Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171003 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171003

glamour shall carry this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes. and in excess of eighteen additional firearms some explosives and several thousand rounds of ammo u.s. gun laws are back under the spotlight after fifty nine people are killed in the worst mass shooting in the country's modern history. not just things carillon region brought to a standstill as thousands to win a general strike against police action during sunday's secession vote. a plan to send thousands of ahead to refugees who have fled to bangladesh back to me and mark but there's little detail on how what the employment. and more questions than answers is australia formally ends its investigation into the missing malaysian airlines flight m h three seventy. and the f.b.i. is taking into the history of the sixty four year old former accountant who carried out the deadliest shooting in modern american history detectives are trying to find out why stephen paddick opened fire from a hotel hotel room a relooking a concert in las vegas at least fifty nine people were killed and five hundred others injured and it gallagher has more from the gambling capital. this is the moment when a homeless sunday night out became a tragedy. twenty thousand concert goers were enjoying a country music festival when suddenly bullets rained down from above terrified they scrambled. the safety. zone and then one after the other and we were laying out on the floor i didn't know to get up to run and just to stay to done but it was didn't know if it was safe to move because just about everything i was going on to escape your home and just shooting me get down on the floor people who die in our pool and we went through the airport parking lot does up and down hill through the puddle everywhere perched in a room on the thirty second floor of the mandalay bay hotel sixty four year old stephen paddock fired off hundreds of bullets from an austin all of military style weapons. a college lasted for ten minutes as police broke down the hotel room door public killed himself police found twenty three guns in the room on monday morning the scale of the atrocity became heart breaking the clear we are currently standing at five twenty seven for individuals injured and individuals that have died or passed away fifty nine police called paddick a lone wolf he apparently had no criminal record no history of mental illness and the f.b.i. says he had no connection with overseas groups such as i so well al qaida it was evident that he had weapons in his room we have determined that there has been employees going to and fro from his room and not in enough areas was noticed at this point that's what we know now investigators hope products female companion mary lou donnelly might provide clues as to his motives friends say she's out of the country a song but president donald trump address the nation. we pray for the entire nation to find unity and peace and we pray for the day when evil is bad and the innocent are safe from hatred and from fear among the many unanswered questions are how product got hold of so many weapons some of which it's believed were modified to be fully automatic another nineteen weapons along with thousands of rounds of ammunition and explosives were found at his home in a quiet retirement community las vegas known around the world as the entertainment capital of the united states is a city in mourning its history has been changed by one terrible night and the motive behind the attack remains for now unknown at a gala crawl jazeera las vegas nevada. the attack has once again sparked calls for increase control of the sale of firearms in the united states and the gun owners and lobby groups rail against such proposals they point out that the right to carry a gun is a central tenet of the u.s. constitution many argue that democratic freedoms are in short because the population is armed they say it protects the country from the possibility of dictatorship because citizens can fight back if they want to encrease controls on guns point out the constitution was written long before automatic weapons existed they say citizens were at risk by widespread availability of high caliber firearms many want to limit the sale of automatic weapons restrict people from carrying weapons in public and increased regulation on gun ownership. i mean catman is in america as professor at the school of public health at the university of sydney he is the author of over our dead bodies australia spike or gun control he joins us on skype from sydney so first of all thank you for joining us there have been mass shootings in sydney before what was their tearing point that made people there say we have to do something differently. well we had thirteen mess shootings in seventeen years before the year not in ninety six and in ninety ninety six a man ran amok with semiautomatic weapons and killed thirty five people tourists location in tasmania now that this man like the killer to die had no criminal record he had no mental health history he was someone who people said after the event well he was a strange but nothing was ever done by police or mental health authorities about this person and it's the same with most people who engage in mass killing incidents they don't have any anything in their background which would have brought them to the attention of authorities what characterizes them people who have so many automatic access to semiautomatic weapons so what was the turning point that changed gun laws in australia and do you see that that would make a difference and the us. well within six weeks after the incident and not in ninety six all state and the federal government in australia united to outlaw civilian on a ship semiautomatic weapons and in the twenty one years since we have not seen a single massacre in this country finally coarsely was there any pushback against that. oh there was pushback for sure they would to the gun lobby organized demonstrations in the streets but read about ninety percent of those trying to community support it well the well the prime minister of the day did he has said repeatedly that it was the most popular decision that he ever made so obviously the australia and the u.s. are are similar but different in a lot of ways. do you ever see such a turning point happening in the u.s. as somebody who's watching from the outside. regrettably no i don't think so i mean after we had the sandy hook massacre with twenty children tiny children shot in a primary school and i read today that they had been there been two hundred seventy three mass killings in two hundred seventy five days in the united states i mean it is this is the man is shootings capital of the world there is no other country that comes close to it with a jew or die in a day out in that country and it's because the power of the gun lobby and the aquas acquiescence of politicians who refuse to take a stand against simon chapman thank you very much author of over our dead bodies australia's fight for gun control thank you a general strike is threatening to bring much of catalonia to a complete standstill following sunday's controversial vote to break away from spain strikes were called by cattle on trade unions in response to violence by spain's national police during the ballot nine hundred people were injured as hundreds of riot police attempted to shut down the polling stations and sleep joins us live from barcelona where as we said the strike he says strikes are going on so lawrence tell us more about what you're saying there and what they're hoping to accomplish. yes it's a little loud so forgive me if i can hear you too well we're now at university square in the center of barcelona remember i was saying earlier that there had been two demonstrations one that we were out earlier on outside the offices of the reviles ruling party the popular party and then another one outside the equally reviled national police compound here there were a couple of thousand people easily at each of those they've now converged here university square and joined up with all the students. who and this is another who who are very very strongly pro independence and i think this is going to be the probably the focal point at least of the demonstrations for the next few hours remember i was saying before there's a general strike of unionized workers there's also a different stoppage which we which we call in the country stop which that sort of spanish translation more or less and so what's happening as the day goes on is that these things a merchant and throughout barcelona room beyond there are different things taking place that there have been tractors blocking the main motive to fronts all these actions and people stopping work this sort of thing much of it is imposed the police violence of the referendum some on sunday a lot of it is also pro independence some of it is and it's basically an expression of cattle on isn't but by and large what you can say for sure is that at the moment there is a the writs of the ruling party the popular party doesn't run in catalonia at all and for all the threats they put forward about taking back power and stopping the referendum happening where you can see yourself i mean that there are moved to absolutely sure of their own democratic credentials or and considering a lot of what you're saying that that's happened here wait was a response to the police action on the on voting day what is the police presence there right now based crowds a pretty sizable. yeah and it's. it's a good question that they think that the body has been that despise riot police. all these actions are being patrolled by the local council on police and remember to even though that there are people we're told are worried that they got us a bill might try to come in and provoke at some point during the day that absolutely insistent that they that they want to keep this entirely peaceful in order to maintain the sort of in order to maintain the sort of moral high ground that they think they've got if a although i'll have to say i mean this isn't just an interesting balance but it is it is a fact that if you walk a couple hundred meters away from here there out there are lots of people getting on with work and life and and you don't want him to find the catalonia and you know you can hear what the mood is like here but they haven't got any support elsewhere in almost all the rest is thing doesn't support them there are flags that his saying you know where all you when we need to the european union doesn't support them either and if they are intent on becoming independent by the end of the week there are a lot of people who fear that there might be walking off a cliff because it's not at all clear what sort of support they would get as an independent republic by saturday ok mark slain by for us in barcelona thank you now the result of sunday's referendum has left carolines who don't want to see their spain worried about the future. and speaking to some of them. was was the referendum result well mainly in favor of catalonia breaking her way those who brought spain to remain united becoming fearful. that don has defied and society divided families and marriages. to explore the fault lines i had to meet cattle an artist or a polo porsche. getting ready for war no stranger to controversy with his politically charged photos but he says rising intolerance is forcing him to wants to keep his anti secession opinions to himself if you not with them you would franco that's how radicalized they go. it is a scary and it's going to get worse i think the fracture that this election course it's a reversible as long as we have the same players ruling the country. believes repression of the catalan language and culture on the general franco's dictatorship which ended in the mid one nine hundred seventy s. may have fueled the independent spirit yet that doesn't change his mind i'm not here to rebuild my grandfather i got my own life i'm looking to the future i love people from madrid i got better friends in madrid so everything that my father grandfather was telling me it doesn't match my reality that's what it is i'm not going to really bench times of change a law across town i head to a social club for men like retired farm worker danielle cabin yet oh he migrated here from the neighboring arab gone region in the one nine hundred fifty s. but feel strong loyalty to the rest of the country. catalonia is vibrant economy has drawn several million workers from