Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171211 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171211

glamour shot kerry this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes. a middle east trifecta joins turkey's president to condemn the u.s. jerusalem declaration orders russian forces to leave syria and. egypt. thousands of house philosophy words rally and lebanon against the u.s. recognition. capitol. i was forcibly kissed by mr trump during our first introduction banding together for women who have accused the president of sexual misconduct speak out and call for calm brushing all investigation. another record high for a bit coin after making its trading debut on the futures market but how bright is the future for the crypto currency. from the crisis to the war in syria russia's president vladimir putin has been staking his claim in the middle east on a whirlwind tour of the region the first stop was a surprise visit to associate airbase in syria's tuckey a province that's where putin ordered a partial withdrawal of his troops from syria he then flew to cairo for a planned talks with the egyptian president. and then double back and headed north to ankara for a meeting with turkey's president russia type amato reports a warm welcome for russian president vladimir putin in the talk. of its final destination in the two he has been to syria and egypt to. kremlin says the trip is meant to strengthen russian ties with these nations in ankara president putin an ado on what you've got to showcase improving relations between their countries they both criticized president all trumps decision on jerusalem but you weren't really sure you. should both russia and turkey think that the decision of the us to recognize to resell them as the capital of israel is not helping to solve the situation in the middle east it is destabilizing it and it can wipe out the prospect of peace or maybe kirby this utilitarian to tune in could. the u.s. decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel has caused outrage in the whole world it has caused disappointment and it is an irresponsible step to take it as a result the heightened tensions are obvious putting an ad on also discussed bilateral issues including trade tourism and joint energy projects relations between uncrowned will score have come a long way since november two thousand and fifteen when turkey doand a russian fighter jet the two didn't see eye to eye on most issues regarding syria but still have differences on the future role of president bashar assad and the issue of syrian kurdish fighters the wife e.g. put in began his wall when chip in syria the fust time the russian president was that the country since the start of the war the least seven years ago he was greeted by senior officers and warmly embraced by president. potence forces have been helping his troops is two thousand and fifteen when the syrian government was on the brink of collapse in a speech put in declared victory over what he described as terrorists and announced a partial pullout of his soldiers from city. to the general command i give this order russia's military presence in syria has come to an end the motherland awaits you friends safe journey i thank you for your service put in also pledged to continue to support syria militarily by keeping some of these forces on the ground here then departed for the egyptian capital there he met president of the fatah al sisi the leaders have been strengthening ties in recent years putting n.c.c. also signed a deal on nuclear power the growing ties between russia and the second largest recipient of u.s. military aid after israel egypt could potentially strained relations between cairo and washington and yet another sign of putting attempts to expand russia's influence across the middle east mohammed at all just syria and kyra. mark katz is a nonresident fellow at the arab gulf states institute in washington d.c. he's also a professor of government and politics at george mason university he joins us now via skype from virginia thank you for your time so syria turkey egypt all in one day what do you what do you make of what putin is up to besides frequent flyer miles. well i think you know that with drone syria is a more russian domestic politics that he's announced he's running for a fourth term the one thing the russian public really wants to be reassured about is that they're not going to be stuck with another. and so i think that it's this announcement he's withdrawing but also that he's somehow syria is meant to reassure them that it's not going to fall further. so he also spoke out very forcefully about how he disagrees with the u.s. decision to declared for islam the capital of israel and actually you know the past few days were spent a lot of pushback from a lot of other countries but russia was one of the last major countries we hadn't heard from star now he has said something is he trying to position himself in a way to have a role in any potential future peace process. well i think that he would like russia to be seen as having such a role it is curious because i think it was last april when putin himself recognized east jerusalem with a capital of a future palestinian state and western hussam with the capital with israel and i'm sure in a certain sense the trumpet ministration feels that they're not doing anything so different from but of course the way in which they announced it is it's very different and so i think though that it is certainly positioning himself as a more reasonable negotiator and that you know. it's an easy thing for for the russian president to do to resign with the arabs obviously on this issue almost low hanging fruit really so. a lot of our pick and also as we mentioned turkey and egypt getting fairly close to those countries which are u.s. allies what does the u.s. see when they look at that. well i think with with egypt it's not so much a concern i think that. the u.s. sees egypt is continuing to rely upon the u.s. if they also want to have relations with russia maybe washington doesn't really like it but that are not in a strong position to to object turkey i think is another issue there is there's concerns about whether turkey will remain of the nato alliance that turkey seems to be increasingly hostile to for america in the last on the other hand i think. while the u.s. sees russia as moving toward turkey then there's no understanding that there's a lot of hostility differences between russia and turkey and that the relationship is probably not going to get too close because of president order was is very prickly with the west on certain issues he's probably going to be pretty with russia on certain issues as well ok mr katz mark katz thank you very much thank you anger over the u.s. decision to recognize them as the capital of israel is still going strong thousands of hezbollah supporters took to the streets of lebanon chanting death to america. their groups later accuse some arab nations of supporting the u.s. and all arabs to unite against america. that maybe even. we are all in this war we have all experiences our brothers in gaza any demonstrations no matter how big or small only give more resistance and will make us feel that we are not alone the american is really resolution which is supported by some arab countries the aim of it to clear the palestinian cause that's the danger that the palestinian people face we should confront the nation as a whole should confront this dangerous american project and try to impose a solution for the palestinian people. so you know her has more from beirut. the capital of israel in one way or the other is serving hezbollah's interests because hezbollah really has long championed the palestinian cause as its own ever since its inception. three decades ago and as of late in the past two years come under a lot of criticism of the sauce a lot of support in the arab world and here in lebanon for militarily intervening in syria many people no longer regarded it as a resistance movement it became a sectarian militias and it was serving iran's interests but now hezbollah saying the fight against isis is driving down the so-called resistance axis will now focus on jerusalem its main cause so in one way or another the hezbollah is trying to gain a legitimacy in the eyes of many in the arab world saying that. arab states should support the palestinian intifada uprising he said the so-called resistance axis what they call it is resistance axis they should come together and come up with a strategy to confront israel but he stopped short of saying what action should be taken against israel because at the end of the day it will have a domestic backlash because it has opponents levanon that it cannot take any decision to wage war or peace on its own very carefully worded speech but clearly hezbollah trying. again in one way or the other some sort of political capital from trump's decision. and while israel's prime minister has urged europe to follow washington slade and recognized this country's capital benjamin netanyahu met a u. foreign ministers from brussels where he faced resistance to that suggestion and pressure to restart the peace process with palestinians that came reports. a wintry monday morning greeted benjamin netanyahu in brussels but the chill in the air outside was seemingly absent inside as he met federica. her role as e.u. foreign policy chief is to seek compromise where possible but his message regarding the status of jerusalem was an ambiguous i believe everyone though we don't have an agreement that this is what will happen in the future i believe that all or most of the european countries will move their embassies to jerusalem recognize crucial in this israel's work up little but many e.u. leaders disagree criticizing president donald trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital as fanning the flames of protest for her part morgan any reiterated the e.u.'s official position we believe. that the only realistic solution to the conflicts between israel and palestine is based on two states which it was as the capital of both the state of israel and the state of palestine along the sixty seven line. another element of netanyahu is visit was meeting the e.u.'s many foreign ministers around the table with him where the representatives of at least two governments have said they will recognize jerusalem as israel's capital which means although the e.u. tries to speak with one voice on this issue there are some dissenters and raising the question of how successful europe can be as an intermediary in the middle east the e.u. is not a victim of its own lack of involvement the involvement is still there it was never front line and what won't but was there it is a victim of the one sided position of president despite all the spin that we're hearing now but for the moment at least many here believe president trump's actions have put the prospect of progress in the middle east in the deep freeze don it came out zero brussels palestinians had then protesting and against a visit by a bahraini delegation to israel the bahrain news agency says the trip by an interfaith group is a personal initiative but israeli media has reported its part of efforts to strengthen ties between israel and bahrain alan fischer reports from occupy. that story behind the really delegation has kept a relatively low profile since arriving at the weekend the turned down interview requests twenty five people from expat group city want to build peace and cooperation the visit was organized by a jewish group the simon wiesenthal center in los angeles but one expert says the timing sends a terrible message as that ali is they were trying to do a big fuss out of this. in the media that. this group coming from bahrain and all kind of relation you know with with the arab world is. usual they have been protests across jerusalem in the occupied west bank says donald trump and i used his unilateral decision that the u.s. would recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel there's been widespread condemnation across the world to the group says its trip had been planned for months it was reported locally that the bahraini delegation wanted to visit a mosque while they were here a senior official at the mosque said that given the trip was facilitated by the israelis they would not be welcomed was. of course on social media suggested the group was heading to gaza it sparked protests at the crossing