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Hello im adrian from again this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. You were bleeding out you feel like you would never made it. If someone had stepped. Over the wall of my parents or are you so stories of heroism in the face of tragedy without help the death toll of the worst mass shooting in u. S. Modern history could have been much higher plus. I think its clear to me that the i. S. I. Has connections with with terrorist groups in the u. S. Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff tells congress that Pakistani Intelligence Services have ties to groups that has warned of peers punitive action. And you have seven days to get out thats what the u. S. Tells cubas diplomatic staff in washington will tell you why. Us from they say that the gunman behind the last vegas mass shooting had nearly fifty weapons including a dozen with devices that made them file automatically Stephen Paddick killed fifty eight people and injured pulled in five hundred when he opened fire from a hotel room onto an outdoor concert and he calico reports. As stephen public finds down on a crowd of concert goers on sunday night newly released Police Body Camera footage shows panic and confusion officers scramble to locate the source of the gunfire and get members of the public to safety this is a dramatic snapshot of the moments before public was located on the thirty second floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel police gave more details of how events unfolded the suspect i can tell you that we know now that he fired off and on for somewhere between nine and eleven minutes we know that the suspect fired over a dozen or so volleys and we know that the firing by the suspect ceased at ten nineteen so way to think about that the minute the first minute the police are aware of shots being fired at ten oclock ten o eight and it stops at ten nineteen also another question came up how long was it before our swat team entered the suspects room so many said you heard it was seventy two minutes and if why so long as i just mentioned to you. As the sheriff mentioned previously in the briefing we had patrol officers actually working another event at the mandalay bay. Who heard the shooting and they took it upon themselves to form up into a team enter the stairwell begin ascending the floors and also evacuating hotel guests the swat team had to arrive first Officials Say several searches of now revealed the full extent of products. Currently forty seven firearms have been recovered. These firms recovered from three different locations those locations consisted of the hotel room as well as verdi in the heat nevada they were purchased in nevada utah california and texas the gunmen purchased rifles shotguns and pistols inside products hotel room assault rifles can be seen on the floor many of them modified to fire more rounds whats not clear is why a retired sixty four year old accountant carried out the shooting but his longtime girlfriend Mary Lou Donnelly has now been described as a person of interest steven products Family History is also emerging his father benjamin product was at one time on the f. B. I. s most wanted list for bank robbery and theft President Trump also declared without citing any evidence that product was mentally unbalanced he was the sick man a demented man. A lot of problems i guess were looking into him very very seriously investigators say theyre also looking at patricks financial history described as a high roller he gambled heavily and sent large sums of money overseas whats clear is that Stephen Paddock planned his attack well in advance even installing a camera outside his hotel room to watch for approaching police his motives however remain a mystery this is a man with no criminal record and someone who neighbors describe as a recluse as this city continues to mourn its dead its a question many want answered but so far the reasons remain unclear and they gallacher aljazeera Las Vegas Nevada so investigators in las vegas are still poring over what they consider to be an active Crime Scene Police say that some of the numerous guns belonging to the dead man have been sent to f. B. I. Laboratories for analysis rob reynolds has more now on the weapons used in the sometimes contradictory gun laws of the u. S. This is the gun shop where mass murderer Stephen Paddick bought part of his arsenal was talking how he was new to the area kind of visiting all the firearms stores in the area firearms laws in nevada where paddick lived are extremely lax says criminal justice expert William Souza people are able to. Buy semiautomatic. Weapons handgun rifles assault rifles people also are able to openly carry. Weapons on them at any addition as much as you want there are no restrictions in terms of the amount mr ammunition that you can buy or any modern weapons they can buy for that matter what weapon tatic used in his killing spree is especially alarming it appears that you know the individual who who did this was was using fully automatic weapon such weapons can fire nine bullets per second that was the kind of gun fire that was coming out of the window the thirty second floor of that hotel and he had massive firepower fully automatic weapons are in most cases illegal. But there is a loophole there are kits available that are legal to buy on the internet that allow an individual with some technical skill to convert a semiautomatic weapon to fully automatic fire Police Confirmed paddocks modified for rapid firing we are aware of a device called a bone stock. And. Enables an individual to speed up the discharge ammunition dump stocks can be bought online for about one hundred dollars one of the many loopholes in our gun laws in the United States that while it is illegal to take an existing