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Hello im maria this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. Egyptian president sisi else is he will run for a second term in office. Is the gulf crisis a pretext to seize castles well thats the claim of a country royal who is seen as a saudi ally. In the poconos native in peru but he conscious control of a sea on his south american told. Turkey has fired artillery into a kurdish controlled on clay the northwest syria across the border bombardment of a free and comes off the days of threats by president want to get syrian kodesh fighters known as the y. P. G. And the establishment of a kodesh corridor along its border and has been deploying troops and tanks there in preparation for a ground assault Stephanie Deca has more from un taqiyya insolvent turkey. The situation around the fifteen is heating up there is been an increase in shelling from turkey into africa and also hearing reports that around fifteen thousand Free Syrian Army fighters these are the rebels inside syria supported by turkey are mobilizing towards the east of affluence and this is all in line with the political rhetoric thats been coming out of anger over the last week or so the last voice added to that the Defense Ministry on friday saying that the operation would happen that there should be no delay and that turkey had no choice but to rid of what they call terrorists along this border all of this very significant player is russia and this is why weve seen the chief of staff and also the target head of intelligence in moscow on thursday also talks continuing on friday to try and see whether russia gives the green light why is that will russia controls the airspace over a free and it also has troops on the ground in that area its all about politics its incredibly complicated and youre seeing different players now carving up trying to carve up different areas of syria expanding their spheres of influence it is a very very complicated situation we have talks coming up in vienna and in sochi and certainly it doesnt look like anyone can seem to agree on anything at the moment. The spokesman for u. N. Secretary general antonio the terrorist says that its been no increase in military activity in the region weve seen the reports of shelling in africa and we reiterate our call on all concerned parties to avoid further escalation in any acts that could deepen the suffering of the Syrian People all parties must ensure protection of civilians at all times under any circumstances. Well in our developments the Lebanese Army is saying that its found the bodies of nine Syrian Refugees who froze to death trying to cross the border into lebanon they were found by Army Officers after a snowstorm near the mountainous area of the must not Border Crossing six others was safe but one later died in hospital patrols are still looking for other refugees course in the storm and of arrested two syrians on smuggling charges well nearly a million Syrian Refugees who managed to make it into lebanon a suffering through a base a winter in flimsy tents that flood easily and with no protection from the freezing temperatures the u. N. H. C. R. Says its received less than sixty percent of the funding it needs to help the refugees through winter and is desperate for donations saying hold the reports from the bekaa valley in lebanon. Heavy winds snow lower temperatures lebanon is being hit by a storm making the lives of the nearly one million Syrian Refugees even more miserable they face many challenges during the winter months among them the lack of proper shelter they live in tents that are made for plastic sheeting which does little to protect from the cold and the rain. We couldnt sleep all night the tent was flooded we stayed up and moved all our belongings outside the conditions of our tents a bad its the shepley familys sevenths winter and displacement since fleeing the conflict in neighboring syria in winter the refugees require more help they need fuel for heating thermal blankets and warm clothes. We know. We are dead we are living in misery we have nothing but pain sickness and suffering we are deprived of everything a good. Families like the outdoor habits cant survive without assistance the father is half blind the youngest child sabrine is mentally challenged the eldest has a Heart Disease and their mother suffers from asthma and eczema were lower than most i need medicine and i need help we all cannot work we dont have water and feel to keep warm we are living only by gods mercy i may be kicked out of ten soon because i didnt pay the rent for a long time. Did i did nations does provide some assistance but a shortfall in funding means not everyone is reached. The United Nations doesnt help the more than five million Syrian Refugees in neighboring countries it says that thirteen Million People need help in syria six million of them are internally displaced and the displacement continues in recent weeks more than two hundred thousand people were forced to leave their homes the war is not over. It may be a while before these refugees can go home the lebanese government doesnt want them to stay that is why it has prevented the United Nations from building permanent camps it also doesnt allow any concrete construction but this may not be their last harsh winter in exile. Because valley lebannon. Now the egyptian president Abdel Fattah Sisi has announced that he will run for a second term in office in march selection sisi rose to power in two thousand and fourteen after leading the military and alst in his predecessor mama jam