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But they also indicate and unexpectedly no turnout at least eight hundred forty four people were injured across the region a Spanish Police moved in to shut down some polling stations the Regional Government in catalonia unveiled the preliminary results a few hours ago car panel has more from barcelona. In a tally of the votes offered by catalan or thora tees they say an overwhelming majority of those who voted voted in favor of catalonia breaking away from the rest of spain capital thora the say ninety percent of those who voted of voted for secession but the problem lies more in the level of voter turnout and from the figures that we have been given it seems that that did not reach much higher than around forty three percent that effectively means that well over hoffa registered voters in catalonia either did not turn out could not vote or boycotted the vote and that will certainly lead to even deeper divisions between the Regional Government in catalonia and the Central Government in madrid in the in the coming days what i believe we will see is that the cattle lying government pushing an interpretation to suggest that perhaps this turnout was a success by given the level of effort by the Central Government to crack down on this referendum and use Police Reinforcements to try and shut down voter stations on the other hand it is likely that madrid and Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy will point to this relatively low voter turnout to suggest that the catalonian government simply does not have a strong mandate to declare independence. From the rest of spain weve going to have to look at developments over the coming forty eight hours because it is on tuesday that the Catalan Government has said it will declare independence from the rest of spain a based on this voter turnout they say that they will view the results of this referendum as binding also the main labor unions have declared a general strike from choose day in an effort to block the push first assertion in other news i saw has claimed responsibility for a knife attack that killed two people in the southern friend city of marsay at the main train station where the attacker a man believed to be in his thirtys was shot dead by special forces frances interior minister described the event as an awful tragedy and praised the security forces. Here in Paris Prosecutors Office has been put in charge so the investigation is ongoing both on the local and National Level the person who attacked the two young women who were killed was shot dead by soldiers from the city mail operation we have c. C. T. V. Footage which will provide as we are mation the military reacted with great control police in canada say a man arrested over an attack in edmonton is a Somali National seeking Refugee Status five people were injured when the thirty year old rammed into a Traffic Control barricade before attacking a Police Officer with a knife the trial of two women accused of murdering north Korean Leader kim jong uns estranged half brother is due to begin in malaysia theyre accused of poisoning kim jong nam with a nerve agent at kuala lumpur airport in february the u. S. President has contradicted his secretary of states handling of north korea dismissing efforts to negotiate over its Nuclear Program as a waste of time Donald Trumps comments come a day after Rex Tillerson revealed the u. S. Was using direct channels of communication with pyongyang. Iran has joined iraqi efforts to take control of their Border Crossing from the kurdish Regional Government its hoped that the economic measure will pressure the kurdish leadership into canceling last weeks secession referendum. And a truce between colombias government and the countrys last standing rebel group has begun the National Liberation army or agreed to the terms after negotiations failed several times youre up to date with the headlines on aljazeera coming up next its aljazeera well stated at the end. Note that. This temple is a crowded city at the best of times. With often impossible traffic busy Street Construction and road works. Having to navigate it without being able to see is a challenge. Its one that the four people in the story have done every day of their inspiring line. Decided to this event to the residents and so a full month. I did miss it it was from a study that took out the letter alluded a month will not miss a is on learning a question which will condemn the. President obama said in sizing up one of those senate young lushness a little a lot of the on the to. Her her. This is the almost the little bit about my is a little did they mean that all men would join the men in the almost and theres a ton since they are literally on the road to me and. Something the put it on the check. Because. This isnt. Some medicine be made. In your speech. On the move your. Kid in the. Us or you get. A. Gun and theres. An. Old. Man there and the girl. Calls me go to. The. Senate if. I get. Control of. The. The longing cantor said tom. Harkin do i know i will close is worse and our name. Most observers are words which are which are is that his son are out on band against her. And its tied to the shell and they all are some. Thirty thousand dollars local nine goes in with them. Our neighbor bonnie children take children goes on the. Bill in the city take bush much normally found it by cause im on how twitter she then you know i am i said no youve. Been inching higher. For a run the council on the issue miss a military question the Church Member your band their power moment is out until they are mr bash on the billionaire bomber bush and been a kurdish kurdish mir station the orbiter sharma decided to your been there at the church where we all know the man in the just ultimate killed the last band of the shinto pali a mule. Also i think you know i learned so much. In a bar so knowledge of the chicks. I want. To be on the spirit of. Always than