've got snow on the ground you get really cold nights as for the next batch of what is going further east is dying out of the hungary in play and it's falling in ukraine as you can see and given that's been the push of southerly breeze actually warming up in places like moscow or minus three but not much changes in austria or germany i mean paris was two degrees guess what happens on friday it snows again that's going to be about four days worth. the weather sponsored by qatar raise. the scene for us whether online what is a very nice time in yemen that peace is always possible but it never happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there are people that are choosing between buying medication and eating basis is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone who's an activist who's close to the story joined the global conversation at this time on al-jazeera . good to have you with us on al jazeera these are our top stories russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb. and the northern province nearly two hundred people mostly civilians have been killed in the past four days israeli media is reporting that police are preparing to indict prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife deny receiving illicit gifts from billionaire benefactors he's also accused of making a deal with the leading newspaper in return for favorable coverage. north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and pyongyang comes on the eve of a display of unity and the winter olympics in south korea but the parade itself was forecast live on state t.v. on friday north korean athletes a huge march in the in the pix opening ceremony alongside athletes from the south. amnesty international says an ethnic cleansing campaign against myanmar is far from over and a new report the human rights group condemns the international response to the crisis as weak and ineffective and also warning that the agreed repatriation of refugees from bangladesh to myanmar is premature security forces are accused of causing what amnesty calls for starvation by denying farmers access to fields confiscating livestock and setting markets on fire say the abduction of girls and young woman is common raising concerns about rape and sexual slavery and refugees accuse security forces of setting up checkpoints along. with their robbed and women to have humiliating body searches matt wells as a crisis senior crisis adviser at amnesty international and of the report and he is calling on tougher measures against myanmar's government. you know what we've seen is condemnation after condemnation from the international community but there has been a real failure to act to impose real consequences on the me and our military for what is now been more than five months of a campaign of ethnic cleansing and so we think that there needs to be an arms embargo targeted financial sanctions against senior officials in the military who are who have committed this this these horrific human rights violations over the last five months in the last couple months to me and more government has said that it's ready to start repatriation their returns and what our report today shows is that the military hasn't even stopped committing horrific human rights violations against the rango who remain in northern makai and state consistently for people who arrived in bangladesh and the last month or two you know we had reports of starvation of people who've been denied access going out to the rice fields who've seen their markets burned or or blocked from from access to have watched as humanitarian aid has been severely restricted throughout northern rakhine state all of this is led to a situation in which people are struggling to find food which is forcing these new arrivals to bangladesh and this represents really you know the final blow after months of a horrific ethnic cleansing campaign in which we and others have consistently documented widespread killings sexual violence against rango women and girls and the targeted burning of ragged villages across northern rakhine state. to taiwan now a rescue crews are hoping to find more earthquake survivors there braving a powerful aftershocks to enter buildings on the brink of collapse in the port city of ali and dozens remain missing after six point four tremor on tuesday at least nine people were killed and many injured when i correspond the bra if as the search operation is focused on one building which is close to collapse. teetering on its sides this one building is now the focus of this search and rescue operation as rescue teams are back inside now looking for any survivors but as each hour goes by it evidently hopes begin to dim of finding more survivors the problem the rescue teams are facing is not only the weather here but also there have been continuing aftershocks since the initial quake they continued through wednesday now thankfully here thursday in taiwan do the ask the sharks do seem to have abated and rescue teams are back in there a small city has grown up around this building all the media rescue teams that have been brought in from all different parts of taiwan to help in this rescue operation and the teams are also being assisted by putting up more metal crops to try to support this building that have been fears at times of the building collapsing completely now it seems that they have put in place the props to allow the rescue operation to continue now to iraq where aid workers say security forces are forcing thousands of displaced people to leave a six camps in baghdad they say have been told to go back home within a few weeks or many refuse to god fearing they have nothing to return to and destroyed one that has promised to heather and bobby has denied the government has a policy of affecting people that admitted it might be happening in some areas. well in three hundred child soldiers and south so. don have been freed on the united nations program to reintegrate them into society of those released by armed groups in the gambia region