Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171230 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171230

avoid put it terms illegal gatherings as protests over the country's ailing economy continue for a third day palestinians in gaza more now man shot by israeli soldiers during a protest over u.s. jerusalem policy the greek government says it wants to cancel the asylum that's just being granted to a turkish soldier who's accused of taking part in last year's attempted coup and the record breaking cold snap in the u.s. that is so bad that sharks are freezing. and. with all the day sports news serena williams is returning to the tennis court of the giving birth was not quite as she had hoped all of the details later this news . and i thank you for joining us we begin the news hour in iran where the government is calling on people not to take part in what it says are illegal gatherings for a third consecutive day there were protests in a number of cities across the country outside tehran university dozens of students chanted anti-government slogans they were dispersed by riot police and large crowds of pro-government protesters peter sharp has more. for the third day in a row they're out on the streets fighting with police went on into the night anti-government protesters most of them students facing up to riot police outside tara university but what began as a protest about rising food prices and welfare benefit cuts turned political on saturday. earlier in the day they chanted not gaza not lebanon my life three ron i i i don't be afraid we're standing strong together. especially with anger about claims that government is focusing more on regional issues the economic problems at home. people ring in t.v. showed a display of strength by crowds of pro-government supporters in cities nationwide tens of thousands of people on the streets chanting death to america down with israel and support iran's supreme leader ali khamenei at or that people have protested against inflation other problems but that does not show that our people have turned on each other or are against the ruling system and their leadership. the pro-government rallies were pre-planned to mark the anniversary of the end of the unrest that shook the country in two thousand and nine unrest in iran prompted several tweets from the u.s. president on saturday warning oppressive regimes in or to offer evolutional many reports of peaceful protests by iranian citizens fed up with the regime's corruption and squandering of the nation's wealth to fund terrorism abroad iranian government should respect their people's rights including rights to express themselves the world is watching. for some time the has been some disparate groups have been protesting whether it was sabre's who have lost their savings through these corrupt financial institutions with his pension is no longer going the pensions will have to live on the trees pensions as people are worried about the bottom it is women in these groups and their interests and you could see that those slogans are now becoming radical you could say that the atmosphere is going tense or intense and most of all what you could say is that they no longer seem to have that fear from the security forces there in the. one this was a huge display of support for the reign leadership the government will be concerned just how quickly the protest about food prices could become political pizza shop al jazeera. will to talk more about what is happening in iran let's know now go to shareen hunter a professor specializing in iran at georgetown university in washington madame thank you for joining us here on al-jazeera i mean this is now what the third day of demonstrations and there's potentially a lot of reasons behind that we know about the economic strain that many iranians are facing a lot of them blaming the regime for using money for foreign policy that perhaps could have used that back at home of course the government itself says that a lot of these protests were orchestrated what is your interpretation now that we've had a few days of seen the process and seen them spread what do you think is behind them well i think that there are several layers third there at the beginning i think that it started perhaps. as by hardliners themselves as a means of putting pressure on the rouhani government the fact that their start in mashhad where is the stronghold of raw you see who was rouhani its rival in the presidential elections and one of the more hardline. clerics there are a lot more horder i think it started out that way but because of the level of rainier's frankly for tea frustration with the model to trudeau of problems and the fact that every time they have a hope that a reformist president is going to be able to do something the radicals prevented i think that they're in it really went beyond what they're perhaps initially organize there as they had had in mind it's really tapped into a lot of their frustrations back iranian people have been feeling now for some time what's very interesting about the demonstrations is that out of many of them we have seen anger towards president rouhani but also to wards not only the ayatollah but generally at the clerics how significant do you think this is. well i think it's very significant i think that. look forward now at least. since the early one nine hundred ninety s. iranians have been wanting reform and they have been very patient and i think that even now they would prefer peaceful reform i don't think that they wanted this demonstrations and counter-demonstrations to degenerate into a civil war or anything like that but it seems to me that they are. very much disappointed with the functioning of this. very i think that the contradictions of the regime is catching up with them you cannot both claim to be a republic and on the other hand to really don't pay much attention to the people's . preferences and because everything in this regime has been done in the name of religion and in the name of. islam it's quite natural that their population will also turn against the guardians of the islamic ideology of division i think that a lot of the more fair minded the reform minded clergy have been warning about this that you know we are losing people's trust and we are losing people's. respect i think this is significant i think frankly i think that. the rainier leadership should take heed and particularly the ones that really control the power not pres the rani who has responsibility but not much power. and they should not go the road of confrontation over repression rather hear the people's voices. and start their process of reform and reconsideration you know but at the moment the pictures that i saw it seems that they are not they're heading for repeats of some old strategies. madam you speaking to us from the united states perhaps unsurprisingly the response to these to these protests from president donald trump was prompt he tweeted oppressive regimes cannot endure forever and a day will come when the iranian people will face a choice the world is watching so strong words from president trump these think it may not though play the game of the iranian leadership in the sense that they've often said that for example iran has not seen the economic advantages since the nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions because of the united states using that the regime could use that. well i think that even if they use that frankly i think there are enough substantial. majority of uranium people that feel that some of iran's the foreign policy behavior which is really against the iranian national interest like for example excessive animosity towards the state of israel or you know supporting. spending money that is needed in iran there they believe a lot of iranians believe that some of us hostility is the fault of for the regime hardliners. the. presidents there are twits i think is going to be manipulated by hardliners and they are going to raise their game day shoe the america wants to have a very you know color revolution in iran order velvet revolution in iran they always you know. resort to the whole a target of external intervention an external entity they just don't want to accept responsibility that their management of the country in the past forty years has been absolutely disastrous professor shereen hunter from georgetown university madame thank you now footage has emerged from syria showing children being rescued from the damascus suburb of eastern huta following airstrikes rescuers are seen carrying two babies from a ruined the building aid agencies this week evacuated twenty nine critically ill people including children from easton who has part of a deal with the syrian government they say the siege imposed by government forces has resulted in a humanitarian emergency well meanwhile syrian rebels and their families of started to arrive in the region south of the mask this after making a deal with the government a convoy of buses carrying about four hundred fighters and their families was allowed to leave the rebel enclave in beit shean and travel to the raw and the rebels last begun to the syrian government and its allies after heavy fighting earlier this month xina halder has more now from beirut. beit din is the last rebel pocket in the southwestern countryside of damascus it is a military game for the syrian government and its allies they launched a massive military campaign two months ago the rebels were trapped in a small area they had no other choice really but to surrender we've seen this happen before intense bombardment and then program and forces the impose a siege so the rebels have no choice but to surrender or die really but this is this is the importance of this is not just a military gain for the government it is again for iran iran expanding its influence in a corner of syria very strategic corner of syria it lies between the syrian israeli and lebanese borders which means iran's allies on the ground are moving closer to israel and israel really has been voicing a lot of concern about this as of late talking both to the russians as well as the americans telling them that they will not accept it round of moving closer to their borders in fact a few weeks ago they stepped up airstrikes in syria they weren't just targeting what they believed were arms convoys destined to the iranian allied hezbollah movement but what we understand one of those strikes targeted close to an iranian military base a base that was being set up by iran so it was a warning message from israel so not just another military game for the government again for iran and possibly it could be a source of tension in the near future egypt's former president mohamed morsy has been sentenced to three years in prison on charges of insulting the judiciary for a speech that he made while in office warsi has been tried in several cases after he was the pows following mass protests and the military coup in two thousand and thirteen he's already serving a twenty year sentence in another case on charges of inciting attacks on protesters in two thousand and twelve a top appeals court in september upheld a. twenty five year term on charges of harming national security by leaking state documents to catherine. the funeral has been held for a palestinian man who was shot by israeli soldiers during a protest in gaza the twenty year old was one of thousands of palestinians involved in clashes with the israeli military along the thousand border they're angry at the u.s. decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel the israeli military says them straight has rolled burning tires and threw rocks at soldiers it says troops fired selectively against four main instigator has more now from the funeral and gas. the. friday when. we talked in the sun went off to. the saturday morning from his injuries to ministry of health says he's a sixty seven to die in the on the left in the file and the since six december the when u.s. president trump said america would recognize teresa lim as the capital of israel. it's a very bad decision for the palestinian people the americans are supporting israel in our own land we are people in our homeland and have given a martyr for palestine and for jerusalem oh it's no more for the political factions and the armed groups in gaza whose leaders are for the young men to go to the border protest to fund the sheen rules those are being killed this was funded by the supported by the armed wing of fatah leaders every friday for the last month of coup