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Koreas kim jong un says hes open to talks to south korea but warns hell use the Nuclear Option if threatened by the u. S. Ice and takes action to guarantee equal pay between women and men with the first law of its kind in the world plus. Two thousand and eighteen is Election Year here in brazil a country that struggling with its corrupt politicians and economic strife will be hoping that something is going to change. The death toll after five days of antigovernment protests across iran has reportedly risen to fifteen among the dead is a policeman Iranian State media say most of the deaths occurred on sunday night its reporting that Security Forces repelled armed protesters who tried to take over Police Stations and military bases the reports havent been. Independently verified pizza shop as the latest. The sixth day of protest on the social media blackout imposed by the government has done little to stop the demonstrators out on the street. Posting these videos from cities across iran this was big john on monday night gunshots scattering the people on the streets. At Shahin Shazam buildings on fire the protests showing no sign of losing its momentum i dont take it we cannot predict a time when the protests will come to an end but the protests will shake the people in power who must give priority to peoples demands and needs for. The state of the economy and rising prices sparked initial protests on thursday austerity measures after years of sanctions have seen the Unemployment Rate rise to twelve percent but anger has also shifted to Foreign Policy protests is a critical of the governments support for the Syrian Government of Bashar Al Assad hezbollah in lebanon and hamas in the occupied palestinian territories now oh man i bet real money. In washington d. C. Outside the white house people called for the removal of president Hassan Rouhani dont trump tweeted that people are getting wise to know how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism. In state television quoted iranian president Hassan Rouhani in reply he said irans regional accomplishments have infuriated our enemy you expect them not to take revenge you expect them not to provoke a group of people we should have prepared ourselves for this. These are the largest protests in almost a decade and threats by the Republican Guards to put down the demonstrations have been ignored monday night your calls for the people to continue this protest pizza shop al jazeera. President rouhani also accused israel of being behind the protests in iran israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu echoed u. S. President donald trump as he gave his reaction its not only false its laughable and a local honey i will not involve the iranian people they deserve better brave uranian supporting into the streets they seek freedom they seek justice they seek the basic liberties that have been denied to them for decades irans cruel regime waste tens of billions of dollars spreading this money could have built schools and hospitals no wonder mothers and fathers are marching in the streets the regime is terrified of them of their own people thats why they jailed students thats why they banned social media i wish the reigning peoples success in their noble quest for freedom. Heres the rebel fighters in yemen said least thirty people have been killed or injured in as strikes in the port city of had a Saudi Led Coalition planes reportedly targeted two vehicles carrying hooty fighters which had stopped at a petrol station in her district local sources told al jazeera a number of civilians were among the dead another strike targeted a local market. Syrias government is launch at least twelve airstrikes against rebel held areas just outside the capital damascus according to opposition activists this video is said to show the attacks on the roster and neighboring suburbs in eastern quarter fighting has intensified in the area where as Syrian Army Forces been trapped inside a military installation since sunday. South korea is welcoming a new year message from north koreas leader who has raised the possibility of talks kim jong un said the path to dialogue is open and he hopes ties will improve but he warned that hed use Nuclear Weapons if threatened and that the launch button is on his desk flounce lawyer reports from seoul. T. V. This is how north korea welcomed the new year with a fireworks display much like the rest of the world but it is leader kim jong uns new years day address that is drawing all the attention if two thousand and seventeen was marked by fiery rhetoric and rising tensions because of north Koreas Nuclear ambitions two thousand and eighteen may bring more of the same. Colors from the u. S. Mainland is within the range of our Nuclear Strike and the Nuclear Button is put on the desk in my office at all times as you clearly understand but this is never a trend what a reality kim has called for the mass production and deployment of more Nuclear Warheads and missiles but weapons experts agree that north korea may not yet have the technology to miniaturize Nuclear Warheads and mounted on this song. Can we enter the atmosphere while kim speech made no mention of the new king atmospheric test he reiterated the claims that north korea is now a Nuclear Power in stark contrast to the hostile remarks to the United States is the conciliatory overture from kim jong un to south korea hes even suggested dialogue between the two sides something south korean president proposed several months ago and which north korea ignored. We should actively create an atmosphere to move forward with the National Reconciliation and reunification improving ties between the north and the south is an urgent issue that not only the north and south want but everyone else wants he suggested north korea is prepared to send its athletes to participate in the upcoming Winter Olympics and paralympics in next month. South korea has responded to these proposals positively saying it hopes communication which has been severed between the two sides for nearly two years can be restored to modernism on south koreas president ial office wall comes