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A million cats lands rally against spains plan to impose direct rule the leader is to speak shortly. But on a cloud this is a live from london also coming up in the program another attack in the Afghan Capital just twenty four hours after a suicide bombers targeted a shia mosque in kabul. U. S. Sector state Rex Tillerson arrives in saudi arabia once again to try to end the blockade against gaza plus im malcom webb in the town of come in and the democratic republic of congo where last month thirty nine refugees from burundi was shot by soldiers following a demonstration will be talking to the Security Forces and the surviving refugees about what happened. There lets listen in to kathleens regional president colors personally speaking right now the cabinet. Really. Put an end to that demand and has a now its a series of mean measures. That says patient that mean an end of our selfgovernment and an end to the will of catalogue people what cattle and people this fall you did through the polls because government has ended in their offices. The Spanish Government with the support of the socialist party and. Has taken the worst power. Anyone could take center francos dictatorship and that that is the suspension of the Catalan Government. By doing a lot they are ignoring the results of the democratic election of september twenty seventh of twenty fifteen ignoring the rights of members of parliament who have approved our agenda as Party Government illegitimate manna has decided to be the representative of the catalog people without a lecture and with very little support and against the majority. Government once to nominate. Somebody or some officials to rule life in catalonia is not the first time that this happened and also with the endorsement of the king. And by doing so that other institutions are being hit by it. Each time the cut and then people half overcome this with greater resolution and knowing last vis this issue and show the inability of the Spanish Government to exercise politics. That. We have always had. To have selfdetermination and. A constitution. You know is that when you are done that catalan institutions. Cutter and into dish and have continued providing stability also president s going to find center then yes from exiles. Therefore will no government nor spanish can government can erase the cuttle and will and that will that has enabled us to restore our institutions what we have we have armed it with the power of people and the markets say catherine into the two shouldnt and catalan people cannot accept this actor. The Spanish Government is trying to own all public life in god alone you know from the government to public media and this is not compatible with Democratic Party today and it is outside the rule of law because. A form of government that has not been elected by you see dissent and without the Parliamentary Support this is going against the rule of law and also. To art and use brutal force against people or to use. Dated. Criminal code to retain people imprisoned. And to harass the media or to disturb the lies economy. Likewise. At another time gathered signatures and. Then with the constitutional court. Revoke the statute of autonomy have cut down on the other was approved by referendum and read rated in and ratified in parliament that prior to that is the same prior to this Popular Party that violated that study and are now wishes to govern us i am well aware of the threat of catalan people if the state continues with that and they are late in purpose we have to continue working to defend our institutions peacefully and in a civilized manner. With dignity and with all the reasons we have the hind us thats why. The plan that the parliament should call for a Plenary Session. So that the members of parliament that have been elected by you can discuss the attempt by the Spanish Government to put an end to our government and the markets save into punishment given the measures now to spanish democrat whats happening now to catalonia is an attack to them are crazy and its opening the door to all other similar abuses to other parts not only in got a lot. To call those dissidents criminals. And to ignore the catalan well if all this succeeds. Then. This will have a major impact on democracy and it is and will mean a significant aggression we cannot accept this we dont want this to happen not only to its political leaders but also and especially to all european citizens our brothers and sisters we home we share european citizenship. If europeans found out values are at risk in catalonia they will also be at risk in europe they were practically deciding the future of a nation is not a crime. These goes against foundations that you need european citizens through the diversity of elia is an unseen european nation its core to the rupee and believes we do what we do because we believe in a democratic and peaceful europe the europe of the shutter of fundamental rights that should protect each and every one of us you should know that what you are fighting for at your home we are also fighting for in catalonia and we will continue to do so so your listeners ladies and gentleman citizens of long lived catalonia. Ok well there we go we have catlin is regional president carlos. He said the Spanish Government has taken the worst part since francos dictatorship that is the suspension of the Catalan Government they want to nominate somebody to run in catalonia he said the catalan people cannot accept these measures and said that the Spanish Government against