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A proper burial he was killed by the around by tutsi rebels on monday after switching alliances to the saudi led coalition. Thats it you are covering up today with our top stories stay with us the people in power is up next and of course you can head to the web site at aljazeera dot com by. Aljazeera where ever you are. When the president trumps first sanctioned office was a militant to prevent us aid cash going to n. G. O. S the promotable sure as a method of Family Planning the move when the it was a proto life advocates but its been condemned by aid agencies and charities who say the ruling will have devastating consequences they work in the developing world. Filmmakers sarah spitta and Callum Macrae looking to find out why. Late september in mozambique Southern Africa weve come here to find out about the impact of a far reaching policy put in place by u. S. President donald trump. Volunteers from an Aid Organization called the no deaf i gather in the province of god. Theyve poured their hearts and souls into a multiagency project called premier. A key part of a mood at his work to spread a message about contraception we began filming but neither we nor these volunteers had any idea about what was to happen next. Worst of. The temple of was more or less its program of dreams you mistrust missed yes this is a minute. They said yes it is but sebastiano tells these youngsters their work is ending because of us president trumps rule that stops charities like this receiving American Funding if they advise on abortion they lost almost half when he was on the last four but of the whole must listen to their. Own. God with all this know all there will. Be god knows this doesnt its the america i moved after has been working here since nine hundred eighty nine. Two thirds of their funding comes from the Us Government but because of their opposition to president trumps order on mentioning abortion that will now and for the young volunteers it appears to make no sense. So here goes. My Young American with yes south got on the ballot as good ideas and landed in washington may. Understand. That. And like i mean i mean. It was just as much seen as well that most of us. Our people and car investigation took us across this nation to witness the effects of the new us out of. Mr ation rule and the questions it raises how usa in america is doing this when they are shouting for the rights of the people. Is completely and just go and just against human drives completely. It was one of president trumps first acts in office. With a sweep of the president ial pen and executive order on foreign aid and abortion that. Thank you very much for months later came details of how the policy protecting life and Global Health assistance would apply a charity that now wants us funds must not perform all activity premade abortion as a method of Family Planning in Foreign Countries including counseling advice and information regarding the benefits under availability of abortion as a method of Family Planning. Opponents immediately called it a global gag rule. To Trump Supporters the widow was a major victory from the prolife president. To protect the unborn fire of real estate it was first put in place by president ronald reagan. The rule on foreign aid and abortion has been a political seesaw a success if u. S. Administrations introduced by president reagan it was repealed by president clinton reintroduced by president bush rescinded by president obama the critics say this newest version president trumps version is far beyond anything thats happened before. Crucially. President trumps rule extends to a far larger range of International Aid programs for Example Charities working to combat h. I. V. And other Infectious Diseases get usaid. And the new policy affects a u. S. Foreign aid budget of over eight point eight billion dollars. And one hundred thirty n. G. O. S have condemned the trunk including global names like save the children and population action international. The Us Administration has briefs that they are committed to helping women and children thrive should just take their word. If this administration was truly concerned about protecting life they want to react to this policy and they certainly want to expand it in the way that they did it because we know from past iterations of this policy maternal deaths increase unsafe abortions increase this is not going to help women thrive and its certainly not going to help children thrive in the absence of other. It may be early days in terms of president trumps new order but in mozambique we found disturbing evidence about how it would affect work on critical h. I. V. Prevention. Its been estimated up to thirteen percent of people aged between fifteen and forty nine here are living with hiv and that the epidemic has led to over six hundred thousand. Or ten days husband and some of her children have died five grandchildren now dependent on her as well as her thirteen year old son nelson. Soso. This. Has received funds to help people like palmira disclose to their families that they have a child. To support that can. Today shes visited by nurse from the charity hes become a family friend before you met us. Could you talk about your hiv status. The law. This is. How important is it to know that you can look after yourself nelson. Says. Half an hours car johnny away fifty one year old widow but a star u. K. Is proud of her flourishing garden and the money it brings in from selling her produce but she told us none of this would have been possible if an ana death or no us hadnt told doctors to treat her. Like im doing. Ok. Just. Yelling. At me. Give me a big additional visit. With the new problems. Sure