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Korean aggression secretary of state to listen addresses the u. N. On korea amid signs the u. S. Must be prepared to talk to pyongyang. But there im chillin with some of this is sound as they were live from london also coming up at least three palestinians have been killed and Dozens Injured during protests in gaza and the west bank over the use of the. E. U. Leaders say breaks it talks can now move on the disagreements are opening up within the twenty seven over migration. And donald trump addresses the f. B. I. After the white has accused the agency of bias against the president. Very warm welcome to the program the United Nations secretary general says its time to reestablish immediately and strengthen Communication Channels with north korea and to enable good terrorists was speaking at the u. N. Security Council Meeting on pyongyangs Ballistic Missile program well last month john young tested its most valued intercontinental Ballistic Missile yet in direct defiance of International Pressure and using sections well the u. S. Secretary of state to listen says the u. S. Will continue to pursue a diplomatic resolution with north korea but the u. S. Military remains at the ready. We are not going to accept preconditions you heard others have called for freeze for freeze we do not accept a freeze for freeze as a precondition to talks we do not accept any relaxing of the sanctions regime as a precondition of talks we do not accept a resumption humanitarian assistance as a precondition of talks so we are not going to accept preconditions for these talks but as i indicated in my remarks our communication Communication Channels remain open. North korea knows theyre open they know where the door is they know where to walk through that door when they want to talk michaela joins us live now from the e. U. And in new york there mike still some up for us whats been said today about the way forward for the u. S. And north korea. Well what is made very clear is that on the face of it the Security Council members all agree on the need for sanctions they all agree that dialogue would be preferable to any form of naked confrontation the differences within the council is how to get to that particular point and here the split becomes immensely apparent at the u. S. Insisting that there has to be a sustained sation after threatening action by north korea before dialogue can take place russia and china are adamant that the u. S. Needs to display some three used to reflect or react to a north korean freeze in other words it must give up or end its joint military exercises that undertakes with south korea the u. S. Says no it will not do so but it demands that north korea unilaterally suspend its Weapons Program the in this all of this the north Korean Ambassador was in the chamber he was given permission by the president of the Security Council to attend a very rare occasion for a north Korean Ambassador to be in the Security Council chamber he insisted that korea had north korea had a right to a nuclear Weapons Program and it needed it against what he said was u. S. Aggression that the. Dispensable Nuclear Power or peace or love means that you sincerely its a non put if lucian or really good own human the people or the international the and the put the would put the two or with no report the superbug dingwall the peace in the beauty. And mike washo with singled out for criticism why. Well the u. S. Secretary of state was adamant that russia along with china were not doing all they should in terms of implementing sanctions that have already been applied and voted on by the Security Council the secretary of state said that some countries are making pretending that they are implementing these sanctions but meanwhile are secretly not doing so as affectively as they could do he subsequently in his speech singled out china and russia in particular for not doing all they could do to push through and implemented sanctions that are already in place once again russia and china completely denied this they had said that they were keeping as much pressure as possible on north korea and responding to secretary tillerson the point with the clear position that the real issue here was the u. S. Insistence on a unilateral freeze from north korea while it continued to maintain military exercises with south korea something that both russia and china vehemently opposed to so agreement in the Security Council about what the end result should be but very big differences on how are you going to get there my camera there live that with the latest new u. N. Mike thank you. Freethinker been killed and scores of others injured in demonstrations in gaza and the west bank against u. S. President tom trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel protests as were blasted by live rounds were coated steel bullets and tear gas in response to widespread demonstrations every faucet reports occupied East Jerusalem. On the outskirts of ramallah in the occupied west Bank Israeli Forces are filmed confronting a palestinian man before shooting him three times last as he sat on the street as they approach the troops appear to see something and leave quickly away the man was apparently wearing a suicide bomb belt its unclear whether it was a genuine device or a fake Israeli Police say he had just stabbed a member of its border force paramedics took him away. They were further clashes after friday prayers in gaza as palestinians again protested against the u. S. President s recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel the cross border confrontation bringing more palestinian deaths. Earlier tens of thousands had taken to the strips main north south road to march in protest. The Palestinian