Author of the article: David Reed Publishing date: Mar 11, 2021 • March 11, 2021 • 6 minute read • Music Junkie columnist Dave Reed is mourning the loss of the historic and iconic Tweedsmuir Tavern, which was destroyed in a fire Wednesday. Reed, a member of the Charlie Bird Band, writes: "Some rooms just feel good to play music in and the Tweedsmuir was one of them." SUBMITTED PHOTO jpg, BI Article content The Tweedsmuir Tavern burned down this week and I’m mourning the loss of one of my favourite venues for loud, sweaty rock n roll. When I saw the photos of the fire, I felt like I’d lost a favourite old uncle or something. Some rooms just feel good to play music in and the Tweedsmuir was one of them. A lot of great musicians played there through the decades.