alexander the great s: Unearthing the enigmatic tomb of the

alexander the great s: Unearthing the enigmatic tomb of the courtesan who captivated Alexander the Great

Archaeologists have uncovered the tomb of a courtesan believed to have lived during the time of Alexander the Great in Jerusalem, Israel. The tomb contains the cremated remains of a young woman and an exceptionally well-preserved box mirror. The woman has been identified as a hetaira, a high-class escort from ancient Greece. This groundbreaking discovery sheds light on the Hellenistic period in Israel and its customs, including cremation.

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Greece , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Greek , Ramat Rachel , Eli Escusido , Tel Aviv University , Israel Antiquities Authority , Netflix , Mail Online , Guy Stiebel , Alexander The Great , Alexander The Great S , Liat Oz ,

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