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Palestinians and to protect the sovereignty of the palestinians on that that it was occupied by israel says nineteen sixty seven. They turned the capital of thought of supply and we expect from friends we expect still come to us in that respect thats not to be thats left to local to our top breck ticketless ages to face that american decision. To reject and condemn this illegal decision. We stress again that it is the right time. To recognise the state of palestine as a positive step that many to face these colonialism in. Terrorism and to guarantee. That. Will never go on really for what civilian did does and will do. A week on the siddha silence in this regard not only. Refused but it is dissipation of the gras him nobody would refuse it the silence of thats a nice look immunity we ask for the voice of the lets commit to be loud and clear everywhere again is the trumpet decision alone as you know what is day this coming wednesday well see a meeting of this lemma the Foreign Ministers. In. Gold into the invitation of. Being the chairman of the islamic summit and then the. List. Of us would also having a meeting. And we have to pay them and. Drive to it to be submitted to the islam acct. Muslim countries and this will be a Good Initiative from the arabs and the muslims and will be our talk to point to move together we need the arabs we the muslims and our friends in the United Nations in order to move on all levels diplomatic level political level legal level in order to abort the American Administration decisions and to use so late the trumpet decision and the stress that risen him is that the end capital of the palestinian state we expect all cooperation from the arabs well here and we this is noble this is that. Goes out of the. Question and the contacts have been made by president Mahmoud Abbas and his brothers the kings presence and emirs of the out of countries and consequently. We are here and we come to the arab house to feel so lived out a day to feel support because the palestinian issue is the issue of all the arabs and. We will discuss this american decision walks i have and if you have any questions its ok. Ready for that. And hopefully well have time to ask all the questions. Oh oh. You know watching the Palestinian Foreign minister maliki speaking at a press conference head of an emergency meeting of arab Foreign Ministers of the arab league in cairo he said that we consider this decision as if its not there its not an void and has no impact politically a decision that will never change the reality of jerusalem it is part and parcel of the palestinian territories trumps decision he said has isolated us of any role in sorting out the crisis america is being an aggressor he said not a mediator the us is a party in the dispute it is eighteen zero five fifteen zero five g. M. T. I should say you are watching the news grid and we are all getting pictures coming into us of scenes of mourning and more violence as Angus Simmons in palestinian territories over us President Donald Trump formal recognition of jerusalem israels. Funerals have been held for to him as fighters killed by israeli airstrikes of the two Palestinian Protesters who died in clashes while the latest protests have been less intense in previous days that have still been plenty of confrontations between demonstrators and Security Forces there are more developments on the diplomatic front too that the Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas has cooled off a scheduled meeting with the u. S. Vice president might pence as has egypts coptic pope so had lots of developments we have full coverage with Bernard Smith in Gaza Alan Fischer is in occupied East Jerusalem but lets begin with Hoda Abdelhamid whos monitoring things in ramallah in the occupied west bank and what a first of all lets just talk about that press conference that weve just heard the foreign minister making no bones about the palestinian position. Yes absolutely and i think the palestinians at the moment are feeling quite strong about that meeting of the u. N. Security council yesterday where basically from their point of view israel and the u. S. Were completely isolated versus the fourteen other attendees at that meeting now this is what he said this is a message of defiance students have been hammering ever since the announcement and they want to make sure to gather as much International Support as they can so certainly repeating that from cairo ahead of and bleak meeting is also very important if you if you also listen to him carefully you can see where this is all heading now the palestinians are saying that actually when it comes to the Israeli Palestinian conflict well the u. S. Now being as he said it and they grab a party to this conflict has lost its veto power i do Un Security Council and that is something i think they feel very strong about we spoke to some of the senior officials here in ramallah and they had also talked about that saying well now that the u. S. Has sort of jumped in on these really camp unconditionally and is backing it unconditionally despite the International Uproar it should not be allowed to use its veto power anymore now the palestinians have been really go trying to go all out but also here domestically youre hearing more and more about them for example earlier today the fact that Central Committee has met there was a meeting of the executive committee of the p. L. O. That was postponed until monday i think they wanted to see what was going on in cairo what statement will come out of cairo and then meet again here on monday one of the ideas also that theyre looking at very seriously we are told is the rethinking of the role of the Palestinian Authority in so. When it was created it was an interim body that was supposed to be dissolved by nine hundred ninety nine but the peace was never achieved and it has kept on for all these years after that now as one palestinian official told me very close to Mahmoud Abbas well he said were not going to be a Service Provider anymore were going to be a government of a state were not going to dissolve it but weve certainly going to rethink our role what we do and how our relations are going to be indifferent share in not only with israel and the us but with the rest of the world so this is a moment where they know they have to change something and they according to what they say. Its already in action for them to soon come up with this sort of revised Palestinian