People are expressing that they reject strums decision and they are holding on to jerusalem as the historical capital of the Palestinian People. At the heart of occupied East Jerusalem tens of thousands prayed then protested at the al aqsa mosque. Through the old city and i had damascus gate exit Israeli Forces were waiting for them they barricaded off the square preventing a repeat of last fridays protests where hundreds gathered on the steps still some tried to stay here and chant but most were pushed quickly away Israeli Forces have been trying to prevent a repeat of the protests that took place after friday prayers here in the square outside damascus gate last week theyve barricaded off there was a group of largely middle aged and some elderly women have been for some time theyre now being forcefully clear. Several arrests were made in these limited scuffles again the protests much smaller here than in gaza and the occupied west bank. Are public or out in the mosque compound and here at damascus gate but the occupation has a large force as well as private and undercover units Israeli Forces are certainly doing all they can to quell this reaction to the trunk declaration that the anger is deeply felt in the protests go on air force at aljazeera occupied East Jerusalem where correspondent alan fischer is in gaza with more on whats been happening. The ambulance is evidenced by all afternoon ready to treat the injured and the wounded and there have been a number of them you can see the clashes that been going on down close to the border about two hundred meters from where im standing the six movies know just clearing thats tires that were set alight to stop the israelis targeting people on the side of the border and the scene has been repeated in seven spots across the gaza strip. Weve seen the palestinians throw stones over the border the israelis well they have used bullets and they have used tear gas weve seen several volleys of tear gas come into this field people had to be treated for both for the gunshots and for the tear gas in fact the amount of show being carried into an ambulance but a bullet wound to the neck i suspect he will be in a critical condition. We saw a massive rally in guys a house a car for a million man rally on one street the length of gas enough the size fifty five kilometers long and thousands and thousands of people attended out we saw them from hamas from fatah from a number of political groups and organizations that. This bill hi dear said that that proves the dont trumpet united the palestinians over such a controversial decision to say that jerusalem was israels capital were expecting the clashes to go on for some time into the night as well and just now i can feel and taste the tear gas which is being fired thats why people are moving away you can actually taste the tear gas is beginning to by my eyes and with i think were going to move back as well. Latest have given the go ahead from talks to move on to the next stage of negotiations they say they will focus on trade after making enough progress on Citizens Rights yarosh border and high much the u. K. Has to pay to leave but just Prime Minister to resign may have hailed the decision as an important step to phillipss in brussels where hes been following the negotiations. She left early job it hasnt been easy but europes leaders say its time to Start Talking about the future relationship with britain after it leaves the e. U. In twenty nineteen but dont expect any dramatic early progress at this time for you twenty seven preparations and. To get more clarity on the vision on that basis we should. Start negotiations next year none of the other e. U. Twenty seven countries wanted breaks it still hope that it can be reversed somehow but they all want a final agreement and so the talks do go on but even on brets there is unanimity on the other issues the e. U. Remains badly divided. On Migration Europe is a continent divided poland the Czech Republic slovakia and hungry will not accept the bodice refugee quotas that the e. U. Agreed back in twenty fifteen the talks went on into the early hours to no avail to use it to show off either politically it was a type of political close calm but good news is that we agreed on the socalled external issues of migration protecting our borders and stopping the migrants outside them the bad news is that we still disagree on resettlement and immigration there are still many large forces who dont want to stop migration but want to bring migrants into europe and afterwards distribute them on a compulsory basis. Other leaders are furious not least the one who risked her political future by admitting close to a million refugees to her country in twenty fifty. Two is a good mark i made very clear that im not satisfied with the fact the rules we have are not working solidarity cannot just apply externally but also must be internal on this we have lots of work to do the positions have not changed but we plan to continue to work on this until june of next year. All they can agree on for now is to spend more money securing europes borders keeping refugees out at this summit some of the most difficult issues confronting the constant were discussed but ultimately deferred battery phillips aljazeera brussels still to come. Its. Hard to confirm. As since new leader finalizing the departure of. Former economy minister has given an eight year jail time in a multimillion dollar bribery case. Hello european weathers been a bit well cloudy wet snow we recently saw about consolidated seven karen is there is quite a big mess and all this time he represents are the rain or snow is being driven by a big circulation over the low country and eventually thats going to be a northerly which means everything gets