semiautomatic and transform it into a fully automatic weapon that is illegal and then to own that weapon thats illegal under federal law its not illegal to sell the kit that allows you to do it. Reeled in Las Vegas Massacre sparked new gun control legislation unlikely with the current political configuration in power in washington d. C. The Republican Party in control of congress and the presidency you will see no action by either branch of government to tighten up gun laws americans have come to realize that no concert night club school or theater can ever be safe from a determined gunman with eight in his heart rob reynolds aljazeera las vegas. Well we continue to hear stories of heroism from the last fake a shooting like this account from a man who found a victim bleeding after being struck by a bullet. I mean we were getting away and i just we came across it was in the bed of a pickup truck. There is a makeshift tourniquet it was kind of around his knee is really wrong spot. Just walked up there and he was actively bleeding but i just did the bell got it out where it should be tighten it down to stop the bleeding then we hung out there for ten fifteen minutes and then some some. Savior in a pickup truck came in they do we need a ride said yeah we threw mall in the bed of the truck and we took off to the hospital i had by the time i got over the wall of my pants are already in my shoes for blood so now i when i made it i know i went. You know im very thankful that james was there to help me saying that Jennifer Lopez and the u. S. Country star jason aldean have canceled their shows in las vegas following sundays shooting olding was on stage when suspect Stephen Paddick opened fire on the crowds at the concert. Now that he is the number of people confirmed dead in the u. S. Territory of puerto rico following her has risen to thirty four President Trump visited the island on tuesday two weeks after the hurricane struck already accused of botching the government response his remarks that generated even more control the sea is the reports from san juan. Its clear that donald trump has made up his mind about the success of his administrations relief efforts in puerto rico during a selfcongratulatory event shortly after landing the president praised the military to local officials and members of his cabinet for the Emergency Response and suggested that the crisis in puerto rico wasnt as bad as the aftermath of other hurrican disasters if you look at a real catastrophe like katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died. And you look at what happened here was really a storm that was just totally overpowering nobodys ever seen anything like this after learning the president did shake hands with the mayor of san juan who strongly criticized the administrations response is too slow she was reported to have said as they shook hands its not about politics its not clear what the president s response was youll see mccann is a u. S. Army veteran this is his response to the president s comments i think that we definitely cost a lot of money to the states but they also have that think about how many soldiers we lost how many lives we lost three percent of the United States so theyve given us a lot of money yet but weve been given a lot a lot of others didnt take Donald Trumps comments too seriously he is the way he is yes but can we say. Progress is being made according to the governor petrol stations banks and supermarkets are reopening telecommunications have been restored to forty percent of customers and truck capacity at the port is back to sixty percent of normal but fifty five percent of the population is still without Running Water ninety five percent are without electricity and despite the president s words no audit is complete of those who died Community Groups say there are still areas untouched by government help the president satisfaction with relief efforts is more evidence of the disconnect between the white house and this u. S. Territory has long been a belief here among the three and a half million u. S. Citizens of puerto rico but theyre not listened to in washington they call even a vote after all and now there are very real concerns they werent be listened to as reconstruction begins she had zero sound one during his visit President Trump said that puerto ricos debt may have to be written off earlier this year the u. S. Territory filed the biggest bankruptcy in u. S. Municipal history with debts amounting to seventy two billion dollars he told one u. S. News agency were going to have to wipe that out youre going to say goodbye to that until the last in america analyst he says the President Trump has to be taken seriously but not necessarily literally in regard to puerto ricos debt. Hes not talking about somehow pushing for a full pardon of that debt but that debt was already you know been defaulting on its obligations for a couple of years its been operating under a law called pro mesa which is as a qualified Bankruptcy Law that was specific to puerto rico so already it was pretty clear that most of the the banks that have. Outstanding puerto rican debt were never going to get paid in full that they would probably have to and that debt would be paid some sort of a discount now with this complete and utter catastrophe in puerto rico. Its difficult to imagine that puerto rico is going to be able to pay anything back its going to be desperate for funds to be able to rebuilt u. S. Defense secretary james mattis has told the senate that washington will again try to work with pakistan on afghanistan before taking what he described as punitive action the top u. S. Military officer general Joseph Dunford has accused pakistans Intelligence Agency of having ties to groups and ickes ation the pakistan denies some of in java reports. These are some of the taliban