Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180202 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180202

hello again on. their life and also coming out three kenyan t.v. channels remain off the air despite a court order allowing them to reopen a congressional memo on the russian election meddling opens a rift between the white house and the f.b.i. and allegations that five more mass graves have been found in. the united states is accused of syrian government of continuing to use chemical weapons against its people and a seeking new ways to deliver them it follows a suspected chlorine gas attack in duma near damascus on thursday which injured at least three people has more from the state department. the civil war in syria has not been at the top of the news agenda here in washington for at least several weeks but on thursday the trumpet ministration made known a couple of serious concerns about the conduct of the war on the part of the government of president bashar al assad first reporters were told in a briefing off camera that they do believe that the syrian government still has a chemical weapons arsenal and did not come clean about the extent of their chemical weapons holdings back during the obama administration when they gave up their weapons in order to not face any sort of u.s. military action for targeting people with chemical weapons during the syrian civil war then here at the state department new allegations about the use of a weapon that technically isn't a weapon but still has very dangerous effects when used against people we are watching very carefully and the united states is an extremely concerned about yet another report of the use of chlorine gas by syria the syrian regime to terrorize innocent civilians in east gouda syria outside of damascus if confirmed the attack is the third reported instance in the past thirty days in east ghouta we take the allegations of chemical weapons use very seriously and are working with our partners on the ground to investigate the reports so beyond raising public awareness about the security situation inside syria the trumpet ministration is trying to see if they can somehow come up with a new way of verifying that the syrian government still does possess chemical weapons there has been an organization known as the joint investigative mechanism which should have been renewed according to the u.s. at the end of december so that it could continue its work trying to verify what syria is doing and what it's not doing in terms of using chemical weapons russia which is serious close down. like took action and said no we don't want to reauthorize this body so now u.s. officials are trying to figure out if there's a new way of standing up a group that can try to not only gather the evidence of what syria is doing against its own people but use that evidence as a foundation for possibly lobbying potential sanctions against the assad government meanwhile syrian government air strikes have killed at least twenty eight people across the southern countryside of it live province that's according to the syrian observatory for human rights the government trying to retake the whole province which is under the control of to where our shot that's a group dominated by the formerly al qaeda linked nusra front. and the u.n. says the syrian government is being more uncooperative than ever before when it comes to delivering aid to besieged areas the humanitarian advisor for syria young egeland also criticize rebel groups for putting out of sickles humanitarian diplomacy seems to be totally impotent we're getting nowhere and i'm the last convoy to have besieged area was at the end of november the twenty eighth of november to a place called national beer and it was only for seven thousand two hundred people so through december and through general ri hasn't been a single convoy of lifesaving relief medical supplies food to any of this experience. three kenyan television stations remain off her despite a court ordering them to reopen the government closed the stations on tuesday after they tried to broadcast a mock inauguration ceremony staged by the opposition leader. our correspondent catherine sawyer has more from the kenyan capital nairobi lunchtime news at n.t.v. one of three t.v. stations switched off by the communications of of kenya on tuesday the news bulletin was only available online cutting off millions of iranians nationwide who can't afford the internet. here's why opposition leader right loading the taking an informal oath swearing to be as he called himself the people's president tens of thousands of his supporters rather more gratian a tuesday government wants t.v. stations against providing live coverage because of security reasons the directive was ignored by some the government allowed the event took place so i don't get the sense of what is illegal what is allowed to take place. and then it will be an offense i don't i don't understand the ministers. on why they allowed the event but cannot allow coverage the high court has now ordered the resumption of t.v. services until a challenge to the government ban is had in two weeks the cabinet secretary in charge of security sits in this office of the president says that tuesday's symbolic swearing in of rye loading up was an attempt to overthrow the government and a threat to national security he say the t.v. stations that were taken off air while facilitating that illegality. police have also arrested the lawyer who presided over the only thing and have declared the national resistance movement an organized criminal group the opposition coalition started the movement last year to push for electoral reforms through peaceful resistance these opposition leaders say plans to intimidate them won't work really for for a long time to build this country a new constitution in twenty terms the new constitution really with all the freedoms that it entails is under serious turk. the says he doesn't recognize who are looking at as president because he won the presidential election last august the result was invalidated by the supreme court it remains unclear what his next steps will be or even what he's style people's president really means catherine sorry al-jazeera nairobi kenya. the white house is expected to release a controversial memo about the way the f.b.i. and the justice department went about the investigation into alleged russian interference in the tony sixteen presidential election the document apparently claims there was anti trump bias in both departments and official has the details from washington d.c. . the memo has dominated talk in washington for days donald trump was even asked about it as he left his state of the union speech something. that was going to happen actually the four page memo was written by republicans in the house intelligence committee it alleges a misuse of power by the f.b.i. and justice department under the obama administration while