Transcripts For ALJAZ The Girls Of The Taliban 20180114 : co

Transcripts For ALJAZ The Girls Of The Taliban 20180114

president donald trump and north korea's leader kim jong un have been trading claims about who has the bigger nuclear button so you might expect the u.s. state of hawaii in the middle of the pacific would be on edge i was the first place they're going to drop a bomb it's crazy you know living here it's awesome but the same time you know you're going to like secure all the time that might explain why when this alert was sent out to every cell phone on the island people panicked the warning a ballistic missile was coming seek shelter this is not a drill so people just are it's starting around trying to get into the bathrooms so there was a bunch of old girls who were eating and some kids are crying and nobody really knew what to do people on twitter found out about ten minutes later from emergency officials and politicians it was a false alarm those not on twitter had to wait much longer before a correction was sent out thirty eight terrifying minutes how could this happen in the first place the explanation itself is baffling it was a procedure that occurs at the change of shift when they go through to make sure that the system is working and employing pushed along but that's right officials say one person pushed one wrong button the government says it will investigate but for the people who live through this panic that's little comfort i just hire anyone to this author place. that was it people were just running on this story they were all desperately. there was nothing at all the guy had one job right and he messed up so all that's crazy a false alarm in the face of an actual threat making the people of hawaii realize they might not be ready for the real thing pedicle hain al-jazeera washington israeli security forces have used tear gas to break up a protest against the detention of a palestinian teenager. supposes of sixteen year old our head to mimi have been marching in the occupied west bank demanding her release she was detained last month when a video of her slapping israeli soldiers went viral lawyers say ahead could face jail time if she's convicted of the charges which include assault she's doing cause again on monday a serial killer maybe the hand the rape or murder of a young girl that led to massive protests in pakistan that's according to the home minister of punjab province seven year old saying evan sorry was found dead in a rubbish dump on tuesday eight people are being questioned including two the girl's relatives protests across pakistan accuse the police of not doing enough in the case syrian government forces are continuing to retake territory from revels in the southern aleppo province. in the past seventy two hours government troops have taken control of around forty villages the soldiers are advancing towards the rebel held. a military airport and that's in neighboring province one hundred twenty thousand people have fled from rebel held areas in the past three weeks the military in the democratic republic of congo has launched an operation against an armed group it's blamed for the killing of fifteen tanzania and un peacekeepers last month troops are targeting members of the allied democratic forces near the town of beni in north kivu province and. we are all conscious of the situation and bernie and we started the operation against the a.d.f. this morning this is the last operation against the rebels and we will defeat them . at least eighty three countries have been affected by a salmon there are outbreak at one of the world's largest dairy firms the french dairy giant like tallis says twelve million boxes of powdered baby milk a being recalled more than thirty children have been poisoned in france alone the french government is close the factory until further notice the girls of the taliban is next. government already on their own beach i'm betting my house and there. are plenty to meet in my nest on number one can immediately and i just want to find him out with one that can eat my heart defect need only our hands and hi yes thank you as a behave job you have to be eyes that you were asked by some push on then yeah. become out some kind of vision on matters of business get a good job of acting what any given an accomplished. child or what kind of mom china said that i ma as buffalo touch him i. couldn't do northern afghanistan. it's the fifth largest city in the country home to more than three hundred thousand people. it was once a taliban stronghold you come from a history where women were deprived of the basic rights including going to visit the doctor going to see you know of course if your kitchen was prohibited even for shopping women were not allowed. to day particularly in the towns and cities women can go outside without their husbands or fathers they can work and girls can go to school and even university. but there's a growing feeling amongst women's rights groups that these freedoms are again under threat a new wave of privately run madrassas or religious schools are opening across the country. the most controversial of these is ashraf doris in can do with six thousand girls studying there full time our cameras have been given an unprecedented access to film inside this madrassa to meet with the girls and their families and to question the men behind it. them address is attached to the central mosque and can do those and was founded by two senior clerics girls come here soley to study the koran and the teachings of the prophet mohammed. you know why. i worry that i was a. muslim man has a lot of the i mean my down the hill and my the same as a man that is. well you know if you will shun sub-zero you called him a martian i wonder. if you mean my smile as if he meant any more about mine at a. young media put on your t.v. show. the it's not me down. on the because there are a lot of fun because it was on me because of family guy because you know that much i mean because they don't know me so that. it's not like they're going. to lose that. actually is the part i like amy's. because that's. not funny when you want to just go not going to happen before i got him that's what i think but i don't know that a lot of you know how about that but being the most you could be joe b. . but i don't want that sort of all. over but i don't want it if i don't you're going to be job our stuff that's not going to jump off a bus that goes off on a bomb doesn't that doesn't come out of my going to your family i'm not even if i want your mom to all of thought about it you know i never said i wasn't able to do . all the girls have different reasons for enrolling at the madrassa twenty one year old has been studying here since it opened in two thousand and nine it was her late father's wish that she and her sisters should come here they have got a job you have on the bus thank you feel understood as funny kind of man i'm so funny god damn good mother mugged out of body and slimy you know those dumb kid you know a lot of them but she and those are. to each other on that effort is a number that someone has kind of done that they first go there each other a lot of the work with all of that. i show wants to be a doctor but gave up state school to concentrate on islamic learning. in their hand much more than a dozen of the teachers are asking am i ever charged. was a fact of time chani shantytowns and i know now another shadows another like a modern as it is now now was issued only done on happened chancelor it on are now . before this madrassa opened i sure was taught at home by one of the leaders of the central ta christan mosque abdul kalam abdul is now the principal of ashraf all my dad is he runs it with his cousin roger dean. because your mother's body that about. the newer version with the bomb royals are not that they have been with. that a formal years and. that all he could call to make of them or new york the amount of the major me i'm on a budget the thought of that he did in that about she didn't he was sore for. female students are separated from their male teachers who either sit in a cubicle or behind a curtain. you know how to read but out of more than one think it was only shot muslims are more than about that are going to have to go to doctors and bill and doctor. before you solve. pursued there comes a lot of selling for more than. your exam you can manage enough that they're just kind of pick winners who shit on. abdul khaliq accepts that the barriers between female students and male teachers reduces the effectiveness of teaching. that. i got to show them a show that there. must be. either more me than him when he says. look. i got. a story yet. the show me show you. in sony has. three now one thousand three hundred registered madrassas in afghanistan where the children are given only religious teaching. this is increasing concern amongst those involved in mainstream education. is the local government chief of women's affairs in providence. that was said to the mother sidney russia. mother is the hottest on a motion when they've been in the news that this may get bored or they gave. me the me that this may said the. finest. well buzzing of all many got on the staff at the desk give me almost. what the mother was authentic and polish. was all meaningless. but supporters of them addresses nothing wrong with focusing only on islam. as my father is a mother and she joined as travel my diaries when it first opened this is her final year. and how i'm going to last. twenty four million mark and out of my family love them me leave well i let them be with them would just keep their lives out of money as he would have his own money version of that i am a. islam kid might book an up or are they are to get out whether john mere chance but man has is that he must i don't want that with donna she says women's rights and duties are clear in islamic teaching and are misunderstood by those in the west as well as that he is slimy than happy and sign yet that are less than bow on one knee in sunshine up them a shout what happened is them hand that islam are you happy mother the hand that islam. that cheesy more yes the amount of our media has less than mom want to us sam i want a better show had us. asthma's brother in law is clerics or roger dean nobody co-founder of the school and a senior teacher. that is showing. that it's not just that i say yeah i. guess you guessed it i've been a hot bush called the budget show i thought i was doing shots to get by and says i'm going to show more of that as yet gets to get that education ready you almost. who by and by the national have done a show to us it was. better stuff you shot bad as say it