with israel with locals determined to block them there's no confirmation the group ever planned to visit gaza one palestinian political analyst believes the bahraini visit is part of a bigger global picture than in the un but in maybe a moderate also they began to be many can because this is something wanted to go in there wanted to in the tool room to make in their relation with israel and america against iran because that they. began to be notoriously ill that's difficult for us the bahraini delegation include sunni and shia muslims christians a hindu and the sikh they will leave on wednesday alan fischer al jazeera in occupied east jerusalem. iran's president says his country is ready to restore ties to saudi arabia if it stops bombing yemen and cuts ties with israel hassani made the comments during a speech in parliament on sunday tehran and riyadh sever diplomatic relations in january of last year after iranian protesters attacked a saudi diplomatic mission demonstrators were angry over the killing of a prominent shia cleric in saudi arabia. followed. we want two things from saudi arabia still. the same as. we have no other problems. let's go to establish good will that this should be the ones who started the. coming out and the news hour. where venezuela's opposition leader where is he after nicolas maduro bans them from running and next year's presidential election. human rights in north korea are the focus of a meeting at the u.n. . a blockbuster battle the match unveiled in the last sixteen of football's most lucrative club competition details in sport. judges at the international criminal court have criticized jordan for failing to arrest sudanese president omar all alba share the share his wanted on genocide charges was in amman last march attending the arab league summit and the i.c.c. complained to the un that the sudanese president was not detained there are two international warrants for his arrest on ten charges arising from the conflict and are full warrants were issued by the i.c.c. in two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten but so far he has evaded arrest. britain's defense minister tells al-jazeera he is hoping for a swift end to the political crisis in the gulf gavin williamson made the comments today after qatar agreed to buy twenty four fighter jets from britain in a six point seven billion dollars deal williamson called the sale of the planes a massive vote of confidence in supporting british jobs are to are set to be delivered in late two thousand and twenty two. plays an important role in terms of talking with all parties and encouraging a dialogue and encouraging all countries to come together i think we very much welcome what kuwait date in hosting g.c.c. and we would like to see more moves going forward to build on that corp make sure that the gulf states start working together again ensuring peace and prosperity going to cross for gold opposition politician. has been arrested released rather released from detention in ukraine the former georgian president was arrested on friday accused of conspiring to topple ukraine's leader petro poroshenko allegations he denies trying to hall has more. following large demonstrations on sunday supporters of opposition figure in ukraine mikhail saakashvili confronted police outside a courthouse in the capital of inside a plastic defendant's box the former president of georgia saakashvili responded to allegations that he conspired to topple ukraine's president the chocolate billionaire petro poroshenko. for various people over. there. we raced over water to grow. the profit out of the you were once an ally of poroshenko saakashvili accuses him of failing to fulfill the anti corruption promise that was central to mass street protests in two thousand and fourteen against the then russian backed government. a prominent backer of the street uprising saakashvili had been rewarded with ukrainian citizenship and the governorship of the western region now he and his supporters many of them soldiers return from the front lines in the country's east are demanding impeachment when you get your way. we have forty enough we don't want any more wars or bloodshed but if poroshenko does not do what he is obliged to do and uses force against us then we will respond adequately the man who led former soviet georges rose revolution who then has georges leader fought an ill fated war with russia denies plotting with russian businessmen to overthrow poroshenko the latest dramatic chapter in saakashvili career saw him arrested on a clear rooftop last week before being freed by supporters from a police van and then rearrested. now released pending trial he places a possible five years in jail. the united nations says north korea's human rights violations are on the rise while the country focuses on its nuclear and missile tests they security council discussed reports that about thirteen million people had been hit by severe food shortages other concerns are present torture and controls over freedom of movement mike hanna has more this is the fourth annual discussion of human rights abuses in north korea and on previous occasions china attempted to move the talks behind closed doors arguing that public discussion could undermined any attempts to renew dialogue but it failed to get the nine votes necessary and the talks went ahead in public among those who addressed the council was the un's political chief who warned often under reported looming humanitarian disaster. the d.p. r. k. is a forgotten crises on the global humanitarian agenda an estimated eighteen million people that is seventy percent of the population are suffering from food insecurity and then and a half million people representing forty one percent of the population are undernourished a number of victims of human rights also addressed the council as did the high commissioner for human rights who spoke of a prison system that could only be described as horrific torture is widespread in detention centers overseen by the ministry of state security and the ministry of people security detainees who work in mines or infrastructure projects in conditions of severe deprivation people held in these camps have told my star for being beaten by prison guards or other inmates and being fed so little they barely survive there will be a ministerial level discussion in the security council on the issue of north korean disarmament on friday and the u.n. envoy who's recently visited north korea will also be briefing the security council in the days ahead bangladesh unmanned mar working on a plan to send hundreds of thousands of her head to refugees back to me and mar the un and rights say the plan is flawed because it doesn't guarantee their protection when they return al-jazeera style stratfor that one refugee has fled violence in me and maher four times of the last seven decades he says this time he will not return . abdu salam says he is over one hundred years old his wife mustafa begum guides him to the shelter in the coup to par long refugee camp he says the first time he fled violence in what was then burma was when the british were fighting the japanese during world war two but he has fled military crackdowns on the region just three times since then in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight one thousand nine hundred ninety two and two and a half months ago and this time he says he won't go back. to what it i feel bad for my home but i'm afraid to go back because they could kill and says there's no point in sending us back to myanmar because there is no security force there rights groups say the ranger have suffered systematic atrocities by the myanmar army in recent months hundreds of range of villages have been destroyed and burned to the ground the un says women have been gang raped by myanmar soldiers. it's estimated that hundreds of ranger men women and children have been killed but the bangladeshi and myanmar government so already working on a plan to send back hundreds of thousands of refugees to myanmar they say will be voluntary and he aimed to start in two months. so what would the range of refugees go back to inside me and the myanmar government doesn't recognise them as an ethnic group it withdrew their citizenship in one thousand nine hundred eighty two giving them limited access to education and health care and making them vulnerable to arbitrary arrest now the un says how can a people go back to a country in which they are still vulnerable to the kind of violence and persecution from which they fled. the un says the root causes of persecution such as lack of citizenship must be addressed first. may suffer more violence one of the things we need to really underscores we shouldn't rush into this condition for return need to be addressed and we're clear conditions today in me and are not right for refugees to go. up to salaam says his village like many others was burned down by the myanmar military he has nowhere to go back to roman law they will not allow a single ranger to live there he says it will slow through school please don't send this bank as bait for the monster. the fear of a man who has fled for his life time and time again. could you problem with bangladesh venezuela's main opposition parties are deciding what to do after president oros said they should be banned from running in any future elections this fall of sunday's municipal elections which the opposition largely boycotted the ruling socialist party says it won at least ninety percent of the three hundred thirty five mayorships that are up for grabs. in the capital caracas. the president nicolas maduro is saying that candidates that support his government have won in more than three hundred of the three hundred and thirty five districts being contested in municipal elections he's also said that those opposition candidates who boycotted the vote on the longer part of the political landscape which implies that they will not be able to stand in presidential elections scheduled for next october many here are asking how is it now after eighteen years of should these small first of all this and for the last four years nicolas move google with the economy in a perilous state inflation rampant food and medicine scarce the governing party candidates in the so convincingly across the country one of the reasons being that the opposition is fragmented the country is polarized many tens of thousands of venezuelans predominantly those who oppose president nicolas maduro have left the country to escape this economic its economic difficulties the opposition now trying to work out how to respond to this what appears to be a convincing victory administered by the elections for the government and the apparent by all of its candidates on the political about so venezuela. is now looking as though. nicolas maduro has consolidating his hold on the power with many asking just how has he done now still ahead on al-jazeera. we want. the find a lot of choices what is good jones who's turning anger into action a look at the challenge for palestinians as they respond to the u.s. decision on truce on and then sport we'll hear from the players who set to earn a degree hundred million dollars in the next decade with your game. the a. hello there we're seeing yet more snow over parts of north america this latest batch of wintery weather though is where it should be and that's in the northern parts of our map it's been gradually working its way eastwards and for some of us around the great lakes we see some fairly heavy snow and that's now edging its way towards the eastern parts of canada and the eastern parts of the u.s. as well that system will then continue its journey north woods there as we head through wednesday so so some of us in the eastern parts of canada want to see some heavy snow elsewhere they're staying fine and dry the air for many of us very dry and of course that's not going to help in the fight against the wildfires a bit further towards the south and here we do have this did larry of cloud that stretches all the way down towards costa rica that's where we're seeing some of the heaviest of the downpours and further north we're up we're also seeing some showers but generally they're a little bit more scattered and we all seeing some sunshine in between the downpours a bit further towards the south a most of the showers here across brazil very heavy showers his still stretching all the way across the east coast salvador so catching quite a few