north Korean Leader kim jong ils new years speech today which expressed willingness to send a delegation to the counter olympics and proposed talks as he acknowledges dont need for improvement into korean pies but analysts say the olive branch may be a ploy to gain some political ground north korea wants to drive a wedge between seoul in washington at the same time tried to dilute the impact of economic sanctions north korea is facing its toughest sanctions yet including a cap on petrol imports as punishment for its nuclear and missile tests last year kim jong un speech well it seems to lay open a path to dialogue with south korea is proof that north Koreas Nuclear ambitions are here to stay Florence Lee Al Jazeera seoul. Is a Research Fellow in proliferation and Nuclear Policy at the Royal United Services institute he says north korea is trying to create divisions between the u. S. And south korea. Its part of a larger effort to make sure that south korea and the United States are not coordinated we have to remember that for kim jong un the biggest threat is the United States being right on his borders and he wants to get rid of the United States in the only way to do that is to make sure that south korea and the United States have different priorities and different negotiation outcomes that they seek different negotiation outcomes it would be difficult for south korea to ignore Something Like this and they have been ignored in the past when north korea has approached them about family reunions or joint Industrial Projects those are things that have been going on in the past and theyve negotiated that on a bilateral level so south korea will be very difficult i know that they passed the deadline would be very difficult for south korea to turn away north korea when it when it is a a friendly just at least on paper its clear that north korea is has a strategy here because they also threaten the United States in the same new years message and thats also part of bringing the threat to the u. S. Homeland and thats another part of splitting the United States from south korea so by threatening seattle north koreas hoping that the u. S. Will be more occupied with defending seattle and not focusing as much on its ally thus causing a split on the korean peninsula. Place more ahead on the news including religious leaders and asked the public to help protect the countrys Cultural Heritage which is being deliberately destroyed. Trying to keep the faith in south korea churches and temples try new ways to bring people back to religion. And sport liverpool save the best for last in the english premier league. A growing number of migrants and refugees are risking their lives to cross the a tally and helps into france half of those making the journey also to be children or teenagers Sylvia Lennon reports. Over the last three months at least fifteen hundred migrants have embarked on this perilous track over the alps crossing from italy into france defying freezing temperatures and heavy snow rescue workers say theyre totally ill equipped for the arduous journey around a dozen migrants reach france every day but some wont make it mountain guide say they will perish in the attempt to reach france rescue workers expect to discover the bodies of african migrants when the snow melts in the spring. And now is seventeen years old from guinea should there. Be more it wasnt easy at all for me because the trip was long and also it was the first time i saw the snow i was very tired i didnt feel my feet anymore but we arrived in the shelter where we made a fire and we took a rest and then we restarted to walk and it wasnt easy i didnt believe that we would arrive here. Alberto rubino is Deputy Commander of Alpine Rescue coordinating efforts to bring the stranded people off the mountain. Wanted or not we get phone calls almost all of them during the night we find groups of people four five or six people who are really badly equipped have nothing to protect themselves from the cold no gloves no scarves no hats we even find people with no shoes. The shelter the start by local volunteers theyre offering what help they can to a constant flow of migrants cooking a hot meal and giving them a chance to sleep for a night in a warm place where. We found people in the snow who had no shoes or just with a t. Shirt the reason is that the African People have no idea how dangerous the mountain is they have no idea at all and there is no letup to the number of migrants prepared to take this risk going to will last another three months taking its inevitable toll on those trying to start a new life on the other side of the alps so violent and aljazeera pakistan is head back at criticism from us President Donald Trump on monday he tweeted the United States is foolishly given pakistan more than thirty three billion dollars in aid over the last fifteen years and they have given us nothing but lies and deceit thinking of our leaders as fools they give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in afghanistan with little help no more in response pakistans foreign minister said trump is trying to blame pakistan for the u. S. Failure to win the war in afghanistan hes a pakistani is ready to publicly provide every detail of the u. S. Aid that it has. Today in pakistan where the government is blaming Higher International crude prices for raising the cost of petrol the move is expected low income households hard and has come all had to reports it could signal bigger troubles for the economy. The people at large are already calling it a new game from the government of pakistan to its people and its making headlines across the country and eleven point seven five question dried and being frightened of the government is saying that the move is justified because of the rise of the International Market and that the president. And many of the country for the people it is on except. For the. Gift of raising fuel prices from the government is injustice with the poor people who are suffering due to inflation in the country being a dummy but i can still survive what im going to do about those who find anything to eat up the moon by this move are due to frequently are is enough