eighty seven girls well the u.n. says is the first time so many young women have been involved in a release the integration program aims to help seven hundred child soldiers return to a normal life. very we celebrate the birthplace of what will be covered by this release of children groups it's. really for me. but it's just the first bit and unfortunately in other parts of the country recruit. the u.s. democratic party leader has set a new record for the longest speech ever made in the house of representatives for the last eight hours i have had the privilege of reading the testimony of so many dreamers i still have more thankful for eight hours house minority leader nancy pelosi advocated on behalf of undocumented immigrants who came to the u.s. as children known as dreamers they were previously protected from deportation under the obama administration's deferred action for childhood arrivals plan which was ended by president trump last year palosi and her democratic colleagues want these young immigrants protected again as they negotiate a budget deal but trumps republican party immigration as one of the biggest sticking points including so-called chain migration that refers to a person bringing members of their family to the u.s. after being granted residency trump wants an end to it but as she hopped on c. explains the president's own ancestors came to america that way. we need to end chain migration that when the white house uses the term chain migration it's meant to suggest migrants yanking a chain and pulling in all of their unskilled extended family to settle in the u.s. but that's how migration has worked in the u.s. since the country's founding researchers have dug up some notable examples of families reuniting after settling in the u.s. for example don't trump whose mother left scotland to join her sister who'd already settled in the u.s. and whose grandfather moved from germany at the end of the nineteenth century to join his sister who'd been granted residency the year before he spoke little english yet trained as a barber's apprentice but there was no critical shortage of barbarism us such ancestral journeys are common in the administration vice president mike pence two wouldn't be in the u.s. were not for what he calls chain migration his grandfather was one of several in his family who took advantage of his siblings u.s. residency and then there's white house adviser stephen miller one of the architects of the tough line against immigration his great great grandfather was pulled into the u.s. by a known blood relative from bella ruse assimilation was hard for the family millers great grandmother still didn't speak english for years after her arrival and that's exactly the sort of migrant miller is seeking to prevent from arriving on u.s. rules so we're proposing to limit family based migration to spouses and minor children what will the system look at it will look at does the applicant speak english can they support themselves and their families financially do they have a skill that will add to the u.s. economy at washington's cato institute they estimate that the effect of the administration's immigration framework will lead to the largest cut in legal immigration since the one nine hundred twenty s. a forty four percent cut annually excluding nearly twenty two million people over the next fifty years in the twenty's politicians were overt about their racism but now according to david baer there are also naked political considerations so i do but we there is a. political motivation as well they fear immigrants will come in and vote for democrats and democrats think that the immigrants will come in and vote for their party. it's widely accepted that the u.s. already near the bottom of the cd countries for the number of immigrants it accepts needs immigration for its economic development tax base as its population ages but of course there's nothing new about u.s. politicians migrants even when they themselves all the descendants of poor unskilled english speaking migrants the al-jazeera washington now white house office has resigned over domestic abuse allegations the trumpet ministration as refusing to say if the accusations against raul picture by his ex-wives were known before he was given to haul alan fisher has the story. a staff secretary reporter essentially monitors the paperwork that goes across the president's desk he often travels with the president and had a hand in writing the state of the union address he's not a well known name but he plays a key role in the west wing but in the past few days the daily mail dot com has published stories quoting his two ex-wives who say they were physically abused by him one to the extent she obtained a restraining order after dismissing the claims is that regis and false he is no decided to quit from the podium of the white house briefing room there was a defense from the highest level rob has been ineffective in his role as staff secretary and the president's chief of staff and had full confidence and trust in his abilities and his performance in a more of an update on that front rob this played out a statement which i can read to you now and i think your dress some of those other questions these outrageous allegations are simply false i took the photos given to the media nearly fifteen years ago and the reality behind them is nowhere close to what is being described it's reported the f.b.i. knew of the assault allegations and that could have impacted on porter security clearance he'll leave the white house after a transition period but the date of his final day of the president's sight has not been decided alan fischer washington. protests have again broken out on the mall days after the newly appointed police chief accused to detain judges of taking bribes but he say he took they took the money and potential water in the release of jailed opposition leaders the president i mean of them go you ordered the arrest of the judges on monday he also declared a state of emergency accusing the court of supporting