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AI tool decodes brain cancer's genome during : comparemela.c
AI tool decodes brain cancer's genome during : comparemela.c
AI tool decodes brain cancer's genome during
New AI tool enables in-surgery genomic profiling of gliomas, the most aggressive and most common brain tumors.
This information offers critical clues about how aggressive a cancer is, its future behavior, and its likely response to treatment.
The tool can provide real-time guidance to surgeons on the optimal surgical approach for removal of cancerous tissue.
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Macleanp Nasrallah ,
Kun Hsing Yu ,
Cheng Che Tsai ,
David Meredith ,
Keithl Ligon ,
Junhan Zhao ,
Stage Digital Health Innovations ,
Method Of Research ,
World Health Organization ,
National Institute ,
Blavatnik Institute ,
Google Research Scholar Award ,
Harvard Medical School ,
Histopathology Assessment ,
Review Machine ,
General Medical ,
Computational Biomedicine Award ,
Partners Innovation Discovery Grant ,
Schlager Family Award ,
Early Stage Digital Health ,
Cryosection Pathology Predicts ,