poorer corners of spain and abroad. they will never have independent catalonia is a province of spain and always will be that's how it should be the people behind this referendum must be half crazy they'll never achieve it. but catalan leaders i determined to try a bit that seems destined to deepen between neighbors and friends call panel al-jazeera barcelona spain. plenty more ahead in the news hour including another push for unity among rival palestinian factions but will this make a difference to the separating of thousands plus. their well to a rock n roll legend tom petty stats shocks music fans around the world. and in sport barcelona as most famous football clubs join in on a day of protest in catalonia peter will have all the details in sport. laura henschel refugees have arrived in bangladesh from the m.r. while the two countries have agreed to a repatriation plan the deal to send back the abraham was made after representative from ian mars later on sponsored she travelled to bangladesh for talks with its foreign minister and the un has called the exodus of over half a million right hinge of the world's fastest developing refugee crisis. has made proposals for taking back the refugees both countries have agreed to form a joint working group in order to monitor and to repeat the process both of us have agreed on it now bangladesh will figure out what the details will be of the composition of the joint working group so we'll be on more. we have correspondents covering the story from both sides mohammed jam tunis and cox it's bizarre where the bangladesh me and more border first that we're going to go to yahoo mail him who joins us and young go on and me and mar so this process of people going back how difficult will that be. well it's going to be extremely difficult for him to actually get back into maine my little loan to go back to their homes firstly i mean mouth or she is have said that i have indicated that need to show some sort of id or evidence that they are residents of maine and you've got to remember that this is an ethnic minority that has been excluded from citizenship since one thousand nine hundred two many people simply do not have the proper paperwork required others have said that they fled their homes without evidence all these documents others have said that the documents got burnt along with their homes in the violence secondly i mean maher has indicated that those who are returned to the country will be going to a recession and camp in the north of state not to their homes. it is also said they will be appropriating land that has been burned in the violence and you've got to remember that human rights organizations have said that at least half of all grow hinder villages in iraq and state have been burned in the violence now the u.n. the united nations has insisted there are going to be allowed to go back to their places of origin so really the question remains exactly how many people will be going back to me in march under this process and when they do go back how long will they stay in this resettlement camp and who they be able to go back to their home of origin ok. for us and young girls let's go now to cox's bazar or mohammed jim jim is that it's near the bangladesh me and maher border so what are you hearing from people there about the possibility that they would actually be able to go back to me and mark. well rachelle in short they are terrified at the prospect of returning when you speak to him joe refugees that have a rival here and now it's been over five hundred thousand in the past month alone they are extremely worried about what will happen to them if there is some sort of agreement that would allow them to go back now i spoke a short while ago with the u.n. emergency relief coordinator here mark local he's been on a three day visit to cox's bizarre going to the camps here he said that there is great concern even at the u. when about the prospect of coming up with some sort of mechanism for refugees to return he says that this really starts in me and more the focus needs to be on ensuring that the conditions are going to be safe for those refugees to return to me and more here's more of what he told us on that point as well. we need to pray says my wage people can safely securely voluntarily be allowed to go home and they onus is on the authorities in me and not to demonstrate to everybody above all to the refugees and so that circumstances are going to change so that it is safe to go home because at the moment if you listen to the people we've listened to in the last thirty six hours none of them think it is a new. so we show right now the main concerns also are the fact that people are worried that there could be epic dimmick that might begin a cholera they're worried about unsanitary conditions there worrying about what might happen in these camps the just don't have the capacity also another bit of concern is what will happen when there isn't as much media attention focused on what's going on with this for him to refugee crisis aid workers saying that they are concerned that although now aid is flowing in if the world starts looking away if there were hints are forgotten about they will not be getting the supplies the aid all the things that they so desperately need in this time of crisis respond to jam to life for us and our mohammed thank you all off one quest is a spokesman for the asia division at amnesty international he joins us via skype from london and thank you for your time is the this the talk about repatriation is it is it too hasty is it too soon when quite frankly there are still people crossing the border and the issues that caused this have not been dealt with. yeah i think your correspondents just made some valid points about a number of red flags with the talk of the petraeus and i think for us a little bit is closer to the two governments are talking about returning to their home such would be the ultimate goal as long as this campaign of ethnic cleansing it's unfolding in iraq can stay that. it's much too early to talk about something people back without having to conditions in place on the ground for it to be safe and secure it's not the key point to think about the areas that are this a historical precedent area of the month in my case and out of two thousand tens of thousands of very interesting g.'s who are trying to do this to me and more many of them were essentially forcibly pushed out they were consulted if they want to go home or not. really keep it slow most of the one wants to know want to be pushed back to me m.r. gibbs well so whole or or what body can and can get in there and come up with a plan that actually makes sense not to something on paper not something that says great we're working together something that can really make a difference. i think we need to involve the civil courts and obesity to the two governments in the media world but you know the truth will be keep to get both both to the table and it sounds like they're really they're hoping to sort of us but we also need the international oversight of this process. too and short of it is a safe process where it is can return in security i mean they can do this specific body something that can be worked out perhaps the unit show or the u.n. refugee agency. but it's really you know we do need international involvement on the international oversight to ensure that our human rights both range of people or at the forefront of family were preparation process and that this is not just a case of. pace you're pushing people back against the work ok. quest with amnesty international thank you very much. the palestinian prime minister has chaired a unity cabinet meeting in gaza as part of national reconciliation efforts between his mainstream fatah party and hamas. said he wanted to turn the page on the division that has plagued the political factions since a mosque took control of gaza in two thousand and seven amoss announced last week that it was handing over administrative control of the gaza strip to a unity government very fossett has more now from gaza city. well the first cabinet meeting of this new unity reconciliation government has taken place the palestinian prime minister ahmed presiding and this is really the first getting underway of this project it's difficult project which is failed so many times over the last ten years to restore palace in north already government to the gaza strip now we have ministers going out to their ministries the expectation is of a smooth handover of power from the hamas officials who have been controlling those ministries up until now we've had a news conference after the cabinet meeting in which the p.a. government spokesman talked about the importance of the egyptian backing to all this we have posters of president sisi in this square talking about the fact that the egyptian minister of intelligence will be here later in the day offering support to this process talking about appealing to the international community and the israelis themselves to ease the israeli blockade and as for the kind of humanitarian issues which are so key to the nearly two million people who live in the gaza strip so far we're in a holding pattern over that they're saying that they have received detailed reports about things such as salaries electricity water border crossings and that they will look into these things deeply however some of these issues are issues that have been exacerbated by restrictions imposed by the palestinian authority precisely to bring on board again under a unified government the squeeze on the electricity the cutting about thirty percent to the salaries of the p.a. employees have been sitting idle for the last decade these are things that the p.a. could reverse if it wanted to immediately at the moment they're talking about talks about talks next week beginning in cairo. and a process to try and address and solve those issues al-jazeera has learned that a weapons shipment from north korea has strained relations between the u.s. and egypt united nations report obtained by our team details the connection between pyongyang and cairo egypt's foreign ministry has responded saying authorities have sensed a steroid the shipment of anti-tank missiles parts. whenever u.s. president donald trump meets his egyptian counterpart in public it's all smiles that is capable of the impossible. things were frosty year a few months later when the u.s. delayed or froze around two hundred ninety million dollars in military aid for egypt and washington post says that was in part because of what was on the ship in july last year u.s. intelligence agents started tracking this as it sailed from north korea to egypt a month later u.s. officials told the egyptians they wanted it searched a u.n. report says they found this on board hidden and iron ore seventy nine crates containing parts to build more than twenty four thousand rocket propelled grenades and material for an additional four thousand some reports say they were distant to the egyptian army which later blew them up under u.n. supervision. the egyptian foreign ministry denied the reports saying the shipment that was confiscated was not distant age it egyptian authorities indeed confiscated the shipment and destroyed it adding the head of the u.n. security council north korea sanctions committee has lorded egypt's if it the u.s. is on high alert keeping a close watch on north korea's ports if u.s. intelligence agencies are doing intensive satellite tracking of all ships entering and leaving north korean ports they can also through satellite observation get the images of what is being loaded onto ships the north koreans are believed to sell weapons cheap around the globe to pay for its nuclear weapons program france which currently presides over the u.n. security council sanctions working. on a face off. it's essential to implement fully one hundred plus in the sanctions that they have put in place and here honestly i'll be frank we have made significant progress lisa only the sanctions committee is doing its work well at the same time on monday the trumpet ministration contradicted its own secretory of state you see the u.s. was looking to talk to north korea there's a difference between a talking point diplomatic pressure we still strongly support putting diplomatic pressure on north korea which we're continuing to do but now is not the time simply to have conversations with north korea the u.s. appears to be sanding the message doing business with north korea comes with its own costs shall it bellus al-jazeera. a few moments we will have the weather with