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Emirates and will be deported to egypt he has been based in the u. A. E. Since losing the two thousand and twelve president ial election should seek amounts last week he plans to run again for president in two thousand and eighteen well coming next its fault lines its going to look at u. S. Politics and the change in the republicans and democrats in the donald trump era and i have more news than half an hour away. I diot old john drum do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute that i will faithfully execute its been just over years and some will trump won the u. S. President ial elections and shook the country and this political system to the core. Between the unpredictable statements and tweets its pretty hard to look away from the everyday chaos that the minutes of news cycle. But under the surface the turbulence trump has brought to washington has forced both republicans and democrats to question who they really are the best washington brass about american politics is how the parties define themselves to the divine and sounds as not the other guys who are they do they define themselves as something pure and real these two Political Parties are until actually exhausted and its not clear what either of those stands for i think and i think most of russells think of these parties are really an inspiring and unimpressive and we need to do some fundamental reworking of face of this kind of a long race because in this episode of fault lines well explore the way donald trump has impacted american politics and the fractures hes exposed in the country and a split a cool parties. With donald trump in power the Republican Party has full control of washington in the white house and both chambers of congress. So the past few months since he took office should have been blissful. But they havent been that. White balance in my current life and one day on capitol hill in capsulated that i. Should have been a good day as trump prepared to visit with republican senators to discuss the one issue they can all agree on tax cuts really dont go and do anything but before trump even arrives a brewing feud with a prominent g. O. P. Senator who had recently said he wouldnt seek reelection took over look i think the standing up in front of the American People and stating untruths that Everybody Knows to be untrue and just. Attempted bowling that he does which everybody sees through just the dividing of our country you would think he would aspire to to be the president United States and act like a present United States but you know thats just not going to be the case apparently trump came and went and afterwards Republican Senate leaders tried to project unity and downplay the president s feud with their colleagues if theres anything that unifies republicans its shocked weve been looking for the opportunity to do this literally for years we now have a president who will sign it who believes in what were trying to do and were going to concentrate on what our agenda is and not any of these other distractions that you all may be unfit but that appearance of calm and unity faded pretty quickly in less than an hour we just heard that arizona senator just slake is not seeking reelection he says he feels like he doesnt have a place in the Republican Party anymore why didnt you speak up what are we going to say. Mr president i rise today to say and not. Flake gave an impassioned speech to explain his decision at its core it was a rejection of trump and his brand of politics it must also be said that i rise today with no small measure of regret. Regret because in the state of our disunion. Regret because of the disrepair and destructiveness of our politics. Flake was facing reelection in two thousand and eighteen but in the past year as he began to speak out against trump he saw his Approval Ratings drop why did you decide to do this now after everything thats happened in the president ial campaign and in the months since about grace i mean not maybe in the senate not running again so carefully with them for four months so there was no good or mean on the incumbent by race so. It is easier to speak out. If i could if i could run the kind of race id like to run and i believe i could win a republican primary i might go forward. But but its. You know its theres a very narrow. Recall for this one told him that fracture between Establishment Republicans and those from the far right branches of the party is also playing out in the state of alabama where theres a high profile senate race. In the september primary election Republican Voters here chose roy moore to be their nominee over an establishment candidate already serving in the u. S. Senate here for the judge roy moore events here. This is a key race because losing here would endangered the republicans the majority in the senate. Were getting ready to welcome the republican candidate for Senate Without further ado lets give judge roy moore a warm air fart that you well. Youve probably already heard of roy moore because of a scandal thats overshadowed his camp. Then in november news broke of multiple allegations of Sexual Misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his thirtys allegations hes denied but even before that more was a highly controversial candidate assy got a thumbs up from the president saw guess something in her i think you came to hear him speak in late october when he was addressing the Alabama Federation of republican women. Theres a big battle going on in the Republican Party. Weve forgotten where weve come from. And what we are down. Here a few headlines this morning post jim flake out roy morion heaven help us. Well i hope heaven doesnt. More is a staunch of vangelis and throughout his career as a state judge he stirred controversy by trying to inject religion into his courtroom the United States Supreme Court created out of thin air a right of marriage for two persons of the same gender. As a judge he refused to enforce a Supreme Court decision that legalized same sex marriage that gives me a violating the rule of law that came when he is a violation of rule of law when we have a country thinking that whatever the Supreme Court comes out with in their eloquence. Is law. That refusal to enforce a Supreme Courts ruling got him removed from the bench for second time. Like the first time was when he installed a giant monument to the Ten Commandments in a government building and then refused to take it down i want to bring god back into. Hes also said that a congressman shouldnt be sworn in because hes muslim and hes running voters in one of the countrys most divisive issues undocumented immigrants the liberals hollering to put these people on television. That were target no doubt they did. No doubt theyre very sympathetic toward their position they were brought here as the children the grown up its been years now and people will sympathize with them but it resulted in has resulted in a permanent evil. Twenty years a guy who campaigned on getting kicked off of the state courts not once but twice for what ethics you know people kicked him off argued for for forcing his beliefs on the state he is so far to the right that i think he will be unique among Senate Republicans in a caucus that has been to the right are we ready for center more. Or are we going to stop illegal immigration. Many. More may be on the political friends but in a lot of ways he fits the model donald trump built. A fire brand candidate to wasnt backed by Party Leaders but in the field of establishment candidates Republican Voters made him their nominee. And both more and trump have raised the question of what and who the Republican Party is now. I am. Probably was from this day forward a new vision will govern our land. I dont think republicans in washington or republican elites are understand to this day why trump succeeded this american carnage stops right here and stops right now. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries make in our products stealing our companies and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. What the president has revealed is that actually the Republican Party was probably always. In terms of its voters and its animating forces much more nationalistic than a lot of us believe their products and. Its not so much about free markets. Hes figured out a way to just say touch into that gut emotion that Republican Voters want to hear they want to hear a president who hates washington with every fiber of his being and who thinks that his voters are getting lost in the new global world order. Its time to expose the Crooked Media deceptions and yes by the way they are dry detect away our history and our heritage. On trips also that hes a Real Estate Developer right he looks at a piece of property for years oh well whats going to be right in that piece of property he looks through Republican Party he said this is an incredibly right wing part of this in more right wing party than its leadership understands and so what donald trump has done is to make himself the vehicle for that extreme right and anybody that thinks hes going to break that or or all to that he isnt going to thats the base but more importantly. Hes giving them what they want. The impulse to scapegoat and belittle threatens to turn us into a fearful backward looking people in the case of the Republican Party those things also threaten to turn us into a fearful backward looking minority party. Republicans are fighting a civil war policy i think these senators recognize and jeff flake said as much the party that they represent is changing underneath their feet as we speak and they realize that you cant criticize trump and all the things he stands for and all the positions he has they dont agree with and when a republican primary thank you mr president i yield the floor. Really is an identity crisis. Introduced here. How are. You all as republicans try to figure out what the card is turning into the Democratic Party still coming to terms with its marks. The forces that work in the twenty sixteen election are still with us it was a perfect storm deep currents of anger and resentment flowing through our culture a political process and process that told voters my emails were the most important story but that doesnt explain what happened during the democratic primaries when a self described democratic socialist managed to seriously challenge a politician as a stop to show us Hillary Clinton. Theres been a deep division in the Democratic Party that now goes back to nine hundred sixty eight. And into a huge scorching division that has been very rarely discussed theres an establishment grouping the blues democrats can never win unless theyre just marginally better than republicans right its like a kinder gentler Republican Party then theres the socalled practical or compromising left clinton have going into the two thousand and sixteen race establishment no question and a lot of the practical or compromising left. I certainly understand the appeal of saying lets start all over lets start with single payer. Ok whats the idealistic but i think a very very centrist group huge. Its just like. Oh billion. Problem but the whole process is what worked for me all the young people and c. D. s and from the people of old clothes and to live on to get. The ever told not to come over. Me as much and bring sanders coming last to a lot of ways was the antithesis of hillary probably someone is going to have a bad that he that resonated more often to city he had a much more force for an inspiring platform. From bold on apologetic platform and that resonated with. Sandor seems to have revealed some of the inner desires residing within democratic voters. But the problem for party daters is how to reconcile that in the trunk there. President trump would stop tweeting and start meeting if shell know leadership from this president whether its on tax reform whether its on health care whether its on the north korea wont he does this tweet and make the problem worse americans dont want that they just want to say theyre not true. But do they want to say also and we are something really different heres who we are and thats what theyre wrestling with do you just run against him or do you literally stake out a set of positions that offer us a clear alternative not just a trump but to the politics the truck thats a much deeper much more fundamental thing they are unveiled a message a couple months ago it was called i had to look it up because they came from remember it was so not memorable the better deal a better deal a better deal American Families deserve a better deal or better deal those three goals more money in your pocket the party released an economic proposal that seemed to target people who voted for trump particularly White Working Class voters there are people in our country who are getting screwed everything second minute hour that the democrats are obsessed with how do you appeal to them speak to their issues pull them back into the party fray helping people middle class working class of every region of the crew rather than trying to excite their own base the democrats seem to be widening their tent some say at the expense of their core values want to do and thats what our party is focused on can you be a democrat and the support of the Democratic Party if youre prolife of course earlier this year some Party Leaders said they would be open to supporting candidates who opposed abortion rights theyre saying well some of these White Working Class voters may actually not like choice issues so we shouldnt alienate them and so to sort of a one hundred races well whats the point of being a democrat. If the Democratic Party is still searching for itself in the age of trump the grassroots movements aligned with the party are clear about who the party should be. Weve been fighting for Immigration Reform weve been fighting for reproductive rights weve been turning out for criminal justice and weve been voting down ballot on issues weve got to make sure they represent out issues and if we act those polls and in the streets and fighting for our rights then guess what the Democratic Party will have to catch up to us and we went to detroit were organizers of the womens march the large demonstrations after trumps inauguration gathered. People here seem to have a more crystallized view than democratic Party Leaders of how it