A planned attack on kurdish controlled areas tension has been mounting since iraqi kurds overwhelmingly voted in favor of secession two weeks ago. And i had lines here on aljazeera im back with an update for you in twenty five minutes the stream is coming next. Hi emily could be and youre in the stream now live on you tube today the political turmoil in kenya is the countrys upcoming president ial election in jeopardy now that the opposition candidate has withdrawn from the race. I am being tony and you know i mean and and i am in the stream. On thursday commune officials banned all protests as the election standoff between the opposition and ruling party escalates this week the Opposition Leader and president ial candidate withdrew from the upcoming rerun election the news follows weeks of protests by his supporters who believe unfairly lost in september the Supreme Court ruled the election invalid and ordered this rerun to take place but now that would mean that is out what will happen well joining us from nairobi to discuss this we have come out that way gone joe hes a constitutional lawyer and former commissioner with the commission for the implementation of the constitution. Shes a member of the National Assembly and supporter johnson said hes a member of the Ruling Jubilee Party and senator for nairobi city county and my colleague catherine soy shes a reporter with aljazeera english covering east and Central Africa welcome to the stream now catherine you know the government good to have you here we know the government has banned protests in three major city centers you can see this headline here on my screen this is what archie munity thought about that. Is totally unacceptable its a direct attack on our bill of rights our constitution insurance freedom of peace small demonstrations someone else though says its a good thing this is an insurer who says we welcome that decision these demonstrations are purely for right loading us selfish interests and they do not represent us how whats behind this move to ban protests and how were other people reacting. Absolutely and thank you for having me and. The cabinet secretary here into your cabinet secretary had this press conference and he gave reasons why. The government has banned. That in western kenya in the Central Business district in western kenya in mumbai at a kenyan coast in here in nairobi and he cited security reasons. In the last few days or so with increasingly have been seeing cases where people are being robbed weve seen cases where shops and allies Opposition Leaders and opposition supporters of course have come out to say that had been high are being used to infiltrate and cause killers in what they believe are Peaceful Demonstrations and also accused police of using Excessive Force in the last i think a few weeks ago and we saw videos of police are seeing in beating up students at university. Yesterday we also saw. During the riots and we saw Police People injured dozens of people were injured several people are hospitalized with gunshot wounds so the cabinet secretary for interior saying that the reason why this part of been banned in this area is to avoid an escalation of violence but the opposition has said that these. Demonstrations against the Electoral Commission and calling for electoral forms are going to go on after. Some of the demonstration. Well i think its basically the system and this is what julie has been doing you know theyve been trying to tell all our freedoms i mean at the end of the day the right to pick the right to demonstrate is in our constitution and then when we apply and when we modify them theyre going to have. A demonstration it is their duty to provide security in the initial stages they will tear gassing us we were not allowed to demonstrate over the last three demonstrations in their avi they were actually escorting us we never had any problems none of us in fact if you look at the last three or four. A demonstration we carried branches tree branches we put our hands up we danced on the streets we were not violent in any way and when we saw somebody who was trying to steal we actually reprimanded them and to give them to the police there were not enough police to actually maintain order there were more policemen to try and stop the demonstration and now the ban basically is is another attempt by the government to ensure that we go in the reverse in terms of our democratic rights so this is what member of a community had to say we will never back down we still stand to defend our supreme constitution and our rights we shall never be cowed kimo so help take us back to how we got here in the first place help us understand why did mr odinga withdraw from the election. My understanding from the statement that. Gave birth to the present lost to the Electoral Commission was that they had issued eleven irreducible minimum would have to be sealed if theyre going to participate in the elections in their perspective those issues have not been resolved and consequently they do not feel that they can participate because from their perspective if they participate then they would be. Legitimizing another rigged election i have by the way looked at eleven million moms i would say you know a fair amount maybe fifty percent of them are basic administrative issues Board Technology or needs to logan what some of the fundamental they go to the very core of what a free and Fair Elections should look like and the commission has responded admitted to some i think maybe up or maybe about forty percent of them they have said some others are not possible for the reasons they have given i think contested naturally by nasa and so that is where we came from and i think i want to go to something that. I start my good friend to stop osiris the new senate the new woman ripped from nairobi and to serve this i think we must recognize the context in which we are in the reality is that we do not have enough policemen to protect the city from demonstrators and demonstrators may have the estimate of the best of intentions and i dont doubt it but i dont think when you have a thousand two thousand five