Authority body and tell the world what they will be doing with that after or thats a picture in ramallah heart of thanks very much indeed for a little bit earlier talking about the simmering sense of tension in the vatican lets cross now to alan fischer whos in occupied East Jerusalem and alan theres been a lot to and fro on the streets quite the security presence thats on the schools being me. Yeah this is saladin street is one of the busiest shopping streets youll find in jerusalem on a saturday into day there have been running confrontations between that the Security Services the police the army the Intelligence Services and. Were just getting people coming through here to someone not feeling terribly well after all is going on here today and thats understandable and protesters it started with someone who wanted to just state a small protest they had a poster of the dome of the rock they were about to move down the street they were stopped by the police who told them they didnt have a permit did only moved no more than ten meters and the police pushed them back and push them back quite harshly that sparked some protests and people roundabout at that brought in more police the police then brought in horses to try and clear the streets the horses were used to feeling as points and really terrified people then what we saw was a few hours of repeated confrontations between the Security Services and protesters we saw flags up to peoples hands we saw i saw a Police Officer punch punch a woman in the face because she would easily give up her poster there were rocks and bottles thrown at the police the Police Responded with what we just thought were. So includes but also speaking to some paramedics in the last units who find out that rubber bullets were used as well the number of people that received injuries from that now behind me is the Police Station and the Police Station thirteen people are being held after the incidents here in the last few hours whether theyll spend the night there were not entirely sure that the paramedics are actually just going in because someone who was arrested his fainted so needs some extra treatment as well but this is been an ongoing thing over several hours things are relatively quite know here there are people hanging around here waiting for news of those whove been arrested there are also families of those whove been arrested her waiting to find a use if theyre going to be released or theyre going to be held but we also saw the Police Officers not dressed in uniform but carrying cameras who were taking pictures throughout the protest as well and later on they were showing to the color. Pictures of people that he thought were throwing stones and then we saw what would essentially be said that scores which were seen one in other places where they would suddenly move forward very quickly in trying grab people that they thought were responsible and they were arrested and then brought here to see theres been a sense of calm for the last thirty minutes or so we had that experience points during the afternoon but it seems slightly more pearman and no but there certainly were quite nasty confrontations that went on for several hours and to see several people have been injured and at least thirteen people arrested all right allan thanks very much indeed we can move on now to Bernard Smith in gaza from or why these troops from to go there and burn and funerals have been held there hows the mood been today. Yeah for funerals today nic four People Killed over the last forty eight hours two people were killed in confrontations at the border fence between gaza and israel there was stone throwing was going on there yesterday and today two people were killed when israel Security Forces responded with live fire tear gas as two People Killed by live fire and then to hamas fighters were killed in israeli air strikes earlier today earlier that been the rocket launched towards israel from gaza from a group of very small group here in gaza not connected to hamas but hamas essentially controls these groups can influence how they operate and hamas that of course called for a third intifada third day in the uprising after dawn trump called recognized through slim as the capital of israel so the been less protesting today people still have been back at the borders but they still have been compensations with israeli Security Forces and israeli surging with live fire. For a better thanks very much indeed to say that we have the picture across the region lets have some of the lessons of this now we can bring in now to. Senior political analyst mark bashar hes standing by in london and you were listening to the Palestinian Foreign minister standing. In the face of everything thats been happening what did you make of what he had to say. Well there are three observations nick observation number one is that the palestinians really walk up and smell the coffee at last that they really cannot bet on the United States they certainly should not be placing all their cards. On on on us putting pressure on israel to change that status quo of occupation and the west bank and East Jerusalem and certainly palestinian bitterness that now unleashed but estonian potential to seek out turn it if solutions to that of american sponsorship. Trying to get there to the United Nations Security Council maybe even the International Criminal court so all in all a robust attempt by the palestinians responding to that humiliating decision by the ministry on. The second observation has to do with what the foreign minister said or called for arabs to come to jerusalem to descend do not go to school and im not sure thats going to go very well im not sure thats going to go down well in a lot of countries that boycott israel and sent to a lot of other countries that simply cannot go to israel and those who can like egyptians and jordanians refused to because they feel that if this starts going through till of the very court in order to go to jerusalem they are normalizing with these really enemy as it were so i think thats going to be a bit of an issue the third observation of lust that has to do with the whole idea that the palestinians are again emphasizing that the United States should not be a broker because it supports israel listen the United States has been supporting israel since before nine hundred sixty seven war it has supported it for the last forty years and it has granted israel more than one hundred fifty billion dollars since the Peace Process started in