Petroleum Prices its becoming difficult for takes to dry words are so far the public because people cant afford it so the government should take notice of it due to raising opportunity in price prices the whole market prices become i mean stocks are good starter is dedicated higher prices of fuel will have a knock on effect on everything including daily come ordered transportation costs and their shares are falling rally of the rupee against the dollar already taters inflation that deaf people cannot cope with the opposition is calling it a government failure and why the countrys finance minister and not proclaimed a friend hiding always a country the economy. Is in trouble. Saudi arabia is raising petrol prices by around fifty percent a liter of fuel will now cost thirty seven cents the Worlds Largest oil exporter is trying to save money by removing fuel subsidies it wants to eliminate its budget deficit by twenty twenty three. Venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro has announced a forty percent increase in the minimum wage critics say it will only add to venezuelas rampant inflation which is expected to reach more than two thousand percent this year bit of a juror says the countrys economic problems are not the fault of his policies but rather those of the u. S. And its allies. Twenty seventeen displacement of north american imperialism president will be head of economic aggression against our beloved people twenty seventeen b. N. Which our economic recovery began to attack not currency sabotage of all industry Electrical Industry permanent stabilization recovery of the old price and the thank you signed by the government of the former crude located of the noble workers country of venezuela spains foreign minister says the Catalan Independence crisis has cost the economy more than a billion dollars luis de guindos told spanish radio that a slowdown in catalonia is growth was being felt across the country the region accounts for around a fifth of spains Gross Domestic Product in october spain was plunged into constitutional crisis when catalan politicians declared independence from madrid following an outlawed referendum thousands of people marched in hong kong to express their frustration that chinas tightening grip on the territory they accuse beijing of eroding freedoms which were guaranteed when British Colonial rule ended twenty years ago and is difficult pollin reports many if it twenty eighteen will be another disappointing year for the democracy movement. Defend hong kong the theme for this years rally those taking part say the protest has particular resonance after year when peoples rights were violated repeatedly is really cautious about history because of hong kong soil im afraid that a pop up becoming and other parts at china. Where you are just as threatening up on top by the government that there isnt and if we dont know not many we know so i want all clock freedom presents to. Come out in march like this would be unthinkable elsewhere in china where the government cracks down harshly on any kind of dissent but with new security last proposed unlikely to be implemented next year many fear that they will not be able to express their anger or criticize the government so openly in the future but there are those who feel beijing has hong kongs best interests at heart dozens of people held their own rally holding up hong kong and china flags they say they represent many in the city who would rather stay out of politics. People like susan kwan who has been running this two food shop for forty five years business is brisk on the first day of twenty eighteen for the sixty four year old she says hong kong people have a lot of freedom and democracy shouldnt be a priority dont go in. China is a very strong country we shouldnt upset them if you havent done anything wrong theres no need to be scared of the chinese government. The rally ends at civic square with protesters surrounded by police they are defiant almost euphoric to be here in front of the government offices which had been closed to the public for nearly three years this is where the landmark twenty four thousand prodemocracy occupy Movement Began and this is where in the past activists have held rallies and one against the government they hope its a sign the twenty eight thousand will be a year when the government will listen to their concerns they go pollen hong kong. In south korea members of the clergy will have to start paying income tax this year all employees of religious institutions including budget Buddhist Monks protestant pastors and catholic priests will now have to report their income to the government some have already been paying income tax on a voluntary basis but others are resisting calling it interference in religious affairs clergy had been exempt from income tax for more than six decades this new law comes into effect at a time when South Koreans are moving away from religion christianity is the countrys biggest faith but it cindy klein more than half the population say they are now nonreligious but as tony betty reports from seoul new efforts are being made to reverse the trend well its no bigger than an office but this is the Soul Baptist Church there are almost eighty thousand protestant churches in the country many a small is this for the last fifty years christianity has been a big part of south korean life along with the United States south korea is the biggest exporter of missionaries in the world more than ten thousand south korean preachers are active in one hundred sixty countries for me and for my my own and for my pastor. To preach the gospel first the planets first then next one is that we tried to communicate. In south korea though that message is being ignored christianity is the major faith followed by buddhism but young people are moving away from all religions the latest survey shows that fifty six percent of the population now describe themselves as nonreligious. I think people need someone to rely on but i usually go to my Family Friends and girlfriend so i dont really feel the need to be religious. Some believe Church Leaders and priests live affluent lifestyles with no financial transparency