death but still ahead on al-jazeera the state of limbo kurdish businesses along the turkana iraq border face an uncertain future after last week's defiance session reprimand us. i'm more about the money i'm in iraq gallery in doha where when the king of innovative german car design and technology in the one nine hundred fifty s. to the near future. and injury scare for the world's most expensive player ahead of world cup qualifying it will have that story in sport. from cool briskness and fuel. to the war in trying to those of southeast asia. and i there we've had some very stormy weather across parts of australia recently the satellite picture clearly shows the area of cloud that gave us our very heavy downpours you see it just working its way down that far eastern coast there and it certainly gave us a lot of heavy rain in fact some of us reporting over three hundred millimeters of rain and that's over four times the monthly average so incredible amount of rain just to have in a twenty four hour period and it's very different to what's going on just a little bit further south as well there in sydney in new south wales we're crying out for rain and we haven't seen any atoll this is sydney during the day today then clearly blue skies not to a great deal of wet weather atoll and instead the problem here is with the lack of rain in the entirety of september we only saw nought point two millimeters and there's been nothing since then so nothing in the past couple of days so while we've had no rain around sydney so the north has been a lot of it has been flooding and we've also had reports of there being a tornado as well now as we head through the next couple of days the main focus of the energy the main system is working away towards the east but still for the coast of queensland they could be one or two more showers and if you catch one it could be very very lively but further south it's still dry. there with sponsored by qatar airways. ever since i was a little boy in india my dream was to make bollywood films so five years ago i decided i was finally queen to do it one man's quest to realise a lifelong ambition the story i choose the laws of my own village and its transformation going behind the lens has gotten singh brings his personal story to life. al-jazeera correspondent my own private bollywood at this time. when the news breaks more than a million people have already lost and not know what will grow with conditions and the story builds fast furious and sometimes fatal. jockeys are risking their young lives when people need to be hand in my dream of gambling in numbers i don't feel comfortable with don't think i'll gamble until i die al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries and i have news on and on line . watching out to zero let's take a look at the top stories this hour f.b.i. agents have found no weapons ammunition and explosives in the home of the gunman who carried out the worst mass shooting in modern american history stephen paddick opened fire from a hotel room overlooking a concert in las vegas killing fifty nine people and wounding five hundred others a general strike has brought much of catalonia to a standstill following sunday's controversial vote to break away from spain strikes recalled by catalan trade unions in response to the violence by spain's national police during the ballot water hender refugees have arrived in bangladesh from me and mar while the two countries have agreed to work on a repatriation plan the deal was made after a representative from e.m.r. slater on sunset she travel to bangladesh for talks with its foreign minister. are honest deployed tanks along its border with iraq semi autonomous kurdish region iran says the deployment is part of a joint military drill with the rocky armed forces tensions in the region are high following last week's curtis secession referendum the vote was held. in defiance of the government in baghdad as well as neighboring iran in turkey strapped for joins us now from the border post in iraq's kurdish region so charles where are these these exercises were they planned before the vote or is this a result of the vote. well that i cannot confirm what we do know though certainly in this area very close to the border on the border of the k r g the kurdish regional government controlled area of iraq and iran there are a reigning tanks that have been positioned to my right on the hill there it's pointing into the k r g also tanks here to the left we've been speaking to kurdish customs or sources here certainly they say and they've been speaking to the iranians that a joint iraqi and iranian military exercises are due to start any time in the next couple of days in an area around fifteen kilometers behind me in iran they say that it was on the twenty ninth of september that twelve representatives of the iraqi ministry of interior arrived here and delivered a letter saying insisting that the kurds hand over control of this border crossing to the iraqi authorities want to stand that that letter was delivered to the two other border crossings that pair of his pair of his car and around and the kurdish authorities have refused so far to abide by. by that letter we understand that negotiations are still going on between the kurds the iraqis and the iranians to try and come to some sort of solution but it is fair to say that the tension here on this border is mounting the kurdish authorities that we spoke to admitted that they were very nervous although the iranian have said that these military exercises in this area at least are going to start imminently they point to these tanks that they say it's fair to say are dug in their guns pointing towards this area and they're concerned that if there isn't some sort of agreement that the area could be taken all this this border crossing could be taken by force the border is open as it stands it was closed for a couple of days certainly to oil traffic is very important for the k r g their relationship with the. iranians the k r g export crude oil into iran the iranians refine it and sell it back to the kurds so there are huge kind of economic pressures. and economic situation at hand here very very dangerous for them financially. they said the border is open thus far today they're expecting possibly around thirty to forty tankers to be let through but they're expecting that the border will be closed later today so yes a very tense situation on the borders of the chaos and iran the soft and stratford life for us at the order of post and iraq's kurdistan region thank you turkey's president is warning of further sanctions on northern iraq following last week's secession referendum by kurds and made reports from a border crossing between iraq and turkey some kurds fear cross border trade will be affected by the political fallout. at the brain crossing it's business as usual goods flowing into the kurdish region from turkey people traveling back and forth between the two it's iraq's most important land crossing kurds on both sides of the border make a living out of it. i am poor i don't love my job but i make my daily bread coming and going through this border if it closes there will be a domino effect from here to istanbul it's all connected i won't be the only one hurt. hasn't and the other drivers here are turkish kurds they have silently supported the referendum they live across the border in the same area where iraqi soldiers carried out joint exercises just a few kilometers away from the crossing. iraq's prime minister. has vowed to bring it under the federal government's authority although it's an entry point. here. actually. everyone is scared the regional government also imposes its own customs and immigration policies and if you are still in doubt then you have to remind. everyone. even though the border guards are officially under the command of baghdad giving up their posts to numb kurds is out of the question. as of now the border guards and peshmerga a part of the iraqi forces but if there is a problem that would defend kurdistan it will be a national cause this is their land where their families and their people live every kurd will take part in this. the crossing fell on the control of the kurds with the no fly zone was imposed over the region after the first gulf war in one thousand nine hundred one and since it's been a lifeline for the kurdish region as it was a child then but still remembers how different his whole was at the time. i mean before nine hundred ninety one we couldn't do any business no one had money after that things changed the town became richer but a kurdish state is more important than anything else we have to sacrifice for it even if we have to fight we knew since before the referendum that the could be some negative reactions. everyone here is waiting for baghdad. but with more than half of the goods through. making their way beyond the kurdish region to the rest of iraq could say everyone involved will pay a heavy price. in the order in iraq. asli and searchers say the inability to find missing malaysian airlines flight three seventy is unacceptable in the modern aviation era they released the final report into the search for the plane on tuesday calling for better satellite tracking systems to be built into aircraft it makes three seventy disappeared back in two thousand and fourteen two hundred thirty nine people warm board the flight from beijing to kuala lumpur some debris has been found but the australian led search was called off in january after fail to find the plane to bring in david griffin from hobart via skype he's an oceanographer with australia's national science body the c.s.i. r.-o. and also co-author of the report the search for m h three seventy and ocean surface strafed thank you very much for your time so does this effectively mean that it's over that you don't think the plane will ever be found. that that somebody was saying the way i would say that this is the work commissioned so joe given to us. he's now completing this is their final report just a resumption at some point so i guess the goal is in the malaysian chinese to respond to the sun report tonight you see what kind of progress which you say has been made in this search to at least get to this point. well a lot has been done and up towards the suspension of the search but there's been an awful lot done since the suspension of the search the game changer came between february and i will when we got access to some high resolution imagery from some french satellites and they showed some of in order and these were images just two weeks after the crash and so it was just a matter of backtracking knows for two weeks and that's what identified the most precise estimate of where the plane might have gone down the only trouble is that those things that were seen on the surface couldn't be confirmed interesting part of the plan it's just that because they happened to be in the location where we had already to determine that they most likely would be that they become such compelling circumstantial evidence going forward what's what do you think could make a difference said some sort of tragedy like this happen again what can make a difference in and finding a plane so you can learn what happened and and perhaps save lives in the future. well we hope that no such thing like this ever happens that if it does happen again and these new systems of putting in place for tracking the location of the aircraft then we hopefully would never have to do a search based on the shredded surveillance that we had to direct this search ok and mr griffin thank you very much for your fansite we appreciate it my pleasure thank you. thousands of workers at a toyota manufacturing plant in australia are about to lose their jobs and announced it's ending production in melbourne this is the second car company to pull out of the country in two years ford closed its plant in victoria's long after ninety one years and her thomas has more from sydney on the industry's to my. tried to started making calls in australia back in one thousand nine hundred sixty three and in the fifty four years since more than three million tied to cards are rolled off its production lines in this country the closure of a factory in melbourne with the loss of two thousand jobs but a further three thousand people depended on that factory for their livelihood because they were in supply chain companies from the classic so it's a bowls were brought back to the melbourne factory on tuesday for a ceremony to mark the closure of the factory last year ford closed its last. factory plant in