fighters the thirty nine Member Alliance has been trying to defeat since two thousand and one donald trump is the third president whos come up with another new strategy to win the war and of learn to stand his defense secretary and joint chiefs chairman have bearden public hearings before the senate and House Armed Services committees to explain this strategy shift and once again u. S. Officials say pakistan is among the reasons the a failed its clear to me that the i. S. I. Has connections with with terrorist groups and if i could just follow up on something secretary matter said i think over the last several years weve had a bilateral approach to trying to effect a change in pakistans behavior. Its not about says the latest round of accusations are absurd the cia paid back son millions of dollars to set up the fight isnt going to stand in the one nine hundred seventy s. Pakistan has also played a role in u. S. Led efforts to mediate between the taliban and the of government and the state department has reiterated that the only solution is a political one focused on not just afghanistan but also india and also incorporating pakistan and that is sort of a regional approach. The key element of that is eventually getting afghan afghans to talk to afghans and that would it would certainly include the taliban getting them to talk to one another. Is against indias increasing role in of one a son the foreign minister is in washington to try to remind the administration about pakistans sacrifices during the last sixteen years the government says its economy lost billions of dollars in addition to the deaths of more than eighty thousand people pakistans ties with china are strengthening as the relationship with the us deteriorates i cant say yet that the trumpet ministration has taken a radically harsh more vigorous approach to pakistan but i think they want to give the pakistanis the impression that they might. In washington stone is somewhat softened since last. The defense secretary says hes going to try one more time to work with congress on. A seventeen years on of lot of fun i mean for more on the job i was there were going to weather update next year and i was zero then Frances Parliament approved a controversial new Anti Terrorism will look at its implications. Pink skies by the time. Or is the sun sets in the city of angels. How i wish still struggling to clear away the rain that were seeing just around the black sea just around the caspian sea is i have your clout that stretches all the way across into the foothills of the hymn alas just around is back to my stand still saying what it was perhaps a wintry night just a bit towards almighty still some rather wet weather there just into northern parts pushing up towards south of that is far to dry warm and sunny kuwait getting up to well the made to high thirtys once again still a few showers in place for tehran all eighty degrees celsius for the west that what he says out of the middle of that fine dry pleasant warm and sunny as is the case too across the Arabian Peninsula no sign of any wet weather here. Rather more humid thirty eight just tucking in as we go on into thursday but plenty of sunshine nevertheless sunshine will be replaced by right across parts of Southern Africa over the next couple of days weve got some very heavy rain coming into central parts of south africa pushing across the eastern cape as we go on through thursday could be heavy enough to cause some localized flooding continue just around ethiopia maybe want to. Southern parts of sudan maybe more whether for good west africa. The weather sponsored by. Oh is it allison when theyre on line we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that has to address or if you join us on saturday im a member of the ku klux klan but we struck up a relationship this is a dialogue tweet us with hostile intent stream and one of your pitches might make the actual join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera. And again the top stories this hour on aljazeera. Last vegas police have released body camera footage showing officers trying to locate the source of the gunfire sunday nights mass shooting Stephen Paddick killed fifty eight people and injured more than five hundred others when he opened fire from a hotel room onto an outdoor Concert Police say that he had forty seven guns in three locations. The death toll in puerto rico following Hurricane Maria has risen to thirty four u. S. President donald trump told puerto rican officials that they should be proud that thousands of lives were lost in iraq and rehab trump controversially compared the disaster to what he called a real catastrophe like katrina when on his First Official visit to puerto rico and u. S. Defense secretary james mattis has told the senate that washington will give his line about another chance to help on afghanistan before taking what he described as punitive action and says the top u. S. Military officer general Joseph Dunford accused pakistans Intelligence Agency of having ties to. Fifteen cuban diplomatic staff has been expelled from the u. S. The United States says it took the decision after have failed to protect its staff from alleged sonic attacks cubas government denies accusations that it was involved and is calling the response from the u. S. Reckless and unfounded latin america editor lucy and human reports. Cuba is fuming over washingtons decision to expel fifteen more cuban diplomats but would it cause unfounded charges of mysterious acoustic attacks against u. S. Diplomats in atlanta and many. The Foreign Ministry energetically protests and denounces this unfounded and acceptable decision along with the pretext used to justify it that the cuban government has not taken the appropriate measures to prevent these alleged incidents from occurring. After