should move forward and white house and so for. Example create a party is too many to pick and choose. The conversation its often reduced to this question of who is the how do we get the White Working Class back as opposed to how do we build the kind of coalition thats multiracial thats really standing up for everybody that people are excited to be a part of let me just you know the democratic side is going to tell you that a democrat can win in this country without black women earlier this year dozens of black women including many of the women here wrote an open letter to the head of the Democratic National committee saying the party was taking them for granted despite the fact that one of the partys most loyal voting bloc but the reality is most of the party deals with what white men within the room youre right and they decide what the message is who the messenger is how to deal with that message as women as women of color weve got to inject energy into the Democratic Party if were going to win. The Democratic Party needs to restructure and it needs to restructure from the ground up but it needs to reflect the diversity it thats in this room. Were talking democrats often say well one thing about us is that were a motley box and that makes us a bit of a dysfunctional that youll hear democrats make that criticism that solves the weakness of the Republican Party is that it doesnt have that diversity were not going to be able to get where we say were going as democratic activists try to make leaders embrace the parties diversity republican seem to have done the opposite whats not discussed at all is that trump won the majority of now working class white folks and so this is not just the White Working Class problem this is a question of what is born of white voters was going on with racism in this country. And why all those one folks actually supporting their playing to the lowest common denominator within politics rather than summoning people to their highest and best selves. The likes of Hillary Clinton yet theres drugs or terror and we hear trump is undoubtedly appeal to a part of the Republican Base by playing to and even perhaps bringing out fear and division particularly when it comes to race. In that sense the countrys polarization is reflected in the way both parties have responded to americas changing demographics. That the republican on the far right is a very wrong headed Mitch Mcconnells of the world the republican elite mander stance that by doubling down on tribalism they are forfeiting the future but from their point of view theyre doing the rational thing because they throw away the Republican Base today in the hopes that ten to twenty years from now asians and blacks hispanics may be more open to repub voting republican again. Theyll all be thrown out of office between now. We understand the Republican Party right now is this is a party thats just experienced shock. You know but hes a shot where they were taken over per se by Something Different in reality they were taken over by them or self from or word. High or if the partys lifeblood is now trump and his base oh yeah the Alabama Senate candidate going more is also part of its d. N. A. Leave you know the question serving in late october as the election got closer more visited capitol hill to me just potential future colleagues and stood by his belief that a muslim congressman should not be able to serve because of his religion. And he also reiterated his views on religion and government. Ok. Come on. Come. Here. Despite all this he still had the support and even indorsement of senators here. The day after his visit which is a week before allegations of Sexual Misconduct came out we tried to talk to republican senators about their support of moore and if you represent what the party is now the room was on the hill assigned what you think about his candidacy. Well i support the nominee of the party over the democrat but i disagree with a number of the statements hes made. But theres never been an absolute purity test in terms of public. Sentiment i ask you by your indorsement of roy moore the Alabama Senate nominee are you worried about some of his extremist comments about this just color press office and trying to get into congress here but i mean this is a man who has called for Keith Ellison a member of congress to not serve because of his religious views does that concern you at all as i said. Judge roy moore was on the hill yesterday. Are you concerned that someone like him could be your colleague in the senate on the republican side it is called islam a false religion hes made other pretty radical comments. Hes not the First Southern senator whos not a century and a new not the First Southern to do that and not just in the southern people have done some things like that but when you get up here it tends to do radicalize should. It tends to cause you to realize hey there are a lot of different viewpoints in this world and we are we above all people should come out for the exchange of ideas. Even those that we dont agree with i think first of the man that i met yesterday with that appreciate you guys good to say. I dont. When the news did break of the allegations against four more Party Leaders quickly drop their support for him roy moore should show up aside the women have come forward are entirely credible hes obviously not fit to be in the United States senate but why did it take this for them to withdraw their support. Why did they support more before despite his controversial views that were already well known. In the end it may not matter because the heart of the party seems to be with more i can tell you one thing you. Dont need a liberal virgin mary democrat. Joe what you have to wonder is would really more have been able to become the republican nominee and possibly a u. S. Senator if donald trump had not taken over the party. Moores fate will be determined on the summer twelfth when hell face his democratic opponents a civil rights attorney known for prosecuting the ku klux klan hes a. Child. Yes well you know i just never gave them my i mean. Its a similar logic Republican Leaders used a year ago to support trump. The other side cant win no matter what party first. As long as trump is there as long as they can see around politically this is where the Republican Partys going to be and hes not going to change and you see people on the periphery saying well im morally offended by it. But by large the story is not the the outliers and that the great story is the overwhelming majority that go right were trying something. Together we will determine the course of america and the world for many many years to come this core concept that one party can win on. On Fear Division neither can win a house hes got a core emotions right. One of the great tragedies of american politics is that we often think that the anger and fear is what that. Both parties do have an identity crisis where. If nothing else trump has clarified the battle from this day forward its going to be only America First america. Kingfish indulge your five senses. Aljazeera. Where ever you are. No filler no filler for that group wait for that food

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