for the south where the temperatures have been you know yelling for someone as ari's we were up to around thirty three degrees now twenty eight degrees will be our maximum but we're back up again as we head into wednesday this time two to thirty . the world's largest humanitarian crisis millions caught up in civil war all ages the real world examines the roots of the conflict in yemen and the complex history that through a country into perpetual time. separation like. the north and the thought of peace dualisms off part of history. yemen the north south divide this time and then reported wealth on. u.s. and british companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped natural resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for the dry riverbeds like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country have been truly unable to escape the war. watching al-jazeera these are the top stories this hour russia's president vladimir putin has ordered the withdrawal of some troops from syria after two years of fighting there made the announcement during a surprise visit to a syrian air base who also visited egypt and turkey where he joined his turkish counterpart and condemning the u.s. for its jerusalem declaration thousands of protesters have rallied in lebanon against the u.s. decision on jerusalem asked demonstrations were called by hezbollah leader hassan nasrallah and ukrainian opposition politician mikhail saakashvili has been released from detention after a judge rejected prosecutor's request to put him under house arrest the former georgian president was arrested on friday accused of conspiring to topple ukraine's leader petro poroshenko. the palestinian president and his egyptian counterpart have a great to continue consultations and coordination and the wake of the u.s. president's announcement on jerusalem the meeting in cairo between mahmoud abbas and adel fatah el-sisi has been described as supportive of the palestinian position now separately palestinian leaders are facing growing criticism from their own people frustrated after living under israeli occupation for decades hoda abdel-hamid reports in the occupied west bank. he has witnessed every clash for the past three years as so many have erupted near the petrol station where he works he doesn't join in but understands the motivation especially after trump's declaration over jerusalem. it was a real bad feeling for everyone it's like an insult but i want to be able to do anything at all either has only been to dru's a limb twice that's how often israel has granted him permission still like every palestinian he considers it the only capital for a future palestinian state this is the closest point to jerusalem many palestinians can reach even though the city is less than a half hour's drive from this checkpoint but to go through it they need special permission from the israelis and that's very difficult to come by. well cohen is from jerusalem he lived abroad for several years but decided to return home so his wife and children could get their residency twenty years later his daughter who is still waiting for hers. i don't have an id i don't have any proof that i'm a living human being i might not get my papers but i'm holding on to my rights best can refute trump's decision he want to meet the american vice president but what else can he do the palestinian authority has come under criticism for being too lenient it was established after the courts and many say it should be dissolved since they agree mint has gone nowhere it's easy to say throw it away it's not something that you threw away this is an achievement the issue is you have to capitalize on it their issue is that you should not accept what is. this or sort of you to be when i say a service provider i don't want this or corrupted to be a service provider only for the people that believe they can do that mahomet's abound there has traveled far and wide but never set foot in the holy city despite repeatedly applying for a permit he thinks that palestinians now need new blood and then you vision we have resistance movement in gaza the did nothing we have who believe in peace and they. did nothing for us that's mean we want to find a number of choices what is the tone and who's claim that he is leader for palestinians should find the choices perhaps for him as leaders cartoons express better than words how palestinians feel these days the peace process was a radius shipwreck trump killed it with the help of arab leaders who are a dimmer city of the united states and jerusalem was ultimate christmas present what up that have made al-jazeera in the occupied west bank. present all trump says the attempted bombing in new york city highlights the urgent need for congress to enact immigration reform he said the bangladeshi suspect enter the u.s. on a family immigration they said that is incompatible with national security twenty seven year old suspect was wearing a homemade pipe bomb that detonated and on the bus terminal near the times square monday by people were injured kristian salumi has a story commuters were making their way through an underground subway tunnel during the morning rush hour when this happened an explosion twenty seven year old a coyote was wearing a primitive explosive device attached to him with velcro and plastic ties according to law enforcement he was inspired by eisel but did not have direct contact with the group this was an attempted terrorist attack. thank god but perpetrator did not . result in the goals three bystanders and the alleged bomber were injured as others ran for their lives police shut down what is typically a very busy stretch of eighth avenue just south of times square in the middle of morning rush hour to investigate this is a major transit hub and the explosion happened in a subway tunnel right below ground here next to what is the city's main bus terminal trying to scare. commuters were hustled out of the subway in nearby bus terminal it was just a matter of hours before the transit system was back up and running but the attack of new yorkers pause if only for a moment but a lot of people i work with didn't even show up for the target of what happens consulates territory. comes of being a new yorker yes absolutely. is a originally from bangladesh has lived in the united states for the last seven years. the incident took place barely a month after back immigrant drove a rented vehicle down a bike path killing eight people in many cases we have prevented a significant number of plots. it's a big significant number of the time. but this is the fact of life whether you're in new york or london or paris. the question is can it happen here in the series it's going to happen anyway city officials encourage new yorkers to go back to their normal routines advice that's becoming all too familiar christian salumi al jazeera new york. speaking out on the new york attacker he remained silent on three women accusing him of sexual misconduct they are calling for a congressional inquiry into his behavior they say given widespread investigations into the actions of other politicians it's only right that he be investigated as well a white house correspondent kimberly halcro ports. it's not the first time americans are hearing from jessica leads samantha holby and rachel cooks and their allegations against donald trump of sexual misconduct are new but they say each of their interactions with trump was violating and similar i was forcibly kissed by mr trump during our first interaction as he walked around looking at us like we were his property he jumped all over me the women first publicized their claims of trump's sexual aggression during the twenty sixteen us presidential election campaign and were dismissed by trump as false even after the two thousand and five video emerged of him publicly bragging about groping women grandmothers but much has changed since trump selection victory triggered by the resignation of hollywood mogul harvey weinstein a series of celebrities businessmen and politicians have been forced to step down facing similar allegations the white house has once again responded calling the claims against the president politically motivated disputed by eyewitness accounts and even false the people of this country i did decisive election supported president and we feel like these allegations have been answered through that process but on sunday another member of the trump administration said trump's accusers deserve a platform i think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way they have every right to speak up good very hard my wife must know the women are speaking up in advance of a critical senate vote on tuesday trump is campaigning for republican roy moore who's been accused of similar conduct it's yet another reason three congressional democrats are calling for the president to step down and trump's accusers are calling for an investigation but this analyst says that's unlikely given the current. the political climate trump has a base he has a constituency it's about a third of americans who have deep faith in him who see them who see him as representing their views of defiance of the political establishment and they're going to stand by him no matter what that's why these women and others say they'll continue to speak out until they say trump is investigated and they hope forced to resign kimberly helped get al jazeera washington a large wildfire in the u.s. state of california continues to threaten coastal towns as a burns into its second week with no signs of slowing down the so-called thomas fire northwest of los angeles has already scorched nearly a thousand buildings and charred an area larger than new york city it's burning in ventura and santa barbara county firefighters have been hender by mountainous terrain and strong winds that fire is only about fifteen percent contained robber and also has more from on to seattle and santa barbara county. we're at a firefighter staging area outside of mont to see to that's in santa barbara county and there you can see behind me the firefighters who have come from all over california and adjoining states are waiting for their orders being told where to go to fight this massive fire which is consumed hundreds of square kilometers so far the fires at the moment seem to be burning mostly in the hills deep in the back country although several coastal towns are still considered under threat firefighters have managed to beat back the most immediate threat to those communities we can hear overhead helicopters going into the back country carrying giant buckets of water which they drop on the fire it's really one of the only ways of fighting this because the terrain is so tough it's very very difficult for firefighters to get in on foot there's another factor here which i want to show you and that is the smoke which is pretty unbelievable at this moment it is as you can see on the hill tops over here. they're just cloaked in this blue thick acrid smoke it's it's very irritating to the lungs and to the throat and of course for the people who live here they really have no choice but to simply endure it there have been. a number of evacuations but a lot of people are still in place waiting to see what happens with this fire which is now burning into its second week. still ahead. a recession and grease lead to a revolution in solar energy. invention they say. and lasting recession the country with abundant sunshine turned to new cheaper sources of power a massive increase in solar energy use means the country will now meet its emission targets under the paris climate change accord. from sunny. greece's solar revolution came from the countryside forty two thousand homes like this one turns their power bills into checks from the power company by selling electricity back to the grid to pensioners are you know plus an extra nine thousand dollars a year have made a difference they don't it's my pension all over again without it we'd be printing our pennies in this economy it means i can help my children my daughters in school my son is unemployed my wife doesn't have a pension over five years household installed three hundred and seventy five megawatts of generating capacity equivalent to a mid-sized power station and that's not counting farmers who turned over their land to larger scale production or industrial installations in solar and wind power both of which greece has in abundance but the government cost this