rule of law in the parliament should call for penry session to discuss the actions of Mariano Rajoy to invoke article one five five or lets bring in our correspondent Andrew Simmons whos standing by for us in barcelona has been listening in to that so andrew calling on parliament to invoke a painter recession what do you make of what hes being say. I would say that it was the mildest possible outcomes. Even considering he would declare independence or announce his own elections in fact what hes suggesting is that there will be as you say a Plenary Session of parliament a date we dont have yet there are some unconfirmed suggestions that it could be on monday. This is really. It was a seven minutes. At dress to the country starting off in cats and im language then going into spanish and ending in english and English Point was probably one of the strongest he said that as far as he was concerned catalonia. Was deciding its future. Nation and that should not be regarded as a crime he said that catalonian. A european nation we believe in a democratic and peaceful europe we have the rights to vote he said he didnt actually use the word coup like the president of the parliament but he did say he traded the same allegations. It was aiming at him in that this wasnt a lead. You know action even suggested that it could really hit the economy was roy it was was it was accusing him of this was really a declaration of resistance and a very strong hint of defiance but perhaps not as far as some people would have hoped for certainly some of the demonstrators we spoke to on saturday really felt that there needed to be a strong response and that could well happen with paloma because the parliamentary president indicated in what she said in fact this is what she had to say. A pretty then. A moon a normal Prime Minister has shown political recklessness and exceeded all limits he has announced a coup detat the aim is to put him into catalan institutions and to own them this is an attack on democracy in the twenty First Century and the imus to terminate a government a parliament that has been elected by catalan people and democratic elections this is a coup and authoritarian co. Yes and then lets just remind ourselves of what my around our role we had to say here accused of basically her and indeed the rest of the government of illegal actions. And i dont need. The government has had to trigger article one five five of the constitution that was not our wish or intention it never was i think that most of Spain Society knows this article one five five is part of our constitution and it is only invoked in extremely extraordinary circumstances no government in any democratic country can accept that the law is ignored or changed this is done by trying to impose a criteria on someone else you so i do what we make of a potential timeline for this presumed Plenary Session could come as soon as monday could it. Yes indeed as are saying thats likely to be very quick what actually happens is another matter entirely the numbers weve had here estimated by Barcelona Police of four hundred fifty thousand demonstrators and the mood they were displaying it wasnt warn of outright violent anger it was one of real bitterness a definite increase in the level the feeling so you can expect demonstrations i would think perhaps direct action as well and there is a danger that we might face a lot of resistance to what hes trying to do through the senate as far as the timeline goes the senate will move unless something dramatic happens somewhere along the line from the government here the senate will move in line with what the government wants thats elections within six months thats the sacking of the government thats the imposition of ministers from madrid and the parliament itself to stay in place but it would then be it would be dissolved for elections at some juncture but thats where. Considers the situation normal right now. But to give up i would say is a very long way. For it and to leave it there for the time being thanks very much indeed for that Andrew Stevens there in barcelona lets try and explore this little bit more try and figure out what might happen next joining me now in the studio is. Who is euro zone economist at Oxford Economics angle welcome to the program you heard. Speaking there talking about this Plenary Session and through our correspondent a suggestion that perhaps it was it was the most cautious of all its options or what did you make of it i think he knows what hes done so i think basically the speech was again a rate to ration of these calls for International Help to respect the will of account on people and appeal for the dignity of the cowtown people i mean to put them on notice that hes out of options and i basically its a matter of time that hes going to be removed so i dont really think that it changes much in the short term and just very quickly in terms of the Plenary Session what could be the outcome of that and immediately what might the time line be well i have my own suspicion is that after the Central Government has gone ahead with this measures either more radical side of the brain dependence movement actually you know when to even try to vote for independence before they are removed from power but again this would not have any real effect so i think it doesnt really change much all right ill say that thanks very much indeed i got to tell about i think you are. Moving on theres been another suicide bombing in the Afghan Capital the taliban says it targeted a minivan carrying military Academy Cadets in western kabul