australia and in two weeks' time holden which the australian brand name for general motors is called as and i know it's where the well it will close its last factory and will mark be aimed all call manufacturing you know writing posts here simply too high compared to manufacturing costs elsewhere in asia but some say the closure of the car industry in australia isn't necessarily think it marks the transition of australia's economy towards a more service for insight. and it also suggests a striking workers for getting jobs in. the streets elsewhere. germany has long been known as a powerhouse of industrial design and famous for brands like. the first exhibition to showcase german innovation has opened in the qatari capital laura garden manly has taken a look a design lab in the center of the exhibition in doha provides a window into some of the most innovative german techniques from the past seventy years. from the evolution of the t.v. intricate furniture virtual reality and sport shoes design has improved leaps and bounds decade by decade you know looking at back of some of the older designs of some of the have computers and looking at it thinking my goodness how could we even that use those you know twenty thirty years ago looking at what we have now we're so lucky that transmitting design but that's how it all started and that's what we need to show the audience it also traces the development of some of the most famous german cars which have pervaded popular culture germany's post second world war effort to mend it shattered economy so mass production of pushes design of the beetle and new designs for the super car porsche what's one literally means the people car was one of the first affordable vehicles to be mass produced and now it's the first major car company to announce a push into the mass market with an electric vehicle but it may have taken and the mission scandal to drive the company into a cleaner future two years ago the vaults working group admitted it had used illegal software to cheat us diesel emissions tests sparking the biggest industry crisis in its history it paid heavily up to thirty billion dollars in damages but it's not only an image clean up beat up its principal design a says the future of the electric car may take on an entirely different shape now we face a situation it's a traditional combustion engine most likely will be reduced by electrical engines and since you could say this massive metal block from the combustion engine disappears. as design is completely possibilities. and that you can't technology has been around for more than a century but with ample supply of oil at the time the combustion engine took the lead but now the future is steering back to woodsy electric vehicle and it's created a race to sell on the math scale but many will want to see if the consumers who'd be as excited as the car makers. are about a manly al-jazeera doha. in the last few minutes the shares nobel prize in physics has been awarded to three u.s. scientists barry barish kip thorne and raina weiss led a collaborative project that jim served for the first time waves of energy created by stars exploding and black holes colliding in space albert einstein predicted the existence and so-called gravitational waves over a century ago but they remain largely their radical. rock n roll fans are mourning the death of tom petty the leader of the u.s. band tom petty and the heartbreakers died in the hospital after suffering cardiac arrest looks back on his life. as a rock n roll icon tom petty's career spanned four decades and produced a string of hits in the one nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's the florida native is best remembered as the leader of tom petty and the heartbreakers which rose to fame in the mid night hundred seventy s. releasing hits that included break down american girl and refugee. the heartbreaker south is known as heartland rock it's lyrics often reflecting feelings of isolation partly inspired by peggy's impoverished childhood in two thousand and two tom petty and the heartbreakers were inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame. in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight petty gained fame again in the super group the traveling wilburys teaming up with rock legends bob dylan george harrison roy orbison and jeff lynne the group self-titled album with triple platinum and went on to win a grammy. later petty enjoyed success as a solo artist releasing three albums he also had his own satellite radio channel on sirius x.m. still the heartbreakers remains a fixture in the singer songwriter's live group performed off and on over the past forty years patti toured all last summer with the heartbreakers playing more than fifty shows in twenty four cities the group wrapped up its fortieth anniversary tour at the hollywood bowl on september twenty fifth in interviews following the tour petit said he wanted to keep playing with the band but not at that hectic pace he said he wanted to spend less time as a rock and roller and more time as a grandfather to his four year old granddaughter dion estabrook al-jazeera. still ahead on al-jazeera former world number one maria share of cova advances at the china open peter is that max with all the details. never peter sport michelle thank you very much barcelona football club out joining the general strike on tuesday in protest at the violence in the aftermath of the catalonia referendum the club will close on tuesday and the players will not be expected to tune in for training still to come three days after the team decided to play then the league a game with les paul must behind closed doors on the football club's president. has defended bosses decision to do so despite the choice being unpopular with many . and again when countries and in this crucial moment of our history of see barcelona reaffirms its commitment to freedom and to the people of catalonia what we witnessed in our country was unacceptable we demand respect for the people of catalonia and we shall once again stand alongside its legitimate representatives we cataloged have won the right to be heard as one of the leading into t's in the country we are appealing for political solutions to be found in full respect for the people's wishes we expect to go the outcome spanish football correspondent ben haywood who says abbas alona had no choice to stay out of the politics of the catalonia referendum. i think they were left with a difficult decision because obviously you know tensions were running high a lot of people didn't want the match to be played at school bus line and were told by the professional football league however if they didn't play the game they would lose down six points or three points before getting the fixture and a three point punishment as well and so one of the most of the players when they found out wanted to go ahead and play the game that's why barcelona decided olds in the lead played behind closed doors it was a political gesture also as you mentioned miss morgan to climb up you know bust and have always been in extra people linked to politics you know go back to the franco era the camp was a place one of the very few places in barcelona where fans could could go and speak the language of course the council on language wasn't you know could be spoken it was illegal during franco it's where the flags and you know sort of on a bus and it's always been a symbol it's something of an unofficial defacto national team for counseling you know for many people and i think it's always going to be linked to politics so i think they had to do something and you know all the continent clubs apart from. you know came out to support their citizens and also tomorrow there's going to be a general strike in catalonia and boston was opposing that along with espanyol and of the tribes as well so i think yeah i think they're always going to be. in the aftermath of the catalonian referendum barcelona defended p.k. himself a catalan said that he might quit the spanish national team p.k. said if the spanish football federation view these protests views as a problem he would be happy to retire from the national team duty while he was on the training ground for his country as they prepare for a world cup qualifier against albania and the fans who attended the session made sure to let p.k. know how they felt about it. brazil have already qualified for the twenty eighteen world cup in russia but would still prefer to have all their best players fit and available for the remaining qualifying matches on monday there was a scare at the training camp ahead of the match against bolivia the world's most expensive player neymar was forced to leave the training ground at his after he clashed with teammate the a go target daily it would be good news for name after leaving the station as a precautionary measure the passenger man striker was soon back in action despite a bit of a lip and just a few days after being sacked by german giants by and munich ollerenshaw lotty is back in a coaching role the italian is in jerusalem coaching children from muslim christian and jewish backgrounds for a charity that's trying to open the sports center in the old city by and fire last week of today on the way for champions league lost to history. n.f.l. and major league baseball players have been expressing their condolences for the victims of the las vegas mass shooting sunday's attack left fifty nine victims date and five hundred twenty seven injured it's been called the deadliest mass shooting in modern u.s. history and it appeared to almost bring this n.f.l. coach to tears. on behalf of the story zation our hearts and prayers go out to the families of the victims and. very sad situation. just you know i know when my best friends are. twenty eight thirty there are some thirty there so. just happy that i burn knows ok. it's just tragic in. tennis now and maria sharapova has reached the last sixteen at the china open this is the russian's second tournament since returning from a fifteen month ban the first with the u.s. open in all this chair a pervert beat fellow russian market over in three sets on tuesday to advance six zero four six six one was the school. in the men's even going to go dimitroff needed three cents to defeat the world number thirty six from bosnia. dimitroff one six one three six six three and faces juan martin del potro mixed. over in tokyo at the japan opening canada's me last time around which defeated city of viktor troicki the world number twelve it took the other six three six four brown which is the third seed at this tournament and will next face. of japan. i noticed is usually associated with cars or bikes going at high speed as it turns out lawn mowers are also part of this is john road the twenty seventeen lawnmower world championships took place in southern england it's actually an annual event and as you might have guessed features the wolves best lawn mower races they have to contend with with conditions in a cow field the competitors are divided into different groups and group for multiple defending champion from luxemburg bob coding was victorious and the club chairman he was the winner in group two. of course it's fun it's always fun even if it is pouring down right now i think the group have holidays because. the regulars glug up with all the madness but. now it's still good fun and everyone joys. well i don't like god because there are the moments when he. might have to look into getting one of those for myself. thanks peter all right keep it here much more to call top the hour with my colleague martin yes don't go anywhere. our special. on al-jazeera. after a year of mourning time on bids a final farewell to its longest reigning monarch. for the stories beyond the headlines faultlines examines the u.s. is role in the world liberians are preparing for the third election since a bid to civil war and serve as a calling it a crucial test for democracy an investigation into the electronics industry revealing out even the smallest devices have deadly environmental and health costs . china's communist party is holding its annual congress what will it mean for the country and its people. on al-jazeera. it's not just phones contributing to sound phones bumper profits if we look at the u.s. economy the moment it does seem to be in pretty good shape up until around two thousand and five greek debt levels were basically stable we bring you the stories that the shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost on al-jazeera. an excess of eighteen additional firearms some explosives.