revolution in twenty fourteen strapped for cash it cuts the rate at which the grid bought power from homes from fifty five cents per kilowatt hour to under twelve cents but twenty fourteen law effectively removed households from the renewable energy market until then more than four thousand homes would install solar panels on their rooftops each year but in that year the number fell to just sixty three and it has never recovered a new bill now aims to bring the solar revolution to the cities where more than half the population lives by encouraging groups of five or more homeowners to install solar panels but the twenty fourteen rate cut still haunts people like. whose proceeds fell by half. there's that one i'm not sure whether the broken promises of the past make it possible for investors to go forward today we're talking about an investment of about seventy thousand dollars the bill quotes a guaranteed purchase price but there's also a clause allowing the environment minister to change that price can someone trust that after an entire solar economy collapse because of a law greece still depends on fossil fuels for two thirds of its electricity that's because it's post asians been imported oil and lignite coal it's only abundant to fuel but lignite use has in the past ten years while renewables have doubled to thirty percent of the electricity supply if policy is consistent greeks have shown they will reach for the sun jump. scuffles broke out between spanish police and cattle on separatists protesting against the removal of medieval works of art from the region accords roll that forty four religious artifacts were illegally bought by catalonia in the one nine hundred eighty s. and have to be returned to a monastery and neighboring arab on several hundred people attended a demonstration outside the museum in a cattle on town of the spanish government took control of the semi autonomous cattle cattle in your region in october after it voted for independence and an unofficial referenda. but. the government is seizing the opportunity while cattle and institutions are powerless to do anything they deem convenient in this case the pillaging of works of art previously bought by the cattle and administration of many years ago that were on display in this museum. time for sport with andy thank you very much well it's the most watched and most lucrative competition in club football and one game in the last sixteen of the european champions league has on the line its blockbuster a pale. by recent months the surprise. is right there match christiane on all those reality i mean for the first european cup trouble since bond meaning did it forty two days ago l'oreal have won the title twelve times past you have invested heavily in new players to try and win this trophy for a first. well we played to two years ago to distance to go against them since then they strengthen their in every summer and a very very good player. so i think they're really very strong in every burman field. i think they have many many many qualities they have a lot of strength in quality players they have also we know that when they play a home they have a lot of offensive power but we have our will qualities we have our. vision to continue in this competition so we were going to do everything we have a stuff that knows them very well from spain so i think we have all the qualities also to go through to the next round. after a five year gap asana will take on english champions chelsea again it seems have been involved in a series of controversial games in two thousand and nine but also edged chelsea in the samis for the outcome was reversed in two thousand and twelve with chelsea going on so lift the trophy. is that draw in for the games kicking off in the second week of february shakhtar donetsk will take on roma and it's by munich versus bush task that serious champions went undefeated on their way to winning their qualifying group a record five english teams progressed from the group stage this season tottenham will face italian champions eventis premier league leaders man city play switzerland f.c. bars or liverpool take on portugal's f.c. porto and man united they face legal side severe sports correspondent lee wellings looks at what the tour could mean for spain's biggest two clubs. were madrid versus present in an absolutely fascinates me is this the time finally for the spanish giants ramadan barcelona not. they have dominated european football but of course the two clubs with the money in europe are partially to city manchester city have had a rather attractive looking draw against basel swiss than they would expect to be but come peers jury duty which which they filed to do a couple of years ago can you now do i remember of course i want you to go in for free champions league in a row that hasn't been done for forty years so what a huge march this is piers g.'s forming the group suggest that this is the time can i see it through can i get the job done that we playing at home second because they won their group i'm brown which it didn't chelsea barcelona now has a great history doesn't it twenty twelve chose he managed to get through despite all the pressure put on them they won the trophy that year but there have been controversial matches between those teams like two thousand and nine those two don't like each other that's for sure. well fans have been making a fuss of football's new m.l.s. champion since around so they've turned out for a street parade to celebrate canada's first ever champions in the league's history . beating seattle suno in the final they also want to support a share of the regular season scoring sixty nine points a record for the m.l.s. . the new yankees are officially taken ownership of their three hundred million dollar man a national league's most valuable player color stance and has arrived at the yankees as part of a trade with the miami marlins the twenty eight year old led baseball in home runs and all the ice in twenty seven saying the yankees are sets if i stand sit two hundred and ninety five million dollars over the next decade. just want to go in from a far seeing seeing their young dynamic group the way they flow together on the field . never give up never quit but if you're the storied franchise i mean there's not. much you can say of why you wouldn't want to be there. and they're for sure on the way i want to be. well there's been a breakthrough win for young indian goal for sure bankers shoma the twenty one year old winning the johannesburg open by three strokes house after bad weather so the title being decided on monday it's sharma's first picture on the european so i am guaranteed in a place and next year is going to challenge. lindsey vonn as preparations for the upcoming winter olympics in south korea is going well with just a couple of months to go and games the twenty ten downhill champion is again struggling with injury the thirty three year old says she's doing all she can to be ready for what could be her last olympics. everything that i've done has been in preparation for these one picks so right now i'm trying to stay healthy. going in so far it's not going very well but. you know i feel like i'm saving all of my luck for february and hopefully everything will work out the way it's supposed to all south korean organizers all doing over a council boost ticket sales for a robot relay with the olympic torch is the latest innovation site for six hundred thousand secrets has been sold but that is barely half of the target number. and joining a proud list of footballers to have start shoes that only bear a passing resemblance to the actual features is diego maradona the argentinian legend is visiting india at the moment and that is the start to that will soon become a permanent fixture in kolkata the statue apparently captures the moments he and his team won the ninety nine hundred six world cup ok but it's always sport for not more whites al-jazeera is demanding the release of which certainly a smart move hussein is in prison for more than eleven months hussein is accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he and al-jazeera strongly deny hussein has repeatedly complained of mistreatment while in jail he was arrested on december twentieth all this it in his family. saudi arabia is lifting a thirty five year ban on cinemas next year the ministry of culture and information says the first movie theater will open in march it's part of crown prince mohammed the reform plan for the kingdom the ministry expects three hundred cinemas to be opened by the year twenty thirty they says developing the broader cultural sector will create new employment and training opportunities. donald trump says the united states is going back to the moon with astronauts by his side including buzz aldrin the second man to walk on the moon in one nine hundred sixty nine the president signed a directive to the u.s. space agency nasa that calls for a return to the moon with the ultimate goal of a manned mission to mars man last walked on the moon in one nine hundred seventy two this is a giant step toward that inspiring future and toward reclaiming america's proud destiny in space and space has so much to do with so many other applications including a military application so we are the leader and we're going to stay the leader and we're going to increase it many fold. speaking of aiming high coyness hit another record on its first day of trading on the futures market and choice was so high that the board's website crashed because of heavy traffic wall street journal said bitcoins market capitalization is around two hundred seventy eight billion dollars had a cliffhanger ports from washington d.c. . we all know money we can see it touch it if you wanted to even smell it. and we know roughly its value the buying power of the dollar for example doesn't change all that much it's backed by the u.s. government is the exact opposite it doesn't physically exist but lives virtually on a secretive computer system but now bit cloying can also be compared to corn even pigs. because it has been traded in the chicago board of exchange meaning just like the price of food traders can now legally place bets on whether the price will go up or down in the future for the most part the value of bitcoin is only going up and up and up again. what is because when bitcoin first unveiled in two thousand and nine it was worth less than a penny for a few years one bitcoin could buy you a cup of coffee but since two thousand and sixteen a huge spike would it debuted on the exchange its value was listed at more than fifteen thousand dollars for one bitcoin meaning if you add up all the big callings out there it would be worth more than the economy of new zealand something the head banker there said in a local interview won't last long that looks remarkably like a bubble forming to my. way of saying them in the past the centuries of saying bubbles in this appears to be a bit of a classic case right now because owners are limited in where they can use them there are some restaurants and online stores that will take them and there are few places to turn them into cash but those are few and far between and there is another risk besides the volatility. even if you do time you're right we were still seen a number of large caps seventy no you know ours was stolen from a big coin my school last week and so security is still a concern volatilities concern and generally i would still advise people if you are going back only put into this what you are willing to lose meaning your money can be stolen and there's no one to complain to and there are also concerns about the amount of energy the computers that run the bitcoin system use one report says it's as much as the entire country of denmark but even with that it's clear especially today the price of bitcoin will go way up and way down but it's not going away party calling al-jazeera washington as all for this news hour on al-jazeera that much more on the other side of the break. the pages of this. unspeakable mass compiled testimonies of victims of the congolese may. as this intimate evidence finds its way to international courts the central african republic is plunged into further. and intricate tale of people and a nation crippled by recent history caiaphas hard to laugh or to talk seems at this time on al-jazeera. a middle east trifecta by record enjoins turkey's president.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171211 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171211

