Agworld and Laconik Integrate Product Offerings Share Article PERTH, Australia (PRWEB) June 28, 2021 Agworld, the world’s leading collaborative farm information ecosystem and Laconik, an agricultural platform that empowers growers to make economically optimum fertiliser decisions, announced that they have chosen to create an integration between the respective product offerings. Agworld has always had a focus on helping growers manage their risks and rewards, and helping them make more profitable decisions; Laconik’s vision and service offering focuses on exactly the same, making a product integration a natural first step in the relationship between both businesses. Laconik empowers growers and agronomists to conduct their own scientific measurements of fertiliser responsiveness and profitability. Different fertiliser rates are allocated to treatment plots against a backdrop of a blanket or flat rate across the field or zones of different rates created by the grower or agronomist, to create a variable rate prescription. These prescriptions can then be loaded directly into rate controllers, or even be routed online through the My John Deere platform. Throughout the season NDVI imagery is provided to clients so that variances and responses to fertiliser applications can be detected. At the end of the season yield data is uploaded to the Laconik platform, which is then broken up into the individual plots so that a statistical and economic response can be calculated. Laconik’s clients will improve the accuracy of their fertiliser decisions by up to 30% and increase farm profits by up to $50 per hectare.