was i got a job i got by a local made his love me five and saw that going to the show. that misha won't saw me as he was on the yes. but my. face said i but you're going to sign so i didn't come out about that i'm out of the job only be done is done done and if you don't it's on your best but your body but i don't you know the why did i want. to go solve it jones. cause you want to. see roger dean nobody has five children of his and he recently took one of the students at the madrassa second wife. we did it the mother said with. us. but. we. came out of this generation of my daughter. is about who the father machine of the thought i.q. mentors or what a mission there. well i think your mother has a shuttle mission. you shot an image on my daughter so that you didn't cannot show us around when the girls and the male teachers and female pupils are not allowed to see one another at any time. but. i mean john campbell the son of the. brain cannot come. here. or for about forty eight of us in new york. but i know. about it that's probably what it's been on but often years ago you know whatever your father or mother teresa call the show that is your father on the radio. ashraful my dad has proved so popular the men behind it have now opened thirteen smaller associated with dresses in the province . they're going to. across the various sites they teach four thousand full time female students over the age of eleven. back at the main site young girls and boys learn memorizing the koran well away from the old ago. even at this age they do not study together and at eleven the boys go to a separate madrassa. through two thousand young girls here learning but there's no room for mathematics science or languages. a little arabic grammar is taught but that's to help the girls understand the qur'an. twelve year old well he has just joined the senior girls at the men dress from a middle class family her six older brothers and sisters have all attended ashraful murderous. if i love to go down the physical and doormat shown to them will resume at least if they are as into one of the films as models get put on it would be kinda. wonder who said she was just for the job for them or. she on which she has. a lock on how messy dak and. another act of kindness given kroger should i want to go because of that if it's not going to cut it down to that are american. hires that. you need to know she was in the u.k. to be that if we're getting really angry just there's one of most of us no good comes to the conclusion that the ethical. the do you think because you have to talk about turning the thing isn't a question to. ask question after that was that i know you got. me was brought up very differently from many of the girls at the madrassa my mother's is a teacher and her four sisters went to state school. and dina is now at university and wants to join the army she knows many of the madrassa girls they used to attend the same state school as her. i think just like you. do most of us you know again we have got to get out there even though that. the fact is that the. bishop think here mother's day just show up close and accept the bigger scheme to me i mean i once thought as. you know if i wouldn't wish it to mother first and after the buzz of it i'm a sort of watch a little but most in one you know fact one don't know but as an actor i think yeah because i'm out some coverage at all matters of business a good job of after but every day when i come easy on the my desk it is going to i don't know myself i'm to get that not i mean my because i'm passing as magnus and it says. i wish i did they got me on they got me to a time when it's not my you not me that then to not be not by same as i mean i guess even if you could you not according to me don't be so what do you mean that. friends of the family have taken their children out of the madrassa when they've seen how much they were changing. what they jump. back to go after they get up in the madness and wonder. but again should make them with that i mean the one to make make it go job. the high now doesn't want to know more than what i was up after usually in my mind i mean we did know that but that mademoiselle and their mother met here now i think back much more than no more than a canary at the bottom of that in time to make and then have mother to be rebellious. to them to me about him as that's the minute of the mic about a bass here by the side of the landing of the make it but there it was going to be better than good always good always i mean i get that as and there is always are those who are as their god it is obvious that. see the hand job bad he finally found a good is good if when they get there too much trauma would you guess that the charger what kind of mom china said that i mom china has said about joy i'm not as but i thought she was. the teachings of our schaffel nadar as i replied well beyond the madrassa walls. this is particularly true advice his brother's house where the whole idea of this madrasa started. to soak up the whole homotopy it's been a real lot of dust but. at the moment our economy is slowing me down that it was their home and i wanna go out on all accounts no matter what i'll be shown we don't know about some that was now chad back now and then how does the gentle gray as a slow not understand so that you. have a whole. lot. of much more than a. brother says he has to do is it enough that a mother so. there is no television and music is not allowed evenings or spend with i should teach him the rest of her family what she's learned at the madressa go home to. story. abdul's a four year old son will soon go to the madrassa himself. i love all the girls. a lot of the girls. from earth. a lurker here with a romance. of the love me share. of my look. outside the family. believes men and women should be kept apart also expects the women in his family to wear the black e job worn mainly in arabic countries rather than the blue burka traditionally worn in afghanistan of a long slow joke. or. discourage. russia. tried to get. or in any just now not more the east. now under like it. should. you know you drop the dish base you beat us. at twelve years old it turns them address seven six in the morning until four thirty in the afternoon every day i just stopped going to state school. that the masses. might meet. them at the donmar even if that doesn't mean that in europe and then an hour and then just a minute and yet nothing on them and. why it is parents are pleased with the way her behavior has improved more video. god doesn't want to. take your family mother that's how should i know. that's me ana. i was never going to be shown i wasn't going to reshow son that you're going to try my mother it on me either more than a couple of other or both indicate that you've done. your job or that's all a mother of a mother has asked me on but i don't command. i'm going all those numbers but us. oh no no no no you should be. going to. five to ten hours at the madrassa and her house so chose she can finally relax and play with her friend and little sister. or a few other diversions in her life not. push out so for this time it took you know that like a baseball he would tell obey so we do more if elected so the salute bush show more fully and i support. as your book to to see so. that i could throw. down. now marriott asma lives in condos with her husband and his family think you're emotional mom sure he's well hard city but a mama high that a lot of hang it had over has been his than a ha. surely got a high bus yards wash up that has that bond one he has he had clothes on bar mat of maasai as that no harm it is a little easier for the shannon after people to shine a polish on bed or make one up sometimes and when i lodge a ledge a lot of them again are all muscle that are punished on washed up as enough of a shot is to buy them that yes yes yes as my now teaches at all my daughter's she wants to become a mother and she's keen to recruit others to the madrassas interpretation of islam . so why be muslim up and had almost but he has anyone sat in one body on came out of the shop. surely that he was the feet well barriers and a half. as condom made out. in sign at the how did that show how was the next line you make one up as has any islam the moment that it's known that in muslim and how and when i'm sure is that it is and i am with that one. some more moderate afghanis are becoming increasingly concerned over what they see is the extreme ideology being taught in these private girls' madrassas but they say speaking out is not advised put yourself in everybody that the stopping about this is such a danger they can kill you because of things like this easily. in two thousand and eight al-jazeera documented a groundbreaking scheme. preparing some of india's poorest children for entry into its toughest universities. ten years on we return to see how the students and the scheme a helping change the face of india. super thirty at this time on al-jazeera. is not just about reporting about telling those who would restore it it's about breaking down the information breaking it down again military families still streaming into the city go behind the big headlines to go behind government lines and tell the stories of the people actually affected by these events standing up for their rights as workers and as citizens what al-jazeera has willed and the journalism to cover the best. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the twentieth century and how and why buildings influence the course of history and felt that he did not get enough credit for ending the budget and want to be the biggest struggle for them but he was mandela the biggest con in the world the prisoner and the president who came together to end up part time in south africa nelson mandela and f.w. de klerk face to friends at this time on al-jazeera. hello again i'm martin dennis indo her in these are the top stories why is governors apologize for an accidental message sent out by the u.s. state warning of an imminent missile strike emergency management agency later confirmed it was a false alarm and that it's now investigating the case you know i know firsthand that what happened to the was totally unacceptable and many in our community was deeply affected by this and i'm sorry we are working to evaluate everything in the sequence of today's activities to make sure that we are prepared and the procedures are change so that a single person will not be able to make an error that triggers another false alarm. israeli security forces have used tear gas to break up a protest against the detention of a palestinian teenager. oh supposes a sixteen year old are head to meaning they've been marching in the occupied west bank demanding her release she was detained last month when a video of her slapping israeli soldiers went viral lawyers say ahead could face jail time if she's convicted of the charges which include assault she's doing court again on monday a serial killer may be behind the rape and murder of a young girl that led to massive protests in pakistan that's according to the home minister of punjab province seven year old zainab and sari was found dead in a rubbish dump on tuesday the military in the democratic republic of congo has also an operation against an armed group it blames for the killing of fifteen tanzanian un peacekeepers trips to targeting members of the allied democratic forces near the town of beni in north kivu province. at least eighty three countries have been affected by a salmonella outbreak of one of the world's largest dairy firms the french giant tallis says twelve million bucks is a powdered baby milk now being recalled more than thirty children have been poisoned in france alone and the victims group says hundreds of lawsuits have already been filed the french government has closed the factory until further notice all right those are the latest headlines the girls of the taliban is that. the ashraful. has fourteen branches for girls across can do is province most in the city itself but its clerics want to expand across the whole of afghanistan and every ceremony or gathering is a chance to spread the word. was watching and i guess yes that's the one that will be. channel five s. but you must want often. forgotten. that all the tears of hope. this time abdul and sirajuddin are traveling out of the city and into the country. territory almost entirely controlled by the taliban. that i got my answer to that that was the camp that was part. of. me and i just thought. it was you know it was. many hundreds have come the women are in a separate compound where we're not allowed to film. and to come in and take treat me with you more ordinary. sirajuddin nobody hopes to encourage more of the villages to send their children to study at bam addresses. one of the. things that isn't done but didn't so much i. didn't mind that struck me. the. confidence of my god and how do you think that in the same mood of the congress how did you know about him a sudden move to get behind him how did you easy generally decide in the end of the moment of you know that things are. going to surface evolution are going to charge that. was that if you doubt that it is i want my study to bend to my last drink of god you've. studied argument out as far as a crime which i'm good about in my own lives and that there should be. but there are voices fighting against what they see as a tide of fundamentalism. was two hundred miles away in kabul women have come from all over afghanistan to this conference to protect women's rights. and guns and. the pledge which m.p. fauzia koofi was appointed the first female deputy speaker of the afghan parliament in two thousand and five it was a huge change of course for a woman not only for women who were in the parliament but for woman that the woman parliamentarians decision made an impact so it was a extraordinary moment especially after thirty three years of conflict now they fear that they will lose the rights they fought for for decades and that the growth of private islamic madrassas for girls is becoming a major threat as we have seen during taliban time the interpretation of his law is absolutely different from mine as a muslim woman for instance when it comes to go to education and any other school and melissa need to be controlled need to be if did if they're not responsible to do or not to courting they have to be close though. afghanistan was not always like this in the sixty's and seventy's women in kabul wore western clothes the traditional afghani blue burka was a matter of choice women gained the vote and began to enter politics and elementary education even in rural areas was standard today the picture is very different. around a third of officially registered schools across the country do cater for girls and teach a range of subjects but these schools are regularly targeted by the taliban and other armed groups teachers and pupils are attacked and killed buildings bombed or burned down and was that was that was that you had there who had these i am very glad to. hear of another hard to put in mazar e sharif there are around one thousand girls and boys from the age of twelve girls are taught in separate classes those are your treasures and your friends are that's them some fresh she spends at this moment and that as it was was that they tried me like i was in there the day. that i had to ask that the slope of the orphanage if i had financed the years in advance that they. larry. and i came out i not only am who i was asked i know. by honest tonight is let me just another that other mothers say you're mad at me cannot handle love and you go but instead as he came as a high bridge of asia can labors are some of the initial madonna's one hundred other mothers they don't want me going to church it's not me just on that little call you can make and i well mother says he came to shake honestly. back at a shuffle my dad is in couldn't do the older girls are being trained to teach the younger students and work in the smaller branches of the madrassa. they go to help him yeah i guess it was very annoying as molly meany caught on but it. made him sort of forgot about it when i thought i could have almost a football autumn one of your boys made a board to go help the horse in for. us. going to call her that. was. also as i mad about all this hoopla. the clerics make frequent visits to every branch of the madrassa across couldn't those province abdulle college is responsible for the financial side of the operation the wage bill adds up to thousands of dollars a month for the one hundred fifty five teaches he employs. that joy in most and if i got him on joe must tannoy. mastodon not on oil and god almighty i will he not out but isn't he was on. horses. but you suppose i'm lucky in that almighty god other than my more than mother says and the maid going to live out. of no has not about a sham marsh thought. i was young i mean a jordan i'm too much of us older american. news just me if i'm susie parchment i'm someone's although but i'm not gonna smith oh. you know about rocco might measure chip. walk at more than a slight another one of. those because so you can he come to town with your medal on those in the corner of the vision of what the. darkness me. a job where you miss me as in the years long maybe that was really good on him asylum on me oh yeah that was asking me to set up a song going to. be a slow. but normal grown up a normal human body. call boy you must then if on the outskirts of the city abdul colleague is visiting the most recent school they've opened in can does he insists there was no outside funding involved. well image of me half so you know how pale when the german saw the hot little passage a measure for mother and you say in all seriousness tell you to study this should any is a yes q. could you talk about all that matter how they are when you see what on earth who. votes for you but if you know one dish that which water which you got up one hundred just like of them or some other only made it may be a joy to suppose on michigan and that's me they had joy as you know jude ami washoe enjoy the fellowship of. god we have holy we share what's ours for there marsh doesn't last but if a lost cause she still does yes although i've always looked on as best i should have made no i would not tell ocean where yes could become an asshole the one i was for the more that a whole was what he thought all the stones were not the door of a cuban home a hole in a shot of a shark me before that hundred really there mccourty will. come i'll hold you directly there smith you can hold that above tone a lot of the weight of the figure is just empty for the audible pantone mom checklists off the show it can become a sad she said is slow me almost all the folk on. it all more that all stuff i was shown out of history. oh me she's the one who we who near the back of the net you are the money so long how did i not have to believe me she . there is the me family are devout muslims themselves. father was in. islam. that as yet that is the end. that has to she was a basket case to mommy can though it's come all the sod has though it. has them all know how to. most of the will get off the national the question is will that is another show that is always worse than all the rumors that are called no wonder when the whole the damage they have almost. been some men those of. us known as car boys and that. woman at augusta. have never beaten but i won't wish that on what we've got as if they don't as i'm one of us all that comes on the. zigler has ensured her daughters have a more diverse education so they can choose the career they want and play a full role in society nineteen year old mina wants to be a journalist they're going to laugh at them but new york hello she can i know megan holden please know what bush i'm going to do whatever she can if you let him yes. randall well you have to employ to make an air bag a hole in the bush at. bush nor any coercion i can act not on my chemical ali but mahama lot of other thing in rum but you might remember the membership. at university her sister tina mixes with students of both sexes she refuses to wear a burka or he just. stood by her side now i know i was starting to. chum up as i thought it was unfair but when john afghanistan asked about can i. get the more right about. that. but tina's real ambition is to draw mother's support her father has now for britain a. growing family connectivity beautiful. as you know asking i wasn't and then you can i'm sorry dave i don't know i don't think it's very hard to start mr brewster must not that it is you i don't want to know about dish as wanted i mean i know that i'm going to general some kind of basement but i'm starting to look. well let's think i don't use them. but also. you know if i get it of course. those are my kind so. you know that it was all meant to be a good look but then on the mobile. younger for the movie also the money going to most there. was a. father feels the army would be too dangerous for his daughter but despite her disappointment tina reserves real anger for the way she believes her country is being taken over by extremists. because then he was the one as you hear that they. were there the well goes and i was the only one at a very bad do rule to look at him and i'm glad that i could that have visited