A Teaching On One Of The Most Famous Women In History Serves As Encouragement For Women Today Share Article Xulon Press presents a new look at the life of Mary. This book will change the way you feel about how God can use anyone to accomplish great things, if you only have faith like Mary. MISSISSAUGA, Ontario (PRWEB) December 13, 2020 Author Bill Morgan seeks to inspire women to know their worth through Mary – Mother of the Triumphant Christ ($9.99, paperback, 9781632219619; $4.99, e-book, 9781632219626). Morgan wants women to know that they hold a special place in God’s kingdom. The Bible contains multiple examples of God’s use of women for His plan, as well as instructions on how He wants them to be treated. In this volume, Morgan points to Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a seemingly insignificant young woman who became an inspiration to countless people around the world.