one nine hundred ninety one so we need to clean that. Niceness has not been supportive words are just not true what we did hear which is new from the from the nist ration in that speech that infamous speech is that president from has totally embraced jewish mythology and zionist rhetoric when approaching the question of israel by their side that is the United States no longer just supports israel its completely in line and in language with israel imo and given the Arab League Meeting this emergency meeting and many arab leaders did try to stop donald trump from going ahead with this decision what difference is this going to make. Well clearly the the american president did not call his counter products in the in the in the arab world in order to consult with them he called them in order to inform them of his decision because he was on the still hoping that there will not go all the way in and rejecting slash condemning slash going after the United States for it is for its deplorable decision on so i think you know how many of the skeptics will tell you and this will be another conference with more statements issued perhaps more at best condemnation whether they will come out with actionable plan thats another matter altogether so what we need to be paying attention to is not the whether there would be issuing strong statements and as much as they will be coming up with some plans of sort some strategy of sort that unites them all against a decision been taken in washington mind thanks very much and dana delany speaking more as in the days go on this mob be sure speaking to us from london we have people watching online from zambia from india from the u. K. From a laser and uganda we have a tweet from idris su says all this is done to undermine the hamas fatah unity deal to never let the peace negotiation start a facebook question from allie khan can arab league the arab league cope with israel if they dont include non arab states and one further comment from abdul who says the us has never been a mediator because they are an Interested Party to this whole thing or lets bring in our social media producer leah harding as if the discussion online is tending to something he will be speaking up sometime right well maran just mentioned boycotting countries other countries boycotting israel if you will but there are other types of boycotts that are going on as well the criticism of jerusalem being considered the capital of israel as we know is nothing new and this has been going on for years even online take for example. Google so when you search for jerusalem on their website it pops up as saying that its see israeli capital its been this way for several years we know at least since two thousand and fifteen trumps announcement however started the hash tag boycott google and people started using that google is known to be quite secretive about how and what it displays on its site this particular result is likely because of its algorithms now if you search results and you see a certain information thats usually produced based on information from other sites like from wikipedia that then show up on google but google is not the only company under fire here theres a movement thats called b. D. S. Or the boycott divestment sanctions thats being used to put pressure on israel an israeli products the group says that its aim is to end what it describes as violations of International Law some of the products the group is trying to get people to stop using are things like the sabra hummus profits h. P. Printers and caterpillar Construction Equipment noam chomsky hes a jewish philosopher and he spoke to up front with mehdi hasan that saying that theres a difference between illegal israeli settlement products and purely israeli products take a listen but you confused two things you said that israel and the occupied territories those are two different versions of b. D. S. The kind that i support that i believe for the Norman Finkelstein support or the aspect of media is aimed at the occupied territories and in fact those are the ones that have been quoted keep cesspool people around the world are supporting palestinians in other ways like through social media activism fashion statements like wearing certain scarves and nonviolent protests and we asked some palestinians about what they think the most expected way of protesting this. Supporting the death is our. Duty and that is going to make us. To give us more papers on the table of the confrontation with social media like facebook to where they are and many of the websites and social networks may help we may share how we are suffering here in gaza and in palestine as well what do you think of boycotting israeli goods we want to love we want to hear from you you can send your Whatsapp Message at five a one travel one four nine with the plus nine seven four area code you can always write me directly at me hard a. J. Neck there are you know you mentioned the upfront program the latest episode we asked the the Palestinian Liberation Organization delegation to the u. S. The leader of it about the future of the Peace Process thats for sins on the lot he says that the trance announcement is the kiss of death to a two state solution thats out front presented by maybe his son in the Program Section of aljazeera dot com. Ok lets move on a he in this act and a war crime thats how United Nations chief and tony could terrorists is describing the killing of fifteen un peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo it is the worst attack of its kind in almost a quarter of a century charlotte dallas has this report u. N. Peacekeepers have been working in the democratic republic of congo for nearly twenty years at dusk on friday and ugandan group known as the allied Democratic Forces launched an ambush in the Eastern Province of north kivu the three hour long attack was at a remote viewing base near the town of binny i condemn this attack and he quickly and these deliberate attacks against u. N. Peacekeepers at an acceptable and constitutes a war crime. I call on to the store started to see investigate these you see them swiftly bring the perpetrators to justice there must be no impunity for such assaults here or anywhere else the un is blaming the allied Democratic Forces or id if seen here three years ago or was you watch your. Developer raised from National Park for the past twenty years they were treated there after a failed bid to turn uganda into an Islamic State the forests become a convenient hideout from