thousand young men coming into the deep there is any way in which you can ensure that the circumstances which esthers talking about which are very reasonable can be can be dealt with i would be corresponding fred mighty and he had said very much and hes a cabinet secretary that youre not going to allow demonstrations in nairobi but if you are talking about the Central Business district i think that is reasonable what he should be saying in that role because the people know me and i to demonstrate what is it we can do so that we. I also respect the rights of those that are. In the c b d. That is what you should be asking i dont think an outrage. Is also the answer and part of the problem in these countries that we never trust one another we talk to each other and i think thats something we need to be saying and what i would have expected a reasonable position certainly would recognize that general is that out there when you have groups of young people well i dont see that were going to do most of these for example that maybe come out i hear you there i had to write down what you said we never conversed with each other so this show will be an opportunity for that i want to bring in a few more voices this is i mean. I and i think i take i think your point but you mentioned the elections and not wanting them in the Central Business district we also got people online who are saying exactly the same thing but here is why some people say theyre so angry this is need she says raila odinga has had is election victories stolen three times all his supporters want his electoral reforms to guarantee a free and fair viable and credible election johnson i want to bring you in here on this point what you make of this. Well. You know its still out there willing to an election. And. Of course you can be the Supreme Court of korea which knowledge but that action alert knowledge occasionally blows never a question about their mongol hopes the president will have a website for school again but the election is not a fight is goes i didnt get that it is and he got it is and all over the world is not perfect election so. The president. Has accepted the rule of law and accepted to go back another election there are very few president s in the world in africa. Who would accept their own victory to be subject to another election and thats because you believe in western alliance and country. On the on the constitution opposition is very aggressive which allows. It so long as there. Is a plea and. I think the order is usually there was a current still on she was told another system is the property. You are asked to listen to and love is what we have points for just because unless you are just one another as not often is and we do still love the little you know i mean financial as certain as i want to bring you in here but i was one our International Audience for the nasa the Opposition National super s alliances around the same pair had us or not i mean im an appearance of the day weve always demonstrated and we i mean we right now weve actually stopped because of course we were branded by the government as being violent who carry stores we want to loot etc etc but at the end of the day you know what i find really strange about this government its how they handle human rights issue weve had so many People Killed it is so more why is the government using such high handed approaches when its dealing with demonstrators i didnt see the sea as much younger talking about the lives that are lost hes talking about the property hes even asking people to come forward and actually give him the list of the things that have been stolen or damaged nobody is obviously going to probably complain hes asking them hes trying to attract them in and the thing is most of the people that have come into our demonstrations are jubilee financed against you know calling the person a robbery business the good for Business Community thats the lets move away from nairobi for a moment lets go to consumer because consumer obviously they are not to believe they know who to believe supporters will also demonstrating and stop being nice or demonstrators from not a lot of the people that were there were not one of us a little autonomy official in kisumu who looted the minuses it was disbelief supporters i mean what im saying lets just lets recognize the last shooting reality live bullets sort of which are getting away like a bullet for is does that make it real. Oh i hear you and i hear the point that youre making and i love your passion because our community is feeling exactly the same way on those two sides but i want to bring this. Moment up this comment from hakone who says what does oding want to achieve but what this and of course katherine you cannot speak for either. But according to your reporting what do you think hes trying to achieve what well let me just bring in a point of discussing back to the demonstrations i think to blame really because ive been covering these demonstrations since they started i was in august just after it was declared. And i saw what happened people. In those areas we were in and again police used to have behind the very aggressive with the people we went to hospital and spoke to victims of people who had been shot by police the shooters all this had to do that they had in here in nairobi as well we sold looting happening and things like that and also the police using very he hands i think the blame goes both ways now back to your question about. I cannot speak for him but from what hes been saying is that he was fresh election conducted he went to give the Electoral Commission time. And you know. To reform the election to. Electoral commission ahead of in the elections so thats what he when he says he just wants to have a fair. And level of a fair level ground so that he can participate thats what he really wants thats what hes been saying but supporters of do you believe that the ruling party led by the president says that he is just power hungry. He is. Being and he just wants to create heroes and make this country and governable so that they can sit down and sort of have a pasha of sorts thats