Iowa company has 20 ethanol plant partners to build $2 billion pipeline 6:13 pm, Feb. 19, 2021 × The Tharaldson Ethanol plant at Casselton, N.D., was built in 2008 for about $280 million, and employs 57 people. Mikkel Pates / Forum News Service ALDEN, Iowa — Although final details and permits have yet to be worked out, an Iowa agribusiness company announced plans on Friday, Feb. 19, to build a $2 billion pipeline network that will carry liquefied carbon dioxide from ethanol plants in four states to underground storage in North Dakota. Twenty ethanol plants, and possibly 20 more in the longer term, agreed to join the company in its venture that will reduce the carbon footprint at the plants by the equivalent of taking 2 million cars off the road or sequestering about 10 million tons of carbon dioxide per year.