which to launch attacks the a. D. F. Is blamed for seven hundred civilian deaths over the past three years as well as mess right and recruiting child soldiers. We are disturbing these groups they dont want us there and i think this attacks is a response by a. D. F. Probably a. D. F. Elements the d r c is the uns largest mission and one of its most dangerous to peacekeepers were killed in october again by the i. D. F. Two weeks later the un raised its threat level to the same as in iraq syria and yemen all this is half a billion dollars was slashed from the uns peacekeeping budget cuts driven by the United States and criticized by the uns africa group as dangerous ballasts al jazeera. And if you go to the special page on aljazeera dot com is entitled congos hidden mega crisis you can see a very human face to all of this of pictures of displaced families taking refuse refuge inside the Church Children sleeping on done so all floors suffering from malnutrition and malaria one point seven Million People have fled its hard to imagine trying to raise a family in the conditions. All right do keep your thoughts coming interests about all the stories were covering tweets is it a. J. English or facebook dot com slash a. J. News grid or you can whatsapp us of course at plus one seven four five a one trick or one four nine and a. J. News grid is the hash tag firefighters in the u. S. State of california racing to contain six raging wildfires before fierce winds strengthen again follows the worst in californias history have killed at least one person and have destroyed as many as seven hundred businesses and other structures the fires are burning in heavily Populated Areas close to los angeles and san diego President Donald Trump has declared a federal emergency which frees up money and other assistance from washington lets go now to allen. Whos live in los angeles and just to give us the very latest situation there. Well the very latest is that firefighters were able to get a bit of a break in the last thirty six hours or so the winds were less than expected less dangerous than they had been previously in the week so there has been some progress made on some of these different fires they have grown though because of one major fire burning northwest of los angeles and now we figure about seventy thousand hectares one hundred sixty thousand acres of wild land and neighborhoods that are burning or have had fire burned through them and really everything now nic depends on the winds the National Weather service has a red flag warning up through the end of the weekend theres a possibility that the hot santa ana winds that blow in out of the desert interior and of families flames and created some horrible and dangerous conditions could pop up again theyre experiencing low wind levels now which is very good but there are the Weather Service is saying that everythings going to depend on whether those live in winds again pop up and blow out of the interior of that fans the flames and causes all kinds of problems with fires like these nick right out and i think its around seven thirty there in the morning i guess everybody is glued to the weather full cost and religious and climatologists have any idea why this is this why the center on the winds picked up so much. You know it seems like a Pretty Simple formula for one thing the santa ana winds the winds that have got really caused all the problems are not rare theyre pretty common in the winter in this part of the world is just a matter of the weather patterns but this year were looking at a historically wet past winter so lots of growth lots of foliage growth lots of growth of ground covering grasses and weeds and whatnot and then a historically dry fall and humidity levels in the air that are as low as theyve ever been seen so when a fire does ignite theres a potential for it to just explode it gets fanned by these hot winds and theres so much fuel around just just so much of this foliage is absolutely bone dry that it can just go off like a bomb and weve seen that in the case of several of these fires very explosive growing very very fast in just a matter of hours and that in many cases has caught people by surprise and caused a lot of damage a lot of displacement of people a lot of misery in Southern California and yes its a very bad situation that thanks very much indeed for that report and shuffling. Now the former president georgia has gone on a Hunger Strike in a ukrainian Detention Center thats according to a lawyer for mccullough successfully whos been rearrested by Ukrainian Police for days after his supporters Freedom People shop explains. Me half a was rearrested late on friday following a police raid on an apartment block in kiev the former president of georgia had been hiding there since his escape from custody after being arrested on tuesday. Confronting of his campaign to end preach ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko criticizing his failure to hold corruption. Secretaries press secretary confirmed his arrest was elizabeth. Was detained and now judging from the number of policemen he has kept there they dont let anyone in i dont know who managed to get in there i cant get in there at his press secretary i hope there are lawyers in there and more of our people. Dozens of supporters gathered outside the Detention Center vowing to stay until his release. They are trying to set up a regime right bottom russia and belarus here if people dont rise up against it now ukraine is finished theyll be no fight with corruption no change and no investment because no one will want to give money to a corrupt country in extraordinary scenes on tuesday Ukrainian Security agents dragged the former leader from neighboring georgia across a rooftop after seizing him from his home in kiev then bundled him into a police bus. Before he could be driven away supporters managed to free him four days after the botched attempt to take him into Custody Police tracked him down on friday. Back in custody again his future looks bleak. Hes now stateless because hes been stripped of his ukrainian and georgian citizenship and he faces extradition back home to georgia worries wanted to face corruption charges allegations which are tonight hes also denying the accusations in ukraine and started a Hunger Strike in an effort to clear his name peter shop al jazeera now protests are expected in the southern u. S. State of mississippi when president told trump attends a ceremony celebrating heroes of the Civil Rights