investigating the trump campaign during the u.s. election the f.b.i. issued a written statement arguing that there were important details left out which would fundamentally impact the memos accuracy and the justice department says releasing the document would be extraordinarily reckless it's the president who must make the ultimate decision to declassify and release but no after a national security review the white house is blanked out some parts of the document and sent it back to the committee it can no be published at any time at a gathering of republicans in west virginia the president made no fresh mention of the memo but afterwards speaking to the media republican leadership defended the idea of its release this memo is not indictment of the f.b.i. the department of justice it does not impugn the moeller investigation or the deputy attorney general what it is is the congress's legitimate function of oversight democrats have argued the release of the memo over their own objections are all part of a campaign to undermine the investigation into alleged russian meddling in the presidential election in fact the leading democrat in the house has called on the republican chairman of the intelligence committee they have a new news to be removed in a letter to speaker paul ryan nancy pelosi. as congressman is has abused his position to launch a highly unethical and dangerous cover up campaign for the white house congressman nunez deliberately dishonest actions make him unfit to serve as chairman and he must be removed immediately from this position the leading democrat on the committee says the row doesn't serve the american people the memo is seriously misleading because it omits very material information and has deep factual inaccuracy. knew this was part of the trump transition team and last year recused himself from leaving the russian vest a geisha so he will decide if he will release the memo that he wrote on an inquiry which continues to divide washington and the country alan fischer al-jazeera washington at least five previously unreported math graves have been uncovered in miramar by the associated press news agency the un special rapporteur turkey has called for a fact finding mission to be given access to the site and the u.s. is fake and out the state department says it's deeply troubled by the news scott highly reports now from young gun. the associated press news agency has released a video it says confirms reports of a massacre of revenge of muslims in myanmar last year a.p. says the pictures of here to show the bodies are buried may. its investigation suggest at least five previously reported mass graves have been found the news agency spoke to villagers who say the number of dead could be as high as four hundred. wherever was injured but still life after the attack was thrown into flames young men like myself managed to escape the attack but others like small children and women couldn't run away in time they were either killed or tied up and thrown inside homes by the military which they burnt down using launchers. it's not the massacre took place in dar pin rakhine state and a few weeks ago for the first time the military here said that soldiers were involved in civilian deaths it acknowledged one mass grave containing the bodies of ten rangers it's called terrorists the u.n. says reports of more mass graves warrants further investigation. i do not have the details of this particular site or the village. but it is. it is. you can see a pattern that we said earlier. you know we had to like to leave but india is where the mass graves were discovered. but when i was talking to some of the refugees amounted to me he had he had four hundred thirty plus body before he escaped his town. and i. grow the names of people. killed or missing so this is something that needs to be investigated and this is why we've called for a fact finding mission and human rights watch says there's a growing. evidence of genocide in rakhine state what is most worrisome about this report beyond obviously the killings is now the effort to cover this up that they discovered. in some instances acid is being used to burn off the features of the people killed or burned off the fingerprints to try to obstruct any accountability and that shows a degree of pre-planning that will really i think impact the international community's decisions about whether this is constitutes genocide or not you know mars government has previously denied any reports of a massacre it has now cut off access to good up in other than tightly controlled government trip to the area north of what kind state where there was violence has been closed off to the u.n. humanitarian groups and journalists it's got harder al jazeera yangon the u.n. secretary general antonio traditions called for the immediate release of the two journalists who've been detained in nehemiah they both worked for reuters and they were arrested in young gun in december was covering the range of crisis they were accused of violating the official secrets act in the face up to fourteen is imprisoned they've been refused fail safe. the palestinian president mahmoud abbas is set to deliver a verite dress at the united nations security council later this month israel's u.n. ambassador says such a move would put an end to any possibility of future peace talks his out diplomatic editor james space. with relations between the u.s. and the palestinians already at their lowest point for years the palestinian leader is taking the dramatic step of flying to the united nations this month it means a showdown with the americans and the israelis on the floor of the un security council every month the council meets to discuss the conflict normally ambassadors of israel and of palestine attend but in a deeply unusual move mahmoud abbas will himself be there he's angered by the trumpet ministrations decision to formally recognize jerusalem as israel's capital and to cut a large chunk of its funding to the u.n. agency that provides humanitarian aid to palestinians the last straw was president trumps attack on him last week at davos he said he disrespected vice president mike pence declined to give an audience to when he visited the middle east the decision of the palestinian leader to come to the u.n. it was announced by the incoming president of the security council what do you hope it will achieve having him here in the council chamber. president abbas will come it will be a good thing in that it will be a good thing for the members of the security council to listen to the president himself it will be beneficial for everyone this really ambassador to the united nations danny down on has issued a statement saying that president obama is completely misreading the situation and harming the prospects for his own people it's not clear at this stage who will attend the security council meeting for israel all the united states james jazeera of the united nations feel