Government says it has put in place a plan to harvest rice from london bound the bahrain hinge of families. More than six hundred thousand will hinge on her fled to bangladesh. After a military crackdown by me a mosque matric human Rights Groups say the decision to harvest the rice raises questions about whether the refugees well be allowed back those are the headlines say with. Next. On one one whats the address of the. Slope for slow climb up on the floor and ok says thank you thank you both of your parents yes both your parents are not responsive is that what youre telling me yes ok we will have a medic and ralph with you very shortly you know their breathing no no you dont know if theyre breathing or they are not for you. Know theyre not hearing things. Ok neither breathing. Thing is he doing its like a big blanket area and everything just builds perfect like your body dont hurt you just feel like a new person you dont think about the negative you dont think about nothing thats just nothing matters and when i mean i am you know. My mom on a timeline on it you know youre not accounting i am e. S. P. N. Youre. Going out maybe a calendar year let alone are you. Criticizing your nine are you coming in you can get him. I dont know are. There any money on there when you. Leave my mom and ok trying to talk to her you know wake. My email here you know i. Guess. In the annual budget change in girl and. They are turning your own. Heart. America is going through the worst drug crisis in its history it is tearing families apart. A generation of children is being neglected abandoned orphaned by parents addicted to opioids. Dont want i knew in your destiny to heroin. And then before i knew it was like it was the where if i didnt have it i felt like i was going to die. Heroin is stronger than any human tie. It is stronger than any. Compelling argument. It is stronger than. A religious police it is the devil incarnate. It is evil its the black plague its like a Zombie Apocalypse its death its kind of like youre possessed or son like you dont even care anymore. To tell this story we came to chillicothe to a town in ohio. The state has one of the highest Drug Overdose rates in the country. It seems like almost everyone here knows someone who struggle with drugs. Amanda howards addiction started with a prescription to percocet for back pain. She later switched to her away because it was cheaper and easier to get. When you were on heroin and just had brody what was it really like ok like i would await your all day make my money and instead of going to whole i would go get my fix then go home and hed already be in bed though i just wasnt there for him like i didnt give him. The extra he needed i didnt spend much time playing with him which he was really really young. But. It makes me sad you know every milestone like these to me make because they dont like me and i missed out on so much of him. You dont know reality your reality is gone. Eventually the cycle kills you if you dont get out. Im lucky you know because i seen that wake up call i got out i know so many people have died he didnt get that call. So i had you know im just sitting in the passenger seat my husband comes out of the store and i am completely collapse over he goes to pull me out of the car on purple one like boy you like i had a deed he had to do c. P. R. And everything someone called the emergency squad and i dont really remember you know because i was like gone. When you go back to the station was your son in your mind yes actually what breaks my heart was he was in the back seat when that happened. I was thrilled to be protecting him and i died in front of them. What would have happened with brody has you not made it out like a station that he would have a mom. And what would my legacy to my son be like how bad would it be to be a kid and someone to say your mom died like fire for days and then youre the kids going to think well im almost in a lot of me. You know i know mom will be working for you because i dont see people. Like her i dont know whats going on and i think it might be heard something that overdoses are now the leading cause of death for americans under fifty. My god i dont know if you dont even think if youve. Got one or you know. To call it a possible double overdose people here like in the truck crisis to a war with police in the mts on the front lines. In the last few years theyve responded to more overdose calls than ever its like a tsunami is hit. But we dont we just keep digging and. The people that serve you know in restaurants the people that work on your car the people of your landscaping those people are at it. Maybe the first time was a choice the second time may have been a toys but after that the demon has possessed them. To make. More. Money with taking a way to really see the. Seals or anything whatever it was you know that youre ok i guess. More than one hundred thousand people have died from shark overdoses in the last two years alone. Scenes like this are happening in homes across the country. And when kids are there you can only imagine how the process of. Care when it can affect the cycle of life even before a baby is out of the home. Chilcote is hospital theres a program for pregnant women who are addicted to opiates. The women are given subutex isnt that a copay but safer for babies but they can still be born addicted to it. How common is it here to have a woman who is pregnant and use it here when. A lot of the women that have been that have come through my group have been heroin users you know. I would say over half of them are here one uses. A lot of the girls that i have in this group mothers and fathers also used some of them are still using and then society is like really focused on them because youre pregnant