Movement hes been invited to the State Capitol jackson to open a museum at least one Civil Rights Era leader is boycotting the event that scared straight away to get under whos in jackson and they just tell us more about why people are upset about this visit when donald trump. Yeah we are here in jackson mississippi and just in the next hour or so there will be the Ribbon Cutting and opening of a brand new Civil Rights Museum here in this city here that you see behind me now this is a preplanned event but just in the last few days President Trump in the white house says its he he will be here to take part in this opening and it has been somewhat controversial because several prominent people and organizations in the Civil Rights Movement are simply boycotting it so theres really going to be two events here one is a vent that donald trump will be speaking at a not a public event more of a private event here but then outside the museum there will be a public event too so its sort of indicates that there is a divide theres the National Association of active bands and of colored people the biggest Civil Rights Organization in the United States simply said they do not want a President Trump here even the mayor of this city a prominent africanamerican said that he will not attend trumps speech here as well this all goes down to many people in the Africanamerican Community that say that trump has not done enough since becoming president to bridge the racial divides in this country. And that is why there is so many people in the Africanamerican Community that just are going to be simply boycotting a trumps visit here were going to see if there be any protests along those lines but certainly is divided many people in this city visiting this very Important Museum that will be opening here right i was going to say very important given mississippis racial history whichever way you cut it this is a very important. It is this is a very Iconic Museum that will be opening here that really pays tribute to decades of oppression of black americans over the past century or more in this country and this was a key state mississippi a key state where some of the. Fight for poor or Voting Rights the fight to integrate School Supply for africanamericans to vote a lot of those key issues in the fiftys and sixtys all culminated here in this state so its a very powerful symbolically but also in a very realistic manner as well this is a state thats so critical and this museum is really to pay tribute to a decades of struggle for the Africanamerican Community in this country. Is under reporting from jackson in the United States thanks very much indeed. Ok here on the multi view you can see what is gay but right that weve just been speaking to him also here the policy of foreign minister Still Holding that press Conference Ahead of the Arab League Meeting thats going to take place an emergency session thats been called by the arab league in color to trumps decision on jerusalem and right alongside murray in the mozzie standing by for us with the rest of the days news in london yes thats right im nic we start with the British Foreign minister Forrest Johnson making a visit to iran way is expected to lobby for the release of a jailed british iranian aide waka johnson has met his counterpart Mohammad Javad zarif in tatar on and whats an even third visit by person for minister to the country in the last fourteen years now as a means of garri radcliffe is serving a five year sentence for spying which she denies johnson has been criticized for jacket izing her case after he said that she was in the country to train journalists to iran has used that statement as proof that our iraq life was a threat to the government. And i knew old ranger girl has told our jazeera how she survived being shot three times by myanmars army i. G. To story is not an isolated one the military is accused of deliberately targeting children as they try to escape a crackdown in rack and state traffic reports. But his grandmother called hold back the tears its a miracle the nine Year Old Girl is a lawyer. As you to say she was shot three times by myanmar Army Soldiers as she fled her village of torm bazaar three or four months ago. The bullets went through her right leg her left arm and her right armpit myanmar soldiers shot her mother and father dead. Says you too was trying to escape in a boat with a young boy when the army opened fire them you know how your little long we were running them crying trying to escape he says i got in a post and heard gunshots was in a different blood when the Ministry Shelter jeter they were around thirty and be turned away from her after seeing they had shelter i thought i dont know i am bound to die. The bullet wound on the is huge his arm is infected and wont heal. Infections are common in the camp with hundreds of thousands of other refugees its not known how many children have been killed by the Myanmar Military in this recent crackdown on the river injure the myanmar government is refusing any kind of independent investigation but whats so shocking about the jesus case is that having spoken to two witnesses and the medics treating him all evidence suggests that a myanmar soldier knowingly shots at a nine Year Old Girl from close range. Is sort of indicative of a hard life the weapon and i watch caliber bullet of something of a seven sixty nine and like a five five six bullet which would tend to hit in bath ran and do a lot of internal damage given also the trajectory we think that it would be with for a fifty made a range limit and she too was operated on in a malaysian government Field Hospital near the refugee camp and tiny pieces of fabric from the clothes she was wearing when she was shot infected the wound. Doctors hope as huge as physical agony will eventually subside but its unlikely the terrifying memories of what she and her grandmother saw in myanmar will ever disappear. Chance trafford aljazeera think cali refugee camp bangladesh. Thousands of people have lined the streets of paris to bid farewell to the man known as the french elvis seventy four year old Johnny Hallyday died on wednesday from lung cancer the rock stars coffin was a scorching by seven hundred motorbikes down the sean city say is a Memorial Service was attended by celebrities and politicians they sold more than one hundred million records and was a household name in france but remains relatively unknown elsewhere tasha potter has more from paris. Well this is certainly a day of mourning for