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Abuse and 'weaponised misogyny' create security risks for co
Abuse and 'weaponised misogyny' create security risks for co
Abuse and 'weaponised misogyny' create security risks for councillors
Council officials across the Waikato region have described the extent of abuse they face on a regular basis, including sexism, misinformation and targeted...
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Waikato Region ,
Waikato ,
New Zealand ,
Thames Coromandel District ,
New Zealand General ,
David Trewavas ,
Sara Templeton ,
Angela Oleary ,
Cassandra Mudgway ,
Waikato Herald ,
Hamilton West ,
Lianne Dalziel ,
Megan Woods ,
Louise Hutt ,
Paula Southgate ,
Waikato Heraldreporting ,
Sarah Pallett ,
University Of Canterbury ,
Twitter ,
Harmful Digital Communications ,
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Deputy Mayor Angelao Leary ,
Mayor Paula Southgate ,
Mayor David Trewavas ,
Coromandel District Mayor Len Salt ,
Deputy Mayoro Leary ,
Christchurch City ,
Mayor Lianne Dalziel ,
Harmful Digital Communications Act ,
Abuse ,
Hand ,
Weaponised ,
Misogyny ,
Create ,
Security ,
Risks ,
For ,
Councillors ,
Council ,
Officials ,
Across ,
Region ,
Have ,
Described ,
Extent ,
They ,
Face ,
Regular ,
Basis ,
Including ,
Sexism ,
Misinformation ,
Targeted ,
Hate ,
Campaigns ,