for you and you know what i mean we get. And youre going. To look within look at what each of those above you can really show you who didnt about Charity Workers have kept up with their home care visit home to check on pakistan his health and her new tradition. But. Today the welcome donation of porridge to supplement the family diet. Was one thing. From feeling like an outcast but as tyra says these Charity Workers are now her friends. But theres Something Else on her mind. I think if and when the the rest of us are going go or. As we were filming we learned that were facing the prospect of closing this and other hiv projects as a result of defying the trump policy. The project leader. The consequences were clear. And i want it just washed away this cannot happen to the corner or it could be a side at the National Theatre that it cannot possible because they were very busy. On. A merger ther is a Member Association of the International Planned parenthood federation. The stans both organizations have taken against the trump order means that i know data will lose two Million Dollars of u. S. Funding. So why are they prepared to forfeit this us money. Why couldnt you just sign and forget about the abortion issue about what the but of the began of the program. That i marched with as my their son lived with the disappearance to carry on now what they want what a day. For activists we talked to opposing the trumbo order is not only about holding the principle of a womans choice its about free speech under the law introduced to save lives. Liberalized its norn abortion in two thousand and fourteen not least due to the high numbers of deaths from illegal unsafe televisions. But for some changing the law is just a first step. Campaigner and doctor. Told us its now essential to spread the message that safe legal abortion is now an option in mozambique up until twelve weeks of pregnancy. Meet the own mom who are bored stuck on food or board do you think. Of either the mortgage and owns a good friend of them or believe that the mark they have. Because of. The trump policy means not only a charity is unable to council on abortion if they want us farms. On top of this america will cease funding other health what if charities like emily death are using their own money from other sources to provide legal abortion services. And the death that says the risk of unsafe terminations means theyre not prepared to censor the advice they give. What will happen is that people will be pregnant people will decide to have abortion and because they are not informed about what the law about abortion in the country what are the possibilities what the facilities we have in the country if there is no more to give them this information those people will. Have a bush and those people will die. Down a bumpy road on the outskirts of the capital a charity called i c r h is holding an outreach event at general school as part of mozambiques National Safe abortion day. He. Continued to eat its a chance to learn about contraception and the dangers of unsafe terminations. But like other charities whove received us funds they too will face a decision on whether to sign up to the new policy we dont really see how we can sign because i see a ridge is mission is really to improve the productive and Sexual Health and life in mozambique safe abortion is now legal we are trying to provide comprehensive services to young people in particular so that they can protect their health and realize their reproductive rights. Forty five percent of the population here is under fifteen. Mozambique is one of twenty five countries targeted by the u. S. In a bid to reduce maternal and child deaths worldwide as a result millions of dollars of aid have poured in. Now the fear is a wider impact if u. S. Bombs on last. The concern is that the loss of u. S. Funds will not only impact on Services Like a child prevention and Family Planning but may have unforeseen consequences affecting a range of services that n. G. O. S provide things like helping young girls back to School Advice on you tradition basic support on hygiene and clean water supply work that n. G. O. S have been doing in this country for many many years. Nearly three thousand students attend this large school in the province of gaza since demo death or began their work here advising on contraception they say theyve seen the rate of teenage pregnancies fall and more girls able to continue their education. Its a project thats caught everyones imagination. So eat it but volunteers sang about the future the reality the clinic on the deficit up here is due to players three days of to be filmed along with nine more in this province alone. The. Immaculately robbins raechel sambo takes her fourteen year old daughter for a check up read his baby is due in two months told us how on the death of persuaded you will forages to get her pregnant daughters state school. Board. Said its all. And theres a further way this family has been supported. For the past eight months meter and repel have had no access to Running Water that means a long to gather supplies. And other have told them how to add a purifying liquid when they bring their cans home to make the river water say. Keeping reader in School Advice about safe water all this record says has transformed lives. Of. Those surveyed and went off i mean i guess you know but is there still vivid i guess no more door but is there still. Brigade. Star measure live very. Regard. To support this family has received from the no death may also be under threat in the coming months as a result of the charges decision that it contant conscience sign up to the trump policy. Even though the us policy is still being rolled out the evidence we were finding