the home a share in nobody what he said not a shell of that not that i thought o.j. be joking but started the question does not wash the scent of what arsenic at the start. but. there was that you are as usual me for in my own. life for women in kabul maybe a little easier many middle class families move here so that women can work and their daughters can go to university without fear of reprisals. or. women's rights campaigner rotch was born here imprisoned when the russians invaded she was then forced to leave the country she felt compelled to return when she saw how women were being treated under taliban rule and one of her greatest concerns today is the threat posed by an registered girl's madrassas. you if you keep your goals you not only tell them about you know what does this make laws or and all the rules and regulations and the strong but you teach them about them but it's to teach them about science to teach you about history about geography but then again you know afghanistan don't forget it's in the stomach country. when one things like this you know when they're us like mad or when there is a shuffle by the rest and he had that they are teaching you know the goals of regulations and about islam there is not much that you can really do and say and stand up and say well this is not correct because automatically you will put yourself and everybody that the stalking about this and such a danger they can kill you because of things like this eason. we approached a number of families who took their children out of ashraful my diaries and all said they were too scared to appear on camera. such fears make it difficult for officials to investigate who is behind these madrassas as far as they are concerned this is not our think anybody this is not doing anything to anybody this is just teaching about this crime to the girls but go into the community then what they are going to be are they going to be the ones that they want to. you know take away the right from from the rest of the woman in the will not allow them to even breeds. in could induce the messages being spread ever further every thursday around two thousand older girls and women come to ashraf for my daughters to learn more about islam. burn more punch i'm going to get us started on it but that isn't me is the body they got a lot of more that i was there he did me on more polish on boy by only is he daddy slow you know that with about. that i saw how he wanted then added by that all that was asked about misha not me from the only german close out. here childish not after my. mom's turn hard part and never did i'm sick each is over shot my mom i am going back now i am the reason saying to make him a long hard battle say i'm gonna cry know what i want to get that isn't a show on phone on the same weekend. did that are mobile so do you a lot of sayin me ha not aleutian making the place your palm i want to get a little artistic and a little older still a little bit in the one i wish to meet him. already some of these women are taking their neighbors to turn sky over their behavior. and i'm alive i'm not getting that much of a about going to. the classic and i've been making out at i don't wish to hear that askin more boys in definition of a bad that is he still funny guy get him to do the stairs they just motion of h. on the side of time in polish more fun here now i'm in the mud made of time not funny none was up on the space. now the senior clerics who run the madrassa a creating a network with similarly minded groups outside couldn't do the province but was from a stuck in the mouth about the other about sean bell last almost about don't ask or a political message was about america's global market about that and i thought from the top that. that shouted gobble. down the whole version of passages everybody thought of them. and that about money out of. that shabby part of comedy. held by the time we're kind of on the we are not here not i'm going to say yes but i could walk out on that one about to hand out what it turned out of just how to shop for given that fact i said i want to be though you should or shouldn't. back in kabul activists and politicians are asking who is behind these madrassas and where the money's coming from and many of these mothers have foreign links or foreign influence i think everybody knows there is no doubt about that one of the countries that unfortunately support such matters. is pakistan and we have been telling to the politicians in so many meetings we have had with them that supporting such matters has where even you don't control anything out there in terms of their call in terms of their money in terms of anything is not true the only put up on a stand yes in charge terms you could produce extremism and use them in war in afghanistan but the long term they could be eventually a threat for you all security and for you would also cite a kind of first structure that. goofy believes that foreign influence is changing the culture here further restricting women's already limited freedoms i think it's the influence of the middle east countries basically more you see it in our students it doesn't have anything with there were tradition to they surely we used to wear a burka although. it is also sometimes being regarded as a stopping woman from progress but sometimes i see her job is also being misused in certain countries including afghanistan i think that's the influence of. these extremism. after years of taliban oppression there are now opportunities for girls in afghanistan to go to school and university to have a career even to become an m.p. but with madrassas like these there is now a conflict in some girls hearts and minds about their rights as women. hey i'm just i'm so no i was on her horse and the. others are saying the worst you know you would be hearing them as the day i heard about the lack of ak maybe fire in the office that's how you measure. the years. where you get off as i show up by them both asking about college makes although my daughter's name is sort of true for the mom was all of us a little shyness and maybe if i'm trying to get money for you or you get them out of that difficult i'm out of there or in dish but as it came out i was sure that was the house because as i just finished a doctor michelle i hope. you're telling what did you knew what a vision about her. but that was about you. this is the highest out of enemy for me the most make you feel embodiment that what. was it washed was johnny on the past to me surely this is any behavior of a comedian followed a more humble yallop i don't think any human what i mean i'm the last that still is . a muslim or nicky was the no one me i was there to be needed for me was when she married because she wasn't home with me that was. how are you going to have never mind me asking. no one does take a hot iron box in the money for me now another before i often i wasn't sure. moses it was that has come as a. shock you go one of the lot of me on that. but for many young afghan women this conservative outlook is suffocating she could not use the words if they can begin to serve in a moment. i don't want felt my them show mine on the page who just doesn't know. if there isn't a very earnest people can make them earn no more than. your general show. girl you met my betters and you may don't know that at the moment if the militia to be a member i am i don't know is that an idea that many. women may have regained some of their rights including the right to an education and the chance to take part in public life but the majority says dismiss these principles as a result of western influence in direct conflict with islam it's a battle that determined to win. so i mean that is i mean about the meaning of can all be with us i mean is i mean i'm out and i want to go out as long john do the. show our love for you as a boy mark the hearts of. the myth of the good out of what it will lead to the business that such. will come up on the stand the neo you quoted you the miracle for i believe global. that you ought to put your mother gives him a good one so michelle he was years on he was out of my home. and immediately saw us when any idea wow she began the thought of many more got up but i can't be mother the sub or the biological agent other who bothers you but i want to see. the u.s. congress bid for you respect the freeze once again on. attentions were in the teens but we're talking saturday really this cold front sweeping through is already seeing the temperatures drop quite significantly in this whole massy is really cold weather one small minus seven as a maximum on sunday in chicago washington data minus three new york minus four we're talking in the teens only twenty four hours before and there was a cause a bit of flood warning in places like new york state and beyond where there's ice jamming on will be frozen river tops because it's all thawing but to get that so going to freeze up once again and you see the cold penetrates quite a long way south as well die into northern florida beyond that we talk simply of showers regeneration cells in the bahamas maybe parts of cuber and jamaica a lie that takes you down to costa rica and panama this line is fairly persistent has been for weeks it just disappeared recently and now it's come back once more if you look at south america this is turned very active not showers like you develop even more actively north ninety will not the temperatures down in buenos aires to twenty one degrees which is really quite cool but there's a lot of rain around. on counting the cost of oil hit seventy dollars a barrel we examined the drivers behind the rise one of the economic reasons behind the breast in tunisia and we looked a little closer at the whole stray big between france and china counting the cost at this time on al-jazeera. when the news breaks members of the knesset israel's parliament setting a higher threshold for any future attempt to give up any parts of truce and the story builds. up they did just what presidents in all countries that is not other word when people need to be heard china has a serious shortage of women and a lot of little need al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring the award winning documentary and live news on air and online. it is the stuff family tales and group rain the snow the wonderful migration routes and generations of. good large minds altering the landscape mood is the stuff of mine. a stunning portrayal of life and one woman's determination to save the community the russians one hundred. at this time to zero. this is al-jazeera. hello and welcome to this al-jazeera news out live from doha i martine dennis coming up in the next.

