Theyve shot down a russian jet over the province the pilot has been killed Russian Forces have been carrying out air strikes on rebel held areas really seven People Killed in aleppo on friday those are the headlines inside story is coming next. Bitcoin and free fall the crypto currency hits a record high towards the end of twenty seventeen but in the last month its lost almost half its value whats behind that and can virtual coins ever be trusted this is inside story. And im j. Ducking this is inside story from ahead causes and theyve made some people million as others have lost a fortune cryptocurrency zavala tile theres no doubt about that and for those who invest it can be a roller coaster of a ride from all time high to a new low in less than two months come to currencies took the World Economy by surprise the first bitcoin launched in two thousand and nine now there are more than Thirteen Hundred and regulators are taking them more seriously china india and south korea have introduced tougher regulations to combat fraud and tax evasion j. P. Morgan and bank of america say theyll hold sing the purchase of currencies on their credit cards and facebook has banned advertising for the virtual coin. A sustainable markets or a bubble about to burst well talk to our guests in a moment but first lets have a look at the crypto currency market bitcoin the largest of the Virtual Currencies has fallen dramatically in value from its high of twenty thousand us dollars to below eight thousand on friday if area and ripple also saw drops of about twenty percent the markets been under pressure to sell this past week with more than one hundred billion dollars wiped off in twenty four hours that still leaves the Global Market value at about four hundred billion according to industry track a coin market cap dot com last week five hundred thirty Million Dollars was hacked from an exchange in japan renewing concerns about security. Lets bring in our panel joining us from new york Nissen Eappen chief Information Officer at Arcadia Crypto Ventures and someone who has been a Bitcoin Trader from london martin back Access Financial analyst and London Bureau chief for the street and from sydney david vaile executive director of the cyber law and policy community at the university of New South Wales a very warm welcome to all three of you gentlemen listen even as a trader what is it that we saw what is it that we are seeing at the moment this is nothing you see its just fallen twenty percent this week maybe in the two months its fallen fifty percent i used to remember times when this was one dollar today morning it goes to ten dollars and it comes back to three dollars so compared to that this is nothing now for all the newbies are there you know my god this is like theyre going to get crushed but this is not Classical Music or jest this is punk rock and you have to be ready for that if youre expecting Classical Music something thats very very calm well you are in for a surprise so you say this is like homicide in a horse might cause a little cryptic occurrence in if you want to play the game you better get used to this kind of stress yes you better get us because this is a very nice and field even know what percentage of people are in crypto and this is changing the world because its like you know this is like one thousand nine hundred four in the internet you know its Something Like you know because comes out and say yes people are going to buy books on the internet nobody believed them by one thousand nine hundred eight most of the analysts out there were saying that around. By not two thousand and two internet is not going to be there theres not going to be any internet and all of this hype is going to be so inbetween that prices went up prices go down but the whole space is expanding the same thing is going to happen to the talk of the utility talking market all the security talk and market everything that we see around us are is going to get talk and im not going to say its going to happen to morrow but its and its going to happen in the next ten to twenty years and you can be you can decide to be early on it are you can come later it doesnt matter because you can be part of this revolution you can be ahead of the curve or you can come in later but this is happening its happening in front of us martin back at what he said he has happened on this ng if any less all who are scary for you i think is significantly more scary i think it makes a good point that the volatility has been around for quite some time but theres a great difference between trading at one and three dollars then there is trading at nine thousand and nineteen thousand dollars which is what were seeing right now the potential for pain is a lot more significant and the stakes are significantly higher the one point i would make is that i do agree in one thousand nine hundred four we were all questioning the validity of the internet as a commercial vehicle but there was only one internet weve got Thirteen Hundred crypto currencies right now whether or not you believe that this is going to be the transaction message of the future is really irrelevant is what is going to be the single token that we use or are we going to use multiple tokens if we use it and what is there going to actual vehicle him down there will be worth shows because the jumping in are all good commercial vehicles old no not some that are better than others. This is just it at the present none of them really do anything that we cant already do Payment Systems are already in place theyre much faster theyre much more efficient they cost less they take up less energy and in fact theyre safer so what the moment nobody has explained to me exactly why these crypto currencies are more valid the Payment Systems that already exist and i should put it more