and are out of touch with modern society. It seems south korean religions have failed to maintain the moral and Ethical Trust of the many specially young people have decided to leave their religion thats one of the main reasons for all denominations in south korea wrestling with the problem of how to stop the religious decline and how to adapt to a fast changing World Without sacrificing their principles and values that wont be easy but faiths are desperately searching for ways to modernize and become an important part of Korean Society once again. Less archaic methods are being adopted including discussions and lectures in informal settings and technology is being introduced phone apps have been developed so sermons and scriptures are easily accessible and more and more modern thinking churches are using Live Streaming video of services. Once more popular than christianity here has suffered the most only fifteen percent of the population actively follow the faith now temples are offering temple stays for people to enjoy good food and meditation in peaceful surroundings as a way of reintroducing them to the faith. They may be considered gimmicks and gadgets but it may be the last chance for faith to stop koreans from losing their religion completely Tony Berkeley aljazeera soul libya is in danger of losing a huge part of its Cultural Heritage ongoing conflicts are partly to blame for that but some historic shrines are being deliberately destroyed in the last few years dozens of them have been demolished by followers of the Salafist Movement which doesnt believe the shines have a place in islam. Head reports from tripoli the shrine of mohammed el madison wis he is elitist to be ransacked by members of the cellophane movement. His grave which has been in this Southern City of alcor for around one hundred years was an earthquake and the reliques inside is still in. Cellophane believe that shrines represent infidelity libyas religious edicts committee has condemned the acts of the rahman get do says the shrines are part of libyas identity and targeting them is shameful and against islamic teachings. There since march of twenty twelve weve issued around twenty five fatwas condemning such acts and explaining that there were violation of islamic sharia law according to the four muslim doctrines were also people not to on earth graves and to refer any issues to the authorities but clerics here seem reluctant to openly speak out against those who destroy the shrines the Salafist Movement was in evidence in libya during the marmara good death is more than forty years in power now it has reemerged with the military campaign led by a renegade general highly for heftier and there are fears more historic shrines could be demolished. Its during the past few years dozens of historic mosques shrines and laborers have been targeted consecutive governments have done little to stop the destruction and public anger has gone unheard. The authorities in tripoli with the responsibility for ancient buildings say they cant possibly take the necessary measures to protect Historic Sites from armed assailants so they instead try to raise peoples a worthless. We have already reported these violations to unesco since twenty thirteen we dont count on governments we count only on Peoples Awareness however people alone cant face militant assailants so we are still worried that these shrines in a storage sites might be targeted to some of the shrines are centuries old with a unique engravings that is rote i dont designs and music effects but without protection there are quite literally just pieces of history of. Tripoli. Still ahead on aljazeera why the president of democratic republic of congo is being to step down by the u. N. Well tell you about a new gold rush in the u. S. State of california that has some hoping to strike it rich and in sport jumping into any limping here well look at our top winter athletes are warming up for pyong check. How the weather remains its really cold across much of north america new york having this this second coldest new years eve on record that and that cold air is set to stay you can see how we got this weather system just a little way down across the deep south ashley and beyond that thats where we got the very cold air in place so temperatures struggling to get to minus three in the heat of the day for dallas incredibly cold with many of these places a good ten degrees below average temperature in new york of minus seven minus nineteen the high in office when its not looking too much better as we go on into choose daedalus with a high then of minus one degree celsius the must twelve years and also for all to where the molle average for the west getting up to around twenty three degrees here is dry but a fair bit of play out for clouts into the southeast and cold in that cloud if anything will thicken up as we go on through the next dieties the by wednesday everyone coming back into florida the only eventually pushed way up the east coast with that cold air in place we are looking at a fair amount of snow for many east and parts of the u. S. East and pos of canada too as we go on through this week with blizzard conditions certainly a possibility we got the usual case of sunshine in showers across the caribbean the easterly winds pushing the heaviest showers over towards central america. Charlie gibson for the fight for their football fans who dont think about doping really had that lead explaining when real madrid a club worth five hundred Million Euros expresses a position on something the World Antidoping Agency has to take notice you know. Aljazeera continues its investigation into the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs in the final episode of sports doping the endless chase at this time. Aljazeera. Every your. There you are watching aljazeera mind of our top stories this hour at least fifteen people are reportedly dead in iran after a fifth day of Anti Government protests among them is a policeman Iranian State media say Security Forces repelled protesters who tried to take over Police Stations and military bases. South korea is welcoming on new year message from north koreas leader whos