june reports. The announcement was widely expected now egyptian president obama has put down his c. C. Has made it official and us that it got a lot of out info to collect you might have been today as a to members of the sausage moments we have gone through and think about the serious challenges that face our home country and the huge expectations and the hopes we have for our homeland i find myself standing confused before my National Conscious as i speak to you with the honesty and transparency we have been used to in our dialogue and hope that you will accept me for it is a presidency of that a puppy. Analysts are hardly surprised by his staying in power this way or that way i think of the elections as one source solve it is just a missile or a facade of this committee that would say that he won the elections fed and square and he has significant book to support. Sisi who swept to power in two thousand and thirteen after a military coup against former president Mohammed Morsi obtained ninety seven percent of the vote in the two thousand and fourteen Election International observers question the credibility of the results saying the election fell short of international standards. Campaign promises included rebuilding egypt reviving the countrys economy and raising living conditions. But almost four years into his presidency many egyptians are disillusioned with his rule concern has grown that it has brought with it a return to the authoritarian Security State that prevailed under former president Hosni Mubarak rendering the reader square revolution only a brief experiment in democracy. Real opposition to sisi in the march election is likely to be thin on the ground potential candidates have either already withdrawn or seen their candidacy blocked some have blamed an atmosphere of fear observers say ccs tactic is a recognizable one in the region of the mubarak and the house has less evidence of themselves the agent has used it before they would tell the international and Regional Community that they won with ninety percent or ninety nine percent whatever the percentage of the same time there are no consequences for that so on one end it to bolster that eames that intimacy of that it seems on one end and the other and you know there are no consequences for that actions. Ccs rule has been marked by a brutal crackdown on freedom of expression and Civil Liberties economic turbulence and increasing attacks by armed groups human Rights Groups have been placed under severe restrictions and many critics in the me. Have been silenced. His allies however dismissed accusations of abuses saying his tactics are needed for security in the face of an insurgency in the north sinai region that has expanded to include civilian targets mohammed jim groom a disease. A country royal who was formerly a close ally of saudi arabia says the gulf diplomatic crisis has been manufactured in an audio recording obtained by aljazeera czech abdullah bin ali a funny can be heard accusing both saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Of fabricating the rift with cats are as a way to seize their neighbors wealth he also says he was under pressure from the two countries to the point where he wanted to end his life as mall. The man saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Were presenting as an alternative to qatar leadership stepped up his attacks on the blockade in countries in a new audiotape shake of the lebanon early earth any a member of. The family says the gulfs biggest diplomatic best was triggered by saudi and princes whom he accuses of plotting to take out as well by force. As. Well. In the old youre recording the shea says he was under so much pressure from saudi arabia and the u. A. E. That he considered taking his own life he also appeared in a video posted online on sunday where he says he was detained against his will in the u. A. E. A claim which the night but two days later when ali left the u. A. E. This is the only picture taken of him when he arrived in kuwait his family said his health deteriorated during his alleged detention in the u. A. E. He was told that he can leave to saudi arabia but not to. The end of the day he was allowed. To leave. And he has two daughters with him and it was about twelve oclock at night that. They told him that they have to go to the airport and then the information changed that you are not allowed to go to the u. K. The u. K. Refuses your entry and that is false. And that your daughters can live and you must still say and. The little known shape became a central figure during the Gulf Cooperation Council crisis when he was first received by king solomon but of that as hes of saudi arabia media affiliated with saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Portrayed him as the had of the opposition to the qatari government but soon the shade was nowhere to be seen except for tweets attributed to him the recent statements of the shape shed more light on the g. C. C. Crisis that started in june when sandy arabia the u. A. E. And egypt cut off diplomatic ties and imposed a sea land and embargo on qatar the post from shekau the lebanon early support qatar stands the other west catered and politically motivated has. So a convoy on aljazeera time is running out in the u. S. As the government huddles to once a shutdown of a key funding. Im told brennan at the institute for Cancer Research looking at the possibility of a blood test which could be a breakthrough in cancer diagnosis. Alaric streams of heath that weve seen recently in australia are not quite as extreme at least in the major