importantly Payment Systems which are excepted by the commercial universe and regulators and central bankers i would have a lot more faith in investing in those Payment Systems than i would in speculating which of these thirteen krypto Thirteen Hundred cryptocurrency s. Are going to ultimately win the race to be digital tokens of the future david vaile what is your take on what weve seen the dramatic rise and now the recent plummet in counties particularly the the the big three big ones whats going on here well look i suppose it just emphasizes the same questions that people have been asking. More so very recently which is what ease this thing what what what of these technologies are they currencies of late assets are they gambling tokens theres no doubt that the Underlying Technology the Block Chain Technology has a lot of attention uses whether any of those are currencies do i think. Not really proven yet if the currency jumps by ten percent a day then no one can really decide know whether the what trust theyre paying for anything and so theres always been that problem and theres always been a problem with it as a currency that you cant pay taxes you know which is one of the key features of the currency and as for n s it the other question is whats it backed by and increasingly. Its obvious that it relies on confidence but in terms of anything else behind it its a matter. Of consensus and so when the Conveyor Belt or the rocket is going up the consensus suddenly gives you a ten thousand dollar increase in the value in a very short term but when it disappears then youre left with nothing so i suppose that the real problem is its about risk its about understanding whats behind this and its also about the sophistication of the uses now rather than ninety ninety four i wonder whether the analogy is really two thousand and seven two thousand and eight when the Global Financial crisis was about to unravel all of the finnish sophisticated Financial Derivatives that it sort of been building and building and building for sort of ten or twenty years and it turned out when the music stopped then that even apparently quite sophisticated. Players like Municipal Bodies or what they were investing discovered that nobody knew where the risk really went nobody knew what happened when the music stopped and so very quickly you had a crisis of confidence. There i suppose two or three days ago you would have said were on the way off the edge of the cliff i see its jumped by ten percent today so. Who knows where its going but hill knows that a big place i mean let me bring martin in we have that several important points raised by david there what sort of invest is this market attracts and how do we look at it i mean is it a council is it an asset i should imagine that thats very important to the tenant fifty from a legal point of view and how we deal with that Going Forward no question i think david raises an important point to talk when he talks about the ability to transact if you dont know what the value is going to be in twenty four hours time because the transaction process is quite slow in a big coin universe so i might pay for a car with a bit coin south after noon and i dont know whether ive gotten a good deal when the transaction closes a few hours later or indeed tomorrow when i take delivery of the car that doesnt make it an efficient way for us to trade goods and serve. But i think ultimately what were looking at now is whether or not we are talking about bitcoins and block chain as a platform or whether were talking about them as an asset i believe in the concept of the platform im less excited about block chain its been around for about ten years it didnt have a great deal of utility three years ago were talking about it now only because bitcoins traded at twenty thousand dollars apiece the block chain itself isnt revelation very revolutionary i should say and it isnt actually revelator e either but it is interesting and it does have some validity in the commercial purpose we what we need to descend or dissect the difference between the block chain and the big points the big coins are speculation theyre not a currency theyre not even an asset as far as im concerned theyre a gamble they could be worth billions they could be worth zero the platform itself thats where youve got a story and for me thats incredibly compelling because its themselves theyre entertaining i wouldnt say theyve got a whole lot of value in this and what do you say in response to that is it important to separate. From the platforms. Is that the way to go forward considering the volatility surrounding the crypts occurrences no is this important is that it. See broxton see im a quarter im a technologist i started this from technology this whole block chain people are telling its a great platform its just a database why dont you say you like oracle better its just a database with all the consensus mechanism and the incentive corbett coined this platform or this database is absolutely useless ok if you look into the technology piece of it you can use it as an asset you can use it as a gambling platform you can use it as anything because thats up to you it depends on what you want to do now telling that it is not stable or its increasing in value can you that its like saying you know were in the buggy era and a car has come out and all the bugs you want us are saying or discard is a useless thing its clunky it falls down is does not have a wiper thats of Technology Problem somebody will fix it there is an einstein or somebody like that will come and fix it but there is going to be a point where if youre still thinking that the buggy is going to be the future in two thousand when youre sitting in one thousand nine hundred twelve thats not going to be the case bitcoin is or the block chain and bitcoin