raised the possibility of talks kim jong un hopes ties with seoul will improve but he also warned washington that has weapons capable of reaching the u. S. And that the launch button is on his desk. And pakistan has hit back of criticism from years President Donald Trump who tweeted that the country has given nothing but lies and deceit in exchange for billions of dollars in aid islamabad says trump is trying to blame pakistan for the u. S. Failure to win the war in afghanistan. And its bringing more in those antigovernment protests in iran trita parsi is founder and president of the National Iranian American Council he joins us on skype from the town of reston in virginia a very good to see you many feel in the country including the leadership that israel and the u. S. Is behind this is is stoking this sort of passion is any legitimacy in that. Ive not seen any evidence that would suggest that these really as or any other country really has much of an impact on the ground there are clearly weve seen that both the president of United States and the israeli Prime Minister have tweeted and are trying to push themselves into the conversation but i really doubt that people on the ground in iran are taking any cues particularly not from donald trump of the israeli Prime Minister who carry absolutely zero credibility on the streets of iran here do you think they taking their cues fun and. Are they justified in thinking that a lot of the money that should be going to them is being spent unfairly on other peoples wars with more than anything else theyre frustrated by the Economic Situation which is much much bigger than any questions about how you run is spending the money regionally theres corruption at home the economy has not developed in the way that people expected as a result of the nuclear deal and instead of seeing things moving in the right direction people feel that particularly the six past months things have been moving in the opposite direction theres wages that have not been paid out for months so all of these things coming together creates a tremendous degree of discontent in society which leads to a scenario in which a lot of people even those who are not protesting and we even may disagree with the way the protests are taking place nevertheless they feel that frustrations are justified how far do you think these protests will go or will be allowed to go. Well in the last twenty four hours its been difficult to get an idea of exactly whats been happening because of the way that theyve closed down the internet it has been much more difficult to get information out but up until then at least the response of the authorities were quite restrained at least compared to what we saw the government of iran do in two thousand and nine when people were protesting and the response of the government was very very brutal i think the calculation may be that they are hoping that things will calm down and i think the rouhani government would then like to use the protest as a leverage against the hardliners and push them to agree to much more deep reforms in the country and what weve seen so far but if that doesnt happen and if the protests continue and particularly if theres a degree of violence in them then i think this can become a much much messier situation and i dont think this will lead to a revolution but it will be much much more difficult to be able for the government to be able to handle it just a posse good to talk you thank you thank you so much for having me israeli authorities are seeking twelve charges against a palestinian teenager filmed slapping and kicking two Israeli Soldiers in the occupied west bank sixteen year old a head to mimi was arrested after this video was posted online two weeks ago her lawyer says the charges relate to six separate incidents if found guilty on all accounts she could face up to two years in jail cousin and mother could also face action. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has condemned a vote by israels ruling it could party on the occupied west bank it passed a nonbinding resolution on sunday calling for the annexation of parts of the land mark for a future palestinian state this is seen as another move away from the idea of a two state solution but likud chairman thomas a Benyamin Netanyahu skipped the vote its not clear whether he backs the decision. The un chief as the president of democratic republic of congo to respect a deal signed a year ago and stepped down on sunday just have to be his Security Forces killed at least seven protesters challenged beddes reports. The in the democratic republic of Congo Catholic worshipers pray this sunday they pray with a political purpose they want president Joseph Kabila goal setting was asked was very basic these guys looking to make sure it was was their prayers were heard by Security Forces in kinshasa twenty seventeen ended as it began kabila second term as president ended in december twenty sixth saying he refused to step down and the un says congolese Security Forces killed forty people who protested the decision four hundred sixty were arrested. One year on they marched after mass twelve also boys and priests were among the dozens arrested tear gas was fired into churches was the hospital is filled with protesters once more so it goes on the mind that always says if your term is over give opportunities to others to run your son of the country you belong in the senate give others the opportunity to lead maybe theyll do it better than you did. Catholic bishops brokered peace talks between the opposition and government but the agreement that could be low would leave office at the end of twenty seven tame but hes still in power and now the catholics and the opposition are united you see me coming in shook england because its not just simply because we are coming we have come here in order to the way to pray for all we mission. On. Boyces can be heard by ending the fractured country from all corners even in the troubled east a thriving battleground between rebel Security Forces say their use of force is justified one Police Officer was killed and this Police Station was torched by protesters only. We are in need of peace