to come here at al-jazeera a guilty verdict for the man who attacked a crowd of weapons outside a london mosque. and twenty eight russian athletes have their lifetime a limp dick band being lifted that candle can heat up the upcoming. winter again. from the waves in the south. to the contours of the east. holloway is starting to see some slightly warmer weather slightly bowed weather coming in across central and southern parts of china over the next day or so six hours is the high and shanghai that could fall away to twelve celsius there for hong kong on friday it will be thrice similar values fifteen as we go on through saturday hope through the window easing off the tops and feeding off quite as nippy one celsius same shanghai so sunny on the cool side here charles has some showers there into the philippines as we go on through the next couple of days also a possibility of some showers just around central and southern parts of vietnam the usual scattering of down to the date apples across much of southeast asia i suspect the more organized ones will be across indonesia but even the western parts of borneo because the some shop showers long spells of five forty five as is the case to just around singapore kuala lumpur will see some showers thirty one thirty two degrees celsius the temperature is about where they should be we'll see similar temperatures to went to us for over the next day or so still a possibility of wanted to showers just sliding their way in across southern parts of the by a big goals the possibility of a little bit of wet weather coming through here fun to drive for a good part of south asia though still higher than twenty three new delhi. the way that sponsored by the time race. to meeting the journey through memories of the sky by sri lanka's civil war. divisions and then to luton still running. as a once exiled tamil gorilla struggles to comprehend how things. the stocky mentary at this time. there's a look at the top stories here in. the united states. government are continuing to use chemical weapons against its people and making new kinds of weapons to deliver them it follows continued by government forces in duma. on. three t.v. . remain off the air despite a high court ruling against the government shut down the country's top t.v. networks were taken off air on tuesday after they tried to broadcast a mock ceremony held by the opposition leader. the white house is expected to release a controversial memo on russia's involvement in the presidential election despite objections from the f.b.i. was prepared by republicans on the house intelligence committee says it's misleading and reveal sensitive intelligence information. a man who drove his van into a crowd outside a london mosque last year has been found guilty of murder and attempted murder one person was killed nine others were injured in the attack prosecutors said darren was motivated by a hatred of muslims has a u.k. correspondent barnaby phillips. daryl's born in a pub in wales days before the attack the police call him a hate filled with a history of violence drug and alcohol abuse in the pub he wrote a letter which was found in the van he used for the attack a letter so full of hatred for muslims say the police that it's too offensive to release he rents the van to drive to london police say to find muslim targets he says he wanted to kill opposition labor leader jeremy corbyn he drove all over london arriving at the muslim welfare house in finsbury park after midnight where people were leaving after ramadan prayers and one man happened to fall ill on the street c.c.t.v. footage shows the van moments before it drove into the crowd on the left of the screen. drove down this road the seven sisters road into this little cul de sac where a crowd of people were trying to help mark riley who by coincidence had fallen ill just a few moments before he plowed into the crowd as he got out of his vile i wouldn't think court said that he was smiling the local him and protected him from the crowd until the police arrived moments later the crew say that this was an attack on all londoners no. no one the police have released a call from someone who asks for help is he conscious. then specifics we hear the attack. are already come out of people are going oh yeah the police told me darren osborne acted alone but right wing extremism is a growing threat in britain we have arrested more individuals than we've ever done in relation to domestic extremism related activity. we've seen three groups described by the government the government has also appointed a new extremist commissioner which is welcome. and we are pushing more people through our prevent and channel program relevant again this category of people this diverse community has suffered i spoke to the who protected daryl's born from the angry crowd they're all lost in its cause and. those immediately affected and then there is a last thing fear. and concern in the. what's to say the van or the coming speeding in all directions isn't the next down on. the troubled individual who turned into a politically motivated killer but to be philip's al-jazeera finsbury park in north london. for refugees have been shot in the french port city of cali after a fight broke out over a meal distribution the fight was returning eritrean and afghan refugees police moved in to break up the five it's not immediately clear how the four was shot several other people were injured in the old occasion. thousands of hondurans are risking their lives every year leaving the country in the hope of finding a better future in the united states wonderous is one of the most volatile countries in the world and those who attempt the journey face many difficulties but as mariana sanchez reports from progress the route north is only getting more. and. he felt strong enough to catch a moving train in mexico it's to train to take so many young central americans towards the united states to flee the violence in and do this and achieve the american dream of a better life but many like alexis full or die. i grabbed onto the train wouldn't move so much i hit my head and fell i woke up four days later to realize i was like this my life is so sad. it's a beauty in george he was deported from mexico like thousands of central americans who feel to reach the united states the government says more than twenty seven thousand in gooden's were sent back home this year. was assisted deportees for fourteen years says more and more are returning traumatised from the trip. but the migrant route is much more dangerous in the train there are corrupt police gangs drug traffickers they use children as drug mules women and men are raped before the migrant would be safe not anymore while many of the deportees that have arrived here in some tell us that they are healthy enough to try the route again but for many others who had accidents on the way the dream is over. at. at least two planeloads land here