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They call themselves the. Salvation army otherwise known as arson a new in until recently little known militant Group Fighting me in mar Security Forces in the record state they want and then to decades of persecution of me in march rain gear minority on august twenty fifth they launched simultaneous attacks on Police Stations and border outposts killing dozens of people that mean more Security Forces who had not previously been challenge in such a violent way responded with an unprecedented crackdown at least. Since then keep pouring through the border into bangladesh. Playing with the u. N. Describes as an ethnic cleansing. It is an epic exodus never seen before in asia in the twenty First Century eight hundred thousand so far have sought refuge in neighboring bangladesh what they experienced at the hands of mean more Security Forces are for most too difficult to put into words some cell women and young girls as young as ten being gang raped others have described perfect scenes of babies being snatched from the arms of their parents and thrown into fires. Men are stabbed systematically shot and efficiently dumped in mass graves i mean mark calls it a clearing operation is hearsay it is a genocide whatever it is its still going on now across the border on the other side of this barbed wire fence she. When rights organizations believe or hang guys continue to be rounded up and put in internment camps manned by mean mars military the government will not allow independent investigators the un has not been granted access to provide to those in need. The crackdown continues. And a humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in bangladesh as a result. Who is responsible for this is it being mars generals could it be the countrys leader and one celebrated Nobel Peace Prize winner on science who cheat or did the our kind really get Salvation Army provoke this situation. So we will go back to me in march this week talked to al jazeera i meet a fighter of our side of the arc and running a Salvation Army and here we meet mohammad know his real name in an undisclosed location by the me and maher Bangladesh Border armed with sticks and he was one of hundreds of militants that stormed a Police Station on august twenty fifth they looted their weapons and warned the police if they didnt stop harassing them there will be more attacks the mean maher government calls you a bengali terrorist what do you say to that. You know there are about. One that i was unaware that i didnt buy that i didnt know who were you know how. It got out hard not to ruin your. Friends you know who are in your and then i ruin your nearest i would want you to have money in the know and in particular had i been on the rise im going to need that or more three thousand on that regard. And then i guess im assuming what i was going to destroy. And i guess it was you know where i dont hear the amount of how we got to. One of the hundred twenty five i think groups and me and mark but unlike the others they are not recognized as such and are denied citizenship despite Historic Records of them in the country for the last two hundred years made more as the military consider them as Illegal Immigrants from bangladesh as a result they have none of the rights granted to citizens theyre not allowed to attend schools or receive care in state hospitals they can offer all the government jobs their movements are restricted. Mohamed says they live affectively in a part tate like conditions he was a School Teacher before joining the ranks of arson he taught to students who are discriminated against and refused entry to state schools mohammad believes this because of the dark color of their skin and because they are mostly muslims and hindus and non put this like the other ethnic groups there were haters are treated with such hate and so over the years many had already fled to bangladesh escaping persecution others remain displaced in iraq. What happened mid august why did our son the. Salvation army start an uprising against the me and maher government or thor eighty. Nine. Even when me. Money money you know ruined everything i hope one of the. Hold on a while there who really really isnt working with you know. I dont know youre going to know him but i dont know youre in the right direction little mother when you grow when larry you but winnie. In the last three years clashes between muslim or hindu yes and buddhists as well as the Security Forces have intensified. An Advisory Commission made up of members of Civil Society led by former un secretary general kofi annan i was appointed to look into the conflict. Out. Of. This. Despite appeal for reduced dialogue and a day after this statement our son launched its attack they say to draw attention to their plight kofi annan made this report asking that me and my government to create save zones for their hang guess why the need for an armed group inside iraq kind of state where larry were going youre holding a reihana hokum i dont leave it open to my ramani do you have. Different. Money acquiring or they are the more you hold it is you do not going to do with or no. More muslim on the other lowly it early on ok there are quite a work out there and i am only going to be really you that i could you know what do you want what does your armed groups want. To kill only humoring will and money throughout our time where we are yet or one of us women out of Going Initiative and then about on my that they are in the international rethinking mine in. You know i had a few times i guess when i wrote my narrative. The group is led by this man. Born in exile in karachi pakistan he grew up in saudi arabia before moving back to the reckoning to head to movement there had been armed groups before but none as successful as arson the group was created after the two thousand and twelve reckoning state riots which started as a small dispute between dozens of ringing of muslims and local buddhists turned in matter of weeks into a nationwide crackdown against muslims in me in march regardless of their ethnicity in the right kind of non muslim rethinkers like hindus were also targeted thousands fled by boat to malaysia and indonesia. The then president chen sent suggested the resettlement of all of them abroad now in bangladesh among the ring of