protesters to go to the border the separation wall and fence that surrounds gaza only about five or six different places that clash with the israeli soldiers try to take us some life bullets. and there's no sign that they. going to give up any time. meanwhile palestine has recalled its ambassador to pakistan after he attended an event with the alleged mastermind of the mumbai attacks the palestinian envoy who was pictured sharing a stage with her fees sayed who is accused of planning the two thousand and eight attack the pair were at a rally criticizing u.s. president trumps the session to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. or much more to come here on the al-jazeera news hour including. a christmas party video ignites the base in south korea but the treatment of women in the work place not very christmassy celebrating a milestone birthday with a surge in the polls we look at the changing fortunes of french president in mind when kong and roger federer begins this season with a clean sweep at the hopman cup details coming up with peter inspired. catalonia as former president has urged the spanish government to accept the results of a local election there earlier this month that the center twenty first poll gave a slim majority to separatist parties push them all to has been in brussels since being sacked as catalan is leader and threatened with the rest of the deal so. the spanish government has a new opportunity to be here because the european democracy it clear to be and therefore recognize the results of the election that took place on december twenty first and in this way to start a political negotiation with the legitimate government of catalonia. but then again that's why as president of council no no i demand that the spanish government the ones who back them rectify those things that no longer work restore the damage caused and replace everything they have removed without the legal permission of the catalan people the ballot boxes have spoken the democracy has spoken everyone has been able to express themselves what is really waiting for in order to accept the results to accept the will of the catalan people the greek government has moved to block asylum being granted to one of the eight or turkish soldiers who fled their country during last year's failed coup and a southern tribunal ruled in favor of the man's appeal and is still considering the cases of the other seven men but the government has filed a request to cancel the ruling earlier turkey's foreign ministry said the decision would harm bilateral ties and regional cooperation rula tomorrow is one of the lawyers for the soldiers a she says the asylum tribunal has firmly resisted pressure from the government there is not an ongoing dispute between the greek government and the greek judges the last three weeks and the greek government is trying to win friends certain great judges and also the justice and the greek judges respond to a very fair and that is a very very strong answer after this are all going to spew it so i'm extremely happy over there. because the judge is the great judge i'm biased and in part in an impartial way i announced this decision i have also to explain to you that this is not a judicial decision this is an administrative decision of the committee however the committee is appointed by three members to all of them are minister at the judges from the critics justice and one of them is there to present that they have of the un they'd see our. liberia's newly elected president george way a has given his first speech since winning the final vote this week he'll take over from ellen johnson sirleaf in the first democratic transition of power in liberia for more than seventeen years where a former footballer of the year pledged to fight corruption in the country are going on some of the wars to tell the people of liberia. who have made this historic did possible what the people of liberia of did live on for the contrary cannot even be described it was we were some of the government committed to fighting for the idea that have inspired our campaign and that is good. for the liberian people those tools. to serve. must be dedicated to the. source of transformational. cause persons looking to achieve the libron people to the menace of corruption we have no place. france's leader will head into two thousand and twenty and they teen with a spring in a step after a rebound in opinion polls and manuel mccrone who just turned forty is often called the hyper president because of his hands on approach to governing well it's one in many admirers but some criticism as well that there has more from paris. keeping up with emanuel mccall isn't easy the energetic young president has thrown him self into a frenzy of activity at home and abroad since being elected in may for this newspaper cartoonist sketching such a dynamic leader is proving quite a challenge. but what is amazing is that we never used to draw him two years ago people talked about the manner of michael as a young prodigy close to print on hold on but he was never q. ministers and we never drew him work now is the president as he made it was really during the election campaign that we started sketching him a lot because as he was everywhere and with. macros built a reputation in france as a straight talker and a man of action it's why many in france called him a hypo president a phrase which was used to describe former president nicolas sarkozy's hands on style. only don't pander bear liberte macross taken a lead on climate change and reforming the european union he's pushed through a draft of domestic reforms plans to help the deprived suburbs of. message did you bring the need to directly support to see. i can be very clear message of hope but not an a one of the same commitment of the whole nation emanuel mccall has also been very active internationally he's taken a keen interest in crises such as lebanon syria and jerusalem he wants france to play a greater role what do you see some of his very quick to size up opportunities and when he sees opportunities he takes that we saw that with the election last year i was. so you are now with him as president and what he says is now is there's an opportunity internationally to take on a bigger role at the start of his term across popularity was low some in france said he was too arrogant but that's changed now higher in the opinion polls than any previous leader in the last year pleasure. he's doing very well his refresh to french politics he's pragmatic intelligent not an idealogue he's what france needs right now these are people who want to change. that need for chand turn now if you succeed it's early but for the time being he delivers what you promised but not everyone is convinced some say he needs to delegate more to his ministers because you don't go forward because he's an omnipresent president you want to be in charge of everything all the time but that's very dangerous he's up in the polls now only sure when things go wrong he'll be the one directly in the firing line and one who will have to take the blame the french always support him. back ross says france was stagnating and he wants to restore its glory as his political party has nearly wiped out the opposition it seems that finance there is very little standing in the way of his ambitions the tasha butler al-jazeera. the head of germany's police union has the announcer the creation of a special safe zone for women at the annual new year's eve party in berlin he said the move sends out what he called the devastating message that women aren't safe from assault outside the designated area two years ago hundreds of women reported to being sexually assaulted or robbed to during new year's eve celebrations in cologne. well in many countries the end of year office party is a chance to socialize with colleagues but the blurring of work and social lives and sometimes cause problems in south korea the role a group of nurses was expected to perform at a hospital party has fucked the bait about the treatment of women by their bosses kathy novak reports now from the capital seoul. their treatment when these women became nurses this was not part of the job description video of them dancing at a hospital talent show was posted on social media prompting a national conversation about something not often openly discussed in south korea the treatment of women in the workplace these nurses didn't want their identities revealed fearing repercussions at work for the talent show we were forced to dance we had to wear indecent clothes and perform sexy dances on stage and we were embarrassed. she says hospital officials sat in the front row judging the performances and that refusing to participate wasn't an option unless she could find a colleague to take her place. in south korea because of the confusion tradition of respecting it's difficult to say no to superiors this type of power abuse has become normal. lawyer leonis says sexual harassment is a problem for south koreans of all professions especially when junior employees are expected to drink with their bosses after hours to know that a year and a party is a common occasion for sexual harassment people expect women to pour drinks for men or for young and pretty women to sit next to older male bosses. drunk male bosses hug us and hold our hands during these company occasions but we can't say anything because they're our bosses in the most recent government survey the majority of those who say they experienced sexual harassment took no action. among the reasons given where that they thought it would make no difference and that they would be disadvantaged at work the government announced plans to impose harsher penalties for sexual harassment in november after a young employee at the country's biggest furniture company hun sen's accused colleagues of raping and sexually assaulting her the employment and labor ministry found the company failed to investigate the claims and fined one some about five thousand dollars. as for the talent show a hospital spokesperson said it is planning to reform the dress code and is considering getting rid of it completely kathy novak al jazeera sole. it watching the news hour here on al-jazeera still to come when's look ahead to elections in two thousand and eighteen after a turbulent year that saw longtime leader robert mugabe forced from power. i'm to see a new man on the northern coast of cuba and coming up i'll tell you why the largest island of the caribbean is actually shrinking. and we'll also tell you why england's victory hopes turned to ashes details and little later in sports. hello there is tending milder now for some of us in europe and it's all thanks to this weather system here as it works its way eastwards it's dragging in some far milder air on the leading edge we're seeing a little bit of snow before that it turns to rain and we are seeing a lot of snow on the ground melting already so the temperatures then all the way up thirteen degrees there in london and paris twelve in berlin and twelve in vienna as well but as you can see it might be marred with that doesn't necessarily mean that is dr but quite a bit of heavy rain that will be pushing its way into parts of france and also the northwestern parts of spain and into portugal on sunday so a lot of what weather to be found here the system and sweeps its way eastwards as we head through the day on monday and then the new year will start with yet more wet weather in the western parts of france meanwhile in the far east it's still going to be cold day remotes go our maximum temperature just two degrees an area of snow is working its way towards us because the other side of the mediterranean we've been seeing a fair amount of unsettled weather here as well it's just really been the tail end of what's been going on over a year up in the still a few showers on sunday making their way through parts of libya and into egypt and that stretches all the way up into turkey that continues its journey eastwards on monday it's not warm behind it kyra just eighteen degrees and still a few showers in the northeast. when diplomacy fields and fear sweeps in our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists reproving the barriers are built to impose division and it's not effective instead of being an obstacle to always does it became another obstacle to peace in a four part series al-jazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact they have on both sides walls of shame at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. where