problems is rock n roll star Johnny Holiday but theres also been a sense of celebration as many people have come here to central paris to really mark the money they say just touched down lives for generations is a National Icon for them he is more than crosses over this is a person who many people here feel the most of these spots of a generation those who generation of appearance for example he was about the same age as my dad the past two years ago so its very special to me and they remember my days singing dont you. Remember the time which you gave or. My memories at the time today but i know shes taking that journey and its very sad because in different parts of. The city of many people here hes often cool finances elvis but outside the french speaking world many people have been baffled by the success of the leather clad rock in seeing him as more. Than cool but there is no doubt that in france he is deeply revered and that is why so many people have come out here today to say farewell. And ill have more from london and about twenty minutes but lets get back to nic well see you later in about twenty minutes but well move on because hes been in the news lately the value of the cryptocurrency has been on a roller coaster ride this week and thats to invest the worries that a crash could be on its way it was down about twenty percent at one point and then surged by for. Forty percent to a record high of seventeen thousand dollars on thursday it has since settled slightly but if youre already not sure what bitcoin is or like the. Say his a crash course it is a crypto currency which is basically lines of computer code to hold monetary value and thousands of these Digital Currencies exist a bit calling was the first it was created in two thousand and nine by an Anonymous Program and going by the name of so she not committed to a big claim cannot be used to Book Hotel Rooms and flights and buy furniture food and many other goods but most of the hype is about getting rich by trading it so why is it controversial when its not made back to or regulated by any government or central bank and there are concerns about the use of bitcoin for criminal activity if its only and there is just one of those in a lot of people and i wish i had i did yeah a lot of online belts folks are kicking themselves really its what ive been seeing online today wondering why they didnt buy into it when the prices were much lower earlier this year the classic example goes back to a slice of pizza bear with me in two thousand and ten the first bit coin transaction was when someone bought two pizzas with ten thousand bitcoin doesnt sound like too much but now it begs the question would you rather have a pizza or a mansion because today ten thousand bit coin is worth more than one hundred fifty Million Dollars thats more than this mansion and london thats up for sale right now for twenty two Million Dollars but the seller for this house is only willing to accept bit coin its not the first time bitcoin has been a Payment Option in the u. K. But it is the first time that its been the only option now the value of bitcoin keeps going up as nick just said just this week it surged to forty per cent its been growing like that for months now but investors are worried that the market. Could fall nearly half of bitcoin is in the hands of about a thousand users and if they sell their share while the value is high it could hurt other smaller investors and if you dont want to buy a mansion you can even buy a car with it there are competitions on reddit to spot as many bit coin license plates as possible mainly in the u. S. Many of these car owners brag about having bought their cars with the currency some people would rather just watch the market rise and fall though comedian Stephen Colbert chimed in saying wow if i had invested a thousand dollars in bitcoin last week today i would have still no idea how big klein works hopefully you do now though if you use bitcoin or have a reason why you arent let us now. Nick blair im with a cold bear on that one for sure but we want to know more and joining me now on skype from cambridge is gary coleman who is a economic historian at the university of cambridge agaricus a specialist on alternative currencies such as the bitcoin and eric thanks for joining us how is it that you see a currency thats been associated with drug dealers in and money launderers now the chat of middle class than apologies. Well many people compared to quietly and its growth story to the internet which as some will recall was also in its early days so ca with you know illegitimate uses or things that are somewhat distasteful illegal activity pornography and so on dominated the early internet and many people wrote off the internet is simply you know place for unlikable activity to take place but were finding equating to have more legitimate use cases most recently its been described as digital goal a new asset class that wall street is increasingly embracing there is hype isnt there certainly and there is reality but how do you know which is hype and which is reality or is it just impossible and we just have to ride with it. Right now its a great point you know take facebooks stop there are thirty four Equity Research analysts who help value what facebook should be worth they develop valuation models they write Research Reports on new facebook features and products theres nothing like that kind of research taking place for bitcoin its a new asset class we dont quite know yet how best to value it in so a really family here in a lot of times its simply the momentum of the market supply and demand if you will that is really dictating what the queen is worth rather than any kind of true fundamental value assessment and there are two views out there on that the correction is imminent in this but the general trajectory is up all its just going to explode and just just dive and crash right well weve seen it diving crash several times already late two thousand and eleven wired famously wrote an article the rise and fall a bit quiet after the price collapsed ninety percent the price collapsed another ninety percent after first crossed the one thousand dollars threshold hold in late two thousand and thirteen a year later was down about ninety percent so weve seen these you know bubbles before occur with bitcoin but its its been quite resilient it keeps bouncing back and going higher and no one can quite tell where this ball will go dug out you know what about this youre an economic