i assure all of our government authorities that our City Government is in peace people should sleep calmly because we as professional police we are doing our job. The president kabila says he was staying in power until december twenty eighth because of delays in voter registration. Meanwhile appeared to be becoming increasingly impatient charlot dallas or. Send the start of the new year by becoming the first country in the world to legalize equal pay between men and women companies and Government Agencies face fines if they can prove pay parity firms with at least twenty five employees must have government said if occasion of the equal pay policies i since been ranked by the World Economic forum as the most gender equal country for the past nine years but in other Countries Worldwide discrimination is getting worse the World Economic forum says for the First Time Since two thousand and six parity gaps widened in the workplace as well as Health Education and politics. Ask Adult Opinion does a board member of the icelandic womens Rights Association she says previous equal pay laws have been unsuccessful. This legislation is basically a mechanism that Companies Organizations that are. Employing twenty five or more people so the employers have to evaluate every job thats been on and then they get a certification after they gone through the process if they are paying men and women equally so its really just a mechanism to ensure the women and men are paid equally the reaction has been a little bit mixed during the last ten years now but i think now people are starting to realize that this is a systematic problem we have to tackle with new methods and i think people are becoming more force of their mens especially because i think women have been talking about this for decades. And i really think that. We have managed to raise awareness and we are mounted to get to a point that people realize that the legislation we have had the race is not working and we need to do something more new rules making it legal to buy marijuana for recreational news have been introduced in the state of california customers where king up in this shop in oakland opened at six am waiting for their first chance to buy the drug legally without a medical prescription but ninety stores were allowed to start selling cannabis on new years day no licenses have been issued yet in los angeles or San Francisco but they expected to follow later in the year. It is an exciting day its going to send a beacon of hope out to all of the other states and to all of the other countries across the world where cannabis is still illegal there are still suffering under prohibition its a step in the right direction i think you know one of the things that we have to start thinking about is all the people who were you know using before for the same reasons you know they were using now and find themselves you know under the arm of the law you know with prison for doing something that was completely harmless and the next part of us is looking to two thousand and eighteen we had to brazil the country is emerging from a recession and struggling with the fallout from corruption scandals but there is hope that the elections could bring renewal gentleman reports from receive. Brazilian politics is in the doldrums forty percent of the congress are under investigation for corruption the president s ratings are in Single Digits and his reforms a stock. But this year brings elections and the promise of change. I think to many of brazils poolroom feast that means hope for the return of former president Luis Inacio Lula providing he can be corruption charges his leftist government was known for helping the working class is visible supply media for us with lower income the best president when. He did more for us he offered us social programs like most of our media improvement in the region for the schools for the children and peace. In more affluent so many echoed that view of months ago they see both lula does close his challenge a giant bull sonata a right winger whos progun and anti gay is dangerous populists. But im also the biggest concern is the polarization these days i work in the Financial Market and all that really a fact shares in commodities prices and were worried because so far there is no other candidate that could challenge those two. That worry has reached professor cram of the souza as he walks the corridors of power in the Brazilian Congress he sees a stagnant political scene so we need hill personally off the island about all of these corruption and about the fact that all of these called all of these speeches up all talk a and you kind of society ideal kind of brazil one you kind of perspective it it all feels that ok deadline this is only the third decade of democracy in brazil after a military dictatorship and people say that in the early years Election Night was like a huge party but corruption and mismanagement of really ground that down and now for many here the countrys political dinosaurs have taken over that party for themselves. Yet it was the footage is trolling to get fresh talent vote he set up for program which public. Lasy experts will train would be congressman from all walks of life its paid for by own troopers crowdfunding the only rule though career politician of the political system is very entrenched so our plan through this program is to challenge the status quo and break this vicious cycle of decline. That will be tough the kind of dates from still have to run with this stablish parties in brazil the pendants are allowed but if the discredited Political Class is to change this year could at least be the straw join home and ill just see it a. Sled analogise there all the sporting truth in the gulf reaches its climax as the formating teams get ready to battle for a place in the final. On counting the cost of flying taxis megadeals then banishment shakeups will look at the flight plan for global aviation in two thousand and eighteen also rob a turbulent here in the middle east plus what arms sales go telling us about space in the world and. Counting the cost at this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera where every. Jeffrey. Rashis