every week with more than one hundred deportees from the u.s. and mexico despite the dangers many don't loose hope. alexis's accident happened a decade ago he says he still can dream to have a job he's a beggar and relies on his family for shelter and i don't. have a job would be the most important thing for me but it's very hard for people who are handicapped so i don't even have a chance so. private organizations who held deportees say most don't receive government help. these people are live in in the crudest reality in a country that doesn't offer any options for an honest dignified life they are physically and mentally affected. and in a country where more than sixty percent of them are poor and nearly forty percent live under the poverty line victims like alexi say they have no hope. of us mourners in the democratic republic of congo are calling for the body of a veteran opposition leader to be repatriated from brussels a year after his death they passed the catholic cathedral in kinshasa to remember etienne tshisekedi many accuse officials of failing to have his body returned in order to avoid a funeral service that could easily turn into a mass rally against the president joseph kabila they have been violence and deaths at demonstrations calling for the president to step down president kabila refused to relinquish power after his second full term ended in december twenty sixth. the french dairy giant lot tellus has admitted it may have been selling some of their lead tainted baby milk for more than a decade more than twelve million products were recalled last month after it was revealed that thirty eight babies were made ill by formula produced at a factory in western france the company says the same factory may have been responsible for another outbreak in twenty five twenty eight russians have had their lifetime lympics banned overturned by the court of arbitration for sport but the international olympic committee says the decision doesn't necessarily mean those athletes can compete at the winter olympics which begin next week in south korea where we challenge reports now from moscow such a gold medalist alexander led cough silver medalist. gold medalist alexander tretiak of just three of the twenty eight russian athletes who have their olympic doping bans overturned and their results at the last winter olympics in russia four years ago reinstated after their appeals were upheld by the court of arbitration for sport the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish that's an anti-doping rule violation was committed actually it's concerned this does not mean that these twenty that leads are declared innocent but in their case due to insufficient evidence the appeal so held it's a setback for the case built against russia by the international olympic committee and wells anti-doping agency. even putin has often said it's the anti doping allegations against russia are politically motivated even that they are designs to interfere in the upcoming presidential elections well that voice is less than two months away now and so for the kremlin cass's decision is a timely gift. it fits neatly into a picture often painted here certainly one regularly offered by the governments and state media of russia as a besieged fortress righteously defending itself against a largely hostile world and russia is now pushing for its previously disgraced sports men and women to be readmitted to the winter olympics starting next week in south korea because just. the court of arbitration for sport confirmed the athletes are clean and earned the right to take part in the olympics so the russian olympic committee will send a letter to the international olympic committee suggesting they allow athletes to compete in the olympic games. despite what russia's sports minister says the international olympic committee notes cass's points a lack of evidence doesn't prove the innocence of those athletes for now the i.o.c. seems reluctant to readmit them to compete in pyongyang. the result of the caste decision does not mean that i thought leaks from the group of twenty eight will be invited to the guy not being sanctioned does not automatically confer the privilege of an invitation still provided it's not overturned on appeal the caste decision means russia has the legal momentum in a country where sport and politics often march together that's a boon for its athletes and the kremlin we challenge how does iraq oscar. time president look at the top stories here at al-jazeera the united states has accused the syrian government of continuing to use chemical weapons against its people and is seeking new ways to deliver them it follows a suspected chlorine gas attack in rebel held territory on the outskirts of the capital damascus on thursday which injured at least three people we are watching very carefully and the united states is an extremely concerned about yet another report of the use of chlorine gas by syria the syrian regime to terrorize innocent civilians in the east good of syria outside of damascus if confirmed the attack is the third reported instance in the past thirty days in east ghouta we take the allegations of chemical weapons use very seriously and are working with our partners on the ground to investigate the reports meanwhile syrian government has strikes have killed at least twenty eight people across the southern countryside of italy a province that's according to the syrian observatory for human rights the government is trying to retake the whole province which is under the control of top where. that's the group dominated by the formerly al qaeda linked knows where from. three t.v. stations in kenya remain off air despite a court ruling against the government shutdown the country's top t.v. networks were taken off air on tuesday after they tried to. gratian ceremony held by the opposition leader. the white house is expected to release a controversial memo of russia's involvement in the twenty sixteen presidential election despite objections from the f.b.i. the memo was prepared by republicans on the house intelligence committee the f.b.i. says is misleading and reveal sensitive intelligence information at least five previously unreported mass graves have been uncovered in miramar by the associated press news agency the un special rapporteur has called for a fact finding mission to be given access to the sites the us state department says it's deeply troubled by the news the man who drove his van into a crowd outside a london mosque killing one person has been found guilty of murder and attempted murder right up to date those are the latest headlines from us here at al-jazeera inside stories next. imprisoned without charge in saudi arabia dozens of political and free speech activists are held provoking calls for the united nations to suspend the kingdom from the human rights council has only happened once before with libya will the u.n. acts again this is inside story.