just. Pop a few if you know you are. Never without. Knowledge about women in the book youre going to have to the methodical you. Never. Get out. Your mind be it the situation and actually that globalization. Or that you know you have to do them or they can in some of them be make it for more than. Just an inch. Or the calm on your side of it in mobile or talk to me because that. Started budget on which is that. The modem is going to dump a cooler third on iraq and look at a lot of much of. Your your studio called youre. The other mon vieux and im going to. Be sort of been named. Big to do with the one i always seem. All the. Cauldron on the. We are going to be video. You. Are. Going to share the markets that are most good. Youll be good on that sort of it was good to. Do so. Called the much. Rum why should. Young or old im going to the my. Membership comp. For one comp but its all you can be competent or i didnt know how to do it. Because itll take. Which go to check than the a member of our club members of. His books. Yarn or talk with logic at the station and they are what had occurred to me. Then although. It was a member of the field with. Barry start to talk. And. The little girl was the old mr. Omar honey i hate going to the terrorists little son about having all the. Digging i get makes me when were you know in the parliament again like stardom that is free with serious players the national. And International Soccer ball out of along with all the addition a ship will be theirs and she will show up some are some gold medal. We took our sure there. Are the cradle of the messiah so girl nearly everything. We do is shake our clear and then me oakley dipped ramasamy couple it will almost give you a liminal see. To the bushnells to give the warhol wasilla mission chalkboard but as such was a possible lawsuit allowed pinochet. The name him they did then and some other. Girl may not have been theres been a busy. Little bilchik bishan is york. On the edge of town on the way you can all be in china yeah me our job on how to tangle me on the rich pommels my mobile clearly managed our share poor our new me are the majority will catch a kurdish area model nearly a billion euro per billion more money needed to share the concern it makes them you need to name your outer band because you are the shadings that so the minute your identity they are your poem your song. She is so much longer in the bush all of the. I mean i think if the mom was a snake it inch or. Two to the song and as loreal did the. Page peter said obama is somewhere in between because this is ship check. Something out of. All. The other beside which neither the just the better. To never make it. Fantastically year in the. Old witch and. Next she give you the soundtrack. Which allowed standard and youre going to can say this to me and i was signed on the council of god it was that. In the middle it is better to be older. Than him and. Very. Very mission. And it isnt a chance and he said this its. Getting. Discouraged its a little one and only all this if its some kind of. Honey cafferty file says. Many young was missing. And embellish it in my browser. Is our bit a good deal some of the. Biggest summer yet till the show a mama need. Only of us and old to kind of the here. Are come monday to see and again see and hear me i send the following their maximum but it. Is. Usually the best to enter a live dish and for them remember a little that i said the. Only. Good. Pizza that even the. Dollar and the on the ball saying. On live. And it always on are coming to ya go to yellow answered and whatever the cuts are. Not over your only one hundred pounds must be added to the mind of. The are not only. To cut. Through the go im a little. Apart from a go to. Call them look. Youre going to tell me straight in sister. Numbers york. Im a pick you say lot all modern. Didnt it him be out of his ticked off one of the sisters the old who moved. Their mission room a question i could just hold on the daughter of a sister some to us who are good. This is. The almost killed in the road on the edge. Or a good film along. With our as you city to suit you is your thought but you get off but you. Saw a. Clear form of them which one of i said that it was a mystery door tight on a city go on the hill you couple from the other side is it. Yeah. Morganton did you really did you mission he called it a much thank you so much but didnt she was young i said yeah youre going to be on the call that a much. But a little bit much for you thinking of i should like to look at them. With a. Very good for the killer. Or somebody. Respect for me dont much care. For your own home market call it up to this is going to. Come up we have to take time thank you physically and. We stumbled on being in the jungle give it. A put out of kenya like you. Because you still have just. What. You could if you know it you can live. With you me up move she did and it was a miss its got its your call diminished by your day you should be cool some day get through it all ask you about a poem called the motors and i did a lot of what i could take it a form and give you your if you could be said when he was young slow methodical and enjoy your decision but you know youre doing some good it. Took you a good job. On the storm last year and unusual season is from law school misc if you look so called taking us. On your let me. Ask you the. Scottish names i know called ive been hoping to see he looked up at a gold digger. And i hit the can i move your law the marketed film is old and i want you to my big. Hold on the island. Get on me and send it to the time which it gets to make sure. I was sure to get one thousand one hundred to put in my ill cut the budget. I think its a new government to look out than ever obvious about calculus but maybe they. Dont realize all along for the sake of you. The actual im going to be like the top bush should generally be the big elite. Chicka Chicka Chicka chicka. Candidacy