but they dont consider that this woman has been using probably since she was fourteen years old and shes twenty four shes been using for ten years and now shes pregnant quit using. Its not that simple. You know that not every baby withdrawals more hope in the most the baby but the reality. He is. Fifty five to sixty percent of infants whose mother is on this medicine do withdraw so more do withdrawal than dont some of the signs can be that theyd be crying a lot they can be shaking they can have a temperature you know like when you guys have went through withdrawal your muscle start hurting you know and youll rub your muscles because theyre hurting so bad where you know obviously a baby cant rub their muscles so what babies usually do is they if a lot of times dont take their arms you know dig them back into the crib like this and then theyll get like a red or sore spot on their arms or elbows or they or they will take their heels and they will dig their heels down into their cribs and then on the back of their heel right here theyll get like a rock or a rub spot just kind of wondering because its so are i have kids i have five kids and i know how hard the first few weeks the first few months are of having a baby at home and now its that and dealing with this and i just wonder so you say youre scared of that kind of what is that like youre going through that im nervous like my going to have energy to get out of bed am i going to be able to get the baby when hes crying like i going to have the willpower to want to do this makes her really emotional to think. Why explain that to me but what i feel. Like i feel sick didnt care for him to commitments when. I speak to my grandmother if you. Told me for. I would be three times off of here when you go d. Three times in the last year yes and then i go right back out to the same people that sold me the dope doesnt know about died one and youre living a high again. Is there a moment that you look back on and you remember that you chose her way over your kids. Many a time. To where i would lie to my son time on my way up money for you is there a b. Of the day battles so you know theres so many times that i have a. Three year old daughter and i have it on her right there beside me of the day pulse thats not good like this she sees what is going. You know youre making a choice youre choosing her went over the wall for your kids what is it internally this that whats the voice in your mind telling you what do you love hey when im sick i dont care if i have to get through jesus the devil hell or highwater im going to get to that drug and no matter what my child said here scream im one im going to get to that drug and then ill deal with it as soon as i get it in me and i feel better when you when im so cold chills you cant stand for your skin to even potential like if i would take a shower and try to comb my hair and my hair would hurt like this that makes yeah like everything on my body. I can sit here and i can admit i chose methamphetamine over my children my flesh and blood and then i believe was the hardest thing ive ever done you know i had to admit to myself that i did that. But i hear you use the map and there are one where you would defer to bo yes. I remember her coming to bother me she wouldnt stop she wondered what her hand green tea was doing ice cream member fighting with her and her brother both scream and im not going to use a name one might go into and they say i did. Because im an addict and all g. After so long i look well hell this is somebody else to get high with because i was selfish. You know i still blame myself for her today the things she does. Its concerning its frightening its sad not only for the people who are addicts who get trapped in that. But for their children for their parents for their brothers and sisters for their future. The impact on children is way before somebody over those its the lifestyle that theyre exposed to theyre in a home where the parent may not be able to fix them they may wear the same clothes to school every week. Whether its their left alone whether theyre there pawned off on friends or family might have been dark i dont know. Its grandparents who often step in to fill the void. Be lowered to cover raising four granddaughters after both of their parents fell into drugs and the kids were placed in foster care. Get frustrated when he. Either scared his i dont know how to take care of my grandkids and one bedroom place and yelling out their temper tantrums and theyre in there screaming. I would never leave go get a shower or i with my clothes on. Yeah half hour forty five minutes or until somebody would come and call me down and talk to me you know and the kids didnt deserve that you know they didnt answer me yelling at them it wasnt their fault. You know everything just happened so fast. Just got. Alone in my life. And then i get a phone call and i have to be in town to pick up four girls you know home of my own to raise them. But i made it there in fifteen minutes and i got them and i tried. To look you have. Years of energy in you two periods. I dont believe ive got fourteen years of parenting my health isnt good but i know i have to do it and its what keeps me going. When. They take that as if i dont do it whos going to go back to foster care. Or theyre going to be living in a home full of druggies and alcoholics. I dont want to let go he should tell me to my babies. Ive taken care of them like you have and i know that your baby but youre still a child so here to take care of your babies. You know. That that would have destroyed her to have lost them three kids. Years old look at what shes losing yes yes yes she said take care of the girls and she was two years old Erica Durance baby after baby after baby and she