colder so you see snow rather than anything else rain is confined this is during saturday to the sudden asiatics or ups or albania macedonia a line that takes you through hungary and eventually towards moscow back edge snow but mainly were talking about rain but it hasnt used dry weather to italy the still flooding in northern italy in the flat ground and you can see sunshine a northerly reason five degrees in london thats fairly typical cold winter it gets slightly warmer on sunday but that cold is reached right through the mediterranean by this time so its dried up now through the balkans maybe spinning shero to athens is to eighty degrees would be folk think by the time evening comes around and its not rain west in parts of turkey so all this is proper winter now this side of year but as yet weve got to get there and were getting there by driving down the cold air with clouds and rain through northern morocco and north korea and northern tunisia. This siege by Violent Crime and drugs. Confronted by reeses and integration. Or are now out of syria traces the history of first generation lebanese australian. Exploring the conflicts. And the struggle for acceptance. Once upon a time in punchbowl at this time on aljazeera. Our minds of our top stories here on aljazeera the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrorist says its time to reestablish and strengthen Communication Channels with north korea at a meeting. People have been killed in demonstrations in gaza and the west bank against u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. Breaks in negotiations with britain cannot move on to trade after sufficient progress was made on Citizens Rights the irish border and how much the u. K. Has to pay to leave. Her is congress has moved to impeach the president over alleged links to a major Corruption Scandal involving the Brazilian Construction Firm older bricked politicians across the divide supported the motion to impeach pedal power kaczynski for moral incapacity documents sent to congress to show that a Company Owned by kaczynski received hundreds of thousands of dollars of payments from older bricks about a decade ago the president of Congress Says he could see it within a week kaczynski has denied any wrongdoing. Yes president own trump is giving a speech at the f b i National Economy in for ginia he addressed hundreds of Law Enforcement personnel who just completed their training earlier on friday the white house revealed what it described as quote extremely vyas gets trump the Senior Leadership of the f. B. I. Can really help it has more now from washington d. C. Now there is concern by some democratic lawmakers on capitol hill that the president could use those attacks from those two f. B. I. Agents as leverage to try and hold Robert Muller accountable for the actions of his subordinates even attempting to try and shut down the probe into russian meddling ad obstruction of justice by the u. S. President at the same time the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein testifying before lawmakers on capitol hill this week saying in fact that it is his belief that f. B. I. Agents can hold their own political opinions as professionals it will have no impact on their ability to do their job award or it has been ordered to pay ten Million Dollars in compensation to child soldiers in the democratic republic of congo thomas a bank that was convicted of war crimes five years ago but the International Criminal court is only now i would put a figure on it but how will the victims get their compensation under simmons explains. Was jailed for fourteen years at the International Criminal court in twenty twelve convicted of abducting children and forcing them to join his militia with a fourteen year jail sentence came a ruling that lou bangle was personally liable for compensating his victims has taken five years to put some sort of value on the trauma and suffering along with the loss of childhoods and education. The judges identified four hundred twenty five child victims all under fifteen years old but the presiding judge said there were hundreds possibly thousands of additional victims many of the girls were forced repeatedly to have sex with their captors and faced stigmatise ation and rejection when they finally returned home but lou banga says he has no money at all so how will his victims get compensation but were looking at huge numbers so money will always be a shortfall and what will be important is what kind of support what kind of reparations are we giving these collective preparations that will be the main issue to look at and it needs to be can stay contextually and adapted it needs to be based on what these children in their communities some of them who are adults now what they need now this is the type of collective compensation planned here a Rehabilitation Center for former child soldiers the independent trust fund for victims which will administer i. C. C. Reparations wants to go much further than this project it has a three year plan that would include schooling for all ages along with medical and psychological treatment its meant to be funded by one a quarter Million Dollars set aside in the lubanga case but its likely the i. C. C. Will be looking to its Member States for much of the funding and lou bangar may appeal against the compensation award his lawyer says his client is becoming a scapegoat for all child soldiers and drew simmons aljazeera. Zimbabwes ruling party has finalized Robert Mugabes from move as president at a special congress in harare nearly to Emerson Milagro has been confirmed as a candidate for next years election he told zanu p. F. Members the whole vote must be credible free and fair was inaugurated last month after a military over