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Accreditation schemes may be 'ticket to ride' in market: IWT
Accreditation schemes may be 'ticket to ride' in market: IWT
Accreditation schemes may be 'ticket to ride' in market: IWTO panel
Retailers and consumers are demanding more from woolgrowers but AJ&PA McBride's operations manager Anthony Uren says that could be turned into an opportunity.
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Lucindale ,
South Australia ,
Australia ,
Katanning ,
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Australian ,
Anthony Uren ,
Pa Mcbride Anthony Uren ,
Jo Hall ,
Mikaela Knapp ,
International Wool Textile Organisation Congress ,
Australian Wool Exchange ,
Craigmore Pastoral Company ,
International Wool Textile Organisation ,
Elder Sam Wan ,
Woolproducers Australia ,
Sam Wan ,
Australian Wool Sustainability Scheme ,
Australian Wool ,
South East ,
Brooklyn Station ,
Responsible Wool Standards ,
Samantha Wan ,
New Merino ,