historian i think youll give us a very good idea about whether or not we should buy how many bitcoin do you have. So i dont want to offer any Investment Advice to any people thats actually something yes you see is war and here is exchanged is war and people on television and to to avoid doing so so what i will say is its a risky asset its a new asset class you know even if you buy and make money on that coin many of you will see there because it stolen there was a half this week for seventy Million Dollars with a bit coin was stolen its a very attractive asset for cyber thieves to go after so you know my general advice to people who are thinking about investing in this is to only put into it what you can afford to lose whatever happens it was a very canny swell by the way whatever happens it is not a commodity like oil which has got a long long history whatever you do if you get involved in this it is a its a big business it is and its interesting that you mention a commodity like oil because the queen is often compare it compared to commodities is described as a digital commodity and i can see why some people view it that way but its very different than other commodities in import respect gold or oil as their prices go up deposits that are under the ground that were previously not financially viable to extract all the sudden become you know financially profitable to to mine and so the supply of gold and oil in most commodities will increase alongside an increase in price that doesnt happen with equations because price goes up the supply remains fixed and so this is why many people are attracted to because it is because its a very scarce asset its got a very limited supply is demand increases the price can go up dramatically as weve seen. We appreciate your expertise we feel fully briefed haldeman thanks very much indeed thank you. But its got a couple of venezuela is trying to rev up its economy with a Digital Currency is back to explain this one for us right well president Nicolas Maduro hes calling it the petro its a Virtual Currency that he believes will help solve his countrys massive economic problems like hyper inflation which has all but destroyed the countrys physical currency the want to keep to cling announced by president Nicolas Maduro will exist through social media and block chains which are security mechanism so that the exchange i said absolutely secure but also it will be backed by the immense wealth of things around the house. Now whats unusual about this Digital Currency is that its value will be based on Venezuelas Oil gas gold and diamond reserves as nick explained earlier Virtual Currencies are independent and unregulated in the way that theyre valued mature as high hopes and promises have not impressed everyone though this cartoon by artists has been shared widely online one user commented saying quote the currency is virtual but the hunger is real another user sarcastically noted in spanish saying that it crypto currency based on oil in venezuela with this government said i can imagine the demand and hes not the only one take a listen to the so the cryptocurrency is supported by commodities do not work so if were going to have a solution for venezuela it cant be equipped to backed by commodities whether its peculiar or diamonds because thats in the human spear and humans are corruptible a Computer Program is not corruptible. The original currency its called the bull of our its now pretty much worthless inflation rates on the black market where most venezuelans get their cash have reached eight hundred percent just to give you an idea one dollar is now equivalent to a one hundred thousand bowl of ours this means that basic needs like food and medicine which are already extremely hard to find due to shortages and sanctions are out of most peoples reach so venezuelans have embraced alternatives like bitcoin and many hope that the petro will become an even better lifeline. With de petro coin will be able to buy medicines and do International Purchases which is where they are hurting us. My son was happy this morning i found out about the coin to him he told me if this works well be able to get ahead and well drive out to vote lets see if this works we want to know what you think could the petro be a Good Alternative for a country suffocating with hyperinflation and rising prices let us know what you think hash tag aging is good nick just to wrap up this very interesting segment interesting timeline a bit coin and aljazeera dot com from the encryption painted in two thousand and eight to the mining of the first because the first fifty but going to the first real world transaction and on it goes from the us that if to the regulation to price if i can get it to move which i call it really there we go and who knows where it will end that point. Or i mean is there any moments with your sports or the story involving a couple to lose football captain and how it ended his world cup trillian lets go its natural the world with. The International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in an exclusive interview with the winning delegation from the Award Ceremony in oslo aljazeera asks whether banning these devastating weapons could finally lead to complete disarmament on aljazeera. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you aljazeera. All the towns in the cos the Gulf Cooperation Council although theres not much cooperation these days look at all the reasons being affected by accords and economic relations also the shocking numbers on the Plastic Economy o. M. G. Twenty five years since the worlds first texts and counting the cost at this time on aljazeera. My. Billet said look at what we were talking about its what is and its all about coke its a peruse caps in an all time record goalscorer a set simitis next years world cup power guerrero has been banned after testing positive for cocaine is legal saying climb the failed test was the consequence of him drinking coke it says he the thirty three year old formica striker tested positive after a game against argentina are not. So the former by many pies been handed a one year ban and that means hell miss prues first world cup appearance since nine hundred eighty two where you can imagine the decision has resulted in a huge online reaction this from mass south american football writes a roofer fry on power guerrero even if one disregards his legal teams position that the trace was left by a coke at sea cocaine is a social drug and a sporting ban makes little