here raise disturbing questions the effect of the trump order already potentially devastating. Nowhere more so than when it comes to combating the ravages of tuberculosis a disease rife here in the mozambique province of number one at a local hospital welcome area to raise a defacto is in despair and death as contribution to a tb outreach project is ending because of the trump order. Since i moved here from out of seattle. As my sick wife who is a follower it was on the plan. That. Best and. That i mean. But im not. Lesser market crashed it got bashed of. As part of the u. S. Flagship Program Challenge to be a murder for work that has held in the market travels hundreds of kilometers to remote communities far from Public Health facilities. The aim to test for tuberculosis and provide medication. Today castle that is in tupelo workers have spent many months here gaining the trust and then the gratitude of villages. Very well very little will be newly told us he owed his life to i know death is support. Very well no i will. Until. Later the journey over and off drug visit we learned more about. The patient we met. Almost. Two professional. Sympathetic wanted out that that meant. By side of those measures that the best side. And. In. And of us a. Little bit was a killer. Viral had more to measure their what a samosa m. R. I. Life. Was wide wide wide wide wide but by pleading charities have made their own estimates about the human cost of defying the new prolife policy. In january this year mary stapes international suggested without alternative funding the north of their Services Worldwide could mean twenty one thousand seven hundred maternal deaths in president trumps of office. The u. S. Charity water aid also opposes the new trump rule they say they fear for a range of water aid projects in africa and what this might mean and we do expect that women and girls will. I as a result of reduced access to very basic services that they need to survive and thrive in like education about why its important to wash your hands prevent illness and making sure that you have access to water. The net effect of this policy is likely to be three steps backwards and three steps backwards and terms of funding and policy translates into lives lost. We take to interview a spokesperson from the Us Administration about the issues raised in this film despite two months of asking nobody was available instead usaid supplied us with a statement it said the policy does not reduce the amount of Global Health assistance the Us Government makes available departments and agencies will reprogram to other organizations any funding they would have awarded to n. G. O. S that do not agree to the conditions. It added that it was also important to note that this policy does not limit foreign n. G. O. S from treating injuries or illnesses caused by illegal or legal abortions. One suggestions the policy could lead to an increase in unsafe abortions and maternal deaths we were pointed towards data being collected for a u. S. State Department Review. So we asked what data was being collected the response they didnt have anything else to add. As we went to where the u. S. State Department Review a still not been published. Charities like imo deaf or are now seeking new partners a new sources of funding worldwide one initiative has seen ten governments along with other donors raising four hundred thirty Million Dollars for organizations who may use u. S. Money. But america remains the Worlds Largest bilateral donor to Global Health programs and the fear is that it could be hard to replace the sheer scale of aid that may be lost as a result of the trump policy. Was actually view from the noise of the valar the group who was. Actually not. Painful as it is these volunteers remain convinced the stand theyve taken is the right thing to do. It is. The message of this song the importance of spreading education information in. The new jersey i have now told those affected about the closure of their project and their urgently looking at alternative ways to help people when it comes to what the future holds for one worker a message to donald trump. Only time is such a good thing but i am it is it they are by showing. Their side like our pieces are all that but i know School Source is almost the ways i am. A life i tend to come here and to see. Thousand fans of the swell meant to the world that you dave. December on aljazeera we look back at twenty seventeen through the eyes of five families have been affected by some of the big stories of the year in an increasingly polarized world people in power sheds light on the darkest abuses of Authority Ten days of comprehensive coverage about Nuclear Arsenals around the globe and the impact they have on the diplomatic stage a special program dedicated to this years Nobel Peace Prize laureates i can and their pursuit of a Nuclear Weapon free world and we look ahead to the big stories that could dominate the headlines in twenty eighteen. December on aljazeera. Scaping a war. Finding a new identity. Confronting the reality of racism religion and the struggle to be accepted. Aljazeera tells the story of what its like to be lebanese and call australia home. Once upon a time in punchbowl this time on aljazeera. Going green bacteria in a. Gas escaping from. This is really the hearts are going to vacation in the for what happened to experiments. And. How counter the impact of Climate Change the science of capturing. On the back of my mattel and why does happen tend to this story. Whether someone selling something is very rare we think its how you approach a vigil and if it is a certain way of doing it you cant just. This is aljazeera

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