every. back is a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera iran is calling on its citizens to avoid what it calls the illegal gatherings as protests over the country's ailing economy continue for a third day the funeral has been held for a palestinian shot by israeli soldiers he was protesting against the u.s. the situation to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel at least nine people have been killed in airstrikes in the damascus suburb of eastern. saying in syria families in western syria are starting to arrive home after enduring years of the splay spent in camps across the country a temporary ceasefire has provided some relief from the fighting but there seems to be no diplomatic solution the spite several rounds of talks well some a binge a fight has more. the common the stone in northwest syria is deceptive. the scenic villages bigness fierce fighting and now it's destroyed homes are unable to provide relief during the harsh winter. were some says he couldn't handle the conditions in the camps for the displaced and has decided to return despite the risks he's now content with the limited supplies he can get in his own village but not of us in general they are we've come back after four years in displacement camps home sweet home nothing on earth compares to our lovely village we came back restored our house which was in ruins we also started to grow some wheat barley and more almost every syrian seems to have lost something over some also shares that loss as many of his friends and neighbors are gone. but his family is thankful for what they have and what they salvaged the northwestern part of hama provinces close to the course of the stronghold of the assad government rebel fighters were pushed out after months of fighting but a calm has prevailed since the attacks declined as part of a deescalation deal the bitter cold keeps most people indoors local see around six hundred families have returned took a stone and it isn't easy to resume their lives. that there's no electricity the village lacks basic services like sewage and even schools most of the residents found their homes in ruin but they were turned to bring life back to normal. elsewhere in hama province aerial and ground attacks have continued the government and its allies deny the rebels accusations of violating the deescalation deal. this is the moment fighters say they shot down a military aircraft in hama activists say assad's forces have continued their push on the border between hama and live provinces. rebel groups have rejected the talks and saatchi proposed by russia after the geneva process failed to achieve a pub to peace and as temperatures drop further in the seventh winter of serious conflict the hopes of finding a solution. are there libya's internationally recognized government says people displaced from the town of to where they will be able to return to their homes in february they were forced out in september two thousand and eleven as collective punishment for attacking a rival city of misrata misrata. where he reports from tripoli. fidelia and her relatives can't hide their joy. they will finally return to their home. after away for six years some of these children were born here in this camp in tripoli yet they are holding on to their parents' dream is that it has already brought hope that we are so happy that we will finally go home we just need to settle down and live in peace now we've had enough trouble with sick and tired of the interrogation. but nobody has says she has had a terrible experience the son was accused of fighting for freedom a leader moammar gadhafi in twenty eleven and was later arrested by rebels from the city of misrata girl who doesn't know. we just need our safety to be guaranteed had we need a neutral official brigade to secure our hometown to work we don't want misrata to police to work because it used to be our adversary really you around four hundred fifty families live in this camp they don't have proper health care or sanitation so life here is tough. it is even tougher for disabled people like armor mubarak he remembers how specious and comfortable his old house back home was. it has been so difficult for us living here on all levels the place we live in hygiene education and security on many occasions gangs an armed man attacked us dollar belongings around four thousand families have been scattered in camps all over libya since september twentieth live and most of them are in benghazi and the capital tripoli for the past six years several attempts have failed to bring the people of back to their home town that's largely because those in misrata have accused them of killing people who supported the uprising against them or get their feet and they have demanded that in order for them to return the government must compensate the families of the victims. during the fall of the deficit rejean hundreds of men were captured while fighting against the rebels as a major supporter of gaddafi was used as a military base for his forces to attack misratah later around forty thousand people were forced out of whatever as collective punishment since then toward has become a ghost town. of the tripoli based a government of national accord has agreed to provide compensation to victims on both sides food for judea and ben no beer they say it feels like they will be set free after six years of imprisonment they can't wait to go back home in february until then they are counting down days. tripoli. russia's supreme court has upheld a ban on opposition leader alexina valmy running for president next year now valmy has been barred because of a fraud conviction which he says is politically motivated he is calling for his supporters to boycott the vote. it will now for the third part of our series looking ahead to the big stories of two thousand and eighteen well extraordinary events in zimbabwe last month saw the military force a longtime leader robert mugabe to resign many hope the outcome of a general election in the new year will help improve the economy and boosterism bob was standing on the world stage. ports there from harare. after decades of economic stagnation high unemployment and a shortage of cash people hope things will get better in twenty eighteen robert mugabe resigned in november after the military intervened in a seminar goggle is the new president until elections are held while they wait for an election date to be announced they are registering to vote many here say they hope no matter who wins it will be a new beginning for zimbabwe oh and your country which is full of opportunities because you know i mean you college right now i'm studying and the reason why i'm studying is because i want to work so if. there's no work for me to do then. in the past elections have been marred by allegations of vote rigging and violence opposition leaders say the military and war veterans helped keep robert mugabe in power for thirty seven years the new commander of the defense forces says things will not be different and that the army will respect what decide at the polls as we prepare for the elections in twenty. years or. become pretty new and they were doing so from the day takes place in an environment of peace and tranquility opposition and. science members say despite morgan tsvangirai health concerns he is their presidential candidate has cancer now that mugabe is gone they say they are confident about mixture. of believe that from the next noids enemies of an underground we are going to be the next government this is why they are publicly a credible voter's role could help avoid another disputed election zimbabwe is compiling a new voters role in replace the old emanuel register opposition party say is inaccurate and is dead people's names on it needed for commissions is the plan to register nearly seven million people before elections in twenty eight as the bobbins prepare for those crucial elections they hope will be credible and violence free the international community has said if things go smoothly at the polls they will be eager to invest to help ease the crippling cash crisis that could mean discreetly needed jobs most people waiting in line under the age of forty many are unemployed but they say for the first time in a long while there is hope that maybe twenty eighteen is going to be a good year. for al-jazeera. the cold weather that is gripping parts of north america could take several more days to ease in chicago heavy snowfall has buried cars and blocked roads and parts of the famous fairgoer a force of the can of the u.s. border could freeze over if the cold weather persists while the storm uncommon for temperatures to plunge to minus twenty degrees celsius and parts of north america meteorologists say the length and intensity of the cold make this weather event. or the cold weather has caused three dead the sharks washed up on a beach in massachusetts on the u.s. east coast the atlantic white shark conservancy says the three males probably got stranded and fell into cold or trying to make their way to warmer waters in the selfs. well the impact of climate change is being felt all over the world especially on low lying islands scientists say the rising water level is causing cuba to shrink latin america editor of human reports now from the coastal town of harmony. what it really is and his wife have lived by the ocean for nearly sixty years long enough to notice that something is changing especially when they look towards the key in front of them. forty or even thirty years ago during low tar you could walk over to the quay over there and you wouldn't get wet it was totally dry now the target is never lower than this it's all because of climate change. my daughter grew up here we didn't have this wall and i would lower down there to play on the rocks because it was dry. in high money does a coastal town near have vana everyone notices of the water level is rising on this no lying island it's hard to believe what i'm actually walking on top of what was a swimming pool some forty years ago removed about thirty meters away from a beach that no longer exists it's yet another undeniable example of how the ocean is eating away at much of cuba's coastline. a report prepared by the ministry of science technology and environment warns that by two thousand and fifty coastal levels will have risen twenty seven centimeters and by the end of the century it will be up by eighty five centimeters causing the island to shrink significantly. scientists argue the climate change is also provoking more frequent and stronger hurricanes flooding and at the same time prolonged periods of drought inland. the climate experts who prepared the report tell us a major action plan is being implemented to confront this new reality. we are applying new practices like planting. to increase and reproduce coral reefs and more mangroves which are key barriers for protecting the coastline and we need to adopt new construction practices in the caribbean we have experience building on stilts did list is long but scientists concede that inevitably many people will have no other choice but to leave their homes and move in to see in human just how many tests cuba uncertainty still faces more than seventy thousand people who've been living in evacuation shelters since an indonesian volcano began erupting in early november many are returning to the danger zone every day to tend to their crops and livestock that vast and reports now from a armont amount on the island of bali. you know mom got that kill stein by helping out in an emergency kitchen his family sought refuge in this government shutdown after they were forced to leave to phillips three months ago the indonesian government has ordered families not to return as long as the volcano remains at its highest alert level or so not that no one can mess up on my future looks pretty bleak if i have to stay here in the shelter how can i pay for my children's education i've got no work here at least seventy thousand villages in the danger zone have been forced to leave their homes the three months have passed and boredom has kicked in the local authorities are struggling to keep them away from danger. every morning like many others goes up the mountain back to his village a thirty kilometer journey by motorbike so bloody fielitz lies nearest to the crater and no man knows exactly how dangerous to feel kaino can be just five kilometers away so bloody village lost more than five hundred people half of its population during the ninety six and three