Up. Soon ill be warnings canceled after an offshore earthquake triggered panic on the west coast of the u. S. And canada. Turkeys offensive against kurdish fighters gathers pace in all the syria as rebel allies capture villages the fleet plus. Legendary at the apartheid activist and jan sick hubris a killer loses his battle with cancer. Welcome to the program we begin with breaking news coming out of egypt where the military there has arrested the former chief of staff sami and now days after he announced his candidacy in the president ial election planned for this coming march thats according to another campaign earlier in a televised statement the military said and i am committed violations when he announced his president ial bid without obtaining permits from the armed forces hes also accused of committing forgery to be included in the voter database the two other president ial hopefuls were forced to quit the race earlier this month one of them hunted and was set up the nephew of the former leader anwar sadat said last week that he wanted to protect his Campaign Workers from intimidation or arrest. The main concern is are we going to really be able to continue in the race under such a climate the answer that weve all reached is that we dont think we can continue in such an environment and we have decided not to run. Former Prime Minister and force general overture feet also announced his address did running but he was placed under house arrest and the deported from the United Arab Emirates where hed be living in exile and his lawyers say he was detained as soon as he landed in cairo and two weeks back shifu tweeted that he was withdrawing his candidacy. Well for all of this we can begin to bosher a professor of Security Studies at the. At joyce be in the studio could have you with us it is quite an amazing turn of events that were witnessing here in egypt and what what does why such a cd a figure if the former military would throw his hat into the ring too to realize that there is a potential for being detained there are two explanations for this one is that he actually miscalculated the level of support that he has within the military institution and within the security interests or within the hard power institutions the second one is actually not miscalculate dissin he expected this step and this is not the end of the story you probably see something a counter reaction on his part or of the part of his loyalists so its still too early to tell but there is somebody with hes a serious contender he was the former chief of staff the deputy head of the Supreme Council of the armed forces did winning body after mubarak and he is much senior in terms of the military command in d. C. So hes somebody who is very well connected with the americans very well connected regionally so hes not someone who is a lightweight of any way but to succeed you need to be well connected within the military as well so perhaps one wonders if you look at sort of you flip the court a look at the other side he wouldnt have perhaps nominated himself to head to head into this election without knowing that he would have been support maybe not even of the top military actual arms of egypt but within the lower ranks within the the men in uniform the commission did not commissioned officers that there is perhaps some sort of you might say love for someone like him potentially within the ob forces this is a this could be the case but i think the main issue here is that with the Supreme Council of the armed forces which it was the really the commander of the army that all has changed in one thousand generals that were ruling on forces back in twenty eleven and then was the deputy head. These all of these characters are gone aside from the ministry of defense and now the rest of the members of the Supreme Council of the armed forces are mainly city loyalists so thats why the the they wanted to give him a permission the Supreme Council is supposed to give whoever an exmilitary figure who is going to run theyre supposed to give him permission that permission was not granted to simeon and and whats happening to him now the issue is i think he knew that he knew that he would not get that permission so much so were back to these two scenarios either he has something difficult support within the military that we dont know about and were probably going to see the next few days or he doesnt and this is a miscalculation that will lead him to jail probably how embarrassing is this for the current president to have this sort of scenario you arrest one former chief of staff youve got former Prime Ministers of former military married to being detained in how in the house all being deported she said its unprecedented in egypts history even with all the ships that egypt has gone through it is quite embarrassing on one end but i dont think he cares on the other end as long as he gets reelected between quotations for the next four years he will do whatever he has to do and until now we did not reach the politics level so we did not reach the assassinations the excluding high level candidates and so on but this you can see some some of this happening in the next that how do you read two weeks how the egyptian people will react to this because at the moment sort of one military man toward syria a former politician after another. They want someone they can trust they want someone who could offer them the solution to certain economic problems that theyre facing at the moment things are on one and these hopes and demands of elevating the political social and Economic Conditions but on the other hand what