AECI Limited - Holding(s) in Company PR Newswire (Registration number: 1924/002590/06) Share code: AFE ISIN: ZAE000000220 Hybrid code: AFEP ISIN: ZAE000000238 Bond company code: AECI DISCLOSURE OF SIGNIFICANT HOLDING OF AECI ORDINARY SHARES In accordance with section 122(3)(b) of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008 as amended (the "Companies Act"), regulation 121(2)(b) of the Companies Regulations, 2011 and paragraph 3.83(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, shareholders and bondholders are advised that Coronation Asset Management Proprietary Limited ("Coronation") has notified the Company that accounts under its management have increased its holding in the Company such that Coronation now holds 5,01% of the issued ordinary shares in the Company.