musical pioneer. Uses to be silent in spite of the endless cycles of violence. Through his school for young girls craft of music. And the emancipation. This documentary this time on aljazeera. In the middle of the Nineteenth Century the discovery of gold in california cause hundreds of thousands of people to rush to the states having to strike it lucky recently heavy rain as a bold gold up to the surface of events and some perspectives are once again trying their luck in the california hells as well print outs from points. Deep in these rugged hills and plunging valleys a new age of gold has dawned and modern day prospectors are on the march in search of the glint of glittering gold and theyre still gold in them there are hills theres a lot of gold out here members of the delta Gold Diggers Club are panning and pounding cameron and digging sluicing and sloshing in ice cold california streams in years past the gold was hidden beneath tons of gravel built up in the stream beds but furious rain storms and floods burley for this year change that virtually overnight the rains scoured the canyons and made gold easier to find you had to work for an hour or solve before to just get down to the bedrock that start moving that bedrock around breaking apart and getting the grass the dirt that has sunk in over thousands of years and get the gold thats in those cracks hours of work shifting boulders earned mike steele a golden reward worth about twenty dollars this is the heart of the historic California Gold rush country the discovery of gold here in eight hundred forty eight set off an unprecedented global Bass Movement of people sailboats steamships and horse drawn wagons. Brought three hundred thousand gold crazy migrants from the eastern u. S. Europe and from as far away as china and she like the surge of gold stimulated Economic Growth around the world but the influx of miners devastated native american tribes in the region gary taylor understands what brought the hordes to california nearly one hundred seventy years ago you get there go fever of you find some then this kind of that way then it keeps going the final bend think ok lets go back and find some more jay randall struck gold not much its true a little back and i thought that people were looking for but hes perfectly happy anyway i just like to get out and. See if you can find something kathleen borghi hasnt found any gold but shes having fun getting out in the forest. And digging around in the. Town like macon my high. Gold fever still alive and well in the california hills rob reynolds aljazeera near columbia california time now with some thank you valois tom a night it happened two thousand and seventeen behind them by snapping at three game when the streak and the english premier league. Team beat everton to a nail and to score the first of their goals and the fifty seventh minute ellis followed by a stunning strike. United back up to second on the table before which was really good so maybe. Made them look at this time and. The kings of the roll call that set up i was on the performing quest much maybe they say that this time i performed. Liverpool extended their own base and run in all competitions to sixteen games despite missing fully booked out in your on most other they went ahead in the sixty first minute against burnley threw aside your money look to have clinched a late point as they equalised in the eighty seventh minute only for ragnarok love and to score in injury time and secure a two one victory for yogen copes men im really happy about attitude character all that stuff you need to win if you ever reach games you need to win but you have to do which youre not one hundred percent best case and correct us read one percent full image wise and source already but the football playing but there. Are other new years day results so lets the city beat huddersfield three in nail newcastle down stoke while brighton drew with bournemouth. This is how the top six is looking after those results manchester citys lead at the top has been trimmed to Twelve Points by their city rivals chelsea drop to a third a further two points back at liverpool all for followed by arsenal and talking of. The semifinal stage of the gold cup but tournament in kuwait on tuesday with oman and bahrain facing also in the first match followed by the United Arab Emirates and iraq for her in are the only team left in the tournament to have not ever won the trophy before they are aiming for their third title in ten years if they take on two thousand and seven agent champion walk in a repeat of the twenty thirteen final where u. A. E. Won in extra time while iraq have yet to win the gulf cup following their return to the competition in two thousand and four. Since the post game against bahrain i have spoken often bishan on the reality of the iraqi streets after the recent fairly is an iraqi football we have to compete for the missions go beyond competing for this title every match is different and we will play against the u. A. E. Team in a way thats appropriate to the level required a new year and a new tennis season is on the way but with several of the top most player on the tour picked with injuries many in the tennis world looking towards the future for us milhouse. Dominic team and Thomas Burdick didnt expect to be the leading lights at the kept her open but with Novak Djokovic pulling out of the tournaments through injury opportunity is knocking for some of the games less established players. Twenty four year old team is ranked fifth in the world but is yet to reach a grand slam final the austrian hopes this year will be a big chance for a new generation of players for sure. Last year and. The season so nobody really knows whats happening. Now the big names how theyre feeling and. Injuries are going on so its think its too early to tell anything about it jock of riches absence from this event is just one example of the issues facing many of the top tennis players heading into twenty eight team rafa nadella is also struggling with his fitness while andy murray is on the comeback trail after five months out with injury. Roger federer is fully fit to one two major titles last year but