Twitter blocked a news story by Greg Bishop on grounds that it might be dangerous or misleading. I once worked for a company that published lies. First, there was "Give Piece A Chance," an expose on Second Amenders who thought finances shouldn't be an impediment to constitutional rights and so distributed firearms and ammo to the homeless. Then came "Xtreme Cuisine," a discourse involving a secret supper club where well-heeled diners enjoyed salads of saguaro cactus and sausage crafted from flanks of wild hippopotamus, plus monkey brain stew and tenderloin of Bichon Frise. All lies, and published by a respectable, or at least profitable, newspaper with a flair for pranks. There were no pugs-taste-better-than-pigs banquets, nor did do-gooders supply the destitute with Glocks. Folks back then were gullible. In addition to dozens either condemning or praising street-level gun giveaways, a handful called a fake hotline seeking free firearms. A producer for "60 Minutes II" was put in touch with the paper's editor, who posed as Pete Whippit, founder of Arm The Homeless, and penned a truthful follow-up piece titled "Disarm The Clueless."