eruption a thick layer of hot lava and huge rocks destroyed most of the houses still many people choose to face a dangerous and returning to phillips to work rather than be chopped us at the shelter. with mild asthma norming dangerously near no man and his neighbors are mining stones and sand spewed from an eruption fifty four years ago the villages are getting some benefit from the next roll disaster then to make a long running short of everyday lot i mean i force myself to be brave enough although the government doesn't allow it i'm afraid up in the shelter how long do i have to stay there so while only a little smoke comes out of cocaine or i take my chance to earn some money in case there's a major eruption hopes he will have enough time to run while the government continues to urge people to stay out of the danger zone its policy has recently become more lenient to crossing the line for law than coming. i think it does because the situation is taking so long and because it will cain is activity is not always high people to get back to advantages during the day time to work and come back to the shelter at night. but newman decides not to return to the shelter and spend the night at his house trying desperately to get his old life back hoping and praying that i and i go will go back to sleep very soon step fasten al-jazeera so bloody village. well stay with us on the news hour because still to come up we're going to look at a great start to the new tennis season for the u.s. open finalists kevin anderson peter is going to have all the details in sport. unbelievable it sounds like an agreement between a criminal both sides just like trading in stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask the question then sort of throw their hands up in the air and say i don't know i was just a nominee director with doing any investigation into. ukraine could you pay bribes you've been corrupt and i've been not corrupt i did just what the president say al-jazeera investigation is the only god coming soon they say walls have ears in palestine they also have. architecture he's used by architect that's where the trail advisement reveals the role of architecture in his radio q patient everything in this plan the rama deeds the tactical to with n.p.r. the picture for the patient just need to know how to decode the architecture of fine that's part of the rebel architecture series this time just zero. people living in the poorest neighborhood of the canadian city of vancouver face many challenges extreme poverty leaves many struggling to eat but a project run by three barbers is making sure that at least everyone can get a decent haircut any alack explains. in doing good for others humans helping humans meet the street or dog barbers during the week ross cameron and josh work at the city's top beauty salons but every sunday they're cutting coming in styling here in vancouver is downtown eastside a district where poverty and drug abuse are all too common as cameron knows for himself i have a history on the streets i was a heroin addict on that about twenty years ago i cleaned up off that and battled opiates for the last twenty years and then we started this and that's pretty much when i did my last drug the people down here were closer with them than some of our closest friends that would be the last dollar out of their pocket if you know what you should do is come next sunday ross also spent time in the same neighborhood but he too found his way out through professional hairstyling the idea behind the street thug barbers he says is that no one should give up no matter how bad things get cameron i mean we've all had our past situations where our failures maybe someone else the successes in the future so whatever we can do to help whether it's find work or support our shelters or just an ear when it's warm enough they work in a nearby park they're nonpaying customers perched on milk crates they also cut hair on the sidewalk or in back alley ways in winter they do their cutting here at the living room a drop in center and clean needle distribution point for drug addicts the manager says sunday is the happiest day of the week for her clients and it's nice when you live in a society that when you're here looked upon as being poor you know that you're look upon as being less of a humen in these guys don't do that at all. they give us five minutes of compliments and it's more than just a haircut i like you short up over my years no one who puts their name on a list run by the center is turned away the street thug barbers estimate they've trimmed and shared more than five thousand heads since they began a year and a half ago bringing happiness and haircuts to a neighborhood known mostly for urban blight and homelessness daniel lack al-jazeera on vancouver's downtown eastside. it's time to go to sports news now here is peter thank you so much twenty three time grand slam singles champion serena williams made her return to competitive tennis on saturday at the move will tennis champ. but as tatiana sanchez reports it wasn't quite the performance of fans might have expected from her. three new could in many ways already be seen as triumphant having made her return to the court just four months after giving back to her newborn baby girl alexis and. she wasn't so triumphant in the opening set of the match though losing it six two but the thirty six year old american for back to take the second that showing signs of her own story nash making the match all even the match was then taken down to a deciding tie breaker. the defending french open champion wild number seven stay dominant keeping williams on her time. after putting up some resistance the fighting spirit was so used to thinking three no eventually lost the finals that. motherhood's for an hour now. you know i was a little worried out there and then i looked at my my camp and i was like as a limb be ok you know but it's really good i'm excited and you know it's good to be back on the court serena's effort and surely fired a warning to her rivals that next month's australian open that's an affront to desire i spoke earlier with former w.c. a stiff dubois who is also a new mom she says motherhood is something that might inspire williams to go even further. when you become a mother the older priory teach changes saw it's all about the baby this st louis mine it takes a toll on the body so that's why it's so incredible that she's coming back that early after giving birth and even for me i tried to keep. the fitness a little bit after after but i have to say to do it at that quick and as you said there's a lot of you your body changes and to come back at this higher level sound looking for it to see how she's going to play in the inner. tournaments of coming sometime we forget that when they on the court is very tennessee and they're very focused but it can also give her another perspective in the world when you're outside of the core outside of your. competition your training you have this amazing little thing little baby that you going to raise their kids and i think a lot of athletes that our parents as you said it can give us that extra. maybe joy in life certainly clearly they might play also longer of their careers because they have this also with their talent so it could be. great for her even though she was a great and should be she's breaking all the records in tennis having a little girl it might even though you should levy even more months to evade to to to go as high as she could be by being a mother it's every morning you wake up and you see. your baby and there's a purpose behind it. us open finalist kevin anderson was also in action in abu dhabi at that same exhibition event anderson was in fine form and they ended up taking the overall trophy on saturday he saw for roberto about the star good in straight sets and in so doing adding to his trophy career collection. before their world number five the money team recovered from an earlier loss to anderson in abu dhabi at that same event the austrian was back in form against spain's pablo carrier most on saturday team winning six three and six for roger federer has begun he season with a win he led switzerland to victory over japan in the opening tie of the hopman cup match in perth mixed team events in the line up with compared to belinda bench which both won they singles matches and sealed switzerland's clean sweep with a two six two one win in the past few doubles. and the united states of america are on track for a seventh title of to beating russia two one coco van the way started things off with a straight sets win over around a start you're publishing for world of ajax and then they did two zero as he beat carter in such an off before russia salvaged some pride with a win in the fast forward douglas. now in the english premier league champions chelsea were in dominant form on saturday at home against stoke city and sonja conti's men dished out a five nil hiding against the visitors they were actually three nil up inside the first twenty three minutes five different chelsea players found the back of the net as they moved to second place in the overall standings yeah i think we started. was that the very word. we wanted these wanted this and. i'm very pleased for the performance of all the players i'm very pleased to finish another game with another cliché. i think. we are showing the. good solidity of. liverpool did not have it as easy in their game against leicester after going one zero down mohammad salas scored twice in the second half to ensure a two one win for years and top team now majesty united slipped to third in the table after they drew no no against southampton at old trafford a win would have seen them retake second place that obviously belongs to chelsea melbourne with beat everton two one newcastle drew with brighton and watford were beaten at home by swanzy england's cricketers have again been denied by australia in the ashes series as their fourth taste in melbourne ended in a draw of the captain steve smith steered the side with a century in a match that had been hit by several rain delays australia have already won the trophy back from the english after taking an unassailable three lead in the five match series the two sides now had to sydney for their final test where england will be hoping to end their frustrating to with a first win in australia since twenty eleven. and finally as athletes continue their preparations for the upcoming winter olympics in pyongyang one man looks likely to defend these a limping title in ski jumping then off to coming away with a win at the first ski jumping world cup event of the sixty sixth for heels tournament on saturday poland's come you'll start was a fourth off to a jump of a one hundred twenty six meters in his first attempt but the second round if it gave him victory at all but still in germany he produced a leap of one hundred thirty seven meters giving him the lead and he has now moved to third place in the overall world cup standing. that's all the sport for now barbara more later peter thank you for that and that is it for me and the rest of the news our team for now this there with the stuff going to be back in just a few minutes with more of the things on. the offense being a journalist the crime practicing journalism. must go to same detained for three hundred sixty five days without charge. journalism is not a crime mamata sane is not a criminal. free mahmoud hussain. twenty seventeen has been full of stories that have changed the global political landscape and al-jazeera has been there to cover them all. joining us as we look back at some of our most memorable interviews of the year and a special edition of talk to al-jazeera at this time. january. african heads of state and government. for the state assembly of the african union where the goals set out say in twenty seventeen minutes rewind returns with brand new episodes updating some of the best al-jazeera documentaries from over the years the biggest names in politics in business will meet in the swiss alps for the world economic forum what will be talk of the agenda. engages in rigorous debate cutting through the headlines on the front and in a week our special coverage will be gauging reaction from around the world to america's most controversial president of modern times january on. iran calls on its citizens to avoid what it terms in gold gatherings as protests over the country's eight continue for a third for. watching i'll just.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171230 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171230