killing fifteen soldiers its been a deadly week for afghanistan at least eighty nine people are now known to have died in two separate mosque attacks on friday jennifer glass has more now from kabul. Extra security guards started work at the in mosque last month but they werent enough to stop fridays attack the bomber entered the mosque before guards started their security searches in the law hammad muso soltani is a regular volunteer who helps clean the mosque he was knocked down by the blast then ran inside he says there was smoke and blood everywhere he helped the wounded and move the dead. They do this to divide as they wont be able mow their foreign hands behind such attacks and they do it for later benefits to their slaves why they come to attack this mosque of course they want to divide us and thats like you said. I saw fighters in afghanistan said they carried out the attack the shia mosque was about half full with three to four hundred worshippers the bomber waited for prayers to begin before he launched his attack first throwing hand grenades over here a curtain area where women and children were praying he then set himself off over here in the middle of worshipers killing him mom and dozens of others workers have already removed the charred carpet and abandoned possessions they say it will take a month before their clean up is complete and the mosque reopens among the mourners or relatives of eight year old Mustafa Husseini the president is the father of this country and its that is the father to bring in a country or in the family of. The president to bring in. From the afghan president ashraf ghani says this is attack and others across afghanistan are crimes against humanity and contrary to islamic values terrorist groups will never succeed in their sinister goals for divisiveness he says and will soon be suppressed and destroyed by the legitimate struggle of the Afghan Security and Defense Forces at least two hundred fifty afghans have been killed in attacks nationwide since tuesday the taliban targeted Security Forces in the east South Southwest and north of the taliban on one hand and the Islamic State on the other hand. What theyre trying to portray is that they have the ability to inflict damage not just to the Afghan National Security Forces and the Afghan Government but also with us to the to its International Counterparts wherever and whenever they want to on martyrs hill on the outskirts of kabul another victim of the mosque attack an elderly woman is laid to rest dozens have been buried here today as this bureau and another body arrives and the morning goes on jennifer glass al jazeera and martyrs hill kabul hundreds of kurdish protestors have demonstrated outside the United Nations office and erbil the capital of iraqs semi autonomous kurdish region they were protesting against a military operation by the iraqi army in areas disputed by the kurds and by baghdad around one hundred twenty thousand people have been displaced since iraqi forces launched the campaign and province troops have already seized control of all the disputed areas in Northern Iraq including the city of kirkuk Stephanie Decker has more now from erbil. There is a feeling of tension here in erbil people are not sure how this is going to play out certainly the protesters that took to the streets really reiterating their cause of the feeling that theyve been stabbed in the back theyve been abandoned by the International Community by the United States saying that the pressure the Kurdish Forces the kurdish soldiers who fought so hard to push myself back within the last three years or so that was praised by the world and they now feel that everyone has turned their back on them of course the irony of this is that you have two forces now the peshmerga and the iraqi forces that were trained and armed by the United States they fought together just a year ago to push i saw a lot of mosul now pointing their guns at each other so certainly a real feeling here at the fandom and also an element of humiliation the fact that i had to retreat from these areas that the iraqi army moved into and the fact that they had no International Support no one actually came out to say that this is not what would be happening so this is something that people are dealing with right now and again these are Uncertain Times which is why people in erbil are feeling so uncertain uncertain me just seeing the movements on the streets far less people out and about as you would expect now than you have searchers to listen is in saudi arabia as part of a new push to end the gulf crisis its been four months in saudi arabia United Arab Emirates egypt and bahrain suspended all ties with carter after accusing it of supporting terrorism but to us and says he does not anticipate a breakthrough earlier this week he blamed the saudi led blog for being unwilling to find a solution pretty kohei says. Hes back u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has landed in saudi arabia he was here in july then signed a memorandum of understanding with carter would be enough to end the blockade it didnt despite his shuttle diplomacy so now hes coming back trying a new tactic for the four blockading countries saudi arabia u. A. E. Egypt and bahrain assigning blame and then in an interview saying qatar is willing to negotiate and the Saudi Led Coalition is simply refusing to talk because he tried before he tried to try to be nice with everyone but him no well. I think thats probably. The time has come. Analysts say there is a renewed hope they might be more willing to