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A Netflix hit, a Facebook flood and an overdue reckoning: Ho
A Netflix hit, a Facebook flood and an overdue reckoning: Ho
A Netflix hit, a Facebook flood and an overdue reckoning: How Taiwan's #MeToo finally took off
A wave of sexual harassment and assault accusations has roiled Taiwan, more than half a decade after the #MeToo movement sprang up in the U.S.
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T Ai Pei ,
Chinese ,
Taiwanese ,
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Chien Li Ying ,
Weng Wen Fang ,
Chang Dao Wen ,
Chang Ya Ching ,
Chen Chien Jou ,
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Facebook ,
Garden Of Hope Foundation ,
Taipei District Court ,
Netflix ,
Taiwanese Ministry Of Labor ,
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Los Angeles Times ,
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West Wing Like ,
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Hope Foundation ,
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Taipei District ,
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Sexual Harassment ,
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Wave Makers ,