the thirty six year old chose to miss the entire Clay Court Season in a bid to preserve his body former pro player barry cowan says that with the big stars all now in the later stages of their careers its time for the next generation to step up the getting older theyve actually bucked the trend i think its very important to stress this is not a negative we all talk. Federer who many people felt would would retard five years ago because of what he did cheat hes still playing american tennis in the go i was hearing five six years ago means have done is going to quit at twenty five twenty six refuse to play an incredible termers beach with what hes warm as theyre going to be thirty one this year djokovic your mark we are fortunate the best still around and i just think it is normal but what it does given the r. C. Is the positive it gives an opportunity for other players to emerge and on on the big believe in thats always the case in sport the opening grand slam of twenty eighteen starts in australia later this month a first chance for some new names to show this can be a year of change for mens tennis bar is small is there until. The new yorks a city feel the has hosted a new years day tradition in the n. H. L. The winter classic is in its tenth edition its a game played outdoors this year the new york rangers hosted the buffalo sabers in minus seven degrees temperatures the rangers winning the game three two in overtime well the start of the Winter Olympics is now just over a month away the elim pick torture began twenty eight hundred the east a most a point of south korea a traditional Gathering Place for those wishing to see the first sunlight of the new year the flame is on its way to peeling tank where it will lie to the culture on the game Opening Ceremony on february the ninth and the iraqis are getting ready as well on monday limpid gold medal favorite to make a difference one the perilous slalom event in all slow it was the americas it was the americas thirty seventh world cup victory with a twenty two year old looking good to defend her title. Get ready to see sites like this next month as well the second leg of the four hales tournament was held on monday its a four stops key jumping world cup event held in germany and austria each year since nineteen fifty two two time olympic gold medalists. Won his second straight leg the pole is up to second in the world standings. And thats why its well for me i will have more later on. Germany is renowned for new thinking in design and architecture but among the buildings that dominate the skyline in the capital are those built in the time of the nazis done mccain looks at the legacy of that periods architecture and how modern germany has learned to live with it. In modern times this is the home of the heritage bellina Football Team but others its the Olympic Stadium from the one nine hundred thirty six games of the many buildings that were thrown up during the one nine hundred thirty s. And fortys this is one of the best preserved the pride and joy of the nazi regime it offered hitler an opportunity to show the world what he considered to be the wonder of his racist ideology one that had grandiose building planners but which modern architects say was doomed to fail it doesnt. Resonate never succeed and if you want to if you want to try to build dresses it cannot succeed as well its impossible the idea is so stupid so the architecture was very off those stupid as well but its not just sporting venues that have survived germanys transition from dictatorship to democracy the modern federal finance Ministry Building occupies space that was once home to nazi germanys air force or loved. Professor has been is the curator of the Berlin State Monuments Office he explained that after World War Two germans felt it important not blindly to destroy everything that the nazis had created. I believe if you were to destroy remove the buildings erase them one would deprive society of the options on account of their own history we have to understand the past we also must criticize the past we need to do better and do not want to repeat at. Tempelhof airport predated hitlers coming to power but was revamped under National Socialism to have a larger than life effect on passengers who used it its postwar usage so it gained world attention as a key venue for essential goods during the berlin airlift of the late one nine hundred forty s. Now it is used as a temporary home for people who have come to germany fleeing war zones. In recent times archita. Its of tended to agree that of the buildings that survived World War Two it is the Olympic Stadium that is the most remembered the flame which this architectural wonder of a stadium is long dead as is the regime which built this entire stadium but democratic germany believes that there is a place in society for some of the nazi era architecture but securely as a warning from history of the dark past dominant cane aljazeera at the Olympic Stadium in berlin and that is it for this news but i will be back in a moment with more of the days news do stay with us and well update you on whats going on around the world. Market. January. African heads of state and government will gather. For the stage at the same body of the African Union where the girls say twenty seventeen minutes rewind returns with brand new episodes updated and some of the best aljazeera documentaries from all over the years the biggest names in politics in business will meet in the swiss alps for the World Economic forum what will be top of the agenda. Engages in rigorous debate cutting through the headlines on the front and in a week our special coverage will be gauging reaction from around the world to americas most controversial president of modern times january. In the philippines millions live in overcrowded slums but some of found another place to call home Public Cemeteries one of the nice meets those living among the dead at this time on aljazeera. And together protests in iran grow despite the president s call for calm at least fifteen people are reported dead. And im jane that this is al jazeera live from doha it was a

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