are different kinds of coins are going to take over now regarding multiple crypto currency you can have multiple currencies you have the euro you have the u. S. Dollar you have indian rupee you have the chinese yuan and you using all that say made they could end up being thirteen thousand currencies it depends on what you want to use and it is just as a research it is not about valerie bitcoin for example martin. I dont think that you are correct in comparing the multiple currencies the multiple because in the multiple coins that are out there in the marketplace simply because when we talk about the euro the yen the rupee and the dollar theyre all backed by the four faith and credit of enormously strong economies theyre big theyre backed by taxpayers backed by the central bank we understand out underneath allows them to create a particular value i have no idea who backs bitcoin i dont even know the name of the guy who created it i dont know if you dont need anybody to back it dangerous in the world i dont know where theyre located those are two significant risks and im not willing now to say its also a kind of crazy doesnt it if you dont know whos behind it want to trade value of bitcoin and it is quite we dont i dont we dont know the people who are sitting on this committee who are verifying the block chain were david is that one of the problems we dont really know where the starts where this ends what sort of checks and balances there are in block chains one of the things is that. Theres many things that were talking about that bitcoin is a particular implementation of the Block Chain Technology its a particular crypto currency but theres Thirteen Hundred other currencies kind of currencies and theres many other different ways to use a block jane Type Technology its also many different sort of political or governance models behind it so because in itself is a sensual crypto and it just myth that for avoiding identification through avoiding Central Banks youre avoiding a lot of the problems that come with a dent of Central Bank Currency but also a lot of the advantages for consumers like the fact that you can trust many of them and that when something goes wrong theres someone standing behind that at the other end block chain technologies being used as being experimented with by some theyre. Very mainstream. Financial into teas and also. Governments and they have no intention of it being you know a crypto anarchist experiment they want to put in all of the know your customer and other sorts of identification functions that work in other areas of business and of the economy and so one of the problems i think is bundling everything together as if one crypto currency is like another and one use of block chain is like another part of the problem for ordinary people for ordinary Business People or for consumers ordinary citizens is that the level of knowledge and sophistication and sort of technical understanding and business understanding that you need to work out exactly what youre dealing with is pretty high its much higher than saying well should i travel with american dollars o. E. M. Or whatever because even the nature of an asset a currency or a gambling token it is unclear and to compare ability of the risks in different types of systems the speed that sort of thing its all very technical and very variable it manes that a lot of people in this market a lot of people in this using this for transit actions really you have to count as unsophisticated and probably at risk of doing things that happen at the stand and be exposed to risks that they dont understand i guess like many modern i think. I mean it seems that people need to be better educated and surely regulations will have a place in the sense that they might bring back some sort of stability that they might draw more confidence when it comes to this market whatever it is if its a currency or not because it is thats what is needed here at here and i also want to ask you Something Else when when this billion was wiped off this market where did it go. This is to me in london thats an excellent question. The money its a zero sum game in a certain sense because the money is simply going to transfer from one entity to the next and whether or not it exists inside the big point structure or whether it gets pulled out into real cash thats the difference as to where the money goes and actually that raises a really interesting point because the analogy that i like to draw is when you own a share in apple for instance it doesnt matter whether everybody else sells their shares in apple you still have a piece of paper that gives you a small portion of the profits Going Forward for the sale of i phones and i pads and Everything Else like that everybody could believe youd still have that piece of paper that would have the value of profits if everybody leaves big coin i dont have anything of lets say if youre buying something that has no value whatsoever thats not true because i know at this point only increase it no no no the value of big point only increases when more people participate and when fewer people participate the value decreases that for me is a very uncomfortable legal swaraj the value of the go its a great deal of risk for people who dont know what theyre in and then you have to test flush shares lets say lets say you have tesla shares theres no dividend its having a trading at three hundred fifty dollars what are you buying that for then or if youre buying gord what it is it is only having value because more people buy gold otherwise why should it be at sixteen hundred dollars i agree with your own metal its shining its only use for seventy per cent right so it is trading at sixteen and that is called social consensus so lets say you go to sleep tonight i agree and your wife tells you you know what