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avoid put it terms illegal gatherings as protests over the country's ailing economy continue for a third day palestinians in gaza more now man shot by israeli soldiers during a protest over u.s. jerusalem policy the greek government says it wants to cancel the asylum that's just being granted to a turkish soldier who's accused of taking part in last year's attempted coup and the record breaking cold snap in the u.s. that is so bad that sharks are freezing. and. with all the day sports news serena williams is returning to the tennis court of the giving birth was not quite as she had hoped all of the details later this news . and i thank you for joining us we begin the news hour in iran where the government is calling on people not to take part in what it says are illegal gatherings for a third consecutive day there were protests in a number of cities across the country outside tehran university dozens of students chanted anti-government slogans they were dispersed by riot police and large crowds of pro-government protesters peter sharp has more. for the third day in a row they're out on the streets fighting with police went on into the night anti-government protesters most of them students facing up to riot police outside tara university but what began as a protest about rising food prices and welfare benefit cuts turned political on saturday. earlier in the day they chanted not gaza not lebanon my life three ron i i i don't be afraid we're standing strong together. especially with anger about claims that government is focusing more on regional issues the economic problems at home. people ring in t.v. showed a display of strength by crowds of pro-government supporters in cities nationwide tens of thousands of people on the streets chanting death to america down with israel and support iran's supreme leader ali khamenei at or that people have protested against inflation other problems but that does not show that our people have turned on each other or are against the ruling system and their leadership. the pro-government rallies were pre-planned to mark the anniversary of the end of the unrest that shook the country in two thousand and nine unrest in iran prompted several tweets from the u.s. president on saturday warning oppressive regimes in or to offer evolutional many reports of peaceful protests by iranian citizens fed up with the regime's corruption and squandering of the nation's wealth to fund terrorism abroad iranian government should respect their people's rights including rights to express themselves the world is watching. for some time the has been some disparate groups have been protesting whether it was sabre's who have lost their savings through these corrupt financial institutions with his pension is no longer going the pensions will have to live on the trees pensions as people are worried about the bottom it is women in these groups and their interests and you could see that those slogans are now becoming radical you could say that the atmosphere is going tense or intense and most of all what you could say is that they no longer seem to have that fear from the security forces there in the. one this was a huge display of support for the reign leadership the government will be concerned just how quickly the protest about food prices could become political pizza shop al jazeera. will to talk more about what is happening in iran let's know now go to shareen hunter a professor specializing in iran at georgetown university in washington madame thank you for joining us here on al-jazeera i mean this is now what the third day of demonstrations and there's potentially a lot of reasons behind that we know about the economic strain that many iranians are facing a lot of them blaming the regime for using money for foreign policy that perhaps could have used that back at home of course the government itself says that a lot of these protests were orchestrated what is your interpretation now that we've had a few days of seen the process and seen them spread what do you think is behind them well i think that there are several layers third there at the beginning i think that it started perhaps. as by hardliners themselves as a means of putting pressure on the rouhani government the fact that their start in mashhad where is the stronghold of raw you see who was rouhani its rival in the presidential elections and one of the more hardline. clerics there are a lot more horder i think it started out that way but because of the level of rainier's frankly for tea frustration with the model to trudeau of problems and the fact that every time they have a hope that a reformist president is going to be able to do something the radicals prevented i think that they're in it really went beyond what they're perhaps initially organize there as they had had in mind it's really tapped into a lot of their frustrations back iranian people have been feeling now for some time what's very interesting about the demonstrations is that out of many of them we have seen anger towards president rouhani but also to wards not only the ayatollah but generally at the clerics how significant do you think this is. well i think it's very significant i think that. look forward now at least. since the early one nine hundred ninety s. iranians have been wanting reform and they have been very patient and i think that even now they would prefer peaceful reform i don't think that they wanted this demonstrations and counter-demonstrations to degenerate into a civil war or anything like that but it seems to me that they are. very much disappointed with the functioning of this. very i think that the contradictions of the regime is catching up with them you cannot both claim to be a republic and on the other hand to really don't pay much attention to the people's . preferences and because everything in this regime has been done in the name of religion and in the name of. islam it's quite natural that their population will also turn against the guardians of the islamic ideology of division i think that a lot of the more fair minded the reform minded clergy have been warning about this that you know we are losing people's trust and we are losing people's. respect i think this is significant i think frankly i think that. the rainier leadership should take heed and particularly the ones that really control the power not pres the rani who has responsibility but not much power. and they should not go the road of confrontation over repression rather hear the people's voices. and start their process of reform and reconsideration you know but at the moment the pictures that i saw it seems that they are not they're heading for repeats of some old strategies. madam you speaking to us from the united states perhaps unsurprisingly the response to these to these protests from president donald trump was prompt he tweeted oppressive regimes cannot endure forever and a day will come when the iranian people will face a choice the world is watching so strong words from president trump these think it may not though play the game of the iranian leadership in the sense that they've often said that for example iran has not seen the economic advantages since the nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions because of the united states using that the regime could use that. well i think that even if they use that frankly i think there are enough substantial. majority of uranium people that feel that some of iran's the foreign policy behavior which is really against the iranian national interest like for example excessive animosity towards the state of israel or you know supporting. spending money that is needed in iran there they believe a lot of iranians believe that some of us hostility is the fault of for the regime hardliners. the. presidents there are twits i think is going to be manipulated by hardliners and they are going to raise their game day shoe the america wants to have a very you know color revolution in iran order velvet revolution in iran they always you know. resort to the whole a target of external intervention an external entity they just don't want to accept responsibility that their management of the country in the past forty years has been absolutely disastrous professor shereen hunter from georgetown university madame thank you now footage has emerged from syria showing children being rescued from the damascus suburb of eastern huta following airstrikes rescuers are seen carrying two babies from a ruined the building aid agencies this week evacuated twenty nine critically ill people including children from easton who has part of a deal with the syrian government they say the siege imposed by government forces has resulted in a humanitarian emergency well meanwhile syrian rebels and their families of started to arrive in the region south of the mask this after making a deal with the government a convoy of buses carrying about four hundred fighters and their families was allowed to leave the rebel enclave in beit shean and travel to the raw and the rebels last begun to the syrian government and its allies after heavy fighting earlier this month xina halder has more now from beirut. beit din is the last rebel pocket in the southwestern countryside of damascus it is a military game for the syrian government and its allies they launched a massive military campaign two months ago the rebels were trapped in a small area they had no other choice really but to surrender we've seen this happen before intense bombardment and then program and forces the impose a siege so the rebels have no choice but to surrender or die really but this is this is the importance of this is not just a military gain for the government it is again for iran iran expanding its influence in a corner of syria very strategic corner of syria it lies between the syrian israeli and lebanese borders which means iran's allies on the ground are moving closer to israel and israel really has been voicing a lot of concern about this as of late talking both to the russians as well as the americans telling them that they will not accept it round of moving closer to their borders in fact a few weeks ago they stepped up airstrikes in syria they weren't just targeting what they believed were arms convoys destined to the iranian allied hezbollah movement but what we understand one of those strikes targeted close to an iranian military base a base that was being set up by iran so it was a warning message from israel so not just another military game for the government again for iran and possibly it could be a source of tension in the near future egypt's former president mohamed morsy has been sentenced to three years in prison on charges of insulting the judiciary for a speech that he made while in office warsi has been tried in several cases after he was the pows following mass protests and the military coup in two thousand and thirteen he's already serving a twenty year sentence in another case on charges of inciting attacks on protesters in two thousand and twelve a top appeals court in september upheld a. twenty five year term on charges of harming national security by leaking state documents to catherine. the funeral has been held for a palestinian man who was shot by israeli soldiers during a protest in gaza the twenty year old was one of thousands of palestinians involved in clashes with the israeli military along the thousand border they're angry at the u.s. decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel the israeli military says them straight has rolled burning tires and threw rocks at soldiers it says troops fired selectively against four main instigator has more now from the funeral and gas. the. friday when. we talked in the sun went off to. the saturday morning from his injuries to ministry of health says he's a sixty seven to die in the on the left in the file and the since six december the when u.s. president trump said america would recognize teresa lim as the capital of israel. it's a very bad decision for the palestinian people the americans are supporting israel in our own land we are people in our homeland and have given a martyr for palestine and for jerusalem oh it's no more for the political factions and the armed groups in gaza whose leaders are for the young men to go to the border protest to fund the sheen rules those are being killed this was funded by the supported by the armed wing of fatah leaders every friday for the last month of coup