Posted on Ex-nursing assistance at the VA hospital was sentenced to life in prison on Tuesday. During her trial, She confessed to using insulin to murder seven elderly patients at a VA hospital. During sentencing, Judge Thomas Kleeh called Reta Mays (46) a monster of the “worst kind. You are the monster no one sees coming,” He delivered a life sentence for each murder victim, plus 20 years for an eighth victim she tried to kill. Mays is not eligible for probation for the seven life sentences and is ordered to pay restitution to the victim’s families. The victims are aged from 81 to 96 and served in the Navy, Army, and Air Force during WWII, the Vietnam war, and the Korean war. Mays pleaded guilty last year to murdering the seven veterans and to assault an eighth with intended murder. Mays killed all seven veterans and assaulted the eight veteran with intent to kill at the Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center while she was working as nurse assistance from July 2017 to June 2018.