just took the road on its mommy when everybody was drunk and stuff and then uses the. And she still beat her about it was over because she still wants to be mommy and i tried to get her to be a child. You know like what would she do when she was being mom the youngest who was in diapers she would diaper her bathe her she still sometimes i had to come home and shell be in there reading about water and trying to get a balance and if i cant make it do some shell tell im making and what does it mean to have appeared absent from. Their kids alarms and they missed out on basketball games the Little Things that you dont get to do twice theyre going. For you just like this in this picture which you do in. Your kid because graduation. Mom and dad didnt get to go to all this the march her become somebody and then get to work just would take her first steps. To get to see this one graduate from stuff you know. Not this last time so they that they miss not a lot theyre not going to see your bowl games in your grade so in your report cards when you bring home an eight might not have it all they dont laugh. Yeah but im just saying you know. If theyre not there all the time to do these things with you grandma was the one that does that with you. And when they say cry you know i have to tell them its ok because grandma is here im going nowhere. And trying to give them some stability and some security. To hang on to. I tell him all the time lifes unfair youve got to make it what it is and what you want to be and i dont want these kids to think the world names and because nobody owes anybody nothing. Make your life what it is living here. And nothing nothing spare. Living then you die. Inside the world the way it is today. And. Theyre getting love from their grandparents thats not the same as the mother father life. Just doesnt. Whenever their parents arent active in their care there is in their life. Why did they abandon me. Why didnt they love me enough to take care of me. Why didnt they love me enough to stop them what they were doing. Why wasnt i worth it. That deserve a. Higher life. My dad was in the pills and opiates died of a combination of opiates. Prescription drugs. Accidental Drug Overdose. My mom was into heroin says my mom and dad on their wedding day nineteen or twenty my dad from the day that he married her to the day that he died looked exactly the same he never changed if you know if there are using drugs or yeah they were there were you know i was put into a foster home for a little bit when i was young and i ended up having to go with my grandmother how did you find out when you were a little kid that something wasnt right with your parents well i always figured that it was cigarettes because nobody is going to tell a six year old your parents were on drugs in sixth grade my mom took me outside and she was like alexis you know sixth grade and still believe in santa claus hes not real and i remember just like staring at her like what and she was like hes not real and all the lies my mother had been telling me up until that point kind of fell apart for me santa claus was kind of like a metaphor for like the drugs because it was on that same day where i realized there was something more and then the cigarettes it was like a loss of innocence for me to have much of a relationship with her to. Not really we we were having a really Good Relationship for a while and she had just gotten out of prison but then she got back with her old boyfriend and i know that the old boyfriend leads to getting back into her old life so i own i dont want to be a part of it i have gotten used to saying goodbye to my mother as great as your grandma has been to she filled out a hole in your heart thats the shape of your mo now. Dont. If my parents werent ever on drugs say when have i ever met thats just how far back the darn use goes i mean my parents started out on weird and they ended up heroin and opiates and its i mean i want to been born if it wouldnt have been for. The choices that were made and sometimes i wish that i hadnt just for the. The life i might have given my parents. What do you mean. My parents were never on drugs. And i just wish they were done drugs but youre on your very existence is tied up and not me to collision drugs so how do you reconcile that i mean their lives are even more precious than my own i think when a life is taken away from drugs its just not fair and even though i treasure the life i have i just sometimes think that i sometimes just. I wish that it could have been but for the. Time when i want. My diary. Not awake right now is chilled coffee and the rest of the nation struggle to contain the damage. Theres no doubt that the next generation is being shaped by. A question which will take years to resolve is how. The norm back in the day. A mom my dad and two dogs two kids. Maybe a parent maybe a grandmother maybe an uncle or maybe a foster home maybe just a whole lot of me with nothing set in stone nobody really looks at their head and can say youre going to have a wonderful life when youre older again. Because theyre not sure anyone. Here on the all. White country. What it is who lives raves and. What donald opened the door to this is just hate it was there. He opened the door to turn it into a physical reality that the answer lies in the. Old line six eight in transamerica at this time i was just zero. News hasnt other than more of a lable but the message is a simplistic and misinformation is rife that the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narrative at this time on aljazeera that says. Sixty is up to the death of gadhafi. Aljazeera travels to libya. To him from some of those who followed his regime contributed to his downfall. The battle of misrata at this time on aljazeera