engage now has the president for example try to put pressure on the saudis in the u. A. E. To be willing to to to meet. The resolve some of the sanctions and stop that they put on. The fact that the president house called out now and basically decertified the iran deal is that going to make the saudis more willing to work with us they deal with the situation with god or u. S. President initially put all the blame for the crisis on cutter but after being pushed by his secretaries of state and defense he now says its time for all sides to talk if i can help mediate between cutter and in particular the u. A. E. And saudi arabia i would be willing to do so and i think youd have a deal worked out very quickly his own secretary of state is publicly disagreeing taking the trip well downplaying expectations crisis will end soon but he does during this trip could very well determine if that is true. An ambush on Security Forces in egypts Western Desert has left up to sixteen people dead thats according to the Egyptian Government the Police Officers were raiding a hideout of the bihari a oasis when they came under fire from armed fighters six others are thought to have been injured Egyptian Security sources say the figure is far higher and that at least fifty five officers were killed there are groups claimed responsibility for the attack. Officials in somalia say the number of People Killed in last weeks bomb attack in mogadishu has risen to three hundred fifty eight another two hundred twenty eight people were injured when a truck bomb exploded in a busy area of the somalian capital it is the deadliest attack in the countrys history fifty six people are still missing officials are accusing the group for being behind the attack but it has yet to confirm or deny any involvement at least thirteen Police Officers have been killed during an attack on their base in western niger Authorities Say five others were wounded in the incident close to the town of are you near the border with mali nigers interior minister says an investigation is underway. Refugees from burundi have told out to syria how their friends were killed by soldiers at a camp in democratic republic of congo thirty nine people died and dozens were wounded during a protest last month the Congolese Army and the refugees blame each other for what happened michael webb reports now from the town of cumming euro. Esper also sherry minor says bullets broke the bones in her arms when soldiers shot dozens around her died theyre buried in this graveyard she says she was among a crowd of other refugees from burundi protesting peacefully here last month who says she was lucky to survive. I cant remember everything because they fear when i was shot but i remember people throwing stones at house. And then soldiers started shooting. Community refugees belongs to a unique catholic sects from burundi they fled conflict at home to come to the neighboring democratic republic of congo where religion doesnt allow them to eat processed un food or to biometrically register in the u. N. System so they are temporarily camped here outside a base of u. N. Peacekeepers in the town of cameron yola. They say that day they wanted the release of four men from their community youre arrested by congolese soldiers this camera phone video was taken as the crowd gathered and sang. When the shooting began the refugees came down the road from this direction they say they met soldiers about where the blue truck is they say the soldiers opened fire without any provocation you can see bullet holes in the wall here they say the machine gun fire went on for several minutes but the Security Forces tell a different story. Captain informed to kill him it was there he says the refugees overpowered him and other policeman stole a gun he used it to shoot him in the leg and attack the soldiers who then fired back in self defense one soldier was killed and they say they have never seen such people are not afraid of bullets one kind of bible and they all kept an advancing. Refugees deny they took a gun or attacked the u. N. Says in any case the army should not have used lethal force the army told us he acted as any army would solve the new. Threatening and throwing store not yet in the host country what country can tolerate that there were caned them but they didnt know what happened in nearly one hundred refugees were injured many are still recovering the government says an inquiry is underway. Refugees meet twice a day to pray in the camp they say they were attacked after officials stirred up hatred against them because of their own usual religious beliefs congolese or thought if you deny it the refugees say they were persecuted at home then persecuted here so theres nowhere they can be safe now come where aljazeera in the democratic republic of congo the head of the World Health Organization says that hes rethinking his appointment of Zimbabwes President Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador after being heavily criticized for the decision the u. K. And the u. S. Have opposed the appointment along with dozens of Health Groups and human rights activists theyre demanding the decision be overturned because of alleged Human Rights Violations committed in zimbabwe under mugabes role. A right wing billionaire businessman whos been called to check donald trump looks set to become the Czech Republics new Prime Minister and euro skeptic and no party is one about thirty percent of votes in saturdays parliamentary election hes been critical of the e. U. In the past and is against a Czech Republic