were seeing is really hard part politics it is politics between a fight between the military elite for the ruling of egypt this is less to do with the hopes and dreams of the egyptians a more a more to do with power struggle psychological complexes superiority complexes within the generals when the military generals of egypt but well see what does happen in the coming days for the thanks for joining us in the studio. Tsunami warnings along the u. S. And canadian west coast have been cancelled after a powerful seven point nine earthquake hit two hundred eighty kilometers southeast of the alaskan town of kodiak it was ten kilometers deep. And people woken up in the middle of the night by the tsunami warning sirens and those warnings were heeded with people flocking to Evacuation Centers like this into scene in Vancouver Island in canada lets go over to rob reynolds whos in los angeles on the west coast of the u. S. And whether the warnings have been sort of canceled now the authorities will certainly be on alert to a certain extent because this is the dead of the night and we dont really know still at this moment if there are already waves heading towards the mainland. Well it seems as if the the projected times that the waves if there had been large tsunami waves of that the times that they would have hit certain areas that were projected they did not appear so it seems that thats one of the reasons why the warning was cancelled of course there could be aftershocks we have really no good scientific way of predicting earthquakes but i will say that the Warning Systems seem to have worked fairly well we saw those pictures there of people in kodiak alaska which is a city about six thousand going to Higher Ground people in that part of the world are very well aware that they live on the ring of fire that there have been earthquakes and that there are there is the potential for tsunamis in fact the worst earthquake in u. S. History ever occurred in one nine hundred sixty four in alaska that was a magnitude nine point two a massive earthquake but fortunately in this instance tonight there are been no reports of any injuries no reports of any damage from this seven point nine earthquake and the tsunami warning is canceled so people are no doubt all along the west coast breathing a sigh of relief and of course of the Emergency Services themselves raul all very well trained in the techniques and did the early Warning Systems they have in place for incidents like this they could have pops call this a decent dress rehearsal. Perhaps a good idea its a very good point a good dress rehearsal it points out also the importance of continued Adequate Funding for these kinds of agencies which combined Scientific Research and warnings using buoys out at sea and using seismographic equipment and so forth so is that is another very important aspect of this theres been efforts as you may know in the United States to trim the federal budget so federal agencies like the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration need to have full funding in order to protect people from tsunamis and earthquakes and issue appropriate warnings as needed while for the moment i will leave it to rob and said to keep an eye on things said he the next few hours thank you. Turkey says forces and iraqi allies are making advances in their offensive against Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria they say theyve captured several villages in the region turkey wants to create a thirty kilometer deep buffer zone to protect its border from fight as it regards as terrorists not seventy deca has the latest from attacking in the turkey syria poulder. The village of her man which is now been announced that the f. S. A. Have taken a significant why because it lies very close to the Turkish Border in the area just close to where we are just further east of the handle and it does play into the narrative that we heard from the turkish Prime Minister just a few days ago that their plan is to establish what he called up to a thirty kilometer security zone pushing the y. P. G. Away from its borders it has been a fluid fight however on the ground there are incidents when villages have been taken by the Free Syrian Army and Turkish Forces and you know a day or so later retaken by the white b. G. But of course turkey has superiority when it comes to the sky theyre flying jets theyre bombing from the air and that of course carries with it a huge advantage the videos of african refugees being abused in libya Illegal Detention Centers and extortion have become common warning to all views that you may find some of the pictures of the solve a big report disturbing. This man stripped naked is being told to stay silent as hes burnt with whats said to be built on plastic. In another video people are being beaten as kidnappers discuss ransom money these videos are reportedly of sudanese refugees being abused in libya a disease or cannot verify the pictures. But the humiliation and abuse of african migrants here is not new libya is a major hub for human smugglers and traffickers the use the country as a transit for a perilous journey to europe some officials have been accused of taking bribes to free people from Illegal Detention Centers where people are kept under inhumane conditions but Libyan Forces deny the allegations that some are involved in rape forced labor and even murder the poorly equipped navy and coast guard say theyre doing europes job of policing seventeen hundred kilometers of coastline and the mediterranean the Navy Spokesman says the issue of migrant abuse is being fabricated