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glamour shot kerry this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes. a middle east trifecta joins turkey's president to condemn the u.s. jerusalem declaration orders russian forces to leave syria and. egypt. thousands of house philosophy words rally and lebanon against the u.s. recognition. capitol. i was forcibly kissed by mr trump during our first introduction banding together for women who have accused the president of sexual misconduct speak out and call for calm brushing all investigation. another record high for a bit coin after making its trading debut on the futures market but how bright is the future for the crypto currency. from the crisis to the war in syria russia's president vladimir putin has been staking his claim in the middle east on a whirlwind tour of the region the first stop was a surprise visit to associate airbase in syria's tuckey a province that's where putin ordered a partial withdrawal of his troops from syria he then flew to cairo for a planned talks with the egyptian president. and then double back and headed north to ankara for a meeting with turkey's president russia type amato reports a warm welcome for russian president vladimir putin in the talk. of its final destination in the two he has been to syria and egypt to. kremlin says the trip is meant to strengthen russian ties with these nations in ankara president putin an ado on what you've got to showcase improving relations between their countries they both criticized president all trumps decision on jerusalem but you weren't really sure you. should both russia and turkey think that the decision of the us to recognize to resell them as the capital of israel is not helping to solve the situation in the middle east it is destabilizing it and it can wipe out the prospect of peace or maybe kirby this utilitarian to tune in could. the u.s. decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel has caused outrage in the whole world it has caused disappointment and it is an irresponsible step to take it as a result the heightened tensions are obvious putting an ad on also discussed bilateral issues including trade tourism and joint energy projects relations between uncrowned will score have come a long way since november two thousand and fifteen when turkey doand a russian fighter jet the two didn't see eye to eye on most issues regarding syria but still have differences on the future role of president bashar assad and the issue of syrian kurdish fighters the wife e.g. put in began his wall when chip in syria the fust time the russian president was that the country since the start of the war the least seven years ago he was greeted by senior officers and warmly embraced by president. potence forces have been helping his troops is two thousand and fifteen when the syrian government was on the brink of collapse in a speech put in declared victory over what he described as terrorists and announced a partial pullout of his soldiers from city. to the general command i give this order russia's military presence in syria has come to an end the motherland awaits you friends safe journey i thank you for your service put in also pledged to continue to support syria militarily by keeping some of these forces on the ground here then departed for the egyptian capital there he met president of the fatah al sisi the leaders have been strengthening ties in recent years putting n.c.c. also signed a deal on nuclear power the growing ties between russia and the second largest recipient of u.s. military aid after israel egypt could potentially strained relations between cairo and washington and yet another sign of putting attempts to expand russia's influence across the middle east mohammed at all just syria and kyra. mark katz is a nonresident fellow at the arab gulf states institute in washington d.c. he's also a professor of government and politics at george mason university he joins us now via skype from virginia thank you for your time so syria turkey egypt all in one day what do you what do you make of what putin is up to besides frequent flyer miles. well i think you know that with drone syria is a more russian domestic politics that he's announced he's running for a fourth term the one thing the russian public really wants to be reassured about is that they're not going to be stuck with another. and so i think that it's this announcement he's withdrawing but also that he's somehow syria is meant to reassure them that it's not going to fall further. so he also spoke out very forcefully about how he disagrees with the u.s. decision to declared for islam the capital of israel and actually you know the past few days were spent a lot of pushback from a lot of other countries but russia was one of the last major countries we hadn't heard from star now he has said something is he trying to position himself in a way to have a role in any potential future peace process. well i think that he would like russia to be seen as having such a role it is curious because i think it was last april when putin himself recognized east jerusalem with a capital of a future palestinian state and western hussam with the capital with israel and i'm sure in a certain sense the trumpet ministration feels that they're not doing anything so different from but of course the way in which they announced it is it's very different and so i think though that it is certainly positioning himself as a more reasonable negotiator and that you know. it's an easy thing for for the russian president to do to resign with the arabs obviously on this issue almost low hanging fruit really so. a lot of our pick and also as we mentioned turkey and egypt getting fairly close to those countries which are u.s. allies what does the u.s. see when they look at that. well i think with with egypt it's not so much a concern i think that. the u.s. sees egypt is continuing to rely upon the u.s. if they also want to have relations with russia maybe washington doesn't really like it but that are not in a strong position to to object turkey i think is another issue there is there's concerns about whether turkey will remain of the nato alliance that turkey seems to be increasingly hostile to for america in the last on the other hand i think. while the u.s. sees russia as moving toward turkey then there's no understanding that there's a lot of hostility differences between russia and turkey and that the relationship is probably not going to get too close because of president order was is very prickly with the west on certain issues he's probably going to be pretty with russia on certain issues as well ok mr katz mark katz thank you very much thank you anger over the u.s. decision to recognize them as the capital of israel is still going strong thousands of hezbollah supporters took to the streets of lebanon chanting death to america. their groups later accuse some arab nations of supporting the u.s. and all arabs to unite against america. that maybe even. we are all in this war we have all experiences our brothers in gaza any demonstrations no matter how big or small only give more resistance and will make us feel that we are not alone the american is really resolution which is supported by some arab countries the aim of it to clear the palestinian cause that's the danger that the palestinian people face we should confront the nation as a whole should confront this dangerous american project and try to impose a solution for the palestinian people. so you know her has more from beirut. the capital of israel in one way or the other is serving hezbollah's interests because hezbollah really has long championed the palestinian cause as its own ever since its inception. three decades ago and as of late in the past two years come under a lot of criticism of the sauce a lot of support in the arab world and here in lebanon for militarily intervening in syria many people no longer regarded it as a resistance movement it became a sectarian militias and it was serving iran's interests but now hezbollah saying the fight against isis is driving down the so-called resistance axis will now focus on jerusalem its main cause so in one way or another the hezbollah is trying to gain a legitimacy in the eyes of many in the arab world saying that. arab states should support the palestinian intifada uprising he said the so-called resistance axis what they call it is resistance axis they should come together and come up with a strategy to confront israel but he stopped short of saying what action should be taken against israel because at the end of the day it will have a domestic backlash because it has opponents levanon that it cannot take any decision to wage war or peace on its own very carefully worded speech but clearly hezbollah trying. again in one way or the other some sort of political capital from trump's decision. and while israel's prime minister has urged europe to follow washington slade and recognized this country's capital benjamin netanyahu met a u. foreign ministers from brussels where he faced resistance to that suggestion and pressure to restart the peace process with palestinians that came reports. a wintry monday morning greeted benjamin netanyahu in brussels but the chill in the air outside was seemingly absent inside as he met federica. her role as e.u. foreign policy chief is to seek compromise where possible but his message regarding the status of jerusalem was an ambiguous i believe everyone though we don't have an agreement that this is what will happen in the future i believe that all or most of the european countries will move their embassies to jerusalem recognize crucial in this israel's work up little but many e.u. leaders disagree criticizing president donald trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital as fanning the flames of protest for her part morgan any reiterated the e.u.'s official position we believe. that the only realistic solution to the conflicts between israel and palestine is based on two states which it was as the capital of both the state of israel and the state of palestine along the sixty seven line. another element of netanyahu is visit was meeting the e.u.'s many foreign ministers around the table with him where the representatives of at least two governments have said they will recognize jerusalem as israel's capital which means although the e.u. tries to speak with one voice on this issue there are some dissenters and raising the question of how successful europe can be as an intermediary in the middle east the e.u. is not a victim of its own lack of involvement the involvement is still there it was never front line and what won't but was there it is a victim of the one sided position of president despite all the spin that we're hearing now but for the moment at least many here believe president trump's actions have put the prospect of progress in the middle east in the deep freeze don it came out zero brussels palestinians had then protesting and against a visit by a bahraini delegation to israel the bahrain news agency says the trip by an interfaith group is a personal initiative but israeli media has reported its part of efforts to strengthen ties between israel and bahrain alan fischer reports from occupy. that story behind the really delegation has kept a relatively low profile since arriving at the weekend the turned down interview requests twenty five people from expat group city want to build peace and cooperation the visit was organized by a jewish group the simon wiesenthal center in los angeles but one expert says the timing sends a terrible message as that ali is they were trying to do a big fuss out of this. in the media that. this group coming from bahrain and all kind of relation you know with with the arab world is. usual they have been protests across jerusalem in the occupied west bank says donald trump and i used his unilateral decision that the u.s. would recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel there's been widespread condemnation across the world to the group says its trip had been planned for months it was reported locally that the bahraini delegation wanted to visit a mosque while they were here a senior official at the mosque said that given the trip was facilitated by the israelis they would not be welcomed was. of course on social media suggested the group was heading to gaza it sparked protests at the crossing