joining the euro zone you now says he wants to take an active role in shaping the e use policies. The maltese government is offering a one point two Million Dollar award for protection for anybody who has information on the murder of a problem investigative journalist deafening korean or lisa was killed on monday with a car bomb or reporting on covered links between maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and offshore accounts revealed in the pentagon papers leaks. Family was asked to endorse a reward but they refused saying they would only do so if the Prime Minister resigned. Protesters in australia had been demanding the legalization of same sex marriage a week before a postal vote on the issue was due to close the largest gathering was in sydney where thousands marched through the city calling for equal rights almost eleven Million People have already posted their ballots its about sixty eight percent of the total sent up the result is expected in. Argentina head to the polls on sunday for its midterm Congressional Election results could be affected by the discovery of the body of the missing activists are going maldonado his brother sergio blames the government for his siblings death mother nardo was last seen in august youre going to confrontation between police and indigenous rights activists and patagonia is disappearance led to protests around the country many accusations of Police Involvement election campaigning was suspended after the body was found three days ago. Police in brazil have arrested more than one hundred people thought to be connected to a major pita following investigators found more than one hundred fifty thousand files containing disturbing images on computers and mobile phones and holland as more. One after another police lead away the suspects these are some of the more than a hundred people now in custody and what Brazilian Police say is their biggest operation yet targeting paedophiles reportedly among them a retired policeman Civil Servants people running football clubs for youngsters theyre not just accused of sharing pornographic material of children over the internet some face charges of producing it i asked. Pedophiles use different methods including storing illegal criminal photos in the computer of someone in another part of the country or in the world and often the person who is storing the content is unaware the operation ran over six months drew and eleven hundred Police Officers and extended to every state in the country brazilian investigators also worked with u. S. Authorities they say they found around one hundred fifty thousand files containing disturbing images some of the suspects were described as using sophisticated techniques to evade detection but justice Officials Say others were simply caught with the images on their computers and mobile phones. Aljazeera. Before bring you not that headline just a little nudge in the direction a web site al jazeera dot com is the address or news that were covering right there aljazeera dot com plenty of comment and now too. So youre sort of a reminder of the top stories making the news here in aljazeera Catalan Leader colors preacher man says spains plans to impose direct rule of the worst attack since the dictatorship of general franco Pro Independence demonstrators are still gathered on the streets of barcelona spain the Prime Minister has asked for article one five five to be triggered which would mean that catalonia as leaders are removed and a snap election is called but then. No Spanish Government can i raise the cattle and will that will that has enabled us to restore our institutions what we have we have earned it with the power of people and democracy the catalan people cannot accept this attack or these measures the Spanish Government is trying to own all life in catalonia and this is outside the rule of law theres been another suicide bombing in the Afghan Capital of kabul the taliban says it targeted a mini van carrying military Academy Cadets in the west of the city fifteen soldiers were killed on friday at least eighty nine people were killed in two separate attacks on mobs hundreds of kurdish protesters gathered outside the United Nations office in the iraqi regional capital of kabul they were protesting against the military operation by the iraqi army and shia militias earlier this week iraqi troops seized control of all the disputed areas in the north including the city of kirkuk an ambush on Security Forces in egypts Western Desert thats left up to sixteen dead thats according to the Egyptian Government it happened after a raid on armed fighters that the races on friday turned into a gun battle but security sources put the number of dead far higher they said at least fifty five officers were killed. Officials in somalia say the number of People Killed in last weeks bomb attack in mogadishu has risen to three hundred fifty eight another two hundred twenty eight people were injured when a truck bomb exploded in a busy area of the somalian capital it is the deadliest attack in the countrys history the head of the World Health Organization says hes rethinking his appointment of Zimbabwes President Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador after being heavily criticized for his decision all right youre up to date with headlines here on aljazeera and next it is the listening post looking at just how hollywood and the media could both fail to expose on the one stop. The protests are part of the week off. Right behind us. When our time

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