cities route from adelaide around the corner to sydney you can see from the white clad women most of the rain is significant and top and into the circulation maybe just east of darwin but that just means heavy rain this time of the year were down to twenty six in the fall cross in melbourne adelaides about the thirty mark likewise perth and the surprisingly sydney and brisbane but nowhere do we see adelaide now will probably canberra and certainly sydney skies largely fine some architectural cloud which youll see in new zealand through the facts in the Northern Cape of north on the scene fair amount of rain recently and whilst it looks like on saturday thats the only place will be showers with the rest of new zealand far in the time we get to sunday the right is gathering again heading slowly eastwards towards oakland that may not get there june the day the real cold air is trying to make progress again i just saw a bearing come towards her car the first signs of snow on saturday and probably a bit more on sunday. Counting the cost why the jurys still out on despite wall streets delight we delve into chinas better than expected growth story and count the cost of negative populous. County the cost of this time on aljazeera. Come back without is here at the top stories this hour turkey has fired artillery across the border into kodesh controlled on plate of a freeman in northwest syria. Egypt president Abdel Fattah Assisi has announced he will run for a second term in the march election and a country royal who was formerly a close ally of saudi arabia says the gulf diplomatic crisis has been manufactured in an audio recording obtained by aljazeera. Now and other stories were following time is running out for politicians in the u. S. To prevent a possible Government Shutdown on the anniversary of Donald Trumps first year in office if a funding law isnt passed key agencies begin shutting down at midnight local time democrats say they will not support it unless there are guarantees that children of migrants who entered the u. S. Illegally will be protected can really help get reports from washington d. C. A planned trip to florida to mark Donald Trumps First Anniversary in office has been canceled at least for now instead americas republican president is reaching out to his democratic rival in this summit meeting with an invitation to the white house to try and avert a Government Shutdown we made some progress but we still have good numbers to support the discussions will continue Republicans Control Congress but its a crisis the white house blames on democrats it appears unfortunately that Senate Democrats are entrenched in forcing a shutdown unlike five years ago when the government shut down for sixteen days this time all u. S. National parks and post offices will remain open but employees will not get paid and just like five years ago the military Border Patrol and federal firefighters among others will remain on the job but theyll also not be paid right away is it a thirty nine thousand one hundred seven the most is going on thursday lawmakers in the u. S. House of representatives passed a short term funding bill to keep the government open but it must also pass in the senate and Democratic Senators are refusing to approve any funding legislation without protections from deportation for thousands of Illegal Immigrants brought to the United States as children with the president come up here democrats believe they have few options given trump announced obama era protections for the Illegal Immigrants known as doctor recipients runs out in march based on what we have seen in terms of how the republicans have responded in the past i believe democrats simply do not trust that the republicans will actually to address the issue. Despite claims to the contrary given twenty eighteen is a Congressional Election year it appears trump sees political advantage in a Government Shutdown if the Public Places blame on democrats. On friday morning he tweeted shutdown coming we need more republican victories in twenty eight team as donald trump prepares to mark his first year in office unless a deal is reached the anniversary of trumps inauguration is set to be celebrated much like the year started amid controversy kimberly hellcat al jazeera Washington Well larry spoke to ryan graham a political journalist on the washington d. C. Bureau chief at the intercept i asked him about the meeting between donald trump and his rival Democrat Chuck schumer republicans. Many of them on capitol hill breathed a huge sigh of relief because their nightmare scenario is Chuck Schumer sitting down with his old new york buddy and his former donor donald trump and telling him all of these people who are advising you are idiots and theyre sending you off a cliff heres what well give you right now take it its on the table give us give us the you know extension of chip funding lets just do this and be done with it and they were were panicked that donald trump was going to agree to that it sounds like he did his his staff has done a much better job at stiffening his his spine hes going to pay a political price for it so his staff is ultimately not doing many favors but he was able to resist whatever charms Chuck Schumer was able to throw on him. The u. S. Defense secretary says the focus for his Nations National security has moved away from terrorism on to the competition between the great power as jim asses also accuse china and russia of being the vision espouses he laid out plans for his defense policy. We face growing threats from revisionist powers as different as china