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London , City Of , United Kingdom , India , Finsbury , United Kingdom General , Mexico , Iran , Washington , United States , Sri Lanka , Kenya , Turkey , Philippines , Israel , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , Saudi Arabia , Indonesia , Eritrea , Shanghai , China , Ghouta , Dimashq , Syria , Libya , Afghanistan , Russia , France , Kong On , Kyonggi Do , South Korea , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Kinshasa , Democratic Republic Of The Congo , Damascus , West Virginia , Jerusalem , Israel General , Vietnam , Republic Of , Congo , New Delhi , Delhi , Palestinian , Americans , Eritrean , Syrian , Britain , Turk , Russians , Russian , Iranians , Kenyan , Afghan , Israelis , American , Barnaby Phillips , Bashar Al Assad , Paul Ryan Nancy Pelosi , Kremlin Cass , Darren Osborne , Al Qaeda , States James , Joseph Kabila , Mahmoud Abbas , Jeremy Corbyn ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180202 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180202

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hello again on. their life and also coming out three kenyan t.v. channels remain off the air despite a court order allowing them to reopen a congressional memo on the russian election meddling opens a rift between the white house and the f.b.i. and allegations that five more mass graves have been found in. the united states is accused of syrian government of continuing to use chemical weapons against its people and a seeking new ways to deliver them it follows a suspected chlorine gas attack in duma near damascus on thursday which injured at least three people has more from the state department. the civil war in syria has not been at the top of the news agenda here in washington for at least several weeks but on thursday the trumpet ministration made known a couple of serious concerns about the conduct of the war on the part of the government of president bashar al assad first reporters were told in a briefing off camera that they do believe that the syrian government still has a chemical weapons arsenal and did not come clean about the extent of their chemical weapons holdings back during the obama administration when they gave up their weapons in order to not face any sort of u.s. military action for targeting people with chemical weapons during the syrian civil war then here at the state department new allegations about the use of a weapon that technically isn't a weapon but still has very dangerous effects when used against people we are watching very carefully and the united states is an extremely concerned about yet another report of the use of chlorine gas by syria the syrian regime to terrorize innocent civilians in east gouda syria outside of damascus if confirmed the attack is the third reported instance in the past thirty days in east ghouta we take the allegations of chemical weapons use very seriously and are working with our partners on the ground to investigate the reports so beyond raising public awareness about the security situation inside syria the trumpet ministration is trying to see if they can somehow come up with a new way of verifying that the syrian government still does possess chemical weapons there has been an organization known as the joint investigative mechanism which should have been renewed according to the u.s. at the end of december so that it could continue its work trying to verify what syria is doing and what it's not doing in terms of using chemical weapons russia which is serious close down. like took action and said no we don't want to reauthorize this body so now u.s. officials are trying to figure out if there's a new way of standing up a group that can try to not only gather the evidence of what syria is doing against its own people but use that evidence as a foundation for possibly lobbying potential sanctions against the assad government meanwhile syrian government air strikes have killed at least twenty eight people across the southern countryside of it live province that's according to the syrian observatory for human rights the government trying to retake the whole province which is under the control of to where our shot that's a group dominated by the formerly al qaeda linked nusra front. and the u.n. says the syrian government is being more uncooperative than ever before when it comes to delivering aid to besieged areas the humanitarian advisor for syria young egeland also criticize rebel groups for putting out of sickles humanitarian diplomacy seems to be totally impotent we're getting nowhere and i'm the last convoy to have besieged area was at the end of november the twenty eighth of november to a place called national beer and it was only for seven thousand two hundred people so through december and through general ri hasn't been a single convoy of lifesaving relief medical supplies food to any of this experience. three kenyan television stations remain off her despite a court ordering them to reopen the government closed the stations on tuesday after they tried to broadcast a mock inauguration ceremony staged by the opposition leader. our correspondent catherine sawyer has more from the kenyan capital nairobi lunchtime news at n.t.v. one of three t.v. stations switched off by the communications of of kenya on tuesday the news bulletin was only available online cutting off millions of iranians nationwide who can't afford the internet. here's why opposition leader right loading the taking an informal oath swearing to be as he called himself the people's president tens of thousands of his supporters rather more gratian a tuesday government wants t.v. stations against providing live coverage because of security reasons the directive was ignored by some the government allowed the event took place so i don't get the sense of what is illegal what is allowed to take place. and then it will be an offense i don't i don't understand the ministers. on why they allowed the event but cannot allow coverage the high court has now ordered the resumption of t.v. services until a challenge to the government ban is had in two weeks the cabinet secretary in charge of security sits in this office of the president says that tuesday's symbolic swearing in of rye loading up was an attempt to overthrow the government and a threat to national security he say the t.v. stations that were taken off air while facilitating that illegality. police have also arrested the lawyer who presided over the only thing and have declared the national resistance movement an organized criminal group the opposition coalition started the movement last year to push for electoral reforms through peaceful resistance these opposition leaders say plans to intimidate them won't work really for for a long time to build this country a new constitution in twenty terms the new constitution really with all the freedoms that it entails is under serious turk. the says he doesn't recognize who are looking at as president because he won the presidential election last august the result was invalidated by the supreme court it remains unclear what his next steps will be or even what he's style people's president really means