Alexander County Commissioners Approve Contract To Expand Broadband Internet Service Alexander County Commissioners Approve Contract To Expand Broadband Internet Service February 3, 2021 Alexander County communities with little or no broadband internet service will be a priority in 2021 as County Commissioners approved a proposal from Open Broadband LLC to provide broadband to approximately 500 homes. The project was discussed at Monday’s (February 1) meeting of the Alexander County Board of Commissioners, which was conducted via Zoom. David Moose, Alexander County Compliance and Procurement Specialist, informed commissioners that three proposals were received by the deadline of December 14, 2020, from Open Broadband LLC, RiverStreet Networks, and Carolina West Wireless. County staff extensively reviewed the proposals and recommended approval of Open Broadband to commissioners due to the firm’s familiarity with the county, price for service, and more.