and russia are from each other nations that do seek to create a world consistent with their authoritarian models pursuing Veto Authority over and other nations economic diplomatic and security decision rogue regimes like north korea and iran persist in take an outlaw action that threaten regional and even global stability. The United States says it will withhold the payment to the ns Relief Agency for Palestinian Refugees the forty five Million Dollars was promised last month for food aid it comes three days off the washington said it was going to withhold more than half of a one hundred twenty five Million Dollars aid package and is under simmons reports from the occupied west bank its another blow to people who are already struggling. Its not the most needy case but use of speaks for millions when he questions why Palestinian Refugees should face more hardship because of politics his familys forty three dollars a month food allowance has already been lost in general cuts he worries about his childrens education because some teachers and now having to be laid off in schools and hes unemployed because his place on the agencys jobs program has ended and wont be renewed. And i do know if we hadnt been kicked out of our homes in the first place there wouldnt have been the need for un agency to give a services theyre not doing us any favors we lost our land and everything it would be under if there were no Palestinian Refugees. Covers every aspect of life refugees in need yet its already facing a deficit estimated to be between one hundred twenty and one hundred seventy Million Dollars the Palestinian Authority says donald trump is trying to pressurize it by putting those most in need. This u. N. Agency with its role in helping deprived and Vulnerable People is nothing to do with any attempt to get talks going again between the israelis and the palestinians yet it says the u. S. Action is making its situation almost impossible some predicting the possibility of it actually collapsing this is not charity from the u. S. Or any other donor to all of this aid is born these funds born from a responsibility that the United Nations and the International Community as a whole has took upon itself following the adoption of a solution one eight one which resulted in the ethnic cleansing of more than half of the palestinian population lived in historical palestine only three days before this decision to hold back forty five Million Dollars towards an Emergency Food Aid Program the u. S. Withdrew sixty five Million Dollars from the agencys general funding the state Department Says the latest action relates to a pledge it had withdrawn its not a cut and so it could be reversed at some point those words are lost on this family in poverty and struggling to make ends meet Andrew Simmons aljazeera jennas own refugee camp in the occupied west bank. Germany says it will no longer export arms to countries involved in the war in yemen the move will impact the sale of military equipment to the Saudi Led Coalition that has been fighting hoofy rebels in the country since twenty fifteen the conflict has left over ten thousand people dead with millions on the brink of famine. Pope francis is in peru ways been visiting communities affected by illegal gold mining in the amazon the leader of the Catholic Church met Indigenous Leaders in the southeastern city of part of the nada in a speech he denounced Human Trafficking and hailed the importance of protecting the environment where the pope traveled to proof from chile where he had to deal with allegations surrounding bishop kwon bar us just before he left the country he denied covering up the abuse of teenage boys by another priest did get me thinking everyone will be the day that they bring me proof against bishop paris then i will speak there is not one bit of proof against him we believe it is slow and its not clear. Well father tom reese is a Senior Analyst at the Religion News service and believes Pope Franciss handling of the scandal is in danger of overshadowing the positive work on his toll the sad thing is the pope was doing so many good things in chile defending migrants expressing concern about the environment condemning the human rights abuses that occurred on pena shae an artery in a bishop who defended human rights under the military regime then so that you know and i think he was well received by most people and in chile but this. This is an area where i think he just wasnt on. Germanys chancellor Angela Merkel says shes optimistic that the social democrats will give the go ahead for Coalition Talks to take place she was speaking on a trip to paris for talks with frances president emanuel shes been unable to form a new Coalition Since germanys election back in september. When i understand why especially in france people are waiting for us to form a new government in the negotiations we have put europe high on the agenda to make clear once again that specially in terms of being able to take action in europe it is very important for germany to have a stable government scientists in the United States have developed a universal blood tests capable of detecting eight different types of cancer the aim of the test called cancer seek is to catch the disease early and save lives but experts a cautioning that more search still needs to be carried out as paul brennan reports. The scientists here at John Hopkins University in baltimore analyzed more than a thousand patients who chose symptoms of cancer to see whether this new test would accurately confirm the diagnosis and they were excited to discover that