sense many fans sending direct messages to face for a shame on you what is your opinion about marathon as an ambassador remember hes a cocaine consumer but you prefer to suspend go where our faith equals the math yet bear in mind though that marijuana was banned from football for fifteen months nine hundred ninety one of the testing positive for cocaine james in scotland how does this take on the situation it never gets why players get long bans for cocaine or recreational drug use its not before most enhanced singing anyway if they were an alcoholic theyd get help so why the punishment if indeed it was taken lets talk now to see when our own guy whos a south american football x. P. Joins us live from miami tell us about the carcassi defense is it believable and is there a feeling in peru that hes been unfairly dealt with. And how are you yeah. Its i mean a lot of people in peru and throughout latin america and throughout the region think that its very unfair how this situations been treated specially a week ago where they did discard the fact that he used cocaine and that was a statement that was brought up by fee for just last week so its very interesting to hear this i mean everybody was very confident about the ruling favoring get all in all of the sudden he has a one year suspension so thats where theres some inconsistency there is specially because it wasnt consumption of actual cocaine it was because of one of the chemicals within the coca tea being able to be within the list of banned substances used as a stimulant in many cases but theres been president s that have been established in the past where many of these types of chemicals have been found in traces of blood or traces of urine in whatever the case may be thats been found but then also theyve been he was a well ok we understand what happened understand that coke at tea isnt something thats being used as a stimulant for better performance its something thats being used in order to get rid of his case at least to be able to get over a an issue with that he had with the flu prior to the argentina match as well ultimately though i mean hes an experienced professional footballer doesnt have to just be responsible for what was in his body and he knows whats on the banned list out a much. You know what youre absolutely right i mean thats another thing that i mean within what im saying there is it is a bit of a responsibility from behalf of the player i mean no one saying that he is not guilty and there is no accountability on the players and he should also be well aware of what hes putting in his body in situations like this thats very true but when hes being told by medical staff apparently or other people that are involved in his Recovery Process then you start to wonder is this something thats ok its already been double checked its already been vetted by the medical staff in the individuals that are in charge of his care that they say its ok thats another issue that needs to be looked at who also has to be accountable for these types of actions and these types of decisions that were made for him to consume the. Joining us there from miami thanks so much for unfits time as ever well there are no shortage of athletes whove come up with creative excuses for failed drug tests in the past french tennis player richard desk a well he tested positive for cocaine in two thousand and nine blamed it on a woman it killed in a nightclub and the hearing believed him and he only served a short ban five members of the north korean womens Football Team tested positive for steroids at the twenty eleven world cup they claimed they were struck by lightning and had to resort to a traditional chinese remedy using their mask plans to recover and australian cricket great shane warne while he blamed his mom for giving him a banned substance that ruled him out of the two thousand and three world cup also did say he was trying to lose a bit of whites by using the direct sick just fine and theyve been around for close to one hundred years for the Harlem Globetrotters still coming up with new ideas the exhibition Basketball Team pulling this off for trick shot world trick shot by dropping a ball out of a bus that was parked on a roof of a museum in st louis it was a forty six metre drop and. Apparently they nailed it first time here it comes are im not sure they did it first time but its a lets give him the benefit of the doubt get in touch with me on twitter and they are under School Sports are hash tag a. J. News grid plenty more for me in the eight hundred g. M. T. News hour but for now lets get back to. If they take it and its Pretty Amazing is that our before we go we want to show you some shots out of australia where the sales of the well famous opera house had been illuminated with the colors of the rainbow people that celebrating australia becoming the latest country to legalize same sex marriage now the new lows are in effect because but because a months notice is required for australia to recognize marriage the gay weddings will happen in january two thousand and eighteen so you are the colors of the rainbow in australia and that is it for this great deal remember to keep in touch with us on social media the hash tag as ever its a. J. Its great all the other ways to contact us right there he is coming up with more news from london in just a moment from our studio fourteen you see it fifteen g. M. T. On sunday. Conservation ease helping kids to recover its snow leopard population to see the results i traveled up to the remote nature reserve of saudi chat at a touch camera traps have identified a healthy population of up to twenty Snow Leopards as the Technology Improves were refining all these ways in which our guesses are are getting corrected the latest evidence suggests theyre more cats than previously acknowledged but the Snow Leopard Trust believes its premature to downgrade the cats on the International List of threatened species going green bacteria in a bar a tree and a. Gas escaping from cannick well. This is really the heart of innovation in the for what happened to experiments both exploring and if its good how come to the impact of Climate Change the science of capturing using names on the fly and on the back of my maintained and why does it have to contend techno at this time on aljazeera. Anger and mourning is funerals a hell for four people who died in clashes following demonstrations in gaza on friday. And on the diplomatic

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