with israel with locals determined to block them there's no confirmation the group ever planned to visit gaza one palestinian political analyst believes the bahraini visit is part of a bigger global picture than in the un but in maybe a moderate also they began to be many can because this is something wanted to go in there wanted to in the tool room to make in their relation with israel and america against iran because that they. began to be notoriously ill that's difficult for us the bahraini delegation include sunni and shia muslims christians a hindu and the sikh they will leave on wednesday alan fischer al jazeera in occupied east jerusalem. iran's president says his country is ready to restore ties to saudi arabia if it stops bombing yemen and cuts ties with israel hassani made the comments during a speech in parliament on sunday tehran and riyadh sever diplomatic relations in january of last year after iranian protesters attacked a saudi diplomatic mission demonstrators were angry over the killing of a prominent shia cleric in saudi arabia. followed. we want two things from saudi arabia still. the same as. we have no other problems. let's go to establish good will that this should be the ones who started the. coming out and the news hour. where venezuela's opposition leader where is he after nicolas maduro bans them from running and next year's presidential election. human rights in north korea are the focus of a meeting at the u.n. . a blockbuster battle the match unveiled in the last sixteen of football's most lucrative club competition details in sport. judges at the international criminal court have criticized jordan for failing to arrest sudanese president omar all alba share the share his wanted on genocide charges was in amman last march attending the arab league summit and the i.c.c. complained to the un that the sudanese president was not detained there are two international warrants for his arrest on ten charges arising from the conflict and are full warrants were issued by the i.c.c. in two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten but so far he has evaded arrest. britain's defense minister tells al-jazeera he is hoping for a swift end to the political crisis in the gulf gavin williamson made the comments today after qatar agreed to buy twenty four fighter jets from britain in a six point seven billion dollars deal williamson called the sale of the planes a massive vote of confidence in supporting british jobs are to are set to be delivered in late two thousand and twenty two. plays an important role in terms of talking with all parties and encouraging a dialogue and encouraging all countries to come together i think we very much welcome what kuwait date in hosting g.c.c. and we would like to see more moves going forward to build on that corp make sure that the gulf states start working together again ensuring peace and prosperity going to cross for gold opposition politician. has been arrested released rather released from detention in ukraine the former georgian president was arrested on friday accused of conspiring to topple ukraine's leader petro poroshenko allegations he denies trying to hall has more. following large demonstrations on sunday supporters of opposition figure in ukraine mikhail saakashvili confronted police outside a courthouse in the capital of inside a plastic defendant's box the former president of georgia saakashvili responded to allegations that he conspired to topple ukraine's president the chocolate billionaire petro poroshenko. for various people over. there. we raced over water to grow. the profit out of the you were once an ally of poroshenko saakashvili accuses him of failing to fulfill the anti corruption promise that was central to mass street protests in two thousand and fourteen against the then russian backed government. a prominent backer of the street uprising saakashvili had been rewarded with ukrainian citizenship and the governorship of the western region now he and his supporters many of them soldiers return from the front lines in the country's east are demanding impeachment when you get your way. we have forty enough we don't want any more wars or bloodshed but if poroshenko does not do what he is obliged to do and uses force against us then we will respond adequately the man who led former soviet georges rose revolution who then has georges leader fought an ill fated war with russia denies plotting with russian businessmen to overthrow poroshenko the latest dramatic chapter in saakashvili career saw him arrested on a clear rooftop last week before being freed by supporters from a police van and then rearrested. now released pending trial he places a possible five years in jail. the united nations says north korea's human rights violations are on the rise while the country focuses on its nuclear and missile tests they security council discussed reports that about thirteen million people had been hit by severe food shortages other concerns are present torture and controls over freedom of movement mike hanna has more this is the fourth annual discussion of human rights abuses in north korea and on previous occasions china attempted to move the talks behind closed doors arguing that public discussion could undermined any attempts to renew dialogue but it failed to get the nine votes necessary and the talks went ahead in public among those who addressed the council was the un's political chief who warned often under reported looming humanitarian disaster. the d.p. r. k. is a forgotten crises on the global humanitarian agenda an estimated eighteen million people that is seventy percent of the population are suffering from food insecurity and then and a half million people representing forty one percent of the population are undernourished a number of victims of human rights also addressed the council as did the high commissioner for human rights who spoke of a prison system that could only be described as horrific torture is widespread in detention centers overseen by the ministry of state security and the ministry of people security detainees who work in mines or infrastructure projects in conditions of severe deprivation people held in these camps have told my star for being beaten by prison guards or other inmates and being fed so little they barely survive there will be a ministerial level discussion in the security council on the issue of north korean disarmament on friday and the u.n. envoy who's recently visited north korea will also be briefing the security council in the days ahead bangladesh unmanned mar working on a plan to send hundreds of thousands of her head to refugees back to me and mar the un and rights say the plan is flawed because it doesn't guarantee their protection when they return al-jazeera style stratfor that one refugee has fled violence in me and maher four times of the last seven decades he says this time he will not return . abdu salam says he is over one hundred years old his wife mustafa begum guides him to the shelter in the coup to par long refugee camp he says the first time he fled violence in what was then burma was when the british were fighting the japanese during world war two but he has fled military crackdowns on the region just three times since then in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight one thousand nine hundred ninety two and two and a half months ago and this time he says he won't go back. to what it i feel bad for my home but i'm afraid to go back because they could kill and says there's no point in sending us back to myanmar because there is no security force there rights groups say the ranger have suffered systematic atrocities by the myanmar army in recent months hundreds of range of villages have been destroyed and burned to the ground the un says women have been gang raped by myanmar soldiers. it's estimated that hundreds of ranger men women and children have been killed but the bangladeshi and myanmar government so already working on a plan to send back hundreds of thousands of refugees to myanmar they say will be voluntary and he aimed to start in two months. so what would the range of refugees go back to inside me and the myanmar government doesn't recognise them as an ethnic group it withdrew their citizenship in one thousand nine hundred eighty two giving them limited access to education and health care and making them vulnerable to arbitrary arrest now the un says how can a people go back to a country in which they are still vulnerable to the kind of violence and persecution from which they fled. the un says the root causes of persecution such as lack of citizenship must be addressed first. may suffer more violence one of the things we need to really underscores we shouldn't rush into this condition for return need to be addressed and we're clear conditions today in me and are not right for refugees to go. up to salaam says his village like many others was burned down by the myanmar military he has nowhere to go back to roman law they will not allow a single ranger to live there he says it will slow through school please don't send this bank as bait for the monster. the fear of a man who has fled for his life time and time again. could you problem with bangladesh venezuela's main opposition parties are deciding what to do after president oros said they should be banned from running in any future elections this fall of sunday's municipal elections which the opposition largely boycotted the ruling socialist party says it won at least ninety percent of the three hundred thirty five mayorships that are up for grabs. in the capital caracas. the president nicolas maduro is saying that candidates that support his government have won in more than three hundred of the three hundred and thirty five districts being contested in municipal elections he's also said that those opposition candidates who boycotted the vote on the longer part of the political landscape which implies that they will not be able to stand in presidential elections scheduled for next october many here are asking how is it now after eighteen years of should these small first of all this and for the last four years nicolas move google with the economy in a perilous state inflation rampant food and medicine scarce the governing party candidates in the so convincingly across the country one of the reasons being that the opposition is fragmented the country is polarized many tens of thousands of venezuelans predominantly those who oppose president nicolas maduro have left the country to escape this economic its economic difficulties the opposition now trying to work out how to respond to this what appears to be a convincing victory administered by the elections for the government and the apparent by all of its candidates on the political about so venezuela. is now looking as though. nicolas maduro has consolidating his hold on the power with many asking just how has he done now still ahead on al-jazeera. we want. the find a lot of choices what is good jones who's turning anger into action a look at the challenge for palestinians as they respond to the u.s. decision on truce on and then sport we'll hear from the players who set to earn a degree hundred million dollars in the next decade with your game. the a. hello there we're seeing yet more snow over parts of north america this latest batch of wintery weather though is where it should be and that's in the northern parts of our map it's been gradually working its way eastwards and for some of us around the great lakes we see some fairly heavy snow and that's now edging its way towards the eastern parts of canada and the eastern parts of the u.s. as well that system will then continue its journey north woods there as we head through wednesday so so some of us in the eastern parts of canada want to see some heavy snow elsewhere they're staying fine and dry the air for many of us very dry and of course that's not going to help in the fight against the wildfires a bit further towards the south and here we do have this did larry of cloud that stretches all the way down towards costa rica that's where we're seeing some of the heaviest of the downpours and further north we're up we're also seeing some showers but generally they're a little bit more scattered and we all seeing some sunshine in between the downpours a bit further towards the south a most of the showers here across brazil very heavy showers his still stretching all the way across the east coast salvador so catching quite a few