catherine sorry al-jazeera nairobi kenya. the white house is expected to release a controversial memo about the way the f.b.i. and the justice department went about the investigation into alleged russian interference in the tony sixteen presidential election the document apparently claims there was anti trump bias in both departments and official has the details from washington d.c. . the memo has dominated talk in washington for days donald trump was even asked about it as he left his state of the union speech something. that was going to happen actually the four page memo was written by republicans in the house intelligence committee it alleges a misuse of power by the f.b.i. and justice department under the obama administration while investigating the trump campaign during the u.s. election the f.b.i. issued a written statement arguing that there were important details left out which would fundamentally impact the memos accuracy and the justice department says releasing the document would be extraordinarily reckless it's the president who must make the ultimate decision to declassify and release but no after a national security review the white house is blanked out some parts of the document and sent it back to the committee it can no be published at any time at a gathering of republicans in west virginia the president made no fresh mention of the memo but afterwards speaking to the media republican leadership defended the idea of its release this memo is not indictment of the f.b.i. the department of justice it does not impugn the moeller investigation or the deputy attorney general what it is is the congress's legitimate function of oversight democrats have argued the release of the memo over their own objections are all part of a campaign to undermine the investigation into alleged russian meddling in the presidential election in fact the leading democrat in the house has called on the republican chairman of the intelligence committee they have a new news to be removed in a letter to speaker paul ryan nancy pelosi. as congressman is has abused his position to launch a highly unethical and dangerous cover up campaign for the white house congressman nunez deliberately dishonest actions make him unfit to serve as chairman and he must be removed immediately from this position the leading democrat on the committee says the row doesn't serve the american people the memo is seriously misleading because it omits very material information and has deep factual inaccuracy. knew this was part of the trump transition team and last year recused himself from leaving the russian vest a geisha so he will decide if he will release the memo that he wrote on an inquiry which continues to divide washington and the country alan fischer al-jazeera washington at least five previously unreported math graves have been uncovered in miramar by the associated press news agency the un special rapporteur turkey has called for a fact finding mission to be given access to the site and the u.s. is fake and out the state department says it's deeply troubled by the news scott highly reports now from young gun. the associated press news agency has released a video it says confirms reports of a massacre of revenge of muslims in myanmar last year a.p. says the pictures of here to show the bodies are buried may. its investigation suggest at least five previously reported mass graves have been found the news agency spoke to villagers who say the number of dead could be as high as four hundred. wherever was injured but still life after the attack was thrown into flames young men like myself managed to escape the attack but others like small children and women couldn't run away in time they were either killed or tied up and thrown inside homes by the military which they burnt down using launchers. it's not the massacre took place in dar pin rakhine state and a few weeks ago for the first time the military here said that soldiers were involved in civilian deaths it acknowledged one mass grave containing the bodies of ten rangers it's called terrorists the u.n. says reports of more mass graves warrants further investigation. i do not have the details of this particular site or the village. but it is. it is. you can see a pattern that we said earlier. you know we had to like to leave but india is where the mass graves were discovered. but when i was talking to some of the refugees amounted to me he had he had four hundred thirty plus body before he escaped his town. and i. grow the names of people. killed or missing so this is something that needs to be investigated and this is why we've called for a fact finding mission and human rights watch says there's a growing. evidence of genocide in rakhine state what is most worrisome about this report beyond obviously the killings is now the effort to cover this up that they discovered. in some instances acid is being used to burn off the features of the people killed or burned off the fingerprints to try to obstruct any accountability and that shows a degree of pre-planning that will really i think impact the international community's decisions about whether this is constitutes genocide or not you know mars government has previously denied any reports of a massacre it has now cut off access to good up in other than tightly controlled government trip to the area north of what kind state where there was violence has been closed off to the u.n. humanitarian groups and journalists it's got harder al jazeera yangon the u.n. secretary general antonio traditions called for the immediate release of the two journalists who've been detained in nehemiah they both worked for reuters and they were arrested in young gun in december was covering the range of crisis they were accused of violating the official secrets act in the face up to fourteen is imprisoned they've been refused fail safe. the palestinian president mahmoud abbas is set to deliver a verite dress at the united nations security council later this month israel's u.n. ambassador says such a move would put an end to any possibility of future peace talks his out diplomatic editor james space. with relations between the u.s. and the palestinians already at their lowest point for years the palestinian leader is taking the dramatic step of flying to the united nations this month it means a showdown with the americans and the israelis on the floor of the un security council every month the council meets to discuss the conflict normally ambassadors of israel and of palestine attend but in a deeply unusual move mahmoud abbas will himself be there he's angered by the trumpet ministrations decision to formally recognize jerusalem as israel's capital and to cut a large chunk of its funding to the u.n. agency that provides humanitarian aid to palestinians the last straw was president trumps attack on him last week at davos he said he disrespected vice president mike pence declined to give an audience to when he visited the middle east the decision of the palestinian leader to come to the u.n. it was announced by the incoming president of the security council what do you hope it will achieve having him here in the council chamber. president abbas will come it will be a good thing in that