A group to examine all Human Rights Violations committed in the war in yemen the Un Human Rights Council said it hopes to identify those responsible of a possible crimes the yemeni delegation said it accepted the resolution thats it for now coming up next up front. This week donald trump announced a revolutionary tax cut for the United States but is he its biggest beneficiary renowned economist and former advisor to Ronald Reagan and to trump. And well also debate whether one is turning into a dictatorship. Thanks for joining me on the front youve advised donald trump on his tax plan in the past a plan this administration has called the biggest tax cut in history and that youve been full of praise for youve said trump is phenomenal for the u. S. Economy given this is an administration stuffed with millionaires and billionaires and led by a selfproclaimed billionaire is it any wonder that theirs is seen as a tax cut of the rich by the rich for the rich that so many tax experts are saying this is a tax cut for the one percent not for the poor blue collar working class voters who trump was supposed to champion i dont think thats a correct a picture whatsoever but i think its trying to make everyone millionaires billionaires and millionaires i mean this is a plan to get everyone to Economic Growth and give everyone a shot at the at the apple i mean this is a place to get Economic Growth to take people off the welfare rolls to put them on the income roles and to really create american prosperity much the way we did with president Ronald Reagan and the way it was done with president jack kennedy as well and president bill clinton whom i supported all the way as well president clinton didnt do a tax cut like this but president says this tax cut wont benefit him personally quote its not good for me believe me he said but why should we believe him apart from the fact that hes a pathological liar to quote your friend republican to call your friend republican senator ted cruz unlike every president since jimmy carter trump has refused to release his tax returns so we dont know what hes liable for and a lot of people think hes hiding something. They can think whatever they want mehdi i havent seen his tax return and i really have no desire to see it whatsoever to be honest ok well a lot of people do have a desire because i want to know if hes giving himself a big tax cut lets be clear with what we journos lets be clear what we do know based on this weeks tax cut plan number one President Trump has had to pay tens of millions of dollars in the past in the form of the alternative minimum tax the a. M. T. A number two trumps wealth which he says is a lot would be subject to the estate tax upon his death so what does this tax plan do it gets rid of the t. V. And it gets rid of the estate tax when when for trump when when for trumps rich friends now very honestly most people in the three level of wealth of donald trump dont pay a state taxes anyways medi they have all sorts of lawyers and accounts and get rid of it the tax codes are full of loopholes to get around that so i dont know what his tax planning has been but most of the rich people will not be affected by the estate tax that is not correct they dont really want the on the a. M. T. Trump we know because the two no i didnt five tax return was late paid some more than thirty Million Dollars thanks to the a. M. T. Without the a. M. T. He benefits by thirty Million Dollars at least let me just say this about that if i can they are also eliminating the state and local Tax Deduction and i havent done the calculations for trumps personal returns and i dont have any desire to do it either but getting rid of state and local Tax Deductions would hurt him a lot but getting rid of the a. M. T. Will help him i dont know what the net balance is but all going to college or theyre not so if youre saying you dont know with an advisor you dont want to know you dont want to see the tax return thats the only way we will know we only know you pay and i dont care about my hair about size of the United States is a bit like me giving himself millions of dollars in tax cuts that expose i dont know i dont care as long as he helps everyone else the Corporate Tax rate reduction will increase employment output and production bring jobs back home from abroad its a huge plus now if you go through the ek and of metric models and all the logic of this and all the studies it shows the Corporate Tax rate reduction will have a huge impact on us output a tax cut that you mention just for the sake of over. With what youre as like a big favorite i guess it is your big thing is down from thirty five percent is a proposal to twenty percent you wanted fifteen transplant really wanted fifteen he wants to do that though at a time when corporate profits as a share of g. D. P. In the us are higher than theyve ever been have risen dramatically since two thousand and Corporate Tax payments are a smaller share of g. D. P. Than they were several decades ago why do it now corporations are already sitting on lots of cash making lots of cash but hey lets give them more money. What no its not giving them money its giving them incentive to make profits theyre already making and were going to be there already sitting and yes i was so its not really the place you want to direct your title so what what you really want to do if i may betty is you dont want them to make their money by tax shelters and evasion and avoidance and havent companies go abroad what you want to do is to make them have the incentive to increase investments output employment production which is exactly what this plan does the reason we have such low Corporate Tax revenues is because we have the highest tax rate in the