macand including michonne has to be banned from another and all the some all or equal you. Come. On. Here you are you. Do learn. To deal with only the honey. In the mrs. You didnt miscible not been a Church Problem all meal article wish them could you can i could you can. You make you. Feel dumb get to the big can you make you did miss took a little bit bigger and bigger it will be into not the only kiss miss it took for you and the kids in the. Question then and she could never get out to muslim theres. So much right. To. Put my hand. Up it. Takes your. Power but the light and i am proud that you can also. Step its my time that much of it might mean something at my job for my life. To. Be sure to tune islam on it in gaza to mourn the to be a mummy part of all i get to move them on the only political map it and i can have not been the fall and have been a certain age it are you in the middle too and young especially opposite my man did it on yup most. Of them all of them. I dont doubt. You could not be did. You ever. Youngs basement but up wants them in the latest and this and how do you go to a resort on the need someone going out with someone and they get a call give a shit on to banish a little want. It all says i learned a guy that can limit the yarn and it give him the give them compared to the problem they are socialist and. Ill cut it over some i. Q. Just not. In the senate. Or the. The story breaks. The. Blanket coverage follows experts and politicians off of platitudes and sound bites strong and stable leadership trying to play the media and shape the message in an age of simplistic narratives the listening post critiques the mainstream response today and the two hundred day of this administration exposing the influences that drive the headlines at this time on aljazeera. On aljazeera. After a year of mourning thailand beds a final farewell to its longest reigning monarch. For the stories beyond the headlines for clients examines the us his role in the world liberians are preparing for their third election since a bitter civil war observers are calling it a crucial test for democracy an investigation into the Electronics Industry revealing out even the smallest devices of deadly environmental and health costs. Chinas communist party is holding its annual congress what will it mean for the country and its people. On aljazeera. Ever since i was a little boy in india my dream was to me but he would films so five years ago i decided i was finally queen to do it one mans quest to realize a lifelong ambition the story i chose the laws of my one village and its transformation going behind the lens has gone from saying brings his personal story to life. Aljazeera correspondent my own private bollywood at this time. You know again im fully back to bo with the headlines on aljazeera initial figures show a decisive vote in favor of catalonia secession from spain in sundays referendum but they also indicate an unexpectedly low turnout more than eight hundred people were injured across the region a Spanish Police moved in to shut down some polling stations the Regional Government in catalonia unveiled the preliminary results a few hours ago. Two million two hundred sixty two thousand four hundred twenty four ballot papers and we know the people voting yes is two million two hundred thousand one hundred forty four that is ninety percent of votes have voted yes to the independence of catalonia no one hundred seventy six thousand five hundred sixty six and that represents seven point eight percent of the vote blank void forty five thousand six hundred eighty six representing two percent and we also have twenty thousand One Hundred Twenty Nine void votes that represent all point eighty nine percent. Right now all these other counts we have but we are told that there are approximately fifteen thousand votes to be counted yet i saw has claimed responsibility for a knife attack in france in which two women died at mar ses main train Station Police opened a counterterrorism investigation after the attacker was shot dead by special forces at the scene police in canada say a man arrested over an attack in edmonton is a Somali National seeking Refugee Status five people were injured when the thirty year old rammed into a Traffic Control barricade before attacking a Police Officer with a knife. The trial of two women accused of murdering north Korean Leader kim jong uns a strange half brother is you to get under way in malaysia there accused of poisoning kim jong nam with a nerve agent at kuala lumpur airport in february the women from vietnam and indonesia face the Death Penalty if theyre found guilty and the u. S. President has contradicted his secretary of states handling of north korea dismissing efforts to negotiate over its Nuclear Program as a waste of time Donald Trumps comments come a day after Rex Tillerson reveals that the u. S. Was using direct channels of communication with pyongyang from aljazeera world continues next stay with us. They. Tended to get some of these others are certainly free to lose i need your money people to make them but to try to cut. People to. Pay for their pushers comes i will never know what. Its like there was a woman alone who. Could be diminished will not sign digit increase and. If its. The end typically i switch to. Something. Called the you know do they see you listen to this immediate. End to this step this is a problem part a small this a good eye sees a window in her stomach im looking at it but if they move to be new to me i know we could or to me so doing. He. Took dogs are seldom without leaving their own lot to. Visit on the beat it was theres a ton. Of them on the to the truck. So that it was all the. Youngest child will take some other way out. Toward it and thats. Just something that. Hes friendly tell you. All tongue. And a bird that you got to. Look at somebody. Put out the. Truth or the king. Got to. Take advantage of. So you tell your. Wrestling team is the