my awareness right now doing that is not interested in a power sharing thats part of the jubilee conversations and thats what thats what theyre trying to make people to believe they demonize raila at the end of the day raila wants what is democratically right whether he wins or he loses its not important what is important is that everybodys vote counts he wants to make sure that we actually have an electoral system that is not biased that is actually going to conduct an election that is free fair and credible and we never had that and we are so proud of our judiciary and as we can see i mean do you believe he is doing everything wrong i mean given to immediately after the chief justices ruling in spite of the fact that they accepted it right at the end of the day that the steps that theyve taken including coming up with a new election bill its obvious that they want to make sure that any course gibney emerges as the winner and with thanks and as often as a lecturer i feel i hear you there i wrote down what you said citing that iran dribbly is doing everything wrong come up i know you want to get in but i have to let johnson replied to this johnson. And with. The world government will. They have. On the models you so much from the city and the city so its a government as well that believe themselves to the levels of poly people take advantage of it but what really is on record supporters what he wants to see is young people coming out he wants to. Level that document do you believe me that was a document you believe video. Sent since i cannot independently verify that video finish up your point johnson that i want to bring our community and. What is actions speak louder than words weve heard. You say. That your commission is accountable institutions you know if you want to be doing this or last you dictate what we dont discuss and dictate. Whether being elected to the members to discuss your forms we need to join them in the streets to discuss we have a rule of law. If you have got one election if you have. Some cases. And. So i think you mentioned below one hundred twenty six this is where i want to bring this conversation back to you i hear the passion about the protests and i know that that is still on the top of peoples minds but the twenty six is looming this is a tweet we got from tanweer who says i think i should have continued the fight through the ballot because the withdrawal has put its supporters to shame another person ways back and on that and says he knew he would lose and thats why this happened here valuated it he doesnt have the peoples vote so what does this actually mean for the october twenty sixth election theres been some discussion about whether or not i think thats what drawl is actually a done deal at all yes he made his announcement but is there still some wiggle room for him to get back and i want you all to have a listen to this from broadcaster n. T. V. Kenya this withdrawal by this letter and i again i agree with with joy as he has got not uncaring and hell use you fire from before. But his when it crystallises into the drawer because withdrawal is supposed to be fire using a prescribed form. Second matter what does this actually mean for the october twenty sixth election. The truth of the matter is that two three days ago when. We drew from this process i think the country was put in a spin the reality is that because i had never anticipated these sorts of situations people didnt know where to go fortunately yesterday morning the High Court High court one of the have just given a result judgment about what should happen in terms of who isnt to be on the ballot what are they losing tons of munitions and what are the circumstances that should what are the things that have an election within the sixty days the reality is we are a constitutional democracy we have an institution that is set up to conduct elections we have to go to and we have disagreements i think because we are still very delicate the least that someone like honorable reloading all of us paid a heavy price for that caused the most he should be doing is ensuring that were doing everything to build this is theyre not perfect by the way theyre going to make mistakes sometimes theyll make mistakes deliberate sometimes theyll make because you know they are also learning but i think its important that we grow and build institutions where were going is actually destroying this is the two sons then i would ask instead of us where will we go well last quarter that were talking about that have been very good sometimes for nasa sometimes we do believe when things go wrong where are we going to go and by the way as stuff of that record i dont think myself i expect i have total contempt for the police when they shoot people by the way even when people are committing certain of their times when theres something called disproportionate force so i dont think anyone says that so therefore if you said no looting youre saying no but what youre saying is that a responsible opposition ensures that you also put your supporters out of harms way and one of those things is ortrud much younger he is proposing so i just needed to make that point to say that what you are saying is let us be reasonable let us recognize were not. Watching in a Perfect World working building institutions this election should go on in the month of proposed they are challenges the still are still there we will go back to those courts well in the elections when i have been in a court as opposed to shock there will be such as i just you cannot be a junior in your house with whom it is no hold on with your respect or right you neither can be a judge in its own cause the fact that their little real or right not hold on bringing in an election bill because they have the tyrant of numbers so to speak right trying to amend the rules into trying to make sure that nothing can go wrong with them again if they mismanaged this election let alone if they said let us there a minute we should have. All of the family live there with a court yeah but you. Cant make so i lecture and come out so i was a little you know yes sir come out i