protesters to go to the border the separation wall and fence that surrounds gaza only about five or six different places that clash with the israeli soldiers try to take us some life bullets. and there's no sign that they. going to give up any time. meanwhile palestine has recalled its ambassador to pakistan after he attended an event with the alleged mastermind of the mumbai attacks the palestinian envoy who was pictured sharing a stage with her fees sayed who is accused of planning the two thousand and eight attack the pair were at a rally criticizing u.s. president trumps the session to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. or much more to come here on the al-jazeera news hour including. a christmas party video ignites the base in south korea but the treatment of women in the work place not very christmassy celebrating a milestone birthday with a surge in the polls we look at the changing fortunes of french president in mind when kong and roger federer begins this season with a clean sweep at the hopman cup details coming up with peter inspired. catalonia as former president has urged the spanish government to accept the results of a local election there earlier this month that the center twenty first poll gave a slim majority to separatist parties push them all to has been in brussels since being sacked as catalan is leader and threatened with the rest of the deal so. the spanish government has a new opportunity to be here because the european democracy it clear to be and therefore recognize the results of the election that took place on december twenty first and in this way to start a political negotiation with the legitimate government of catalonia. but then again that's why as president of council no no i demand that the spanish government the ones who back them rectify those things that no longer work restore the damage caused and replace everything they have removed without the legal permission of the catalan people the ballot boxes have spoken the democracy has spoken everyone has been able to express themselves what is really waiting for in order to accept the results to accept the will of the catalan people the greek government has moved to block asylum being granted to one of the eight or turkish soldiers who fled their country during last year's failed coup and a southern tribunal ruled in favor of the man's appeal and is still considering the cases of the other seven men but the government has filed a request to cancel the ruling earlier turkey's foreign ministry said the decision would harm bilateral ties and regional cooperation rula tomorrow is one of the lawyers for the soldiers a she says the asylum tribunal has firmly resisted pressure from the government there is not an ongoing dispute between the greek government and the greek judges the last three weeks and the greek government is trying to win friends certain great judges and also the justice and the greek judges respond to a very fair and that is a very very strong answer after this are all going to spew it so i'm extremely happy over there. because the judge is the great judge i'm biased and in part in an impartial way i announced this decision i have also to explain to you that this is not a judicial decision this is an administrative decision of the committee however the committee is appointed by three members to all of them are minister at the judges from the critics justice and one of them is there to present that they have of the un they'd see our. liberia's newly elected president george way a has given his first speech since winning the final vote this week he'll take over from ellen johnson sirleaf in the first democratic transition of power in liberia for more than seventeen years where a former footballer of the year pledged to fight corruption in the country are going on some of the wars to tell the people of liberia. who have made this historic did possible what the people of liberia of did live on for the contrary cannot even be described it was we were some of the government committed to fighting for the idea that have inspired our campaign and that is good. for the liberian people those tools. to serve. must be dedicated to the. source of transformational. cause persons looking to achieve the libron people to the menace of corruption we have no place. france's leader will head into two thousand and twenty and they teen with a spring in a step after a rebound in opinion polls and manuel mccrone who just turned forty is often called the hyper president because of his hands on approach to governing well it's one in many admirers but some criticism as well that there has more from paris. keeping up with emanuel mccall isn't easy the energetic young president has thrown him self into a frenzy of activity at home and abroad since being elected in may for this newspaper cartoonist sketching such a dynamic leader is proving quite a challenge. but what is amazing is that we never used to draw him two years ago people talked about the manner of michael as a young prodigy close to print on hold on but he was never q. ministers and we never drew him work now is the president as he made it was really during the election campaign that we started sketching him a lot because as he was everywhere and with. macros built a reputation in france as a straight talker and a man of action it's why many in france called him a hypo president a phrase which was used to describe former president nicolas sarkozy's hands on style. only don't pander bear liberte macross taken a lead on climate change and reforming the european union he's pushed through a draft of domestic reforms plans to help the deprived suburbs of. message did you bring the need to directly support to see. i can be very clear message of hope but not an a one of the same commitment of the whole nation emanuel mccall has also been very active internationally he's taken a keen interest in crises such as lebanon syria and jerusalem he wants france to play a greater role what do you see some of his very quick to size up opportunities and when he sees opportunities he takes that we saw that with the election last year i was. so you are now with him as president and what he says is now is there's an opportunity internationally to take on a bigger role at the start of his term across popularity was low some in france said he was too arrogant but that's changed now higher in the opinion polls than any previous leader in the last year pleasure. he's doing very well his refresh to french politics he's pragmatic intelligent not an idealogue he's what france needs right now these are people who want to change. that need for chand turn now if you succeed it's early but for the time being he delivers what you promised but not everyone is convinced some say he needs to delegate more to his ministers because you don't go forward because he's an omnipresent president you want to be in charge of everything all the time but that's very dangerous he's up in the polls now only sure when things go wrong he'll be the one directly in the firing line and one who will have to take the blame the french always support him. back ross says france was stagnating and he wants to restore its glory as his political party has nearly wiped out the opposition it seems that finance there is very little standing in the way of his ambitions the tasha butler al-jazeera. the head of germany's police union has the announcer the creation of a special safe zone for women at the annual new year's eve party in berlin he said the move sends out what he called the devastating message that women aren't safe from assault outside the designated area two years ago hundreds of women reported to being sexually assaulted or robbed to during new year's eve celebrations in cologne. well in many countries the end of year office party is a chance to socialize with colleagues but the blurring of work and social lives and sometimes cause problems in south korea the role a group of nurses was expected to perform at a hospital party has fucked the bait about the treatment of women by their bosses kathy novak reports now from the capital seoul. their treatment when these women became nurses this was not part of the job description video of them dancing at a hospital talent show was posted on social media prompting a national conversation about something not often openly discussed in south korea the treatment of women in the workplace these nurses didn't want their identities revealed fearing repercussions at work for the talent show we were forced to dance we had to wear indecent clothes and perform sexy dances on stage and we were embarrassed. she says hospital officials sat in the front row judging the performances and that refusing to participate wasn't an option unless she could find a colleague to take her place. in south korea because of the confusion tradition of respecting it's difficult to say no to superiors this type of power abuse has become normal. lawyer leonis says sexual harassment is a problem for south koreans of all professions especially when junior employees are expected to drink with their bosses after hours to know that a year and a party is a common occasion for sexual harassment people expect women to pour drinks for men or for young and pretty women to sit next to older male bosses. drunk male bosses hug us and hold our hands during these company occasions but we can't say anything because they're our bosses in the most recent government survey the majority of those who say they experienced sexual harassment took no action. among the reasons given where that they thought it would make no difference and that they would be disadvantaged at work the government announced plans to impose harsher penalties for sexual harassment in november after a young employee at the country's biggest furniture company hun sen's accused colleagues of raping and sexually assaulting her the employment and labor ministry found the company failed to investigate the claims and fined one some about five thousand dollars. as for the talent show a hospital spokesperson said it is planning to reform the dress code and is considering getting rid of it completely kathy novak al jazeera sole. it watching the news hour here on al-jazeera still to come when's look ahead to elections in two thousand and eighteen after a turbulent year that saw longtime leader robert mugabe forced from power. i'm to see a new man on the northern coast of cuba and coming up i'll tell you why the largest island of the caribbean is actually shrinking. and we'll also tell you why england's victory hopes turned to ashes details and little later in sports. hello there is tending milder now for some of us in europe and it's all thanks to this weather system here as it works its way eastwards it's dragging in some far milder air on the leading edge we're seeing a little bit of snow before that it turns to rain and we are seeing a lot of snow on the ground melting already so the temperatures then all the way up thirteen degrees there in london and paris twelve in berlin and twelve in vienna as well but as you can see it might be marred with that doesn't necessarily mean that is dr but quite a bit of heavy rain that will be pushing its way into parts of france and also the northwestern parts of spain and into portugal on sunday so a lot of what weather to be found here the system and sweeps its way eastwards as we head through the day on monday and then the new year will start with yet more wet weather in the western parts of france meanwhile in the far east it's still going to be cold day remotes go our maximum temperature just two degrees an area of snow is working its way towards us because the other side of the mediterranean we've been seeing a fair amount of unsettled weather here as well it's just really been the tail end of what's been going on over a year up in the still a few showers on sunday making their way through parts of libya and into egypt and that stretches all the way up into turkey that continues its journey eastwards on monday it's not warm behind it kyra just eighteen degrees and still a few showers in the northeast. when diplomacy fields and fear sweeps in our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists reproving the barriers are built to impose division and it's not effective instead of being an obstacle to always does it became another obstacle to peace in a four part series al-jazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact they have on both sides walls of shame at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. where