months of inconclusive investigations more than sixty percent of u. S. Embassy staff here is packing up to go home ordered to leave cuba to protect their health from possible news sonic attacks that have reportedly seriously damaged the hearing of more than twenty u. S. Diplomats since last year this according to the u. S. State department. Cuba has repeatedly denied any involvement and says the u. S. Is withholding information to help get to the bottom of the reported acoustic attacks. Down the street from the u. S. Embassy people who say theyre desperate to be reunited with their loved ones in the United States sit under the hot sun uncertain of what to do now that the consulate section is no longer accepting new applications the. Night of leave it as husband is in the u. S. Her daughter has a u. S. Passport but she does not have a visa or the army because of i had a visa appointment for september the twentieth that was postponed because of her and now this political storm is preventing us from getting together i dont know if or when i can travel according to the u. S. Embassy website most piece of processing in havana is suspended cuban applicants for nonimmigrant visa as may apply abroad something close to impossible for most cubans this embassy will be left with a minimum consular staff and so too will its cuban counterpart in washington after these expulsions this may go down in history as one of the more bizarre incidents in the long complex relationship between washington and have and are in fact cuba is now putting in doubt the u. S. Version of events saying it wants to see the proof that these socalled acoustic attacks ever took place in the first place. The foreign minister adds that cuba has had no access to the alleged victims or their medical records and. We call on the competent u. S. Government operate is not to continue politicizing with the issue which can provoke an escalation of a conflict with a desired consequences. For these people waiting for visas to the us that escalation with its undesired consequences is already a reality. You see in human have anna. Police in colombia have arrested more than one hundred fifty people in a crackdown on kidnapping and extortion. Around one thousand officers were involved in raids across colombia the Anti Kidnapping and Extortion Task force was responsible for the coordination of the operation and those in charge say its had a Significant Impact on reducing the number of cases. Look at the moment. What we are showing is the states capacity to continue to fight this kidnapping and extortion to nominate the most important results are a thirty eight percent decline in explosions this year and a ten percent decline in kidnappings the king of spain has intervened in the crisis over catalonia describing sundays secession referendum as illegal and undemocratic in a rare public address he accused catalan regional authorities of dividing society and putting the economy at risk earlier hundreds of thousands of catalans demonstrated against a violent security crackdown during the vote so your gago reports now from barcelona. If the Spanish Government thought breaking up the referendum would win the war with catalonia its been proved already quite wrong this crowd gathered outside the office of the ruling Spanish Popular Party denounced the Prime Minister as a fascist and the Police Action on sunday as brutal. The people are defending what they have to defend the people are ready we will see if the government is ready this week. The what if the riot squads reviled within the region were nowhere to be seen the protests were policed by local catalan officers firefighters seen here as heroes received ovations every time they arrived. At the University Square the crowds were even bigger thousands every side road was much bitterness here about the perceived silence from the European Union after what happened on sunday. But on tuesday night the spanish king addressed the nation in a call for unity but the referendum as a legal. Test the one i said. We have all been witnesses to what has been happening in catalonia will be ultimate aim on the part. Of declaring a legally independence for catalonia this will have little effect on the largely republican cattle. And there is still nothing from the spanish Prime Minister who has no interest in engaging the catalans of political mediation for madrid this is strictly a legal issue. That means the call from the capital the president for talks is likely to get nowhere and the clock ticks away on the self declared timeframe of independence this week that is a crisis for spain and for the European Union and nobody seems to want to grasp the media. But a few hundred meters away from the protest the streets were quiet and many who dont want spain broken up have been getting on with their lives but they are the ones making all the noise the momentum so far remains with the secessionists this is the politics of brinkmanship with everyone waiting to see who will be the first to back down so you go aljazeera barcelona iraq has stopped selling dollars to leading banks in its kurdish region and has banned foreign currency transfers theyre stepping up its retaliation for the kurds suspension vote state television says that parliament voted for financial sanctions in order to preserve the interests of the Kurdish People iraqs neighbors iran and turkey both with a substantial kurdish minority a backing baghdad but the Kurdish Regional leadership has announced plans for president ial and parliamentary elections next month more now from Charles Stratford whos in his at the bash mark border post in iraqs kurdish region. Thats an iranian tank you can see on the hill there its guns heart pointing towards the kurdish region of Northern Iraq there are more iranian tanks to the left here and now weve been