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Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Qatar , Australia , Istanbul , Turkey , Nevada , United States , Tunis , S26 , Tunisia , Brazil , Madrid , Spain , Beijing , China , Russia , Gaza City , Gaza Strip , India , Egypt , Kurdistan , Khuzestan , Iran , Italy , Hollywood , California , Mandalay , Myanmar , Greece , Malaysia , Tokyo , Japan , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Munich , Bayern , Germany , Bolivia , Boston , Massachusetts , Florida , Luxembourg , Liberia , Togo , Melbourne , Victoria , Washington , Canada , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Barcelona , Comunidad Autonoma De Cataluna , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Bangladesh , Maine , Iraq , Baghdad , Sydney , New South Wales , Las Vegas , Albania , Gaza , North Korea , France , Sandy Hook , Italian , Australian , Egyptians , Turkish , North Koreans , Greek , Iranians , Iranian , Israelis , Iraqi , Malaysian , Israeli , Luxemburg , American , Liberians , Russian , Iraqis , Egyptian , Qatari , North Korean , Spanish , German , Palestinian , Simon Chapman , Lou Donnelly , Kip Thorne , Dion Estabrook Al Jazeera , Dylan George Harrison Roy , Ian Mars , Jazeera Las Vegas , David Griffin , Maria Sharapova , Albert Einstein , Raina Weiss Leda , Jeff Lynne ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171003 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171003

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glamour shall carry this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes. and in excess of eighteen additional firearms some explosives and several thousand rounds of ammo u.s. gun laws are back under the spotlight after fifty nine people are killed in the worst mass shooting in the country's modern history. not just things carillon region brought to a standstill as thousands to win a general strike against police action during sunday's secession vote. a plan to send thousands of ahead to refugees who have fled to bangladesh back to me and mark but there's little detail on how what the employment. and more questions than answers is australia formally ends its investigation into the missing malaysian airlines flight m h three seventy. and the f.b.i. is taking into the history of the sixty four year old former accountant who carried out the deadliest shooting in modern american history detectives are trying to find out why stephen paddick opened fire from a hotel hotel room a relooking a concert in las vegas at least fifty nine people were killed and five hundred others injured and it gallagher has more from the gambling capital. this is the moment when a homeless sunday night out became a tragedy. twenty thousand concert goers were enjoying a country music festival when suddenly bullets rained down from above terrified they scrambled. the safety. zone and then one after the other and we were laying out on the floor i didn't know to get up to run and just to stay to done but it was didn't know if it was safe to move because just about everything i was going on to escape your home and just shooting me get down on the floor people who die in our pool and we went through the airport parking lot does up and down hill through the puddle everywhere perched in a room on the thirty second floor of the mandalay bay hotel sixty four year old stephen paddock fired off hundreds of bullets from an austin all of military style weapons. a college lasted for ten minutes as police broke down the hotel room door public killed himself police found twenty three guns in the room on monday morning the scale of the atrocity became heart breaking the clear we are currently standing at five twenty seven for individuals injured and individuals that have died or passed away fifty nine police called paddick a lone wolf he apparently had no criminal record no history of mental illness and the f.b.i. says he had no connection with overseas groups such as i so well al qaida it was evident that he had weapons in his room we have determined that there has been employees going to and fro from his room and not in enough areas was noticed at this point that's what we know now investigators hope products female companion mary lou donnelly might provide clues as to his motives friends say she's out of the country a song but president donald trump address the nation. we pray for the entire nation to find unity and peace and we pray for the day when evil is bad and the innocent are safe from hatred and from fear among the many unanswered questions are how product got hold of so many weapons some of which it's believed were modified to be fully automatic another nineteen weapons along with thousands of rounds of ammunition and explosives were found at his home in a quiet retirement community las vegas known around the world as the entertainment capital of the united states is a city in mourning its history has been changed by one terrible night and the motive behind the attack remains for now unknown at a gala crawl jazeera las vegas nevada. the attack has once again sparked calls for increase control of the sale of firearms in the united states and the gun owners and lobby groups rail against such proposals they point out that the right to carry a gun is a central tenet of the u.s. constitution many argue that democratic freedoms are in short because the population is armed they say it protects the country from the possibility of dictatorship because citizens can fight back if they want to encrease controls on guns point out the constitution was written long before automatic weapons existed they say citizens were at risk by widespread availability of high caliber firearms many want to limit the sale of automatic weapons restrict people from carrying weapons in public and increased regulation on gun ownership. i mean catman is in america as professor at the school of public health at the university of sydney he is the author of over our dead bodies australia spike or gun control he joins us on skype from sydney so first of all thank you for joining us there have been mass shootings in sydney before what was their tearing point that made people there say we have to do something differently. well we had thirteen mess shootings in seventeen years before the year not in ninety six and in ninety ninety six a man ran amok with semiautomatic weapons and killed thirty five people tourists location in tasmania now that this man like the killer to die had no criminal record he had no mental health history he was someone who people said after the event well he was a strange but nothing was ever done by police or mental health authorities about this person and it's the same with most people who engage in mass killing incidents they don't have any anything in their background which would have brought them to the attention of authorities what characterizes them people who have so many automatic access to semiautomatic weapons so what was the turning point that changed gun laws in australia and do you see that that would make a difference and the us. well within six weeks after the incident and not in ninety six all state and the federal government in australia united to outlaw civilian on a ship semiautomatic weapons and in the twenty one years since we have not seen a single massacre in this country finally coarsely was there any pushback against that. oh there was pushback for sure they would to the gun lobby organized demonstrations in the streets but read about ninety percent of those trying to community support it well the well the prime minister of the day did he has said repeatedly that it was the most popular decision that he ever made so obviously the australia and the u.s. are are similar but different in a lot of ways. do you ever see such a turning point happening in the u.s. as somebody who's watching from the outside. regrettably no i don't think so i mean after we had the sandy hook massacre with twenty children tiny children shot in a primary school and i read today that they had been there been two hundred seventy three mass killings in two hundred seventy five days in the united states i mean it is this is the man is shootings capital of the world there is no other country that comes close to it with a jew or die in a day out in that country and it's because the power of the gun lobby and the aquas acquiescence of politicians who refuse to take a stand against simon chapman thank you very much author of over our dead bodies australia's fight for gun control thank you a general strike is threatening to bring much of catalonia to a complete standstill following sunday's controversial vote to break away from spain strikes were called by cattle on trade unions in response to violence by spain's national police during the ballot nine hundred people were injured as hundreds of riot police attempted to shut down the polling stations and sleep joins us live from barcelona where as we said the strike he says strikes are going on so lawrence tell us more about what you're saying there and what they're hoping to accomplish. yes it's a little loud so forgive me if i can hear you too well we're now at university square in the center of barcelona remember i was saying earlier that there had been two demonstrations one that we were out earlier on outside the offices of the reviles ruling party the popular party and then another one outside the equally reviled national police compound here there were a couple of thousand people easily at each of those they've now converged here university square and joined up with all the students. who and this is another who who are very very strongly pro independence and i think this is going to be the probably the focal point at least of the demonstrations for the next few hours remember i was saying before there's a general strike of unionized workers there's also a different stoppage which we which we call in the country stop which that sort of spanish translation more or less and so what's happening as the day goes on is that these things a merchant and throughout barcelona room beyond there are different things taking place that there have been tractors blocking the main motive to fronts all these actions and people stopping work this sort of thing much of it is imposed the police violence of the referendum some on sunday a lot of it is also pro independence some of it is and it's basically an expression of cattle on isn't but by and large what you can say for sure is that at the moment there is a the writs of the ruling party the popular party doesn't run in catalonia at all and for all the threats they put forward about taking back power and stopping the referendum happening where you can see yourself i mean that there are moved to absolutely sure of their own democratic credentials or and considering a lot of what you're saying that that's happened here wait was a response to the police action on the on voting day what is the police presence there right now based crowds a pretty sizable. yeah and it's. it's a good question that they think that the body has been that despise riot police. all these actions are being patrolled by the local council on police and remember to even though that there are people we're told are worried that they got us a bill might try to come in and provoke at some point during the day that absolutely insistent that they that they want to keep this entirely peaceful in order to maintain the sort of in order to maintain the sort of moral high ground that they think they've got if a although i'll have to say i mean this isn't just an interesting balance but it is it is a fact that if you walk a couple hundred meters away from here there out there are lots of people getting on with work and life and and you don't want him to find the catalonia and you know you can hear what the mood is like here but they haven't got any support elsewhere in almost all the rest is thing doesn't support them there are flags that his saying you know where all you when we need to the european union doesn't support them either and if they are intent on becoming independent by the end of the week there are a lot of people who fear that there might be walking off a cliff because it's not at all clear what sort of support they would get as an independent republic by saturday ok mark slain by for us in barcelona thank you now the result of sunday's referendum has left carolines who don't want to see their spain worried about the future. and speaking to some of them. was was the referendum result well mainly in favor of catalonia breaking her way those who brought spain to remain united becoming fearful. that don has defied and society divided families and marriages. to explore the fault lines i had to meet cattle an artist or a polo porsche. getting ready for war no stranger to controversy with his politically charged photos but he says rising intolerance is forcing him to wants to keep his anti secession opinions to himself