Friday, 18 December, 2020 - 04:15 Council has adopted the Annual Report for the 2019/20 year. The report outlines the performance of the Council for the period from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. The Council also adopted the Summary Annual Report. As Hurunui District Council (HDC) entered the financial year, the focus for the district was about building stability. The goal was about creating a strong base for the community to drive innovation and growth in the district, while continuing to recover from the November 2016 earthquake. It comes as no surprise that the presence of COVID-19 created many acts of quick thinking, changes and alterations of direction for HDC. The effects of lock down levels four and three had an immediate effect on the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa, with the Complex having to close its doors from March 22 through to late May. Council’s revenue for the year was $45 million, some $5 million down on the budgeted level for the year with the greatest impact relating to the revenue generated by the Thermal Pools. The Council’s operating expenditure was $2.5 million down on budget to offset the lost revenue, but Council still recorded a $1.1 million deficit for the year, which was $2.5 million lower than the budget provided for.