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Afghanistan , Chad , United States , China , Sirajuddin , Sindh , Pakistan , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Russia , Kabul , Kabol , India , Panama , Poland , Chicago , Illinois , Mimi , North West Frontier , New York , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Abdul Khaliq , Congo , Cuba , Florida , Michigan , Jordan , Tunisia , Germany , Israel , Costa Rica , North Korea , Nowa , Federally Administered Tribal Areas , Buenos Aires , Distrito Federal , Argentina , France , Bahamas , The , Hawaii , Polish , America , Afghani , Afghan , French , German , Syrian , Israeli , Palestinian , Russians , American , Cuban , Hain Al Jazeera , Ashraf Doris , John Campbell , Sean Bell , Molly Meany , Asa Muslim , Mazare Sharif , Marriott Asma , Martin Dennis Indo , Africa Nelson Mandela ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ The Girls Of The Taliban 20180114 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ The Girls Of The Taliban 20180114

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president donald trump and north korea's leader kim jong un have been trading claims about who has the bigger nuclear button so you might expect the u.s. state of hawaii in the middle of the pacific would be on edge i was the first place they're going to drop a bomb it's crazy you know living here it's awesome but the same time you know you're going to like secure all the time that might explain why when this alert was sent out to every cell phone on the island people panicked the warning a ballistic missile was coming seek shelter this is not a drill so people just are it's starting around trying to get into the bathrooms so there was a bunch of old girls who were eating and some kids are crying and nobody really knew what to do people on twitter found out about ten minutes later from emergency officials and politicians it was a false alarm those not on twitter had to wait much longer before a correction was sent out thirty eight terrifying minutes how could this happen in the first place the explanation itself is baffling it was a procedure that occurs at the change of shift when they go through to make sure that the system is working and employing pushed along but that's right officials say one person pushed one wrong button the government says it will investigate but for the people who live through this panic that's little comfort i just hire anyone to this author place. that was it people were just running on this story they were all desperately. there was nothing at all the guy had one job right and he messed up so all that's crazy a false alarm in the face of an actual threat making the people of hawaii realize they might not be ready for the real thing pedicle hain al-jazeera washington israeli security forces have used tear gas to break up a protest against the detention of a palestinian teenager. supposes of sixteen year old our head to mimi have been marching in the occupied west bank demanding her release she was detained last month when a video of her slapping israeli soldiers went viral lawyers say ahead could face jail time if she's convicted of the charges which include assault she's doing cause again on monday a serial killer maybe the hand the rape or murder of a young girl that led to massive protests in pakistan that's according to the home minister of punjab province seven year old saying evan sorry was found dead in a rubbish dump on tuesday eight people are being questioned including two the girl's relatives protests across pakistan accuse the police of not doing enough in the case syrian government forces are continuing to retake territory from revels in the southern aleppo province. in the past seventy two hours government troops have taken control of around forty villages the soldiers are advancing towards the rebel held. a military airport and that's in neighboring province one hundred twenty thousand people have fled from rebel held areas in the past three weeks the military in the democratic republic of congo has launched an operation against an armed group it's blamed for the killing of fifteen tanzania and un peacekeepers last month troops are targeting members of the allied democratic forces near the town of beni in north kivu province and. we are all conscious of the situation and bernie and we started the operation against the a.d.f. this morning this is the last operation against the rebels and we will defeat them . at least eighty three countries have been affected by a salmon there are outbreak at one of the world's largest dairy firms the french dairy giant like tallis says twelve million boxes of powdered baby milk a being recalled more than thirty children have been poisoned in france alone the french government is close the factory until further notice the girls of the taliban is next. government already on their own beach i'm betting my house and there. are plenty to meet in my nest on number one can immediately and i just want to find him out with one that can eat my heart defect need only our hands and hi yes thank you as a behave job you have to be eyes that you were asked by some push on then yeah. become out some kind of vision on matters of business get a good job of acting what any given an accomplished. child or what kind of mom china said that i ma as buffalo touch him i. couldn't do northern afghanistan. it's the fifth largest city in the country home to more than three hundred thousand people. it was once a taliban stronghold you come from a history where women were deprived of the basic rights including going to visit the doctor going to see you know of course if your kitchen was prohibited even for shopping women were not allowed. to day particularly in the towns and cities women can go outside without their husbands or fathers they can work and girls can go to school and even university. but there's a growing feeling amongst women's rights groups that these freedoms are again under threat a new wave of privately run madrassas or religious schools are opening across the country. the most controversial of these is ashraf doris in can do with six thousand girls studying there full time our cameras have been given an unprecedented access to film inside this madrassa to meet with the girls and their families and to question the men behind it. them address is attached to the central mosque and can do those and was founded by two senior clerics girls come here soley to study the koran and the teachings of the prophet mohammed. you know why. i worry that i was a. muslim man has a lot of the i mean my down the hill and my the same as a man that is. well you know if you will shun sub-zero you called him a martian i wonder. if you mean my smile as if he meant any more about mine at a. young media put on your t.v. show. the it's not me down. on the because there are a lot of fun because it was on me because of family guy because you know that much i mean because they don't know me so that. it's not like they're going. to lose that. actually is the part i like amy's. because that's. not funny when you want to just go not going to happen before i got him that's what i think but i don't know that a lot of you know how about that but being the most you could be joe b. . but i don't want that sort of all. over but i don't want it if i don't you're going to be job our stuff that's not going to jump off a bus that goes off on a bomb doesn't that doesn't come out of my going to your family i'm not even if i want your mom to all of thought about it you know i never said i wasn't able to do . all the girls have different reasons for enrolling at the madrassa twenty one year old has been studying here since it opened in two thousand and nine it was her late father's wish that she and her sisters should come here they have got a job you have on the bus thank you feel understood as funny kind of man i'm so funny god damn good mother mugged out of body and slimy you know those dumb kid you know a lot of them but she and those are. to each other on that effort is a number that someone has kind of done that they first go there each other a lot of the work with all of that. i show wants to be a doctor but gave up state school to concentrate on islamic learning. in their hand much more than a dozen of the teachers are asking am i ever charged. was a fact of time chani shantytowns and i know now another shadows another like a modern as it is now now was issued only done on happened chancelor it on are now . before this madrassa opened i sure was taught at home by one of the leaders of the central ta christan mosque abdul kalam abdul is now the principal of ashraf all my dad is he runs it with his cousin roger dean. because your mother's body that about. the newer version with the bomb royals are not that they have been with. that a formal years and. that all he could call to make of them or new york the amount of the major me i'm on a budget the thought of that he did in that about she didn't he was sore for. female students are separated from their male teachers who either sit in a cubicle or behind a curtain. you know how to read but out of more than one think it was only shot muslims are more than about that are going to have to go to doctors and bill and doctor. before you solve. pursued there comes a lot of selling for more than. your exam you can manage enough that they're just kind of pick winners who shit on. abdul khaliq accepts that the barriers between female students and male teachers reduces the effectiveness of teaching. that. i got to show them a show that there. must be. either more me than him when he says. look. i got. a story yet. the show me show you. in sony has. three now one thousand three hundred registered madrassas in afghanistan where the children are given only religious teaching. this is increasing concern amongst those involved in mainstream education. is the local government chief of women's affairs in providence. that was said to the mother sidney russia. mother is the hottest on a motion when they've been in the news that this may get bored or they gave. me the me that this may said the. finest. well buzzing of all many got on the staff at the desk give me almost. what the mother was authentic and polish. was all meaningless. but supporters of them addresses nothing wrong with focusing only on islam. as my father is a mother and she joined as travel my diaries when it first opened this is her final year. and how i'm going to last. twenty four million mark and out of my family love them me leave well i let them be with them would just keep their lives out of money as he would have his own money version of that i am a. islam kid might book an up or are they are to get out whether john mere chance but man has is that he must i don't want that with donna she says women's rights and duties are clear in islamic teaching and are misunderstood by those in the west as well as that he is slimy