world not you know thats a good neutral on paper as you yourself said moments ago most of these rich people use loopholes and deductions to get out of it you know very well that the effective Corporate Tax rate in the u. S. Is around eight hundred nineteen percent low its even lower than that really the lower than that at a lower level are you but reading this and saying because of corporations in venezuela why its low you know why its low is because corporations find it attractive and valuable to hire lawyers accountants deferred income special shelter that income instead of paying that back but if you drop the rate they wont find it worthwhile now to pay their darn taxes well lets look at the Companies Already are paying very little tykes you would accept there are a lot of companies as you just said it. Gets a rebate in some is that you know is that amazed i dont get Companies Like those when you look at the studies that were done this year plenty of you talked about economic models plenty of studies showing those corporations have not been increasing jobs despite the fact they have no Corporate Tax bill it hasnt translated into higher jobs a lot of experts agree that Cutting Corporation tax rates just boosts shareholder profits dividends bonuses it doesnt translate into higher job youve seen those studies you have to agree with them but you know the record of this i know this i know the studies better than anyone this is my complete summer well it is true and i can just tell you the preponderance of information is that the Corporate Tax rate reduction is the top of adrenaline into the heart of the economy and will increase output growth production employment just look at across the board why did all those countries in the o. E. C. D. From two thousand till today every single country. For the u. S. And hungry in the o. E. C. D. Has dropped their Corporate Tax rates dramatically we were going to have an i asked i dont doubt whether now or the high up in the same period where we have had to record job expansion the Corporate Tax has not hurt job growth on the barack obama that well thats not true it is true obama was that terrible economy the whole adult why youre saying thats why the democrats want it like sunshine in recent years youre just denying the official figures of course its not true we have not we have a much better expansion under kennedy and under right going to have not going to argue were going to the rest of the world you said the other countries in the world drop that Corporate Tax rates and good job growth im saying america without doing that job growth so youll see it doesnt hold but if you cut taxes you going to lots of new jobs why do all these countries do it and why did the American Voters throw the democrats out because they were so happy with what they look at all theyre going to say you are because they didnt work out it didnt work lets look at the evidence and thats why were why did they all cut tax rates in the o. E. C. D. Did they do it to get worst ok i interviewed you a couple of years ago and we talked about kansas in two thousand and twelve just for the sake of a global audience some background you in Council Republican governor i dont know my goodness let me just say the point and you respond you in kansas republican governor brownback came up with a tax plan for kansas which many people say donald trump has borrowed from his model in kansas its been a disaster its the budget deficit cuts in School Funding insufficient tax revenues it was so bad that in june of this year a republican led state legislature rolled back the tax plan brought in tax rises your tax experiment in kansas in the roof and other studies in the real world we tried what you say and it was it was a failure there are fifty states in this country ive done lots of work with lots of states prop thirteen and california where you have to be just a different kind of candidate as it is lets talk about you know who doesnt do what i did i didnt do that and that was Sam Brownback plan and i think it was a good come out of everyone i mean economics journalist an economist knows that you were the main advise its plan Sam Brownback has identified you as part of that plan but you say you had nothing to do with the plan or are you saying the plan was good we didnt. So i thought the plan i thought the plan was good but Sam Brownback did that plan i did and i came in after he had announced his plan but thats ok yeah i think Sam Brownback splendid help kansas and there kansas has lots of other things going on Agricultural PricesFalling Oil Prices falling and all of that i thought maybe its not a big. Now the big big test years because of Sam Brownback plan missouri cut its tax rate by ten percent across the board in response so that they wouldnt lose all the jobs to kansas if if if emulation isnt the biggest form of flattery i dont know what it would have republicans republicans rolling back your tax fund isnt evidence that is a failure i dont know what is you said to me in twenty fourteen given time you didnt decide and then you said give it more time itll be great just what youre saying now about trumps tax plan your predictions didnt work then theyre not going to now is what many would say. That many would be wrong are you saying it was a bad plan nothing to do with you or you still think it was a good plan and you dont buy that it would lead to a budget deficit tax revenues falling education spending being cut i will tell you exactly the plan that Sam Brownback had was a good plan i thought it would be good for kansas and that is not the plan the Legislature Passed that he finally signed and i did not have anything to do with the writing of that plan although i did think it was a good plan