After centuries, palm civets with coat variations seen in Odisha's Satkosia Tiger Reserve The first photographs of a partial albino individual of common palm civet were captured at two locations in Majhipada reserve forest of Satkosia wildlife division in March last year. Share Via Email | A+A A- By Express News Service BHUBANESWAR: Colour variation in pelage (coat) of common palm civet, caught in the cameras at Satkosia Tiger Reserve, has prompted wildlife researchers to call for revisiting the taxonomic and distribution status of the mammal to validate the existence of its sub-species in the region. According to a research paper published in Zoo’s Print journal in June, the coat colour variation in common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) - also called Indian palm civet - was reported centuries back in Kandhamal and southern Rajasthan in 2004. This time, the colour variation was reported in civets that were photographed through camera traps installed in the western part of the tiger reserve to monitor big cat movement and prey distribution.