Active vs. Passive: How Are My Triple Net Portfolios Doing? I believe within this deep value pond, an active approach can outperform passive, but what do the numbers say after six months? Apr 30, 2021 | 11:30 AM EDT Halfway there, six months since inception, my 2020 Triple Net Active Versus Passive Portfolio continues to deliver decent absolute results, but both portfolios slipped over the past month. The Active Portfolio, unveiled on October 21 and October 23 (up 34%) is trailing the Passive Portfolio (up 37%). Over the past month, the Active portfolio fell about 4%, while the Passive portfolio gave back about 3%. Both portfolios, however, now trail both the Russell 2000 Index (up 42% since 10/15), and Russell Microcap Index (up 53%). Value also continues to soar with the Russell 2000 Value Index (up 55%) and Russell Microcap Value (up 63%) continuing to gain ground.