for the south where the temperatures have been you know yelling for someone as ari's we were up to around thirty three degrees now twenty eight degrees will be our maximum but we're back up again as we head into wednesday this time two to thirty . the world's largest humanitarian crisis millions caught up in civil war all ages the real world examines the roots of the conflict in yemen and the complex history that through a country into perpetual time. separation like. the north and the thought of peace dualisms off part of history. yemen the north south divide this time and then reported wealth on. u.s. and british companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped natural resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for the dry riverbeds like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country have been truly unable to escape the war. watching al-jazeera these are the top stories this hour russia's president vladimir putin has ordered the withdrawal of some troops from syria after two years of fighting there made the announcement during a surprise visit to a syrian air base who also visited egypt and turkey where he joined his turkish counterpart and condemning the u.s. for its jerusalem declaration thousands of protesters have rallied in lebanon against the u.s. decision on jerusalem asked demonstrations were called by hezbollah leader hassan nasrallah and ukrainian opposition politician mikhail saakashvili has been released from detention after a judge rejected prosecutor's request to put him under house arrest the former georgian president was arrested on friday accused of conspiring to topple ukraine's leader petro poroshenko. the palestinian president and his egyptian counterpart have a great to continue consultations and coordination and the wake of the u.s. president's announcement on jerusalem the meeting in cairo between mahmoud abbas and adel fatah el-sisi has been described as supportive of the palestinian position now separately palestinian leaders are facing growing criticism from their own people frustrated after living under israeli occupation for decades hoda abdel-hamid reports in the occupied west bank. he has witnessed every clash for the past three years as so many have erupted near the petrol station where he works he doesn't join in but understands the motivation especially after trump's declaration over jerusalem. it was a real bad feeling for everyone it's like an insult but i want to be able to do anything at all either has only been to dru's a limb twice that's how often israel has granted him permission still like every palestinian he considers it the only capital for a future palestinian state this is the closest point to jerusalem many palestinians can reach even though the city is less than a half hour's drive from this checkpoint but to go through it they need special permission from the israelis and that's very difficult to come by. well cohen is from jerusalem he lived abroad for several years but decided to return home so his wife and children could get their residency twenty years later his daughter who is still waiting for hers. i don't have an id i don't have any proof that i'm a living human being i might not get my papers but i'm holding on to my rights best can refute trump's decision he want to meet the american vice president but what else can he do the palestinian authority has come under criticism for being too lenient it was established after the courts and many say it should be dissolved since they agree mint has gone nowhere it's easy to say throw it away it's not something that you threw away this is an achievement the issue is you have to capitalize on it their issue is that you should not accept what is. this or sort of you to be when i say a service provider i don't want this or corrupted to be a service provider only for the people that believe they can do that mahomet's abound there has traveled far and wide but never set foot in the holy city despite repeatedly applying for a permit he thinks that palestinians now need new blood and then you vision we have resistance movement in gaza the did nothing we have who believe in peace and they. did nothing for us that's mean we want to find a number of choices what is the tone and who's claim that he is leader for palestinians should find the choices perhaps for him as leaders cartoons express better than words how palestinians feel these days the peace process was a radius shipwreck trump killed it with the help of arab leaders who are a dimmer city of the united states and jerusalem was ultimate christmas present what up that have made al-jazeera in the occupied west bank. present all trump says the attempted bombing in new york city highlights the urgent need for congress to enact immigration reform he said the bangladeshi suspect enter the u.s. on a family immigration they said that is incompatible with national security twenty seven year old suspect was wearing a homemade pipe bomb that detonated and on the bus terminal near the times square monday by people were injured kristian salumi has a story commuters were making their way through an underground subway tunnel during the morning rush hour when this happened an explosion twenty seven year old a coyote was wearing a primitive explosive device attached to him with velcro and plastic ties according to law enforcement he was inspired by eisel but did not have direct contact with the group this was an attempted terrorist attack. thank god but perpetrator did not . result in the goals three bystanders and the alleged bomber were injured as others ran for their lives police shut down what is typically a very busy stretch of eighth avenue just south of times square in the middle of morning rush hour to investigate this is a major transit hub and the explosion happened in a subway tunnel right below ground here next to what is the city's main bus terminal trying to scare. commuters were hustled out of the subway in nearby bus terminal it was just a matter of hours before the transit system was back up and running but the attack of new yorkers pause if only for a moment but a lot of people i work with didn't even show up for the target of what happens consulates territory. comes of being a new yorker yes absolutely. is a originally from bangladesh has lived in the united states for the last seven years. the incident took place barely a month after back immigrant drove a rented vehicle down a bike path killing eight people in many cases we have prevented a significant number of plots. it's a big significant number of the time. but this is the fact of life whether you're in new york or london or paris. the question is can it happen here in the series it's going to happen anyway city officials encourage new yorkers to go back to their normal routines advice that's becoming all too familiar christian salumi al jazeera new york. speaking out on the new york attacker he remained silent on three women accusing him of sexual misconduct they are calling for a congressional inquiry into his behavior they say given widespread investigations into the actions of other politicians it's only right that he be investigated as well a white house correspondent kimberly halcro ports. it's not the first time americans are hearing from jessica leads samantha holby and rachel cooks and their allegations against donald trump of sexual misconduct are new but they say each of their interactions with trump was violating and similar i was forcibly kissed by mr trump during our first interaction as he walked around looking at us like we were his property he jumped all over me the women first publicized their claims of trump's sexual aggression during the twenty sixteen us presidential election campaign and were dismissed by trump as false even after the two thousand and five video emerged of him publicly bragging about groping women grandmothers but much has changed since trump selection victory triggered by the resignation of hollywood mogul harvey weinstein a series of celebrities businessmen and politicians have been forced to step down facing similar allegations the white house has once again responded calling the claims against the president politically motivated disputed by eyewitness accounts and even false the people of this country i did decisive election supported president and we feel like these allegations have been answered through that process but on sunday another member of the trump administration said trump's accusers deserve a platform i think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way they have every right to speak up good very hard my wife must know the women are speaking up in advance of a critical senate vote on tuesday trump is campaigning for republican roy moore who's been accused of similar conduct it's yet another reason three congressional democrats are calling for the president to step down and trump's accusers are calling for an investigation but this analyst says that's unlikely given the current. the political climate trump has a base he has a constituency it's about a third of americans who have deep faith in him who see them who see him as representing their views of defiance of the political establishment and they're going to stand by him no matter what that's why these women and others say they'll continue to speak out until they say trump is investigated and they hope forced to resign kimberly helped get al jazeera washington a large wildfire in the u.s. state of california continues to threaten coastal towns as a burns into its second week with no signs of slowing down the so-called thomas fire northwest of los angeles has already scorched nearly a thousand buildings and charred an area larger than new york city it's burning in ventura and santa barbara county firefighters have been hender by mountainous terrain and strong winds that fire is only about fifteen percent contained robber and also has more from on to seattle and santa barbara county. we're at a firefighter staging area outside of mont to see to that's in santa barbara county and there you can see behind me the firefighters who have come from all over california and adjoining states are waiting for their orders being told where to go to fight this massive fire which is consumed hundreds of square kilometers so far the fires at the moment seem to be burning mostly in the hills deep in the back country although several coastal towns are still considered under threat firefighters have managed to beat back the most immediate threat to those communities we can hear overhead helicopters going into the back country carrying giant buckets of water which they drop on the fire it's really one of the only ways of fighting this because the terrain is so tough it's very very difficult for firefighters to get in on foot there's another factor here which i want to show you and that is the smoke which is pretty unbelievable at this moment it is as you can see on the hill tops over here. they're just cloaked in this blue thick acrid smoke it's it's very irritating to the lungs and to the throat and of course for the people who live here they really have no choice but to simply endure it there have been. a number of evacuations but a lot of people are still in place waiting to see what happens with this fire which is now burning into its second week. still ahead. a recession and grease lead to a revolution in solar energy. invention they say. and lasting recession the country with abundant sunshine turned to new cheaper sources of power a massive increase in solar energy use means the country will now meet its emission targets under the paris climate change accord. from sunny. greece's solar revolution came from the countryside forty two thousand homes like this one turns their power bills into checks from the power company by selling electricity back to the grid to pensioners are you know plus an extra nine thousand dollars a year have made a difference they don't it's my pension all over again without it we'd be printing our pennies in this economy it means i can help my children my daughters in school my son is unemployed my wife doesn't have a pension over five years household installed three hundred and seventy five megawatts of generating capacity equivalent to a mid-sized power station and that's not counting farmers who turned over their land to larger scale production or industrial installations in solar and wind power both of which greece has in abundance but the government cost this