a coach. the leader of south africa's governing party says he is in direct discussions with president jacob zuma of a possible transition of the presidency while several run oppose a has felt for a speedy resolution and says the talks will be concluded in the coming days zuma has been under pressure to resign over corruption allegations. germany's two main parties are working out how they'll work together after a deal to form a coalition more than four months after the election the social democrats originally said they would not prop up another government on chancellor angela merkel but they're now going to do it if party members approve paul brennan reports from. the negotiating teams emerged blinking into the bright sunlight clearly relieved it was all over three days after the suppose a deadline for agreement it would take an american twenty four hour session to finally seal the deal it was mid afternoon by the time the party leaders felt ready to speak he says those new you won't i know that millions of germans have been watching us very closely over recent weeks they had to justify demands of us firstly place for my government at long last a stable one and second think of people's real needs and interests i'm convinced that the coalition agreement we've come up with together can do precisely that. with us that's what we're doing concerts i think what we've managed to achieve really does bear this dump of the social democrats so the agreements been heavily influenced by us and we're grateful we've been able to achieve some concessions that were difficult for with conservatives. for the past five weeks germany's center right c.d.u. and center left s.p.d. have been locked in negotiations over a common position on issues including health care labor reform immigration and housing policy allocating ministerial positions involve more compromise but with a deal now done those compromises have been bitterly criticized by the right wing a.f.d. party. to use this sort of time with them as really a sign meant of the ministry shows that the c.d.u. has totally surrendered out of fear of the s.p.d. members the c.d.u. has given up its ideology and now it's giving up in practical terms too because it has none of the main ministries anymore the cd use just an empty shell there is one last hurdle to clear though before the new grand coalition government can be confirmed s.p.d. members now get their votes on the deal and their sentiments appears evenly split kevin could hurt the leader of the s.p.d. young socialist group use oss has been organizing a strong use campaign against another so called grow coke the question lied me though whether his appeal especially his warnings trading is representing carry enough weight to convince all remember which are probably more inclined to be persuaded by the older rort which is going to rally in favor of joining the coalition the s.p.d. postal vote will take about two weeks to produce a result the coalition is not a done deal yet. al-jazeera. hello again i'm there's a problem and the headlines on al-jazeera russian and syrian government forces are continuing to bomb eastern and northern province almost two hundred people mostly civilians have been killed just in the past four days. elsewhere in syria more than one hundred pro regime fighters have been killed by the u.s. led coalition the and allied local forces and unnamed official says the coalition was responding to an attack against the american backed syrian democratic forces in there or province and other news israeli media reports say police will soon recommend the indictment of prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption when netanyahu and his wife are denied receiving illicit billionaire benefactors including a major hollywood producer he's also alleged to have been involved in a deal with a leading newspaper to weaken a rival dating publication and return for favorable coverage. while many of you asked what will happen so i want to reassure you there will be nothing because i know the truth the state of israel is a state of war. the want to determine whether there is evidence against the prime minister is the attorney general and he consults with the state attorney the state prosecutor said recently a message but about half of the police recommendations and with nothing. the prime minister of yemen has called on saudi arabia and its coalition to investigate recent deadly clashes in the city of aden dozens of people were killed and many enjoyed in three days of fighting between. government forces last month the violence broke out as the saudi backed government face accusations of pushing yemen to the brink of famine the fighting stopped after both sides agreed to observe a cease fire. north korea has made a show of strength with a military parade and pyongyang but the parade itself was not forecast on state t.v. it comes on the eve of the opening ceremony at the winter olympics where athletes from both sides will march together and rescue crews in taiwan hoping to find more earthquake survivors braving powerful aftershocks to enter buildings on the brink of collapse in the port city of on in dozens remain missing after the magnitude six point four tremor on tuesday six nine people were killed and many injured those are the headlines on al-jazeera but do stay with us the stream is coming up next as the world's best athletes prepare for the winter olympics the north and south koreans will march under unified flag and compete on a joint women's hockey team we'll bring you the results. of the seventy day gave the young chang twenty eight olympics on al-jazeera. hi i'm femi oke and. the roma people are the largest ethnic minority group in europe but they often experience hate and social exclusion however many roam artists especially women are using the work to fight sexism racism and discrimination so they speak with a few including the co-founder of a feminist theatre group to learn how the challenging stereotypes about.

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