refugees are many hindus they to continue to flee the persecution they face in their homeland the militant group was first called keane meaning movement of face you change your name from kenya which was a muslim inspired organization to the. Salvation army why are you a religious based movement. And i mean well you dont really mind. When its one who will only. Run us only hope they know who. For the last sixty nine years meaning mars army is fighting eight insurgencies and what is best described as the worlds longest civil war unlike the other rebellions the fight against have unified the various other ethnic groups but as monks have made vitriolic speeches targeting ring of muslims. The matter of fact is they are not people from our country they are migrants and expand by breeding the tribe in our country. Buddhism is more than a religion its the nations identity monks are the moral authority with a return to democracy in two thousand and twelve came freedom of speech some but as months have used this new freedom to spread hate speech using social media they fear that the british fabric is under attack from muslims and running as the kofi annan report recommends the government to create much needed legislation against hate speech sixty six d. Is a law that makes defamation criminal its been used to jail journalists critical of the government not monks spreading hate among those targeting muslims are former Political Prisoners and members of the party the National League for democracy the celebrated Nobel Peace Prize laureate spent fifteen years in house arrest before being elected member of parliament. In the interview with al jazeera two thousand and thirteen she laid out her vision to read more and her focus on human rights the ranger being persecuted at the moment how do you feel about im not happy about it im not happy about the fact that there should be such tension in our country and also im unhappy about the fact that theres so much focus on these troubles that it is difficult for us to resolve them calmly and with so much attention focused on the tension in the violence the disagreements it is very difficult first to work out a peaceful and happy solution for all sides this is a great worry for us in this world today nothing can be sorted out peacefully because anything that happens anywhere becomes the focus of tremendous global attention and sometimes i think we do need a bit of quiet and a bit of space in which to resolve very very complicated problems would you like to help. I would like to help them cos i would like to help to achieve a situation in burma which we can be proud we we dont want to have to be explaining why certain things are happening in our country we want the world to be able to understand why theyre happening. She has been compared to Nelson Mandela for a long fight for democracy and to Mahatma Gandhi for but its inspired Nonviolent Movement although riggers are not allowed to vote they wholeheartedly supported her during her Election Campaign uncensored she was seen as the beacon of change. Hope she would finally recognize them as citizens i for one promise everybody who is living in the stump seat proper protection in from on the floor i think is important for the norms of human rights. But this increasingly looks like a broken promise this mobile video shot by me and more Security Forces show the beating of a reading of the hand of mean mars military an army founded by this man and sang suu cheese father affectionately known as the Major General he is considered the founding father of burma now known as me and maher he promoted and nation inclusive of all the countrys various ethnic groups your mother daughter of a general you just talked about your father why did you come to the decision that your progress towards leading your country was going to be a nonviolent progress a nonviolent protest my father was not violent by nature even as a child he was seen as a particularly. Peaceful child he was not violent toward us quiet and i think us often bullied by other children of his age because he was not the sort who usually fought back i think he chose to fight for independence because he thought then that theres no other way to achieve it and also because as a politician he was understood politician had good political sense even as a young man that seemed the right time for the bernese Independence Movement to make a big push forward in order that they may be able to get rid of continual but since his daughter took office their circumstances. Has dramatically deteriorated he still refuses to acknowledge them by name spokesmen for office prefer the term but gully which implies that there are Illegal Immigrants despite being born in me and more you supported and sang suchi now that she is the leader of me in mars do you still support her. Who we would really. Be i dont want to provoke you know money ruin your whole you know how to get a good hanukkah now if you know that you are right to remove it i dont mean i dont mind if you dont want to go home i dont believe you are moving. You know why the need for an armed group inside iraq kind state your learnable are you holding a real hope that you are only really. Money to do. The. Money appoint only they are the more you hold it is you do no good to do good or not or know whom to do the mother or a muslim when they are a little leery if there are one. Unsung suchi is the head of the civilian government she shares power with the very people who had put her in jail years earlier mian mars general said it is an uneasy balance since the return to democracy military operations against insurgent groups including the ranges have increased as a result six hundred thousand people have been internally displaced earlier this year one of sukis close advisers you. A muslim lawyer tasked with changing a constitution favoring the military was assassinated in broad daylight the killers were soldiers perhaps a warning to those wanting to reduce the power of the generals the Security Forces have been instructed to just dictate to the code of conduct in carrying out Security Operations to exercise all you were straight and to take full measures to avoid Collateral Damage and the harming of innocent civilians. These are satellite images of her who gave villages just days after her speech and this is a week later Amnesty