for certain tumors the counts osieck test was up to ninety eight percent accuracy and the same test was effective for eight different types of cancer fluting five which no early screening currently exists heres how it works as a chuma forms and grows the cancerous cells within it change reproduce and die sometimes cierra shed cells that can get into the bloodstream and when cancer cells die they can also release d. N. A. And other fragments that also get into the blood cancer seek is described as a liquid biopsy and analyzes a patients blood sample for traces of that cancer d. N. A. And identifying which genes and mutations are most active can identify the type of cancer and the best treatment the importance of early diagnosis of cancer cant be understated for example in the case of brow counts Ovarian Cancer and Breast Cancer ninety percent of those diagnosed early will continue to live for more than five years but the survival rate if its caught at an advanced stage is much lower in the case of a variant cancer is just five percent in the u. K. Cancer specialists are giving a cautious welcome to the findings this is a very exciting first step along the way to such a blood test theyve shown that you can pick up a toy any traces of the cancer and apply. But potentially has the ability to pick up cancers early on and identify patients for surgery but it is a first step another specialist though wants to see the test accuracy improved stage one when we want to diagnose these cancers this is a do it is quite low its just about forty foot so that is something. That might hold this test back. When we try to think about implementing it. The baltimore study worked with patients who had already shown symptoms of counsel the true breakthrough will happen if this test can identify cancer before the symptoms of much that could really make a massive impact on survival rates this test is one step closer to the. Aljazeera london. Storm which has wreaked havoc across western europe has dumped several centimeters of snow in poland overnight treacherous Road Conditions led to a number of accidents and fifty five thousand people were affected by Power Outages on thursday the storms Gale Force Winds cause travel chaos in the netherlands and germany at least eleven people have been killed or now the russian president Vladimir Putin is brave subzero temperatures for his traditional january did a sixty five year old stripped off his thick coats and boots for the icy plunge in a hole cut in the frozen lake in the northwest of russia with temperatures hitting six below zero it was all part of a ceremony marking a major holiday in orthodox christianity remembering the baptism of jesus christ. So a quick look at the top stories for you now turkey has fired artillery into a kurdish controlled on clay the northwest syria across the border bombardment of our freedom comes after days of threats by president russia type two on against the Syrian Kurdish fighters known as the white b. G. And curfew is the establishment of a kurdish corridor along its border Stephanie Decker has more from an taqiyya. The situation around the city is heating up there is been an increase in shelling from turkey into africa and also hearing reports that around fifteen thousand Free Syrian Army fighters these are the rebels inside syria supported by turkey are mobilizing towards the east of affluent and this is all in line with the political rhetoric thats been coming out of anger over the last week or so in other top stories a country royal who is formerly a close ally of saudi arabia says the gulf diplomatic crisis has been manufactured in an audiobook cording obtained by aljazeera ben ali a funny can be heard accusing both saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Of fabricating the rift with cata as a way to seize their neighbors wealth politicians in the u. S. Are trying to prevent a possible Government Shutdown on the anniversary of Donald Trumps first year in office if funding law isnt passed key agencies begin shutting down at midnight local time the u. S. Says it will withhold another payment to the uns Relief Agency for Palestinian Refugees a forty five Million Dollars was promised last month for food aid on tuesday washington announced it was going to withhold more than half of a one hundred twenty five Million Dollars aid package the u. S. Sent the u. S. State Department Denies its a way to pressure the palestinians to return to the negotiating table germany says it will no longer export arms to countries involved in the war in yemen the move will impact the sale of military equipment to the Saudi Led Coalition that has been fighting who the rebels in the country since two thousand and fifteen and pope francis is in peru ways been visiting communities affected by illegal gold mining in the amazon the leader of the Catholic Church spent time in the city of porto with Indigenous Leaders. Up to date with our top stories counting the cost is next thats it for myself and the team in london but more news from doha. Facing realities growing up when did you realize that you were living in a special place a socalled secret city getting to the heart of the matter the mean maher government calls you a gringo all the terrorist hear their story on talk to aljazeera at this time. Hello im sam is a than this is counting the cost on aljazeera your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week wall streets happy but is the u. S. Recovery all down to trump a nomics what does it mean for the rest of the world. Also

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