if you not with them you would franco that's how radicalized they go. it is a scary and it's going to get worse i think the fracture that this election course it's a reversible as long as we have the same players ruling the country. believes repression of the catalan language and culture on the general franco's dictatorship which ended in the mid one nine hundred seventy s. may have fueled the independent spirit yet that doesn't change his mind i'm not here to rebuild my grandfather i got my own life i'm looking to the future i love people from madrid i got better friends in madrid so everything that my father grandfather was telling me it doesn't match my reality that's what it is i'm not going to really bench times of change a law across town i head to a social club for men like retired farm worker danielle cabin yet oh he migrated here from the neighboring arab gone region in the one nine hundred fifty s. but feel strong loyalty to the rest of the country. catalonia is vibrant economy has drawn several million workers from poorer corners of spain and abroad. they will never have independent catalonia is a province of spain and always will be that's how it should be the people behind this referendum must be half crazy they'll never achieve it. but catalan leaders i determined to try a bit that seems destined to deepen between neighbors and friends call panel al-jazeera barcelona spain. plenty more ahead in the news hour including another push for unity among rival palestinian factions but will this make a difference to the separating of thousands plus. their well to a rock n roll legend tom petty stats shocks music fans around the world. and in sport barcelona as most famous football clubs join in on a day of protest in catalonia peter will have all the details in sport. laura henschel refugees have arrived in bangladesh from the m.r. while the two countries have agreed to a repatriation plan the deal to send back the abraham was made after representative from ian mars later on sponsored she travelled to bangladesh for talks with its foreign minister and the un has called the exodus of over half a million right hinge of the world's fastest developing refugee crisis. has made proposals for taking back the refugees both countries have agreed to form a joint working group in order to monitor and to repeat the process both of us have agreed on it now bangladesh will figure out what the details will be of the composition of the joint working group so we'll be on more. we have correspondents covering the story from both sides mohammed jam tunis and cox it's bizarre where the bangladesh me and more border first that we're going to go to yahoo mail him who joins us and young go on and me and mar so this process of people going back how difficult will that be. well it's going to be extremely difficult for him to actually get back into maine my little loan to go back to their homes firstly i mean mouth or she is have said that i have indicated that need to show some sort of id or evidence that they are residents of maine and you've got to remember that this is an ethnic minority that has been excluded from citizenship since one thousand nine hundred two many people simply do not have the proper paperwork required others have said that they fled their homes without evidence all these documents others have said that the documents got burnt along with their homes in the violence secondly i mean maher has indicated that those who are returned to the country will be going to a recession and camp in the north of state not to their homes. it is also said they will be appropriating land that has been burned in the violence and you've got to remember that human rights organizations have said that at least half of all grow hinder villages in iraq and state have been burned in the violence now the u.n. the united nations has insisted there are going to be allowed to go back to their places of origin so really the question remains exactly how many people will be going back to me in march under this process and when they do go back how long will they stay in this resettlement camp and who they be able to go back to their home of origin ok. for us and young girls let's go now to cox's bazar or mohammed jim jim is that it's near the bangladesh me and maher border so what are you hearing from people there about the possibility that they would actually be able to go back to me and mark. well rachelle in short they are terrified at the prospect of returning when you speak to him joe refugees that have a rival here and now it's been over five hundred thousand in the past month alone they are extremely worried about what will happen to them if there is some sort of agreement that would allow them to go back now i spoke a short while ago with the u.n. emergency relief coordinator here mark local he's been on a three day visit to cox's bizarre going to the camps here he said that there is great concern even at the u. when about the prospect of coming up with some sort of mechanism for refugees to return he says that this really starts in me and more the focus needs to be on ensuring that the conditions are going to be safe for those refugees to return to me and more here's more of what he told us on that point as well. we need to pray says my wage people can safely securely voluntarily be allowed to go home and they onus is on the authorities in me and not to demonstrate to everybody above all to the refugees and so that circumstances are going to change so that it is safe to go home because at the moment if you listen to the people we've listened to in the last thirty six hours none of them think it is a new. so we show right now the main concerns also are the fact that people are worried that there could be epic dimmick that might begin a cholera they're worried about unsanitary conditions there worrying about what might happen in these camps the just don't have the capacity also another bit of concern is what will happen when there isn't as much media attention focused on what's going on with this for him to refugee crisis aid workers saying that they are concerned that although now aid is flowing in if the world starts looking away if there were hints are forgotten about they will not be getting the supplies the aid all the things that they so desperately need in this time of crisis respond to jam to life for us and our mohammed thank you all off one quest is a spokesman for the asia division at amnesty international he joins us via skype from london and thank you for your time is the this the talk about repatriation is it is it too hasty is it too soon when quite frankly there are still people crossing the border and the issues that caused this have not been dealt with. yeah i think your correspondents just made some valid points about a number of red flags with the talk of the petraeus and i think for us a little bit is closer to the two governments are talking about returning to their home such would be the ultimate goal as long as this campaign of ethnic cleansing it's unfolding in iraq can stay that. it's much too early to talk about something people back without having to conditions in place on the ground for it to be safe and secure it's not the key point to think about the areas that are this a historical precedent area of the month in my case and out of two thousand tens of thousands of very interesting g.'s who are trying to do this to me and more many of them were essentially forcibly pushed out they were consulted if they want to go home or not. really keep it slow most of the one wants to know want to be pushed back to me m.r. gibbs well so whole or or what body can and can get in there and come up with a plan that actually makes sense not to something on paper not something that says great we're working together something that can really make a difference. i think we need to involve the civil courts and obesity to the two governments in the media world but you know the truth will be keep to get both both to the table and it sounds like they're really they're hoping to sort of us but we also need the international oversight of this process. too and short of it is a safe process where it is can return in security i mean they can do this specific body something that can be worked out perhaps the unit show or the u.n. refugee agency. but it's really you know we do need international involvement on the international oversight to ensure that our human rights both range of people or at the forefront of family were preparation process and that this is not just a case of. pace you're pushing people back against the work ok. quest with amnesty international thank you very much. the palestinian prime minister has chaired a unity cabinet meeting in gaza as part of national reconciliation efforts between his mainstream fatah party and hamas. said he wanted to turn the page on the division that has plagued the political factions since a mosque took control of gaza in two thousand and seven amoss announced last week that it was handing over administrative control of the gaza strip to a unity government very fossett has more now from gaza city. well the first cabinet meeting of this new unity reconciliation government has taken place the palestinian prime minister ahmed presiding and this is really the first getting underway of this project it's difficult project which is failed so many times over the last ten years to restore palace in north already government to the gaza strip now we have ministers going out to their ministries the expectation is of a smooth handover of power from the hamas officials who have been controlling those ministries up until now we've had a news conference after the cabinet meeting in which the p.a. government spokesman talked about the importance of the egyptian backing to all this we have posters of president sisi in this square talking about the fact that the egyptian minister of intelligence will be here later in the day offering support to this process talking about appealing to the international community and the israelis themselves to ease the israeli blockade and as for the kind of humanitarian issues which are so key to the nearly two million people who live in the gaza strip so far we're in a holding pattern over that they're saying that they have received detailed reports about things such as salaries electricity water border crossings and that they will look into these things deeply however some of these issues are issues that have been exacerbated by restrictions imposed by the palestinian authority precisely to bring on board again under a unified government the squeeze on the electricity the cutting about thirty percent to the salaries of the p.a. employees have been sitting idle for the last decade these are things that the p.a. could reverse if it wanted to immediately at the moment they're talking about talks about talks next week beginning in cairo. and a process to try and address and solve those issues al-jazeera has learned that a weapons shipment from north korea has strained relations between the u.s. and egypt united nations report obtained by our team details the connection between pyongyang and cairo egypt's foreign ministry has responded saying authorities have sensed a steroid the shipment of anti-tank missiles parts. whenever u.s. president donald trump meets his egyptian counterpart in public it's all smiles that is capable of the impossible. things were frosty year a few months later when the u.s. delayed or froze around two hundred ninety million dollars in military aid for egypt and washington post says that was in part because of what was on the ship in july last year u.s. intelligence agents started tracking this as it sailed from north korea to egypt a month later u.s. officials told the egyptians they wanted it searched a u.n. report says they found this on board hidden and iron ore seventy nine crates containing parts to build more than twenty four thousand rocket propelled grenades and material for an additional four thousand some reports say they were distant to the egyptian army which later blew them up under u.n. supervision. the egyptian foreign ministry denied the reports saying the shipment that was confiscated was not distant age it egyptian authorities indeed confiscated the shipment and destroyed it adding the head of the u.n. security council north korea sanctions committee has lorded egypt's if it the u.s. is on high alert keeping a close watch on north korea's ports if u.s. intelligence agencies are doing intensive satellite tracking of all ships entering and leaving north korean ports they can also through satellite observation get the images of what is being loaded onto ships the north koreans are believed to sell weapons cheap around the globe to pay for its nuclear weapons program france which currently presides over the u.n. security council sanctions working. on a face off. it's essential to implement fully one hundred plus in the sanctions that they have put in