harmattan more now from harare. After days of people wondering whether prison and our goal will scrap some of Robert Mugabes black empowerment policies he made his position very clear on land reform thats the policy that saw land seized from white farmers more than twenty years gone given to black zimbabweans he says that policy land reform is here to stay he says evil is to remove it it will be a betrayal to the men and women who fought in the Liberation War for independence to end whites minority rule he said is the point of a soldier in charge of the Agriculture Ministry he says that soldier is retired in martial here in syria he said hes confident the man knows how to follow orders and he will make sure the farmers on the land will be more productive he did also focused a lot on the economy he promised to tackle corruption he says will ease the cash flow to us and that he will create jobs as army and members here as the congress endorsed him as the twenty eight president ial candidates and regardless of that those elections will be free the and credible he asked International Community to remove sanctions imposed on the country and on certain individuals for lives human rights abuses he says those sanctions arent going to help improve the economy and some people who are fired for supporting problem are garbage day positions has been replaced by people who are closely aligned to when i got well but he said he will name his two Vice President s in a few days time. Here and commission for human rights says that some civilians and sudan are being targeted for murder and rape based on their ethnicity fighting began shortly after the country gained independence twenty thirteen thousands of people have been killed and millions forced from their homes but morgan visited one un camp and sent this report juba. A few cloths and cooking pots are all violent only has other displaced people at the u. N. Camp in juba donated them when she arrived in september after fleeing her hometown one of our i wont i why is that our house was burnt my husband was inside we came here with only the clothes on our back we had no way to go but this un camp the soldiers burnt our houses her mother in law who was injured escaping her burning home fled with her that was when everyone was running to the bush i was injured when i was trying to flee when the house was on fire i came here with my daughter because we needed shelter and i needed treatment fighting started in december twenty third team less than three years after independence was gained from sudan south sudans president salva kiir accused his former Vice President riek machar of plotting a coup to oust him since then fighting has largely been across ethnic lines and spread to the capital last year when a Peace Agreement failed four years of war has not only resulted in the deaths of thousands of south sudanese almost four million of the twelve million population have been displaced from their homes and the un says all warring sides have committed grave atrocities in nearly every part of the country the un also says that Sexual Violence targeted killing and displacement and control of how it is delivered is being used to hurt civilians the head of the Uns Commission of human rights in south sudan says many attacks could amount to work rhymes and crimes against humanity you have a particular way of beginning to look at whether or not something constitutes a war crime or a crime against humanity but on the face of it yes these crimes seem to have taken place in south Sudan Government leaders in south sudan say they are not linked to potential war crimes those who do attack civilians will be held accountable we have. That. Think happened. But the happen with the individual taking the law into that order and thats when as the comes to you know. Who said first they are always you know taken to book for viola pony no amount of accountability will bring back her husband or their burnt out home but she says justice will bring her some closure so she can move on with her life and raise her kids even morgan aljazeera juba a Russian Court has sentenced a former economy mysis eight years in prison alexiou could have has been found guilty of corruption after accepting a two Million Dollars bribe from an oil giant but he says he was framed sonia cagle has more now from moscow. He was once russias economy minister now alexy all you kyra have is an ex politician with a conviction for bribery and his fall from grace has been a stark reminder that not even government officials can escape the unpredictable nature of the countrys Justice System we have was sent to prison for eight years and fined for accepting a two Million Dollars bribe. The sentence which was announced today is a representation of the supremacy of the law and the inevitability of punishment for any individual who violates the law irrespective of their position it was last november when problems began during a meeting with the c. E. O. Of russias main state oil company he was presented with a heavy bag was arrested shortly after and accused of accepting a cash bribe of two Million Dollars we have said he believed that the bag contained bottles of wine and accused of setting him up the case has generated a lot of interest in just how much influence mr putins inner circle has for example mr surgeon is not only the head of russias all join these headquarters situated just a bit but hes also a long time close ally of mr freeze in the direct line to the kremlin and apparently not about to cross such an oar summoned as a witness in the case four times but he failed to show up saying he was an able because of work commitments a legal irregularity but not one that seemed to bother the president. As far as i understand it i have of