talking to kurdish customs or sources here they say that on the twenty ninth of september members of the Iraqi Interior Ministry came here and delivered a letter insisting that the iraqis take control of this Border Crossing and the two others that border the k r j now the kurds have refused the Iranian Military say these tanks are all part of joint military exercises with the iraqi army that are happening across the border in iran but that he is not laying the fears of the customs of florida keys here to see if. In such a tense political situation its normal for us to be worried as kurds because previously we have faced so many wars and challenges with the displacement of people kurds and they want a new war we understand thoughts between all sides continue to try and find a solution to this crisis iraqi Prime Minister hyderabadi has said he does not want a military solution but is no doubt that tension is increasing in this region and we understand that those joint military exercises happening across the border between the iraqi and the Iranian Military said to continue for the next few days in France Parliament has voted to adopt a controversial antiterrorism bill that will bolster the powers of the Security Forces extra powers for police and Intelligence Services under a state of emergency will now become permanent critics warn that civil rights will be infringed but authorities argue that the law is needed to protect citizens Natasha Butler reports. A majority of m. P. s passed the new counterterrorism law that incorporates many of the special powers given to the police under the state of emergency the interior minister says its a way of combating an ongoing threat. We are still in a state of even if i saw my have suffered some military defeats more than two hundred people have been killed in attacks in france in the past two years in mass a people pay tribute to the latest victims two women killed in the citys train station on sunday under the new law police can raid homes and arrest suspects without warrants and place people under house arrest without a judges order rise ation while the government says that the new law will protect people critics say gives the police far too much power and will lead to human rights abuses they say falls under a permanent state of emergency. Suddenly we find ourselves with a law which integrates the tools of the state of emergency but without the country being in exceptional circumstances its a prospect which frightens tony a few days after the paris attacks and twenty Fifteen Police raided his house during the night terrifying him and his young children. I found myself on the floor face down hands tied my children and wife taken to the back they shouted where are the weapons. Placed under house arrest until a court declared his innocence he believes he was targeted for being muslim and belonging to a shooting club. Well if you shoot for sport and you are a muslim its not acceptable it was before the attacks but now its assumed you are a terrorist. The governments due to lift the state of emergency next month but tony worries that the new law will encourage discrimination and lead to other french people having their lives turned upside down natasha buchla al jazeera paris. Everyone figure here in the heart of the top stories on aljazeera. Police in last vegas have released body camera footage showing officers trying to locate the source of the gunfire from sunday nights mass shooting Stephen Paddick killed fifty eight people and injured more than five hundred but he opened fire from motel room on to an outdoor concerts police say that he had forty seven guns in three locations. The death toll in puerto rico after Hurricane Maria has reached thirty four u. S. President donald trump told puerto rican officials that they should be proud that thousands of lives wont last in iraq and maria trump controversially compared the disaster to what he called a real catastrophe like katrina one of his First Official visits to puerto rico. U. S. Defense secretary james mattis has told the senate that washington will give islamabad another chance to help with afghanistan before taking what he described as a punitive action that says the top u. S. Military officer general Joseph Dunford accused pakistans Intelligence Agency of having ties to armed groups spains king has intervened in the crisis over catalonia describing sundays secession referendum as illegal and undemocratic earlier hundreds of thousands of catalans demonstrated against a violent security crackdown jury vote iraq is to hold Financial Transactions with its kurdish region in retaliation for last weeks secession referendum Iraqi State Television says that parliament voted in favor of the blockade in order to preserve the interests of the Kurdish People the measures are expected to target the Regional Government leadership. The u. S. State department has ordered the expulsion of fifteen cuban diplomatic staff and has given them seven days to leave the country it comes after the us reduced its staff at its embassy in cuba citing unexplained injuries to american personnel. Colombian police have arrested more than one hundred fifty people in a crackdown on kidnapping and extortion around one thousand officers were involved in raids across colombia those in charge say its had a Significant Impact on reducing the number of cases. Right after the stream next. Reality the president said that there would be a complete audit a hundred percent audit that audit hasnt happened getting to the heart of the matter so are you saying then that the future of the. Here the story. On talk to how does it. At this time. In the stream live. And twenty the a bowl outbreak that killed more than eleven thousand in west africa officially over people

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