bison that is going to get some. This is. The new were going to be were going to be your starter or the good. You are. Or they say to be seen as old by some. Strange. Sounds. Good and they are along the way also not. Really sure. Go real time mom always. Says fun to say the way that. You can munch along with some of the other because i dont know the song. Well i guess it. Took the focus. More youd never forgive me if. You dont know you but. If. You. Dont think that little itll swallow your stuff. Some a little more than the kid. Put on because i know tim says the topic under the snow and could have been im the one. Who threw the do it when then bend them i could explain in the. System to those little old im sure look. It up like you know you know you can depend on the bullshit only. Get. Them to release most of the call was looking up some. Got to tell me its a video with family issue through so much. To london is a novel not a yarn you go around the city you go under says that he said if i do good and make john that on getting on the offices the necessity to. Lose it in. My field and. Sauces and all of. Your door and all the. New clothes it gives on other human desisted if i to do the laws and all those i join im going to sort of monitor them as mine did it on sis in. Law is it not in the saloon and on goes the. Decision. To join you know. And. Go to. Because one time is to be the leaders and im going to swallow it and bandaids. Banned all my assertion that i can only ball and i give them hand. Charge longer to. Touch on. The eat. Eat. Or. To eat. And it. All and i. Needed to. You to miss a on the the how those services are. More than a. Little a little. On. Doesnt want to sign the law. All. Before. The from the. Get. Go. You know i couldnt help him out of the door my bizarrely barbieri follow on that it is a macand i took as i appearance. And the name in the dome of the other. Five on the Level National just. So. I talked lee advantage of what. Now i have. Been in should not. Be electable mark i beare it to make only. Children in jokes is the. Only up mug it didnt until say the b u j r mark and i mean to them and found. How much it was all. Thanks. A lot about. All of them. Losing in our lives. Love. You long did it. Make you. Eat. Them. All the. Time. And money this. Is a. What good is that minister on dont have six like old son and. Look at the money. But also save give out. The quote quote of the missed them so a lot of those among if there isnt one. Of them someone averted the mist and all the. Minister makes the mission that. Person with a thousand acts the bitterness all the. Talks of it i can learn them all the. I love you publish them are people. Its been its been. Funny really in the. Us congress. Didnt. Choose it as such or theres a chosen muscly object which you. Will miss america can the prolife. Think you can the problem didnt choose. To be. Under the shah so much they took on the children because of the jokes of the leaks that. He. Was. Going to go make. There it. All on the hunter good. Decision on the yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Ok. Tell me. Became the took hold im going on that all the. Women want to go. To. The east. The e. U. To bangor say that she decided to go to the news in a muslim to them to go stay with. The e. U. And. Egypt is now chinas biggest trading partner in africa more than ten thousand chinese are living in cairo i wanted to see the permits in september one thousand nine hundred five i came with my friends to egypt many started a Small Traders but are now successful in business shifting and i began to do business in two thousand and three or two thousand and four at a time that was small but then it began to expand and aljazeera well meets the growing Chinese Community in egypt egypt made in china at this time. Welcome to the weather conditions across the americas now in north america weve got this developing frontal system giving some rain across parts of kind of them particularly eastern seaboard looking dry and fine showers down across the florida peninsula but weve got some snow across the rockies extending down through into the Colorado Plateau and as you head on through into choosing still snow very much still in evidence there calgary just five degrees as a maximum fine across much of the west coast east coast also looking very dry and fine but the central areas seen some quite heavy rain at times and heavy showers likely to be affecting the florida peninsula so lets head down into central parts of america we still got some heavy showers affecting the on into the caribbean including puerto rico and up through the isthmus weather conditions are still looking pretty wet many of the countries here away from panama northwards towards mexico seen some quite heavy in prolonged spells of rain and that is likely continue as we head on through into choose day so certain merica well certainly plenty of showers around for North Western areas across venezuela colombia and southwards in terms of basin this frontal system is looking fairly active im going to find that gradually pushing away towards the east during the course of chooses a brighter weather to follow and should be some sunshine developing innocent. A new year a new car and many new developments for this chinese villages fledgling democracy the Village Committee has retrieved peoples land but approval is fleeting frustration grips the villagers and as the saga began over a year before revolt is in the air phone call. Part four of the six part series was filmed over five years. Chinas democracy experiment at this time on aljazeera i really felt liberated as a journalist was. Getting to the truth as i was thats what this job. There was you know the weight of. Your war and then your father was a. Government which. You know. You cant really afford is the nation which. Overcommitted. Or reading the blogs. Wrong in here. Before the

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