place and here honestly i'll be frank we have made significant progress lisa only the sanctions committee is doing its work well at the same time on monday the trumpet ministration contradicted its own secretory of state you see the u.s. was looking to talk to north korea there's a difference between a talking point diplomatic pressure we still strongly support putting diplomatic pressure on north korea which we're continuing to do but now is not the time simply to have conversations with north korea the u.s. appears to be sanding the message doing business with north korea comes with its own costs shall it bellus al-jazeera. a few moments we will have the weather with death but still ahead on al-jazeera the state of limbo kurdish businesses along the turkana iraq border face an uncertain future after last week's defiance session reprimand us. i'm more about the money i'm in iraq gallery in doha where when the king of innovative german car design and technology in the one nine hundred fifty s. to the near future. and injury scare for the world's most expensive player ahead of world cup qualifying it will have that story in sport. from cool briskness and fuel. to the war in trying to those of southeast asia. and i there we've had some very stormy weather across parts of australia recently the satellite picture clearly shows the area of cloud that gave us our very heavy downpours you see it just working its way down that far eastern coast there and it certainly gave us a lot of heavy rain in fact some of us reporting over three hundred millimeters of rain and that's over four times the monthly average so incredible amount of rain just to have in a twenty four hour period and it's very different to what's going on just a little bit further south as well there in sydney in new south wales we're crying out for rain and we haven't seen any atoll this is sydney during the day today then clearly blue skies not to a great deal of wet weather atoll and instead the problem here is with the lack of rain in the entirety of september we only saw nought point two millimeters and there's been nothing since then so nothing in the past couple of days so while we've had no rain around sydney so the north has been a lot of it has been flooding and we've also had reports of there being a tornado as well now as we head through the next couple of days the main focus of the energy the main system is working away towards the east but still for the coast of queensland they could be one or two more showers and if you catch one it could be very very lively but further south it's still dry. there with sponsored by qatar airways. ever since i was a little boy in india my dream was to make bollywood films so five years ago i decided i was finally queen to do it one man's quest to realise a lifelong ambition the story i choose the laws of my own village and its transformation going behind the lens has gotten singh brings his personal story to life. al-jazeera correspondent my own private bollywood at this time. when the news breaks more than a million people have already lost and not know what will grow with conditions and the story builds fast furious and sometimes fatal. jockeys are risking their young lives when people need to be hand in my dream of gambling in numbers i don't feel comfortable with don't think i'll gamble until i die al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries and i have news on and on line . watching out to zero let's take a look at the top stories this hour f.b.i. agents have found no weapons ammunition and explosives in the home of the gunman who carried out the worst mass shooting in modern american history stephen paddick opened fire from a hotel room overlooking a concert in las vegas killing fifty nine people and wounding five hundred others a general strike has brought much of catalonia to a standstill following sunday's controversial vote to break away from spain strikes recalled by catalan trade unions in response to the violence by spain's national police during the ballot water hender refugees have arrived in bangladesh from me and mar while the two countries have agreed to work on a repatriation plan the deal was made after a representative from e.m.r. slater on sunset she travel to bangladesh for talks with its foreign minister. are honest deployed tanks along its border with iraq semi autonomous kurdish region iran says the deployment is part of a joint military drill with the rocky armed forces tensions in the region are high following last week's curtis secession referendum the vote was held. in defiance of the government in baghdad as well as neighboring iran in turkey strapped for joins us now from the border post in iraq's kurdish region so charles where are these these exercises were they planned before the vote or is this a result of the vote. well that i cannot confirm what we do know though certainly in this area very close to the border on the border of the k r g the kurdish regional government controlled area of iraq and iran there are a reigning tanks that have been positioned to my right on the hill there it's pointing into the k r g also tanks here to the left we've been speaking to kurdish customs or sources here certainly they say and they've been speaking to the iranians that a joint iraqi and iranian military exercises are due to start any time in the next couple of days in an area around fifteen kilometers behind me in iran they say that it was on the twenty ninth of september that twelve representatives of the iraqi ministry of interior arrived here and delivered a letter saying insisting that the kurds hand over control of this border crossing to the iraqi authorities want to stand that that letter was delivered to the two other border crossings that pair of his pair of his car and around and the kurdish authorities have refused so far to abide by. by that letter we understand that negotiations are still going on between the kurds the iraqis and the iranians to try and come to some sort of solution but it is fair to say that the tension here on this border is mounting the kurdish authorities that we spoke to admitted that they were very nervous although the iranian have said that these military exercises in this area at least are going to start imminently they point to these tanks that they say it's fair to say are dug in their guns pointing towards this area and they're concerned that if there isn't some sort of agreement that the area could be taken all this this border crossing could be taken by force the border is open as it stands it was closed for a couple of days certainly to oil traffic is very important for the k r g their relationship with the. iranians the k r g export crude oil into iran the iranians refine it and sell it back to the kurds so there are huge kind of economic pressures. and economic situation at hand here very very dangerous for them financially. they said the border is open thus far today they're expecting possibly around thirty to forty tankers to be let through but they're expecting that the border will be closed later today so yes a very tense situation on the borders of the chaos and iran the soft and stratford life for us at the order of post and iraq's kurdistan region thank you turkey's president is warning of further sanctions on northern iraq following last week's secession referendum by kurds and made reports from a border crossing between iraq and turkey some kurds fear cross border trade will be affected by the political fallout. at the brain crossing it's business as usual goods flowing into the kurdish region from turkey people traveling back and forth between the two it's iraq's most important land crossing kurds on both sides of the border make a living out of it. i am poor i don't love my job but i make my daily bread coming and going through this border if it closes there will be a domino effect from here to istanbul it's all connected i won't be the only one hurt. hasn't and the other drivers here are turkish kurds they have silently supported the referendum they live across the border in the same area where iraqi soldiers carried out joint exercises just a few kilometers away from the crossing. iraq's prime minister. has vowed to bring it under the federal government's authority although it's an entry point. here. actually. everyone is scared the regional government also imposes its own customs and immigration policies and if you are still in doubt then you have to remind. everyone. even though the border guards are officially under the command of baghdad giving up their posts to numb kurds is out of the question. as of now the border guards and peshmerga a part of the iraqi forces but if there is a problem that would defend kurdistan it will be a national cause this is their land where their families and their people live every kurd will take part in this. the crossing fell on the control of the kurds with the no fly zone was imposed over the region after the first gulf war in one thousand nine hundred one and since it's been a lifeline for the kurdish region as it was a child then but still remembers how different his whole was at the time. i mean before nine hundred ninety one we couldn't do any business no one had money after that things changed the town became richer but a kurdish state is more important than anything else we have to sacrifice for it even if we have to fight we knew since before the referendum that the could be some negative reactions. everyone here is waiting for baghdad. but with more than half of the goods through. making their way beyond the kurdish region to the rest of iraq could say everyone involved will pay a heavy price. in the order in iraq. asli and searchers say the inability to find missing malaysian airlines flight three seventy is unacceptable in the modern aviation era they released the final report into the search for the plane on tuesday calling for better satellite tracking systems to be built into aircraft it makes three seventy disappeared back in two thousand and fourteen two hundred thirty nine people warm board the flight from beijing to kuala lumpur some debris has been found but the australian led search was called off in january after fail to find the plane to bring in david griffin from hobart via skype he's an oceanographer with australia's national science body the c.s.i. r.-o. and also co-author of the report the search for m h three seventy and ocean surface strafed thank you very much for your time so does this effectively mean that it's over that you don't think the plane will ever be found. that that somebody was saying the way i would say that this is the work commissioned so joe given to us. he's now completing this is their final report just a resumption at some point so i guess the goal is in the malaysian chinese to respond to the sun report tonight you see what kind of progress which you say has been made in this search to at least get to this point. well a lot has been done and up towards the suspension of the search but there's been an awful lot done since the suspension of the search the game changer came between february and i will when we got access to some high resolution imagery from some french satellites and they showed some of in order and these were images just two weeks after the crash and so it was just a matter of backtracking knows for two weeks and that's what identified the most precise estimate of where the plane might have gone down the only trouble is that those things that were seen on the surface couldn't be confirmed interesting part of the plan it's just that because they happened to be in the location where we had already to determine that they most likely would be that they become such compelling circumstantial evidence going forward what's what do you think could make a difference said some sort of tragedy like this happen again what can make a difference in and finding a plane so you can learn what happened and and perhaps save lives in the future. well we hope that no such thing like this ever happens that if it does happen again and these new systems of putting in place for tracking the location of the aircraft then we hopefully would never have to do a search based on the shredded surveillance that we had to direct this search ok and mr griffin thank you very much for your fansite we appreciate it my pleasure thank you. thousands of workers at a toyota manufacturing plant in australia are about to lose their jobs and announced it's ending production in melbourne this is the second car company to pull out of the country in two years ford closed its plant in victoria's long after ninety one years and her thomas has more from sydney on the industry's to my. tried to started making calls in australia back in one thousand nine hundred sixty three and in the fifty four years since more than three million tied to cards are rolled off its production lines in this country the closure of a factory in melbourne with the loss of two thousand jobs but