course paid some attention because i saw the public reaction to it and there was no violation of law in that case and according to investigation there was enough material gathered with you pleading testimonies by section himself but i agree with you that searching could have come to the court whats bad about it he would repeat everything that he said during the preliminary investigation and question any of the target the dawn. Should be such a high ranking official this is a signal to Civil Servants in russia are all trolls or rules or informal rules no longer work in the way he can feel secure mr all you can have says he intends to appeal against the verdict he had maintained his innocence throughout the trial but this case also exposed the infighting in russias elites as well as the strength of putins allies sony vaio aljazeera moscow. A far right Political Party in chile is expected to play a key well determining the winner of sundays president ial one off if they dont want to surprising eight percent of the votes in the first round and is now supporting former president Sebastian Pinera a latin america at its embassy in yemen reports now from santiago. Its Early Morning as. That prepares to get in the saddle and that. This finance director of an upscale Real Estate Company is passionate about chilean rodeo and its as traditional as his political views. But is that represents what many see as the reemergence of a hard line conservative faction or. A segment of chileans who voted for this man in last months first round president ial election. Cast when a surprising eight percent of votes guarded as an extreme right winger he boasted that former military dictator Augusto Pinochet would have voted for him while hes still alive you noble young i voted for the man who best represented mean for example social values when im against abortion and same sex marriage i dont think same sex couples should be allowed to adopt children. Cast has asked supporters to back center right president ial candidates of us in sundays highly competitive runoff but at what price a former president assured al jazeera that hes made no deals with the hardliners who consider him to a liberal democracy. I have received jose antonio cast support with no conditions i wont swing further right or left but many have their doubts this is santiagos Business Center son hobson after manhattan what are you like in most developed countries where the rich and powerful are more lets call it politically here in chile ninety percent of the Business Elite is conservative. And wields a huge amount of political influence. Many of them like cast want to reduce corporate taxes and reverse social reforms that are the hallmarks of the current left wing government. Which raises the question of what role the new right could play in the next government if bring it up a billionaire businessman returns to the president ial palace you see in human i just see that sent down. And if you want to take a look at the stories were following head to our website at aljazeera dont call weve got loads of video on demand right there and articles from our correspondents all over the world. Combined our top stories here around the United Nations secretary general says its time to reestablish immediately and strengthen Communication Channels with north korea and tonia the terrorist was speaking at the u. N. Security Council Meeting on Ballistic Missile program last month both korea tested its most advanced intercontinental Ballistic Missile yet direct defiance of International Pressure u. N. Sanctions u. S. Secretary of state rice to this is as the u. S. Will continue to pursue a diplomatic resolution with go with korea but the u. S. Military remains at the ready we are not going to accept preconditions you heard others have called for freeze for freeze we do not accept a freeze for freeze as a precondition to talks we do not accept any relaxing of the sanctions regime as a precondition of talks we do not accept a resumption of humanitarian assistance as a precondition of talks so we are not going to accept preconditions for these talks but as i indicated in my remarks our communication Communication Channels remain open north korea knows theyre open they know where the door is they know where to walk through that door when they want to talk. Three people have been killed in demonstrations in gaza and the west bank against u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel medical groups eighty four others have been injured in gaza five seriously President Trump also announced last week that the u. S. Embassy would be relocated to jerusalem tel of the e. U. Leaders have given the go ahead for breaks it talks to move on to the next stage of negotiations they say they can now focus on trade after making enough progress on Citizens Rights the irish border and how much the u. K. Has to pay to leave the e. U. U. S. President has given a speech at the f. B. I. National academy in virginia earlier on friday the white house revealed what it described as quote extremely biased against strong amongst the Senior Leadership of the f. B. I. About ways ruling parties finalize Robert Mugabes removal as president at a special congress in harare a new leader and listen man and has been confirmed as the candidate for next years election until members of the us be credible free and fair was inaugurated last month after a military takeover up front is coming up next. When the right to free speech conflicts with protecting minorities how should democracies respond and do muslim communities every particular problem with the principle of Free Expression or has an islam been on thoroughly targeted the debate over free speech from special

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