Jul 21, 2021 This month, the Community Action Committee of Pike County (Pike CAC) was approved to be the Lead Agency for Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided With Naloxone) in Pike County. Project DAWN is a program in Ohio, operating under the Ohio Department of Health, which provides access to naloxone (Narcan) at no cost to community members. With this program, Narcan is available through Brandi Hawthorne at the Workforce & Business Development Program at Pike CAC and Shanna Lett at the Pike County Court Probation Department. Pike County residents are provided these units at no cost and complete anonymity. As chair of Pike County Drug Abuse Prevention & Reentry Coalition (PCDAPRC), Brandi Hawthorne took the lead in bringing this initiative to Pike CAC. PCDAPRC was previously distributing Narcan under commitment with Harm Reduction Ohio as a lay distributor. The kits have been and will continue to be provided in the community to clients on a case by case basis through the PCDAPRC Post Overdose Response Team, community events, and through local partnering agencies who request to have them on site.