Agrarian reform agencies and national land registry systems

Agrarian reform agencies and national land registry systems in the Pan Amazon

Rural real estate markets in the Pan Amazon are regulated by institutions that are a legacy of the agrarian reform movements that played a prominent role in domestic politics during the last half of the twentieth century. Prior to World War II, the region was characterised by a quasi-feudal land tenure system, with ownership concentrated […]

Related Keywords

Peru , Fidel Castro , Antioquia , Colombia , United States , Cuba , Bolivia , Venezuela , Movimento , Minas Gerais , Brazil , Portugal , Direito , Parár , Spain , Amazonas , Bahia , Ecuador , Central West , Brazil General , Mato Grosso , Estado Do Rio , Portuguese , Spanish , Brazilian , Cuban , America , Timothyj Killeen , Biodiversidade Icmbio , Johnf Kennedy , Instituto Chico Mendes , Mata Grosso , Trabalhadores Rurais , Assentamento Ambientalmente Diferenciado , Reserva Extrativa Chico Mendes , Abraham Lincoln , Environmental Ministry , United States Agency For International Development , Alliance For Progress , Ministry Of Agriculture , Perfect Storm , Japan Amazon , World War , Cuban Revolution , United States Agency , International Development , Latin America , Instituto Brasileiro De Reforma Agr , Instituto Nacional De Desenvolvimento Agr , Instituto Nacional De Coloniza , Reforma Agraria , Gini Coefficient , Gini Land Coefficient , Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra , Projetos De Coloniza , Brazilian Amazon , Programa De Integra , Projetos De Assentamento , Contrato De Concess , Forest Code , Google Earth , Instituto Chico Mendes De Conserva ,

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