every. back is a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera iran is calling on its citizens to avoid what it calls the illegal gatherings as protests over the country's ailing economy continue for a third day the funeral has been held for a palestinian shot by israeli soldiers he was protesting against the u.s. the situation to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel at least nine people have been killed in airstrikes in the damascus suburb of eastern. saying in syria families in western syria are starting to arrive home after enduring years of the splay spent in camps across the country a temporary ceasefire has provided some relief from the fighting but there seems to be no diplomatic solution the spite several rounds of talks well some a binge a fight has more. the common the stone in northwest syria is deceptive. the scenic villages bigness fierce fighting and now it's destroyed homes are unable to provide relief during the harsh winter. were some says he couldn't handle the conditions in the camps for the displaced and has decided to return despite the risks he's now content with the limited supplies he can get in his own village but not of us in general they are we've come back after four years in displacement camps home sweet home nothing on earth compares to our lovely village we came back restored our house which was in ruins we also started to grow some wheat barley and more almost every syrian seems to have lost something over some also shares that loss as many of his friends and neighbors are gone. but his family is thankful for what they have and what they salvaged the northwestern part of hama provinces close to the course of the stronghold of the assad government rebel fighters were pushed out after months of fighting but a calm has prevailed since the attacks declined as part of a deescalation deal the bitter cold keeps most people indoors local see around six hundred families have returned took a stone and it isn't easy to resume their lives. that there's no electricity the village lacks basic services like sewage and even schools most of the residents found their homes in ruin but they were turned to bring life back to normal. elsewhere in hama province aerial and ground attacks have continued the government and its allies deny the rebels accusations of violating the deescalation deal. this is the moment fighters say they shot down a military aircraft in hama activists say assad's forces have continued their push on the border between hama and live provinces. rebel groups have rejected the talks and saatchi proposed by russia after the geneva process failed to achieve a pub to peace and as temperatures drop further in the seventh winter of serious conflict the hopes of finding a solution. are there libya's internationally recognized government says people displaced from the town of to where they will be able to return to their homes in february they were forced out in september two thousand and eleven as collective punishment for attacking a rival city of misrata misrata. where he reports from tripoli. fidelia and her relatives can't hide their joy. they will finally return to their home. after away for six years some of these children were born here in this camp in tripoli yet they are holding on to their parents' dream is that it has already brought hope that we are so happy that we will finally go home we just need to settle down and live in peace now we've had enough trouble with sick and tired of the interrogation. but nobody has says she has had a terrible experience the son was accused of fighting for freedom a leader moammar gadhafi in twenty eleven and was later arrested by rebels from the city of misrata girl who doesn't know. we just need our safety to be guaranteed had we need a neutral official brigade to secure our hometown to work we don't want misrata to police to work because it used to be our adversary really you around four hundred fifty families live in this camp they don't have proper health care or sanitation so life here is tough. it is even tougher for disabled people like armor mubarak he remembers how specious and comfortable his old house back home was. it has been so difficult for us living here on all levels the place we live in hygiene education and security on many occasions gangs an armed man attacked us dollar belongings around four thousand families have been scattered in camps all over libya since september twentieth live and most of them are in benghazi and the capital tripoli for the past six years several attempts have failed to bring the people of back to their home town that's largely because those in misrata have accused them of killing people who supported the uprising against them or get their feet and they have demanded that in order for them to return the government must compensate the families of the victims. during the fall of the deficit rejean hundreds of men were captured while fighting against the rebels as a major supporter of gaddafi was used as a military base for his forces to attack misratah later around forty thousand people were forced out of whatever as collective punishment since then toward has become a ghost town. of the tripoli based a government of national accord has agreed to provide compensation to victims on both sides food for judea and ben no beer they say it feels like they will be set free after six years of imprisonment they can't wait to go back home in february until then they are counting down days. tripoli. russia's supreme court has upheld a ban on opposition leader alexina valmy running for president next year now valmy has been barred because of a fraud conviction which he says is politically motivated he is calling for his supporters to boycott the vote. it will now for the third part of our series looking ahead to the big stories of two thousand and eighteen well extraordinary events in zimbabwe last month saw the military force a longtime leader robert mugabe to resign many hope the outcome of a general election in the new year will help improve the economy and boosterism bob was standing on the world stage. ports there from harare. after decades of economic stagnation high unemployment and a shortage of cash people hope things will get better in twenty eighteen robert mugabe resigned in november after the military intervened in a seminar goggle is the new president until elections are held while they wait for an election date to be announced they are registering to vote many here say they hope no matter who wins it will be a new beginning for zimbabwe oh and your country which is full of opportunities because you know i mean you college right now i'm studying and the reason why i'm studying is because i want to work so if. there's no work for me to do then. in the past elections have been marred by allegations of vote rigging and violence opposition leaders say the military and war veterans helped keep robert mugabe in power for thirty seven years the new commander of the defense forces says things will not be different and that the army will respect what decide at the polls as we prepare for the elections in twenty. years or. become pretty new and they were doing so from the day takes place in an environment of peace and tranquility opposition and. science members say despite morgan tsvangirai health concerns he is their presidential candidate has cancer now that mugabe is gone they say they are confident about mixture. of believe that from the next noids enemies of an underground we are going to be the next government this is why they are publicly a credible voter's role could help avoid another disputed election zimbabwe is compiling a new voters role in replace the old emanuel register opposition party say is inaccurate and is dead people's names on it needed for commissions is the plan to register nearly seven million people before elections in twenty eight as the bobbins prepare for those crucial elections they hope will be credible and violence free the international community has said if things go smoothly at the polls they will be eager to invest to help ease the crippling cash crisis that could mean discreetly needed jobs most people waiting in line under the age of forty many are unemployed but they say for the first time in a long while there is hope that maybe twenty eighteen is going to be a good year. for al-jazeera. the cold weather that is gripping parts of north america could take several more days to ease in chicago heavy snowfall has buried cars and blocked roads and parts of the famous fairgoer a force of the can of the u.s. border could freeze over if the cold weather persists while the storm uncommon for temperatures to plunge to minus twenty degrees celsius and parts of north america meteorologists say the length and intensity of the cold make this weather event. or the cold weather has caused three dead the sharks washed up on a beach in massachusetts on the u.s. east coast the atlantic white shark conservancy says the three males probably got stranded and fell into cold or trying to make their way to warmer waters in the selfs. well the impact of climate change is being felt all over the world especially on low lying islands scientists say the rising water level is causing cuba to shrink latin america editor of human reports now from the coastal town of harmony. what it really is and his wife have lived by the ocean for nearly sixty years long enough to notice that something is changing especially when they look towards the key in front of them. forty or even thirty years ago during low tar you could walk over to the quay over there and you wouldn't get wet it was totally dry now the target is never lower than this it's all because of climate change. my daughter grew up here we didn't have this wall and i would lower down there to play on the rocks because it was dry. in high money does a coastal town near have vana everyone notices of the water level is rising on this no lying island it's hard to believe what i'm actually walking on top of what was a swimming pool some forty years ago removed about thirty meters away from a beach that no longer exists it's yet another undeniable example of how the ocean is eating away at much of cuba's coastline. a report prepared by the ministry of science technology and environment warns that by two thousand and fifty coastal levels will have risen twenty seven centimeters and by the end of the century it will be up by eighty five centimeters causing the island to shrink significantly. scientists argue the climate change is also provoking more frequent and stronger hurricanes flooding and at the same time prolonged periods of drought inland. the climate experts who prepared the report tell us a major action plan is being implemented to confront this new reality. we are applying new practices like planting. to increase and reproduce coral reefs and more mangroves which are key barriers for protecting the coastline and we need to adopt new construction practices in the caribbean we have experience building on stilts did list is long but scientists concede that inevitably many people will have no other choice but to leave their homes and move in to see in human just how many tests cuba uncertainty still faces more than seventy thousand people who've been living in evacuation shelters since an indonesian volcano began erupting in early november many are returning to the danger zone every day to tend to their crops and livestock that vast and reports now from a armont amount on the island of bali. you know mom got that kill stein by helping out in an emergency kitchen his family sought refuge in this government shutdown after they were forced to leave to phillips three months ago the indonesian government has ordered families not to return as long as the volcano remains at its highest alert level or so not that no one can mess up on my future looks pretty bleak if i have to stay here in the shelter how can i pay for my children's education i've got no work here at least seventy thousand villages in the danger zone have been forced to leave their homes the three months have passed and boredom has kicked in the local authorities are struggling to keep them away from danger. every morning like many others goes up the mountain back to his village a thirty kilometer journey by motorbike so bloody fielitz lies nearest to the crater and no man knows exactly how dangerous to feel kaino can be just five kilometers away so bloody village lost more than five hundred people half of its population during the ninety six and three