a further three thousand people depended on that factory for their livelihood because they were in supply chain companies from the classic so it's a bowls were brought back to the melbourne factory on tuesday for a ceremony to mark the closure of the factory last year ford closed its last. factory plant in australia and in two weeks' time holden which the australian brand name for general motors is called as and i know it's where the well it will close its last factory and will mark be aimed all call manufacturing you know writing posts here simply too high compared to manufacturing costs elsewhere in asia but some say the closure of the car industry in australia isn't necessarily think it marks the transition of australia's economy towards a more service for insight. and it also suggests a striking workers for getting jobs in. the streets elsewhere. germany has long been known as a powerhouse of industrial design and famous for brands like. the first exhibition to showcase german innovation has opened in the qatari capital laura garden manly has taken a look a design lab in the center of the exhibition in doha provides a window into some of the most innovative german techniques from the past seventy years. from the evolution of the t.v. intricate furniture virtual reality and sport shoes design has improved leaps and bounds decade by decade you know looking at back of some of the older designs of some of the have computers and looking at it thinking my goodness how could we even that use those you know twenty thirty years ago looking at what we have now we're so lucky that transmitting design but that's how it all started and that's what we need to show the audience it also traces the development of some of the most famous german cars which have pervaded popular culture germany's post second world war effort to mend it shattered economy so mass production of pushes design of the beetle and new designs for the super car porsche what's one literally means the people car was one of the first affordable vehicles to be mass produced and now it's the first major car company to announce a push into the mass market with an electric vehicle but it may have taken and the mission scandal to drive the company into a cleaner future two years ago the vaults working group admitted it had used illegal software to cheat us diesel emissions tests sparking the biggest industry crisis in its history it paid heavily up to thirty billion dollars in damages but it's not only an image clean up beat up its principal design a says the future of the electric car may take on an entirely different shape now we face a situation it's a traditional combustion engine most likely will be reduced by electrical engines and since you could say this massive metal block from the combustion engine disappears. as design is completely possibilities. and that you can't technology has been around for more than a century but with ample supply of oil at the time the combustion engine took the lead but now the future is steering back to woodsy electric vehicle and it's created a race to sell on the math scale but many will want to see if the consumers who'd be as excited as the car makers. are about a manly al-jazeera doha. in the last few minutes the shares nobel prize in physics has been awarded to three u.s. scientists barry barish kip thorne and raina weiss led a collaborative project that jim served for the first time waves of energy created by stars exploding and black holes colliding in space albert einstein predicted the existence and so-called gravitational waves over a century ago but they remain largely their radical. rock n roll fans are mourning the death of tom petty the leader of the u.s. band tom petty and the heartbreakers died in the hospital after suffering cardiac arrest looks back on his life. as a rock n roll icon tom petty's career spanned four decades and produced a string of hits in the one nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's the florida native is best remembered as the leader of tom petty and the heartbreakers which rose to fame in the mid night hundred seventy s. releasing hits that included break down american girl and refugee. the heartbreaker south is known as heartland rock it's lyrics often reflecting feelings of isolation partly inspired by peggy's impoverished childhood in two thousand and two tom petty and the heartbreakers were inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame. in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight petty gained fame again in the super group the traveling wilburys teaming up with rock legends bob dylan george harrison roy orbison and jeff lynne the group self-titled album with triple platinum and went on to win a grammy. later petty enjoyed success as a solo artist releasing three albums he also had his own satellite radio channel on sirius x.m. still the heartbreakers remains a fixture in the singer songwriter's live group performed off and on over the past forty years patti toured all last summer with the heartbreakers playing more than fifty shows in twenty four cities the group wrapped up its fortieth anniversary tour at the hollywood bowl on september twenty fifth in interviews following the tour petit said he wanted to keep playing with the band but not at that hectic pace he said he wanted to spend less time as a rock and roller and more time as a grandfather to his four year old granddaughter dion estabrook al-jazeera. still ahead on al-jazeera former world number one maria share of cova advances at the china open peter is that max with all the details. never peter sport michelle thank you very much barcelona football club out joining the general strike on tuesday in protest at the violence in the aftermath of the catalonia referendum the club will close on tuesday and the players will not be expected to tune in for training still to come three days after the team decided to play then the league a game with les paul must behind closed doors on the football club's president. has defended bosses decision to do so despite the choice being unpopular with many . and again when countries and in this crucial moment of our history of see barcelona reaffirms its commitment to freedom and to the people of catalonia what we witnessed in our country was unacceptable we demand respect for the people of catalonia and we shall once again stand alongside its legitimate representatives we cataloged have won the right to be heard as one of the leading into t's in the country we are appealing for political solutions to be found in full respect for the people's wishes we expect to go the outcome spanish football correspondent ben haywood who says abbas alona had no choice to stay out of the politics of the catalonia referendum. i think they were left with a difficult decision because obviously you know tensions were running high a lot of people didn't want the match to be played at school bus line and were told by the professional football league however if they didn't play the game they would lose down six points or three points before getting the fixture and a three point punishment as well and so one of the most of the players when they found out wanted to go ahead and play the game that's why barcelona decided olds in the lead played behind closed doors it was a political gesture also as you mentioned miss morgan to climb up you know bust and have always been in extra people linked to politics you know go back to the franco era the camp was a place one of the very few places in barcelona where fans could could go and speak the language of course the council on language wasn't you know could be spoken it was illegal during franco it's where the flags and you know sort of on a bus and it's always been a symbol it's something of an unofficial defacto national team for counseling you know for many people and i think it's always going to be linked to politics so i think they had to do something and you know all the continent clubs apart from. you know came out to support their citizens and also tomorrow there's going to be a general strike in catalonia and boston was opposing that along with espanyol and of the tribes as well so i think yeah i think they're always going to be. in the aftermath of the catalonian referendum barcelona defended p.k. himself a catalan said that he might quit the spanish national team p.k. said if the spanish football federation view these protests views as a problem he would be happy to retire from the national team duty while he was on the training ground for his country as they prepare for a world cup qualifier against albania and the fans who attended the session made sure to let p.k. know how they felt about it. brazil have already qualified for the twenty eighteen world cup in russia but would still prefer to have all their best players fit and available for the remaining qualifying matches on monday there was a scare at the training camp ahead of the match against bolivia the world's most expensive player neymar was forced to leave the training ground at his after he clashed with teammate the a go target daily it would be good news for name after leaving the station as a precautionary measure the passenger man striker was soon back in action despite a bit of a lip and just a few days after being sacked by german giants by and munich ollerenshaw lotty is back in a coaching role the italian is in jerusalem coaching children from muslim christian and jewish backgrounds for a charity that's trying to open the sports center in the old city by and fire last week of today on the way for champions league lost to history. n.f.l. and major league baseball players have been expressing their condolences for the victims of the las vegas mass shooting sunday's attack left fifty nine victims date and five hundred twenty seven injured it's been called the deadliest mass shooting in modern u.s. history and it appeared to almost bring this n.f.l. coach to tears. on behalf of the story zation our hearts and prayers go out to the families of the victims and. very sad situation. just you know i know when my best friends are. twenty eight thirty there are some thirty there so. just happy that i burn knows ok. it's just tragic in. tennis now and maria sharapova has reached the last sixteen at the china open this is the russian's second tournament since returning from a fifteen month ban the first with the u.s. open in all this chair a pervert beat fellow russian market over in three sets on tuesday to advance six zero four six six one was the school. in the men's even going to go dimitroff needed three cents to defeat the world number thirty six from bosnia. dimitroff one six one three six six three and faces juan martin del potro mixed. over in tokyo at the japan opening canada's me last time around which defeated city of viktor troicki the world number twelve it took the other six three six four brown which is the third seed at this tournament and will next face. of japan. i noticed is usually associated with cars or bikes going at high speed as it turns out lawn mowers are also part of this is john road the twenty seventeen lawnmower world championships took place in southern england it's actually an annual event and as you might have guessed features the wolves best lawn mower races they have to contend with with conditions in a cow field the competitors are divided into different groups and group for multiple defending champion from luxemburg bob coding was victorious and the club chairman he was the winner in group two. of course it's fun it's always fun even if it is pouring down right now i think the group have holidays because. the regulars glug up with all the madness but. now it's still good fun and everyone joys. well i don't like god because there are the moments when he. might have to look into getting one of those for myself. thanks peter all right keep it here much more to call top the hour with my colleague martin yes don't go anywhere. our special. on al-jazeera. after a year of mourning time on bids a final farewell to its longest reigning monarch. for the stories beyond the headlines faultlines examines the u.s. is role in the world liberians are preparing for the third election since a bid to civil war and serve as a calling it a crucial test for democracy an investigation into the electronics industry revealing out even the smallest devices have deadly environmental and health costs . china's communist party is holding its annual congress what will it mean for the country and its people. on al-jazeera. it's not just phones contributing to sound phones bumper profits if we look at the u.s. economy the moment it does seem to be in pretty good shape up until around two thousand and five greek debt levels were basically stable we bring you the stories that the shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost on al-jazeera. an excess of eighteen additional firearms some explosives.

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