By Mary Pacinda, Air Force Research Laboratory / Published June 01, 2021 From left to right, AFRL Vice Commander Col. Paul Henderson, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate Chief Scientist Dr. Richard Vaia, and Deputy Director Col. Michael Warner cut the ribbon to open the renovated Materials Characterization Facility at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. (U.S. Air Force photo/Spencer Deer) '); $slider .carouFredSel({ auto: false, responsive: true, swipe: { onTouch: true, onMouse: false }, prev: $wrap.find('.pager-left'), next: $wrap.find('.pager-right'), scroll: { fx: "crossfade", items: 1, onBefore: function (data) { $(data.items.old[0]).removeClass('current'); }, onAfter: function (data) { $slider.find('video').each(function () { $(this)[0].player.pause();