and i thought it would do a lot of good and i still think it did do good ok ok ok to be fair to you youve never claimed to be a deficit hawk or a balanced budget obsessive but both donald trump and almost all republican members of congress have claimed to be at some stage or another they were all up in on they have over the size of the deficit and the debt as you know under barack obama so isnt it now complete hypocrisy on their part to be supporting a trump tax plan which according to none nonpartisan tax experts will od two point two trillion dollars net to the debt over the next ten years well first place those plans are those models are wrong but i would like to say i dont know. I understand there i dont know of a politician who is not hypocritical to be honest with anywhere in the world thats their nature theyre born that way you and i can agree on kind of deficits all im saying is at a time when the economy is already growing jobs are already growing its not a recession as it was on the george w. Bushs tax cut or in the role of reagans tax cut you know the Federal Reserve threatening to raise Interest Rates four dozen economists told the National Association for business economics recently the growth wont reach the three percent the claims that you suggest there there are all four dozen or a common answer wrong on that everybody just say. Everyone else got history is wrong kansas is wrong oh no only the ones you cite are wrong not all of you havent signed a vast majority well i cited all the literature on that on the growth where you can find it in the academic literature i mean all of it including gentlemen to the United States right now that can you point to anyone who says right now that the us is going to have three four percent growth with a model a public study. Oh i think there will be a lot to do you could look at my published studies by the way you concord will sell for what i was for a reference you know but i know that i believe she had been a professor all my life when i decide all that i cited all the are essential here and all the growth i mean but let me just say that the growth under reagan when we did the cuts from january first eighty three to june thirtieth eighty four the growth during that eighteen month period was twelve percent in real terms or an annual rate of eight per cent com pouted annually it was same thing was under candidate with the go go sixtys same thing under harding in college and the same thing under bill clinton all of them following my models youre one of the few people who predicted a donald trump election victory last year when i thought i was the worst predictor no no no in politics you were good maybe not only good you probably. Should. Spot on last year youve supported him pretty much ever since i just wanted to as a leading economist and a conservative voice for several decades now a former advisor to president reagan among others how does someone like yourself persuade yourself to support to buy a president who attacks n. F. L. Players for peacefully protesting racism while calling me a nazi protest is very fine people who get a tax a news anchor for saying shes bleeding from a face goes goldfish almost every week and calls news organizations like alice the enemies of the people lies about the size of the crowd it is an organization lies about the number of votes he receives lies about whats in his Health Care Bill lies about obama wiretapping his phones lies about. Trying to start a nuclear war with north korea on twitter how does someone a smart educated serious person such as yourself to back a man like that could i just tell you i was in the white house from one nine hundred seventy to seventy two i was on the first trip to china in the october of one thousand which is why im wondering i dont support this guy ive been around seventy seven years in this planet and i plan to be around for a lot more so i plan a lot more discussions with you but i see it all and i think any type of pit singling out one president as being the worst of all bad and hip. Critical in every regard all this stuff is nonsense theyve all had their pluses and their minuses but frankly on economics this guy is very good and will do a good job and youll see america prosper as a result that is my opinion right as of the present you trust him on the economy you trust him you trust donald trump so far i trust the legislation i dont trust anyone until its done and i see this legislation going through and once its passed i think it will be terrific for america and for the rest of the world besides by the way no one is better off with a weak america no one has to offer thanks for joining me outfront thank you very much its fun to do be with you again. Its sixteen years since the u. S. Began its war in afghanistan and president truman now wants to escalate it in this weeks reality check up from producer kiran alvey examines the real cost of the never ending war against the taliban sixteen years gone more than one million u. S. Dollars spent and over thirty thousand civilian deaths u. S. Present donald trump wants to spend more time and more money in afghanistan even though he said himself in two thousand and fifteen point that theyre going to be there for the next two hundred years you know its some point whats going on and heres the bad so how bad of a mess to the u. S. Really make for one it wasted billions a u. S. Government study found the United States contributed mightily to the problems in afghanistan by dumping too much money with too little oversight how much money one investigation found the u. S. Wandered seventeen billion dollars and countless badly researched and poorly strategized projects Like Fighting the opium trade since two thousand to the