it will be a good thing for the members of the security council to listen to the president himself it will be beneficial for everyone this really ambassador to the united nations danny down on has issued a statement saying that president obama is completely misreading the situation and harming the prospects for his own people it's not clear at this stage who will attend the security council meeting for israel all the united states james jazeera of the united nations feel to come here at al-jazeera a guilty verdict for the man who attacked a crowd of weapons outside a london mosque. and twenty eight russian athletes have their lifetime a limp dick band being lifted that candle can heat up the upcoming. winter again. from the waves in the south. to the contours of the east. holloway is starting to see some slightly warmer weather slightly bowed weather coming in across central and southern parts of china over the next day or so six hours is the high and shanghai that could fall away to twelve celsius there for hong kong on friday it will be thrice similar values fifteen as we go on through saturday hope through the window easing off the tops and feeding off quite as nippy one celsius same shanghai so sunny on the cool side here charles has some showers there into the philippines as we go on through the next couple of days also a possibility of some showers just around central and southern parts of vietnam the usual scattering of down to the date apples across much of southeast asia i suspect the more organized ones will be across indonesia but even the western parts of borneo because the some shop showers long spells of five forty five as is the case to just around singapore kuala lumpur will see some showers thirty one thirty two degrees celsius the temperature is about where they should be we'll see similar temperatures to went to us for over the next day or so still a possibility of wanted to showers just sliding their way in across southern parts of the by a big goals the possibility of a little bit of wet weather coming through here fun to drive for a good part of south asia though still higher than twenty three new delhi. the way that sponsored by the time race. to meeting the journey through memories of the sky by sri lanka's civil war. divisions and then to luton still running. as a once exiled tamil gorilla struggles to comprehend how things. the stocky mentary at this time. there's a look at the top stories here in. the united states. government are continuing to use chemical weapons against its people and making new kinds of weapons to deliver them it follows continued by government forces in duma. on. three t.v. . remain off the air despite a high court ruling against the government shut down the country's top t.v. networks were taken off air on tuesday after they tried to broadcast a mock ceremony held by the opposition leader. the white house is expected to release a controversial memo on russia's involvement in the presidential election despite objections from the f.b.i. was prepared by republicans on the house intelligence committee says it's misleading and reveal sensitive intelligence information. a man who drove his van into a crowd outside a london mosque last year has been found guilty of murder and attempted murder one person was killed nine others were injured in the attack prosecutors said darren was motivated by a hatred of muslims has a u.k. correspondent barnaby phillips. daryl's born in a pub in wales days before the attack the police call him a hate filled with a history of violence drug and alcohol abuse in the pub he wrote a letter which was found in the van he used for the attack a letter so full of hatred for muslims say the police that it's too offensive to release he rents the van to drive to london police say to find muslim targets he says he wanted to kill opposition labor leader jeremy corbyn he drove all over london arriving at the muslim welfare house in finsbury park after midnight where people were leaving after ramadan prayers and one man happened to fall ill on the street c.c.t.v. footage shows the van moments before it drove into the crowd on the left of the screen. drove down this road the seven sisters road into this little cul de sac where a crowd of people were trying to help mark riley who by coincidence had fallen ill just a few moments before he plowed into the crowd as he got out of his vile i wouldn't think court said that he was smiling the local him and protected him from the crowd until the police arrived moments later the crew say that this was an attack on all londoners no. no one the police have released a call from someone who asks for help is he conscious. then specifics we hear the attack. are already come out of people are going oh yeah the police told me darren osborne acted alone but right wing extremism is a growing threat in britain we have arrested more individuals than we've ever done in relation to domestic extremism related activity. we've seen three groups described by the government the government has also appointed a new extremist commissioner which is welcome. and we are pushing more people through our prevent and channel program relevant again this category of people this diverse community has suffered i spoke to the who protected daryl's born from the angry crowd they're all lost in its cause and. those immediately affected and then there is a last thing fear. and concern in the. what's to say the van or the coming speeding in all directions isn't the next down on. the troubled individual who turned into a politically motivated killer but to be philip's al-jazeera finsbury park in north london. for refugees have been shot in the french port city of cali after a fight broke out over a meal distribution the fight was returning eritrean and afghan refugees police moved in to break up the five it's not immediately clear how the four was shot several other people were injured in the old occasion. thousands of hondurans are risking their lives every year leaving the country in the hope of finding a better future in the united states wonderous is one of the most volatile countries in the world and those who attempt the journey face many difficulties but as mariana sanchez reports from progress the route north is only getting more. and. he felt strong enough to catch a moving train in mexico it's to train to take so many young central americans towards the united states to flee the violence in and do this and achieve the american dream of a better life but many like alexis full or die. i grabbed onto the train wouldn't move so much i hit my head and fell i woke up four days later to realize i was like this my life is so sad. it's a beauty in george he was deported from mexico like thousands of central americans who feel to reach the united states the government says more than twenty seven thousand in gooden's were sent back home this year. was assisted deportees for fourteen years says more and more are returning traumatised from the trip. but the migrant route is much more dangerous in the train there are corrupt police gangs drug traffickers they use children as drug mules women and men are raped before the migrant would be safe not anymore while many of