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Ires Reit: Ireland's biggest private landlord has year to fo
Ires Reit: Ireland's biggest private landlord has year to fo
Ires Reit: Ireland's biggest private landlord has year to forget as activist investor wants it put up for sale – The Irish Times
Ires and other European property stocks have rallied since late October amid hopes the ECB will cut rates at pace next year
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Dublin ,
Ireland ,
Sandyford ,
County Dun Laoghaire Rathdown ,
Canada ,
Canadian ,
Irish ,
Peter Fitzpatrick ,
Jeffrey Olin ,
Amy Freedman ,
Mark Barr ,
Mick Barry ,
Brian Fagan ,
Declan Moylan ,
Richard Boyd Barrett ,
Margaret Sweeney ,
Peter Malbasha ,
Colm Lauder ,
Arthur Cox ,
Ewing Morris ,
Bank Richard Nesbitt ,
European Central Bank ,
National Asset Management Agency ,
Opposition Bill ,
People Before Profit Solidarity ,
Rent Reduction Bill ,
Leinster House ,
Vision Capital ,
Irish Reits ,
Richard Nesbitt ,
Goodbody Stockbrokers Colm Lauder ,
Sharon Stern ,
Eastmore Management ,
Metro Investments ,
Ires Reit ,
Housing Crisis ,