revolution in twenty fourteen strapped for cash it cuts the rate at which the grid bought power from homes from fifty five cents per kilowatt hour to under twelve cents but twenty fourteen law effectively removed households from the renewable energy market until then more than four thousand homes would install solar panels on their rooftops each year but in that year the number fell to just sixty three and it has never recovered a new bill now aims to bring the solar revolution to the cities where more than half the population lives by encouraging groups of five or more homeowners to install solar panels but the twenty fourteen rate cut still haunts people like. whose proceeds fell by half. there's that one i'm not sure whether the broken promises of the past make it possible for investors to go forward today we're talking about an investment of about seventy thousand dollars the bill quotes a guaranteed purchase price but there's also a clause allowing the environment minister to change that price can someone trust that after an entire solar economy collapse because of a law greece still depends on fossil fuels for two thirds of its electricity that's because it's post asians been imported oil and lignite coal it's only abundant to fuel but lignite use has in the past ten years while renewables have doubled to thirty percent of the electricity supply if policy is consistent greeks have shown they will reach for the sun jump. scuffles broke out between spanish police and cattle on separatists protesting against the removal of medieval works of art from the region accords roll that forty four religious artifacts were illegally bought by catalonia in the one nine hundred eighty s. and have to be returned to a monastery and neighboring arab on several hundred people attended a demonstration outside the museum in a cattle on town of the spanish government took control of the semi autonomous cattle cattle in your region in october after it voted for independence and an unofficial referenda. but. the government is seizing the opportunity while cattle and institutions are powerless to do anything they deem convenient in this case the pillaging of works of art previously bought by the cattle and administration of many years ago that were on display in this museum. time for sport with andy thank you very much well it's the most watched and most lucrative competition in club football and one game in the last sixteen of the european champions league has on the line its blockbuster a pale. by recent months the surprise. is right there match christiane on all those reality i mean for the first european cup trouble since bond meaning did it forty two days ago l'oreal have won the title twelve times past you have invested heavily in new players to try and win this trophy for a first. well we played to two years ago to distance to go against them since then they strengthen their in every summer and a very very good player. so i think they're really very strong in every burman field. i think they have many many many qualities they have a lot of strength in quality players they have also we know that when they play a home they have a lot of offensive power but we have our will qualities we have our. vision to continue in this competition so we were going to do everything we have a stuff that knows them very well from spain so i think we have all the qualities also to go through to the next round. after a five year gap asana will take on english champions chelsea again it seems have been involved in a series of controversial games in two thousand and nine but also edged chelsea in the samis for the outcome was reversed in two thousand and twelve with chelsea going on so lift the trophy. is that draw in for the games kicking off in the second week of february shakhtar donetsk will take on roma and it's by munich versus bush task that serious champions went undefeated on their way to winning their qualifying group a record five english teams progressed from the group stage this season tottenham will face italian champions eventis premier league leaders man city play switzerland f.c. bars or liverpool take on portugal's f.c. porto and man united they face legal side severe sports correspondent lee wellings looks at what the tour could mean for spain's biggest two clubs. were madrid versus present in an absolutely fascinates me is this the time finally for the spanish giants ramadan barcelona not. they have dominated european football but of course the two clubs with the money in europe are partially to city manchester city have had a rather attractive looking draw against basel swiss than they would expect to be but come peers jury duty which which they filed to do a couple of years ago can you now do i remember of course i want you to go in for free champions league in a row that hasn't been done for forty years so what a huge march this is piers g.'s forming the group suggest that this is the time can i see it through can i get the job done that we playing at home second because they won their group i'm brown which it didn't chelsea barcelona now has a great history doesn't it twenty twelve chose he managed to get through despite all the pressure put on them they won the trophy that year but there have been controversial matches between those teams like two thousand and nine those two don't like each other that's for sure. well fans have been making a fuss of football's new m.l.s. champion since around so they've turned out for a street parade to celebrate canada's first ever champions in the league's history . beating seattle suno in the final they also want to support a share of the regular season scoring sixty nine points a record for the m.l.s. . the new yankees are officially taken ownership of their three hundred million dollar man a national league's most valuable player color stance and has arrived at the yankees as part of a trade with the miami marlins the twenty eight year old led baseball in home runs and all the ice in twenty seven saying the yankees are sets if i stand sit two hundred and ninety five million dollars over the next decade. just want to go in from a far seeing seeing their young dynamic group the way they flow together on the field . never give up never quit but if you're the storied franchise i mean there's not. much you can say of why you wouldn't want to be there. and they're for sure on the way i want to be. well there's been a breakthrough win for young indian goal for sure bankers shoma the twenty one year old winning the johannesburg open by three strokes house after bad weather so the title being decided on monday it's sharma's first picture on the european so i am guaranteed in a place and next year is going to challenge. lindsey vonn as preparations for the upcoming winter olympics in south korea is going well with just a couple of months to go and games the twenty ten downhill champion is again struggling with injury the thirty three year old says she's doing all she can to be ready for what could be her last olympics. everything that i've done has been in preparation for these one picks so right now i'm trying to stay healthy. going in so far it's not going very well but. you know i feel like i'm saving all of my luck for february and hopefully everything will work out the way it's supposed to all south korean organizers all doing over a council boost ticket sales for a robot relay with the olympic torch is the latest innovation site for six hundred thousand secrets has been sold but that is barely half of the target number. and joining a proud list of footballers to have start shoes that only bear a passing resemblance to the actual features is diego maradona the argentinian legend is visiting india at the moment and that is the start to that will soon become a permanent fixture in kolkata the statue apparently captures the moments he and his team won the ninety nine hundred six world cup ok but it's always sport for not more whites al-jazeera is demanding the release of which certainly a smart move hussein is in prison for more than eleven months hussein is accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he and al-jazeera strongly deny hussein has repeatedly complained of mistreatment while in jail he was arrested on december twentieth all this it in his family. saudi arabia is lifting a thirty five year ban on cinemas next year the ministry of culture and information says the first movie theater will open in march it's part of crown prince mohammed the reform plan for the kingdom the ministry expects three hundred cinemas to be opened by the year twenty thirty they says developing the broader cultural sector will create new employment and training opportunities. donald trump says the united states is going back to the moon with astronauts by his side including buzz aldrin the second man to walk on the moon in one nine hundred sixty nine the president signed a directive to the u.s. space agency nasa that calls for a return to the moon with the ultimate goal of a manned mission to mars man last walked on the moon in one nine hundred seventy two this is a giant step toward that inspiring future and toward reclaiming america's proud destiny in space and space has so much to do with so many other applications including a military application so we are the leader and we're going to stay the leader and we're going to increase it many fold. speaking of aiming high coyness hit another record on its first day of trading on the futures market and choice was so high that the board's website crashed because of heavy traffic wall street journal said bitcoins market capitalization is around two hundred seventy eight billion dollars had a cliffhanger ports from washington d.c. . we all know money we can see it touch it if you wanted to even smell it. and we know roughly its value the buying power of the dollar for example doesn't change all that much it's backed by the u.s. government is the exact opposite it doesn't physically exist but lives virtually on a secretive computer system but now bit cloying can also be compared to corn even pigs. because it has been traded in the chicago board of exchange meaning just like the price of food traders can now legally place bets on whether the price will go up or down in the future for the most part the value of bitcoin is only going up and up and up again. what is because when bitcoin first unveiled in two thousand and nine it was worth less than a penny for a few years one bitcoin could buy you a cup of coffee but since two thousand and sixteen a huge spike would it debuted on the exchange its value was listed at more than fifteen thousand dollars for one bitcoin meaning if you add up all the big callings out there it would be worth more than the economy of new zealand something the head banker there said in a local interview won't last long that looks remarkably like a bubble forming to my. way of saying them in the past the centuries of saying bubbles in this appears to be a bit of a classic case right now because owners are limited in where they can use them there are some restaurants and online stores that will take them and there are few places to turn them into cash but those are few and far between and there is another risk besides the volatility. even if you do time you're right we were still seen a number of large caps seventy no you know ours was stolen from a big coin my school last week and so security is still a concern volatilities concern and generally i would still advise people if you are going back only put into this what you are willing to lose meaning your money can be stolen and there's no one to complain to and there are also concerns about the amount of energy the computers that run the bitcoin system use one report says it's as much as the entire country of denmark but even with that it's clear especially today the price of bitcoin will go way up and way down but it's not going away party calling al-jazeera washington as all for this news hour on al-jazeera that much more on the other side of the break. the pages of this. unspeakable mass compiled testimonies of victims of the congolese may. as this intimate evidence finds its way to international courts the central african republic is plunged into further. and intricate tale of people and a nation crippled by recent history caiaphas hard to laugh or to talk seems at this time on al-jazeera. a middle east trifecta by record enjoins turkey's president.

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