the deportees that have arrived here in some tell us that they are healthy enough to try the route again but for many others who had accidents on the way the dream is over. at. at least two planeloads land here every week with more than one hundred deportees from the u.s. and mexico despite the dangers many don't loose hope. alexis's accident happened a decade ago he says he still can dream to have a job he's a beggar and relies on his family for shelter and i don't. have a job would be the most important thing for me but it's very hard for people who are handicapped so i don't even have a chance so. private organizations who held deportees say most don't receive government help. these people are live in in the crudest reality in a country that doesn't offer any options for an honest dignified life they are physically and mentally affected. and in a country where more than sixty percent of them are poor and nearly forty percent live under the poverty line victims like alexi say they have no hope. of us mourners in the democratic republic of congo are calling for the body of a veteran opposition leader to be repatriated from brussels a year after his death they passed the catholic cathedral in kinshasa to remember etienne tshisekedi many accuse officials of failing to have his body returned in order to avoid a funeral service that could easily turn into a mass rally against the president joseph kabila they have been violence and deaths at demonstrations calling for the president to step down president kabila refused to relinquish power after his second full term ended in december twenty sixth. the french dairy giant lot tellus has admitted it may have been selling some of their lead tainted baby milk for more than a decade more than twelve million products were recalled last month after it was revealed that thirty eight babies were made ill by formula produced at a factory in western france the company says the same factory may have been responsible for another outbreak in twenty five twenty eight russians have had their lifetime lympics banned overturned by the court of arbitration for sport but the international olympic committee says the decision doesn't necessarily mean those athletes can compete at the winter olympics which begin next week in south korea where we challenge reports now from moscow such a gold medalist alexander led cough silver medalist. gold medalist alexander tretiak of just three of the twenty eight russian athletes who have their olympic doping bans overturned and their results at the last winter olympics in russia four years ago reinstated after their appeals were upheld by the court of arbitration for sport the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish that's an anti-doping rule violation was committed actually it's concerned this does not mean that these twenty that leads are declared innocent but in their case due to insufficient evidence the appeal so held it's a setback for the case built against russia by the international olympic committee and wells anti-doping agency. even putin has often said it's the anti doping allegations against russia are politically motivated even that they are designs to interfere in the upcoming presidential elections well that voice is less than two months away now and so for the kremlin cass's decision is a timely gift. it fits neatly into a picture often painted here certainly one regularly offered by the governments and state media of russia as a besieged fortress righteously defending itself against a largely hostile world and russia is now pushing for its previously disgraced sports men and women to be readmitted to the winter olympics starting next week in south korea because just. the court of arbitration for sport confirmed the athletes are clean and earned the right to take part in the olympics so the russian olympic committee will send a letter to the international olympic committee suggesting they allow athletes to compete in the olympic games. despite what russia's sports minister says the international olympic committee notes cass's points a lack of evidence doesn't prove the innocence of those athletes for now the i.o.c. seems reluctant to readmit them to compete in pyongyang. the result of the caste decision does not mean that i thought leaks from the group of twenty eight will be invited to the guy not being sanctioned does not automatically confer the privilege of an invitation still provided it's not overturned on appeal the caste decision means russia has the legal momentum in a country where sport and politics often march together that's a boon for its athletes and the kremlin we challenge how does iraq oscar. time president look at the top stories here at al-jazeera the united states has accused the syrian government of continuing to use chemical weapons against its people and is seeking new ways to deliver them it follows a suspected chlorine gas attack in rebel held territory on the outskirts of the capital damascus on thursday which injured at least three people we are watching very carefully and the united states is an extremely concerned about yet another report of the use of chlorine gas by syria the syrian regime to terrorize innocent civilians in the east good of syria outside of damascus if confirmed the attack is the third reported instance in the past thirty days in east ghouta we take the allegations of chemical weapons use very seriously and are working with our partners on the ground to investigate the reports meanwhile syrian government has strikes have killed at least twenty eight people across the southern countryside of italy a province that's according to the syrian observatory for human rights the government is trying to retake the whole province which is under the control of top where. that's the group dominated by the formerly al qaeda linked knows where from. three t.v. stations in kenya remain off air despite a court ruling against the government shutdown the country's top t.v. networks were taken off air on tuesday after they tried to. gratian ceremony held by the opposition leader. the white house is expected to release a controversial memo of russia's involvement in the twenty sixteen presidential election despite objections from the f.b.i. the memo was prepared by republicans on the house intelligence committee the f.b.i. says is misleading and reveal sensitive intelligence information at least five previously unreported mass graves have been uncovered in miramar by the associated press news agency the un special rapporteur has called for a fact finding mission to be given access to the sites the us state department says it's deeply troubled by the news the man who drove his van into a crowd outside a london mosque killing one person has been found guilty of murder and attempted murder right up to date those are the latest headlines from us here at al-jazeera inside stories next. imprisoned without charge in saudi arabia dozens of political and free speech activists are held provoking calls for the united nations to suspend the kingdom from the human rights council has only happened once before with libya will the u.n. acts again this is inside story.

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