than happy and sign yet that are less than bow on one knee in sunshine up them a shout what happened is them hand that islam are you happy mother the hand that islam. that cheesy more yes the amount of our media has less than mom want to us sam i want a better show had us. asthma's brother in law is clerics or roger dean nobody co-founder of the school and a senior teacher. that is showing. that it's not just that i say yeah i. guess you guessed it i've been a hot bush called the budget show i thought i was doing shots to get by and says i'm going to show more of that as yet gets to get that education ready you almost. who by and by the national have done a show to us it was. better stuff you shot bad as say it was i got a job i got by a local made his love me five and saw that going to the show. that misha won't saw me as he was on the yes. but my. face said i but you're going to sign so i didn't come out about that i'm out of the job only be done is done done and if you don't it's on your best but your body but i don't you know the why did i want. to go solve it jones. cause you want to. see roger dean nobody has five children of his and he recently took one of the students at the madrassa second wife. we did it the mother said with. us. but. we. came out of this generation of my daughter. is about who the father machine of the thought i.q. mentors or what a mission there. well i think your mother has a shuttle mission. you shot an image on my daughter so that you didn't cannot show us around when the girls and the male teachers and female pupils are not allowed to see one another at any time. but. i mean john campbell the son of the. brain cannot come. here. or for about forty eight of us in new york. but i know. about it that's probably what it's been on but often years ago you know whatever your father or mother teresa call the show that is your father on the radio. ashraful my dad has proved so popular the men behind it have now opened thirteen smaller associated with dresses in the province . they're going to. across the various sites they teach four thousand full time female students over the age of eleven. back at the main site young girls and boys learn memorizing the koran well away from the old ago. even at this age they do not study together and at eleven the boys go to a separate madrassa. through two thousand young girls here learning but there's no room for mathematics science or languages. a little arabic grammar is taught but that's to help the girls understand the qur'an. twelve year old well he has just joined the senior girls at the men dress from a middle class family her six older brothers and sisters have all attended ashraful murderous. if i love to go down the physical and doormat shown to them will resume at least if they are as into one of the films as models get put on it would be kinda. wonder who said she was just for the job for them or. she on which she has. a lock on how messy dak and. another act of kindness given kroger should i want to go because of that if it's not going to cut it down to that are american. hires that. you need to know she was in the u.k. to be that if we're getting really angry just there's one of most of us no good comes to the conclusion that the ethical. the do you think because you have to talk about turning the thing isn't a question to. ask question after that was that i know you got. me was brought up very differently from many of the girls at the madrassa my mother's is a teacher and her four sisters went to state school. and dina is now at university and wants to join the army she knows many of the madrassa girls they used to attend the same state school as her. i think just like you. do most of us you know again we have got to get out there even though that. the fact is that the. bishop think here mother's day just show up close and accept the bigger scheme to me i mean i once thought as. you know if i wouldn't wish it to mother first and after the buzz of it i'm a sort of watch a little but most in one you know fact one don't know but as an actor i think yeah because i'm out some coverage at all matters of business a good job of after but every day when i come easy on the my desk it is going to i don't know myself i'm to get that not i mean my because i'm passing as magnus and it says. i wish i did they got me on they got me to a time when it's not my you not me that then to not be not by same as i mean i guess even if you could you not according to me don't be so what do you mean that. friends of the family have taken their children out of the madrassa when they've seen how much they were changing. what they jump. back to go after they get up in the madness and wonder. but again should make them with that i mean the one to make make it go job. the high now doesn't want to know more than what i was up after usually in my mind i mean we did know that but that mademoiselle and their mother met here now i think back much more than no more than a canary at the bottom of that in time to make and then have mother to be rebellious. to them to me about him as that's the minute of the mic about a bass here by the side of the landing of the make it but there it was going to be better than good always good always i mean i get that as and there is always are those who are as their god it is obvious that. see the hand job bad he finally found a good is good if when they get there too much trauma would you guess that the charger what kind of mom china said that i mom china has said about joy i'm not as but i thought she was. the teachings of our schaffel nadar as i replied well beyond the madrassa walls. this is particularly true advice his brother's house where the whole idea of this madrasa started. to soak up the whole homotopy it's been a real lot of dust but. at the moment our economy is slowing me down that it was their home and i wanna go out on all accounts no matter what i'll be shown we don't know about some that was now chad back now and then how does the gentle gray as a slow not understand so that you. have a whole. lot. of much more than a. brother says he has to do is it enough that a mother so. there is no television and music is not allowed evenings or spend with i should teach him the rest of her family what she's learned at the madressa go home to. story. abdul's a four year old son will soon go to the madrassa himself. i love all the girls. a lot of the girls. from earth. a lurker here with a romance. of the love me share. of my look. outside the family. believes men and women should be kept apart also expects the women in his family to wear the black e job worn mainly in arabic countries rather than the blue burka traditionally worn in afghanistan of a long slow joke. or. discourage. russia. tried to get. or in any just now not more the east. now under like it. should. you know you drop the dish base you beat us. at twelve years old it turns them address seven six in the morning until four thirty in the afternoon every day i just stopped going to state school. that the masses. might meet. them at the donmar even if that doesn't mean that in europe and then an hour and then just a minute and yet nothing on them and. why it is parents are pleased with the way her behavior has improved more video. god doesn't want to. take your family mother that's how should i know. that's me ana. i was never going to be shown i wasn't going to reshow son that you're going to try my mother it on me either more than a couple of other or both indicate that you've done. your job or that's all a mother of a mother has asked me on but i don't command. i'm going all those numbers but us. oh no no no no you should be. going to. five to ten hours at the madrassa and her house so chose she can finally relax and play with her friend and little sister. or a few other diversions in her life not. push out so for this time it took you know that like a baseball he would tell obey so we do more if elected so the salute bush show more fully and i support. as your book to to see so. that i could throw. down. now marriott asma lives in condos with her husband and his family think you're emotional mom sure he's well hard city but a mama high that a lot of hang it had over has been his than a ha. surely got a high bus yards wash up that has that bond one he has he had clothes on bar mat of maasai as that no harm it is a little easier for the shannon after people to shine a polish on bed or make one up sometimes and when i lodge a ledge a lot of them again are all muscle that are punished on washed up as enough of a shot is to buy them that yes yes yes as my now teaches at all my daughter's she wants to become a mother and she's keen to recruit others to the madrassas interpretation of islam . so why be muslim up and had almost but he has anyone sat in one body on came out of the shop. surely that he was the feet well barriers and a half. as condom made out. in sign at the how did that show how was the next line you make one up as has any islam the moment that it's known that in muslim and how and when i'm sure is that it is and i am with that one. some more moderate afghanis are becoming increasingly concerned over what they see is the extreme ideology being taught in these private girls' madrassas but they say speaking out is not advised put yourself in everybody that the stopping about this is such a danger they can kill you because of things like this easily. in two thousand and eight al-jazeera documented a groundbreaking scheme. preparing some of india's poorest children for entry into its toughest universities. ten years on we return to see how the students and the scheme a helping change the face of india. super thirty at this time on al-jazeera. is not just about reporting about telling those who would restore it it's about breaking down the information breaking it down again military families still streaming into the city go behind the big headlines to go behind government lines and tell the stories of the people actually affected by these events standing up for their rights as workers and as citizens what al-jazeera has willed and the journalism to cover the best. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the twentieth century and how and why buildings influence the course of history and felt that he did not get enough credit for ending the budget and want to be the biggest struggle for them but he was mandela the biggest con in the world the prisoner and the president who came together to end up part time in south africa nelson mandela and f.w. de klerk face to friends at this time on al-jazeera. hello again i'm martin dennis indo her in these are the top stories why is governors apologize for an accidental message sent out by the u.s. state warning of an imminent missile strike emergency management agency later confirmed it was a false alarm and that it's now investigating the case you know i know firsthand that what happened to the was totally unacceptable and many in our community was deeply affected by this and i'm sorry we are working to evaluate everything in the sequence of today's activities to make sure that we are prepared and the procedures are change so that a single person will not be able to make an error that triggers another false alarm. israeli security forces have used tear gas to break up a protest against the detention of a palestinian teenager. oh supposes a sixteen year old are head to meaning they've been marching in the occupied west bank demanding her release she was detained last month when a video of her slapping israeli soldiers went viral lawyers say ahead could face jail time if she's convicted of the charges which include assault she's doing court again on monday a serial killer may be behind the rape and murder of a young girl that led to massive protests in pakistan that's according to the home minister of punjab province seven year old zainab and sari was found dead in a rubbish dump on tuesday the military in the democratic republic of congo has also an operation against an armed group it blames for the killing of fifteen tanzanian un peacekeepers trips to targeting members of the allied democratic forces near the town of beni in north kivu province. at least eighty three countries have been affected by a salmonella outbreak of one of the world's largest dairy firms the french giant tallis says twelve million bucks is a powdered baby milk now being recalled more than thirty children have been poisoned in france alone and the victims group says hundreds of lawsuits have already been filed the french government has closed the factory until further notice all right those are the latest headlines the girls of the taliban is that. the ashraful. has fourteen branches for girls across can do is province most in the city itself but its clerics want to expand across the whole of afghanistan and every ceremony or gathering is a chance to spread the word. was watching and i guess yes that's the one that will be. channel five s. but you must want often. forgotten. that all the tears of hope. this time abdul and sirajuddin are traveling out of the city and into the country. territory almost entirely controlled by the taliban. that i got my answer to that that was the camp that was part. of. me and i just thought. it was you know it was. many hundreds have come the women are in a separate compound where we're not allowed to film. and to come in and take treat me with you more ordinary. sirajuddin nobody hopes to encourage more of the villages to send their children to study at bam addresses. one of the. things that isn't done but didn't so much i. didn't mind that struck me. the. confidence of my god and how do you think that in the same mood of the congress how did you know about him a sudden move to get behind him how did you easy generally decide in the end of the moment of you know that things are. going to surface evolution are going to charge that. was that if you doubt that it is i want my study to bend to my last drink of god you've. studied argument out as far as a crime which i'm good about in my own lives and that there should be. but there are voices fighting against what they see as a tide of fundamentalism. was two hundred miles away in kabul women have come from all over afghanistan to this conference to protect women's rights. and guns and. the pledge which m.p. fauzia koofi was appointed the first female deputy speaker of the afghan parliament in two thousand and five it was a huge change of course for a woman not only for women who were in the parliament but for woman that the woman parliamentarians decision made an impact so it was a extraordinary moment especially after thirty three years of conflict now they fear that they will lose the rights they fought for for decades and that the growth of private islamic madrassas for girls is becoming a major threat as we have seen during taliban time the interpretation of his law is absolutely different from mine as a muslim woman for instance when it comes to go to education and any other school and melissa need to be controlled need to be if did if they're not responsible to do or not to courting they have to be close though. afghanistan was not always like this in the sixty's and seventy's women in kabul wore western clothes the traditional afghani blue burka was a matter of choice women gained the vote and began to enter politics and elementary education even in rural areas was standard today the picture is very different. around a third of officially registered schools across the country do cater for girls and teach a range of subjects but these schools are regularly targeted by the taliban and other armed groups teachers and pupils are attacked and killed buildings bombed or burned down and was that was that was that you had there who had these i am very glad to. hear of another hard to put in mazar e sharif there are around one thousand girls and boys from the age of twelve girls are taught in separate classes those are your treasures and your friends are that's them some fresh she spends at this moment and that as it was was that they tried me like i was in there the day. that i had to ask that the slope of the orphanage if i had financed the years in advance that they. larry. and i came out i not only am who i was asked i know. by honest tonight is let me just another that other mothers say you're mad at me cannot handle love and you go but instead as he came as a high bridge of asia can labors are some of the initial madonna's one hundred other mothers they don't want me going to church it's not me just on that little call you can make and i well mother says he came to shake honestly. back at a shuffle my dad is in couldn't do the older girls are being trained to teach the younger students and work in the smaller branches of the madrassa. they go to help him yeah i guess it was very annoying as molly meany caught on but it. made him sort of forgot about it when i thought i could have almost a football autumn one of your boys made a board to go help the horse in for. us. going to call her that. was. also as i mad about all this hoopla. the clerics make frequent visits to every branch of the madrassa across couldn't those province abdulle college is responsible for the financial side of the operation the wage bill adds up to thousands of dollars a month for the one hundred fifty five teaches he employs. that joy in most and if i got him on joe must tannoy. mastodon not on oil and god almighty i will he not out but isn't he was on. horses. but you suppose i'm lucky in that almighty god other than my more than mother says and the maid going to live out. of no has not about a sham marsh thought. i was young i mean a jordan i'm too much of us older american. news just me if i'm susie parchment i'm someone's although but i'm not gonna smith oh. you know about rocco might measure chip. walk at more than a slight another one of. those because so you can he come to town with your medal on those in the corner of the vision of what the. darkness me. a job where you miss me as in the years long maybe that was really good on him asylum on me oh yeah that was asking me to set up a song going to. be a slow. but normal grown up a normal human body. call boy you must then if on the outskirts of the city abdul colleague is visiting the most recent school they've opened in can does he insists there was no outside funding involved. well image of me half so you know how pale when the german saw the hot little passage a measure for mother and you say in all seriousness tell you to study this should any is a yes q. could you talk about all that matter how they are when you see what on earth who. votes for you but if you know one dish that which water which you got up one hundred just like of them or some other only made it may be a joy to suppose on michigan and that's me they had joy as you know jude ami washoe enjoy the fellowship of. god we have holy we share what's ours for there marsh doesn't last but if a lost cause she still does yes although i've always looked on as best i should have made no i would not tell ocean where yes could become an asshole the one i was for the more that a whole was what he thought all the stones were not the door of a cuban home a hole in a shot of a shark me before that hundred really there mccourty will. come i'll hold you directly there smith you can hold that above tone a lot of the weight of the figure is just empty for the audible pantone mom checklists off the show it can become a sad she said is slow me almost all the folk on. it all more that all stuff i was shown out of history. oh me she's the one who we who near the back of the net you are the money so long how did i not have to believe me she . there is the me family are devout muslims themselves. father was in. islam. that as yet that is the end. that has to she was a basket case to mommy can though it's come all the sod has though it. has them all know how to. most of the will get off the national the question is will that is another show that is always worse than all the rumors that are called no wonder when the whole the damage they have almost. been some men those of. us known as car boys and that. woman at augusta. have never beaten but i won't wish that on what we've got as if they don't as i'm one of us all that comes on the. zigler has ensured her daughters have a more diverse education so they can choose the career they want and play a full role in society nineteen year old mina wants to be a journalist they're going to laugh at them but new york hello she can i know megan holden please know what bush i'm going to do whatever she can if you let him yes. randall well you have to employ to make an air bag a hole in the bush at. bush nor any coercion i can act not on my chemical ali but mahama lot of other thing in rum but you might remember the membership. at university her sister tina mixes with students of both sexes she refuses to wear a burka or he just. stood by her side now i know i was starting to. chum up as i thought it was unfair but when john afghanistan asked about can i. get the more right about. that. but tina's real ambition is to draw mother's support her father has now for britain a. growing family connectivity beautiful. as you know asking i wasn't and then you can i'm sorry dave i don't know i don't think it's very hard to start mr brewster must not that it is you i don't want to know about dish as wanted i mean i know that i'm going to general some kind of basement but i'm starting to look. well let's think i don't use them. but also. you know if i get it of course. those are my kind so. you know that it was all meant to be a good look but then on the mobile. younger for the movie also the money going to most there. was a. father feels the army would be too dangerous for his daughter but despite her disappointment tina reserves real anger for the way she believes her country is being