International accuse the Security Forces of a scorched Earth Campaign burning villages to the ground Human Rights Watch compiled says simone ease of tens of thousands of young women being raped by me and more forces. My baby was thrown into the fire and then they raped me. Ever i feel like and then on the inside documented hundreds of men rounded up and killed and dumped into mass graves for Amnesty International this evidence amounts to crimes against humanity the United Nations high commissioner for human rights calls it a textbook case of ethnic cleansing. And the new. Terrio put oceans allow and he invaded humanitarian access and recognized the right of refugees to return in safety and dignity and they must also address the grievances of the growing will start to this been left unresolved for far too long you know not even the piste no teeth here. But a sequel to your natal i mean around saturday joes. You know safe daily growing. Glorious pretty may. Be two to annoy kids signori the sara lee his sushi thirty or mini dawn in the one i will run in lower you to kill it b r no b. P. A. Any deity. Despite the worldwide condemnation no independent investigators or aid agencies have been allowed in there are still. Being marked conducted its own investigation and deny any wrongdoing instead it accuses our suffer this exodus the generals have called on all those that are citizens to return back home but most reading as i have no documentation they are considered Illegal Immigrants few can actually take up this offer the military placed booby traps along the border preventing people to come back given the certain situation where there are land mines on the miramar side of the border and hundreds of thousands of people that have fled across to bangladesh what. Will your armed group do now i dont know whether the killing will be in his sermon this will mean you could have. Quite a fight about limiting regularly to langley miners who need to know how to go to the lead by the b. N. Or they were dead within a quarter by that were going to come out in a little blow their cause are you going to buy them a little girl in the woods some of the. Arses founder grew up in saudi arabia but it is not known whether there is a saudi role in the organization it has the backing of rango refugees live in saudi arabia and elsewhere in the muslim world the International Crisis Group Believes there are hundreds of really good fighters inside be involved tell us about the situation with october law your leader is he alive and where is he even in iran other than i dont know what were doing yeah you know money i kind of are you equipped do you have arms you have support do you have money. To money like is needed. Money in those photos i want to tell which are the well out of the like and i had no idea the level that i had was there were this money i dont like the one i kind of two hundred billion you call it out it isnt anywhere where im going with you have your fighters received any training. And my honey thing you wear in in record in state history in september are sorry announced a ceasefire hoping this would allow humanitarians to access the area however no foreign aid has been allowed in the rock climbing despite worldwide criticism the clearing operation continues backed by two important Regional Power china and india. The two economic rivals dont see eye to eye on much but they both support me in mars government providing it with the military equipment used in this crackdown by mr modi in a visit to me in march expressed concerns over the rise of extremism pointing the blame on rank as india to push back some of the ring of refugees in its own country china a permanent member of the Un Security Council has consistently sided with me in march preventing a strong resolution to be voted in both share a land borders with the country and have vested interests india plans to build a one thousand three hundred sixty kilometer highway connecting it to thailand it has signed agreements on preferential trade of Minerals Found mostly in the right kind state itself china wants to build a deep sea port also the right kind state in order to make merchant travel to europe and north america faster Human Rights Group fear the clearing operation of running a village is is to free up land that will be used for china and indias investment projects in november and sang suchi finally made her first visit to the affected area she came not with humanitarian aid or independent observers but with a few government officials and a large cohort of Business Leaders and tycoons the message is clear this is about business first. There are still a lot of men that are left inside the right kind states right now but most of the people that we see here are women and children are these men preparing more attacks and im going to wait a minute but i mean you know i didnt mind im not a very in tune with that and we were playing it and how far are the fighters of your group willing to go in order to ensure your rights. And then at the end of the money that i did that would then i want to do so if you are going to do. Now and i would doubt. Very loudly i dont would be i would only that money. Out of. Your home on the condition that i did it money and we are you will need to do suicide attacks suicide bombings and the no word if. The most memorable moments with aljazeera was when i was on air as Hosni Mubarak fell with the crowds in Tahrir Square to appear. As. If something happens anywhere in the world aljazeera is in place were able to cover news like no other news organizations. Were able to do it properly. That is our strength. News has never been more available its a constant barrage that they put every day but the message is a simplistic you have been trained good logical rational person crazy monster and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narratives at this time on aljazeera and then reported on the. Us and British Companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped Natural Resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to full dry river beds like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country have been truly unable to escape the war. President truncates the us and the Iran Nuclear Deal from al says it needs to be overhauled

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