to force international intervention. And usually. They want to make Illegal Immigrants victims and to make libya look like the culprit perhaps when these things proliferate the International Community will be urged to intervene in libya under the pretext of illegal immigration this is part of their plan that. Libya has been fragmented between two governments and many militias vying for power last year the videos of african migrants being sold in slave auction sparked an International Outcry but libyans accused european nations of not doing enough and see the onus of dealing with migrants from across africa has been dumped on libya and libya did not and cannot play the role of a police this relationship needs to be organized an International Conference between the libyans and Northern European states should resolve how libya can deal with part of the matter as all if it cant be imposed on libya we cannot be a cemetery or residence or a jail. Despite the crackdown by libyan and italian navies more than one hundred thousand migrants reached italy last year at least three thousand people died in boats which couldnt withstand the rough mediterranean waters Rights Groups say the strategy to turn people away hasnt worked and open new avenues but abuse and exploitation after years of failure europe in libya need a new approach some of the job there still ahead here on aljazeera why the growing divide between the rich and the pole will be the focus of the World Economic forum thats just opened in switzerland. For them to say that theyre not willing to protect us its a big child Donald Trumps political opponents accused of caving in after a deal to end the u. S. Government shutdown do stay with us here on our just. How often are remarkably mild winter so fast things are about to change not so much in Southern China still twenty one on kong but im in the middle this developing rain and snow are really blue spots are we get to say the tension shanghai has dropped to plus three it may well snow in shanghai itself can is a vast amount further inland in china but it remains warm still in hong kong versus as in china to be honest the a bit of a turbulence in the atmosphere around new delhi asunder storm reported you see the cloud developing there it doesnt seem to done anything at all to change whats happening on the ground it still was quite cold chilly for People Living there its misty foggy all smoky thats true the plain north india showers by this time have reached the pole katmandu reporting and were lucky to get where i see otherwise things are quiet except down in the bay of bengal was a bit of hint of shower stuff going on here. There has been a bit of a dusty breeze blowing the northeast of soggy circut on towards the u. S. Its going to cut all the wind is dying atmosphere will drop a little bit twenty four degrees and such you want in mecca its always warm with the west development of cloud here in western society. The scene for us where there online what is american sign in yemen that peace is always possible but it never happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there are people that there are choosing between buying medication and eating this is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone whos an activist and just posted a story join the global conversation at this time on al jazeera. Your child is their lives all wrong a reminder of our top stories egypts military has arrested a former chief of staff savio days after he announced his candidacy in the president ial election planned for. Tsunami. Warnings. Continue along the u. S. And canadian west coast theyve been cancelled in fact after a powerful seven point nine earthquake hit two hundred eighty kilometers southeast of the alaskan town of kodiak there were scenes of panic on several coastal towns are people ordered to move to Higher Ground. Also turkey says its armed forces and rebel allies are making advances in their offensive against kurdish y. B. G. Forces in Northern Syria they say theyve captured several villages in the a freed region. So u. S. Vice president mike pence has visited the western wall and occupied East Jerusalem during the second and final day of his visit its one of the holiest sites in judaism or this was shown around the site by a rabbi earlier in the day he met with israeli president of the village and told the Holocaust Memorial are a force that has more from occupied East Jerusalem. Well after his speech to the Israeli Parliament the knesset on monday tuesday saw mike pence and his host really doing something of a victory lap given just how much support there has been for the tenor of that speech which was seen as incredibly supportive of israel without really any other side of that coin and there was very very little in terms of any kind of appeal to the israelis to change any course of action in terms of their relationship with the palestinians or anything else it was seen as a speech almost unqualified in its support of israel so when meeting the israeli president reagan rivlin mr rivlin called mr pence a mench a man of integrity and honor mike pence in his comments during that meeting talking about jerusalem once again being the capital of israel as far as United States is concerned very much the watchwords of his visit so far hes been repeating that phrase many times saying that he still saw a possibility of progress in the Peace Process with the palestinians based on that fact of course for the palestinian perspective that is no longer a prospect the u. S. Being a mediator or a broker in the Peace Process there was a statement to that effe