taken over by extremists. because then he was the one as you hear that they. were there the well goes and i was the only one at a very bad do rule to look at him and i'm glad that i could that have visited the home a share in nobody what he said not a shell of that not that i thought o.j. be joking but started the question does not wash the scent of what arsenic at the start. but. there was that you are as usual me for in my own. life for women in kabul maybe a little easier many middle class families move here so that women can work and their daughters can go to university without fear of reprisals. or. women's rights campaigner rotch was born here imprisoned when the russians invaded she was then forced to leave the country she felt compelled to return when she saw how women were being treated under taliban rule and one of her greatest concerns today is the threat posed by an registered girl's madrassas. you if you keep your goals you not only tell them about you know what does this make laws or and all the rules and regulations and the strong but you teach them about them but it's to teach them about science to teach you about history about geography but then again you know afghanistan don't forget it's in the stomach country. when one things like this you know when they're us like mad or when there is a shuffle by the rest and he had that they are teaching you know the goals of regulations and about islam there is not much that you can really do and say and stand up and say well this is not correct because automatically you will put yourself and everybody that the stalking about this and such a danger they can kill you because of things like this eason. we approached a number of families who took their children out of ashraful my diaries and all said they were too scared to appear on camera. such fears make it difficult for officials to investigate who is behind these madrassas as far as they are concerned this is not our think anybody this is not doing anything to anybody this is just teaching about this crime to the girls but go into the community then what they are going to be are they going to be the ones that they want to. you know take away the right from from the rest of the woman in the will not allow them to even breeds. in could induce the messages being spread ever further every thursday around two thousand older girls and women come to ashraf for my daughters to learn more about islam. burn more punch i'm going to get us started on it but that isn't me is the body they got a lot of more that i was there he did me on more polish on boy by only is he daddy slow you know that with about. that i saw how he wanted then added by that all that was asked about misha not me from the only german close out. here childish not after my. mom's turn hard part and never did i'm sick each is over shot my mom i am going back now i am the reason saying to make him a long hard battle say i'm gonna cry know what i want to get that isn't a show on phone on the same weekend. did that are mobile so do you a lot of sayin me ha not aleutian making the place your palm i want to get a little artistic and a little older still a little bit in the one i wish to meet him. already some of these women are taking their neighbors to turn sky over their behavior. and i'm alive i'm not getting that much of a about going to. the classic and i've been making out at i don't wish to hear that askin more boys in definition of a bad that is he still funny guy get him to do the stairs they just motion of h. on the side of time in polish more fun here now i'm in the mud made of time not funny none was up on the space. now the senior clerics who run the madrassa a creating a network with similarly minded groups outside couldn't do the province but was from a stuck in the mouth about the other about sean bell last almost about don't ask or a political message was about america's global market about that and i thought from the top that. that shouted gobble. down the whole version of passages everybody thought of them. and that about money out of. that shabby part of comedy. held by the time we're kind of on the we are not here not i'm going to say yes but i could walk out on that one about to hand out what it turned out of just how to shop for given that fact i said i want to be though you should or shouldn't. back in kabul activists and politicians are asking who is behind these madrassas and where the money's coming from and many of these mothers have foreign links or foreign influence i think everybody knows there is no doubt about that one of the countries that unfortunately support such matters. is pakistan and we have been telling to the politicians in so many meetings we have had with them that supporting such matters has where even you don't control anything out there in terms of their call in terms of their money in terms of anything is not true the only put up on a stand yes in charge terms you could produce extremism and use them in war in afghanistan but the long term they could be eventually a threat for you all security and for you would also cite a kind of first structure that. goofy believes that foreign influence is changing the culture here further restricting women's already limited freedoms i think it's the influence of the middle east countries basically more you see it in our students it doesn't have anything with there were tradition to they surely we used to wear a burka although. it is also sometimes being regarded as a stopping woman from progress but sometimes i see her job is also being misused in certain countries including afghanistan i think that's the influence of. these extremism. after years of taliban oppression there are now opportunities for girls in afghanistan to go to school and university to have a career even to become an m.p. but with madrassas like these there is now a conflict in some girls hearts and minds about their rights as women. hey i'm just i'm so no i was on her horse and the. others are saying the worst you know you would be hearing them as the day i heard about the lack of ak maybe fire in the office that's how you measure. the years. where you get off as i show up by them both asking about college makes although my daughter's name is sort of true for the mom was all of us a little shyness and maybe if i'm trying to get money for you or you get them out of that difficult i'm out of there or in dish but as it came out i was sure that was the house because as i just finished a doctor michelle i hope. you're telling what did you knew what a vision about her. but that was about you. this is the highest out of enemy for me the most make you feel embodiment that what. was it washed was johnny on the past to me surely this is any behavior of a comedian followed a more humble yallop i don't think any human what i mean i'm the last that still is . a muslim or nicky was the no one me i was there to be needed for me was when she married because she wasn't home with me that was. how are you going to have never mind me asking. no one does take a hot iron box in the money for me now another before i often i wasn't sure. moses it was that has come as a. shock you go one of the lot of me on that. but for many young afghan women this conservative outlook is suffocating she could not use the words if they can begin to serve in a moment. i don't want felt my them show mine on the page who just doesn't know. if there isn't a very earnest people can make them earn no more than. your general show. girl you met my betters and you may don't know that at the moment if the militia to be a member i am i don't know is that an idea that many. women may have regained some of their rights including the right to an education and the chance to take part in public life but the majority says dismiss these principles as a result of western influence in direct conflict with islam it's a battle that determined to win. so i mean that is i mean about the meaning of can all be with us i mean is i mean i'm out and i want to go out as long john do the. show our love for you as a boy mark the hearts of. the myth of the good out of what it will lead to the business that such. will come up on the stand the neo you quoted you the miracle for i believe global. that you ought to put your mother gives him a good one so michelle he was years on he was out of my home. and immediately saw us when any idea wow she began the thought of many more got up but i can't be mother the sub or the biological agent other who bothers you but i want to see. the u.s. congress bid for you respect the freeze once again on. attentions were in the teens but we're talking saturday really this cold front sweeping through is already seeing the temperatures drop quite significantly in this whole massy is really cold weather one small minus seven as a maximum on sunday in chicago washington data minus three new york minus four we're talking in the teens only twenty four hours before and there was a cause a bit of flood warning in places like new york state and beyond where there's ice jamming on will be frozen river tops because it's all thawing but to get that so going to freeze up once again and you see the cold penetrates quite a long way south as well die into northern florida beyond that we talk simply of showers regeneration cells in the bahamas maybe parts of cuber and jamaica a lie that takes you down to costa rica and panama this line is fairly persistent has been for weeks it just disappeared recently and now it's come back once more if you look at south america this is turned very active not showers like you develop even more actively north ninety will not the temperatures down in buenos aires to twenty one degrees which is really quite cool but there's a lot of rain around. on counting the cost of oil hit seventy dollars a barrel we examined the drivers behind the rise one of the economic reasons behind the breast in tunisia and we looked a little closer at the whole stray big between france and china counting the cost at this time on al-jazeera. when the news breaks members of the knesset israel's parliament setting a higher threshold for any future attempt to give up any parts of truce and the story builds. up they did just what presidents in all countries that is not other word when people need to be heard china has a serious shortage of women and a lot of little need al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring the award winning documentary and live news on air and online. it is the stuff family tales and group rain the snow the wonderful migration routes and generations of. good large minds altering the landscape mood is the stuff of mine. a stunning portrayal of life and one woman's determination to save the community the russians one hundred. at this time to zero. this is al-jazeera. hello and welcome to this al-jazeera news out live from doha i martine dennis coming up in the next.

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