eruption a thick layer of hot lava and huge rocks destroyed most of the houses still many people choose to face a dangerous and returning to phillips to work rather than be chopped us at the shelter. with mild asthma norming dangerously near no man and his neighbors are mining stones and sand spewed from an eruption fifty four years ago the villages are getting some benefit from the next roll disaster then to make a long running short of everyday lot i mean i force myself to be brave enough although the government doesn't allow it i'm afraid up in the shelter how long do i have to stay there so while only a little smoke comes out of cocaine or i take my chance to earn some money in case there's a major eruption hopes he will have enough time to run while the government continues to urge people to stay out of the danger zone its policy has recently become more lenient to crossing the line for law than coming. i think it does because the situation is taking so long and because it will cain is activity is not always high people to get back to advantages during the day time to work and come back to the shelter at night. but newman decides not to return to the shelter and spend the night at his house trying desperately to get his old life back hoping and praying that i and i go will go back to sleep very soon step fasten al-jazeera so bloody village. well stay with us on the news hour because still to come up we're going to look at a great start to the new tennis season for the u.s. open finalists kevin anderson peter is going to have all the details in sport. unbelievable it sounds like an agreement between a criminal both sides just like trading in stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask the question then sort of throw their hands up in the air and say i don't know i was just a nominee director with doing any investigation into. ukraine could you pay bribes you've been corrupt and i've been not corrupt i did just what the president say al-jazeera investigation is the only god coming soon they say walls have ears in palestine they also have. architecture he's used by architect that's where the trail advisement reveals the role of architecture in his radio q patient everything in this plan the rama deeds the tactical to with n.p.r. the picture for the patient just need to know how to decode the architecture of fine that's part of the rebel architecture series this time just zero. people living in the poorest neighborhood of the canadian city of vancouver face many challenges extreme poverty leaves many struggling to eat but a project run by three barbers is making sure that at least everyone can get a decent haircut any alack explains. in doing good for others humans helping humans meet the street or dog barbers during the week ross cameron and josh work at the city's top beauty salons but every sunday they're cutting coming in styling here in vancouver is downtown eastside a district where poverty and drug abuse are all too common as cameron knows for himself i have a history on the streets i was a heroin addict on that about twenty years ago i cleaned up off that and battled opiates for the last twenty years and then we started this and that's pretty much when i did my last drug the people down here were closer with them than some of our closest friends that would be the last dollar out of their pocket if you know what you should do is come next sunday ross also spent time in the same neighborhood but he too found his way out through professional hairstyling the idea behind the street thug barbers he says is that no one should give up no matter how bad things get cameron i mean we've all had our past situations where our failures maybe someone else the successes in the future so whatever we can do to help whether it's find work or support our shelters or just an ear when it's warm enough they work in a nearby park they're nonpaying customers perched on milk crates they also cut hair on the sidewalk or in back alley ways in winter they do their cutting here at the living room a drop in center and clean needle distribution point for drug addicts the manager says sunday is the happiest day of the week for her clients and it's nice when you live in a society that when you're here looked upon as being poor you know that you're look upon as being less of a humen in these guys don't do that at all. they give us five minutes of compliments and it's more than just a haircut i like you short up over my years no one who puts their name on a list run by the center is turned away the street thug barbers estimate they've trimmed and shared more than five thousand heads since they began a year and a half ago bringing happiness and haircuts to a neighborhood known mostly for urban blight and homelessness daniel lack al-jazeera on vancouver's downtown eastside. it's time to go to sports news now here is peter thank you so much twenty three time grand slam singles champion serena williams made her return to competitive tennis on saturday at the move will tennis champ. but as tatiana sanchez reports it wasn't quite the performance of fans might have expected from her. three new could in many ways already be seen as triumphant having made her return to the court just four months after giving back to her newborn baby girl alexis and. she wasn't so triumphant in the opening set of the match though losing it six two but the thirty six year old american for back to take the second that showing signs of her own story nash making the match all even the match was then taken down to a deciding tie breaker. the defending french open champion wild number seven stay dominant keeping williams on her time. after putting up some resistance the fighting spirit was so used to thinking three no eventually lost the finals that. motherhood's for an hour now. you know i was a little worried out there and then i looked at my my camp and i was like as a limb be ok you know but it's really good i'm excited and you know it's good to be back on the court serena's effort and surely fired a warning to her rivals that next month's australian open that's an affront to desire i spoke earlier with former w.c. a stiff dubois who is also a new mom she says motherhood is something that might inspire williams to go even further. when you become a mother the older priory teach changes saw it's all about the baby this st louis mine it takes a toll on the body so that's why it's so incredible that she's coming back that early after giving birth and even for me i tried to keep. the fitness a little bit after after but i have to say to do it at that quick and as you said there's a lot of you your body changes and to come back at this higher level sound looking for it to see how she's going to play in the inner. tournaments of coming sometime we forget that when they on the court is very tennessee and they're very focused but it can also give her another perspective in the world when you're outside of the core outside of your. competition your training you have this amazing little thing little baby that you going to raise their kids and i think a lot of athletes that our parents as you said it can give us that extra. maybe joy in life certainly clearly they might play also longer of their careers because they have this also with their talent so it could be. great for her even though she was a great and should be she's breaking all the records in tennis having a little girl it might even though you should levy even more months to evade to to to go as high as she could be by being a mother it's every morning you wake up and you see. your baby and there's a purpose behind it. us open finalist kevin anderson was also in action in abu dhabi at that same exhibition event anderson was in fine form and they ended up taking the overall trophy on saturday he saw for roberto about the star good in straight sets and in so doing adding to his trophy career collection. before their world number five the money team recovered from an earlier loss to anderson in abu dhabi at that same event the austrian was back in form against spain's pablo carrier most on saturday team winning six three and six for roger federer has begun he season with a win he led switzerland to victory over japan in the opening tie of the hopman cup match in perth mixed team events in the line up with compared to belinda bench which both won they singles matches and sealed switzerland's clean sweep with a two six two one win in the past few doubles. and the united states of america are on track for a seventh title of to beating russia two one coco van the way started things off with a straight sets win over around a start you're publishing for world of ajax and then they did two zero as he beat carter in such an off before russia salvaged some pride with a win in the fast forward douglas. now in the english premier league champions chelsea were in dominant form on saturday at home against stoke city and sonja conti's men dished out a five nil hiding against the visitors they were actually three nil up inside the first twenty three minutes five different chelsea players found the back of the net as they moved to second place in the overall standings yeah i think we started. was that the very word. we wanted these wanted this and. i'm very pleased for the performance of all the players i'm very pleased to finish another game with another cliché. i think. we are showing the. good solidity of. liverpool did not have it as easy in their game against leicester after going one zero down mohammad salas scored twice in the second half to ensure a two one win for years and top team now majesty united slipped to third in the table after they drew no no against southampton at old trafford a win would have seen them retake second place that obviously belongs to chelsea melbourne with beat everton two one newcastle drew with brighton and watford were beaten at home by swanzy england's cricketers have again been denied by australia in the ashes series as their fourth taste in melbourne ended in a draw of the captain steve smith steered the side with a century in a match that had been hit by several rain delays australia have already won the trophy back from the english after taking an unassailable three lead in the five match series the two sides now had to sydney for their final test where england will be hoping to end their frustrating to with a first win in australia since twenty eleven. and finally as athletes continue their preparations for the upcoming winter olympics in pyongyang one man looks likely to defend these a limping title in ski jumping then off to coming away with a win at the first ski jumping world cup event of the sixty sixth for heels tournament on saturday poland's come you'll start was a fourth off to a jump of a one hundred twenty six meters in his first attempt but the second round if it gave him victory at all but still in germany he produced a leap of one hundred thirty seven meters giving him the lead and he has now moved to third place in the overall world cup standing. that's all the sport for now barbara more later peter thank you for that and that is it for me and the rest of the news our team for now this there with the stuff going to be back in just a few minutes with more of the things on. the offense being a journalist the crime practicing journalism. must go to same detained for three hundred sixty five days without charge. journalism is not a crime mamata sane is not a criminal. free mahmoud hussain. twenty seventeen has been full of stories that have changed the global political landscape and al-jazeera has been there to cover them all. joining us as we look back at some of our most memorable interviews of the year and a special edition of talk to al-jazeera at this time. january. african heads of state and government. for the state assembly of the african union where the goals set out say in twenty seventeen minutes rewind returns with brand new episodes updating some of the best al-jazeera documentaries from over the years the biggest names in politics in business will meet in the swiss alps for the world economic forum what will be talk of the agenda. engages in rigorous debate cutting through the headlines on the front and in a week our special coverage will be gauging reaction from around the world to america's most controversial president of modern times january on. iran calls on its citizens to avoid what it terms in gold gatherings as protests over the country's eight continue for a third for. watching i'll just.

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